HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 67N-? t',ay j^.v+te•+ 41 r.t"°° ,A a.y •��.ew1�+-i * p
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o Cash; the Clinton New Era will be :vent to new subscribers; to 1st of January
1888, to any adoreee •a n Amer"
Ontario Growth of Methodism NEWS NOTES I Premier Laurier's Duel
School Exams. In 189$. WESTERN FAIR
(>}oVERNMENT't3 Rev G. H. Cornish, General Confer- Mr E. N. King, freight agent of the -- It may not be enerally known that
G.T.R. at London dropped dead on the CIRCULAR FROM THE EDUCATiox DEPARTMENT �
QUtiil.�t7LL17rIN • care Statistician of the Methodist stt set On Thursday. pp TO AND HIaII BeIIoaL PRiNarpAte, Sir Wilfrid Laurier once took part in a
has issued interesting figures y __ duel.- The story was related by him- LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9TH TO 18TH, 1897
p is p, synopsis of the Ontar- respecting the membership in the var- Dr, Bonner, who contested North) Gentlemen, -I have the honor to inform self at a dinner party in London. In CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE S'T'OCK AND AGRICULTURAL HXHII3ITION
Impnt.Augueterop bulletin:- loos conferences of Canada and New- Bruce with Mr McNeil, M. P., at the ou that for the academic year 1897-98 the the State of Mississippi, where Sir Wil- The'utowt complete Live stock Buildings it, America. More unprove,ueuts aro[ ex.
Merit of acreage of crops in found'and. They show a net increase last general electron, has been appuint- 1oilowin modifications are made in the frid was staying for :hof 6 time, there teuelve addit/oud Lkl. year. Every Btaelyhan Agrieurtniriet, Manufacturer, ualrymau,
Car $A7, repare by the On- of 108,303 members since 1883 and an in- ed a surgeon of the Northwest Mount g were two lawyers between whom such Artists and Inventors, etc., etc. specially Invlled.
I if ICtMer►t of Agriculture, and et ease of 5,74.1 over last year. It alp- ed Police, and will be Ic.cated at Tag Revised Regulations: w� enmity existed as could be wiped out Entries close Sept. otk, in all Departments. Success assuroa.
tato of yields, based on the re- pears that there are in Toronto 42,3711 nigh. PURMC SCHOOLLEAYINGEXAMS. only by the shedding of blood. Achal- SIE WRSSBN SEN RLI, HE ARAB PRINGB,
f the ifegtilar correspondents of Methodists, as against 40,734 in 1896, Miss Sadie Fisher, Brantford, has en- This examination will be conducted in lenge was sent and duly acknowledged. miss Been Secured to Furnish and Superintend the Stage Attractions.
rkl•,tlxlet>< , under date of August an increase of 1,645. Here is the list; tared suit tht ough L. F. Heyd against 1898 by the High School Entrance Board The hour was appointed, and the two Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the Grounds at 2 p.m.
I. ISVP• tha,t the yields of the present Members. Edward Harris, recently of the 13ami1- of Examiners, And on the same coarse of men met in a secluded spot. One of For Prize Lists, Program and Maps, apply to
o the whole, promise to exceed 1896. 1897. ton Herald, for $10,000 damage fur study and under the same regulations ss in them was a great sufferer from St. Vi• LT. OOL, F. B. LEYB PRESIDENT THOS. A. BROWNE BECRETAAY..
tit 09:R, atld also to exceed the Toronto ................ 40,734 42,379 , ieach of promise of marriage. 1897, Botany will, therefore, not be tae dance, the other was cool and col -
e ulathe fifteen years, 1882-98. Loudon ................. 46,119 47,476 lected.
oplat of all wheat ploughed Ii Hamilton ............... 45,125 45,667 Lieut. -Col. Hon. Henry Aylmer has ed, and Physiology and Temperance will, .
p g p ae formerly, be one of the subject: of exam- As they faced each other the afflicted
ealM t+7a8 x55,000 acres, or 30,000 less Pay of Quints.......... 39,910 40,395 decided not to accept the position o£ faction, High Schools pupils are not alis- man began to treFl}bla from head to
M 1 e int f th Kl A.I. ff
/ //
n 186, With an increased area colica ....,,.......,, 37,346 37,387 r g ear o e on e region, o er- ible to write at this foot, while hie pistol described an arc
. I. Acres, the promise at present Nova Scotia............ 15,361 15,809 ed him by the Dominion government. with varying up-and-down strokes,
-Apl ; 10000,000 bushels greater New Brunswick and his health, he believes, would not FIRST FORM EXAMINATION, kw -
g Hi[ opponent stood firm as a rock
ytQ4� reported a year ago. The Prince;Edward Island.. 13,064 13,365 stand it. This gxamination, which is open to all waiting for the signal to fire. Before
avers a of 25.5 bushels per acre is Newfoundland... ...... 11,814 11,877 ails, will be conducted as heretofore it came, however, he laid his pistol on oo
f3 p On Thomas Bedggood'e farm, lot 4, pupils, ,
ated, The comment: - 'Best 1%lan toba& Northwest.. 16,131 16,653 con. 4, Nissouri West, Messrs Gourlay the Coarse embracing Reading, Writing and the ground, walked into the wood, and •
or:m;angyears"-is quitecommon. British Cclumbia........ 4,652 4,850 and Graham threshed five acres of Book -Keeping, Drawing, Geography and I cut a limb off a tree with a fork in the
ppt it1,g whheat has taken a move up Japan ................... 2,137 2,279 wheat, Giant of Genessee variety, Botany. Fire/ Form certificates will have end of it. This he brought back and
lril. 'both in acreage and promised First Report from Chentu . yielding 285 bushels, or 57 bushels to the same gaalifying value for Teachers' stuck it in the ground in front of Ilia -'14'
d. T,he acreage and yield of bat ley China ............... 9 the acre. certificates as Public School Leaving cert- antagonist. Then, turning to the sec- .
hgtli somewhat below the previous A new one dollar Dominion bank 19oates. and he said: r
F. ,•1i'or several years the area sown Totals ....... 272,392 278,136 JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEAv[No. "I must request you to ask your ere •
bill has been issued. The peculiarities „
.A�t has boen increasing. Over7,000 The financial report of the San Fran- of the new bill are the principal to rest his pistol in that fork. ,
p portraits of Regulation 48 is amended So a: to allow
axe, again added this year, and cisco Christian Endeavor 1897 commit- Lord and Lady Aberdeen on the face at the Form Lll examination for Junior "What for?" asked his opponent's
m ylld promised is 4,000,000 bushels tee shows that over $25000 was collect- and a picture of the parliament build- Leaving the following options: second.
stele° than last year. In round fig- a French and Greek. "Well," replied the other, "I have f
ed, but the expenses exceeded this foga at Ottawa on the back. (a)
>geU610, crop is estimated at 8 d beans
amount about 1200, The deflcienc (b) German and Greek, no objection to running the risk of one .■.����
U610, , The yields of rye and beans $ y A movement auxiliary to the tem- sli t but I certain! do decline having r
1. y d will be made tip from the proceeds of y (c) French German and Chemistry. y g t
eilfblle the average, an that of peas two bi conceits.
perance crusade in Harper, Kansas, o bullets .Hake a honeycomb of me.
1.g (d) German, Physics and Chemiatry. `
old(' the average. Though in some was started by the young women of (e) Gorman, Physics and Chemistry. If that man were to shoot while his I 11�� r„]
siter.>l sections the yield was light, on the churches there by forming an Or• (f) Botany, Phye is and Chemistry, hand is shaking the way it is now he n-
a>ahole the hay crop of Ontario has OVER A YEAR. ganization and taking a pledge not LO would 811 me full of holes at his first 4,4
d associate with men who drink, smoke The obligatory subjects Of Form 111. for shot."
ir'jheavy, an above the ave►age, I have been troubled with a{ok hesdaobe Junior Leaving are ae already preeoribed,
tClt)l being 3,811,518 tons, as against for over a year. Lately I used .Laza Liver ( or use profane language. viz.: -English Composition, English Liter- This was too much for the seconds, and
2401ast I ___ The acreage of corn Pills, and find that they help me more than From the beginning of the year u stare, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry and by mutual agreement a truce was
t111t ipe'en {nereasing year by year, and any other medicine I have ever taken, The p and Latin. I patched up, and ho shots were ex- ,
They to the end of July, the C. P. 1t Land de-
1,Iiriys.inaW increased to 544,035 -three are an excellent pill, causing no pain or tttrtmeut disposed of 88,969 acres of g changed, -Toronto World.
>a1 'e that of five care ago. Buck- Regulation 47 is amended so as to allow
y g griping, and leaving no ssfter ill effects." l at the Form IV. examination fdr Senior - Amber
and in the Yorthwest, more than
he.4 and marigolds show an increase MISS MARY E1IEN Hlcxe, Booth Bay, Ont. double the area sold last year. This Leaving the following options: A Winnipeg dispatch announces that = - •
Area; potatoes a decrease; while car- a French and Greek, a delegation of Kansas farmers are now - Shield
,Oland turnips ate both above the that region.
a boom in the settlement of (1 d in Manitoba for the purpose of report- a'°r
eli'a e. The estimated raid of flip that region. (b) German and Greek. P P P
€3 y Lucky Sir Wilfrid. 'c) French and German. {ng on the province as a place of settle- -
i Brent grains this year is as follows: The Michigan Peninsular Cal- C.o., of jd) French and Chemistry, ment for themselves and their neigh -
a ° ,-.,!: yield per THE ONLY PREMIER WHO LRAVEt3' Detroit, bits received an order for 500 j bora, The have been sent b an aisso-
Acres Bushels acre freight. cars from the Canadian Pacific e) German and Chemiatry. ciation ofya agriculturists, who have
ENGLAND WITH A SCALP HAIQG- (f) Biology and Chemiatry. g + .
WIN ,.
Wjwh ......... 05:,20 25,'168,158 25.5 Rail, Dade to tl completed early in the The obligatory subjects of Form IV. for reached the conclusion that under theBIN
�t ey wheat...:'.: 44,51,516 12,004,2sb 26.8 17.0 ING To H18 BELT, tall, The outlook for more business is new order of things in Canada this
reported to tie good. Senior Lelvingare already prescribed, viz.: country affords a better opportunity
�S •• .187,785 38,542,1130 88,9. Sir Wilfrid Laurier'8 good fortune-EnglishComposition, English Literature,
iys,................... as6,7$5 1r,lan,ist; 1,1•i may well infuriatehiapoliticalenerniee. Mt' W. Burden• }rrn(Cer, Halifax, has Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. English to make a living than Kansas, From
„501 1,al,orsr 21.o Not only has he obtained from the Im- been appointed accountant uY the'mili and Ancient History,Physice, and Latin, Holland, also, comes the information PRI
ens,.,,,,••,•• that the immigration of farmers to CES LOW •
¢ } Tous, Tons. perial Government a denunciation of tia department, Ottawa, to take charge Candidates for Janicr and Senior Leav- g
and Clover.. ...2,341,488 3,811,518 1.63 the German treaty; not only is thus next month. Mr Burden is a brother- ing standing will be required to make 50% Canada is looked upon with favor. BROS,
' probably the only Premier who has of Mr R. L. Borden, the Conservative of the aggregate marks allowed in the enb• CARL AND 'Stoves, Hardu are, &(o
left England with a scalp hanging ob- rrtemher for'the city 0f Halifax. The jects prescribed in each of the Forme or Clilltoll
I ,til', " DON'T FORGET accountant will snake an active, ever- arts of Forms, as well as one-third in each
viously at his belt; but Canada persists p
°'•' 'That to remove corns, warts, bunions in in prospering under his administration gaffe and capable ollicer; his present subject; 6.70 of the aggregate will be regair-
�h�i;ielwdays, all that is required is to apply in quite a surprising and note -worthy tiusiuess and 1raining makes hito thur- ed for honors. „ ------.
Md and well tested corn cure-Putman's fashion, Even the McKinley tariff, oughly adapted for the wot k of the de- The examinations in Botany'and Biology Toor75]31inffactory Oil less Corn Extractor. Sure, safe and which was designated to do Canada ptrtmeot. His salary will be $2,4M. in Forms III and IV will be egaal in diffi- LTf S Clln on �as�h�%�rprytiese, Pitman's Corn Extractor makes harm and humiliation -and which may The Minister of Militia could not secure eulty as near as may be to the examination: noaore Spots hard to lieu), acts quickly and yet do her damage -has, so far, rather his services at a smaller salary, in the language or languages for which Bot- E -.-.�.
j(ltiinlessly on hard and soft corns. stimulated than depressed the wool env sad Biology are takenaeoptions, S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR
0 ' trade of the Dominion. The delay of According to the Farmer's Sun, On The:e modifications, it willbe anderetood `ti, , the tariff bill in the Senate at Wash- tario's crop this year will be worth make no chane in the course or the RCanada and Britain g Per- General Builder and Contractor.
i'tii" .. ington just gave the Canadian wool $11,500•('('0 snore than last year's liar- oen.ages required by the University forg ,vest. Agriculture in Ontario alone S y-- rnerchante time to et this seasons mstriculatioii. This factor is the largest in the county, and has the vary latest improved ma-
�, S THE PREFERENTIAL TARIFF of clip across the border. The result was yields increased r•etur•ns this year -SPECIALISTS. cbinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. GVe carry an extensivo
THE DOMINION Is WORKING that during the first six weeks after equal in money value t0 Canada's total
•t -- shearing time the product of go)d and silver. Minimi to The temporary provisions defined in Cir• and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all class•
,,, ";"-ferrin to the new referential I g all right, and the mote rufltable rn u. The
5 for obtaining specialists' non pro- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is cupervis-
g p CANADIAN WOOL EXPORTS ' p fessional standing mill be continued in 1898 ed In a mechanical way and Satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in-
"itf established by Canada with Great ing there is in the country, the bet ter, g tenor and exterior material.
stain, the London Daily Mail says: reached the unprecedented amouut of for farmers and everybody else. But to those who are candidatea under the regu-
'L'.flanada has grasped, the situation. three millions pounds' weight. As the the figures compiled by the ,Sun suq_ latiou: set forth in that circular. For all SACK �IEADACI#E Lumber Lath, Shingles, Linie, Sash, Doors, Uffilds Ete
oilier caudidatos the provisions of the Revis-
X SluC recent legi lation has opened the price paid for this wool varied from gest t at stood, old Ontario agriculture P
e y to cultivating im erial' atriotism 8 1-2d. to lU 1 2d. er ed Regulations section 51 will govern. Positive! Cured b these Agent for the Celebrated GRAYSILL SCHOOL DESK, manufaotmed
g p p p pound, the result as a maker of wealth is not inferior to
g ( ) g y at Waterlog. Csll and et rices and estimates before
,a, _ the development of trade within was eminently satisfactory to both the Klondike or to British Columbia. NORMAL COLLEGE. Little Pills. g P placing your orders'
;te empire. She is following up bet, grower and merchant. Then the devel-
>"% islative opening by a practical and opment of gold mining in British Col- Eastern papers tell of a raft moored Candidates entering the Normal College They also relieve Distress iiom Dyspepsia, -
, ipsa{e effort to cater for the English umbia had, even in the far north, brigh- in a stream between two counties in in October of this year or those writing at indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- •
tiiVI rket, whilst opening her own mar- tened the sky for the West Canadian New England on which liquor is sold the final examination in December of this fact remedy for Dizziness Nausea Drowsi. Special TEAS ! TEAS 1
'l[e.Ys on preferential terms to En lish farmer. Farm produce which in ordin. contrary to law, the di8penser escap. year, may if they prefer, take the course in
-.217E orfs. In of der to bum more gg y years was ft drug in the market, g p 1Nethede set forth in Circular 9. After De- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue •
p from ar in punishment because it cannot be ���+ ����.a CEYLON, AS9AM and JAPANS.
deter mined in which county he violates comber, 1897. -every candidate fO"r the Nor. Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They i6 w7 g
,4, clic moat sell more to uG,' and in cannot now he sent westquicklyenough the law. We hale a similar case in mal College examination will be required Regulate the Bowels. Pure! Vegetable. 8 pounds good young Hyeon Tea' for 31:
tr!t,.p' +aer to meet the expected increase of to satisfy a dernand on thePac•ific coast. y g
°`' Canada. In the Ottawa rival, be- to take the regular course of training in that
Innporls from England site' is working Of course, the Opposition in the Dom- tween Ottawa and Hull, there are in Just to hand, 1 car SUGARS t SUCARBI SUGARS!
3�iyfid to increase her exports to Eng- inion Parliament and their newspapers institution, Small Pill. Small ®03r0, j
;hand. There should be no difficulty outside have been shaking their heads low water, several small islands locally GEo W. Roes, Small PtICt9. Montreal Sugar ) No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one
:14liout this. We imported last year gloomily over the outlook for Canadian known as "No Main's Land." tiara Minister of Education, b • l` hundred pounds and dollars, at apodal prices.
11 1,Education Department, Substitution
fhoZ1 products t0 the value of $600,000,- factories liquor dealers have a shed, and their P Wekeep the best Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China
''t>00, of which onl 7 er cent came customers row out or walk on the ice Toronto, Aug, 2nd, 1897. assorted stock of Wed- and Lamps. 25 per cent less than regular price,
Y P UNDER THE NEW TARIFF the fraud of the day, ding Presents in Huron. I Call and see our goods and get prices.
in Canada. Our fellow -subjects a in winter. It has never been deter -
the Dominion calculate that they can But a brief examination of the tariff mined whether the spot is in Ontai io Public School Lcaving English Literature
E' lob 11, at least a third of this total, schedules will show how exaggerated or Quebee. for 1898: XVIII, Rale Britannia; %$VIII, See you get Carter's, FRESH SEEDS-Timotby, Red and Alsike Clover, -Turnip and Mange].
^Jifd thhey mean to do it. these anticipations must be. Even The Cotter's Saturday Night; %XXV The Caeh aid for cod Butter and E
''- •, .Y when the full effect of the referential Do you anppose you, have strength i Isles of Greece; %%XVII, Dear Har of M Tom/ P g gge.
Meat, fruit, eggs and cheese are the P enough to stop a team of runaway P y Ask for Carter's J. W. IR YY IN
tstaple roducta which Canada can put redactions in favor of Great Britian horses h simply pulling on the reins?
Country; XLVI, The Bridge of Sighs; LI, r j �7�nt��
and New South Wales is felt. y p y p g Horatius• LIV, My Kate; LXII, The Cane- - - 1
, , the nglish market. Her immense than manufacturers will still en. It isn't a question of strength but of bottomed' Chair; L%VII, The flanging of
F,tnd fertile territory will enable her to enjoy skill, excepting,of course those in- g g Insist and demand
a,tjI feet our demand in full. The Canad- what, in other colonies, is considered a the Crane; LXXVI, Barbara Freitcbie;
,- very comfortable measure of rotec- 1 stances were the harness breaks or a LX%IX, The Lord of Burleigh; , - '_-•-
ttati very has already begun the P g ' L%XXI Carter's Little Liver Pill. For the balance of this lrl(➢�lth
g Y g broken whifiietree keeps ban ing The "RoveD "
' at task of making the Dominion tion. In most of the colonies it ie ge.
g thou ht that industries which will against the horses' heels. Even then The binhest mark in Entrance history
I purveyor to the British consumer, skill will count where mere .strength °
AqMrd it only needs sustained and to al not ourish even when aided with 25should have been 71 instead of 51 as given
r y y per cent, duti had better he left to would amount to nothing. If at team in list former!
ort on both sides of the Atlantic to should become frightened, and set out Y published. WE WILL OFFER 1'O CASH PIHASERS
, make the scheme a success." perish withoutte-aid ofany descri g _ s clue
tion. Anyone who is curious to know to run away a woman could handle Beautifill Decorated Dinner Sets /�
them as well as a man if she does not The proposed reproduction of a portion ,
something of what the fiscal position lose control of herself. All she has to of Her Majesty's Great Diamond Jubilee Heart Handsome Toilet Sets . rlt� Cost
}'l A DOUBLE CURE, of Canada will be, need only turn to do is to nide the horses udtciousl Procession in London, with ceremonies in
Mrs J. E, Elwood, St, Thomas, Ont., the tariffs of such colonies as New g . a front of St Paul's Cathedral, and immense Chinn Tea Sets • 7
1, s: -"My husband and myself have taken Zealand, Queensland and South Au- and keep them in the road. liven a � ��1® � , and Under.
runaway team will respond to tlkie reins tableaux of incidents daring daring the ■ Fancy hand painted Chinaware o
+Doan s Kidney Pills. We used them for stralia. It is true that in Canada the ,k r D
3yidney and back trouble for which we have British trader will have ail Advanta a and if a collision can be avoided the Queens Reign, at the Toronto Exhibition .
;f ant a great deal of money without getting foreign competitor. But as a horses will eventual! Stu when they from the 30th of August to the 11th Sept• Or have you palpitation, throbbing or Call and satisfy yourself that this is a bons tide offer. Having
over his forei y p' ie creating mach interest throughout the
" :lief. Doan's Pills cured us both in a re- matter of fact the foreign competitor find they are really in no danger. The girregular beating, dizziness, short breath, bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers
-;:gmsrkably abort time. I believe the will is not very active in the three colonies man never lived who is strong enough Dominion, and thousands will go to Toronto the benefit, Batter and Eggs taken as cash.
Y we have named. Therefore the osi- to stop a runaway team with the reins to see it from all parts. All the uniforms, smothering or choking sensation, pain in gg
tsnreeveaafter all othermedioines fail. 1' only. The woman who knows ho vv to costumes, carriages, and state harness, is the breast or heart. If so, your hea�our N. ROBSON'S - Clinton.
tion in Canada in another year will be talk to horses as well as to hide them being brought from England, and the actual affected and will in turn affect
"' very similar it what it now is in them. can brindle them ae safely as any man decorations used in London. Th attract -
The death occurred Wednesday of -London Daily News. nerves, causing nervousness, sleepless-
Ohatham's oldest inhabitant, Mr Sam- whoever breathed -Ph ilade] phim Press ions at the Toronto Fair this year will be
Ulel Brundage, in his 92nd year. r nese, morbid anxious feeling, debility. --� T-�___-__-_--
y Rester and better than ever. The exhibits ` CLINTON
Friday afternoon and avenin from to all de artment: exceed an
The many friends of Mr Andrew Pat- g+ P y previous year. ■11
two to ten o'clock, the fare Ituxes on A RAILWAY MANAGER BAYS The illuminations will be rand and cost a M''���r1� rr
,,, ;t., •, `tdilo, M. P.P. for North Oxford, will lot of mons It will be fitting conclasin
theelr'CtriC street railway at Kingston "In reply to your question do my children y• g R
'regret to hear that he lies ill with ty- were in the hands of young ladies. Mr. object to taking Scott's Emulsion I say Nol to the Jubilee year, and will be well worth SEWING MACHINE phord fever at Oakville, Out., 'whither D. Fol er laced the cars at the die os• on thecontrar the are fond of it and it g �e�r� A.:;.° ���e Warerooms •
3ie had gone to visit the father of the g p p y, y sofa io see. The aettal cheap fares and
al of the nurse's alumni to raise mune keeps them exenreione will be The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the
- "
)ate are one t llo. y p pictures of health." given.
,ki for a nurses' home. The young men in I �; �� Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with the
Rev. John Wood died on Sunday blue coats and braes buttons were re- BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. J
hiorning at his home near Norwich, placed by young ladies in snow-white Fall fairs . Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the atom. NI4' HOME SEWING IIIACIIINE COMPANY
`' lie several weeks' severe illness from uniforms, trimmed with red, and a red Cure ali these complaints by regulating ,
it carer on the liver. Deceased was in cross on the right arm. The services --- ach, liver, bowels and blood; caring dy:pep-
' the 75th year of his age. He was a of the conductor were not altogether Industrial, Toronto, Aug, 3U Sept. 11. Sia, biliousness, sick headache im 'rheumatism the heart's action acid building up the To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsur assed .for
y g Montreal, Aug. 19.28, scrofula, and removing all impurities of the nervous and muscular system to perfect durability and the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we compote'wuh all ma-
hly esteemed minister of tLe Meth- done away with. This official looked Western, L_ondo_n, Sept. 9.18, _ blood, from a common pimple to the worst chines on the market. I also have other grades at less money, and well procure any mauhho
" „ - [st-ehurebT-having--beers---in-in-iv-L etafter•-the4ehi-n ole;--ared-diel.-athet•-dtt� -- _ • - - --- -__unci steer jKth Pr u c Gor. per box manufactured, fP desirod Needlesandoras,su i fed oc all.makos of. ma ru
. . _. -.,. -
.work about 40 years, and 9 years as sup- t1eQ, such as co ecting the fare where Northern,
Se n, 8e it, y latB. is e;--gneq vt ��� ton• i�:t�[rrnrr: ;►t[CrtrYLS-earn ascot torltp�e Celebrated nuthony wayG o Washer, the
Northern, tValkerton, Se t. 13-16. is B. B. B. is an unequalled medicine. or 6 boxes for $z. �. At . II druggists. larggest• manufe,cturora of washers in the world. The niachine cannot be beat In any respect, x
lerannuated minister. the ladies could not conNeniently g0 Northwestern, Goderich, Sept. 21.23. SO hand) e the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wringore, beet in niarkeb
Ybn cannot ea ou have tried ever tbin after it. iy y Y g Southern Brantford, .crept. 1cLi. � �M• MOORE' lA your rheumatism, until you have taken - Woodstock, Sept, 22 -rd, - r � Old Stand, Huron St., Clintonyer'S Pills. Hundreds have been oared of , North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 23-24
$ilieCornplufntbytheuseofthese Pills alone. Scotts Emulsion is Cod- East Huron, Brussels, Sept. 30 Oct 1 Anew l;rooln s�l`'ceps cleai<i
'. Whey were admitted on exhibition at the l Wingharn, Sept. 28-29. I;COOnIs at 1��C each
{ World's Fa{r as astandard cacbartic, liver Oil prepared aJ a foo CLINTON. Sept. 28.29.
'Aspecial dispatch from Omaha, Neb,
lis to Canadian
At the Same time, it is a
Blyth, Oct. ri-6.
bast W awanosh, I3elgrave, Sept, 23-'L4.
Brooms, two for 2rrle.
__F=� --�--
e p O
interesting attic men:
"'The demand for feeders
blood maker, a nerve tonicUubul
A dandy one for 255.
stockers and
itr Nebraska since the
new corn crop
tVag assured is such that prices for that
and an up -builder. But
These Broome are great value, having been bought at reduced figures.
/f 4tArlJ®l�rat"--
of cattle have reached unheard of
ttmounte. The
principally It 1S a food for
wast a cx.w ,honld nr..
are Dia to
going give the public bargains for the next sixty days. No
yards here are hea.eged
`Kia{ly by cattle buyers from Nebraska
tired and weak digestions;
It takes t ;mato tr•r ata
excuse not having a clean house, Crockery, Glassware, and all
kings of Groceries new and fresh.
The shaatc for slender feet stylish
` `'
Mand Iowa. More than 100men are here
:for this purpose. In addition to the
for those who era not eta
ytrtcxl market p,•ita• I y orhii
p 1,:ry for the k,r•p-
"°� °r a crew arta yr•nr. At the etand,ird
dress. Straight sided American
Ilundreda of cars of Texas steers bein g
the fat the from
of four Ix•r rr•rtr. of mitt ,r faA, that
arrxtutrt nY haft r r will rc,luir,• atxtnt
�Z'n �j�PAL.L.Q'W - CliIlt"n
type, with high, "stiff, moderately
here daily to be resold as feed-
:gra, Canadian cattle alp coming i» .
y should
their ordinary food • for
X -0i) penui•L, r•f tailk. Thorn r.rrr• a cow
malt y i"'!a ;�,ixl pr,iM,i14 of 1rtilr,, or,
full box tor. Aman -of -fashion shoe.
1(3'or the flt•st time in the state's history
say,' •1 00 (lt rtN. ti) ju.t sta.ull eye -n
-�-, --
.aced -Buttoned -Congress -Oxford. Black, Tan,
feeders a,re beingsent west from the
east. A train load from Buf-
dean whom nothing seems
w4t.h h,ir onucr, i9 hura•r is nuirlo. f,t
„ala,,, t„ ti
give n fair pr,4it ern the• i.nvea,
) Seal I3rown, Carmine or Wine Color. Half sizes
'9410 cost $4.10 per 100 and sell here for
to nourish; for all who are
nteut n »w wtuni:,1 r r
y'') I r i 4k. rix 1
5 to I r. Widths A. to E. Goodyear Welt.
$6;15. These are stiff rices for stock-
,ors and feeders, Mit Iowa and Nebraska
fat -starved and thin,
p rrnrla rnf Erna tx ^ , . t. rt, ll:, whir.h
would pr�.,lwi,. F`r'y'• mli,wt '�tl 1!•srrf bur
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00. Stamped on sole.
ltheb who have thousands of bushels of
earn in sight and hundreds of tons of
It is pleasant to take • at
ter. i- li 't, Fi- . n ns ilii r h ,,ri ii , l
^-'th yt<:'! lt.rml Irrf+dlt-s•i,�' •• will t)1• :ItH�ll}
oAYpLO6UC �• The Slater �h®e."
hiiy, are ready to pay it."
least, It is not unpleasant.
„ y nrr• �'.1 chiiry env,,., rx,t l+.iy,„;
d lir r.wn ktagt nrr a j,�e 'o rhe ,i:L:rv,-
Children like it and ask for
Dtrltrit.t 1''4,',1 aar.rl r,irri.
ti,wo A
aslmila / ...rr-.�..r+ to on
-- '_ _. ..... - - -"
Tho Pao• _ /l - •
,. - I- �•-,� _. �
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