HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-06, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW ERA.
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And look at our
lOc Blouse Sets
We have just reoeived another
' of them. Having sold over
i 6, which cleaned us out,
ged to seoure another
we will sell at 10 as
the set, and are doubtful if they
oan be duplicated at this price.
Come and get a set before they
are all gone. They won't last
long. Our 25o hue won't last
We do Engraving in the very
neatest and latest style, and do
it while you wait.
J. B.$
Jeweler, Clifton. -
Are Von
of a Watch ?
We have always a large assort-
ment to choose from in Gold,
Gold-filled, Silver and Silveroid
Caeea,aleo a large stook of Move-
ments in Ladies' and Gents sizes
Call•nnd examine our goods. No
trouble to show them. You will
have a good variety to choose
from, as we are constantly stock-
ing up. Speoial attention is gist -
en to watch repairing, either in
English, American or Swiss.
Our Watchmaker is thoroughly
acquainted with all grades and
makes of Watches. He has all
latest improved tools to work
with, and is bound to give satis-
faction. A call solicited.
lNSNoissN wNN►NmN�
:who go •. a
To them we have nothing to say, but those who wear shoes,
we would like to ask if you are not tired wearing poor, oheap,
ill-fitting Shoee, with which the country is now flooded. Our
aim le to keep the beet goods procurable, and buying, as we do,
in large quantities for spot cash, and getting large diaconate,
we are in a position to offer first-class Shoes at about the same
price you pay for inferior goods, Our stook is now complete
in all lines which
We have taken the agency for
The Williams' Patent
Adjustable Shoes for Men.
Whether your instep ie high or low they will fit yon. We
have been Belling them for eight monthe, but did not adver-
tise them till we were satisfied they were all right— we have
had them fully tested, and can now confidently recommend
them to the publio. Call and inepeot those wonderful Shoes.
I The Hosiery
W e advertised last week is creating quite a sensation, they
are goiig off like hot cakes. We had a large stock, but we do
not expect to have a pair left a week hence. We bought a
case of new Prints laet week at a big reduction in price. They
are nearly all dark oolors and guaranteed fast colors. We
are selling the 10c line for 6o, and the 12io line at The.
McKinnon & Co.,
000041.001111404114001100•410 io
Male teacher wanted, holding 2nd or 3rd Class
Certificate. To teach in Porters Hill,Sehool,
Section No. 5, Goderich Township, for the com-
ing term, Personal applications preferred, and
will he received up to Aug. 7.
JOHN TOIRRANCE, Secy , Porters Hill P 0
1Vho is more a slave than the woman
who worries and perspires over a red-
hot stove to do the family baking.
Nineteenth century women deserve a
better fate. Genuine old fashioned
Family Bread at
.i antes M11eClaeherty's,
Pure, bright and flashy, cheap as bak-
ing at home, too. We still lead in
Ice Creain and
lee Cream Soda.
As we have now a new and up-to-date
fountain with patent syrup jars. Call
and see our new first prize
Chicago Lunch Cakes.
Come early as they sell quickly.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty
Do You Need a Tonic ?
Here is a prescription that is one of the best of tonics -
Hovey's Compound Iron Pills
They combine in the most agreeable form the stimulant and tonic properties
of Iron, Nuo Vomioa and other drugs, which constitutes one of the greatest
remedies for building np the system. Increases the appetite and power of
assimilation and forms an excellent stimulant and tonic.
25c per box of 50 pills, five boxes for $1.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
you buy your goods from ue, if not, why not?
When you can buy from 20 to 25 -per cent cheaper
than anywhere else.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, August, 5th 1897.
Wheat, spring 0 67 a 0 68
Wheat, fall 0 67 a 0 8
Oats 0.21 a 0 23
Barley 0 24 a 0 25
Peas 0 90 a 0 42
Flour per cwt 2 00 a 2 00
Butter in rolls 0 12 a 0 12
Butter tub 0 10 a 0 11
Eggs per doz 8 a 0 08
Hay new $4; ,old 6 00 a 7 00
Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 25
Wool 0 18 a 0 18
No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes 0 25 a 0 25
Clover Seed retail5 50 a 5 50
Timothy Seed 2 50 a 2 50
Montreal, Aug. 2. —There were about 40(1
head of butcher's cattle, 75 calves and 600
sheep and lambs offered for sale at the
East End Abattoir to -day, The butchers
were present in considerable nuinbers, but
trade was slow, as pripes were higher all
round, more eapecie lly-•for pretty good cat-
tle. There were no prime beeves on the
market to -day, and the best cattle sold at
about 41c per lb, with pretty good stock at
from 3}c to 44c per Ib; common dry cows
and rough young stock sold at from 2ic to
31c, and the leaner beasts and hard -look-
ing bulls at about per lb. Calves sold
at from $2 to $8 each; only large calves
bring over $5.50 each. Shippers are pay-
ing 3c per lb. for good large sheep. Lambs
sold to -day at from $2 to $3.25 each. Fat
hogs are rather scarce. and sales to -day
were at from 57yo, to 5c per lb. Heavy
•hogs would bring about one cent less per
ToNo one in the regular way can give you prices that we
are offering. We could not do it only we are going out
of business. Low prices and bargains will be given as
long as the stock lasts,
Commercial Notes
There is reported to be a big opening for
Canadian blue peas, oate and barley in
Australia. The peas are quoted at $l.ti7
per bushel, and this ought to leave room
enough for profitable trade from this
A destructive hailstorm passed near
Sioux Falls SO D. Friday. The storm start-
ed three miles west of Dell Rapids and
went in a southwesterly direction, de-
stroying absolutely everything in its path
around Garretson. It is estimated that
fully 1,000,000 acres of crops were destroyed.
Mr A, C. Attwood, of Vanneck, who is
agent for shipping apples to a large com•
mission house in England, has received
'word from his prinoiples that not only the
apple crop but all sorts of fruit are scarce
in tha coantry. If the continent does not
pan out well, Canada may expect paying
prices for applee.
SecretaryWileon of the United Statese
Department of Agriculture will spend next
August in travelling through Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming, the Dakotas and Montana
with the object of studying the resources of
these States for rearing horses euitaule for
the European armies. He believes the
Indian pony capable of development,
A little boy in Brooklin, attending the
High school, had been there one term of
six months and was so thorough in his
studies and bis percentage was so high that
hewae exempted at the recent examinations.
He was at the head of his class. The fun-
eral took place yesterday. The doctors
called it ever study.
.august 6, UK
.dome Prettylliin
But they are.going off every day and will soon be all gone.
Of course you know just what's doing it, nothing but the price.
The quality is here, the price too is here, the style is here to be seen. The
effect and tone of the goods is here. But yet over and above all other consid-
erations, -it is the price that attracts people's attention and draws them into
this store.
You may have Bever so fine a stock, a°lever so varied and choice an assortment,
but if the price is simply beyond the people you will simply not be in it with
your neighbors. That's just where we have the pull. Just/slow our stock is
new alt(1 fresh, styles correct. Then the price, price, price, that's a catching
word and catches the bargain seekers every time.
KEEP 1N MINI) that every article of Wash Goods is placed on our counters
at half price, 25e for 123-c, 15c for 73-c and so on all along the line.
IN e
eady Mades
= R N1)
Gents Furishings
A. J. MORRIS'', Clinton. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton
•TEAC13Elt WA.STI{:D, R -.
A 'Teacher holding t, normal (erliMeate, to
take charge of Principal's class from Sept. 1.-1
unlit Nov. :loth, At't•Ileatlons, stating sa'ary
and enclosing testiatouia:11 received up to Aug.
71 h. JOHN CUMIN(=H&'II , Secretary, Clin-
ton Model School hoard
W. JACKSON, .Igent
North u'estTrallsportationCo
We are determined to clear ev erything,
and those that come first will have an advantage
in the sePection of goods. When we commenc-
ed to sell out our stock was large and well se-
lected. We have sold a large quantity of goods,
still we have plenty left yet, and almost every-
thing you want in the way of staples.
We have not space to quote prices and you would not know
much about it without seeing the goods. Come and see us
we will make the prices to suit. Don't delay as the stock
is getting smaller every day.
Plumsteel & Gibbings,
Business Colleges
To our readers who are trying to decide
their future course in life:—
This ie the season of the year when many
of our young men and women are endea -
oring to decide as to the best coarse in life
for them to follow. They have been at-
teuding public school, high school or colle.
oeiate institute to better prepare themselves
for the battle of life bat they have not yet
chosen their calling.
We would recommend those who are de-
sirous of eecuring remunerative employ
meat, to consider the advisability of a
course of business training or Shorthand in
some of our Business Colleges.
The pupils of these schools are wonder-
fully successful in securing positions with
business houses. Forty-one pupils of the
Chatham Business College were placed be
tween Jan. 1 and May 1, 1897.
The institution stands very high in the
estimation of the business and general pub-
lic. It is the only school of the kind in
Canada which has been running for dearly
31 years without change of management,
and has had over 2100 students in attend-
We have no hesitetion in recommending
it to intending basiness or Shorthand stud-
ents as one worthy of the highest conti-
A card addreseed to the Proprietors,
Mesere. D. McLaughlan & Co., of (Chat-
ham, Ont., will secure yon a catalogue of
, either department,
Through Tir•l. nt_s to all points in
a lowest rat`e.I'ly.to +,
findingleads in
graduates. We hav>tt
hoonplac placing averons -
age of two •per week, 11 were '!area h -
tween-.fan. let and f May 1et, our months
,ward to Part
E English
25c a lb. We will quote you close prices on quantity.
We have just received a large stock of
Athletics, Cyclists and other hard workers will find' this gum very invi
ating, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. II,' has wonderful sus
ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth mist.
Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended' for those desiring r
J. 1$. Co b ,., Chetiiist and Drug,
A sound
Because it is well trade. Soles require
to he good to stand the burdens
placed upon thein, The soles of
our Hides are like the rest of the
shoe, of good material. Come and
try t.hetn. :fee our supply of
Trunks, Valises, Single and
l)oulde harness, Red and
The following is 101 extract from a letter white Cedar Shingles, 4ze.
just received from ono of the older Anieli-
can (Colleges: - "Wo inuet make change of
teachers in our Bndineee Department.
Could you recommend a young man to take
We are continually receiving such re-
gnoete from other Bueineee Colleges, and
also from business houses,
It pays to graduate from a school whose
stndente are in demand. College re-opone
Sept, let. . Write for catalogue.
l),IlicLACULAN & Co Chatham
Victoria Block, Clinton,
Came into subscriber's premises, lot 15 con.
e, Hullett,about. two week' since, a dart red
two -,year-old Heifer, Owner is hereby notified
to prove pproperty, pay charges and take it
,Sart e• -•.
Sea Bath
P sways sit• ie the pur=
chaser thr best value.
This we , do, and have
done sr for years.
Coiupare oar lie. t Jottonade WC)what yon see else , %here at 25c.
All our Wool Twp' Jeds ,tt 30c and Suitings
at, 39c aYard- a-xe- w►rt-It-snorer nmie .— In
justice to yol irself you should see them.
Men's Suits
We sell the 'kind that gives satisfaction to the wearer. The material, the
style, the cut, the trimmings and the workmanship, have all had carefn1 at-
tention --and they look neater and fit better than many suits that are made to
order. Prices range from $4,65 to $10, and we think every suit is A 1 value
at its price, but as the cost of making a $5 Suit is about the same es one that
sells at $10 the difference in Enloe is owing to superior quality of cloth and
triminings, consequently we reepectfully suggest that customers try the bet-
ter'clase of goods, which we can guarantee will please in every particular.
This sale of Summer Goods goes merrily along,
Japanese Crepe Cloths ie, worth i(Ic.
American Prints 6c, worth 10c.
Many of our hest eustomers were first induced to visit our store by having
heard of the excellency of our Teas: Wo claim to give value in Japans and:
Ceylons. Try oar "Imperial Blend" at 35c,
The Cash Dealer, Londesboro.