HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-13, Page 1"
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Yee, we have many of them, made by the I
best watch talent to be found anywhere CLI TTO - - --- - ¢ ` t
and cases to please extravagent taste. But -
d time-kee ' gaaI.ties do not always de- — --a __-,-.__._._
1 � G r �.
pcv�prioe. We sell ,a first Disse c t A '�1 .
ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., AUGUST 13, 1897 $1 a year in advance $1.50 when not so aid �`'. ' otos • lr`
wato , one we guarantee to run within one P t•
minute a month at $S. If it fails to do __ _ _ _ _ �� ��
this bring it book and we will exchange itGoderich I sorter's Hfll y . `
g g AROUND THE g3TTB. ---___ __-- - --- �arlo�t.
cr refund you your money. if your watch HARBUR.—Fiehin is still ver light, PERSONAL, - Mr and Mrs Gowai a ENGAGED. -The trustees of our "
is stopping or dose not keep correct time, What wide-awake and reliable correspondents rind worthy of recording for publication g Y g have telurned to Exeter after vision
PP g P Capt. Baxter's boats are in much de- at the lady's home, Newton Villa. All, , school have engaged W.A. Elliott, son You are wearing glasses -maybe
bring it to as and have it repaired right- Stanley Goderich Township mand now. Steamer Jenius was in port of Mt Wtn. Elho t, for the balance of 'I yoc are not. No matter; if our •''
g P k Ferguson had the misfortune to lose y
I. t TaIEVING.-On Monday night some last week. Steamer Carmond, was ern the year, at a salar of
1. PERSONALS. -Mr Thomas McDonald, ort on Saturday one of his valuable horses last week. I y $115. He has eyes trouble you, have as test := ':+
Cleaning, $1 00 persons who are known entered the I p y and Wednesday. been recent] attendingthe Model, them. We will do it carefully. : • ;1
'A I
g+ of the London Police force was visit- Mr and Mrs Stalker', of Whitechurch,
cellar of Mr. Wm. Smith 14th con., Tug Seamen brought down a raft of and will doubtless give atisfaction. It lasses will benefit
Mainspring, $1.00 Ing his old acquaintances on the sec- and stole therefrom five ars of canned lugs on Saturday, Many were down are renewing old acquaintances here. NOTES. -Miss McDougall, k you, wewtlT 11 w,'`
Orad last week; Thomas and his pipes fruit and also carried away two Scotch y he The hum of the thresher is again in g Detroit, is prescribe the ones tont will best
-- alwa s make a stir along the line. y to see the wrecked caraun Monday. T our midst; Harry Tewsley hits w5eat visiting at A.. McDougall's. O. Jahn- suit ypn. If yon need a change
p I collie pops from the yard. As the par- boating season is in full swim. I son, of Galt, is spendin his ho;idays in the lenses you are now wearing .
Miss Kate Thompson spent a few dayys ties are known it would be advisable A JOLLY CROWD. -A art of fisher• ;that averaged 53 bushels to the acre. at. John Pickard'S. es Lizzie and we will make the change and
LOST, between Braoefield and Olinton, with Mies Bell, Tuckersmith,lastwsek p Y jVEDD[NG BELLS. -One of those Master Herb
sissies' open facesilverElgin watch. Find- Misses Ella and Annabel McEwen, of for them to return all they took. men left on Saturday for Main Station, y Ulivant were calling in charge but a trifle for doing it117
er will be rewarded by leaving at this store. Clinton, are spending their holidays NOTES. -Miss Edythe Switzer, who up the lake. They are fully prepared deuce of Mr Thomas s took pUamlace �rbellbe rest- the neighborhood last week. Miss A. P and remember this -if by any '
on the second. Mr -Wm. Scott visited has been visiting relatives in this , with everything to make life happy. when Stcrhog is home from Lnndun. John 9 ehanse We fail to gine you satin.
his uncle at Bluevale for a few days. township, has returned to her home I The party is composed of Mayor, ,?han- 'his only daughter, Agnes was unit- (ox has disposed of his old trotting ! faction, we will refund Sour
Alr John McEwen and his sister, Mar- at Teeswater. Miss McGregcr, of non, Reeve Ptoudfoot, Sheriff Reyy
ed in the holy bonds of matrimony to mare to Mr Johnson of Goderich. � money,
11�r garet Isabella, were visiting at Cole, Uleveland, who has been visiting at mold and Messrs Morton, Holt, Attrill, James Sallows, Dunmore, Assa. the A RuNAtVAY•—A colt belonging to
P. B, Crews roan's last week. Mr Wm. Graham J. Wiggginton's, has returned home. Campion, Hays, Grant, C. Ross; Dr, bride was becomingly attired in brown Thos. Cox broke loose from the store, ! ALLEN & WILSON i,
Jeweler &Expert was visiting friends near Collingwood Mrs Hodgene, of Lucan, visited rela- Ross, Dancey, Elliott and Lane, silk and carried a boquet of white.�ou Frtcirty last, and start'ed down the . -,
fives here last week. Miss Ida Green -flowers. The bridesmaid, Miss tilaud ' (}th con. ata furious rate, and after Q Graduate Druggists & Opticians,
Watch Repairer last week. Mina Jean Baird, of St. MENESIITING PARK, -The nice sum- Sallows, was neatly dressed in white running shout two miles made a dart CliutOn.
' Paul, U,S., paid a short visit to friends I of Goderich, is visiting at R. Hanley's. mer r esort on Lake Huron promises to Swiss muslin and carried a boquet of through the gate in front of Willis S
on the second. Mr and Mrs Wm. Gra- Warick Cole, of Toronto, is visiting at be the favorite summer senor t on Lake flowers. Mr Jarvis McBride acted as Bell's orchard, leaving the cart and '
' his uncle's, P. Cole's. The wife of J. Huron, as far as Goderich is concerned. groomsman; percisely at six they took parr of the harness ut the gate, and ! `� sCll PURE Drlip --' ,
1Kestfield barn returned last Saturday from a s
short visit to Blyth and vicinity. Miss i Day was severely kicked by a horse Only a toile from town it is easily ac- their places an the beautiful lawn, the horse p r
DEATH. -Mrs John Harrison died on last week; she is now im raving slow- passing on to the barn, where 1 lie l�lllll ��U Want.
Wednesday after' a lingering ilineea, Ida McLennan, of Clinton, wheeled to 1 T. R. Cour.ice reache.T in Shacc n cessible by either boa or boat, and I while Mist Jennie McHardy played it stopped; fortunately no damage
Stanley last week and visited friends Y� P many from town have already enjoy• the wedding march; after the core- was done, exec t to the cart and bar- �r�0'ti�t�0 l�N tlV� ,
with consumption. The funeral on for a short time; she was the guest of church last Sabbath. Threshin is ed cue picnic there. Within the past atony they all sat down to a sumptu- ness, which was pretty badly broken.
Thursday was largely attended. Mr Geo. Baird. Ur. Hugh Deal of now 1n full blast, and wheat is yielding few weeks several picnics have been ons re ant. The ha >
exceedin 1 well. P ppy couple left for This colt is Dong 7emare, and no G'onstanCe
Clifford, was visiting his aged parents, g y held there, and besides many parties their' future home in Dunmore the doubt wanted to show its speeding FIRE. -Earl Saturday afternoon the
llmberley Mr and Mrs Neil Ross, of Tuckersmith, ANOTHER PIONEER GCNE,— have resorted thither, following Saturday, with the good qualities. y , Y �,;
CAMPING. -Al. Miller, R. and W. and acquaintances, in Stanley. wi.hes of all. dwelling of Mr �reu.Brown was burned..
Friend atter friend departs— NEN GRIST MILL. -The work on the
Douglass, Herb Grund and John and NOTES. -Air Jas. Sullivan and Mr Who hath not lost a friends new '� All were out of the house when. the files10,
r A g Y Thero is no union hereof hearts grist mill is being pushed ahead Blyth East Mlawanosh started and by the time anyone reached 14'
Neil McKenzie, from Luckiiow; are Peter Murray wheeled from London Which has not here an end. very rapidly, and everything points to NOTES. -Wm. Campbell, Westfield, the building there was no chance of ;.,;'. � .
4' camping at Point Clark. Rev. &A. last week to visit their grandfather, Another of the heroic women who a speedy completion of theframe work NOTES,- Miss Rigsby, of Hamilton, spent Sunday evening at John Fell's. savingthe contents, laver thin w , +='
McKenzie and family are camping At Mr John Cowan. Miss Ross, of Wing- of the building. The mill has long been' is s fairing lien father, Rev. Walter Ern►ua Fother iii is the hest of iVlr Y as
Bannockburn, barn, is visiting at Mr J. Aikenhead's. helped to make Huron what it is, by needed in town, as the big mill control- Rigsby. On account of Rev. A. Me- Fell. Fall wheat at is yielding from 30 to consumed, clothing included. House 1,
nn ergcing all the hardships and trials Y t; and contents were insured.
GARDEN PARTY. -The garden art Mrs Craig and daughter, o£ Heneall, ed prices too touch and made the instit- Lean being away an his *olidays, 40 bushels per acre in this locality. WEDDING. -A quiet wedding took ,•
g party are at resent the nests of Mr Jos. known to pioneer life, has asses hap- utton a curse instead of a bel to the service was withdrawn in the rhorniu Chas, Sackrider, of Belgrave, is visit- lace at the hom q g •0,
at Pine River, 4th con., was not so p g p p g' p e of Mr J: Hinchley„
largely attended as was expected, ow McCully. Duncan McGregor, of Chi- Ptly away, in the person of Mrs Pcac local fat ming trade. Now that the will and R.ey. Mr Hamilton, of Londesboro, ins at W. E. Scott's. D. S, Scott and '
""C . g Y P cago, visited old acquaintances last tor, aced of the late Robert Proctor., is being ' cashed•ahead we a that acro ted the pulpit in the, evening. , Wednesday, at5 p.m.,when his dauph-
in to it not bein advertised ver ex- g + g P + p P P P, g, sister, Annie, were at Benmi,ler on ter Annie was married to Mr W.Leitch.
� , tensively. Rey . Pomra and Frank- week. Messrs. P. Campbell and R. Deceased has been ailing for some farmers will remember the fact that Miss I'dit Taman is visiting friends in Sunday, the guests of S. Hartt, who Rev. J. W. Andrews officiated. After
' lin ave addresses and the ro ram Baird were visiting in Bruce county 'time, and her death occurred at the they will find as good a market here as Clinton and Goderich at present. 14Ir has recently been the victim of a dun- partaking of the weddin supper er the , . • '„1!'
`., g P g this week; the went on their wheels. home of her son, Joseph, on the cut
elsewhere. Win. Moser is visiting in Berlin and g pp
^. was excellent. Proceeds amounted to Mrs Latta and Miss Robb are at res- line, on Monday, at the patriarchal vicinity this week. A Fred Denatedt Burned frau Hamilton, wiherehrts bass young couple drove to theirown home.
t $13. a e of 87 ears. Born in Freshford NOTES. -The Point Edward baseball + We wish thein hit meas,
VISITING. -Mrs J. B. Machlachlaid, ent at Malcolm McEwen's. Mr ohs K lkenney Uouuty, Ireland, she rami team arrived Thursday and played a was ill the county town on Monday. beer, engaged in the gardening;- Miss LEAGUE NOTES,-Dele ates were a - ,.,-,
Gilmour is at present off work with to this counts with her late husband grime with our boys, resulting to fav- hit's Bentley and 1Yltss Lottie are Visit.. Marshall is the guest of her sister, P
of Glasgow, Scotland, is visiting her sore knee. Mr John Moffatt has erect Y or of Point Edward b a score of 15 to tog friends in Goderich this week. iVlr Mrs W. Rath. Several of our Dun ' pointed to attend the Convention at a ,;
x parents, Mrs Chaplin. Mrs J. M. Blue ed a windmill on his new barn for in the year 1833, and settled almost at Huron 5. There are only two prisoners oc Ed, Tyndall, of Philadelphia, was vis- men leave next Tuesday for Manitoba Medd took
he tohicnun5Pau1'sMPta D� :$ _:fir
' left last week fora trip to Detreit. cutting and grinding, Mr A. Muetar•d road. Her husband nce on the old died some 16 ears PY g Y P y j trio at the residence of Robt. Slater to work at the harvest.' J. Sowler at Milet us and Tyre, on Tuesday event ; 'ryi:
--- g g' cu in the cells at the count ail; g
Fred Ross leaves this week for Am- bels commenced to take down the Ban- Y one is charged with shooting with in- on Sunday, being a relative of Mrs visited friends in Colborne fast week. Y
herstht:rg, where he is teachtrigschool, uockburn oris e, to the real incon- ago. She was a sister of the late John g g Slater. Will McOulloch, of Seebring- c ing, Mr E.L. Farnham led the prayer- ,•
`, Misses McLellan and A to Dickson g g and Samuel Holmes, a life-long and tent to kill and the other with insanity. ville � cents will pay for the CLINTON NEW Pon meeting of the E.L. of C. E. on Sunday
gg venience of travellers. Messrs Alex. So far the detectives of our police force ,formerly of town, was here on e)eD to new subscribers, to Ist of January, 1809. night. Next Tuesday at,8 p.m. ie the �, ',�
left for Detroit last week after spend- and Walter McBeth leave on Saturday faithful member of the Episcopal p Sunday. Miss Lottie Crittenden is
` � ; in a few weeks under the arental church. She leaves three children, have been unable to find out who stole monthly literary meeting. t;
i; P for the old country with cattle. bred Joseph, of the Cut Line; William the purse of Mies A ie Monroe at the visiting in Clinton this week. Mrs J. Holmesville -NOTES.-Master Charlie Andrews is. , -'1
roof. Ross, of Ashfield, now teaching in Es- p + °f P gg McTavish and Miss Cora, of Detroit
g Detroit, and the wife of C. W. Wil- Harbor Parka few nights ago; they HORSE KILLED. -Mr Wilson's hand- g '
NOTES. -On Sunday evening a large sex county, visited friends in Stanley made several arrests but all were din• whohave been spending sometimewith rusticating at Grand Bend for the ben- 1,
Z11Hams, of, the Maitland; she had 23 some driver, met with an accident on efit of his health which was much im= 6�.A
, , number gathered at the lighthouse last week, Wm. Spear, of Ridge- charged. Two of our. ounce men b the friends and relatives, left for their 'paired the chert season b
and listened to a sermon reached b town, travelling agent for the Noxou grand -children and seven great -grand- g Y o Y home on Monda •. Mr H. Young, of bVednesday evening, necessitating its p g Y y cold
Rev, Mr McLennan, mise ovary from Co., called On friends in this district children. She was a good mother and name of Mabee and Shannon were up Toronto, is spending his holidays un_ being killed. While backing it out of water baths. Miss Ethel Proton leftfvf� ;7
Uhina.. Mr Huh Ferguson has en- last week. neighbor, and the esteem ur which before the J. P. for bicycling on the der the parental roof. Alessrs McCabe the stall, it to someway happened to Boulter this week to resume her duties �y3'
g g she was held was shown b the large sidewalk; they were fined sits given break its hind le abcve the knee as teacher there after• spending her va-
gaged with Mr A. Towle to run the "cents w}ll pay for the Clinton NEW ERA Y g the usual advice to take the road in and Dickson shipped three cars of cat S
threshing machine for the season; 35 ce new illpsenbers, to 1st of January number who followed her remains to tie this week For the foreign n market. J°int• cation at her home. MissesNellie Medd . ,
Goderich cemetery on Tuesday. future. W. Young has garden corn g ExcL*RSION.-Bills are out annouo • and Daisy McGregor leave this � week
. Hugh will be missed very much by his -- 9 ft 4 iu. loo Mrs McKay,who so Mr Alfred Laurence, of Welland, for- also to return to tneir respective schools 3
man associates. Mies gate Blair ar- cents will pay for the CLINTON NEW ERA g' mer] one of Blyth',; earliest husine, s ring a grand excursion to Brantford >'
Y 35 to new subscribers, to 1st of January, mysteriously dishppeared a few weeks y Y . on 7. The E. L. of C, E. of North Mr's J. F. Staples is visiting friends at11
rived home from Chatham and Lon- Hullett. ago, and was thought to have en ed men, was renewing acquaintances ill Augg y
don on Saturday after a few weeks' HAIL STORM. -On Sunda afternoon g g town l,t,t sleek. 11rs lierni haul of St. Metbudiat (hutch, Goderich, and Thurndale this week. Miss Maud An-.
Y Y Brucefield her life, turned up safe at the rafts- 6 R. T. of T. Council are getting it a drews, Londesboro, spent a few days
"1 visit. there was a severe hail and rain storm !apt. Duncan McLeod, of the Crafts= Detroit, is visiting her bruthei, T. J. e g p' last week at the hoixre of Mra Snell.-
NOTES.-MsJ.Aikenhead, of London p Huck�tep, at pie en t. 11r Stewru t, of these'societiea in Holmesville are in-
FIRE. -Tuesday morning about one about two miles east of Londesboro, ' man, made a trip to Sarnia on Sunday vires to attend. The fare is Miss Gertrude Farnharu is vision Miss
y g and at Londesboro there was neither is spending a few days holidays, sus Gorrie, was a visitor iu town on Sun $1, and a g
;, o'clock a terrific thunder storm passed ticattn under the arental.raof. Wm, m a small sail boat. Rev. D. AlcGilliv- da Mr Fred Bu nr of Brownsville good time is expected. R. Richardson, Varna, this week. Miss u.`,
overt is section, and the peace rain nor hail. g p rav, M.A., B.D., a missionary to China, Y' gg FROM THE VEST. -Mr H. Tebbutt, [)odd, Clinton, spent Sunday with Miss a�,
�l P Graham and P. McGregor have return is visiting ill town this week.
slUmbera of our citizens were aroused ACCIDENT.- The other day, while ed from a trip to the Algoma district. but at present visiting his parents in of California, is visiting old friends N. Medd.
{ , by the alarm of fire. The large barn Dominick Reynolds, jr., was riding a They were not very highly pleased with this lawn, left. on an extended bicycle Auburn here. He has been in that st ate for
just behind W. G. Murdock's store, horse, controlled by a halter, he was the appearance of that country, but trip through Ontario. The Guy Sea- J. NICtHOLSON, Manufacturer of and deal, r Os'er threeyc'ars and likes it very well. TpCkersmith v ,
awned b Jas. Wilkie, "was struck by thrown off, and sustained a fracture of than arrived from Golden Valley with
Y i then probably they gave it an unfair alar raft of los for b in Light and licav Harues;, whips, vagi.;, s, His work is looking aftcxr an - orange PERSONAL. -Miss Nettie (rteb visit- ',R
lightning and burned to the aground, the wrist. comparison with the old arden of Hue ge ti g the Godes ich Domes, brushes, Robes. Uoate, Horse mint- grave of 20 ;u re;. He intends returning ed friends in Clinton l:Lst week. Mr.
The building contained over thirty GOOD MANIPULATION.— Robt. Pea- cn; hey report very destructive rains Milling Company. wings, Learhor Braces, Eta } in 0 or 8 weeks, and if reports are true George Layton spent Sunday with
tons of bay and a number of young cock, farmer, London road, who also in that locality. Mr T, M, Biggins and (Intended for last week.) CHURCH NOTES, --1,,.-s. (.,C. Couzens he will not go alone, hint a popular friends near Constance. Mrs. A. Duff .. ,�,r;
cattle. W. G. Mm d ick lost a valuable owns a farm in Hullett, hitherto run family, of the Queen City, are caking in RECORDS BROKEN -On Monday while preached Sunday inurning, taking his young lady of this neighborhood will and daughter, of Goderich, are visiting , ,'rt
E ;, horse and two set of harness; the loss by a son who has become disabled, thedelightful freshness of the country an engine was shunting in the G. T. R. text from Exodus 3, 1'2• Rev. Air tiig- accompany hint. Mrs. A. Turner. Mr Jas. Ross and fam- •;i'
,: is partly covered by insurance. The went there himself in his 74th year to at the home of B. R. Higgins, Fiue yards at the to of the trill, eleven cars ley preached Sanduy even ing fr•uot ily, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the ?;
gg NOTES. -Mr Chas. Holland and wife,
fire brigade, consisting of male and take off 51 acres ofhay,without a horse weather for the pant week bas enabled started down the big hill, by mistake. Luke 9, ti . The Epworth League ntc't „f Springfield, have been s eosin a home ofMrJas. Gemmill.
female, old and young, turned out, al- of his own oranyone to cook his vituals far niers to make same advancement Thee vainly endeavored to catch ori Tuesday eveuica, the suhjeca being p SHORT NOTES. -Mr. John Montgom-
ihott h the rain fell in torrents. B with their harvesting operations. Al- few days among friends here; t ey
g Y arid with the aid of a few dollars and g p up with them, and no wonder, for they ' A trip to Palestu,e, ' taken t,y a uuut- wbeeled up and hack. W. Elford and err, of Hullett who is engaged with
,';; - their strenuous efforts they saved the the kind accomodation of a few of the though considerable ha was ruined weiegoingdown the hill at the rate of her of the urrtnbers, which was well Air John Urich of this place, hada �ar-
g Y wife of Goderich, returned home on
store and other buildings from de- old neighbors who were each battling b the rains the other crops are splen- 100 miles per hour. While going be- dealt witlr; i1 being literary night row escape one day last week; while „
g Y P PTuesday after a week's holiday in the
struction. with a big crop of their own at the same did and the yield so far has been even tween the umher piles and through the tberewassingin and recitations given. Y Y unloading peas the main rape became '
1.g village. School reopens on Monday r
'x time, put that 51 acres -63 loads of hay' be and the farmers'antici alions. Rev. elevator the roar could be heard seve- NOTES. sl!W. Moss disposed of his detached from the car, allowing the. � .
Y P next. Mr Will Evans of Galt Colle g ,v x
;i:'.+;; Thames Road. in the barn in 28 working days, 11 of Mr Muir returned borne last week and rat miles away, Wien the first car fine driver last. week to H. Young, of g fork and bundle to fall back to the load
NOTES.—Messrs. S. Passmore, T. and which were wet and very tittle haytn Dern fed his own ul it an Sunda last. struck the buffers just past the Big Colborne. T. Cassady sold a fine cult fate, is visiting his parents, Mrs A, K. again, completely covering hint; how-
gg P pulpit Y Birks and family, Of Stratford, are in P
I F. Hankin and their and families done in them. Would such a proceed We are sore to learn of the illness of Mill, rt lumped fully 30 feet into the air to Mr Bruce, of West �Vttwanosh, for ever he will likely soon be working (,.
Y the village. lVtias F. Pickard is enjoy -
in under such circumstances be much Mr A. Mustard and bo a to nee his en- and when found was fully IOO feet a gr,od sutra. J. Match has started again, as he was not very seriously in -
spent a few days at (grand Bend last g P g ing a few weeks with ft fends at gi -
p.;w; week. Miss McMullen, of Woodstock, out of place coming under the head of a io.l countenance going the rounds soon away. It was quickly followed by the thre�hit.g; crops,are heavy; wheat is a ag I . On Sunday last the usual quer- :x
pen, Varna and Bayfield. Miss g
and Mise Stuart, of Hamilton, are at feat; there has been bigger feats accom- a sin. Quite a number from here at- other ten, and all along the deck, for gond sawple. L. Uuuzeua has gone to testy meeting was held ; the whole ;
�„''' g' r Ayers, formerly of thin place is,visiting
present the guests of Mre Fletcher at Pliahcd but not so many, particularly tended the garden party held at Varna the space of 100 yards, was strewn the Cbathaw to take ch age uY a school Miss S. Acheson and other friends. service was conducted by Rev.,,Mr ns`>
the manse, The Mission Band of the when all the adverse circumstances of under the auspices of the English wreckage Of the cars, and several of the there; the wish hien success. C. A. I Clement, of Clinton, and a large nunp-
,r wheels which could not find room on 11owsuu took a tri down to Orillia ACCIDENT, -A very painful accident
Presbyterian Church held an open the case are considered, church, on Tuesday evening last. Mr P her stayed for the Sacramental hii .f4 -
Y the dock rolled over into the seater. last TueadrL occurred to a young son Of Mr Prout, vice, and it was a grand meeting. The
`:,-; , meeting in the basement of the Church DEATH OF MRs HUMPHREY SNELLr Burdge has made another good sale of 1 ' Clinton, last week at Mr Osbaldestou's.
on Tuesday evening of this week; a -Almost as easily as a child goes to cheese, disposing of July make in Lott- Amongst other freight there was on STRANGLED. -G. Baer bought a colt qquarterly hoard of the church met on
Y g don at 8 cents pet, lb.; this is about the board organs, bath fixtures and tanks from H. Cudl,s 011e duly last week for They were rigging a hay fork in the Alonday night. to look after the busi- t`
enjoyable time was spent. We are sleep, so passed away one of the most P from the organ factory, a uantit of the sum of $4(l, and tied it u in the barn and the little fellow was standing ness of the church. Mr Amos Towns- y'
pleased to see Mrs R')bt. McDonald, r, highly respected pioneers Of Hullett, highest figure realized by any factory g q Y P
g Y p p furniture from the Kensington Co., stable with a rope around its neck; in on the wagggon with part of A load ,On • end and Mr Geo. Layton' expect to "t'
who has been confined to her bed K and one of the best of women on Thurs- this month, and our president deserves g P and is'aS foliose the fork back
credit fur vis abilit to snake cod sales. and acarof oats. The wrecking train ar- about five minutes after he left there i , mid air leave on Wrduesda for the North
a few weeks, able to be out again:- day, in the person of Mrs Snell, widow Y fi comic;; to the ,;Lop block, h ti T Y '
Operations rations are advancilm rapidly in the rived in the afternoon and by Tuesday was a noise in the strible. Dr. Howson P Y ('telt' un- Rest, where I hey will spend the sutra- -_
Most of the farmers around here are of the late Humphrey Snell. Her late I p' g p Y rat ht had all debris cleared awa was on hand in a tLornent, but it was accountable me:,n, it hec rime rnthook• Icer. �iutne from this nei hborhood s' `
" bus cuttin oats, havin alread of husband was wide] known as a cele- Construction of the famous Bannock- g y' ed and fell to the load. The buv was X g
y g g Y g Y burn Bridge, and in a short t.inte this lou late, it was just drawing its last attended the latwn social on Tuesday
,' the wheat and barley stored away. orated breeder of thoroughbred cattle g Seaforth breath; it chocked itself with the ro e. standing immediately under it bot
Those who have threshed, re ort a and sheep, havin secured roan prize will be one of the finest bridges in the p night at AIr Juhn Gtbbiugs. Thresh- ,l `;
P P g Y P had reaence of mind soon
good yield and a fair sample. for his animals at the large stock shows county- LACROSSE La ro Friday evening last This ought to be a lesson to people P ed t° throw ing started last, week and great work
From another corrospnndenb the Exeter Lacrosse Club carne to town tying cult$ tip with a rope, when thele hiitt`elt' hack, and this saved his life. is being done; Fred and L,m have pur-
of Canada and the United States, and Had he stood ;till the fork would have
his position as'Reeve of the Township NOTES -Mrs P. McTavish left last to play an exhibition game. The Beav- is aharness shop in the village. chased a now separator, the Monarch,
' cunPOST sl fora carter of a rentor week to visit her sister- Mrs Mude, of ers played catch with themselves rind ACCIDENTS. -J. Young was working struck him Ou I he beefs. He eocapet' and have einplo}•ed A.lr Ab. Nott, so '<
y q y however, svirh a severe woo•ud in the �,;
• brought himself rind famil talo close Detroit, Mrs Anna Russ, (:linton, ad- scored whenever they wanted to. After with some machinery is his new plain- that. they intent] t,o du the best work .
�+ g Y thigh. ,The Dr found it necess'ar'y t0 that has yet here dune; Fced at, the
A �1 d 1 contact with the people. Mra Snell dressed the W.F,M,S: o❑ Wednesday an hour's thuscore stood 5 tot in in mill, when a piece °f board flewI 11
�J Q put, several el itches in, and he is recov- en >iue, Leu +tad Ab on the feed board
W • v L�®� afternoon last. This will irohabl be favor of Seaforth. After the la".) off and struck him on the uose tlrnost €
was born near Hull, Yorkshire, and 1 Y Bring under the ood treatnent, lie is kee rs the machine on a stead hurls. �_
came to this country when only scvr,n her last meeting with ir.any of her inatch a lawn social was held and a breaking it, R. Match, St., last Sun- ! ' S ? ,
receiving at the suds of Mrs O�bald- from ux,ruul = to ]light,
Mr Duns-
' ears old living with friends at. Chin fi fends vete, as she soon leavesfur Tor'_ good program was rendered by Seafor t,h day, whilo catching Due of his horses h g ,
. _._- �_-._.___. --- Y.__ -_____i_,._-.- f�_ _.w.--.. teras-lPxeter-kaleritY-11r entor-�fExet� _ esi_on.__.- -___.-_.-,.____r-Corrert-4,34-wi-In(_oY-is-sLl.l-visiti-in--it>�he-
uacous unit} Fier manta e 4g- ears onto:- ShL-was-foirmerly -arr-errergetrc err the-'fi-eid, a thrceyr*ar-ulrl colt -ort re ...r_
g Y g Y member of the society and leader of the er, rendered some fine Songs and he re- up to hint and kicked him un Lite facie, neighbor hood. Ali Charles Grieb has �
ago. Mr Snell had previously picked Y Londesboro returned i'runt his holida tri -. ' Mrs
Ont the lot stn which the famil have mission band. After the adclt•ess which ceived great applause from the crowd. knocking hint down; be lay uncon_ y11
Y Miss McTraid and Mr J. Daly rendered acioas till his little rand-hou went to FALL. —Air .Tuaelrh Riley fell from a 13(udlvli visirad her parents, Mr and
since resided, and brou ht Mrs Snell utLs appreciated by all, all left feeling g
r n b ed i tught The had that they had spent. both a pleasant a duet, which was excellent. Master the house to bring his wile; he is im- scaffold at. All- R. Scott's barn and re- i Mre .las. (cru h, on Sunday last. Mr, 1;
1s� he e o er w d ng y I ceived n cut o%•er the , E sled held hl, G. Whitley of town has hired with F.
l no wanty erected, no clearing made, and en a able afternoon in the work of Willie Hays brought 'down the house , proving r its well as can he expected. Y
/ 1 the master. IYIr Duncan McDonald when he sang "British to the Core." P 6 I ankle and st m1der hurt. He fell W. Crich fora month or' two to heip
and anti this was done Mr and Airs The Exeter and '33rd Battalion bands PERSONALS. -Mr Alf, lti'oatherald about 2O 1:(. }filo with the harvest.. Rev. %Ir Find- ,
0 Snell made their home with Mr W. met with a painful accident last week, made a tri on his wheel to visit '?
Bingham. The home of Mr and Mrs while walking he tripped rind fell; he is played some fine music. friends fit Milverton. Miss Etta MOs• s �TTLF:.—Alessrs. Lasbarn and Bell lay preached d in Ontario St. Church otl
11. Snell soon became the synonym for confined to his room, and, although no Nomrs.-AIr Alex. Davidson, of the row, of the Nile, is visions with Aliso hipped another fine lot of cattle Tast Sunday night, M
A hospitality, and in those early days buries were broken, it will probably he Commercial Hotel, left on Thursday Addie Helwig. Miss B. Youn hint is rrtday. There were several p%rties - i- I .
many a atrug ling pioneer found a alongtimebeforehewillbeaboutagain for Belfast, Ireland .10erehewillspend $ here on Tuesday looking after cattle tBeamiller
g a few weeks usinesa tri slowly recovering frons her illness. to hu shosviu
warm and cordial welcome within its as he is in his 92nd year; he has always p; be will , Air Warren and wife visited their y' g that cattle are in de NOTES.—School reopens Monda .
- walls. Mrs Snell identified herself been a str•ongenevgetic rnrtn, respected aISO visit ends in Mono¢han and Ty- daughter in the circular town last tnand• Mr Wm, Vanstorie got bis arm bad:r
with the Uethodist church in ear ly life by all who knew him. Miss Lizzie Rase cone, m lining business with pleas LONG D}tivE.-Mr Robert Hi itt twisted by being caught in a belt. r r
I ore. iss Effie McLeod, of Wood,;tuck week. Miss Ouimette, of Londesboro, gg Wesley Fisher of a nail ruu in his le
/ and ever remained true to its teaching London, is visiting under the parental ' was visiting in the village this week. arrived hereon Sunday•afternoon, ac- b g g
I. and requirements; Mr Snell was first a) roof. Miss Edna Copp, Clinton, is the is home on a visit. Miss Eva Israel is Mrs S. 1Vlarshall, sell svgs visiting corn partied'by his wife and child and a while shoeing rL horse, which severed
,r , „1. trustee of Holmesville Methodist uestof Miss Lizzie Hattenbur this visiting friendsinBrussels and Listow- young lady. They left, their home in an artery.
g Y friends in Londesboro last week. Alias
church, then of Clinton, and last] of week. The old fever bas riot as et el. Mr Ed. Latimer left last week for 141ichigan on Thurada noon and drove THE SICx.-AIr S. Hart is recovering
y Y L, Day, Winghaw, is visiting at Mrs y
Londesboro, and their home was often I struck out, village, our citizens are hard an extended trip to Oshawa and Mon Blair's at present. Aiiss Shuebia of all the way. They ]lave rL team of from the effects of his serious accidents
both the meeticg•house and stopping , headed, and not taken up with every treat, Miss Button, of Detroit, is in Toronto, is the guest of Mips Genzmer horses and a buggy. The distance is but slowly, Miss Alien, who has also
.' We have just made a big purchase of Place for ministers. Mrs Snell was for nese doctrine, Dr. Armstrong and wife town, the guest of her stater, Airs Beat- at present. Mr L. Tronse, who has somewhat over 200 miles, been ill for some time, is impro6in�. 'a
years a sufferer from erysipelas, and etre now taking their vacation, tie, Mise Minnie Jones, of Stratford, Mina Rowdea sonic is on the sick list, and tt
been engaged with J. Nicholson for DEATHS. -On morning word
Also from skin cancers, the latter par- Dents will pay for the CLINTON NEW ERA is visiting in town. Mies L. Hunt, of will be some time before Sine to around 1,i
English StdiCand Soft Hats 35 the last two months, has secured a job came be re that Mrs John Hill of I
ticularly being very severe, and cans_ to now subscribers, to ist of January, rsts8• Clinton,(limon, was the guest of Alias Maggie in Woodstock; we expect to see him Wing�arn, (rt for mer resident of here) again.
in h Smith, last week. Mr Jas. Purcell, back rite frequent. Alt- and Mrs was dead• also word that a brother of Tt. Most
of Threshing is a full
ton- ed forta London firma nd clwwere
erheld death a ver great
regrettedr� while
Kippen manager of B. B. Gtinn's store, is on a qblast• Must o£ the frtrrliera have tic d
I y p, Livingston, of Grayy, Sundayed at S. the Rev Mr Hamilton at Brantford thresh twice this year on account o#s
were notpa{d. We were it was it Great relief to herself. She NOTES. -The fall wheat in this vi- business trip to Beechwood. Mr Sad- i Nieltol's, also Mrs `Veit of Belmore was dead, .Mr Hamilton left,. nn the Y
I the cavo, ra dos. and have now the ler of eafort.h leaves shortly for Lon• room. There are three goad machines
ha>;e• in slosh. Many lines aro worth t2 was the mother of several children, ( cinity is pretty near all housed, and cion. Men etre basil en a ed digging Its there at present, AIr L. Wettlauler first train Monday morning to see him, in this neigghborhood, vtz: Vanato»d;.., .
and �2 6!t beaut{fuity lined and ftniehed. •- oraly two of whom survive; James, the same of it threshed; the leaden ver ferry the cellar of Mr Jas.�ragee' new afore is visiting friends at Tavistock. Mrs not knowing he was dead. Bros'., Rich. Jewell's and Levi n der't,
s On .4Ar JRDAY next we will display the well known stock raiser and County I grown around here is the awson a"S
lot, and on that day you may take your . (Ryan, of'London, is the guest of her . " ,•., ,
Commissioner, and Wit}iiLm, she hav Go:den Chaff; it is a p and Mr A. Forbes has started rL fi=h emppor- i brother, R. T. Errata. Miss L. Youn NOTES. -School re -opens next Mon- 7 hey all do excellent work.
good crop ium in the old Sun office; Mr N. T.:Jlutf g day. The stonework of Mr Robert (�HUttCH NOTES. - Zion A2ethodisit' ;
ing made her home with her son James runs from 35 to 40 bushels per acre. is visiting friends here. Miss Cassady, Cott s new barn is completed and re- Church which has been there. �
C1101CC for only 75 a on the old homestead since the death If Mr Robt, B• McLean's' corn was all n clerking for him. Weare pleased se of Ottawa, and Mrs Todd of Galt are 9 p , g
of her husband, eight years ago. The in one straight row it would reach note the recovery of Alias Jessie Case I visiting under the parental roof, fleeted great credit upon the builder, overhauled, was re-Opf'ned on $undtky .,t
and they're the greatest flat bargain over g after her recent illness. s p Mr Thomas Crawfar d, as it is an excel- last. Rev Joseph Edge, the well-kn' ,
offered. See them in our window, 'e also funeral services were conducted by over 17 miles; this is extensive corn Miss L. Cassidy, of London, and Miss lent piece of work�xtauahip, Miss Lux- pastor of North St. 'a d, pre i,
havo a special line otII,ADlIPF3 TAN ,now Rev R. Millyard, and the pallbearers growing; it is a gond crap, but not so McKillop McGillicudq, of Goderich• Mrand Mrs ton and Alias Johnstonreturned to in in the afternoon, and the ester3ine�
Dods, and
fates colors. Take your ,Dice were all persons who had been Selected p g
11 . for 95 and 60 c. mhey're now on view ere. tall as other years, an account of the Lough and daughter, of Clinton, are London on Saturday, after a month's pastor, Mr Olivant, its the eventn�{ t11
by herself, viz: Fred Rumball, Clinton; wet cgld weather in the fore part of BARN BunNED, On Sunday after• guests of R. T, Erratt. Mrs Sharman, I visit in the village. Mr D. Mountain entire cost of repairs, etc. leas beR . . 's,,
• b Messrs W. Weymouth, H. Warren, R. the season. Alias Alice Burnett re- I noon the barns of Wm, Lockhart, near of Goderich, is the 'nest of Miss S• i had the first threshing in this neie-h• met b the collections. Quarter] 0 to I
T..�ackson, sr., Clint Adams, John Brunsdon and- Robert turned home to Clinton on Sat.urdw Seaforth, were struck b it htnin gg �gg pp
y,. Y g g,. Blair. Miss RMissfe leaves for the boyhood Thursday. 7.'he wheat turn vices were held y, Ball's th>tl of lira
'••' �, Scott, The attendance at the funeral after a week's visit to the Misses UOop a ' totally burner] with all contents; American Soo. Mise Annie Ferguson ed out immense, over 40 bushels to the previous Sunday, airs the tlfli iii]
tctoria Snook, Established 1854. was very large indeed, over 100 con- er, If Clinton'sends the right repre- N in the MCKillop Mutual. The leaves Friday for Ottaiva Normal, acre, The wcirk was clone b Mr meetinglater` the tdtairs of th6 ibt',
Agenoy Tiondop Laundry, Phone 10 Ve ances being in the procession. 14th the toned all of Its crop, miss John 'Ottaw'k is the guest, Rev. #
Y P aentrr,tives to on.Aug. y J year'sP+ r I�, i'oungblltt with ]lis new rig. y Cuit arall in good shay's.
- onts will pay for the ora TON N'asv ERA will have no trouble to capturing t J thered, and a number o£ 1J, Gerittner Miss'Sharpe is'the guest
r t lot fJ Hoar 1808 A...; +-.OtG+......, ... --,,....... Fri.ROV, Ir 1911 e!`9dt1r oe>its tvi1115a for ih8t1hY7oN• N>tist' yillth
c s •
o now eupattribe s, n s o a y, + I o�d tyatCh, 5 to Ifo jv sttbsot'Ur9, to ret of J'nnual,V, aIB'J9, A ttditta}ti11 XoC'tWl ttdivs air ]sap fostlr. '
. t 11 I�, _.
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