The Blyth Standard, 1907-11-14, Page 5NovENIDER i4TI1, r907—THE BLYTH STANDARD—PAGE, FivE.
Men.'ss 70 ar Coats
We carry o larxer collection in Men's Fur Coats than ever before.
See our leaders at $18, eta and 5".0.
Men's Overcoats
Black Is the lending shade this fall In Gents' Overcoats, in which
we have a good assortment selling so the lowest prices. \Ye also have
several good lines In greys and grey with white, blank with fancy
Mei1's and Boys' ii3uits
A grand dlspluy In Men's and Boys' 34rluter Sults, You will have
no daillanity in getting your wants supplied.
rAl triidterwear
We carry a full range In Haavy Underwear for winter wear. No
bettor to bo had for the money.
See our prices on Dressed Poultry
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.
I u 4 tri ibis iiia g t ;a rt f .t i,:t:,I1)i ?Brit
,t.�it.2 st~�i,iEst.,it.. ,� a, £,,.Ei i.z:£iai£.a:f .t��.£:�)ci.St9d'st s.i£.....1,
.4MiggliiiER>E'?E-MigiNigiiltiiirt ig ainti= .iiggiEitiii
SEND THE STANDARD to your dis-
tant friends. Ten cents will pay
for it till the end of the ,year.
THE annual Xmas tree entertain•
tnent of Trinity church S. S. will be
held In Industry Hall on Dee. 20111.
'PDE driving shed which belonged
to the old Mason House on tate main
street was moved last week to King
street, opposite the hotel barn,
J. McMnecu1E, C. P. R. ticket
agent, calls attention to the fact that
persons leaving' on the 522 p. m,
train can get their supper on the
cafe car at Guelph Junction.
FOR SALE. -Dr, J. N. Perdue, V.
5,, offers a few second-hand cutter's
and a set of double work harness foe
sale cheap at his livery stable. Call
and inspect,
REMEMBER the date of S, L.
Taube s visit to Blyth, and if your
eyes bother you in any way make
it a point to see him at the Connuer-
cial Hotel on Tuesday, November
WHEN travelling by the C. P. R.
purchase your ticket at town ticket
office. Ail information as to rates,
time table and connections cheer.
fully furnished by J. McMurchie, C.
P. R. Rail and steamship agent.
No'riok.-All persons interested in
Ole Monthly [Iorse Fltirs to be held
in iMlyth are requested to attend a
meeting in the Commercial Hotel on
Friday afternoon of this week at 3
o'clock to arrange for the mining
faits; A full attendance is request-
ed, 'A. W. Sloan, President.
the past month of so we have sent
out a number of accounts for work
that has been dote in our office and
also for subscriptions, but as yet we
have received very little returns.
Wo would ask all those who are ow•
ing us, whether it be 60e or $10, to
call and settle, The wholssale
people do not wait and have to be
paid promptly. If you are owing
us kindly let us hear from you as
soon as possible.
NOT CORRECT. -A paper in the
County prints the following, but
they are misled in stating that it is
Murdock McKenzie, brother of Adam
McKenzie : "Saturday's Toronto
papers'report the sudden death at
Brandon, Man., of Murdoch McLen-
nan, aged 40 years and who was
said to formerly reside in Wingham.
'Teen inquiry we are led to believe
that the dead man is Murdoch Mc-
Kenzie, who formerly resided near
Teeswater and who recently left
here fo. the West." Mr, McLennan
formerly resided tin the ;nrd cul. of
Huron township, near Kineau'dine,
and the funeral tools place there on
Friday afternoon last.
S. L. TAUBE, Eyesight Specialist,
of Toronto, will be at the Commer-
cial Hotel, Blyth, on 'Tuesday, No.
vemher 26th. If there is anything
whatever wrong with your eyesight
du not fail to consult him.
LEAVE your order now for your
Fall printing. We will do our best
to please you.
Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at Tna STANDARD office, Blyth,
Weare paying t,110 highest prices for
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicks, Butter
and Eggs,
Grain cheeks paid after bank hours.
Mislay Street
• Blyth
For Twenty=five
'Fall and Xmas
Metcalf has supplied the
,weds of the up-to-date people
of Blyth and vicinity, and
now as we approach the
twentysixth season, with
ttWtnty-six years experience
in supplying your needs, we
invite youth our store. Ours
is the modern store with
modern stock end modern
business ideas, If you appre-
ciate modern methods deal
Jewelry and Stationery.
Take Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for
cleaning the 13lood, 200 days' treatment
$1, 30 days' treatment 25c. For sale at
Dr. Milne's Drug Store
Wholesale from the
ISlncardtne, Ont.
Attend the popular and progressive
iiiott Bttsiztess College
Toronto, Ont.
Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets.
and be thoroughly educated for business
life. All graduates of this school are
absolutely sore of getting positions. The
demand is considerably greatly then the
supply, Now Is an excellent time to
enter. Writo for catalogue,
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
Ctlr Flowers cheap on Saturdays,
Mrs, Wm. Campbell.
Dos'', forget the concert in In-
dustry hail on Monday, Nov. 25th.
1'uE citizens of this village had
the first taste of shovelling snow on
iliondaty morning.
EfonmyFtvE per cent of head-
aches are the result of eye -strain.
Properly fitted glasses will give per-
manent relief. if you ere troubled
that way consult S. L. 'l lithe at
Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on 'Tues-
day, November 2Gth.
SATURDAY wits Ring Edward's
sixty•sixth birthday turd the follow-
ing birthday horrors were given to
Canadians :-Sir Charles Tupper
was made a Privy Councillor ; R.
i1, Coulter, Deputy Postmaster -Gen -
ern I, the Order of 0, M. G. ; and
Chief Justice Moss, of the Ontario
Court of Appeal, was made a Knight
1E THEY 1VrrtE Att, At,18l,—
Last Saturday we received the fol-
lowing note from George f1. Cade,
which speaks for itself : "Dear Sir,
-Find enclosed P. 0. 1110110y order
for my "Subscription to STANDARD,
Can't ,just get along without it.
Thought 1 had better renew before
the money market was sgeezetl too
tight. Wishing yon every success,
1 am yours very truly, George H.
Cade, Kalispell, Montana." If some
more of our subscribers would pay
np RS promptly as Mr, Cade we
would have cause to rejoice.
RIND WORDS. -The following let-
ter was forwarded to Hugh and
Mrs. Mc yuarrie by the 8888sien of
St, Andrew's church :-Tho session
of St, Andrew's church, 131y111, at
their meeting on Monday evening,
Nov, 4t1,, noted with deep interest
the very pleasing 5181 that Mr.
Hugh McQuarrre, the senior member
of the session, end his worthy part.
ner in life had recently celebrated
the : fiftieth anniversary of their
marriage, and on motion duly sec-
onded it was most cordially agreed
that the Moderator and Clerk ex-
tend to ala. and airs. a3icQuarrie the
heartiest good wishes of the session
and assure them of the session's
earnest prayer that the Divine favor
and loving kindness may continue
with them throughodt life's journey
and give them at last ttn abundant
entrance into the everlasting king-
-'Phe new musical production,
"Dolya, the Tea Girl," which will
be seen in Industry Hall on Monday
evening, Nov. 25th, under the aus-
pices of the Odd Fellows, will be a
genuine treat, The company is a
strong one -and the ability of VI,
Francis Firth, the head of the com-
pany, is well known. The scene of
"Dolya, the Tea Girl," is laid near
'Poltio, Japan, with the pretty
Geisha, girl, Dolya, serving tea at
the tea house. Capt, Bobby Fane,
commander of Ilis Majesty's ship,
Dandelion, which is in port at Tokio,
has fallen in love with Dolya, the
tea girl ; while his friend, Capt.
Harry Montague, who is stationed
at 'Tokio, is love with bliss Tre-
velyan, an English heiress who is
visiting iu Japan. Dolya returns
her love to Capt. Fane, but Miss
Trevelyan, although she loves Capt,
Montague, refrains from showing it
on account of her position in society,
The scene opens with Dolya sitting
in front of the tea house ; looping at
herself 111 a mirror and decoraung
her hair, preparing to meet her
Htiglish officer. Miss '110001yan
enter, and calls for tea. She learns
from Doly'a that an English officer
comes there to see her, and that he
loves Dolya and she loves Min, This,
of course, makes ,hiss Trevelyan
very angry for she thinks it is Capt.
Montague. She 1s in this mood
when Capt. Montague enters, and
overjoyed at finding iter there ex-
presses himself as being so, but
suddenly realizes that she is snub-
bing hint. [le asks fop an explana-
Lion but only receives colder treat-
ment, and she abruptly leaves him
saying that 11e Will enjoy the com-
pany of the Japanese Lea girl better.
He is mu,eh bewildered at first, but,
finally sees that she thinks he has
been making love to Dolye, Ile
treats it as a joke, and decides to
arrange with Dolya and Bob to al-
low him to rehearse a love scene
with Dolya in order to make Miss
Trevelyan more jealous, Bliss Tre-
veiyan overhears the plot and coun-
terplots, Dressing as Dolya and
generally tnixing things up until
the two captains and Dolya are so
bewildered that things are worked
up to a high ,pitch, when Miss Tre•
velyan comes in, thrown off all her
disguise, and explains all, and
everything ends Happily.
Ox Friday, December 6111, Hon,
A. G. McKay will speak in Brussels
town hall at the annual meeting of
East Huron Liberals.
MARKET REPORT.- Wheat 85-90 ;
Barley 60-60 ; Oats 43-45 ; Peas
80-80 ; Butter 24-25 ; Eggs 21-26 ;
Flour 53.00-53,25.
LAST Friday Nicholas Cumin;, 80111
the property, formerly known as
the Plummer property, to Wm.
Scott, of town, for tt 81.1111 exceeding
51500, Mr. Scott and family will
move to the property shortly,
GONE To TottoNTo.-The Gerrie
1'idetto of last, week refers to a for -
MN' Blyth boy and son of W, A.
and iilrs. Carter of town :-.It. B.
Carter, who has been iu charge of
the drug store here for the pest six
months, left on Saturday 1'1r 'lbron-
to, Bob will be missed by his many
friends here among whom Ile fuss a
general favorite and who will at all
gimes be pleased to hear of his sue.
SOMEBODY on the London Adver-
tiser on Monday evening; has the
following to say of the snowstorms
that were sweeping tate en(11111y,
but we might ally Blyth did not
have anything like four inched of
snow :-London seems to have prac-
tically escaped the snowstorm (0111011
has been sweeping the districts all
around. Practically every train
front the west, especially those coin.
'ng fu from Michigan in the early
morning, had 8eve1151 inches of snow
on thein. The engineers say that at
heavy snowstorm passed over the
district west of here last night. Up
on the Huron and Bruce snow is re-
ported all along the Line, and at
31yth over four inches fell,
Early Monday morning the G. '1',
11. depot and freight shed at Londes-
bore', was totally destroyed by fire.
The agent, Percy Carlisle, acted as
cashfor for Messrs, Steep, Ca Melon
Elliott, three apple buyers, and these
unen lose heavily, as the money,
vouchers and receipts were all de-
stroyed in the small safe belonging
to the company. Mr. Steep lost a-
bout one carload of apples, and 1Ir,
Elliott will lose two or more, which
were stored in the freight shed,
The cause of the fire is unknown.
S. Bennett's planing mill is very
busy with work for the new bank ;
I. Green's houses ; and the new C.
P. 0, station work at Listowel.
31i'. Swarts has been improving
the ulterior et' the Queen's hotel ; the
floors downstairs have been covered
with linoleum.
Mrs. McKibbon, sr., who has been
111 for some time is not improving,
and is gradually becoming weaker,
Mrs. lI0000ald, who is residing
with her son, Councillor McDonald,
is ill. She is advanced in life, and
,'eels the infirmities of age.
0 is expected that the new bridge
will be completed, or at least ready
for use, by next Wednesday, A new
bodge Must be built next year at
the foot of McKenzie's hill. It is
being prepped in the meantime to
make it safe.
Last Friday Dr. Bethune was un-
fortunate to fall and break the cap
of one knee, which will make it
painful to stove around much, for
a while at least.
The I30nnie Brian' Bush will he
presented in Winghant o1 Nov, 25.
The annual Scottish concert will
be held on Dec. 13th. Jessie Alex-
ander, the well-known elocutionist,
and other talent will supply the
LOST -On October 2111, alt imitation
buffalo robe, between Auburn post
office and Robert McGee's, on the hour..
dary. The ander will be suitably re-
warded by leaving the satnn at Standard
Mlles or Auburn post oilice,-I'tobett
McGee, Auburn, Ont.
Wowal pay tbe bight*
price lor,liv. 018 8181,
LIAKIY%,sed all
hinds of
Poultry &
Big Reduction
10illing *
1 1 *
of Men's, Youths' and Boys'
Suits, Overcoats, Pants,
Smocks and Overalls.
* Commencing to -day and ending on Saturday,
** December 14th, 1907,
.* :
$5300.00 STOCK
to pick from, 15 to 5o per cent reductions, Not %
* one price helti in reserve.
Come i Save Money I
Get There Early I :
Everything Sacrificed.
None of these goods punched on tickets.
Terms, produce or cash.
Successors to McKINNON & CO.
Beautify Your Home
With a Few Pictures
Bring in your pictures and get them neatly framed. We have 117 different styles
of Frames at prices from 25c upwards, We have a nine lot of Framed Pictures, in -
eluding Paintings and Etchings by famous artists, Pastelles, Steel Engravings,
Photo Gravures, Ete. Prices are very low considering the quality of goods.
Wanted --Dry P;eked Duck and Goose Feathers.
F'resh Groceries
Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags.
Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family.
People Read First
Then Then Think
And Afterwards Buy
Give them something to read. Give t
something think about. Give thein
something to buy.
BU adyer;ising in `Tile Standard' On cover hotn
Town and Ccuntrn
Merchants Should Remember This When
Making Their Contracts
Get Our Rates — — — Telephone No.4