HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 74 For 35c Cash, the Clinton New Era J be• Aent to __ new subscribers, to 1st of January 1898, to any addrpiqiqvyiq BUTCHER SHOPS. AV W00"Is Canadian's population is increasing. VJ*e Great angiiiall Remedy. The Beatty steamer Monarch took up on PEAbTu FOR FISHF,& CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP Six Packages Guaranteed to its trip last week 160 Michigan farmers. promptly, and p—eutjy They go to settle in the fertile prairiep of "alaquets Thkt Are NPread When a Wind FORD a MURPHY curq all fO- Of IV— our Canadian Not tbwest. Suoceestot ml Bound Vleat Geu XS4 A_Uqhorg Up, Who Makes Pickles.? atOrrhou, -Envoten*v and an Medical science atops at no, "Besides the things that live in the wa. We business on the cash prinel- offodsof Abuft owlUveso". 321 ter," said a collector, "there are numerous Those who do not need not read this, but to those who do I wo 141", are Pitlj I have just received a fresh supply of goods for Pickling purp e and will and effects a care undreamt of years ago. thing,, that Supply our customers with mm" worry. exoewiva use The sharp knife of a Hamilton surgeon last live Ili the mud and sand un. ai, 4cit t beat meats at the lowest paying prices Opium or sumu. Friday rizilit removed the entirb tongue and BBB Vinegar, from Wilson, of Toronto, who has the reputation 0 Mfore and After. Of 7bb""`, der it, many of which furnish food for the most reliable manufacturers in Ca#sda, and Spices, as the a CLINTON fi-ftnts, which soon lead to xn. a old Of the left jaw of Thos. Cook, an offe%ugr which perhaps dig them out, first quality and right pr FORD MURPH ashes, which 00120 them when opportunity In Spring Time got Pare Blood too numerous to mention, but all of Has been proserlb Cm"'Ption and an early grave, 01 man of 78, who has been for some time The g ad over 05Years In thousands of eon, for instance, with its she by using 13.B.Ek- a victim of cancer. Drs. Husband and sharp, cusee; 'a the way llelwls and Honest Af0dicinO LeBliewantea to do the operation three pointed nose, plows a furrow in the mud No other remedy p Business Change. knotm Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodinex it WHAT ABOUT TEA be offers some worthless medicine In months ago, but the patient said hecouldn' on the bottom and then goes osse�%, such M. Place Of true, t It back along It feCt cleansing, h-- I A. an liang or that refre�hing beverage? if not it w;Il he, wall. Price, ono package, si; six, dropped into It, as worms dislodged by k4o� �,Jjy Cleanses BlOVu4Tter& beat value tod000. "SA DADA,' to be had from us only, yon wllfo'n Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return to eternal silence and, 'a eats whatever may have Vropert;es - 7 as. advantage The undersigned desires to intimate to bear to be forded in and picks up and d Have you tried no f' the People of Clinton that he has bought deference to his wish, only th $5. Ona, will e tip of his arises interrially.-D'ut it in town. Our sales of this tea norease monthly. Out the butchering business lately conduct- vicoadsix will Ourt% PaMPILISts free to any address, tongue was severed. The doctors say that plowing drop into a furrow in a field. I The Wood Company, he will now get strong and healthy, litews, -when applied externaliv SUGAR --Redpath lt� Reid Bros., and will continue the "Some curious or interesting specimen , qq edpath Granulated Sugar is the only kind we sell, and fp, jh*j': Windsor. Ont., Cana" are found attached to timbers or other Sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sartts, will find our prices right. Fruit Gems me cheap as any. a I 1 4 bA Aches, eruptions, etc., le -vin th q y e in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, The Massachusetts Agricultural 001- wood or materials imbedded In the mud, Our Motto: -q re by strict attention to the wants of lege has wisely issued a-builletin show. sk -% clean and pu.r- kLS ba 's. I came across once a plank half buried in Ta I customers, he hopes to merit and receive $be mud In shallow water. _'., removes all morbid ow, Sold in Clinton and every wbbre in Can. ing the economic value of the toad to -en internall e He Wiltseq Central. Grocery. Ph a fair share of patrons e. He will sell for ads by all responsible druggists. farmers, fruit culturiate and vegetable I worked my elle � or waste 11tter from the system, 9 anchor under this Plank and turned it mash only, and at the lowest prices. gardeners. In Paris its usefulness is so over, but it was heavier than one man and - noroughly regulates all the organs well understood that it is reared and of thj bo y, Chas.J. Wallis, Clinton. For Twenty -Seven Years kept on sale in the markets. e gar- could lift. There bad been a lot of small I restoring the stomach p Th Bolt clams In the mud along liver, bowels and, blood to health; dener buys the creatures by the dozen the edge of action. and turns them loose in tbO Plank, little bits of fellows, half an his grounds to Inch long or so, and when I turned the CITY BUTCHER SHOP destroy the worms and insects that DUNNS plank over quite a number of them turn. Bid I wish to inform the public that I will not prey on the vegetables. That Arneri- bled into the space where It had been. Two A H1�ngry A011% can farmers, and esEecially American be undersold by any other person in the boys, do not know they are killing or three minutes later a little bluckf1sh. one maybe 6 or 8 Inches long, came out from bnoiness. I am a practical butcher; and ���IN%wi of tile agriculturists' beat friends when some eel grass near by and made for the mnderstand all the branches of the business. th r destroy the toad We keep the very best meats, and a fall 10, d is a proof f a la- place where the plunk had been and began Man's Delight "table lack in their educ(rition. Otockalways on hand, and will sell at the Teachers take the mitt eatiDgth"ittl0claills. Itwouldpickone Is something good to eat. If you occasion POWDER ter in up and chow Stu and spit out the shells ally feel Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your hand and instruct school children in would like some to appease your appetite,that you money, and got the meat at the cash price, THECOOK'S BEST FRIEN the value to and go for another. it wits a feast for the NOTICE TO CREDLT(ltItS. 1) man of the gentle toad, It try sotrie of the following We will give credit, but not at cash prices. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, is not venom little blaolchs)), probably the greatest it had venomous; it neither bites nor ever struck, `those dainty little clams, and 14 It"' inalter ol th& ,stt�t, of job,, L(tj)ier Please come and see what you can do for stings. All it does is to hop about the Cash at ground and eat bugs, Ifles and worms Ptlenty Of thein, and nothing to do but eat lab, of the 7"ow&q1j)) ul, 1julletI, t(IoMMI, Heinz's Sweet Pickles, 35e a quart MCLEODIS that devour garden vegetables. If you "With a strop easter! gale blowing up decemyed. Ilei"Z'S Beans ill Tonlato Sauce, Blue Label Cat R. FITZS11110 treat a toad kindly�nd pay it little at- $� tentiorts that even it can appreciate, it Von— Potted Ileats—Hain, Chicken, Partrid NS the sound, Mally vessels bound east alotig Notice is hereby g! Purruarit to the statutt System REA0VATOR the sound seek shelter in some of in that behalf, that all cra(litors aml others geg &C the har- havinp c can he tamed. The boywho killsatoad bors al(ing the Connecticut shore. lalll)s ftgai"�It t))O 08tate or -'Phil L�pier, Surne- late 0 tile 'I'Ownship of HIlliett ill the county certainly lets loose upon the flovver, and times in some of these places y of Huron. yeoman, a�ueas� Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices. 0 Ill find , FLOUR AND FEED STORES. AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES vegetable garden just the number Of 40 or w vessels, Wilily of them, Rill of 6011c tile Pth da of 'My"'J, H) '1140 ou 0) D. 1897, at the The up-to-date Grocery is ailid Township of lullett, are required to del' worms and pests That toad would have them perhaps smaller, of 20 to 60 tons, but or or sand by ljo.q, IV eaten if he bad allowed it to live out its (() the wider,,Nned, 1111IFIC AND ANTIDOTE all with anchors overboard. In come of at Clinton, Ont., ell 't before Ilia 30th day Produc e Exchang e For Impure, Weak and Impoverished 30 years of life. these PLIMS You will fill(] vessels so thick SeMombor, AD.,lH97, th'f'.!IrChriqtiaQ [lartles and OGLE COOPER & !`!/'1 phone'. Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate- soMetimus that there is only Hill-liames, addresres axid dv8criotioti I ftil Eleadquarters for all Binds of room enough vartictilars of tbeir claims vc,.d by"alffld'avit, tion of the Heart, Li' for tile"' to swing. Tho wind comes out and immediately a . . . . . . . . . . . Live_ Complaint, Neu- after said 30th day of -5cpfurn- igbt from the north or the north o distribute tho,as4ecrs alliong tho,;e of whose clainis h. 81"01 Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con in the 31 berthesaid FxocworNvilll)r,.eecd'i FIELD GARDEN SEEDSBu-Ption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney OVERWORK West, and they all get undor"ay together. thell 11R% e hotice alld lie Nvill not be liable for and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus, Dance,—INDUOED— They all get their anchors at once, prao. any other claims '110t, then filed with him. FACTS It pays to advertise facts only. Anything that can be pro* We have a choice stock of FEED CORN Female irregularities and General Debility. tically tearing up the whole bottom and JAMES SCOTT fact. We substantiate and prove all we advertise. oti, Executor of the %viii or the doc�aaed. We have the largest stock or Purniture OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &c Nervous Prostration dislodging thousands and thousailds 'Of Dnte,l tbis26th day Of July, 18K. QUANTITY Laboratory, Goderich, Qut. arlitilkils that live in the mud, This is an in this county to choose from, c1teod, occasion of feasting for all the bottom feed- E-igbest market price paid for coarse grain, J. M. M , Complete Recovery by the Use of ing fishes thereabout. "—Now York Sun. NOTICE TO CIRUIDITOI-tS, QUALITY &70nr goods cannot be surpassed for design, workman h r taken in exchange, Cash paid for Eggs Prop. and )Manufacturer F finish. Remember we do not handle any slop work. ad Sold in Clinton by ROSE PLANTS. R Ow nlrdte,- of VW -tate, qfHrs Amelia A ine other goods then see oars and you will bE convinced that what we tell you is ilal�l fthe 1`011-11 of (Ninion, deceased HILL& JOYNER J. H. COAIBE, and ALLAN (k WILSON Ayer's Sarsaparilla or prices are awn Whore They Should Be Planted and How Notice is herebyPRICES 0 away down. We have the name of selling Furnbu� HURON ST,, CLINTON. "Some years ago, as a result of too given, pumlant to the Sta- cheaper than any other firm in this section, and we are bounc1li They Shoulcl Be Tended. tutu ill that b6half, to all creditors sod others, tain:our reputation. Don't buy furniture till you get our p having claims afain,9t the estate of the said Mrs close attention -to business, my health When any plant in the flower garden be- A.A.Cooklatoo tbeToA,nufClinLon,Coimtyof failed. I became weak, nervous, was us to produce seeds freely, it usuallyHuron,wiaow,deeea.jed, clines to stop flowering. 30th day of-June,181.)7,at the said Tolvil at el l)tOL), K -Is unable to look after my interests, and In. who diedoli or about the coo gine UNDERTAKING. wr In this department we carry a complete stock. We give a service that caitk4al". to deliver oil getid by mail,prepaid, to,Jas'rwitch- be surpassed by any, and oar charges are as low as the lowest. Our manifested all the BY-Ptonis of a de. Plants such as roses, which we desire to ell, Clia toli,Adtni tistrator of tbeestate ofthesaid and outfit is undoubtedly the f Flour & Feed Rtore cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's have flower as long as'possible, should decoaspd, ell orbefore theist day of September, finest in the county. ard surnames, J4 STEYERN& Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, therefore not be permitted to fruit. All A D, 1897, their christiail naine., faded roses should beat once out away. Addresses anti descriptions, a, d (till partiewars IfIven those which are known as ever bloom. of their claims, Verified by 4ffidavit, and irnine- BROADFOOT,BOX&COJ. W. Chidt 8RAN & ISHORTS� diate)y after said 1st day of Sept., tile said Ad- Manager era are benefited by this practice. Indeed, infillstrator will Proceed to distribute theass,te P S—Nigbt Bud Sunday calls attended to by ca amongthose of whose claims he shad calling at J. W. -C In large or Small quantities. —THE LEADING--- the reason that those roses have this length- then have Director) residence. h-lidley's, (Funeral. %i had notice, and he Will not be liable for any ened period of flowering is that they show other claims not then Mall with him. I 0 CAKE and MEAL UNDERTAKER a natural indisposition to make growth, JAMES TWITCHELL, Mininistrator Dated this 2nd day of August, 19, OF ALL KINDS. Roses flower only at the end of a young • \OX I —AND— branch. When the faded flowers are cut pounds ce'Oatmeal for I bushel of away, the buds in the leaf axils push into In the County Court Of' the a. growth, and it is from this second starting COUnty of Huron. . a', oi 0 EMBALIVII&R. of young branches that the Jaowers come. Summer Go�ds IN TILE MATTER OF PARTITION Roses, to succeed best, should be plant- TNV F EN We wish to draw special attention I D, K,. CLINTON. ed out In the open, never under the shads BE MARY AIACF�ETNRS, Plafiltiff, �O ills following. Men's Shirts Drawers,"-/'' of trees or In any place where the andJFNXlEHARTTEY IN ILMANI GARRETT, r Ladies" C 0 Braces and Hose; large range both in quality and price. I TuGrA rJ13010F -roots of MARGARET A,L)ULN1.8 Vests, handsome Prints for Waists. 08 CIE. Ai�Fx.%NDrj� GAR Handkerchiefs in great variety. Par�,661 Go BANKS. trees can reach them to monopolize any of RETT. Al�%RGAREIJ' GARRETT HUGa. GAR- Stainless Black Hose, 120 to 35e, both plain and ribbed. Screen (Doors and W)'; food. Roses am gross livers and re- RFTT, MARTHA COR4A, i1OBERT GARRERT dows. Now for Harvest Toole, Scysbea,, Snatbe, Forks, Rakes, &a. trawb6rr'isi GOODS KEP? Ill STOCK quire a large amount of good food. Ao- and JA31ES GARRETT, DLfm,laIlt,,,. I Pine Apples and other fruits Bibles and Methodist � 1. cor ng& e Oulat, nYmn000ks combined,u Y, they do better Placed where To the above call r1eceived. Our Teas are specially good (so we � named Defendants slid to The Molsons Bank nothing will have a chance to encroach unkr)own persons having or clainihig,,ily cuter hear very often) and we sell th _-R upon their rights. 1st inthe North Half of Lot Number El-ven, in Everybody cordially invited to give us a trial. on their merit only, We have a fine lot of Whips. Highest price for pro' incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1885 When one has a chance to prepare a bed the i ake Road Concession East. ill the We -stern n Terms Cash or Produce. 1-3 1 i Por Div -Rion of the Township of Colborne, in the r them just as it should be, the better County of Huron. ase(i rny wei,-ht frnm way is to remove the upper soil and dig Take notice that petition forthe partition or CAPITAL - 62,000,000 and gradually incre, A1_)AA1S'KN1P01t1UM, y --five to two d to the Jud(rc Of (he County Covirt or the LONDESBORo REST FUND - $1,400,000 one hiindred and twent out the subsoil to the depth of two feet s"leOr theabovedp�cribM lands beprosent- R* ADAM hundred pounds. Sine Take a pick and mellow up what is poa8l' READ OFFICE, MONTREAL.Splendid Hearse e thin, I and my County of Huron at hi-� Chamber- in Lh - Court ble of the bottom of the pit. Then fill In House in the town of Goderich, in said county, family have used this medicine whenwith a mixture of good soil and old, thor- on tile 214t day of September A T). 1897 at eleven war, MOLSON MACPHERSON, President needed, and we are all in the best of ougbly rotted manure. o'clock ill the forenoon, that, you a*e here - b, required toappear hen and there and state F. WOLFFRSTON TnomAs. Gen Manager Residence over store health, a fact -%.111cli we attribdte, to These beds way be made of any desired at claim (ifar)y) you have rosat .] lands, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my ebil- size or shape, and should always be pro- In default of vour qO nppearirg the inatter will Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts Issued, Sterling and American exchange OPPOSITF TOWN HALL' dren would have been fatherlpss ta-fiAv, vided with a good drainage, as roses will be proceeded within your absence. Uri bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- had it not been for Ayer'9 Sorsa axilla never endure having to stand in water. LOFTUS H. DANCF,; -1 CARRIM"'S AND GGON ]Posits. SAVINGS BANx-interest allowed on --- They like water, a goodly quantity, when Soltor itioner. Of which preparation I cannot ugu,4t, A. D. 1897. We Keep in Stock and make to order sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to ;ay too It can be administered according to their Dated this 3rd day o� A farmers on their own note, with one or much." -H. 0. ur,,%sON .Postmaster and more endorsers. No mortgage required NT V 13 1; 4 IL 1v 131 fj Fj W Planter, Kinard's, S. Cfancy, Baths of soap Buds are beneficial, Wanted Carrie e& and Waggons of all kinds. -) it EEas well as being a fine preventive against 111, 0. BREW ER, Manager, Clinton Insect life. -Pbiladelph I& Press. Men and Women who can work hard talk - COOPER'S OLD STAND, ing anal writiliv, six hotirs daily, for six in week, and will )e content with t... Zl?i,,,�s NEW CO.,'Nex to Commercial ]late], Ayers I... Sarsapalifla Five Gent Restauraut:4% weekly, Md F, RUMBALL, CLINT61 This establishment is In full Ov eration and a RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. How there Is any profit left out Address rDE,A,S Medical Building, Toronto G. D., MCIAGGARTO order filled in the most satisfacto, y way Come of a tery and granite work & sPecialty. Prices a AYER'S 01119 Save Doc�• cent dish of beefsteak with bread and but - S, ter and lee water and the attention of a reasonable as those of an establishnpent BANKER pretty waiter thrown in seems a mystery. 4 132kri9 a30Vaa,Cliatoa. It Is a mystery until one realizes bow the ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, business Is conducted. In the first place, they feed a good many people, ranging all A general Banking nusine" the way from 800 to 500 a day, and thus OWT ITT M ill T11 17TT ill TTI M M TIT rrrrrr T11 M M ITT Mill TITTIMI M M transaeted. I buy their provisions In bulk, oatmeal by the barrel, veal by the carcass, beans al - make that by the bushel. NOTES DISCOUNTED most by, the carload, and as to hash, Obey Moreover, they DraftBiasued, save expense by using the latest appli ,Trees, Plants, Shrubs. AFMAVw Interest allowed on THERE A"r TWO deposits. antes, steam tables to keep the food Warm, db - This old -established and reliable business Is choppers to out up the hash and dish - 55 bein Continued Sed usual and those who want washers that save weds and tear of muscle tel� anything in our line can relv on the very best and towel. FARRAN TISDALL. of service SO economical la the business CLASSES OF B-ICY-CLES V that they even strain the dishwater. Way 40- BANKERS, CholcelPlants for Spring Redding,down In the basement Is a big vat which 4 or Funerals Floral Designs for wedding,receives the water before it goes Into the d::� CLINTON, ONT. Fruit and Orna"Iental Trees sewet. An ingenious arrangeinent collects d Spruce. ScotclakAstraclian plue the grease all by itself, and, ill us not only Advances made to farmers on their own p saves It for the soap kettle, but prevents it ol r � of entire stock very iow. A cc from 901139 Into the sewer and clogging do - notes at low rates of interest. All oyders promptly filled. UP the pipes. Their economy, however, AW- , does not lead them to the extreme of sav- A] general Banking Bueiness transacted. John Stewart Estate Interest allowed on deposits. Her Ing food from the plate and serving it P Sale Notes bought again. Even the bash Jig brand a J. P; TISDALL, ManaVr. XAT STA -M -PIN -G- CURES Staff Hunting Etc Night. 4111- GOLIC, CHOLERA, CHOLERA - The undersigned is Prei)arod to do all kinds Wonderfully elaborate open air fetes, of- 00 - Of Stamping for Mats, Persian Bugs and arti- MOHBUS, DIARRHOEA, ton the scene of Some' Iles of like nature. Work done promr% and mummery or coup McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE at reasonable rates. MRS A.WOR,ra NITON DYSENTERY5 de theatrooelebrating scenes In connection Huron Street. And all SURIMER COMPLAINTS of with vortery, were frequent occurrences. INSURANCE CO. Child'ren or Adults. Thus Louis XIV more -than once held dp_ _'"k • Igloo PRICE, 35c. stag bunts at night, and for that purpose dol- FARAI ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY t Beware of Iffiltationw ONLY INSURED the great forest of Chantilly wastilurni- 4111- nated with tore z5emng 14%ut hes, and the bunted stag OFFICERS. TO Goo. Watt Presidant, Harlock P. 0.; James was forced to pass through avenues lined dim- Broadfoot, VIce-Pres., So%forth P. 0.; W. J. a Shauno-i, Seoy.Trcag., Scaforth RO.; rd. Murdle FOR CASH. Cure by fleverit-1 thousand men holding brightly 411111 - Suring flambeaux In their bonds. Several Inspector of losses, Seatorth P. 0. We are now offerl% our entire -ibook of Meats Im EUDIJLRPT 0 DIRECTORS arid Groceries at Cost. Compare aur prices RHE e. WS3K of the princesses of his court were daring Jas. Broadloot, Seaforth; M. Murdle, Sea- with thoseyou have been pa},Jug and see Nvhf(t riders, and from the letters of one of these forth; Goo, Dale, Seafortb; Geo. Watt, Harlook; you can save by ordering from us. royal ladies re on a duchess of Orleans, we T. H. Hays, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner Lead - AO on reg. our -ZL'm im learn that in four years she was present at 411j_ bury; Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John ilikol,.ean, j a pricep,loo price -wow Rippen. DrnStar h,10c. 701 Coffee .... 40c..30a the death of over a thousand stage. Her 40- EL�NDS -01 i AGENTS. Laundry,, Joe.: 7c Lamp Glass,80..50 descriptions of the sport are most outhusi- Robt McMillan, Sea- Pearline, 100.. 80 GingerSnapaloc..50 astic. "I have had 20 falls, but have hurt Thos Neilans, Harlook B ri s tal Is forth VgntonEville. Par a to effect Insurances or trun- SOAP.... • , . 60 .... 4o Tea, ...... 500..400 myself Only OnOe`," she SAY" In One of her alk - scot of�lness will byromptly attended to Pickles BlueRibbonMc..26a letters-" Sports In the Seventeenth Con- 40- and others. on ap on to any o the above offlears Extracts. 10c., So Tea ...... 250..200 tury," by W. A. Ball1le-Grohman, in Cc dI1__ -40 adresspeMto their respective offices. Yeast Cakes 10 0 SARSAPARILLA fury. dim- ee N dip. - Salmon .... 18, Seeds .... 3 1. 401 no .... 25c IT IS Canned Cornl( 8J lb Ourrants..2513 PROMPT x t His Fault. 411 - Clinton Planing Hill o Otber wheels sell for less ,but they - 8 lb Sodas. . 25, RELIABLE The JndgtF-__Didn1t I toil you the last = "40, AND NEVER FAIL& time that are not, so Ood as Clevelands. —AND— You ware be" that I wanted to de- 9 JA STEEP 1& CO., Clinton see your face in this court no morel 0111- h W6hry Watkins -You did, yoronner, and do - DRY KILN. ZIP WILL that is exactly wqt I tole the oop._pittb_ db P - most skilled workman is able to do work in canvassorn on "Queen Viaturia. : L :ter Life for gamy'ln 40 - We Willipay StraiglAt Weekly' .41 burg Chronicle- Telagraph. 41111- Prices Pon & $75a -40, The sube3riber, having the very Isteat'sm- 8.1larles mffimcm roved machinery, and employing 'the Of from 010,00 to $30,00, according abiland The sinoular Ptintsbmillab of bi cion. The Diamond Jubilee "You WNWINLIA Hungary is to compel the man A. LOZIER & CO.11 W. COOPER & CH., big line in the most satisfactory manner, Reign," after a trial month on our big com I to live to- do - lee Is booming this gethor with both WivQa in one house. 411 - at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- wonderful volume, keeping all hands working Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it do - ties. Atrial solicited. early and late. The oniy Caliadian work acco dM%-- Toronto. c pt- One-third Of the fataides of France oven FACTORY NEAR G. T. R. ed by Her MaJontyand endorsed by rho rJoyal Agents, Clinton STATION Family. A beantiftil big domed ata small price; 14 years of age are farm laborers. CLINTON, hurry yvir avplication. Tula l3RA&)LnV-GAR BRISTOL'S SARSA ARILLA. RETOOK 0., Ltd, Toronto, OnL L. A-