HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-13, Page 7BUTCHER SHOPS. NTRAL BUTCHER SHOP 1111. FORT) & MURPHY 'We are doing business on the Dash prints'. )p*e, and will supply our customers with rtmbest mats at the lowest paying prloes FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON ,�,tsiness Chs�nge. The undersigned desires to intimate to 'the people of Clinton that he has bought .oat the butohering business lately conduct- ed by Reid Bros., and will continue the same in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, where by strict attention to the wants of 'We easterners, he hopes to merit and receive a fair share of patronage. He will sell for •cash,;only, and at the lowest prices. Chas.J. Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP I'}wish to inform the pablio that I will not be undersold by any other person in the business. I am 1t practical bntoher; and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very best meats, and a full stook always on hand, and will sell at the .Lowest Cash Prides. Bring along your money, and get the meat at the Dash price. We will give credit, but not as cash prices. 'lease oome and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange g Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS Ek°"° e have a choice stock of FEED CORN OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o Idighest market price paid for coarse grain, r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOKS Flour & Feed store BRAN & SHORTS Cook's Cotton Root, Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by fax the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases--zo degrees .stronger --sold by druggists, One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, rive Dollars. No. z, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists. In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank For Twenty-seven Years DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER TMECOOK'S BEST FRIEN LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLEOD'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND • $1,400,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. WM. MOLBON MACPHERSON, President F. WonrrERSTON Tama, Gen. Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange posits. SAvn osdBAxna•e ntereetwed on de - allowed on sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to own fmorerendorsers.s on teir No mortgage with one r required H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesensse, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Live_ Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dan3e, Female irregularities and General Debility. Laboratory, Goderich, out, J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in9Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON 6, D, 1hcTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business transacted. NOTES DII3COUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL, BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A. general Banking Business transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. )gARHI & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. Geo. Watt, President, Oarlock P. 0.; James ,Broadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seafortb P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, of losses aSSee.forth P. P.O.;th . M. Medio DIRECTORS Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Hardie, Sorb= pen ;Geo. Dale, Seaforth• Goo. Watt, Harlockt 111, Rays, Seaforth; Alex. Gardtnor, Lead - bury; Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, gippen. .soccl=111119MNOIY J. C. STEYFJNSO) —THE LEADING -- UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER t GOODS KEPT in STOCK !is , ittg a ial,nt:r; Fluid tie d Splendid Hearse Residence over store. OPPOSITF TOWN HALL TATE CLINTON NEW ERA St. J acob' s Welt. "S.. Jacob's Well" is situated in the northeast part of Clark County, Kan- sas, is about 100 feet in . diameter, and nearly in the shape of a horseshoe. The basis in which the well is situated covers about WO acres and is some fifty feet lower than the surrounding coun- try. On entering the basin from the south, where there is an opening, you can walk to the which is very little lowewater'sthanthe abottom of the basin. Nothing seems to affect the supply of water, as it stands at a certain height all the time, never rais- ing or lowering although hundi ede of cattle drink it waters daily during the dry seasons. It has been measured to a depth of 100 feet and no bottom has ever been found. The water is clear, but blackish, and around the sides in the water is a beautiful water moss, which is so thick and matted that it will support the weight of large rocks. The water is alive with leeches and other water reptiles, and it has been said that eyeless fishes have been taken from the well. Many people believe the well to be an opening or outlet to a subterranean body of water, but it is probably fed by the waters of the Arkansas through a stratum of sand. Ten Largest eities • The ten largest cities in the world and their respective populations are.— London, 4,231,000; Paris, 2,447,000; New York, 1,801,000; Canton, 1,000,000; Ber- lin, 1,579,000; Tokyo, 1,389,000; Vienna, 1,364,000; Philadelphia,h1.142P�rChi a- go, 1,1000,000, 1,036,0110. NEWS NOTES. ' A sad death le reported from the village of Walden, Cornwall county, where Mies Eliza Kinnear, a very estimable young lady, died se the result of inhaling Paris green, wbioh she was patting on potato planta. A gust of wind caused the poison- ous powder to rise, and Miss Kinnear swal- lowed so much that she died two daye later. WRONG HEART ACTION Wrong heart action causes nervousness, nervous dyspepsia, shot tnees of breath and other distressing 'symptoms. Mr S. Yelland, of London. Ont., was aired of these troubles by taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mr Yelland says: "They are a remarkable medicine, and I have not been troubled in the least since taking them." Peter Bon, the tramp charged with the murder of Pearl Morrison at Cry- stal Falls, Mich., has made a complete confession, acknowledging that he first assaulted and then strangled the girl to death, The confession was secured by is Pinkerton detective, who visited Bon in hiscell in the robe of a Catholic priest The confession washeard by two reli- able citizens in an adjoining cell, who were placed there on the ostensible charge of drunkenness. The confession has created considerable excitement. CLINTON MARBLE WORK COOPER'S OLD STAND, Nex to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full 0• eration.and a order filled In the most satisfaoto. y way Came tery and granite work a spoiaity. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOOV ER,Clinton, Im AGENTS. Thos Nations, liarlock• Robt, McMillan, Sea - 'forth, and J, Comings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to offeot Insurances or tran- voiy,soot other business will be promptly attended to ;',drapplication ssed toitheir r respective offices. ogabove officers Clinton Planing Mill DRY KILN. KILN. ,Ii;ti kit This This old -established and reliable business is being continued as usual, and those who want anything in our line can rely on the very best of service Choice Plants for Spring Bedding. Floral Designs for Weddings or Funerals Fruit and Ornamental Trees Spruce. Scotch .t Astrachan Pine Pr cos of entire stock very low. All orders promptly filled. Bak \URNS Trees, Plants, Shrubs. Frank McDonnell. the high wire 1 hot as it can be borne. Then rub the bicyclist, who formerly lived in Owen feet dry with a rough towel. Sound, and whir was killed at Ridge- wood Park on Monday, had an account teaspoonfuls of flower of sulphur into for 825,000 in the Hamilton Bank of a pint of new milk. Let it standa while ‘Ltst 1 i. Sick Room Mints.\ For cramps or pains in the stomach by a few drops of essence of camphor. For a nervous headache a cup of mod- erately strong tea in which two or three slices of lemon have been infused. For tired feet put a handful of com- mon salt into four quarts of hot water. .Placethe feet In the water while it is as Fort Wayne, Ind. McDonnell has a brother, A. C. McDonnell, now living in Owen Sound. The postoffice at Beamsvill was rob- bed Thursday night, entrance being effected by bursting open the front doors. The safe was blown to pieces and the contents scattered all over the office. The loss, besides the safe, is not yet known, but will probably not exceed $30. Four generations took part in a christ- ening at Tockholet,near Darwen, Eng- land recently. While the baby was be- ing baptized the father played the or- gan, his grandfather sang as chorister, and his great.grandfather looked on from the church warden's pew.. They all belonged to the same church all their lives. A practical joker lumped into De- troit river the other day, and when the different ferry boats tried to rescue him, he refused their assistance; think- ing he was trying to commit suicide, they persisted till they had res:ued him, and found he was an expert swimmer Rho was fooling them. The magistrate properly gave him a month in jail for his joke. Ile Had One Defect The just engaged girl was telling th e other girls all about "it," or, more pro- perly, `him." "Yes," she said, "I'm very much in love, I know, hut not in the blind, silly, illogical way that most girls are. I'm not so far gone but what I can see that he has defects—oh, lots of them—both in looks and character. I'nr able to re- gard him, thank goodness! from a per- fectly impartial and dispassionate standpoint." After which the just engaged girl proceeded to go into detail. According to her "impartial, dispassionate" stand- point, "he' was, it seemed, handsome, amiable, and clever, and courageous, aid charming, and— "See here, interrupted one of the girls, "isn't this rather one-sided? How about those many defects you said you saw so plainly? Please mention some of them?" "Well," said the just engaged girl, heroically, after a minute s silence, "one of his front teeth is just a trifle crooked." John Stewar-t-Estate;- matter The b nl and ora a very re- -provedmachinery the most skilled workmen is able to do work in his line it£ the most satisfactory manner, -at reasonable rates and on the s1 rteet no- tice. A trial solicited. IPAOTOilIIt 11/41)0M% G. . 11. i' 4TION CLINTON, MAT STAMPING The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of stamping for Mats, Persian Rugsypromptly arti- cles reasonabnature. e rates. MRS A WORTHINGTON Huron Street. Selling Out Annie Warren is a fortune-teller of New York, who could not see that she was tell ing the fortune of a detective, and as a consequence she fell into the hands of the law. It is amazing that it never occurs to the gullible people who give up their money to these fakirs that if they had the power to reveal the future they would not have to tell fortunes for a living. Any person who can see even a week ahead would soon be rolling in wealth. There died on Tuesday evening, one of Wingham's most highly respected young women, in the person of Mary Euphemia, beloved wife of _'.r. James Langely, brakeman on the London G. T. R. freight. About two weeks ago deceased was confined and was getting along very nicely until Friday last, when she was seized with a sudden chill, which was followed by another on Monday evening and she passed peacefully away on Tuesday evening. There is likely to he law over the question of when the U. S. tariff went into force, a largesum of money bang- ing on the result. Usually the courts have held that a measure begins with the beginning ot the day on which it receives assent. In this case, however, it is contended that as the customs day ended with 4 o'clock, and the bill was not signed till after 4, it providing that duties go into effect from the time of its passage, all goods coming in doting the customs day of -July 21th come under the Wilson tariff. The question is a nice one for lawyers. then rub the face over with it a short time before washing. For binding up cuts and wounds, al- ways use linen, not cotton, as the fibres of cotton ale flat and apt to irritate a sore place, while those of linen are per• fectly rounded. CANCER CAN BE CURED For six years I suffered from cancer,and got no relief until I used Burdook Blood Bitters. I used seven bottles faithfully when the Dancer gradually dried up and finally disappeared. I am now entirely well and, rejoice that by asing B. B. 13. 1 have escaped death, either from the iur- geon's knife or from the Dancer itself Signed, MRS ELIZA J. TUFFORD, Par- is, Ont. PLEASANT, SURE AND QUICK GENTLEMEN,—I am pleased to recom- mend your Lasa Livnr Pills for Constipa- tion, dyspepsia and sick headache. I have used them for those troubles, and find them a pleasant, sure and quick care, free from the annoying griping of other pille I have heretofore used. Signed, H.JAMES, St. Nicholas Hotel, Hamilton, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of John Lapier, late of the Township of Butlett, beoman, deceased. FOR CASH. We are now offering our entire stook of Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare our prices with those you have been paying and sae what yOla can save by ordering from us. reg. our reg. our price price p'ice price aornStareh,10o .. 7o Coffee . 40o.. 800 Laundry „ 10o.. 70 Lamp Glasa,80..5o Peerline, 100.. 8o GingerSnapsl0o..50 Soap,., ....5o....4o Tea, 60o..40o Picklde....16o..100 BlueRibbon85o..25o Extracts ....10o..80 Tea 25e..20o Yeast Cakes.100..80 Seeds per pkt 3o Salmon. , ..13o..10o 8,} lb Reims .... 25o Canned Cornl0c..5o 8} 1b Currants .. 25o 8 lb.Sodas,.26o..200 JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton Noticeis hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Lapier, lato of the Township of Hnllott, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 6th da of July, A. D. 1897, at the Jaid Township of Rullett, are required to deliv er or send by post, prepaid, to the undersigned at Clinton, Ont., on Or before the 30th day,of September, AD.,1897, their ehristian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, verified by affidavit, and immediately after said 30th day of Septem- ber will hdistribute he hoasets among those of whose claims he shall then have notico, and ho will not bo liable for any other claims not then filed with him, JAMES SCOTT, Executor of the will of the deceased. Dated this 28th day of July, 1897. We Will Pay Straight Weekly Salartes Of from 810.00 to 880,00, according to ability, for canvassers on "Queen Victoria : Her Life and Reign," after a trial month on our big commis- sion. Tho Diamond Jubilee is -booming this wonderful volume, Trooping all hands working early and late. The only Canadian Werk accept- ed by Her Majesty and endorsed by the Royal Family. A beautiful big book at a small price; hurry your ai pp__1lcation, THE BRADrRt'-GAlt nivrso1i OWL'tel',Toronto, Ont„ WESTERN FAIR LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9TH TO 18TH•, *97 CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EXAIBITIQN "< The most complete Live Stock Buildings in America. More improverneuts 014. teasive additions ibis year. Every Stockman, Agriculturist, Mautttraeturerp'B'aI(;alialil9 Artists and Inventors, etc., etc., specially invited. Entries close Sept. 9th, In all Departments. Succeasassured. SIE HASSEN BEN ALI, THE ARAB PRINCE, Has Been Secured to Furnish and Superintend the Stage Attratetloae. Auction Sale of Boothe and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the Grounds at 2 p.m. For Prize Lists, Program and Maps, apply to LT. COL. F. B. LEYS, PRESIDENT. THOS. A. BROWNE, SzosET4Or A. Hungry lYlan's Delight Commissioner McCreary interviewed Manager Whyte, of the C. P.R., on the subject of enforcing the alien lab- our law. He has notified Mt Whyte that United States labourers.engaged to work on the Crow's Nest road will be returned to the States, and that outfits with mien in charge will not be permitted to enter Canada. Mr Mc- Cteary has instructions to make the law operative in every patticulatr, and to give the officials enforcing it a pro• per understanding of its provisions. [-le may have to go west to Lethbridge ur Macleod the latter part of the week to lute' view the North-west Mounted Police authorities. The Heraldo of Madrid says it under- stands that the United States Govern- ment has decided to wait four months longer for the pacification of Cuba, and unless it is accomplished by that time, the United States will undertake the protect of the insurgents. Enquir- ies made in official circles elicited a denialof theaccuracy of this announce- ment. A despatch to the New York Herald from Rio Janeiro, via Buenos Ayres, says: --The latest official advices from Canudos state chat 2,000 Government soldiers were killed in the recent bat- tle there. This leaves the rebel loss in the same fight about 1,000. The num- ber of wounded cannot be estimated as yet, as the reinforcements, which have gone forward continue to find the injured hidden in the forests. An apparent attempt to blow up the borne of John O'Meara, superintendent of the Moonlight Mine near Butte, Mon, resulted in the death of t hree children. What appeared to be a Roman candle was found near 0,Meara's residence by Mamie Benson and two other little girls. While playing with it one of the children struck it with a piece of iron. It exploded, and the O'Meara child was literally peppered with frag- ments of brass, lead and glass. The other two children were terribly cut and all died. A hole torn in the ground showed that the bomb was charged with dynamite. Several at- tempts have been made on O'Meara's life heretofore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Mrs Amelia A. Cook, of the town of Clinton, deceased Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Sia- tute in that behalf, to all creditors and others having claims againsttho estate of the said Mrs A.A.Cook,late of theTown of Clinton,County of Huron, widow,d eceaeed,w ho diedon or about the tod liv0th erorsenofJunedbym 1pat the rep d,toJTown asTwitch- oil,Cliuton,Adminstrator of the estate of the said deceased. on or before the let day of September, A D, 1897, their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, a,,d fall particulars of their claims, verified by affidavit, and imme- diately after said 1st day of Sept., the said Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the assets. among those of whose claims he shall then have had notico, and ho will not be liable for any other claims not then fllod with him. ihs2ddfugst'9minietrator Dated tinay oA AT AN ILLINOIS HOTEL. Experlenoe of a Preacher Who Happened There Overnight. "Tbe liveliest time I ever had in getting hotel accommodations was right here in Illinois," said a clerical looking man, who sat in the smoking compart'Ineut of the sleeper while the porter was making up his berth. "I was going to preach at Dixon, Ilte., tag) I started in good time, if I had not Iii.Pjiened to strike a holiday, when trains were running wild—this was 20 years ago and schedules were not systematized as they are now. On Saturday at midnight I stopped on the last train at a small town nearly 18 miles from the place where I was expected to 1111 a popular pulpit. "Everybody had gone to bed when I walked into the one hotel of the place, but by dint of loud knocking I roused a sleepy clerk, who gave rue a kerosene lamp, with a piece of red flannel, which served as a wick, and pointed to a room at the top of a flight of stairs. "This room had a bed in it, but there was no sign of a lock to the door. A large front window was open and would not Diose. __ It had no ourtaln. So, before die- robing, I blew out the lamp. I saw that It would be easy for any one on the outside to scale the window, so I arranged all the toilet crockery on its sill. Then I wont to bed and to Bleep. "When I awakened, it was Sunday morning and a bright sun was shining into my room. I sot up and saw a curlew' crowd regarding my window and the breastwork of ' orookery wbioh Thad need as a defense. I learned afterward that they thought it was a new obina store that had just been opened. "When I went down stairs, I found the hotel doors had not boon unfastened since the night before. I opened up the bones, but the only guests to enter were a eat and four kittens. Tbe help appeared later, apologizing by paying that they bad not worked the day before, but bad let things take caro of themselves. The landlord Looked as if he never had worked and nev- er intended to. I was not able to get even a cup of coffee for my broakfaet before the train came wbiob bore me away from the slackest town and tiro worst hotel service I bad over to my life encountered. No, I won't call names, for from what I have heard it is run—both hotel and town—on the same lines today. Good night." --Ohl. Cage 'Times-Heiiild. In the County. Court of the County of Huron. IN THE MATTER OF PARTITION BETWEEN MARY MAIC FEETRRS, Plaintiffs and JENNIE HARTLEY, WILLIAM GARRETT, MARGARET A.DULMAGE, ALEXANDER GAR RETT.I MARGARET GARRETT, HUGH, GAR^ BUTT, MARTHA COBRA, ROBERT GARRERT and JAMES GARRETT, Defendants. To the above named Defendants and to all unknown persons having or claiming any Inter• let in the North Half of Lot Number Eleven, in the Lake Road Concession East, In the Western Division of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron. Take notice theta petition for the partition or sale ot} the atbov'hdesoribed lands will be present- ed to the Judge of the County Court ot the County of Huron at his Chamhor+ in the Court House intbo town of Goderich, in said county, on the 21st day of September A D. 1897 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and that you are here- by required toappoar then and thore and state' what claims (if any) you have to said lands, a fd in default of your so appearing the matter ill bo proceeded with in your absence. LOFTUS E. DANCEY Solicitor for P itioner. Dated this 8`rd day of August, A. D. 7. A SUMMER SlECIFIC. Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, eohc, summer com- plaint, canker of the month and all bowel complaints of children or adults. It is soothing, effectual, never failing remedy, whi3h gives immediate relief and speedily effects a cure. WANTED Industrious persons of el- • tner sex with good charaet- er and common school education, can obtain employment for two months in this com- munity.. S. M. FRY, Toronto. Ont. Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel that you would like some to appease your appetite, try some of the following Heinz's Sweet Pickles, 35c a quart, Heinz's Beans in Tomato Sauce, Blue Label Cath: Potted Meats —Hans, Chicken, Partridge, &c. Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices. The up-to-date Grocery is Wanted Men and Women who can work hard talk- ing and writing six hours daily. for six days a week and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Ad,tress, NEW IDEAS CO., Medical Building, Toronto OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone 2 FACTS�J It pays to advertise facts only. Anything that can be proven, i3O' 6' fact. We substantiate and prove all we advertise. QUANTITY /!A N pazTITY We have the largest stock or Furniture in this county to choose from. �, UALl T Our' goods cannot be surpassed for design, workmanship: ,;t finish. Remember we do not handle any slop work. Ex a. ine other goods then see ours and you will bo convinced that what we tell you is right.. Our prices are away down. We have the name of selling Furniture, cheaper than any other firm in this section, and we are boundto*e- - tain :our reputation. Don't buy furniture till you get our piles i;; UNDERTAKING. In this department we carry a complete stock. We give a service that cannot= be surpassed by any, and our charges are se low as the lowest. Our beareem and outfit is undoubtedly the finest in the county. PRICES' BROADFOOT,BOX & CO. J. Ws.nager Chidle P S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley'e, (Funeral Director) residence. ummer ' Goods We wish to draw special attention to the following. Men's Shirts, Drawers,`T:ie) Braces and Hose; large range both in quality and price, Ladies' Dress Gonda, Vests, handsome Prints for Waists. Handkerchiefs in great variety. Paraeolsr? Stainless Black Hose, 12o to 35c, both plain and ribbed. Screen Doors and dows. Now for Harvest Tools, Scythes, Snatbs, Forks, Rakes, tic. Strawp,r Pine Apples and other f>G'uits. Bibles and Methodist Hymnbooks combined; lust, received. Our Teas are specially good (so we hear very often) and we sell thet'id,` on their merit only. We have a fine lot of Whips. Highest price for producer,;; Everybody cordially invited to give as a trial. Terms Cash or Produce. APAMS'.EMPORIIIM, RA DAM LONDESBORO CA&UAGBS AND WAGG�N We Keep in Stock and make to order Carriage and Waggons of all kinds. CEMENT FLUOits & �V:3t-iiS,`[!1 RUMBALLSubscriber is prepared to lay down Cement { rr floors for cellars, or other purposes. and also granolithio Walks. Material and workman- ship first-class and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. JAMES HOWE, Clinton. AGENTS Second edition "Queen Victoria" exhausted. Jubilee Edition on press. Best history of the Queen and Victorian Era published. The only Canadian work accepted by Her Majesty. Sales unprecedented—knock the bottom out of all records. Canvassers scooping in money. Even boys and girls sell it fast. big commis- sioner straight weekly salary after trial trip. THE BRAULEV-t}AIias rsuN CO., LOU'I'E'', TOnONTO, ONT. CASTOR IA i s - - CLINT r-: THE BEST PH OTOS RAPHS ARE TAKEN BY H O RACE FOSTER tt eLEVELANDS Run Easier, wear\better and sell better than any other Bicycles. THESE STAUNCH, TRUE WHEELS Are still 8I00 and $75, TO ALL ALIKE. Por Infants and Children. 111. A. Lozier & Co,, Tho fin tiinile signature Of ieverys to moo* I sate W. Cooper