HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 5E I._\ -E - Cash., the Clinton Now Fra will 1 be sent to new subscribers, to 1st f oat' January 1888, to any address in Anne w �N� vuicK Stop l And look at our 10c Blouse Set; We have just received another lot of them. Having sold over 100 pairs, which cleaned us out, but managed to secure another lot which we will sell at 10 ets ,the set, and are doubtful if they qan be duplicated at this price. Come and get a set before they •are all gone. They won't last long. Our 250 line won't last long. ENGRA{i'ING, . • We do Engraving in the very neatest and latest style, and do it while you wait. Js Bill RuMbE Jeweler, Cli.lton, SOME PEOPLE MINK Because we do such a very large trade in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and Clothing, we have no time to devote to Groceries, but such is not the case. Our Grocery stock is kept fully assorted throughout the ,season with the very best ggoods money can buy, and as we pay spot cash for a our goods we are in a 1,. �` u t f' Position to quote much lower prices than people L o o �S. who buy on credit, as the following list will show:-- for the finest PRICES display Of Fall. D ry 80 The good brown Sugar for extra Goods 1s h o y'� Corn $carob, regular 8c per lb for 5o Oat men], 12 pounds forty', . doz. W 1 1 in C 1 j y� Laundry Starch, reg, 8o per Ib for 5c Corn meal, 15 pounds for .... , . 25a t o j''1 {'o y, 1 1 1 "'"" Bakin Powder in tine, reg, loo for 50 Sex ub Brushes, rice roots, 8a for 50 .� 1 1 j years. Canna Corn, reg, pride 8o for ., 5o Broome, Canned Tomaoee, reg, loo for,. So Whieke, worth 18o,for .. and 250 'Canned Peas, regular loo for.... 8o Whisks, worth 15o for......... ,1060 , Dress Fa b .rl c s Laundry Soap, large bare, wortb Charlton'e best pickling Vinegar, ��J! 1 1 1 C.(�n 1 ••� U, our price 2 for ............5o regular price 600, for , . , • , . �� e {^ y '' Japan Tea, reg 20o, 2lbs for .... 25c Best white wine Vinegar, regular 1 1 lr t n 1 n s T Japan Tea, our own ;importation, price 40c, for .... , , . 1 t a p worth 300, for .....:.. d mix 250 Second quality white • • "35o pears s Circle brand tea, bleak and mired,30c gcineVinegar if this h i s C� in fanny Canisters, at 250, 40c, 600 6 Ise Tapioca for ............ . . 25. i6 s e a s o n Tl i lets are only five days left in this mouth for doing W 1 Y s u rp G� s s 1 n rich. business but we intend making them busy days. _ n ebs, variety et . �'♦' -- and Style 1�re You a l 1 f rm e r e � Thinking McHinnon Co• �� forts. Of a Watch ? N� ' Watch our VW ����then c l a d ov`rs PROPERTY FOR BALE step inside. A For sale, that property on the south side of true convention Concluded ti Huron street, M Clinton, directly opposite the gion nytlaslife, aslcitizen hip tis al'life rind n'o tive residence house Walsh, There is a two-story nation can be saved except on the old lines of acre,° These dor the lot, which is nosrly half an the bible plan. P 1 erty is most eligibly situated, and will be sold for $400 cash. For particulars "An up-to-date En,leavorer" by C, L. Fisher, apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. p Holmesville, implied a thorough Christian, one who ]Kept his engagements promptly, one I �� d��� �� who was social, who was practical, yet had an ■` ideal; a o ��� good citizen; one whose ac6ions were We have alwaysa assort- i prompted by the highest motives, and whose I i a large life• was an open boo K for the uplil'tin j[ meat to choose from in Gold, ISLAVE I -about him, rig ,•dEa Gold-filled, wwam' •Silver and Silveroid The ,Tuniors, under direction of Miss W+tsh- a t Cases,also a large stock of Move- ' ington, cleverly repsated the Cantata given i RX on in Ladies'and Gents sizes Who is more a slave than the woman ' setinTueOg address oafter n anniorswo !t. e"= Call and examine oar goods. No save an inter- C IJ I who worries and the perspires over a red- N• T O N • ry„ trouble to show them. You will hot stove to do the family baking. Preaide0i,bt�,Rev�S,7 �ti. C. E. UNION 1� have a good variety to Choose Nineteenth dentary women deserve a Henderson, Hensall; Vice -Presidents, from, ae'we are constantly stock- better fate. Genuine old fashioned toll; Miss M S Washington, Chiu- G. F. Blair, Brussels, , ecretaryt A. P. ling up. Special attention is giv- COgper,, Clinton. Treasurer. J. Scott, Crntol,. en to watch repairing, either in Family Bread at h cCitllnm EseteEld , Serif rth: ifc ss s 'rhos. English, American or Swiss, ,1. Oaten, g Our Watchmaker is thoroc hl James iMeClacherty's 1}el rave. f Votes of thanks were acquainted With all grades and Pare, light and flaky, Chea as bak- and R e e tendered the Billeting p eehoir,f committee, the Session and flys makes of watches. He has all ing at home, too. We stili lead in Pastor of•Willis Church, the people of Clinton, latest improved tools o ttnd the choir, for services rendered. Work Ice Cream and �. with, and is bound to give sates- CLOSING SERSION It wi faction. A call solicited. 'Ice Cream Soda. as found necessary to hold an overflow meeting in the evening, to acc•omrno,tate the Estate�� crowd ,Ind it was held in the town hall, being As we have now a new and u -to-date I presided over b li cab P y her Kerr, Mr char h. the ID fountain With patent syrup jars, Call 1'rt�eidcnt elect, presided at the t•hurch, , the and see our new first prize J h `lgs gabs an admirltble address on "The P progress of Young People's Societies in faun_ Chicago bunch Cakes. Ale, and then repeated the same address be- J f 1t�1�P9 CLINTON tore a large audience in tits town hall. Dr, ► V 1/ V 1 Come early as they sell quickly. Meldrum, of tit, Paul,al., delivered a forcible* a Wedding Cakes a Specialty and, eloquent address in the same way, once in ' y. the church and once in the town hall, A consecration service closed the beat, most �� ) lesrt largely atten,led, and moat interesting con- 1 p Wanted, vention aver held in the ceountY, the succesa` �� & I Kent all the Marketable Apples I can buy of which was materially adKtenee,l by Rood and wil �� �o local comm,ttes, direc•.ted mainly by the hard- 1 pay the highest pried commensurate E]Ig11S11One you Need worlKiu _ with foreign quotations. mold gout apples un- l' a Tonic ? Cooper and indefatigable secretary, Mr A. T. til you have ascertained Prom me Khat Ica❑ o IPay fur them. Do not make any mistake. � ����`��'.' D• CANTELON Ciintan. 25c a Ib, We will quote you close prices on quantity, Here is a prescription that is one of the best of tonics TIMOTHY SEED 'FOR SALE '��, - � We have jnat received a large stock of i Hovey' Coots of high grade, °hoicP Ii 1 Eli HUITSE, IiAYrFIELll CORONA ATHLETIC CHEWING J t ■� �r s (oulpound Iron Pills thY Seed for rale at the Warehousclean , Cas i'uo agn t bats•, n our o�st,ga to refful 12 years ey or ICHEN ING G lJ�i. time as desired. H'. G. PEHRIN, Clinton exchange Roods for at t cughl of unay or They combine in the most agreeable form the stimulant and tonic p Athletics, Cyciiate and other hard workers will find thio gum very invigor '` re Iron, for Vomica and other drags, which constitutes one of the teat was not uut.rely satisfactory. ating, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin, It has wonderful rusts' pro erties ULINTON h1ARBET$ pplfc. „aver branch of our I C„e+ts arettn sctredt Of tbtroertinc accommodation ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist. in remedies for building rip the a stem, Thin rote a y bu 3ine: fit ;Patpot tacle De r,uMlOnt included. Tables the (11oleesl• BILU�i - ky , Y In the appetite and power of Corrected every Thursday afternoon, e assimilation and forme an excellent stimulant and Ionia, �ti'e tit spectacle., --„urat<,ly it ;etel,Lifl- �'tiees,111e Lo�rent U StfLl DTIC BATHING SALT 25e per box of 50 pills, five boxes foil Thursday, Au st 26th O°alY and know when a irp4 f , 1897. fitted. In r, customer w Propel 1)y Y. 11ICINTOSH ►' wheat, . arc we (nil Lo ,`uiL yon we will of r YPOp 0 85 a 0 85 course return you the nmoant Invigorating and refreshing,' J. E. �O R �-�� Bata • • ..... . . ...... Pleas' d t say y t Haid, but ,ve aro w FOIL 8 o highly recommended for those desiring Sea B I4 t .(`J V �i Barley 0 20 a 0 22 t.tted haa•b°c0 solitlighFed with"their tjor °riassem I ��E„ SALE. a at11a Peas , , , ' ' • 0 23 a 0 25 that money could not buy them back Ile. As no, Apairios note'lumber about one bun- �� t U 39 member the drtd and �•®lnb� Glil'llll Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Rye' • ' • • • • • • • . , . . , • a 0 4Z AN i'L orris— ATI ;F:IUTION, (;'UAlt• � ten hives, 1 offer for as a ten or ftf- st slid Druggist. 0 39 a 0 35 En, teen goon st,ougcoloniesof bees. i Flour per cwt .... 2 00 a 2 00 W. IC00PEiendqua.•ters for Plums in their — Butter in rolls 0 it a 0 �� Butter tab..13 Co.CO7 Season. 0 10 a• 0 11 CLINTON, U ►rj , Eggs Per doz.. _ 1 bht Piano to Rent Out. 1 Hay new 04; old... • • • 6 00 a 7 pp ---'—^-^— BORN. I C. HOARF,, Huron Sheepskins , , , , , , , 0 25Central Fruit R' Farm. 1Shoe, ;*> Wool a 0 18 'Wife of ino. Gr n ger O tt oil the t5tf1 inst,.,ttno �-•( I y. e 0 18 a 0 18 mite of Jno. Granger of e daughter. Fall �� �� y� No. t TYfmmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 BRUNSDON.—InLondeaboro on j a Sept. 1 ?' i Potatoes........„�,,, 0 25 a 25 the 'tat. inat' the wife Win Brunsdon of a daughter, !nosey Seed retail..,, 6 50 a 6 50 BSOQKR,—In Blyth on Aug lb. east, the Timothy Seed......... 2 50 'a 2 50 wife of Jno. Brooks, of it son. CENTRA fliifli 'The MONTREAL CLAREY,—Ilr '1'uck°rsmith'ou AuR.12'th, the L F CATTLE MARKET. wife of Bry1tn Clayey, Of a son, / O Montreal, Aug.ARRIED@ STRATFOIR ONT ' lig•—There were abort I4VTLED0E-0INN.—At the Rat•tenbury `(t. A live' s :AA AV�10600 beadPof butchers cattle, parv°nage ori, August 85• h Rev It. Millpsurd, Ro•a•hoad school that thoroughly pre - 80 calves and J1 y pare.+ young men and women for business life, y AtYen ,O� 600 sheep and lambs -offered at the East 1b,end a gh ter or to , (lion, tLI, of 11L( ' End abattoir lode irx,n, .ltiendanee this year tloublexl !,Alit of Inst. y; the sachets were diet second daughter of And, txtnn, Fill of Clinton strong; there was a good demand for pretty BALFOUR—RN•PErtT.—In the Methodist O_ly saes, studendRuasnd that li6ho hertRiven to �119 y goo d cattle, and theee,brought higher rates, Rupert, err A.Soup pit Aof ,Ashur ieh i ltt d t y but the common �10and inferior beasts aIle 111© Rev. Dr i3ton°, Preuident of 'l;oronto Con- Write for Circulars still hard to bell asked somewhat higher •fer'0nc0' Rev, GOO- C Balfour, Sovern Bridge, W. J. Elliott, Principal prices were bging asked for them to -g Ont. to Miss Ida M. Rupert. TO sell Shoes that look 3 the best cattle were bold at about 41c p RI'VERS—HILL„--on the 17 inat. by Rev S. ■'T �� Ellin for years, The well and wear well has ,been our aina N� y lb; prottydgood eto:k sold at about 3o to 4e n he`Tow eill; ip of fl Cvt, d,tHe Riveraflll'I)r `r' JAViIlt3171� Agent_ eat If there are youngsters justify shothe d to -day behave given, a i Wo are still sellingOUt slid do, common drp cows .and roughy g of Credition, to Misa Lottie, yoa„geyt ,fough- ' All of our shoes are good looking, ,y' think this matter over will continue the stook from 2 o to dun rt �'orthii'estTrans,portat1o11C0 11 y gr they re good wearing too, and feint Mr John ill, and sirttrr or.i. w, Hili. what is equally certain we can and do eve unusual shoe values, sale until the stock is die about 20 per 16, ,' and the leaner beasts Clinton. y posed Of, Everything WI31GHrgo's hurt i - On the ifrtl, of Aug '• g L:roR11T>CPCliil at i u tieorg0's Church C3odericb, by the rent. will have Notes or,td,e Rev drlark Tun,b illr(}i{bort it. Wgf' i Q aB We—lir@' det+ErIYIIII�d`t0 Cleal Fl iseat�matedt2iati 7�Ianitoba will produce 01,101, r of the'late H, ill Atf.�� ���� X11110 Angeles California, to nearly 40,000, MaxMY'sac(n, - •,�+2i Boys, O Laced B# All000 bushels Of all kinds of wood Parkar., (iodoriol,. of Ridge- �N rA.'�RtM U�fS all out, and the prices we are giving are sure grains this ye rise mach excitement an T Extension sole, sizes 1 to hn ifC&1�. : . 5, $1.25. '•i t0 d0 it. If d OHNSTONE.--In Turnberr,,v, on Angtil 12th Through Tiekets to:all Points in ""cane in the wheat Pit on the PCot)ca0e Es- Elrzrtbetl, Johnston, aged Yr, years. Throw } No you have not given us a Bali come change , New York, when SePtember wheat At F,gmondville, en Aug 17, o°® Boys' Reavy r sold for $1, SPROAT._ MANITOBA and t)AICO�'A� Grain, )lan(1 math be and see the goods and bargains; it will pay you, Sproat, aged 71 years and Yd days, at lowest rates, For a17 information wearing l3oo t We can buy, e . Laced, the' be Mr F. R, HOlteVill of Brantford, pr WALKER.—in TucIK°rsm,ith,AuK ls, at the I y, size 1 2 ;< "dent of -tbe Bee -See era' home of Mr Edward Pal) l I41r .john Kt the apply to ahove, No We have plenty Of stock left Ontario, says the honey crop is a p rtial Y i ha ' days 3, 4, ' 1.3,), , yet. M013t de- failure. It is below lbs average in Western er, aged Ss ears, :1 merit s and 4 da r' Auction Sale of Valuable t partI7lent$ well assorted. Ontario, and almost nil in Eastern The big, hearty, healthy man ie a oontin. t�. We can't quote iO and Quebec, The winter crop On al o aril irritation to his dyspeptic friend, .Con- Farm m property In poor. We are gin pots' sizes 1 to 5, were $2 to $2,50, Ir prices as we are continually selling out differ- press, in its review of stipation is the root of nixie-t�eenproport on g them out at x$1.25 a The Mark Lane Es sickness of men, and of a lar Mullett pair, M thegrain situation says: "The wheat bar_ of the siekn@lie of woman. It can be opted There will b0 offered for sale b r/ eat lines, but wo respectfully ask you to come venue to be fairly favorable, in spite of in. pp public duo-Men9s ° vett is about half over and the reports con.Q easily, naturally and quialrl I Ltm,, at the Londorboirougn Hotel in the Village r Y• Nature is 0f Londesborough, County of Huron, at two Long continually working as hard as she can to 1 �O� and see, We will make it a terruptlone of many hbsvy showers, end the throw off impurities, and to force out pois- I ,ulg°+il, t, 1897, `icy n TueHr ny�lth ailAuc41 neoof s y pay 3'011 to d0 SO. genetsl delay in carrying the wheat ahead onone refuse matter. When there i9 an im- t•he fo lowing valuable property, v{z:— Th8 Have you not often been disc ant, The foreign harvests are unfavorably pediment, Dr, Pierre's Pleasant Pellets set I north 76 acres of Lot No. 26 in the 11th donees reported. The latest advices from France the wheels working again without an ei°n of the Township of Hallett, County of b°tight'' Ofcnurseyou have sometimes s the Lon you N Austria-Hungary, Russia and Roumania trouble, They assist nature in a gentle HTy,e soil ib a good Olay loam, There are on there is no need for g Boots parr, brit how often a you chance are all more or less unfavorable,” healthful, efficient way, There is nothing the promises a good frame house 1i stories, 20x pair that proves almost to et a violent about their action, and yet it is •nst I For ten lon you to pay good mone worthless, V17e1], Adviae9 to the agricultural department 30, trttli kitchen attached 16x18, steno sellar un• y for uncertain value ria certain as if it were twice as violent. oohed A Frame creek rune through the >z years the have pinned our faith to the y / confirm the prediotione of a considerable brand, and every pear we dad an increasln lumsteel & Gibbings deficiency in the European wheat crop, "You do not become a slave to Eheir pre.'” place; gcod well and pump at nous°; about one hood as to the tom eo AMA$KA We could get scores of testimonials from While rye, which , i the chiefse bread grain of They are tit become and better than sn acro of orchard. Proport�y is situated on the g number of hovers. Eastern Europe, is also short. 1'hia foot other pill for the care of Conatiation, head I Clinton nom Blyth and ndjofMng the g comfortable Ht and the vtear,resistin beuaei�ghbor- t'�`` gravel road 7 "beide from Clinon, s tphe Y'amaska. $uy the Yamaska Lon oche and kindred detangomente, Almost Londesborough, This is a choice farm and 1n a but, well, low priced in priced g q sties o1 r as well as the wheat deficiency, will -tend to a villa o of erfect satisfaction. You can bu love Boot and get restrict the exportation of the latter from all druggist understand this and are consoi- y you will l CLINTON those European Countries Whioh usual! '.tions enough to tell you so. The dr a good situation. customers. Our inferior goods are not goods than ours, Tuitars air $ALE.—Ton per cont of the aur- goods will induce good enough for our have a surplus of that grain. As to non gist who tries to sell yon a nubstitute is not Chas of solo and the aid oo within n dash. poli to Corrie a 00 European countries, other than the United Y paid down to Vendor s, gain. a safe man from . whom to bu There will be a resbrved bld.> Further tormil Staten, their aggregate contribution to the Send 31 cents in one-ceatstalnpe o Wgrld e European supply , and conditions of sale made known at time of P t t Y will be materially affect- pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, I Barjror w0:1, Loae had on application to Jae. H. I ed by the foot that India will have praotio• r N"? „ and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008' page , C, HAMILTON, Al l '6o r Bl th, or ally no wheat to export, Common Sense Medical Adviser,” pro. y ou Neely illustrated. A P• A.MALCOMSUN, Vendor's So idiot ' • Le, p Luoknow The C �� Ew b Cash Dealer. n I