HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-06, Page 3"MWTT tr „ a . P a THE CLINTON NEW ER August6,� . A CITY :VAN'S !'PAIL A DELUSION OF THE WHEEL I J i TRIUM11", 't QUIPUS, r, ,a M1� 101 AMERICAN 70URISTB, f 1 PERUVIAN + Dleappolnting Men and Women Who Loots 7 Well When Seen From IIohlnd• f Then Devote Them•elve• Abroad to Things +, . ftny Keeping Whleh Would Puaele as T here Are � housands Like )'I have found tJiut the exporlonce was They Wouldn't gee at Howe. wnnxnmuwnaustuuusnfnefnirnn rxftnmmrnsam, .. jl4 Expert Mathematician. the eumotvltb both the men and the worn• "Ono of the curiosities of American r At a meeting of the Numismatlo and Him til Canada. en," said a regular bicyclist, "and during � , � � travel ubroa ' - SEE. I ­'., two yeas of obeervtttlon I have Haver Electrifying scrolls of ITIS �' eels a tauriatwho baa just 0 Welty srlau society Hr. Max Uble, who returned from bat annual jaunt on the en condueting explorations for the known the rule to fail. The slim, teller , mads woman, who looks tidy and rill New 6t81I1 l?i 1%TOd1Ci118. continent ' 1s a man's .anxiety to look at I museum in Bolivia and Peru, Y pretty 3r from behind and Is as a matter of fact the very things in Europe that he can mea exhibited a modern Peruvian quipu, which "To be candid and truthful, I am miser- 1f be will at 1,1e own doorsteps at home ° able, used u nervous and can't sleep these neither young nor rets when her full faces _ H he aolleoted for the museum from the In- p' P pretty , For instance, about every young Now THAT 1 ° dians living on the southern side of Lake days; I feel as if life was not worth living, is sawn, 1s already an old theme for Cumlu DISEASES BEING CU RED porker who pilesse a few weeks on the = _ _ THS ". '1 a. I Titicaca, Von Tschudi bad remarked I have tried country air, and have stri,�tly PaPors and jokers, but 1t took the bicycle - _ - _ continent goes to all the zoological gar- _ — = - - = r , that quipne were atilt used in the puma of followed my doctors advice, yet here I W Put a now phaco on the thump Nine dens mentioned }n the guldel)oake. In _ Bolivia. Dr. Uble obtained two, one for am fast wearing away," limos out of ten the woman who sits cruet, Ill the ItIOSt 1�Ia1'Vl'1t1L1S 1�IanIler Dresden he may In the ilruhl Gerraoer - - I % the Berlin mu cum from the island of Tit- This confession made by a resident of wears a wall fitting suit and displays a r take but a fleeting glance at the wonder- _ _ _ _ FAC -SIMILE j 'fit , lance, 1 ter the one exhibited for the one of our largest Canadian cities, truly Particularly slim and grucoful figure is I3y 1%TL1Ilyp11 S Ilplll(x'opa- tel art gallery and sanity wink at the represents the condition of thousands of certain to be -well, old, when you ride past footprints of the great Napoleon, but be AVegetableP arationforAs- T �q ,1 *eve n pus are used by the Indians men and women, old and young, at this her and look around to gent a good view of thio Peliledieti. � SIGNA SIGNATURE ,I time of year. her face. She fe likely w be thin, with a x'111 gape for whole afternoon at the Similatilig tlleFOodflttdRe� Ill$- ., for keeping account of their Books of It is almost certain that snob and wrinkled face, having as much froshnuss tones and Ifons, tigers and elephants in the Stomachs N. - 11 I• sheep, The present one belonged to an Y the zoological garden, although at home and.Bow&of —OF— Indian who bad been an alcalde. At the broken down meD and women have not yet and youth about it as a dried apple. It's , g Every Druggist ll�s Thtnw. aloes of the year be had to give an account heard the joyful news that Paine's Celery unfortunate that each abouts be the extra, y lora c bo never would d,at►m of passing half the time 1n the park or circus menagerie, in Of the cheap to the neat following aloalde, Compound is the great life renewer and but it Se so, and In the majority of ceras -- itwt, probably would not think of going and it was for this the ui u was em- builder, the medicine that makes the weak the Pretty, flesh looking girl will nut ride to either once in a 1. ''y. ' q P half as wall ue bar older rival, cubo can Mr M. J. Minor, bicycle maker, with E. your.11 It eonsistsof a number of knotted strong, that gives vim and true activity to C. Stearns and Coe Bicycle Works, and "He does the same thing !n Vienna, in 0 & trtrandm of undyed sheep wool. The differ. the languid and despondent, that maks koupa spicknoss on the wheul that nubody residing at No. 166 Borden Rt. Toronto, Paris, in Frankfort and In Berlin. In nessandRest,Containsneither `" t ant kinds of knots indicate different num- the blood pure and red, that gives diger- can excel. The latter will dress butter, Ontario, Canada, says: -"I suffered intense each of these towns there are a thousand o ili,Morphine nor rT1mat ;ti , bers, the largest hundreds, the next tens ttve vigor and sweet refreshing sleep. hold herself better, and, so long as silo is pain for nearly three years f,orn dyspepsia rare sights that he never will see dupla- I is ON THE •+ r'„ and the smallest units. The strands iDdi- Are von, dear reader, among the affiioted viewed only by the men riding behind her, and constipation accompanied by a long eated in his native land, but he leaves half ) NA'R C OTIC. I Dating males are placed on one Bide and ones? Are you pining in misery and suffer- she will ba iter sun imprusslve than any train of distressing symptoms. 1 had no of them unohearvCd bo bunt up more those Indicating females on the other. In ing and full of dread and feats? If so, let of the younger and butter looking women appetite, a sour etomaeb, Wtis melancholy b@prs, lions and tigers 1n the local menag- 1• the quipu sent to Berlin the males were as point you to the only medicine that Dai, on wheels. It fs of course disuppointing and nervous. I could not sleep and theca erlog, a!'OldlbbS�t�1Ui4Pl7L6L'!!/ y��P brown and the female whtte, There are meet your case without a fear of failure, when the opportunity for seeing the Pull was also considerable emaoiaticn. One "Next to the zoological gardens, the i� .. .leecl- .', +: ER ' `� : also small supplementary knotted cords, It is Paine'e (`clary Compound, nature's face comas, but the Spectacle ie pleasant month ago I dr tided to try I\iunyon's Item- churches seem to have the etrongast hold " rte' medicine for the tired and worn out bod enough fur awhile. 1C�.atkSob- �F ,�+ ,,, (, ;:: whloh'indioate the lambs born during the y „ , tidies and after using two bottles of the on the Amorjcan efghtecttre. Now, cub Anises d EVERY �rBi year and also the sheep consumed os food. and anetrung nerves, The virtues of thio botnuthing of the sumo kind fa true of 1)yspcpsia Cure 1 was complotel,y cured, slag of a Pew masterpieces of cathedral .�p�n eke - I ,"j There is thus a very perfect tradition of medicine strike right at the root of the the men- I have known slim felloays, with and am today in the enjoyment of excel- architecture central Euro /�isiidata4?&Ar. � .' '+ +;1 tb¢ well known objects, without which St trouble, quickly bringing health and happi- finely developed Calves, to turn out snilow peen ohutrohes oT nese. It has a marvellous record of cures, dyepuptio leukin sou with u lent health and spirits, I am able to eat do not appeal to the untrained eye any N°"'rd� B 1130TTIM 8 '" 1s recorded it would have been impossible faced B "- anything, I consider my care most won. more tban do many oP our fine American .a °a Fair,x .t {f,, `1' to administer the affairs of the empire. a fast enduring fame won by rescues and glasses and n discontented exl)n,ssicn. derful, and cannot endorse Mau •oil's too churches, The time used h the average I a "'j' ..,. fit,', According to the historians, there were lila saving. Will you teat its efficacy? you Ttiding behind them Glwy ]coked like h]gh1y," y Anperiwin youth In examining m arse ands ' keepers of the Coleus in old Peru, like aux must if you desire health and robustness young athletes, end the contrast with Choir B p Aperfectltemedy forConstlpa- .., 'a, as well ae extendea care, reel looks was momathtn awful Not only Dluuyon s Rheumatic (`oro noises fails B.tping at vaults, altos and ohanoele ie tlOn, SOUT' SiOITiBICIl,Dlclrrli0t?a, 11';; bookkeepers, who kept count up to 100,- y' B to roliove in one to throe hours, and curve just so much tis° wasted, as to his eye . 000. Dr. Uhle described the Indians of physically, but also as fur as their c:rusa in a fsw days. Price 25c, the whole exhibition is just what be ogee Wornis,CORVulslons,Fev6rlSh- a Tlticara tie extremely peer, and eluted that a goes, such mea look better when scxtu Mnnyon's DyapepsiA Care positively any day in passing St, Paul's, or old Trin- [1CSS andLOS9 O1F SLEEP. while they probably knew the use of col- White spooks In Butter. form the rear than nine ottt of any tet; onres all forms of indigestion and starnach ity, or the (ntthedral. Yet he clings to �. ored quipus they were too poor to obtain Mottles in butter and white specks are mon one sees on the Boulevard, and they troubles. Price '150, those churches as he does to the zoological Fac Simile Signature of l!� I colored yarn. A sling made of sheep wool sorootimes Confounded, and by some are ride along so `;;lowly and dulluc,t, ly thab , Munyon's Cold Cure )rrvcnt's meutnonia gardens 4'i� considered the ear they oro Hover r ,tiled and Hover wilt their I 1 just bec:auso they are mentioned �°e� 11 collected by Dr, Uhle was also exhibited. pun but there is a differ- end break° tip a cold in a !'env hours. l'rire in the guidutwoks r He stated that slings were carried by the °DCH• Mottled or streaky butter bus h(xtn oolhire. They ore, bite the disnppointint; 25n. "I might add to this ]1st of time wast- NEW'YORK. Caetorla Is put up in oqG size battles only, It ,' • ' drivers, who guided their animals by sex• explained as being caused by an unequal women, the spickest lording rldrr.; un cbu Munyon's Cough Cute stops coughs, Ing practices the American habit of visit- , Is not sold is balk. terously thrown stones. They always go distribution of the stilt, but white specks Dau t allow anyone to soil loud, but they alit never able ttrstand the night sweats, allays soreness and Spee; ily tug and lingering around all the mono- 1 yon anything else on the plea or promise that it 1`=`'' `1:>, abort twirling .their slings, which are have a different ormse or causes. Some- front view. "-New York ion, heals the tango, Price 2'"0. scuts to mon, Uig and small, in European t is "jnat as good" and "will answer ever nr- ,�" worked in colored designs peculiar tp the Mimes, when the rriilk fe eat in shallow - 11 anyon's Kidney Cure speedily oures cities. Mcn who Dover turn to right or pose." a3-$eo that you get Cnswe ever I A. , o.;1 different tribes. They recognize a man's pans, they result from the Cream drying pains in the baclt, (ions or groins, and all left in New York to distinguish between a L tribe at once b his alio A HELPLESS WOMA)v, forms of kidnHy disease. Price 2.5c, statue and u drinking fountain race wild-Thofoo-�� Y g•-Philtidelphiu so hard so there are small portions that are EXACT COl OPYOF WRAPPER. simtlr ( !e as • Times, so surd they do not churn into butter. ISlanyou's Nerve Care stops nervousuabs 1y un the coridnont after th°•must ineignif- I eleaatcro �r(?".; ��^ SCA Those particles d° not take the color like For Years s Rheumatic Cripple -Under and builds up the system. Price '`fie, I leant public statues as if every public of every FASCINATIONS OF POISONS the rest of the butter, and the specks are the Healing Balm of South American y' wrapper. Mur on's Headache ('aro stops beadnche monument wore tie worthy as tho Arch of thus caused. This may be remedied b in three minutes. Price 25, Triumph In Paris, or the Brandenburg MENINEMMEMf The Mon Who Make Cyanide of Potaetslnm Y in Cure Suffering vanishes- 15lunyon'$ file Uinlment positivciy cut os g!tto in .[3Pr)!n, or the Trafalgar square Are Tempted to Eat It carefully straining the coram when it is put into the Churri, Throngh Faith in the Testimony of Oth- all forms of piles. Price 25e shaft In London. And while (basing up _ a ORI I., There is a factory in London that makes Another cause of white specks is this: are She is tc-day a well Woman, Manyon's Il.o :d Cure cradicatos all iin. these animals and churches and common- W 79• . only the deadliest poisons known toehem• When some milk is skimmed off the purities of the blood. Price 25C, Pluto statues of people they never heard of t . - .•, I ietry. Last year it produced 1,000 tong o1 cream, as Ss usually done 1n the case of "My daughter, Mrs Gregory. had iheu_ Munyon's Female R.eu„•di(•s are a boon tho American tourists neglect the art gai- NOW IS YOUR CIIAlACE `, SIF cyanide of Potassium. Five grainsof this deep cold setting, this milk settles to the mat•ism so badly in her right band and to X11 women, ICries, the IihrariHs, the great military Cv� 4. i' is sufficient to kill a man. In one room bottom, gets overripe and forms a curd arm that they were rendered almost help- ,llunyou'R Catarrh Ilomedies n.ver fait, spectaelas and the peculiarly national en - 3' of the factory the visitor found tons of the which will bo so hard as not to break up less for over a year. Noticing the testi- The Catarrh Cure -price 25(! eradioatce tuetainroents whose like they never have • ` deadly poison. It resembles very closely in churning and will not run off with the mony of persons who had been cured by the disease from th:, system, and the Ca. seen and cannot• fincl on this side of the white crystallized sugar. The visitor re• buttermilk, hilt will remain with the but- tarrh Tnbl , South Amertle. Rheumatic Cure, I pro- uta -pinta `_5e:- c2Cause and heal water. "-New York Sun. �'1,�Cld%thil - marked to the manager, ,,It lucks good to as white speuka, or fleoke, as they era cured a bottle. She received almost in• the parts I'll" B emnetimes culled. This call be. remail d Stant relief, and when the bottle was used MunyOn's Asthma Remedies r( -hive in ti- enough to eat. " ziS "Ah," replied the manager gravely, by not lotting the cream stand so long be- the trouble had completely left her. It is thio© minutiae, and cares perroauur_tl}. Having purchased Chased a 11Lrg'e, up-to-date StUCIi OT �j +y" "that is leaf one of the dangers coo have fare churning nr by frequentund thorough a great remedy, and eves take pleasure in Nnre �l. w01SCed and ri'WOPCl �Ultinrrs aIld Trou ill ' e? to guard against. For some inexplicable stirring of the cream (luring the process of recommending it.". -Neil Morrison, St. Munvon'a Vitalizer restores Icht. vigor. a St l�,S A ,A V y' reason cyanide of potassium exerofsc�s a re ripening. These bard white John, N. B. Sold b watts & Co. "rice k'I, ' for the spring trade, at a very IoW price, we are particles Y HA markable fascination over the men en- can also he bikon out by straining the _ 'Isep,uato'cure for each disease. At hll �T 11 `l gaged lllitsrnanufacture. Theyarebaunt- cream. -Bulletin United Santee Depart- druggists, Mostly 25ca vial, r� �yT"YPDT`"" pr�parecl to give the gentlemen of Clinton ells The Cokl Water thAeaL Personal lettere to Yr,'t. SIuu1'an, 11 and of �iv 4.i-ae r GRAY It.I� to a a constant and a perfectly alive desire mane of Agriculture• vicinity Ordered Clothing Cheaper than has ,}<"; fa eat o They are to give olive to the The Cold water ordeal wits ono of the 13 Aibert St., T oronto; answered with free Aril 1: -It i.ATENED foot, however, that to give way to the most Important torts of guile or ina000n(„ "redical advice fur any diaeitse. rf! 1 y, ua•, x ever yet been Offered here. 1I crawl g. ,would mean instant death, and THL GRIM REAPER a few hundred ours 7,Jf BALDNESS {��ptl g��yg �1i ,��V .. I Y t1�0. If tl!P, Ar'Dah^lKl ,�!, 1� a Ly. �,D �� Ra/ $,9 $ !] riel Ad � .I � I are consetjuently usually able to resist it, Swoops down on young and old alike. The floated, be waa guilty; if he sank, he war _ but not always. During the time I hove promising buds are Dipped off almost' as innocent;. In the twelfth Century soma - I — Suits to Order from $10 up. ' been kern three of our best and steadiest altar vessels were sto}eD form the cath(- r A e=leo. by IIairg q� certainlyaethe fadin; blossom. Ur A-- Our ei'1e3.:)I� :�flF, iiLlll]1fDlil$� are LL°al]Lb1'�. 7' �`` workmen have committed suicide in this ,yew's Care for the Heart has death's A C1 TY IN A VOLCANO. { F ,. , f tic n n dial of Leon and the let,rntd Ansr,lm f 11, r : strange `manner, impelled thereto appnr- ,, , ✓ ,. � tr A I hands more times than you will count, Pr°p°sexi that a child from cans parish and =' ti'F ..ase �m II 11 .0, ently by no cause save this mysterious, then a child from each household should The 1Ptctnresque ao•1 I'"`:ntiar rs►::.nd of • . :r,:.ii� � 'Pty41Ct,R ��e ilia nothing but first-class tr1n11Tllncrq, ,tat horrible longing. I myself have fait the Relieves in ;i0 minutes. Over 40 cases of Saba In th,+ w'ptr. andlew =--"' t� n• sudden deaths from 1,eart disease were bu put to the test, and so on until tht, - A ('rf6Ct tit ane' i same strange lustwh°n I have long bac+n noted in the dailypapers in Canada dur- guilty one was found. The pro os.1don If you will take down Your goigrt,hfe? ' ••••r.:' 11•r:': is oN- atest style 'le uarantee(_l, P P P f s a ago, after p g ; I? exposed to the cyanide Runes, tin(] have iag the past ten days, It seems inered• raised a great outer iu pje claim_ and leek un the map Lit the WUlt Iudi,•s, ( ',(t' ',., '•1 s,r'ltht'sv, my hair B y and the K, you will n(Y,icx b(+two+ra the Mand:; of 1 ;; :n rl • ,�11: