HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 2014The appofntnlent of Mr H, F. Qardi• C�'MSn CQuuty ltdpings. removed frat)n this life by th4 de th of
• • Me George a Sproat, of 1g deatil.le, , IT PAYS TO.
., pto, , Ver, editor of the Hamilton Times, to
which tloo� pl.Ace on Tuesday. This
f •.1GiL1;$T= az,11 11, i13s� the Registrarship of Wentworth, ie h 1lir �eCr(p urllear., formerly of Turn- ,cad event vytVs not ubexpected, al-. ,1111110 11111
try, t reported . d dangerously lit at though the announcement caused deep '�
said to have been decld'e(1 upon, and Preston, ugh
amolo Mr Sproat's najany old
} )ter r1V tQ the bean- the officialannouncement will be made Thos. Gregory, of WingKham, has de- friends, He ad peen tn' fatlir}g health WithHood'sSarsapa-
i.20- prcipciWe,i of marri- in a few days. While •acknowledging ceded to byy rain at Kippen during for come. time, although his oonditlon riled, Saeed Talk, and -e
g Tial k
° the corrin fall and winter, wad not „gnstclGerecl aritfcat:unti! with .show that this medi-
egb. . ,
k fifty tniies up the Mr Galdller s strong claims on the g lit thR lash twa weeks. pine hes enjoyed public confidence and 8 xgay tt 4me another rush Fall wheat will average 80 bushels , TheCi;Lnadal�iusinessConegf
Government for reward at their hands Trace Jackson, alias Cann, . was u patronage to a greater extent than accord-
elft: to the acre in Grey this year, judging p
1-7-1 Iand hip eminent fitness for the position by the thrashings already done. , , before Judge Edward Elliott, of ,Lou. ed any other proprietary medicine, This ICHA+THAM, ONT.
A. •)Pini}tinge, Qlc,g.president we cannot but regret that his appoint- Robt. Dill, of Walkertotl, has ur• don, the lothere4de [rtgu,lity for sentence, is simply because it possesses greater
P havi4g leaded guiltq eon;ie tiros a o r still leadsin fending choice positions tot
chased the Win ham op and soda- g merit and p oduces greate>s cures than gradpates. we have been s
iret?f tele Wagda Milling Coop- inert kvili deprive the press of the pro- g P to stealing a bigyciq' f> om Artioldi h p! oing an aver.
`£that I e-preferential'tart'iiff vince of one of its brightest lights. Mr water manufactory from R. McKenzie. Rare.,of :leaforth, ,and another fr(iult any other. It is not what we say, but age of two per week. 41 were placed be -
Mr and Mrs Harry Jeasop, Blyth, Mr Alex. Mustard, what Hood's l4rsaparilla does, that teres tween Jan. lot and May lot, four months:
tired cRnided preference for Gardener has for years stood in the left on Tuesday morning for Brandon, g him Rf Ilaefield, The the story, All advertisements of Hood's The following is an extract from a letter
i LL 11 o,04P to the British mar- Judge sentenced' ifn to bhree. nllanths Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it- fast received from one of the older 8rperi•
t�@ 1'ht the new tariff' was front rank of his profession, and has Man., where r Jessop has secured a in the Centra! Prison, At the egplra- self, are honest. We have never deceived can Colleges; -"We mast naked change db, • made the Timed one of the most3n• eitaation. tion of this term he will be taken to of
atructive as well as most readable pap- Kerry Hornet, late engineer in the Whitby, to stand his trial for assault_ the public, and this with its superlative teachers in oar Baefness Department,
' era of the Dominion. There is, how- Goderich Bicycle Factory, has one to Ing P turnkey in the Whitby jail and medicinal merit, is why the people have Could you recommend a, young man to take
. 0, u,'ghed, the dollar mark In ever, this satisfaction to be extracted y g escaping.,abiding conSdence in it, and bay ,- charge?"
Londesboro, where be has secured a We are continual)
thQ ,other day, and the mar- from the situation, that the Times has situation. " - - _, y receiving such re.
s . been fortunate in having for some - ' guests from other Business Colleges, and
, .,r Reports of good crops ears as assistant to Mr g Me Sanderson, Gorrie, departed this also from business houses.
y A Peiner, son a y One of the Old Timers pays graduate from a school whose
X�;` oder''gapada will give tone clever going journalist in the person of life very sudden] on Saturday morn- � It a s to
t�yancy 119business of all sorts. Me Garrick, formerly of the L'xeter Re- . Ing. He had attained the advanced �O students are in demand. College re -open(
ttda ts. welcoming trade now, hector, who will be able- to fill the age of 85 years, I -_ 13ept, let, Write for catalogue,
}taay° chair of tele editor-in-chief with hardly Wm. Robinson,..of MoKillo ; has -Tho New -Era Isrogpects Collector Whitely! D. MCLA(�R>T;AN $ �o �1hatLam
"" "` less distinguished ability than did his been r+ngaged to teach the Senior De- I and strtho.1 a vale or replies, arsaparilla
l Oto , 41,.nk teller has discovered predecessor. partment of Cranbrook school for the
'0,: elf-spgerCigns. They ate balance of the year. I - Almost to the exelasfoo bf all others. Try it PROPERIZ'nS FOR SALE OR To LEI
"You have been to several mining rushes, Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co„ Lowell, Maes, -
ggld,.plaibed, and are evidently Good Rofadg. Mr P. Mclsac has trade arrange. Mr Whitely?" FOR SALE.
menta to run a stage from Dashwood "Yee, in California, Nevada and British are the only pills to take
f xke t3eati-centennial sixpences The Toronto Tolegram says: -Out in to Exeter three times a ween, for the I Hoods S Pi11S with Hood's Sarsaparilla. --
Columbia." The undersigned will sell atasaorifice, Lot 451
l?y,';the c;me government in 1887 the country the tourists from the city convenience of the citizens. "Got the Klondike gold fever?" or 12, Bailway Terrace Clinton. Partioulan
W+;!}'e ood only for a day, viz: this year notice a great improvement Miss Nina Kinsman, daughter of Dr. "No; seen too man winters; upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &t
'7 A contemporary sake us in some of the roads. It is where the g Y pules beats
W Kinsman, Exeter, was the Only condi- too Blow now." What the Papers Say.
ott�or them. a will not. It municipalities have got to work with, date from the Exeter School who •'Wouldyou go if you were 8 -young man?" HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT
o }>lne article that we are after. their new grading machines. But for uassed the third class examination. "Yee, if i could raise Prom $500 to 111000" --
r i , Me A. W. Campbell, the provincial 0 What do you think the chances are of Klondike is Canada's, and this coup- Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full
to land Montreal capitalists, road instructor, rt is ver doubtful esere berry ana Gleger, Aenea try proposes to make the laws for its particulars on application to JOHN MCGARVA
Y acquiring a fortune there: ' g
(len '6rupetition with the Uni- whether there would be any of these have ares their well known stallion, about one in a thousand." own gold fields. -Toronto Star,
e. a new radio machines in Ontario at Craig Ronald, to Me A. L. Richards, (f ,. The mau who in winter thaws d na- Beautiful Property for Sale.
gin g 'Don't you think that is a small percent- y q
yradicate, have secured the this time. However, they are in use in Cairo Michivan, fora hon asoma ,rice age?" mite in a stove has put on his cuting —
t00,%4;the Construction and op- about 200 municipalities, and the work ( n Monday of last week Messrs Auld "The mines const be as rich as reported clothes and is devoting himself to sail- The undersigned offers for sale the eligible
old ,fAr electric railwa done ie above the old et le. With & Co uk threshed for Roht. McDowell, to even P and beantrfu ly situated residence occupied by
A yin Kings- y justify that ratio, if, as is likely, rag boats sheat which he !€notes noth- himself on Huron St., Clinton. The house con -
X044 (lanada is branching these machines the roads are rounded of East Wawanosh, 820 bushels of forty or fifty thousand people rush there ing• As soon as the game season opens talus every modern convenience for good sized
� a 1;1*0 " direction, off and made to shed the water. In- wheat in seven hours and 20' minutes within a year," he will be heard from as looking down family, is well built, with stone founation, fur•
stead of being a sort of concave, as "Then if fort thousand people o there the barrels of his gun. His death rate dace, hard and soft water, stable and bearing
i.`e g Y P P g fruit trees. Particulars up on a plication to
orot I$o Telegram refers to Sir many of the old roads were they are While engaged at work on his new yon think only about forty of chem would is nor(xral this gear. -New York Press. JOHN CUNIvItil a ,Clinton,
& ` built u in the centre so the rain will house, in Wingbam, on Tuesday, Mr Dollar wheat is a near ossibility,yet
P make a fortune?'
>?X'fd ,Laurier as built Most run off. Machines for doing this work Peter Paferson bad the misfortune pp
g That depends on whet•one would con- when that Hlure is reached, theavar- 1 PERRIN BLOCK
rent Advertising Agent." lie are getting cheap, and as they are the to fall over a joist and break two of his Bider a fortune to be." a e farmer will hold on t•o hid crop wait-
townahi a are beginning to buy them. rebs. g _ FOR SALE
)lot kik'ashamed of the position. P g g Y "What do you mean by a fortune?" ing for still higher peltas, andat may 2
In one township a man with one of the Mrs Wm, Robertson, Wingbam, "One hundred thousand dcllars or more" be that in the end prices will drop and
iicl2, ecould do a great deal for graders fixed up 30 miles of road last who had an operation 'performed for "Your ideas are pretty high," leave hili with the sad memory of $300 cash and 120 monthly Paymenta of1313each
D(^01gion. The more he can make season, and this road is in splendid the removal cif a tumor in her stomach, "Well, the risks and hardships will be what it might have. been, Do not let D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton
known abroad 'the better sh9,penow. Whatseems to be needed on Friday, is doing nicely. great; big,prizes, but few of them. Just a the golden opportunity pass by. -Ham-
,- 1'' t'>' ter the grading machine has done its lotterv." Ilton Spectator.
work is a heavy roller. The costa good Avery serious accident happened to P
)ie �11 :1ral olio of Y Y g "Assuming the mines to be approximate- GOOD FARM FOR SALE.
p y giving our na deal of more and few munici alitiea Jerry McKenny while threshing at all the talk about kissing being don _
P Wm. Weirs, near Wroxeter', result ly as rich and as extensive as they are sop- erous to health is wrong.
Fel ,t@tiles, farming, dairying, have the money to spend to get them. Deed to be, how do you think a'ma'orit of �r g• ' An Eng- Subscriber offers for sale the farm of 149 acres,
have on the other side of the line, a rag in the loss of one hand and part of I P Y majority lieh scientist who has been investigat- situated on the Maitland 'con. of Goderich
lull ei±4ing, mining, etc., a fair his arm. say forty thousand going there would fare?"
� cycling paper recently said that the Ing the subject, finds that in the act of Township. All cleared but about 10 acres of
y y P If one-half of them make as much mo- kissing only beneficial microbes are en- cold hardwood bush; good clay soil, four acres
xi '6#.,;11 161:• ustified already b the pro- grading machine was lij;tle or no use R. R. MacLeod. who for five year •ney as they would at their "ain fireside" tearing orchard, good 2 -story brick house with
Wo 'events, Those are the lines in without a heavy roller followed it and pest has been cashier in the Bank of so to speak, they will be fortunate." countered, microbes which are useful slate roof, •bank darn and good outbuildings;
ch e.can fairly hope to do a large packed the road hard. Hamilton, Wingbam, has received "And how about the other half?" fu digestion. Instead of kissing being Within 6 miles of Clinton and 4 from Holmeo-
81y&e0. w}th, Great Britain. Let Un- A gentleman who is selling road ma- word of his roposed removal to the „ . tabooed, it should be on ever bill of °1110• Avery choice and desirable farm. For
g g Well, .he other half will either remain y particulars apply oil the premises to MRS W.
r�ld- xage4'oo'e of these days he'll be Simcoe ban . fare as a dessert.
. -,;, a ighe"so mean. chines, told, the NEw ERA last week there hoping against hope, living from hand PEBBUTT, or at Holmesville P. O.
practically the same as appears above. On Thursday evening Rev. Geo. E. to mouth, inquest of the elusive metal, un-
Fisher, of Toronto will commence a til they shuffle off the mortal coil, or they OTHERS FAIL -IT CURESI CHOICE F
` In is businessmenwant a currency He raid the,roads in the Town of Clin- series 'of camp meetings tinder the will return to the country whence they ARM FOR SALE
a i°etlifhke.OanadWs. They might do ton were far, ahead of those in many auspices of Wingham Christian Work- came, rich in dear bought experience, but D>;AR SrRs,-From my own experience I OR 10 RENT.
ars' mission. minus the "filthy dross" they .so •eagerly can confidently say that Dr. Fowler's Ex. Choice fa m, 97 acres, it miles from Clinton
e tt4n pattern after our currency municipalities, simply besauae of hair tract of Wild Strawberr
' 'iepa, + P P y g Peter Gardiner has taken charge of coveted, and suffered so -conch to obtain y possesses tree 2nd con Htullett, parts of lots 19 and 20. A good
And, there are everal other a road machine and added thata roller "You do not take a very sanguine view merit. It was the means of saving my lit- frame house and three story banit barn 64x48,
the Winchelsea public school, as J. A. tle t stone cellar with modern convenienoes for
,,A..R . Ilse whish t eq would do would materially help them, There is Gregory's successor, Mr Gregory will of the Klondike oatlnok?' in ands life last summer, She was teeth- feeding; land all cleared, soil the ver best
"My views are justified by my experience, g took violent diarrhoea, Dr, bow- clay loam; good bearingorehard. Edey terms.
X to %pattern after Canada. Had one thin much needed in this count attend college again to fur,her prose- let's Extract of Wild Strawberry cared her For furl particulars and terms app) to .TAS.
g y and what I have seen in the mold and silver y
�' ex;eesponsible government •thev cute his studies. and I feel I cannot say TREMEER, Beam9viue IT
yet, and that is a stone crusher. If fields I bave exploited in the countries I y enough in its favor , Ont,, or Waif ,;Qi,.ng_
ot111t riot loo tolerate an insane man MRs Wu, ARTHIIR, reetherville Ont ton Clinton, Ont.
w-. g The new brick school house, known have named." ,
iirgll cabinet offtce. the county would buy one and tent it as Union S. S. No. 10; situated on the �' •. !b ARI1T FUEL SALE
y h , And yet you would take your chances
11 out to municipalities, there is plenty farm Jae. Moon, McKillop boundary, in Klondike if yon were a young man Y"
$,Montreal Witness, from whose of caw material that wouldkeep it em- was formally opened last Monday, "Yee, if I could go properly eganpped:" CEMENT FLOORS & WALKS. --
with Ernest Smith as teacher. " Lot 25, Con 5, Township of Hullett, 100 acres
Atka, some of the Conservative or- '(ghat route would you take? -- 88 acres cleared and i
ployed for some time. If crushed q a good state of cnitfva-
$ wh&qe been extraCtfn Crumbs of The run of the late Thos. Shute '--'That would have to be determined by Snbeorilierf% prepared to lay down Cement tion, excellent clay loam soil- 12 acres of hard -
g stone were ut on the roads instead of investigation. I .,would be largely arses Boors for cellars, or other purposes, and also wood bush. There is a Dori bearingorchard
P 5th co , of Uaborne, was sold by auc• g g Y g granolithic Welke. Material and workman- and a cod su ly otwater. The farm as never
1{`d)ct expresses the opinion that the loose sand and gravel, the roads would tion on Saturday to a Me Sellery for °by Hudson Bay Co. employees' statements. Chip first-class and satisfaction guaranteed. been rented. pThe buildings comprise
1`t i"io Government is not like) to $5.050; The farm contains 100' acres Their trails and routes were of in•fmnrte im. Chargee moderate. JAMES HO WE, Clinton. frame house, barn and stables. This a good
Y soon have a road bed that would las I property
with brick house and fairly good barns. portance to pen-.ped',ing "rriina9,'1J Yardie`$- ' ie situate on an excellent gravel road, 21J mites
lrhq 6n the elections before another for years, and be excellent in all kinds (,.21a-_1tU;1 - from the Town of Clinton. Terme easy. For
�xt9 I session. It thinks its pros- of weather. During the past summer A few "days ago, while Mr R R 13iYn- "Would you form a, company?" f J on they particulars apply to the undersigned
IG�e`4are not growing worse, but that, the writer has asses over most of atop was taki ypremiaee.
ewfll be better another year. P �-•.A-• re'iugh from F. "I would associate myself with three, yard to Part MRS THOS, HILL, Clinton P.O.
9 the country roads, and finds in many Hesa' waq�n shop to Mr Philip Haueh's, not more than five others, Four I doneid-
cases where gravel has been dumped �uicl"r, •on a light wagon, the horbe er the most workable," I - Choice FarmS for Sale or to Rent
A11.1.71 , t,.P�1ul, Minn., Globe is one of on the centre of the road, that driver4- lumped, and Mr Hauch, who was on "What do you think of the mining regu-
`t�le - at le papers on that side of the have taken the side of the road be%'to wagon, fell off, and broke two of his la tions proposed by the Government?" Subscriber offers either for sale or to rent, his
10�"� `I ' avoid the gravel, until in sever 1, cases, ribs and was otherwise bruised. So far as I understand them they are well siuutted farms of 300 acres in Goderich
iI' .- " It says: -Canada alone might a well worn track is forme a on side 1' Township; 200 acres are on the Maitland con.,
g Mr George Thomson,, of the 3rd Hay, on right linea. This gold wealth is tare pro- • �� - and 100 on the 16th con. On the 200 acre farm
tC0't`tJ{f for little, but Canada backed by the road proper.. Get ttilz graveling recently refused $300 for span of Party of the whole people. The Dost of r' is good stone house, with all convenidnces, good
trlgland becomes a power that aU !n future be done in tYue fall. three and four year old horses sired by maintaining police, courts of justice, estab- outbuilding with stone stabling, bearing
' C�jf7nnlbreial nations must take notice " ++ lishin postal and traffic communication, orchard i 7 acres and plenty of water. On the
"of. =;Mie latter art of that is undoubt- Craig Ronald, .and Clark Brothers, P 100 acres is good frame house, frame barn and
P - of Tuekersmit•h, were also offered 80 etc., well be immense. This will come out K atone stabling, bearing oroha.d, etc The above
]* Correct, but even Canada alonedst 1Kawanosh $ properties are close to church and school, and
rM for a yearling sired by the came horse of the general revenue of the country, and '� about five miles from Clinton, They will be
,.gixte quite a figure commercially, and COv1t IL. -The council met on Aug- but liked the colt better, than the should be made good by those who will be acrd or rented entire or in separate parcels, to
Xlq tris re3�ect she has indefinite room us�t�a 21th, Accounts of Hartt & Riddell money. most benefitted by rt. suit purchaser, and on liberal terms of
`Qre'R?anAlOn. TyJPOntO, the Standard printing Office "As to royalty?" j meet. Apply on the premises or to Clinton
", �' $yth, received and ordered to be paid. The writ issued against Constable "The very thing I would have proposed, - O HENRY BAKER.
A filonnecticut paper staked its real_ Account of Jae. Marshall, engineer, be- Creech by Edward Heideman, Exeter, If a man aced noy make any money he will `'' FARMS' FOR SALE.
erg to' write their answers tut ing his fees for service rendered, per J- claiming $1000 damages forfalse arrest have no royalty to pay. If be does make _
bb37jues- v'Valsh's requisition. W half lot '37, some few weeks ago, has been with. money he certainly should contribute a —
1+11 b ;,P "Woman's accom con. S. received and laid over until drawn the ar res concerned havin portion of it to lessen the taxes of others Two va'unblo farms, being lot 39, con, rot and
cishments. + + P g also lot 42, con. 8, Goderich township. Zbese
� %..,Ia best for a your e The next meeting of council. The reeve re- arrived at a settlement, Me Cree_b who are really co-owners, and in support of tv farms are beautifully eituatedand inwodstate
xi 9FOr$' iven covers ported that Wm. Sutherland had de. agreeing .o pay. $5U costs, amounting the Government which has enabled him to �� I . cf cultivation, being most,y in grass. The soil
g wide range, clined to act as inspector for re -build- in all to $100. acquire it, protected him in the acquisition is the best of clay, and is suftable.to either grain
fr_,40,.`hOriae=keeping" to "bicycling," „ , or pasture. Excellent water,
�'� good buildings
n ^„'cowman sena ' carried the da Ing
of bridge on river cone. 10 and 11, of it, and after be has obtained it. Lr N .�� and floe orchards on both places, convientgtoa
ip3ew'Of the y' and than he bad appointed Robt. Shiell McKillop has a couple of school "Some Americana denounce the royalty." church and school. Alsopartof lot 72,()t' Bayfield
En .,atter is not confined lot 32, con. 11, to act in his place. R. cases. The tru3tees in one section have ,,They at least should not squeal. They Line, consisting of 8 acres, bush. They will be
7o%. X'pP?. a d. a lied for a mandamus to con el the are on the same footing with Canadians. sold separately or together, to suit the Pur-
_ Shiell in his capacity as ins actor of PP p
'r"cy °,4 p council to ass a by-law h chaser. Possession given immediate)yy For
bridge on river cons. 10 and 11 reported P yaw to borrow mo. If an increased and discriminating royalty, ;f further particulars apply to B. SWITUR, on
p1. , ew York Evening Post says that the timber supplied was of p good ney contrary to the wishes of the rate- tax was put on all foreigners for allowing the premises or Clintoa P. O.•
a, � American civilization is retro- quality and up to requirements of spec- payers. In another section the teach- them to put their hands into one golden I Because it is well made. Soles require
p er wishes to ]ti to be good t0 stand the burdens
g> libg. The plain truth it declares illeatiuns; the work was also done in a place a substitute in his treasury it would not be amiss, though I placed upon them. The soles of FOR SALE.
, good substantial manner, and further, place while he gdes to Manitoba, con- would not advocate it."
11,1"to be that the country is lapsing in`.o that the council wasJustified in paying , trary to the wishes of the trustees. "It seems some Canadians are opposing our Shoes are like the rest of the r a valuable fruit and grain fe,rm ion a good
y", . 1 P Y g PP g
bel,6rism; while "tendencies are at for same in full of contract and agree- Wm. Wacbsmitb, father to a Win the royalty tax." shoe, a good material, Come and is No. 6 1Ntnitland ConceseloD�godericThe wn-
P g try them. See our supply of
*Or ,,'..with ..with steadilyacceleratingower merit. The reeve and treasurer were ham townsman of the same name, who Yes, I believe so, but there are Canad- ship, and contains 75acres. It yields annually
Wbi13 I unless soon checked, really authorized to borrow funds sufficient disappeared very mysterously from ian hogs as well as American hogs, though from 80 to 100 barrels of Winter Apples, ana is
the latter are far. and awe the most nam- Trunks, Valises, Single, and a good grain farm, the land being a No, Iclay,
h@@stared the downfall of civilization (not to exceed $900) to pay all claims Elmira last winter, while supposedly y I loam, There is a No. i frame house op the lot.
n" %d `United States. The unfortu• and expenses incurred in re -building on his way to visit his son there, and ero s." about the Yankees resist Cana- Double Harness, Red and itis wobl barn
act dstone -tables
les urlraene t a dor
pa ,(!,part of this rs not so much that held eon river cone. 10 and 11. The whose whereabouts caused great anxi- g i3, p
8fi':4 perican paper says it as that it is treasurer was empowered to deposit sty to hid friends, returned home on alar authority?"Shingles,
a tion of the purchase money may remain on
"Mere bi head and bluff. I au Dae the White Cedar Shin les, �('• mortgage. For terms, etc., a ly to THOMAS
<r �frlibably true. and withdraw township funds from the Sunday evening. He had beetr in B PP BURNS, Carlow P. O., or to
Bank of Montreal, Wingbam, without Wisconsin, and during his Ion ab- worst lot of gold seekers on this continent Clinton.
V as ignature of the reeve. Communic%- Bence had sent no wordtohis pegople- Were those who went from California to JAS. TWITCHE LL,
�� ,• Tile. Toronto Newa intimates that tion £tom Wm. Lane, county clerk, re- British Columbia. They talked in a Simi- Victoria Block, Clinton.
1C Cholic grievances will be one of the ceived, stating tbal the sum of $1942.30 Master Frank McKenzie, son of Me lar strain, but took good care to keep with- Rouse and Lot for Sale
� 8f was required from the towns] this J. N. McKenzie reeve of Ashfleld. has in the law. The few who were �'
ipilaili ;planks in the Opposition plat. q P foolish the frame hoose on Rattenbury .street
S _.-___ ___.-.y,ea.r--for--gener-al•couaty-Pur-poses.--Re- uce-eeded.this-gear-i-apassi-ng•the-High -enough-to•-violate-it�-were-promptly-and-s _.___..._,-.___._____-,._..�__ rmme ra ey sae o r. Tomlinson'a i -
ftlr" p" at-th-6 ntario elections. Hon solved theft a further sum of 1126.28 Scbool Primar Examination at the, verel dealt with. The country was s arse- s
' IIard ,itis alleged, has not done be levied to meet township improve., earl a e of thirteen y y p TSE GREATEVENT of the JUQILEE YEAR offered for sale on very reasonable terms,
p p y years. When 10 ly settled, with no mounted police, yet the The house is centrally situated, being only
j e t1 h for his co -religionists. From ments and officers' salaries; also the years old he passed the Entrance; at terrors of British law kept them within « } a minute' walk from the businpas centre,
tile" P+ A. alliance to the cry of sum of $1550 for sppecial school rats. in 19, the Public School Leaving, and this bounds. The names of Stipendiary Magis- CANADti S VICTORIAN has m- cellar large dining room arlor,
.�ji Cull, emancipation is a pretty all $4618,67. Geo.Kraebling, a resident year he becures a third class certificate, trate Pemberton, at Victoria, Chief Justice ERA EXPOSITION bed roon: and kitchen down stairs, wt h one
t 'L' flop, ellen for the Opposition of Morris, also owner of 51.2 81-2 lot 42 all of which was obtained in Hemlock Begbie, at New Westminster, and Commie- AND - ' large rd two smaller bedrooms upstairs°
who -,nothing substantial upon con. 3, of this township. was present, City school. This is phenomenal auc• aioner O'Reilly, at Richfield, being in ebi- a e Goo�•� : ed summer kitchen and garden,
f 't'lYigl;to mount to otfice. coinplafnfng theta ditch made by oed. cess and we would like to hear of an dense, the last named place being from i„ r� o Very r onveniently situated for boarding.
! er of engineers' award some years ago other pupil who has as good a record. five hundred to seven hundred miles die- I Industrial Fair horse. Apply at Nnw ERA office.
'Chb , ty court judge of Kent, in through N,}-2 lot 42, con. 3 also through The wheat crop in McKillop this !ant from the two former places, and the TORONTO
arts of lots 40 and 41, apd lot 42 con. 4 year ra the largest ever produced in intermediate country veryepareely settled." Industrious persons of ei-
an appeal On the question of the equal- P W.#li TED
had been left in an unftnished state, the township. It is yielding, by re- "Do yon"-- rnPr s, a with good aharaot-
izAtioi>a o€ assessments said at Chat- requesting that something Bono that "There 1 won't ea another word." AUGUST 30th to SEPT 11th
r q g ports of thrashings, from 30 to 40 bush- + Y er and common school. education can obtain
hdut roebently, that: "It is only far- the same be red fled. Aft, Kraebling els per acre, and as there were 3,500 "Thanks for what you have said." employment for two months Ili this com-
wag advised by the council to apply to acres of fall wheat, and 50 acres would munity. S. M. FRY, Toronto. Ont.
weFa, stock that is exempt, and every the Morrie council to take action in this o th th
ProfessfoaaX audOthear.OA rdo -
_.. -
Barrister, Solicitor
OONvnyA>YoEa, &a,
CommissloneX for Ontario and Manitoba.
Ofitoe immediately South of Gilroy & Wlsemp
• Office -Beaver Plock.
Up-etafrs, Opposite Foeter'e to• (call
M: G, CAMERON Wlk -'
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)f
Offioe--Hamilton St„ opppposite Colborne House
Office, MacKay DIDok, Clinton.
. 1,
Fire Insurance. Money to lend,. Real estate
matters carefully attended to,
Office Hours -9 to 5. i
Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity jj
vralty Toronto. ` I
4, �
Special attention given to the Preservation .
Ehe natural teeth, 1,
Oritoe, Coats f lock, over Taylor's shoe store
N. ill
Pay eld every Thursday afternoon during tbd tl
DR. WM. QUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. B
Edinburgb. Offiee—Ontario Breet, Clinton
Night calls at front door of residence on Batten
bury St., Opposite Pr
pp esbyterian church.
M. C. P & Sit Ontario. Id D,Fellowoof theObetetmrles
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng ,and
officebuRatt Hospitals.
1 St.0 ell.ton r*iiowse ' bel
answered at the same place. G
DR. J, SHAW, PHYSICIANofficeand ,aidenceon-
tario St., pppo eiteoEngli h church, formerly 00
oupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont,
AS, S. FREEBORN,M.D., L.H.&Q.C.P.I., M. J O, P. & S. O., Graduate Kings and Queens
College of Pb sicians, Dublin, Ireland. Linen
tiate General Medical Council, Great Brits in
Member of College Ph siciaus ana Burgeons, On
Formerly Be dent of Rotunds Hospital
(Lying -{n and G gacological)Dublin. Residence
— attenbury 1?t: east, next door to Ontario St
MedoalDepartment of Victoria Uniler
city, Toronto, formerly of the lioepitale and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Out.
Londesboro, successor to Dr Young.
T, AGNEW, M, B., Toronto Univefaity, M. D. C
M„Trinity University, Memberof College Phy
eicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Office opposite
Methodist church. Night calls answered at the
same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 8p,m
to 9 P.M. •
.Honorary(4raduateof theOntarioVeterinery
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and
male on the most modern and ecientific price
P168 Office- immediately south of the Now Ary
Office. Residence —Albert St„ Clinton, Cal
night orday attendedto promptly
has returned to Winton and opened an office
at the Queen's Hotel, where be may be consult-
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
cattle, &c. All calla, night or day, promptly at-
tended to.
nary College, Orpnto.ate of Treats all tario diseaseserl
Domestic Animals on the most modern and
Scientific Principles. Day and night calls prompt
ly answered. Residence—RattenburySt., west
1 iseurer of Marriage Licenses, Library hoom
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
No witnesses required
Civil Enginee
Subscriber Is prepared to promptly fill all or-
ders for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at a
lowest .aces. Office on Isnac Street, at LAVIS'
VOTEKS' Ll s7`, 1897.
Municipality of the Township of
Hullett, Huron County.
�, es re an cover a keeled Out paten- Grand Attractions, New Fea- PASTURE TO LET Nctice is hereby given that I have transmit
farmei should be assessed for the ma. matter. The council adjourned to es, at 30 bushels average the yield HOUSEKEEPING. ted or delivered to the orsone mentioned in
meet the 20th of Seirtembox next. would bb 195,000 bushels; but call it tures. - Special Jubilee Horses and Cattle taken into p
C litleety on his farm, his vehicles, etc., If a woman is in cod health there is no pasture, Good sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lista Acte, the
. P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. 8,000 bushels less and say 20,000 bushels g NOV01t10s fences, plenty of shado, water and salt. No copies required fry said at of all persons ap.
more healthful employment than house- IturLed wire. A i to C. MASON, at Sts le• pearin by ]net revised �es.1esmeh I the `
Xlls'et tine amount which he owes for the for bread, that is abont 6 bushels ay p g
oafino. Ike should also be assessed for bead. while the average in America is work. Generally speaking, tbere`is no bap- The Latest Inveritlone 111 tele, ion onto M. GLE , of orange Hall, Hullett. said Municipality, to be ontltledp the ,
,` The Canadian Government and the — eats municipality at elections fo rs of11
Mlle reduce he bas on hated at the only 4 bushels, and 7,000 bushels for Pier woman in the world, But how differ- the Le ialativo AePontbl and at of at
ii Tfnited States havA practically agreed Industrial and Amusement Thoro-bred Durham Bull for g l p
iry le of the assessment. There is no Beec�ing; there will be 70,000.te sell. ant when every breath ie pain, every step Elections and that said L at was rstposted u
upon co -O in au menting the torture! Thie state of health. nine oases $ate: in my ofoe at Londesboro, an ttflgro 29th day of
, T rjtiUb btlt that there is a large amount postal facilities for the Elondyke re- Mary Devereaux, wife of Me Patrick Field. Im Improvements and Jul ,1897, and fomalne there for inspection.
It rcpert of this kind that escapes ont of ten Domes from derangements of the
r P, ton, and the result will shortly he ev. Carlin, Ribbert, and dao liter of 1VIr Subscriber offers for sale at reasonable price, Electors arc called upon to examine the said
aesGr3swen throughout the country if gg g Ed. Devereaux, of the iron road delicate, feminine organs of degeneration. Advancement In all de- three young tbors-bred Durham balls, ranging List and if any omissions or an other errors
idenced in a substantial doubling of , The family doctor rngaires fleet concerning front 6 mont:he to 2 ears old. Two are roans are found therein, to take immediate proceed.
the I;venb. County Court Jud a is c(ir• t e mail service from the coast into test east of Seafortb, died very sudden- these. He most usual) insistson an exam- artments and ono dark red. y
h Zitey are all from the Big- lake to have said crines corrected nuc ih .YO ;'
$et.ltl •hes .view. Judges, owever, that district. �y on Monday, at the age of 29 ears, ination, From this the modest woman gins stock and are superior animals. law. JAB, CAMPBELL, Clerk of H a
t ffer, hal also do the offlcifllswho make .A little over a Week previous to her t ROBT. CRAIG, London Road, Clinton P. 0 , July 30th, 1897.
those essments. It Would be an ad- death, Mrs Carlin had'given birth to a naturally ebrinks. She h right. Except in
k'. A SUMMER SPECIFIC � g very unusual. oases of feminirfe }yeakness Excellingall Previous Years STocz� iidR MALE AGCNTS
teflta a to have a definite decision On child but was regaining strength rapid. examinations areunnecessar Dr. Pierces _
tlli3',ligriii7 SQ that there might not be Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberr ly and was a stent] in the best of y' ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 7TH. Second edition "Qnaen Victoria” exhausted. r O 1'�tXH in 4orCe iii one Count llrid ani Y P y Fev Favorite Proscription ie s simple natural One hail -bred Jexsoy caw 8 yearn old, a cod Jubilee Edition on rase, Best hi
y cares cholera, oholeza morbus, dlarrhwa, health and spirits until a few minuteq tom ed for these ills, It Dares ealsly, per- Cheap Esei><lrsions on all Line s v e story of the
Y a e lif .tin a!1 oinin one. It is tOb- q x p s milkorr very rich cream, 1 �oland China,. :boar, hoer and Victorian Era published. Tho only
j rysentery, oramps,tlolio, Summer before hAr death. She was talking to manentl r
•la`te 01+ cbuhty aounci s to take up the 'oankor of the mbtith and all bowel tlom • he> xnot her when she was taken sod- y' of .Gravel. 8 monthe old, Req.; I Poland China boar, it yrs. Canadian wdrlt a000 ted by Her Majesty,
(itdritlolit ;this ear, but it 1d Worth lainte of both andth' d d Send 31 one•oont statnpa to cover cost of old, Itog;1 Dnroc Je ey boar and cow, 6 mos. 5."1.1.1 unprecedented -Mock the bottom out . t
h b' the' c tls`�- oration o the " air. P n d adults. It is a enly ill and wether floe minutes she mailing one a d receive free a cop qof For prize hate, entry forme, programs and old, itog' 8 Poland China sows, in pig, Rog; 2 of alirecorOs. Canvassers scoopin in menu
,ll o : 1 a f eau t soothiti efietftual and never fdflin coed- was dead. g Y, p p Dr s y
Irceroe s Medical Adviser. Address, World's all partionlars, addrese— importo Tamworth sows. As 1 am-oerstock- Even boys an�1 girls 9011 it fast. Big eommis-
. ti ill .Cofaaraittees at 11ext year's ftlfris vi'h"ioit gfv'es iinmerliate relief and ed I will sell the above stock at very reheonalim Bion or straight weekly salary after trial trip, ' '
'0040ellar 6 e -J`. •�A. once prominent and widely kuoapn Di' ensary Medical Assooiation, Buffalo, J.J. 'W[Tri1C(1+1, it, J. ii[l,t, drlcoa, WInsI,EY W. FISHtilR, Lot S, Coil. I,' Tnra BitenL>v1t-GARRET9ON CO., rnn�n
>i ilyefleaiea Darer' public man in this district, has been N- President, Manager, Toraheo.' CclborneTp,, Y3ehmiliorP. Cl. Tonoxro, OxIQ,
.t a 4•
s a ' •; .:
.. , .,
I - , —
Y ,
• � Vii, � �' \ � k
�.,r'sr.-......i.wi.Lf'rW •.:.'`,e 1 k:.�Lc t' r. �.,.,:r.��b&Al:' .-.