HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-27, Page 1- _.
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Not, watch talent ttca be (gaud anywhtare�N,_ iN E ". q orta o life,, Vlsen it i.
. "got al ng ), wit
', ,ted oases in planes extravagant taste. But ___. _____--.. — _ erg too g Xaa l)oatk� i► . .
on it is „
"fi>vue-k.@aping gaalitioe do not always de. _ hav
__,lpeadoaahigh,»rtoe,_W-4-11011-•a stat wises ____ P CLINTON, (JNT., AUGUST 27, 1$97�� 1$l ILYear in Advance S1.s-- __�. - �.*�^ this AT
ll th iyi 3813.61"
e'Ivntoh, ono qre aarantee to ran within one ROBERT HOLMES, Editor suit Proprietor. when not so paid to ed %bit* w ii ,., o rl�et
ixn>nate a month at 118, I! it fails to. do (ilii sheen witL; Xan"ll n
this bring it back and we will exvhauge #t Da 1lield .-- _ �_ some time Rsti you
have u p
far,inatagee ut ad'ihel,
�-•�•-^�••-� y Goriatarice thou Glasaet
or refund yon your money. If your watch ,.�. 0 V1* i 1) rr�1E � B. PERSONAL. --•-Rev, Joe. Elliott, B. A„ Ttuekerttmith p yRu'li ;tis
4 gpping or does not keep correct time, What wide-awake and reliable correspondents And worthy of recording for publication of Maim, is holidaying 'among his re- LEAGUE NOTES. -Ml, A. T. Cooper,1 BIG YIELD,--„Apppleton Elcoat, of this do with those ��old oxtes, *111
,v pdi 14rg it to era and Lave it repaired• right, Allllett Brucefield natives beta. Rev. J. F. Parke and °�OlittGwn, led the Epworth League tawnehip,ie becomin as ex "getting #rale j!gtt, sax
8 pert a grain you know are inlarta u
wife leave been visiting the farmer's prayer Ineeting Sunday evening and grower as
he Iso $tock riser and thin ` .
NOTES. -Mrs Bennett, of Galt, is re- NOTEB.-Mrs George Baird is visit- p�arents on the front road. Miss Maud gave a brief talk on some. the help- year threshed 53 bushels of, wheat to Money it nothing t. pa
CJleaning, $1.00 newingfriendship among friends inthis Ing friends in Guelph. Misses Winnie Middleton of Ooderich Township has tul things he heard at the Toronto the acre unfortunaCel he- of with the comfort to be'li
Mainspring, $1.Op vicinity; Far the peat week she has been O Neill and'Aletha Foster, of Clinton, been the'guest of Mrs T, J. Marks for Convention. All were well pleased very large acreage. y u a 'Properly fitted_.glagtes, 3tou'l
staying with Mrs Geo. Ball, base line, are visiting at the home of Mrs P. Me- several days• Miss B. Doan of Clinton with the meeting and the words in it out only wlfen you. ;have
-- she is now the guest of Mrs Ouimette, Gregor. l lea Jennie Mustard is at- camped, for the past week, at the '"Old which Me Cooper expressed himself. you with a air of ver pert.
Londesbora,far a Pew d e, after which tending Normal School at Ottawa ; we Rectory" Quite a number of B9mOridville pp
ay y grounds with the Misses young people at. CLOSE (CALL, -Mr. Charles Petrie's Eihnakepeotaoles, They are 11 ti%s;
ul<.pST, betwo>an Bracefiold and Clinton, she returns to Me Geo. Bedford's. wish her every success as she a sin Combs, Mrs Rev. Ghent of Walker- to°dad the Convention at Clinton thte
g (Rev.) , give yea aoaafart . t I*41
aladies'openfaoeailverElgin watch. Find- CooNcrL.-The Rullett Council met enters the school teaching profession, villa (formerly Miss Emily hunter of J week. large frame stable had a narrow ese,pe you satisfaotion--and'thoy,
..or will be rewarded by leaving at this store, on Thursday the 18th at Kinburn, hav as she has already proven herself an Bayfield) is here at present enjoying NOTES. -Root, Coates returned on tfromime fire and had b not 'been for the coat you mach either, et 0 yg
-,-- Ing first examined the new combina- excellent teacher while teaching near the lake breezes at her now popular Monday to Idaho, after spending a few timely aid of Jacob Smith and James more if you want a bebter 1k
tion bridge at Wallace's S,R., 30x$1, this village. A number fram our v)!- native village. Mr Jack McKinnon of days with friends here;p his brother Baland'the_ place would soon have been Your money pask it yoa,.wko.
nage attended the B. B. and C. E. con- BI I In ruins, However, a few ails o£ wa- it's our way' of in
((``y� and issued an order to the contractor ytb, spent Sunday at theQueen s with I George accompanied him to assist him p y g bneiuets:,
P. B. 11xQi�w� for 1600, being part payment of con- vention held in Clinton this week. his old fellow guests. Miss McIntosh of in the sheep business, at Which h� has ter soon quenched the flames. The it proteots you.
tract, as the bridge is not quite Com- Among those who attended the Sarnia Brucefield is summering here with bar been engaged for six firemen were out, but their assistance
g years. Miss Wil- was not needed. ALL & �, 7)
Jeweler &Expart plated. The job of filling in the app excursion fl wm aur village were 1tilessre uncle, Rev. Mr Coutts,of A'lq igYat- 1)amaou; of'Portalito,' sp"""ant a few days ,� _
Watch Repairer roach at the south end was let tq �'V. Georgge Simpson and Dixon, Mre Mc- his cottage on Colina street. Mr and of last week with Mies Snell. Misses NOTES, -Weare pleased to note the.'
.r Wheatley and will be done in a few Intosh, Mrs Nevin and Mrs P. McGee- Mrs Clark, of the London Free Press, Maud and Jessie Itogers,of(Poronta are improvement in Mrs, John You° Graduate Druggists & (. tj
` days. The approaches to both ends o£ i gar;. Simpson went as -,far as De- are the latest arrivals at the River Ho- visiting at V. McGregor, Bert ate- who has been suffering from a severe •Clint
the MacGre or bridge, B.R. 5 and 6, ' trait. Mr D. McIntosh has raised his tel; they are greatly pleased with Bay- phenson returned on Monday From the attach'' of lumbago for some weeks, :r
+ was let to . Grieve. The usual by barn on the farm he recently purchae- field and with the treatment they re- old country. Edith Britten has ' re- Mrs. James Dallas, of Alma, Mich., is The Drags you want exe;;the,
1[Yolmesville law for levydng the rates was read and ed; he also intends erecting s fence on ceive at this popular house. Among turned from her visit at Holmeaville, visiting her mother here at resent. G. we sell, pure olli0. r
ACCIDENT, -A very painful accident passed. The sum of $536 is required the front and otherwise improving the the latest arrivals at the and H. ,iackaon have a sin be urf o
lace, Mr. Genre Turner left here are;- Queen's Hotel f The public school has not yet reopened g g p- 7>r>rlH�ir��
3rappened to Mr G. )dale, as he was this year from Hullett for County pur- pp g H.Thorn, wife and child, London; on account of tLe Illness of the teacher erasions in their tannery, having late -
last week for the old country with 3 Mrs. N. E. Morse and child, Chicago; J. W. King; it is expected it will be ly received a car load of bides from
threshing at T. C. Pickard's Wednes-n'the poses more than lees year, so that the y Chicago, James Collie, formerly of Personal
,day. He was doing some fixing on'the rate will need to be one-fifth of a mill loads of fat cattle; Mr John Graham T. M. Davis and J. C. Jones, Mitchell; opened next week. Ethel and Ada
engine when be clipped, and the drive , lxigher, and the township rate will no- also took two loads to the old country, F, A. Barber, Jameston, N. Y,; W m. Mann, of 8t. Thomas, are the guests this place, has been appointed superin- We shall be glad to have oontr
and Chas. Watson with a load of Buckingham, Stratford; Miss "N, Me- of Mrs McCully; Mrs Balaton, of Pine s•endent at the Suo canal at a salary of this column from any of our �e4dexc'
wheel catching him, threw him over. count f be a little higher anew on ac Iambs for the Toronto market. Mrs Hard , Clinton. Mrs Percy Moore- River is visiting her mother, Mrs $2000 a year. You have visitors or purpose goiag;,a.
He was badly cut and bruised around count of having t° build two new brid McMahon and dau titer visited hast hrnise of Michigan, who has been visit- Schoales. Bella g her has one on Yourselp drop in and tell ua, or cents
the face and head and one arm,' and gas. The school taxes will be $1300 or g y g note to hat in an
for a time it looked as if he had been nearly the same as last year, ' A reso- week at the home of John Kitchen. i')g at Mr Moorehouse's and Me John a trip to Strathroy. John McGregor, Blyth.. AggieForden has returned t lz,
Mr John Snider has recent) sold two � ate;`
paralyzed, but we understand beyond lutiott was passed authorizing reeve hi h y Morgan's returned Nom- Wednesday, jr,. went on the Manitoba excursion . NnTEs.-A lead o£ pwung people' Miss Maud Andrews is visit's'
a severe shaking a and several bruises and clerk to all the old and nae- .g grade wheels to Mlseea Bettie NoTEs -The sand is fiilin up the g'll has re- ainted drove from bee toClinton on Wednes- North.
g P y Gibson and Fannie Fotherin sham. Mrs g last week. W. Hugill p
clothing serious resulted, lesepapp�rs that have ltccumulatedJinrhe 6 harbor ver ra idly late) The fisher- his house and is otherwise improving da avenin to attend the avenin ser- Mrs Beattie, Brussels, wins 11 vis
r township clerk's office durin the esti P. McTavish retutned on Thursday y � y' thea earance o£ his P g y g' g J
WELL SOLD. -Mr Connolly was In P g P last from visitin in Detroit. Albert °len were unable to lift their nets.forrtl- PP place. vice of the' annual convention which here last week.
.London last Saturda , .and made a sale 40 years. Council adjourned until cell- g ,
I'llSaturday, . Aikenhead and family, most a week on account of the high, was held on the2lthand 25th. Mr Ar- Mrs Junor has returned fror;'
- of both Holmesville and Surnmerhill` ed b the reeve, JAMES CAMPBELL, y, London, are winds but the are now at work again, thur Emigh of Buffalo, iv visiting at
+ are visitin at the house of W. Aiken- Several icnicy striae from Clinton en -
cheese at 9 3 8 cents, which is cbnsider- Cler Porter's Hill the Commercial. Messrs Ireland and viMr Gorr ell rained the Manit bin.
head. Mr eigetty, teacher has moved 1
4 ed an exceptionally good figure, Me - Into Mrs Cameron's house near Geo, joyed a ay at t e Old Rectory,grounds UP TO TEE TIMEs,-Mr James Hamil. Gibson have purchased a fine, up -to. cursionists at Toronto last; Wetlgeas
Ballantytte, of Stratford, was the our- Seaforth Simpson's store, last eek, Mr J.Tippet has greatly dm- ton, who seldom gets behind with his dabs chop ing machine from the Strat- Miss Maud Goodwin, of Cliutti
,` 4 chaser; he evidently appreciates the $ANKINf� FIRM FAILS,-Tbe failure , -- - prove ppearance of his property work, is, we think, up to the times this ford Mill ng Co.; it is highly recom- the guest of Mrs Thos. Grego '
make of these factories, Navingg bougght and Ma' street h the completion of seoson, as he having finished has mended for the wap in which it works ter. g
considerable therefrom, Mr Connoil °f a private banking firm in Seaforth East NYardranosh y P g so�q ufcki Y.
y was reported on Saturday in the as his new store, Mr J. Whiddon is mak- iug, got his tnreshing all dune on. Mon- y and perfectly, Mrs McKa Miss Kate Campaigne and Mlaj•'
s eaks in the highest terms of Me Bal- P y BRICK CHURCH,- It )a pleasing to in a large addition to his evaporator, idson left for Ckinton last Tue:i Fi
P g signment o£ Logan & Co. This is the g g p ator. day, and reports a good yield of grain, of Dungannon, is visiting in town at
dantyne;•sa s that once a saleis made note the interest taken in the Epworth Misses Jedsie Bi
second bank failure that has taken League in this church. On Sunda Biggar and Flossie Stan- especially of oats. present, Mr and Mrs Wm. Sloan left Star,
�k that ends it, and the seller need not lace inside of a couple of weeks. The g Y bury were the successful candidates ,ACCIDENT. -One day last week Me on Thursday for Toronto, where t4ey , Mrs Emmerton, who has been11,i;
leave the slightest sextet or concern, P evening, Aug. 8th, Mrs Hoover read will s
g y he firm is an old established one in £rum Bayfield st the th)rd class certifi- Wm. Blair fell from a straw stack a Pend a few weeks. Miss Elsie Ing in Goderich, returned house„
ae Me Ballantyne will faithfully do all Seaforth, bet latterly Mr. Robert Lo• an inspiring paper on Missionary work. Cate examination. distance of 15 feet, and was picked v Balaton is spending her holidays in week.
that he romises; there is some saris- On Aug. 15th Mrs Oaten, of Belgrave, P P Saginaw, Mich. Mr Jas. Ireland was Mrs°J. Jardine '`'j
p an has been conductin the business, y paper on (From an occasional correspondent) unconscious, but fortunately na hones , of Fargo, N.D , "
fsetion in doing business this way, g ave a high) instructive p In Wroxeter on Sunda itis
' and it would be better if there were r Robert Logan was formerly of the Methodism and its Founder. League RETURNED.-CIM”
McKenzie return• were broken, and no serious injuries y.. Mise Ida g hersiater-in-law, Mrs A. Twitcilp
$rrr of La an & Co., bankers, of Car- received other than a bsd ehakin a Taman entertained a number of her this week. ,:
o. snore of it. The last half of Jul make g , congregations were present on b Lh ed from an extended trip up the lakes g p• friends on Moeda avenin .'' Rev, R. Miss P.Laskey, who has been.vlatti,.
July beer and Glenboro but retired from occasions. The Executive Committee and reports havin bad a splendid tri NOTES, -Rev Mr Olivant and wife, Flood of Detre)t Conference, occu- ere for some time, has retur ?'
'- " was shipped from Clinton station on that firm, the business being taken g P P nod L';
Tuesday. g are making arrangements foran anni- and is enthusiastic in her raises of the Benmiller, were visiting at O. W. Pot- pied the pulpit of the Methodist church
over h Robert and J. A. Smith. Mr, ucknow.
y versary service in the near future; g � .,
island route for beauti ul scenery. ter's on Tuesday. Miss Rannab IviRon, on Sunday evening; he is at present vis- Miss Lelliap Andrews, of Clihti�
NOTE$. -Next Sunday will be the Logan made a atatemenL in 1895 that be look out for it. Mise McKenzie visited at Pickford of Sipper, is attending her claret, Mrs. itiag Iris�pparents in town. Mr Hander- was last week the .nest of Mr
Women's Missionary day; Mrs Pent- was theisole proprietor, conducting the CORRECTION. To THE EDITOR of Strongville, Dafter and Sault Ste Ma- E. C. Potter. who is suffering from a son, of Wingham, was in town on Ross, Exeter. g' a D" �,'.
;' land, of Dungannon, will conduct the business under the style of R. Logan rie, and met many old Hlironites. Miss, severe attack of lumbago. Mr D, Sunda Mrs Reid Wright, of London Mrs Mclvor and chit '141"i
McKenzie ry services morning and evening in the d: Co., dealing with the Bank of Mon- THE NEW ERA, ,DEAR BIR.- I noticed y dren are m
an article in o g McKenzie is warmly welcomed home Smith, our former teacher, was in the is visitinv her baother, gra ' ![?1
Methodist Church here; collections in treal at Winnipeg, and with a line an your issue of August 20 M John Sher- a pleasant visit at the home of Mi J
cue'extent of about $30000. g g attain both by social and church eacie- village on Wednesday, Me C. John- ritt, at present. McDou all, Kippen, h"
std of themisaion fund. Quite arum- credit+;.�e in the Bel rave news, cancernrn the
beraf ourcitizenstookinthe'convention His sur nus in tee' •rilenboro' ' ties, she being President of the Lou eon and wife returned to their home in g
p . he. death of Mrs Feil, the statements of Mrs 1Vilbur Manniq , of Clrntr'
which were not true Graham Miasippn Band and an active Galt last veek. Hits Mcboirgall passed Thames Road. g
. at Clinton Tuesday and Wednesday; thought, would be about $.12 000 iiVer , so would Pike to Ohr testae Entleavorer, uiet)y away about 6 o'clnek WednFa- was last week the guest of lvlrs A. �;•,
(7. L, Fisher ave an address on the liabilities of $20,00() to $25,00!1, 'xnrolyiil have them corrected. First, it was stat- q Manning, Exeter. :,
g y dap morning at the ripe.old age of 90 NoTEs.-Mr. Abraham Musser visit- g'
up-to-date Fndeavorer. Rev J. S. due to the bankers. Hie aur I•' fi- in. ,ed that Mrs Fella was waited on by a ed at Grand Bend Sunday. The pulpit James Danford is at Owen Snub,
p Londeaboro years,
Fisher, of'Garrie, is visiting some of the Seaforth busineea he estimat at neighbor Lady, ,Mrs David Scott•, but in the Presbyterian church was occu this week, representing the A. O P' 'u
his numerous friends here. H. B. never.;zrentionad m sister, Mrs Gris- BIITTER.-We understand the Aug- y the Hi h Court. E.>
$1QOOJ over liabilities of $13;000, dna,#u y , ust make of creamery butter has been Auburn pied Eby Rev Dr. A. Meldrum, of St. Mies VPhitele has return 11,
'r` i '`
Evans has completed a new kitchen depositera, and from $18,000 Yo $20,x(10.. dale, who was, also .with her the last sold for I8c. a aurid. Tlxis iscertainl Paul's, on Smiday; Mr. Meldrum is a y ed to CIl>i ;
5"° and woodshed for his house. Geo. A. due to the Bank of Montreal at Strat four days of herS.icknessand waited on a hi P y a. YrC110L$Ov, Manufacturer of and Dealer good speaker and reached a splendid ton after a three weeks' visit to frieg` -"
Iter da and ni high figure and- must be pleasing to P P and relatives in Goderich. , _ S,
Evans, of Toronto, is visiting at his ford, and other accounts. The firm y ght; 'Woo her wish con in Light and Heavy HarLeSS, Whips, Va is•e, sermon. Several of the farmers have
T, treats. The patrons of the Hannah held a large number of accounts in corning tl'ealdpetticoaG Was not True .tihepatrons. Comas, 13ru nos, Robe. Coats, Mr Barr, of St. Thomas who. lists
p "fv!TS,,. Dtl Woe, , arson is home' ming,;, Leather Braces, Etc. 1i°rze Trim- finished harvest and are busy pre Mr + 4'.
=y Estate amount
up have been sued for Manitoba and the Northwest and their `u' MI Seotttoid mysietertlratsiieklad' " n � , g the land for sowing again; Mr Me r;
been visiting his son-in-law, J. W .Itr�
the amount supposed to be due the investments there have not of recent been siding up the room and attenl ted on a visit and purposes going Qr Man GHVRCA NOTEe1.-Rev Mr Eomens, Armstron g g win, went home on Friday "4
to removethe et p. Robs. next week. The Salvation Arm u g sowed a field an Monday. y a•.
,estate; a committee meeting was held years been verysucceseful, so that they petticoat where Mre 1pelle y"$li'a 9�-nt of his poor health, visited Horatio Reynolds, who has be tl
• Wednesday evening and it was decid- have found themselves unable to meet forbid her, saying thin she had ria bus; pprpose holding a meeting In the temp- at Grimsby Y.. sin l excursion last visiting his parents here, returner `
meas with that. A few hours after erance hall here on Friday evening (to, aaturds r o Ashfield ) ,
ed to hold a public meeting of those Payments. Just what assets and lia- y. Mr'Jenkins presch, d in t)le DEATH, -The Toronto papers of - Minneapolis on ,Saturday, c :.1",z
interested, in the hall on Thursday; bilities are at present itis impossible to death, MrsScott remembered the occu - night.) Me arch. Hislop, of Grey, the Methodist Church , Sunday rriornilYg ,-Wednesday announce Master Earnest and Bert Rumbr, !
"s" none are paying, as the committee are say, as no statement of affairs has yet 'rence and asked MrslGrisdale what had Reform candidate for East Huron, was from Gal. 6:5, . Epworth League met y the death of Ar- were visiting at the home of MrJ.'M
P y g+ in the village on Wednesday. ch-ib.ald were $'r'�g,near Tar• gell
wing to allow the case to go to court. been prepared. been done with the garment (which had y Knox Tuesday evening; O. E. Heratk. took d Dougall, of Kippen, last week. ,
C cliurC:►Suu ayechoolpurehasedafresh char orAo,'tbt7.e of the ear iest an most re -
he hotel Society meets on Tuesday been removed to the woodshed with a charge of the faceting; there "was a Miss Eva Smith, of Goderich. nips'
NoTtts.--Mr. H. EilbPr, of Crediton, au ply of library books this week. The small attendance because of the wet speeted res'i�nt� of ,that He of Jas. Smith, town, is socia I
next at.A. J. Courtice's. Mrs Ed. Teb- + lot o£ other old clothe) telling her what was a fathe�'Y3 Donald MaaMutchy, c f I Y epJo `,r
the Conservative candidate for South is ies of Burns and Knox churchessent weathe), Ing herself with relatives here r•
butt, of California, is visiting relatives I have just related. They secured the Kintail a
Huron was in town Tuesday. Mr J. a suppl of clothes to the Indians itt , , ndAiexa der, of this town. ,
here. yy garment andfound in the pocket a large y NOTES. -L. J. Gouzens son of Rev sbi Miss Clara and Minnie Perdue have rem
t' E. Butler is doing a very rushin busi- Manitoba, Harvest will soon be over ' P•
g roll of bills, which they locked in a bur- Mr Couzens, baa passed at Chatham turned home after spending two weeks;`,
Berimiller nese in this vicinity, roofing buildings eau drawer'. " The next.da the da be_ in this neighborhood. Thera )s some in- with their aunt and uncle at Brucefi'elda
I with his celebrated S arham cement y( y dication of otatoe rot in several for the Senior Leaving exam, Miss NEWS NOT`E$:-,
ACCIDENT. -While Hiram Brundle P fore the funeral) Mr Fella asked Mrs P parts Yawn is visiting at Mr Geromer's. Mr ti James Smith, late of the Bram&& —
3' roofing;i his roofing is fireproof and Grisdale if there had been an mons around here. Flour and wheat are up g Deputy Registrar VPm. Parker ted at Ex ositor, is visiting in town. 11QIeei'
'was leading Mr, Pframmer's horse on wateroof. Th_e Boy's Brigade held a y y the grade at present. Me Jeffrey, while and Mrs J. Nicholson are visiting rela- Cayuga. p
Friday, the horse kicked, striking Hit- P y g found as he knew there was some, she y+ tives at .Win ham. My Nichol and \ F Cole, of the same city, accompanied''
t am in the face breaking his nose and very successful lawn social on the out driving one day this week, got a g Mr John Guthrie died near Newmar1.
told him there was several rolls of bills wife took in the excursion to Sarnia him,
+ g beautiful lawn of Mr D. D. Wilson last very bad upFet, by a cow on the road. aged 110 years.
badly marking his forehand. Medic a.l which seemed to be a large amount, and last week. Miss M. A. Mulch of Gor• 1 Miss Hattie Davis, Detrojt (daUg 'tet+
aid was at once summoned and under Friday evening; an excellent program what they did with it. Mrs Grisdale Mr Jahn B. Clare, Managing Director - x
was rendered b local talent the 33rd Stanley rie, wsa visiting her grandmother. of the London Free Press is dead. oGeorge Da vjs) who has been hotnb
the watchful care of -his mother and y then told Mrq.Scottwhat she had done O. E. Erratt and bis .sister Laura visit- on a•„visit, rdtafned to the city ;ottf ;
Battalion Band supplying the music, Burglars made an unaacoeasfal attempt Tuesi�a'1i. „ ;_
the doctor, he is doing as well as can be and said to Mrs Scott they should give FALL SHOW. -The annual show of ed triends at Sunshine on Sunday last, to blow c en the safe in the ostoihos at 17x• ;.;a
expected. The Star baseball clutr pay Goderich it to Mr Fells as it was the savings of the Stanley Agricultural Society will Bella Wilson, Dr R•�ss and his sister, P P Mise Ma to Murray has ., retard, c ”
on Atig,, c th, in Blyth; we hope the them both, as Mr Fells a}ways gave hie be held at Bayfield on Thursday and kir Mtinrr,e and wife, G. Hamilton and bridge, home after sp' in a-mb"ntlr with;•.xd
NOTES. -Mrs Thomas Gledhill and, bops will come outas•usual, victorious, wife all the money, while he did the Frida Se t. 30th and 81st. Usuali sister and several others ex ect to take Rain has fallen throughout India except iatives at Lan de, initis $ate 1tI '`
Harrfv have each bought a "Garden Miss Maggie Kennedy, of Denver, Col., business, but of late years he had let amongy�thePlast of the shows, this is in the Toronto Exhibition.P A. Knox in Bombay and Uecoan districts, and good accompanyyin`Rh y�r,J -
to bike; Harry sold his Brantford is visiting friends p town. Mr. Ed. his son John look after neat ly every- one of the best of the smaller fairs, and and wife and Mrs Jarvis, of Goderich crops are promised. Mr and lYlragl'. Re vnolds, o£' Detr
to Percy Welters. Mr Pframmar re Peters spent a couple of daps with thin as he had Three Americana, who attempted to row who have been vfsjtin relatives 1;eY•''
ceived acarload of wheat Prom Maris- friends in Stratford last week. Messrs. g got dull of hearing. we expect thiaeeason will be no excep• aretheof Misa B. Wilson. Mil- across the river, on Sunday, a mile above aboli e " ",
�toba last week. Miss Connie LeTou- . A, E. Forbes, Koy Davis and Richard Aceordin ly, when they had returned tion to the rule. a Beamer is the neat of her aunt, t for eevAritl w s, rata 10 , ,
g g Niagara Falis,werecarried over the falls, y. ". �•
from the funeral, Mra Scott ggave dt to NOTES. -Mr. James Wiley and wife, Mra J, Nicholson, at present, Quite a Mr Fred C. Wade of Winnie has been home on Saturda
rel of Ggderich, who was visiting Mrs Dawson spent Sunday in Mitchell. Mr Fells in the resenae of Mr E. Little- of Turn berry, were visiting in Stan- number took in the Convention at a cine i p g Among the Western Ontario "lY .''
O. Ginn for a few days, has returned The baseball club are contemplating pp pp t d Reg Registrar and Clerk of the Su- era attending »fi P g fair, Mrs Grisdale and hip son John, ley this week; they were the.gueats of C,iinton this week. R. Lawlor and g the Ottawa Norma;, ';c%;t'
home. Mrs Joseph Smith, of May- having a ball tournament on Labor which, when counted, amounted to$l,- Mr. James Aikenbead. Mr John Aik- wife intend takin a trip u to the'Soo, prams Court for the Yukon district. Jean Mustard, Brucefield and Ecl
ville, North Dakota, arrived here on Day. It is not very often the people gg pp MrsJas.HarrisonofLambeth was thrown J. Rogan, Z ' w"r, "
Friday on afew week's visit to friends et the laughon the co but the did 600' The paper also stated that no per- enbei.d, who has been very low with Misses J. and M. Radcliffe visited out of n carriage at London andaaetained a g + urich.
7y son had knowledge of Mrs Fells hav- hemorrhage of the lungs, is now, we friends in Howick last week. blies Mrs G. Ryinore has returned to he
and relatives. Messrs. Solar and Me- in beaforththe other day; he rang the ing any money, which was also a mss- are glad to say, much improved, Misa Robertson, of Carlo, is the ueM of fractured skull. Her injuries proved fatal, t r,',
Dowell, of Westfield, paid their regu- town bell at 5 p. m, instead of 6. Mr, g A lot of children were playing on a raft home in Flint, Mich., after spendjng,,kk?ti
lar visit on Sunda take, as Mra Fells told the writer seven Jennie Mustard left last week for Ot- Miss S. Blair at present. Mrs R. M. at, Toronto, on Sunday, when it upset, and, month with her parents, Me and Mra j
y L. Rankle spent Sunday in Stratford, years ago, that she had over $I000, and taws to attend a session of tfie Normal Cumming and Mrs Youn blut are Ira. Forder, of Stapleton, ,,:r„
LEAGUE. -The attendance at our Miss Lottie Sutherland, of Buffalo, asked her advice as to the advisibilit School there: we wish her success. rovin g Mrs Robinson n,nd son are four of them, from 7 to 12yeae ofage, were Mr Smillie and wife,of Decorahil ` &
Lea ue on Frida ni ht was larger who has been spending her vacation y proving drowned. who have been visiting Mr Monte ` `.1
I'llg y g The in Seaforth and vicinity left for home o£ investing it safely, but she always Misses Ethel and Lillie Murray, who the guests of her brother, Dr. Ross, at The appointment of Mr H. C. Graham •, • g -,
than it has been for some time. seemed afraid to art with it, she also have been visiting at the home of Mr. resent.. J. Fagnl s bah is not expect- (Mrs Smi, ie's father) left for the w¢et?i
."St Paul's prayer for the church- on Monday. Mr. Loosmore, of the Do- g P b y P as collector of customs at Brandon causes on WednedYla mornin
y minidn Bank b told two more other moat intimate John McEwen, returned home to, Lon. ed to live. Mr Jackson and wife, of a vaoanay in the Danitoba Legislaoive y g`
es, was given b Misses R. Stevens , aepurchased evaluable friends of her possession. MRS C. B. don on Saturday. Mr, George Baird the Soo, are the r�uests of his brother AseombiS for South Brandon. ext week Misses Lena Dohertyahi ,;;
and R. Blake.he meeting was led collie dog in Port Hope. Mr W. W. pIrILItINSON. lost two shee tltt Sunda last b bein Archie st Maud Shannon return to T rontw C7t}n'. ;
by )kir. 1 ,Snyder: Next Friday even- Reid, who has been spending the past _ P y Y g present, Mrs Jackson is John Arnold was instantly killed, and his
y month with friends in town, left for worried by dogs; this has become a ver ill atp sent. D., Fell moved to servator of Mugic;_Misses_�lar-a-Seats;1�
deo the topic "St prayer for per- y companion, the 14 -goer -old sonof.iletre�red
Medix Run. Penn. on Mond� The Bel rave very common occurrence in the net h- Clinton this eek, Mrs ,Elki_n__pxssQd..Ficzwwrt}n; Ptnba6iyTatally injared whin--and�(1Hlire Barge go to the mIllin¢i"y' .,
sisnal friends," is to be given by Miss a y• 9 boyhood, as this fs the t . ted art .._w o - feet -aW "ilii "Tliurada last ata openings.
' woollen mill is a _ _. g }q
B. Allen and Miss ,L Olivant. gain in £vii operation. $How,-Ealit W'nwanosh--Fall •Show •hasiat9ly'lbst"s`Iieep in he same Way. ripe cid age; er remains were interred driving over srnilwayoroseingnear ane is W. Marshall and children "`&`,,`}
Mrd Swan W,. Cody_ shipped-severstl WiiT'Fie held in Bel rave on Thursday Miss Edna Hamilton, of Blyth, who in Ball's cemeter their rig truck by a train, have dlPen spending a month wICYi
14"- - w - - -- "` '-1large" con��gnments o£ illow sham gg Y The C.P.R..iZ. land department received a
holders to New BrunawiCp an and Friday, Sept. 2.1 and 24.. was visiting Miss Ella Graham has re• their sister, MIs Searle, went hntYle ,cif
sect Imports Crony k d Nava turned home. Mrs. Ross, i sample of hay from Whitemouth the height
Scotia this week. Flax pulling is over HARVESTING NOTES, - The spring , of C.in- of wbiob seems Incredible, measuring g26 Frdday, Mr Marshall coming up,tis ac
crC is about half cut, while many ton, visited on the 2nd con'. last week; Goderich Township K company them,
in Seaforth, The Beaver lacrosse club P feet, 71-2 inches. The oropis a regularone
1.ART�I Ulf &' Co1.
of Seaforth piny the Lornea of Exeter have already threshed their fall wheat. she leaves shortly for Toronto. FARM SOLD,—Mr B. Switzer, of Cor. over about 15 acres of marsh, and the cam- Miss Leila Hamilton, who for aoXnd ' ,
_1 'i��\
Yields in wheat range from 30 to 50 COUNCIL. -Stanle 9, has sold his 80 -ace farm on con. 8,
y in Exeter next Frpday evening. The h - y" council met on J ole will probably beQent to the Toronto ex- time has been a popular and e�=, ,;i
Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday bwbe'ls'per acre. We have one of the Monday Aug. 23rd, at I o'clock p.m., all to Mrs James Hudie, Mrs Hudie has hibition, ficient assistant in. the store of J. WG
' heaviest cro s of oats this countr secured one of the best farms in this f 'I
GLASGOW. schools intend having a monster ex- P y Nae the membece present. The minutes of violets Mrs W. Waite died at Toronto recently Irwin, leaves shortly Manitoba, addit a '
cursion to Goderich on Friday, Aug. 27. ever seen, and roots are in prime con- previous meeting were read and adopt- y' and willed her body to the Ontario Medical you can guess what for. -s. + ` ..",
' We have passed into stook a. Mr. Richard Dawean has resutned his dition. The hay crop is beyond a!1 ed. The following accounts were ACCIDxSNT.-While Mr James Wal- Calle a for Women to he used for eoientifio
tern, of lroderieb was helping his bro- g Mr T. Laing, of Chicago, who canton
f t magnificent rdnge of position at W. D. Van Egmond's wool- precedent and but for the wet weather paid: -Jones Bros, for cedar, $128.10; + p K purposea. The hasband,who is a respectable here in time for the
len mills. Mesare. Broadfoot &Box, d g haying, J. McKie repairing grader, $1,05; tber, )A. O. Waiters to 'harvest, one ubileecelebri&ti ri
urin ha rn hay would now be a , re g g + t, baker, dutifully carried out his wife a •last and who has since so' '
furniture manufacturers, are kept very drug on the market. One farmer, freight on cedar, $31.50; News,Record day last week, be received an ugly wishes, and delivered the bodyto the col)- burned with f1xe,
�' 1gHsh Worsteds y PP y' the demand far their P p ' g , wound, which will lay him up for some uncles, the Messrs Jackson, lr.,'left iolr ',',
bus su 1 ingg however reports 68 loads of first class rintin , $28.25; J. T. Cairns cover for ego authorities. He says that Mrs Waite home on Wednesda
-' excellent furniture. Mr. Ira Gerry, of hay, with seven loads partially darn- council tab:e, $2.10; T. Browuett. un- time. it seems he was pulling a sheaf Nae bomb expressed a fear that she y'
and Ser�+�S Brussels, is visiting friends in town, aged. There is plenty of fru t• for loading and delivering cedar, $20,25. from the binder, when the arms which might be baried alive, and took this means Me Morgan, late with Jackson arcs. '
to We are pleased to note the recovery of home Consumption, and some orchards The following are the rates levied on threw the sheaves out, caught, his hand of reventin an such dire occurrence. has taken a situation in Waterloo. %el i
r Mr. Fred Morrison from his recent will have a surplus for shipping, Collector's Roll for this year. -County and scraped a large piece of flesh oil' Boma large salsa of Ontario hay have re• are inclined to think, however thit)t ,'
• Scotch and illness, rate, 17.10 mill, Townshl rate 1 mill the back of it, causin intense sin, his sympathies will turner•ound towafi
METHODIST C1HURCH. '- There was P + + � caning boon made for Montreal aaaonnt,one
eneral school rate. 11-10 mills, Pchool NOTES. -Rev Me urton, o Varna, lot of one nn red oars of otover miasd be- Clinton vbry frequently.
Suit' another overflow congregation at this preached in Cole's church last Sabbath.
-VIr + . . 'i�tCingham. church Sunday evening, the announce- ection rates as follows: -S. S. No. 1, Ing placed at $6.s0 f• o: b, west of Toronto, Mrs, Jas, Henderson and daughter r
mebt of a song service having brought 14.5 mills, No. 3, 4-5 mild, No. 4, 1 mill, A. Bare, wife and family visited at G. equal to $cJ laid down here. Another lot of Eva, and Mrs John Ruettel„ XInC�o4*
ASSIGNED.—We hear on good Guth- $ g t'7oo ei• a last Sunda r Geo. Beat -
the crowds from afar, The astor, N°' S, )J'
8-5 mills, l Jo. 6, 2 3-10 mills, p y $1,000 tons was offered at the same figure, ine, are visiting friends in j'1`ntiitli
ority that John Corn n, publisher of P leo, 7, 1 mill, No,10 I 3-10 mills, tie left last on the Harvest g i
SC+ Underwear & the Advance, has made an asst nment. Rev. Mr Oaten, took chargge and ex- No. 18 y and the party took 250 tone. The mar t' Mise Eva Henderson goes from her$.tq
a assign plained that the object of the service 9.10 mtlns, Ntl. 14, 11 mills, No. 1 Union, Excursion fox Manitoba. Miss Miller, in Montreal is tfrm owin 'to li I offer, Toronto to attend fixe tnjlilnd
IoSle• I t is also stated that another business 2 mi}Is, Separate kehool, 4} mills, No. 9 ahoy has ' been visiting at We A. Teb- legs, and quotations pro lIS 60 to �IO.sO for easings, "�
r man has assigned. was to imprwve the congregational 1710 mills. 'The i7 ark was in- butt's, left last week for her home in
I singing. The rebponse was most Uva°n' London. Miss C, Cam bell 'dap ht No. 2, and $11.60 td $12 for No. 1. 'I O'Neill, was delej3�ate,,�+fiw,
CONCRETE WALKS.-- At a a ecial hearty and if theseg special efforts strutted to draft a by -late fixin his P g er The emigration of farmers from Michigan the O dfellows Grand Lasl p, at ,to,
meeting of the town council held Sat- are onlyp repeated there will be no lack fees under the Ditches dnd Water- of Mr Robt. Campbell, of i oderieh, is to Manitoba reports of whish aro received ge vijle, took occasion to cis t hIs ,h '
1'd from the above firm, urday evening last, petjtfona were re- of bei htness irx the sin 'n of coarsen Act at 10 cents per . hundr d visiting friends on the 7th coni, Me S. p, f b ..
brig, g'a hie E, Hick who s ant last week visitin almost daily, In simply returning to Canada while away, a place he had of bobu' ,
mare as lino a Jot of goods ceived from property owners on John church• 109Ok on renilored t'O Ha words fur wtiting and 10cents per mile P t
. e gg , dor shown iii Clinton. We and )Patrick streets for 0onerete bide- Da " in a, pleasing for delivering not, Thos. Wile his relolves in thin locality, returtiefl •her own. Thirty or Rorty years age there fear fifteen years, H9 returned t(Y to�tt4r
y y, p a ng manner. Mr was again a ainted Collector. Y ]Fiat Tuesday to resume his business in was a great imigration from •Ontario"to this week, .
w)ll be planus to have you wall and . „. walks. The Brayer of the ppatit)oners Oaten sang a po ulcer solo ,from the g p r. Conn ,
' ' see what will be worn this maea . was gratited and the walk. is now in Toronto Oo v p cel meets a ala on Monda. Set 2 Pa'rxa, after a few days recreation. Mr M%higan espeoiolly by farmers sone in T. Jackson,Jr., of the a l-ktitlw it
• +ave Can nave 6n mote on Orderers n entian nrus)C and then ,� y+ p • 7th, search of land. Mot ofthe old week)
y y d process of const;uctidn. 'These walks the witted In a duets a at one o e ock p. m. -•-S. T. CAlaxg Galloway, of Le rklin tont formerly of H Y of Jabkit(rt1 Bioa., Clothiora, li #x ,e '>tk tk
y j Game, thou ' Seaforth, ocou cad Z 6n ul :it the ant lis. or in this ,P,roldnae ,have yet puny Manitoba for. sereral�e rte d ' w , '
Cllotlaing. are Along. either side of the main street: fount " by Harrison. The��gattar wsa Clerk' p pp lj- p ehit. c::. h A '+
�; aIon
either aide of Centre street, and u ed tato Sabbaths, tri the' abseoee :af tl�e i tabilbrIbera in lliiohigaln the papers lacing Ihesa tri and Is txtiw oix
g s in Atc°inpatliment. , Lgiberal Col-
pad, hiilr�#, �.
Jackgon $ri. Clinton pa �ly along Minnie street. When th Hous�all actor, 1�`ev� Mt, G}odWitr wl;d fa t h o • taken by eopls Who enjoy. the news from 'tie had a most Bubcessfii .,
> ! l e lections ai this and a Format service= p J' , 1. 1f ip, . ttdsuti
ing lits holida . Apple bit 8rs are t f- #lxeir aid aloes, lt;t , is Bald that ninny of rouiar a tie fleet bein i
lin a of the contracts are completed, have ...laced a large supply Miss Annie Murdock visited in Puff. pp .. Y � g ad b the
1? 8 pp y of Music the lktibliigdn 'farms orb hooll nabrt a ed rtlth
Vfot6e(6 book, if iit4bliehed I854.' wee hall have over two miles OJ con- books int alo last week. Mrs feting 01,50 it lot.-, for Whitt feta Apples I y g t1 o It tp, lace an or�er
he church far future use, McMahan and her ty� ,nit the pw se>rq dealt a i► ` haxioe .t y bvlt .66
Agetiq tld(ui 1— sundry. Phone 70 Crete walks. Mra Proctor r daughter, Miss Maud re t+' thgye can: get. Thtoffibig''.,'hhs been the , ,o o stint 9n alai" A firm til�tygtlolet�ei• �'bt>i it ti
p o. ided at the organ. g , a iy, , toner of the inky ,this *o& � Vollitobs tvllh s dlean alma, le,� vhett ire gets Ottt�'
r frielxds In Brumfield and vicinity.
I -
, ,. , i
, y.
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•- .t,, ti
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111 11
e A1tt, �' _ _ �.