HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 8, ,l• , • will be sent to new subscribers to est 9f January x.888, to any addY ass in America.►: Cash, the Clinton New Era ULINTON PUBLIC ,SCHOOL. -The fol- Third and Fourth Form Exams Fall ,y ��t M1y lowingpupilsltKveppassedtheexarttina New Locked �� n t tion jo the Principal's room: -Edna CLINTON-Form III. -N. HAitUap� Copp, Ldna Aitken, Ella Akam, M• J. Anderson, W• B. Ba ehaw, tpA�C, AUG76 UST 27, 1897 Twitchell, N. Boles, H. W sites, and ling, A . M. Fraser, M. owler, Ir- Jean OatlinK. The following have ob- win, N. J. lsbister, D. F. McEwen, A. . For Pencils, Rubbers, &c is one of the things your child tained the aggregate mvrks but have McLean, M McNaugghton, W. MuTa- ���� �O so '00 NOTICES. failed in arithmetic: Buiti Twitchell, vish, A. Marshall, Et. C. Richardson, would like for school opening. We have one at 5 cents E. Switzer, A. Taylor, U. ' >�a ,wall from Mre. Anna Roes, H. Brewer, and L. Clarridge. In order M. E. Robb, warlA, I., which is Ond of our specialties just now, it is stronger, t,rgow1romeimmediately willohace to be tried for a whilehkve . A. Tw tchell,�tiWN Wiltse.PeForm 1V. -H. better finished and more, practical than any we have gyp: g,—Don't rail to see our 06.50 E. ldlddletoo, W. J. Scott. We have been busy the past few days opening ship- a,dle�-txeat sump &Boa. pupils should he present at nine o'clock Lennox, menta of new Fall Dress Goods, and are now showing before seen at the rice. Another of our specialties is la the flier day of school, September Clinton Collegiate Institute. We have numberof subscribers on let. Some classes will have to be leek• Our 5 Cent bottle O ink there is a lot of it for the money, p p.p�llogheu�ttheirownloterestsaud y _ the finest and most complete C0118ctlOn Of Dress Goods t pgptgpgg br settling up at once•—NEw examina iandon to pick anfew of the have The Collegiate Institute re -opens on ever shown in this section. In the past the superiority and its good. {�} spool, -Mise Hartt will resume Sept. 1st. $ludtlnGe are ivate agi>oal for,young ohildren on the LAWN BOWLS.-Ulinton and Seaforth Wednesday, p I� s9 WWI and piironte may rely on their bowliolt clubs enjoyed a friendly con- requested to be on band promptly at of our Dress Goods stock has been g8a owl 2t stock Of W. ovpsy consideration test at if on Thursday last, the the beginning of the term, so that, there led ed, and for this season we will Bag 4 e I It ma be no delay in making any neces- g A Leather o tg,pp�� match resulting in favor of Clinton. Y Black and Colored Dress Goods that for style and is very rarely indeed that a visitingg Bary changes in the time table. We 1 eta OV5 also wish to remind intending students value will be far in adyance of any we have shown 1 'ld h 11 F ,• _J hn ChurcroIland tams - club beats the home team on Fe, rihUr�ly for Pilot Mound, Man- rounds, as was done in this instance, yew there egulations. Theredition' itwv will be theIsi the past. �s another needful Or your C ll e ave a swi will t ging purchased a farm there core was ae follows;- this year cheaper than ever before, we think you will Par,,Qeo, A, Stewart, who takes Uliuton Seaforth than a this yealc in the Public School Uj;thill's house in town as part W. Jackson W. o, Reid Leh 1" and Form 1 examinations. eolumbia Suffings grant they are very special value, we have done our J. W. Irwin I Holmstead The subjects for the farmer are the ; pideration., L. C. Jackson same as for the past year, and it will part anyway to make them cheap for you. Scribblers �, I J. Harland px$IN�+ UNUSU9AL.—Mr Hearn D. A. Forrester, skip 20 W. X. Pearce, skip 11 be conducted and the papers read as at 1C, 2C, , , , it 'in treb in his garden, which J. Johnson H. spears 3c 4c 5c a variety at each price; qualities we 4 feet in circumference, and J. Ransford R. s, Hays heretofore. High School pupils will Almost the first of our Dress Goods to arrive were our think students will appreciate i$.,. J.0 Tisdall R.Logn_n take Form 1 examination; Public tycrpse, and has been in bearing p, W•McTaggart,skip 20 John Weir, skip 19 school pupils may take either. The ex- rr 7 �r: p„cities continuously.• It is very Columbia Tweeds." This season's designs in these All Public, Model and Collegiate Institute Text Books �l for a tree to attain this size, Total 4n Dotal So aminattona will be'taktln as equivalent popular Dress Materials are by far the nobbiest and ate a towards teachers' •certificates. as cheap as any. If you would like a book cover ad-. is;just as unusual for it to live so A most exciting ggams was played be- The Foi m II (Primary) work is till- host attractive that have ever been I'OdtiCed b th0 tween the English and Irish members changed, but the require for 11 Y ]US' to any sized book, we Will give jou One. n `.` of the Club oil Wednesday, which re- 1"0rin d, and IV, (Junior r and Ser}or nulls. For a street dress or One that will stand any school supplies, as in all respects, you will find us pARLy SETTLED.- We Under - the County Council has salted in a victory for the lrlsh, amidst Leaving,) are some Nhatmodiflc�d. Jun- to amicable and aatistactor y ad- applause and wild cheers, by 12 to ID.- g) amOilIlt Of rough uSan'e and is at the same time stylish, J An equal) exciting match between sur Leaving candidates must take al- g b � 7 � "often the Cheapest, Always the 'Best." ynbto Messrs. R, Craig and James, q y g ebra, geometry, ancient history, com- there is n0 nlaterc al t0 equal a Columbia rI weed. They D. ���� C� iiia reference to the recent asci- the English and Scotch was played g g y. TheW. �j Wednesday afternoon, the gas pl the position, literature and Latin, with one qt the London road bridge. We end of the ]0th stood 16 to 2 a favor a of the following options: (a) French, keep their gOOCl appearance as long as they last and stand that the amount paid was I the of hath, trot o d1 end of the 18th Greek. (b) German, Greek. (c) French there is almost no wear out to them. we show them Clinton. Ili.Fg but at the sante time g Gerutan, cnelnistry. (d) French, phy • 40.tofy to all parties concerned. rl was 18 to 16 in favor of the Scotch.- arca, chemistry. (e) Germain, physics, ill two dualitleS, at 75e per yard for the lowest and this proves the rapid decadence of the area, tistl y (,)Botany, physics, rhenl >rntPTHDB1TnOLARY--On Thurs- boastful Englishmen. retry. Thus, lilstead of two languages rile Costume leligtll for the better line. Of these goods ight last A. J. Morrish was out NOTES, -Dr. Gunn waQ called to the l4to with a party of young folks, neighborhood of Dungannon on Friday student as was expected, the we do not show two ends alike. ineluded that be wouldeleepin g student utay substitute the sciences. to performadifflcultstrrgicaloperation. For mails illation there is no change, I ��®�� till 1ea���� ;ore iaQtead of going home; about J �V Hill and wife attended the wed- one of the first three options must be ��� 6 was awakened by a noise, and din of the former's sister, near Brus- taken Senior Leaving candidates titrtled to see some one climbing eels last Wednesday. IViiss.lda Rupert ,Host take algebra, georuetr•y, trigono- , ',the back window. Asking the eldest dao hter of 1i,ev, E. S. Rupert, �,®�� ��!/nts for what he wanted, the fellow g P merry, ,Latin, and history, liter aloes, i60 as quickly as he could, with. formerly of Clinton, was married v. physics, Latin, h and of eek,the owing ummer Goods !aitjng to reply. ' Parry Sound, a few days since to Rev. groups: 1+'reach and Greek, errnan � G. C. Balfour, of Severn Bridge. ' 'For and trreek,French and Gennan,French peC1aI P, P g and chemistry, German and chemistry, I igo c 't hePrint s we advertised 2 to the 3IGtNED.—We are exceedingly ser- using profane and uu ro er tangos e I ago came in, they were not up to the �•,, ;,tear that Mr Cornyn, editor of towards his sister-in-law, Fred Fosset or biology and chemiatry. These op• sample, we had only sold a small quan- V[.ngham Advance, has been com• was tined $2 and costs by the mayor tions correspond closely with those forwwe from sale L 0make an assignment. Wing- last week. C. C. Rance has rented and Junior Leaving, so that a student may On Saturday morning We'tat6J andw of tithes wholeessale hoose sins too many printing offices for is occupying the house •owned by Mrs continue in the same line of studies for will 'place oil Sale tl Special paying that we would ship the int hack. n of its size, and prices have been Cantelon, Mary street, Mr Allen has both. The old fifty per cent of the ag we 'low itssize,legitimate livingfigures. At removed into the house owned by . gregate will be restored for both Jun- l)argaln 111 Kid Gloves. 75 rather than received av eet.he word come o ethagckthat we %me time we assume tbM the Ad- Mr W, CantelQr, Albert St, Seale iur and Senior, Leaving, Sixty-seven . airs Of Fine Kid Gloves, tails could have them ata price that lets us ,has sufflekent III subscription and Hoover, of the Clinton Marble per cetit of the total will give honor P goods, sell them at. 5c per yard. So comment- We have a few lines of Tan Goods `ctind ither accounts on its books, bad it Works, have orders for t wo handsome standing. As it is expected that the and blacks, regular1 b ; ing to -day we put the whole lot on sale that we are clear" able to ,collect them, that would Swede monuments to be placed in Clin- Priutary exawinationswlllbeabolished sizes 6 61 615, `1r 7, at at 5c• That is less than they cost at ether Slimmer Footwear t it lore than paid all its liabilities. ton Cemetery;one for 1 he wife of Mr T. in a yea,. or- t WO, we advise students to > > I the mill. `TM e is hardly a country newspaper Jackson, sr., and the ether f6r W. A]- ,•make bay while the sun shines." Oth• � I we will refund the difference in ing out. They are first-class stock but we, tnada that is not seriously affected exander, sr.; this fired bas est ahlit-hed or matter. in the latest circular refer rice to any alio bought them at ©}c @ legitimate operations, by the a reputation for excellence of Work ihAt to specials ts'and Normal College can %� per pair I If the will let us know.. wish to sell them off. trier of unpaid accounts which it gives them aprestige ail .ver the Poon- drdates. Thune interested should send �/ nt y ;ti'earry. ty. Mrs Whitehead, of town, poi( -has- for; a copy. RTICULTUR,AL SHOW AND EgHlB- ed from J. J. McCaughey, Queen's Ho- ° i. -The annual exhibition of the tel, Blyth, a handsome driving mare. ehnrch chimes for the neat su-n ofOn Sunday the pulpit of Ontario St. on Horticultural Society wail .he cash Insthe cr cricket math played last church will be supplied by Mr T. Murch yin Aug. 31 and Sept. I 2•g ,ne Toronto last week between teams re -1 Call in if you want something In s� bSOIl� i'$all, and our `we^ People may in he morning, and Mr Findlay in the "csi9�iettiitlg unique and ,attract presenting Quebec and Ontario, the lat- evening, 14ir Clement not yet being able footwear, and at low rate. well worthy of their patronage. ter were easily victor ions by 125„ rune; back from his trip, Dh'managing committee ate deter Mr Terry, of Clinton, scored 40 runs for Owing to illness, Rev. R. Millgard h;at the exhibition will be such the Ontario team, being the Largest was unable to take his own work on Bros., °all floral lovers will appreciate. In number to the credit of any player in Sunday, it being supplied by Mr Bond, Hodgens iection therewith all entertainment either team. Last week, Jas. Snell, of Seafortb, president of the conference. Hullett, shipped a fine thoro-bred ram and he ave two excellent sermons. bo given, which will for two even- to a breeder Quebec province. The gm, Ta3%lorSons At1g. 31st and Sept 2nd, being un P Se f Holmes took Mr Bond's work at The Dr Goods Palace, Clinton. the'direction of Madame Wall,who, town hand gave an excellent open•air Seaforth. y 'Zrpalding, our popular soloist; concert on Friday night. G.A.McKee The meeting on Monday evening of ;fir Downs, comique, assisted by of Ridgetown, son-in-lawof W.Doberty the Ontario St. League was very inter- CLINTON. has local talent, ought certainly to has been engaged for the position of eating. The devotional topic, "St. stn ,nd the liberal patronage of our classics and history at the London Col- pail's prayer for the church," was bene. legiato Inst.it ate in place of Mr Mesmer gteen by Miss Hamilton. Mr Geo. W. A'�iLROAD NOTES. -Conductor Hun, resigned, at a salary of X1000. At the Wray gave :L good exposition of "VVis- recent meeting of the Ontario Photo- dorm and Folly personified," in his b has been running the morning graphers' Association in London, prizes essay, which was greatly enjoyed. The ,k tto Goderich, is temporarily laid were offered for exhibits of work, con,: devotional topic for next night, "St. Condwgtor Gordon taking his place; general a ra le being displayed; for the best Paul b prayer for his personal friends,." 0 Broseq sitars tri see the genial face of Mr general exhibit, the third prize was se- will be taken by Miss aarah Bennet.'. � THIS WEEK WE ARE SHOWING ni again, is be was very obliging and cured by Frank Jackson, of Elora. son An address will be given by C. M. )alar. Ip order to curtail expbnses, of J. Jackson, town; this is no small Bezzo on "The Bible and why we n, of thedsection men on the 13.. & honor indeed; be is agraduatefrom the should study it." have been laid off, Messrs Judd and studio of Mr Foster, Clinton; Mr Jack SALvatION Aaniv NOTES. -The Salvation Now Fal f 4ertson. Two tickets were sold last son was also elected list vice president Army widl hold their annual, Harvest Festi- �-y ;4day for the Grimsby excursion; of the association. Davis & Rowland val in the S. A. Barracks next Saturday f:ZAMOUS �.poperly advertised there should are putting a new tin roof to Mr $wal- and Monday evening. Capt. Elieay will 1 TH r �l Goods ye'been at least 25. On Tuesday lows store. Adam Cantelon, who re- speak on the social work of the Army in Dress as .sin gle fare tickets will be issued sides near Indian Head. N. W. T. while the Dominion of Canada on Banday after - the Industrial Fair, good to Sept. i engaged at his trade as bricklayer, fell noon. Ensign Andrews, with graphophone, .pts Thursday the fare will pa tficar an broke his leg the other day; Mrs is a will condthe the meeting on Saturday O.LOTHINO —I?EOPLE. n1:Clinton: The G. T. R. pay car brotherofArthtar Cantelon. Mrs w. evening in the e.A. liarracke, The graph carers last week, its first visit Fora S. Law, of Tilsonburg, •who died last •Orthene will reproduce a Select program me n Wnber.of years, the employees •for- week, was the wife of. a former pall of songs and selections. Don't miss this rly being paid by cheque. lisher of Clinton, who resided here in treat. On Monday evening, Aug. 30th, L aTFLEs.-Weathet cool and pleas- the early sixties. Harry Eilber, the a gleaners' meeting will be conducted in C The picnic season is rapidly wan- Conservative candidate for South the Barracks. Father Time will be there; also fourteen gleaners in white. Special t; Fall seeding has been coibmenced Huron, was in Town on Tuesday,send drill by the children; also good night sou ••- , sr�axie of the wide-awake farmers. certain) does not look as if p were g SPEeIA* S• pw Fi-anise a e�' p p by the little ones. The saved farmers and lr j j,,� /� ie' threshers are busy now, and have losing much glee over the a preach- ss left lastmany other things will make the meeting reel,. months of steady work before ing contest. Miss i, cb o where she "School's in" again to the boys week for Ypsilanti, very interesting. At the close there will r g be a sale of harvest festival work. �v No 1 duality, 32 inches wide, d girls of the rural schools, and will will remain dorso the year :tis she las y Alen's Strong - - ,to "the others in about four days. obtained a good position. S. S. Coop- at 7C and Sc a yard. its* stacks of unusually generous ere house of tract for AndrewdeOnt Ontario rrrof MUSTt to BE IN WRITING.Mi n cipal Acta passed at ' t ion working Pilots J tnensions are comingg into view at G - 50 e farmerb' barns throughout the street; it will be a handsome residence the recent session of the legislature all Mens Apron Overalls - - �itry. If the early bird earlyadv one when tern forothersPd'Mrs d$tract left e a wlthI must be in writing. at- nominations at 1Tbis willai d away 1 �O i�f.catches the worm, - - - - - far yarns jeCs are the ones who will catch the its this week few "Abundance" plums with a lot o8 nonsensical com imen T�-en�� Iilllt Top Shirts �aC st, of the fall trade. Recent rains which are an extra fine sample, meas- tart' nominations. lYl 3atra f t a magnificent supply of late wring over 5,j inches in, circumference. THRESHER$—The demand for the O Jarante root crops in thin portion of Mr. W. W. McKenzie, of Petrolia, who. celebrated Monarch threshers,. mane- 1V18n'S Shirts and Drawers - iada; this will be an especial boon a short time ago returned from Aus- factored by MacPherson & Hovey Co., In 2 and 3 ply in the leading shades d -p, Lr; farmer who feeds cattle for tra{ia, is here visiting his aunt, Mrs. of the Clinton Foundry, still keeps up- 25 at 45 Cents a polind. tipluent. Schools in towns and vil• McMillan; he has just completed a well Mr Aitcheson,� f Dowr.ie.y scoring one Men's Heavy Braces - - - Navin drilled 4510 on Wednesda A ver handsome, gel ire -open on Sept. 1st. $5.60 per at Mount Forest, g W,t: ig the price paid for hogs, while feet through grey rock before he struck highly -finished machine, of superb Knee rants �O _ zlteat fetches_$i er huahel. Monday, hove returrned €essses ters-their holidayB,butt and nane u�tnknmaestehip,gcend should resultbtn - - - -- - -- r-- --- may...._____-_. - --- -- . _...... _.._ lept, 6, being Labor may, is a o r _ _ _.._ _... _. _.. ® nth F I will open their dices making establish- many more sales beteg roads. 5� � �n � arn�- UUNAWAYS•-A runaway occurred meet on Monday. A number of busi- STOCK NOTnS: Watson & Sonship- yip Shirts - - - n',Albert street Friday afternaon that ness ,.nen who occasionally cashed ped two cars of Battle on Saturday,and r height have been more serious. Mr. cheques for patrons of the Hanna Watson and Hearn shipped a quantity ileo.' Swallow's grocery ddlivery rig, Creamery Factory, just to oblige of sheep to the old country on Monday 5c an Ounce Or 75c a pound.' o,Wd with boxes, was being drtven by them, are being sued in connection with D. Cantelon alripped a car of hogs on wo boys, a eon of Mr. Swallow and a the famous Hanna Case. Miss Flora Monday. on Monday S. Smith ship- io'y' named Cooper, son of Janitor Duncan is laid up by a severe case of ped what is regarded as the finest lot �p +� �+ 1 7gdlier, of the Model School, when a poison ivy illness, supposed to have of cattle that leave left here this year; WE lea t0 advis0 our numerous customers ��iSdCn �a�®ny �'Sta]�JiS �j:on the front of the wagon fell over been received while camping at the tbere were 18 in the bunch, and they b ,. w7 ih1behorse, frightening it and caul- lake several days ago. The eafo-rth averaged 152 lbs each; Mr Lamont, of iris'. it to run. The boys were both correspondent of the London Pews Stanley, was the feeder of; this superb throughout the Nest, that w8 have ]list thedWn out, young Cooper becoming says: -"Mr. R. Andrews, late of "lin- lot; Mr Smith also shipped a load on. At 15 cents a bunch. tangled in the lines, fell beneath the ton, fe 0krinF for himself a fine repu• Wednesday. opened up two cases of English Neckwear, rig.and was dragged in a circle a die- tation as a window dresser. Dr. Gunn, SEIatIOUBTL-y INJURED. -J+. W• Green,. �+ l;aince of about 100 yards before he was of Clinton, assisted by Dr. Cabe, of editor of the Tavistock fFazette, and Shirts and Collars, and three cases of English, "Y'arns tidi3Cued from his perilous position. The Dungannon, performed an operation son-in-law of John Croll, was seriously Rock Owl" lhbttexan into the sidewalk and nar- on Dr. Gibb, of his town; the do for injured on Sunday evening while ,rawly escaped smashing the plate Maes had laryngitis; the operation was Qac- wheeling from Gorrie to his home. He and ,scotch Tweeds per steamship it an - `Window in the store of Messrs. Gilroy cessful and the doctor is getting along had travelled about 65 miles without At 20 cents a bunch. 8a .:Wiseman. When the horse was nicely." Aa the next council meeting accidentwhen, as he was going through couver' compri6ing, without exception, the r res, picked a it was y Shakebpeare village at a considers, le floe' ,Ca,tightand the boy p; P falls on Labor Day, which is a holiday, fit range of to be seen Outside the nesggoods "Mind that no very serious injuries had it will therefore be held the follow- rate of speed, he collided with a rig g� d �eav� wool Socks dn sustained. Young Cooper was ing evening, Tuesday. The town ing in the opposite direction. la It Ul,Men e' t abort the head and bruised about was tastily decorated "dt rens the was 9 p. m., and consequently dark, cities; be bods, while young Swallow had days of the convention. While the neither of the parties saw the other %e ,thee i»I red and was rather shak Newq-Record is careful to state that until it was too late. Willing kandegA en,typ, The rigg and harness was some the Mayor rode in the government car carried the unfortunate editor into the At 2 pairs for 25e; 15c pair, 20c and ,hgt damaged. Two young ladies who Cumberland with Mr. Tarte to Gode- residence of J. Wilhelm, V. S•, in front Ild,pened to be driving that way nar- rich (and he will ago it again if a chance of which the accident occurred. Dr. :h escaped a collision will the run- presents itself), it is not honest enough Whiteman was quickly summoned. frowly1�tway. horse. On Monday morning to state that the Mayor paid his fare and found the patient h a still dazed y like any traveller, a fact that the Newe- condition, no bonen, however, being ,oJohil'Avery wast ing some et, Meath his buggy, on Victoria Street, Record editor knew. Mr. Ballard, for- broken. As the bicycle was a complete when rise horse became frightened and merit' of town, who has been running wreck, Mr. Filer drove Mr. Green to ibtxtl'tdd to run away; Mr. Avery, know- an electrical supply shop in Toronto, Tavistock, and it was not until he ackson Bros,,q jt( tiltaa horse to be usually quiet, and has been incorporated as a Limited neared home that he seemed to reaNze wJV 1BEESLEY & CO tik{ng. ft would stop, hung on to the Stock Company Avery tempting and Yullyy, for the flrat time, where be was�. 1 A,...r � I446, told in this uncomfortable poli- handsome wedding cake is shown in At flrat the doctor feared that concur- ,, tfonwho hauled some distance, then the window of McOlacherty's restaur- Sion of the brain might follow, but COATS' BLOCK, CLINTON. The Ladies Favorite IEstablisllment, Clinton f�,-shafts b6calne detached from the ant, which, they say, might possibly late reports indicate that Mr. Green is IIft. ,r. and Allowed the horse to pro- be for the jovial proprietor himself. getting on nicely. a. ,weedv *Ullloutfult:tbor ilrjury. a a .er. 1•.++:.=l st ,..e" �{ •,•ha •. .-IYLs•i MuilaA.o1� +E,. c L. , , ,