HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 3I
" I ll,(1. r
• . • a
'o c Cash, Clinton e bra will 1
b� sent to new subscribers, to 1t or'Januar 1888 to
x��r address ,
A Winona Lady Potiphar and Jezebel.
��(�'�`��� r. f Vice President Steveneon told the ` Good Times for the partner,11
following story to a group of Sonators U� �� 60d Saved Froin a Life o£ Torture =" the other night, sa s the Wtt I W011 (Montreal Witness)
I Post: There wa, an old dru kkey Washington
t The price of wheat hae been advaaoing 1
wV.""------✓--...r.✓,-.,,,;•,�,,,,,,✓,,,,,�,,,�, f southern Illinois who wanted to join . pretty etendily for some time, and the best ' ���num,nn�uuurrµrop,nr,r,r�rrr,r,ryp.,,,,,,,�,
THE SOFTEST SNAP. the ministry, He had progressed THE BURDEN informed
formedBauthorities look for still higher
Paineib Celery Compound Con- ._ through many years of trial and tribe- figures.grades of Manitoba have
1 . "r ••"^• I have looked about this world hen latioa from the position of chief hog - sold aMontreal in the neighborhood if For a really gaud proPesslcu; atealer and hen•roost robber of the ninety ochre per bushel, sad at Fort Wil.
quare after Years Of Fall- I
have sat up tvtW my daddy Of Sickness and the i511ad0 W liam, the shipping point of Lake Superior, S 1 F14",
In fully many u weary session, community, to the moutner'e bench,
We have talked of surgery, and to membership, to a deaconate, and of Graver Things at eighty-seven and a half cents. Parmerb' - ...,,' ' ' ` ' '
ares with other Medicines We
have talked of medicine; i3nally to the dignified office of sexton g prices nave not yet been established and -_��� /�
We have talked poot5 win,andand chief bell ringer of the white folk's quotations at present are nominal, - _ - - j 1
And the rascals church in the same town. He couldn't I�%iI111� LIFTED TED ss tar - _ _ _ _
as Canada is concerned the advance is in
Mrs G. H. Parker, of Winona Out., was
We th tri dl, ed the whole field aver read, but kris granddau titer Lncldd sympathy with, or rather as a conscgaenee _ _ '_
for eighteen ' For the thln peat meditation g Y of, the advance in Chicago and in the grain _ FAC -81 v-
g years a complete martyr to g exactly rutted could and he made her read to him - - li Cs
neuralgia, that orael and merciless tor• TO a fellow of my station. every evening from the good Book, -+ markets of Great Britain and thecontinent +-+4r
mentor of thoueande of old and young B'e have thought of archltectare; He was finally brought before the From Thousands of Homes in of Europe, The amuse is, of course, the "
Y gin we have bothered those In art: board fpr examination, which was comparative failureof the crops of Europe A�VegeiableFreparatioriforAs- SI '. I11
shade. Daring her long yerira of agony R e have likewise rooked deep into Canada and Aeia. Everywhere to Euro, a t)2e oro 311I111dtIR ilteF "''11
he had the services of some of some of The conditions of the mark • conducted as fellodo yyws:
�ih., beat mediae! men, and ooneamed any I hove tried my hand at mrreto- "Yas,rpL+xise de Lawou d .ow the Bible?" Mr W s, Nelson, an ineer Eveni is a abort one, and Raseia hae aoaordinQ ti1l,�ktie5tamachs�$p�yYeg `'
quantity of patent medicines, bat all failed I've composed n march that's dl, to certain reports, ander ocnaiderat on the �"�OP• e- *,'
to drive off she tyrant that was Makingg I have even gone so far that '� "Br er Llata, do rvou believe It to be News, Toronto, Canada, says: -"I was hiscyearof prThis itwogthe ld of course be aw�rest
life a burden. At last she was persuaded I have thought about the etergy, the word of God?' troubled with the most severe form of mistake, as even in famine times the free
I hove thought that I would puWtsh; Yae, sat I do, praise de Lawd." catarrh for ith years. Had tried every- exchange of the h] her
to teat the power and virtue o! Pesults 1 have thought I'd take a farm• "Do you believe the parables?" thing to get well, but without suQaese. for the louver °
Celery Compound, and the happy results But I've missed the one vocation „ g priced €cede 11rOD11)teg)�6511011,Clitiflll-
that rewarded bar faith are described in- That has held the highest charm, Dat I do. Ever wo'd ob dem par'- Tito pains- &areas my forehemd were s. for
the most r' iedagenas isone
ne I •
the Following letter:- blas is iac't, she nnfi. Gospel troof." severe at eight that I was enable to obtain lief. Raeala hae at times adopted each a messandKest.CQAiaiRslieitlla'
It was on the grase 6'i+eu'gotf ]Inks "Do you know any, of there well my needed rest. I was also subject to o�M,Morphine nor Mineral "
"I have been a great sufferer from nen- That I got the Inspiration, enough to repeat, Br'er'Lima?" sneezing to such an extent that i (would a oribed Loon her. of as often as it has been NOT NAR C OTIC. Y►� ON T
raigia for nearly eighteen years; these suf R here I found the work quit; suited
terings at times were so bad that words To a fellow of my station. 'Dat 1 do, T knows dem a11, but sat sneeze as often as 40 to 60 times a dm At farmers will
11 ties I saw a plula young ehapple, one of Potiphar and Jezebel is de truest the general hospital, where I went for weeks ago �whea h ""Y`'
tail to describe thaw. Atter having triad With a somewhat scottish name, an' mos' powerful one ob nil. blit goes treatment, I was told that an operation crop, but the recent r octose A few
.,vary known remedy and different physi- Teaching several lovely ladies promised a big �A,,6WA,�=P„M «%�� �`� ,
Diane, and receiviirg no help, I waspersaad- All the flue points of the game. dig away. You see Potiphar was a -rid- was necessary and burning it out the only damapre, espeoielly is i Ontario., di3oth much Ilmrp�m Sid` ,l'! r
ed to try your Paine's Celery Compound, in down in his char Pum Jerusalem hope, I have used Munyon'a Cold and _Ontario and the North. West the crop will sem_
which I have been using for the past four CURRENT FUN. into Jericho. He drove long til bit Catarrh Cara for one month and beamme be about an average one in point of yield AadreScsse.
months, I am happy to say that i am now wen long come Jezebel. She say: rapidly better. I bolievoMunyOn has don per acreage, and the area sown being an.
a different women and completely oared. W rte man, ggimme a ride," an he dens more for me than all the others mad I precedented the total quantity will be large.
Merry Morueute superinduced by Witty tuk her up behnn' him in his charyit. Uave sent hundreds of people to Munyon." With high prions the farmer with even a aoxm&P44•
Loan recommend your Paine'& Celery Com- Newspaper 1'aragrapb�, N' herd -
Pound to all my friends, for it has been An day went et]rrng a til facer an' fell Muayon'e Rheumatio Cure seldom fails fair yield will do rets well. The advance i
Mies flighup-It'a y ,v . �Qr
wor.h hundreds of dollars to me," Ifid prarfectl erandalous, among t laves. An' day say, -prow to relieve in one to three boars, and curse in pretty
you hour about iviiys De Yolk ? down JezPbell" in a few days. Price 25c. price already amounts to about fourteenIli '*
le. Tiptop -No. What has site d"net91110t "An' Potiphar he say: "Let him lrtuuyon'e Dyspepsia Cure positively or fifteen
ren of ae bushel, and as mach Ape*tRemedyforconstipa- I ";•
There was a white front in image "Oh, the roust immodest tiling image is among you widaut sin car de fus'ttphi m Duras all forma of indigestion aticn and stomach of the United t
Peg Wednesday night, but no damage able• She's let all the world know she is Possible by the farmers tion, Sour Stpllk3C11',DlBfrirOPB,
was done to the crops. crazy to get married h "Bill, dey sa all de louder: ''Prow troubles, Price 25c, P etas, who expect to
P Y gulag and juin- get m W0rn1s,Convui5ions,Feverl5Jt-
iug u craukiub school," down Jezebel! Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia that a biirnmiller has been braving shel for thair wheat. Iap88our
Mrs Geo. Hudson and four children `An' final] he frow down Jezebel, cess andL0550F SLEEH
41 weFe burned tO.death in a fire that dc• "She was altogether consistent in her Y and breaks up a cold in a few hours, Price at the prices which have recent!
But day warn'satisfied, an'yel1: "('+row 250. y prevailed, Fac Simile Signature of
stroyed the family residence at Rapid revolt against lite conventional duticas ur down Jezebel!" Mnnyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, advancing the price r Hoar which is incwin! i
City. her sex,"but r y
,*Yes?" An he frew her down 'ergin, An' night sweats, allays soreness and speeuily to lag somewhat behind the advance in � ``
'Khat Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for "OU, den day veli oat: "From her down boale the lunge. Price 2Ko, NEW YOEI{, •-^','
Yes. She brake her arra once, and some mu." An' he frew het• down Munyori's Kidney (are speedily oaree S arses isTarge, but is said that he United t7astort p p
others it will also do for you, Hood s Sar. the haus tvouLdu't knit "-Detroit ,i�ur•a rat n is one etas bottltis ors
saparilla cures all blood diseases. nal. aeb'n times. But deY was dat mean pains in the back, lotus or groins, and all both there and in Canmda will the,
oot •more' I ' Is not sold In balk, Don't allow sit 4,) ;
de warn' satisfy nohow, an' dey kep iL 3 t i you anything alae on the lea or rbc 8tL
Montreal City Council has voted 1,- My
3 -That. \liar lira.re pats on :r good forma of kidnbv disease, erica 25c, aul3iae for the demand to Europe, and the " p p ;.','`'
ho lyric': "Prow down Jezebel I" An' Mnny'oir'a Nerve C.'ure stops nervousness Ameticaus seem determined under the oir- � is Ili as good" and "will aaswej..Y.¢,
500 towards the expenses of the recap- deft! of style whcu aha goes to the opera ho frew her down seb'nty times seh'n, and builds up the system. Price 25c, cumatanoes to fix the price. Canadi pose!' sea that yon get t7.9-prT .
tion of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who sailed Iliuu(- 1'l, e11, gaud grnci.,ux! th« w(i- An ob de remains de eddered u Man on's I3eadaaUe Cure stops headache farmers have done well, and are doing well EXACT COPY tap WRAPPER, elmAo
for Canada Thursday, man's i ut t( put uu bumetUinbl-Yvukera aeb'n basketsful!" Y g p in three minutes. ]'rice 35, an The fro- ,""
titatesmun, with cheese this ''''
Not one complaint has ever been made by Munyon'e Pile Ointment positively cures i quantity shipped ynarea increases, and41Vei8s�tnr01 n1 III
those using 9yer's Sarsaparilla according Mr, i1'attrrI don't see why weiLtUer A large trantily of dyna,mile and Mnnyon'a Blocs (lure eradicates all i - w - ��^�: ,e,:?�.
to se usione. Furthermore, we have to was . Wattkl uuyway, q all Yonas of piles. Price 25c as co 9 boxes w cheese have beer. exported,
learn of a case in which it has failed to af- Mrs. Watts -1P it wens titrt far the giant powder-, stored at Leebs' lime purities of the blood. Price 25e. m as a period
with Gt39,807 boxes for the
ford benefit. So say hundreds of drnggiets harry, near Port Colbor no, ex J same period last year, The price received, '.,ar
weather there are a good many men p odes Mnnyon'e Female Remndina area boon especially since the recent advance, time '
all over the country.
Has oared others, v�ho would uev,'r turn their eyes heaven- Ding considerable damage. Forton- to all women,
will cure you. word at all,-Indiitn:ipulia Juumul, ately it occurred at an early hour and Munyon's Catarrh liemedies neverfail. te8a said the ort ofdmannfnaturepb has Mr W, Bale, Hamilton, whose skull -1 Quest' of Conjunctious,-Mtul;e- factory was lNvelled DO one was hurt. torthergrroiund. Mr tbe's glass adiaatase from the arrh 0 ,ore- pe et,m5c-eradicates somewhat reduced, Canada's butter ex -
was fractured,tspineinjured and shout- I never tical any chaucca in this world, Itebh's lime kilns were bircly damaged tarry Tablets `15p,-clemnae an NUw IS �'OG'R f DANCE FOR
1,ut I have remained honest and his barns burned. Buildings in the parte. Y t and the Us- porta have not been great or st all on the ��
der dislocated in a bicycle accident a d heal scale on which they were conducted when `
couple of months ago is recovering, \� is ,v ,'t` -You you
you have never surrounding towns shook as if !hop Manyon'e tlsthmn Itemedies relieve in aour o but the o was at its beigbt years ' "
had a chance, and you hove hence rn were about to fall and much 1 g , exports a so far this year have �� ClothIng
� ,
The statement of the business of maiued Upueat,-1\'ashingtou Star, glass wee' throe minutes, and cure, . permanently, ;boat doubled. The cold storage arrange- SIP
I '333
the Posloffice Savings Bank for the broken, Price $1. +
year ending 30th June 11397, has been Ile Tuu If id Eaten Olives, -"114y Mvnyan'a;Vltahlei' restores ]ps« menta secured by the Government have
prepared in the department. There mrntth ]s :ill iu a pucker since I ate those v vigor. not been fully made ase of b an means lE ,
Ia New Yoiit rice!. Y Y Having purchased a large, up-to-date stool°` Y
s deposit during the year t$8,223,000, 'Iiv°�'" stir' S,Lid, as she turned ]Ler by our farmers, and the American butter •,f"
being an increase of 84,000 over the re- spttrlciing eyes full upon him, a short while ; A separate care for each disease. At all exporters have been taking advantage of I WOrSted and T fI�
p And itc wily nut at all like the poen ago a baby was draggi, Mostly 25c a vial, . weed fiuitings and Trouselil�"`�'.
ulcus year, and being the lar est not the u • born in jail. Its Personal letters to Prof. Mun on 11 and them and of our northern route. It is s
amount of deposits in anyone year of the who
Destro t Free F Es(s ?lou mother was be• i Y I question, however, whether Canadian farm- I for the spring trade, at a very low price, we a"."
since Confederation, with the ex- in tried for 13 Albert Bt,, Urontoi answered with free ere oan ppsleib)y at once increase the Mann. of 1887, when the deposita were Summer Boarder -Oh, Mrs. Furrow, murder. Eve radical advice for diarasa-...._. prepared to give the gentlemen Of Llint ., r
Y facture of buff6e greatly and maintain the
.$50,000 in excess, will you let me hove four of your big- �� womanly heart I production of the great amount of cheese. v1C1111ty Ordered Clothing cheaper
gest doughnuts? < < gives a throb of Foints'in 6'attle Feeding. Greater areae pf pasture will have to he
"I suffered with severe headache and lose Mrs. furrow (have
8atterodl-Oer- sympathy at Greater
areasow assureds read ever yet been Offered }]ere. i'
of petite and I always felt tired. I con- tairi]y'. You 1(In have a d(,Ze11 of 'em, thought of the I secureThe Ontario ex t ritut rat station after greatly increas-
o ed to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and after Summer Iioar,ler-Pour will be enongh, blight upon the p ed, in the production of both batter and .r,'
I want to use thein for poor little, careful investigation, considers th fol_ cheese cannot be expected, Altogether, Suits l,0 IUrdcr iron! $10
t lag one bottle it until headache disappeared, quoits, dodge, bangy's life, But ; lowing paints well eotablis)icd in,r.,ter- however, the year promises to be a most ii ii
Ibldcontinued taking a until naw I pp never ?rpt Inherited. -"It's ababyneed hat once to cattle feeding: prosperous one with the farmers. Our .,$13.50, $15 and $16 Suits arc Leaders...
troubled with headache and Cl appetite t. Joald"s should be suchga ruuuderi'guug be born in jail I Calves fed on skitn milk make much
good," LAURA GARLAND, 247 Claremont St. "1� by?" to be unfortu• I_
Toronto out. nate. Aa nab eeheaper, beef than those fed on whole Jeanie Heinicke, the l2- VPe use nothing but first-class trimmings.
"IIie father is one of the squarest Anybaby milk, even when carried Io maturity daughter of Chas. Iieinieke, Hastings
urea it' this town '-Cleveland Ieu,ler• which is not before slitu hterin g A perfect fit and latest style guaranteed. '•
HOOD'S PILLS not easily and promptly welcomed into �' g• A vac] subst.i- i street, Detroit, met a sudden death c n
on the liver and bowels. 'Cure sick headache. "I rad you are the gentleman why wn.s this world with tute for whale milk is skits milk and Tuesday. She was riding a borrowed t
snyiug that a woman knows noth]ng tTP loving hearts linseed mea], and Calves fed on this I wheel that was a t.riflP large for her and v (,,„•1.
As soon as the harvest is over Mr. economy!" exclaimed the business man's had ready hands rih]onwill P<lual in weig5t at one year was rather unsteady: She tried to piss / 11�
Whitney will make another political wife ns she surveyed the areae of the is unfortunate. old those fell on whole milk. Youn¢ between a waggon and'a heavily loaded } RR e -, "',
tour. A great many people in the burglary. A ble o f estow cattle r sed a bulky food that, is easily truck, when she fell and was Inst a dee ` � L J T. �J pA T
country have never seen Mr, N'Vbitne "Why this loss is one that I couldn't is physically weak and incapable of bestow• di esf ed. S� ,'l
ry have forraeeri, I locked ever hi❑ u Ing a healthy constitution upon her baby he hNPf breed p crushed to death under the hind wheels �L.XX ►s.J
and after the next elections they' will „ everything may darken its future with weakness and mitka beef more pro- of the dray.
probably never see him a ain, so that with scrupulous care. fitahle than others. This is due mostly _ � ' r'r�
y disease. ,., .,
it will be well for all who ave any in- ,/,O fr•cou s�h,1ouoPicompellirl g t,ubg,n s baby's waifs a by
ought to insure bet to th Individual o ittiirin to r.at ►y niat ur-
terest in him as leader of the Oppori- to ruin a i"
safe ]n compelling
to Y every means that Nature Y•nnls of the. same
tion in the local legislature to get a look iu money and a bundle of get Il and science afford to keep her physical breed differ in this tendency, hence de- NOT A SiCK DAY 0001
at him when he comesanywbere with. riutea."-�t'ashington Star, promiptiury powers up to the very Highest point ductions from comparisons of beef y �� NE
in gunshot. He
is not a professional Every expectant mother ought to know' breeds art- not always reliable. t FOUNRIN '
beauty. None of these politicians ever "Cup you toll me, professor, if this tLnt- ie re -enforcing aerself of properti seof Drgp erce� Fa Calves fed on forcing ratiphs the fleet For Over 1 hi Yeah THE ,SAVE T1�1E AND TEMPER �'�`�,�,
are. But he is a good speaker, and he er jewelry is > enuine?' trorite Prescription. It } ear give unsatisfactor results the seI YA"t
- up a lot of steam and makes you OU' that's easily deteimivcd, Sosrk endurance to te delicate gives health and year The sail Y :~!u, ;'
cons We Handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival. It has ±.'''
Y it i❑ nkohol twenty -Pour hours. Tf it's In motherhood, Taken eaziq dnrtn tie g ' g y >;ain in weight itEBULT of IIBIRQ
thrnkthat he is desperately in earnest. rowred a nF c mar row older, Steers AYE R' S PILLS p t, ,
Flow be dose it, with the same old B-F,�liegende tB ae ter have dicuippelLred," period of expectancy, it makes the coming matured and marketed at two years SlOtte.�l Ca illary Feed Piece, therefore will not flood- `,,i
speech, night after night, is a mystery, of baby perfectly sale and comparatively old give 30 per cent more profit than if
But he does, By all means hear Mr, "I lore r"easY• It makes .the mother strong and keppt till three. "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty Or drop !Ilk.
Whitneyf Sou. exclairixd the Count, cheerful, and gives hearth and natural vigor A 1,f1n0 ]b steer required an average years have kept me in p,
y you get a chance. The and a look of deep affection welh•d up to the child. g p good health,
leader of the Opposition is changed in his aristocratic face. It ie the only medicine of its Hrid devised of 11 pounds of food to snake I pound never having had a sick day in all that Do not allow Dealers to press upon you lines �� gust as � �►
every now and then and his time will "i love you!" he repeated. They were for weak and delicate women by an edu- ofgain, A steady, frosty winter gives time, Before I was twenty I suffered g0 i 1,
likely be short, alone in the elci aptly appoiutcgl drawing- rated, esPetienced physician, mote sat.isfactorp results for feedin almost continual) but get the best,
room of BuodlEi rc':it; Sr, I7oz nears than an Open ane, g Y_ ae a result of con-
"Ilove you!" he protested for the third y 3o years Dr, Pierce rias been p The warmer the atipation-from dyspepsia, headaches, LAPFiAM'S RIVA�G11 A
chief consulting physician to the Invalids' winter and the drier the foes the more neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive
time, and, taking up . I(glcell tie Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, water will the animal consume. '•"'
DIZZINESS AND WEAK EYESIGHT- chequebook, which had been left un the N. Y. His thousand -page A two-year-old steer will eat its own When I became convinced '``",
HOW TO CURE THEM, page illaatrated book ff your Stationer does not handle it write us and will send, ,. •fi
table, the Count warmly pressed it to his "The People's Common Sense Medical Add weight of feed every two weeks, and
ft4ra J. Dell, Chatham, Opt., says: ,,For breask-Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. visez" contains advice which orrery wo- gain an average of 1 3-•I the per day,
two y, are I could never go to sleep befare Counsel -What is your age, madam?sencopy Generally there ip less money in rail- our reduced Price List. �� s
mea ought to read. A paperbound co
2 or 3 in the morning, I suffered mach Witriess-I ou[y know £roto what I've cel- rat;tam roto sly flee oa receipt o[ 3l, ing steers than in fattening them, and The Copp, Clark Co.,{{.. ,
from vertigo and dim eyesight. Milburn's hear told, and you just told in that mailing only. Address Dr CIcustoms L V. Pierce,
leas return of Fertility to the farm: - ,' Ll/�• Toro
Heart or Nerve Pills have removed thediz- hearsay evidence was not valid in court Buffalo, N. Y. C1otH-bound for. $O stamps, Stall fed steers averaging 1,2,00 lbs or
ricers, restored my heart to healthy action, "llr]ty do more will shrink 40 lbs if fasted twelve
strengthened my eyesight, and I can trulyYou always have your eggs A sure and permanent cure for nsti ,
toiled?" tion is Dr. Pierce's pellets, One "Pellet" hours in the stall, and considerably ;•
say they are a benefit so any one Bufferin more if driven or running - I0 - :
sa I did. g "I prefer than iu a form which re- is a geaU :alive, two .,'mild cathartic. FC at large, � ��� /// i
quires them to be opened in wy pre- __ _ y Cattle which pastured rape, crimson / j
The apple exporters say that, from Bence." clover, grass, 'peas and vetches greed- / ,
Dr. John Kapp, of '?inn Arbor has ily do not relish Egyptian peas and " ""+ n," ,,;,; `'`r`
reports so far received, the crop in Uncle Silas (in art gallery)-•{,imtnY horse beans, `"
New England is below an average, crickets, Maria, but them artists is old several valuable horses. He also has a
especially winker fruit; that in New save 13• pt the latter Haultn ne , pe and silage 11 d
fellers! gra bulldo He has kept g g en corn cit
Aunt Maria -flow do in the barn to guard to the pastures when the r
York there is less than an;vera a cro You know? g - d against thieves. grass is rut , ,
along the lakes and afair cro gin the ]'cele Sthts-Why, look at that air Last Thursdaynt ht, bearing in short bydrouth returns a good profit. it
Hudson River Valley. In Virginia a b the barn he g p g Cattle ]lice a Pasture of mixed i ;
Pieter. It's signed "Jones, "J7," picked u his un and rush- grasses
fair crop, but very light in the Ohio ed there, He found one of the horses better than one of timothy and red c lo- f I ,
River Valley. Missouri, Arkansas, and the bulldog ver. ,� ;i%." ��,ry
51$arnstpimer-Ira, when we opened at g engaged in a furious Clore silage is of great value in a ri - 0
uneatelea the audience went ]utv a per. battle. The horse swung his t� `'"`
Kansas and 11owa promise an average f(ct tuulult, t ;:
but could not land on the dog's solar tion for fattening steers, But a ration ' il��
_.. __
r '4i t
crop. Michigan and Nova Scotia are Tiewatker-Grently egg -sighted, eh? le us.,,,•Tjle_horse .tried -to- cr tiijll Iiia ! �. ---- t
p sitfe,age�tYc1 t*tylp'iiiixPd alone is not that' nino-ttenths of my troubles were below the ;vera e. Baldwins are it 'fissa]Iant h him but the dog was is o sit A mixture of straw or chaff with caused by constipation, I began the use i. '
porta light in al sQctj�ona othe-Unit_ -' tlnrTeltnan-Tea, air, steaks Uave gone smart. The bulldog leaped at the the silage and meal renders it. safe -ono of Ayor's Pills, vvith the most satiates 1 (( ; .
---ed'Sta'e� `-iinT the larger part of the up lately, pound of straw to ever three " I
crop consists of russets and green vat i- P,vietlius-I thought as much, !hat horses throat, and it would have all of silage. Y ' reo ponnde tory results, never having a single ;,
eller. This ins bad for the ea orter, as lust one I J,pught from been over in a minute had not the doe• } lam° attack that did not readily yield to this � -.c . .
p you atruc,c me for shot the former through the heart. C''il,ting the hay and pulping the remedy. My wife, who had been an -!� f r
the red varieties take best in Great its being richer "nigh," roots fed to fattening vtpers trpduced ( ,-
Britain. Our Ontario crop will be a 1 1.3 ] invalid for years, also began to ase ` f •4
pounds more gain per head per day Avor's Pills, and her health was quickly
fair one. "Ikaarnst!" '1'hr New Woman spoke nf. than when the slime q,oantity of hay restored. wich my children I had no. I __"
- r(Ttio !lately to her delicate yuuu)~ haa- Two Perfect Colors Found ' and mats fed whole. 1 _ �(5
band, ilia dcl't fingers were busily sew A ntixfure. cf three tablespoonfuls of tired that nearly all their ailments were 1 r!>1
Mitchell Matters, it), buttpny uU(,n her am ,lc blowner preceded by constipation, and I soon t / ' �°
tr bile tufty his t'uut he tl carbolic acid ;rad a gallon of seal oil
gently rucked take Only ill Diamond Des had the pleasure of !mowing that with
An Old Resident, Well Known in This by by, y kept oft' the horn fly when the cattle
were rubbed or painted with it once a children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, i,
Ile looked up y,vreFly into her eyes, -- if taken in season, avert all danger of
County. " What is it, darling?" he lovingly ]a- week.
Mrs Leonard Young, Mitchell, Ont., says: gti'r( d' Perfection in color or Rhode ip sure to Heifers Constantly confined in box sickness•" -l3. WETrsTBIN, Byron, Ill. -0
Y "Dearest," she tepente(1 approvingly, captivate the hearse of the ladies, who are stalls from birth did not breed at, so , `'-
-` Porm long time I have been unable to � ,,,,_•_
pies are better tliuu triose mother always unerring earl a A
�� +/ .,�,,, r •' �, ',!� „i�+lSj ,'^ t
walk except for a abort distance because of used to mal(c,•, Y g judbes. Y n age as those running at largo. PILLS /��� � �� �,�e
shor nese of breath. My'nerves were very And hi: heart was inexpressih!y Incl- The lovely pinkproduced by the Diamond Cattle make a.n average of5 1-2 lona ,.;,,.�
mu trang. I also suffered a great (I,'ll"I by th(• I- "(+ of appreciati(nt fruut Dyes is a discovery that tine gladdened the of solid and liquid manure the. first year Highest Honors at World's Fair. � ,+- -'�';,,;'
sea iddiness and weak eyesight, I his stronger half. hearts of thousands. The Diamond Dye 8 3.4 tons the second year, and O the . e - ;r ,_
ale ; poorly, and was in constant ap- Fast Pink for Wool is clear, pure, brilliant third dear. Ayel's Saraapafilla Strengthens the >•
pre enafon that something would happen, The CirensMan looked with disgust up- and fast as a rock. One package gives; Rating the nitrogen, phosphoric acid MRS. JOHN CASK. M
I knew not what. Hearing that Milburn's on till, sword swallower, magnificent shade of pink on two pounds and potash in This manure at the same y 11USbarid haS been
Heart and Nerve Pills were a good remedy "Sit'•" She said lialightily, "do you sup- of goods--eilk or wool; a medium shade on price these ingredients cost, in commpr. ��®•C"
for ailments like mine, i got a boa #rpm p°Se fora lnoineut tlint I would pier( three pounds; or m light and delicate shade O1al fert]lizpts, the rna,nurP produced by G A �1/AAN troubled Wlti1 d f
lb�t S ' ',r Hodge'edragstorehere. The re- my children with n father who me Ills on tour pounds. a three-year-old heifer during its life is AJAX TABt 1dTSP013ITIVELYCURIf ySpepSlar1.
I" with a knife? No; I re set worth $1051.01. ALL2vermus Bums"--Fatlin loom•
`,jbeen marvellous, They proved open!,,, 1 your pro- Atttent]on is also called to the Diamond ory,rmpotenet,sleoplennnw,,ot, canood and finds Ripens Tabules be o me in every way, restorin Rut he was apt DYe Fast Light Blue for Wool. This is a b.v Abuse or other Ricesem an(f rndta
g perturbed. ir(,ftly dye that gives a color far surpassing t oretiona The 9riolat1/ ;fan erre
restful sleep, strengthening my nerves and juuf;ling the I,ie ]n one blind, while he p g be restore �ostvitriftt in old a d sur l •
enabling me to walk with perfect freedom, piny'ed cnrplesylY with the knife in the light blues produced by European dyes, � � at,mm�nforstady, basinessor morringo. the only relief, He has
other, he li Ladies having soiled white and cream rrsYYant inennitr and Oonsnm tion 6!
"My granddaughter, Mrs Seymona, who ; htl}' retorted: ' to oa-rat tee. pnt Ino shown Immediate Fm roto
dresses made from cashmere, nun's cloth ei a un n grooe qA C a nal a Tablets. prove.
been troubled With � �f
lives two miles from here, has also taken "Ali'• roti mistake me. 1 urn Oven in e ?
those pitta for nervousness anq general de- more para k'lipus than you, denrest," or serge can have them dyed in rich shades Fp7 iDfarits and Children, hnvocurod thousands and will They
toting his notions to tilt, u•ur(i, ) ,' of Pink or LivhtBlue and fltterl for even- ea0hCAMor eetaa htroonesaPrai�OU1iTS, gestion for the ¢
buisq, and they liave oared her besides pastry nn(1 a1rillful' ing wear, TUis making of new droepee ont Pilot3n n, or six pk(res Uatl treatment) for 16 _ e past fi +
building ap Uer health and strength," (lis'pnacd(luf tUctlShiuing blade iu n sing' of soiled, faded and cast-off garments mot, lnlnwran er,a onr000tptor ciao. , nr
(Signed) Mrs Leonard Young, Mit•,hell, Strnllow. usnatnre Ie on t`�° AIX RLMC)Y CU.,10 IWArbor. �. teen years. �,
Ont. means a great , eaving in dollars to 6hove• �G 01,111.4, I '
h6dt°@ry h`fi �1?,� itltri to •• ands of families in Canada, /r/ arappN i+or Sale in Clinton, Ont„ by 1.
arm. '- - , Allen ,Sc Wilson, Dr11lgyietal `1
. 1x 1,