HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-08-06, Page 2M% i' I I . F I � � I , � : � 1. .1 I . i : \ I . y . .A'ulguSt 01 1897 . r , . , y ^Y .�' ., ty - ,• rv.. ', , - - . q I , . ,,.. I %R -*4 .moi quirers who desire to go to the Yukon min -t Ing distriots. Most of the applicants for Crisp County Clippings. r; information are young men without mon- I — .ey, who are empJuyed on !arms and in too- •' toriea. DEATHS. -The many friends in He w The London Times publishes a long let- Ball neighborhood of W. Wilson, own ' ter deagribing the dangers and diffioultiep of the "Willow Hall," will regret i in the way of reaching the Yukon gold learn of his death on June 27th, at t. fields. The writer says thare is no doubt home of his daughter, Mie Dickinec that there is gold there, but that the Bottineau, Norte Dakota. Deceas wealth of the Indica will not compensate was 80 years of age and has been ill b ` for the existing risks.a short time, , . , It has become out• 81 ��WP duty to chronicle the deathof a reaper ii�j ed citizen in the person of Chas. Linde . Cris >t Count Clippings. Feld, sr., of Dashwood, who depart �7���Q 1• i Ythis life on the 24th inst, at the age IN 02 -On an Mr D. Rush, Win ham, had one of hie much -esteemed resident of the tow d at 1 (ON TFi� AIR RiVER) g SARNIA•'ONTARI�. ribs broken while loading a Harrel o! chi ► of Uaborne, iu the person of Ja vinegar at the store last week. Russell, of the Thames road, passed John Swartz, Wingham, haspurchas• his reward, at the age of 77 years anc ed the trotting mate, Maple Leaf from monthe....Tuesday, Anna Kettlewe I J. O'Leary, Brussels, wife of John, Halls of Elimville, Cros t ed the bourne. Deceased has been J. Sanderson, Corrie, is at,present but ashort time,dropay being the can 11 "ISummer, very ill. The old gentleman is ober 80 C..11., years of age and it is doubtful if he will of death. She had attainrd the age wr r• recover. 81 Years, , , • Another death took pla on Tuesday; we refer to Aanie Le The voters' list for the Township of thorns, wife of C. A. Wallis, ofStephE Term Turriberry contains a total of 703 voters township. Deceased had suffered fro; ":: ; and has 431 persons who are qualified a severe attack of erysipetx., from tl to serve as jurors, effects of which she died. She was Mr and Mrs Miller, West Wawanosh daughter of R. Leathorn, of Exeter,an : <,;,', During July and Agust were io Chesley last week attending leaves a husband and family of sena "'''' the funeral of their aunt Mr Wm, children tomoura an irr•ep-wable loss ,1, our college will lie open ,r,;,,. Moore. Mr B.S. Parker, Winghate, c ezeive °' for the accol�ii!hodation i The annual Fall Show of the Morris word on Monday, of the death of h Of TeacherK and others agricultural society will be held at father-in-law, Mr John Deegan, ( id Y Medford There died in LowE who coal Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday, gt attend at an Wingham on Saturday last the ai 1'11 ,'' y the 5th and 6th of October. „ , - year old little boy of Mr and Mrs I ,•',, , other tilll0. Mrs R. Weir and family left Heasall Murdock. Little Willie suffered great t;' ,� r on Wednesday for their new home ly from inflammation of the bowels.. near Peterboro, where Rev. Mr Weir Mr Thos Love of the I1Lh concession c "i IS Special rates. Write recent! accepted the i Y p pastorate of a Mclfillop died on Sunday )act, M ��:,+f"' Presbyterian church. Love has been ill fur two years, Nein, for Souvenir, a victim of diabetes. He was a colli I Rev, E. Gordon, father of H. F. Gor• trativel don, of Wingham, accompanied by eta pc y yuung man, being only 4 �`' brother, sailed nn Saturday last for years c,f age. a was the second sol , ! A S NIliilli0 Pro trip around the world, They expect of the late George Love, of Tucker • smith,,,, Word leas received at Bras C 1 11 to spend two years !n taking in the trip. ''', . sels on Thursday evenir-g by Rodne, ,, !! i Mr Anker sustained a serious ac- Rose, that his brother-in-law, Jan1e; cident last week driving to Gorrie. Kerr, residing in the western state'. y His horse shied at a hearse, and the was dead. They also got a letter dat line breaking, the buggy upset, throw- ed ten days previous saying all wart l ing him violently on his head, and frac• well, corisequently the death muss �i` Millionaire Sa a says the sudden ac- taring his jaw, Sage Y have been sudden.... Much sorrow wat 'its ..... quisition of great wealth is apt to John McNeil, I(3th con., Grey, has felt on Monday last, o it being learn •t l`" turn men's heads. No editor need been laid aside from work owing to an ed that Henry Wurm; who residCs or '1;':,:. accident in which he injured his back. the Goshen line a short distance south ',r,"' then entertain any fears as to loss of He fell 10 feet in the barn throe h a had g of Zurich passed away, Last 311 reason. trap door used to put straw through v, eek we made reference to an accident k� and landed on a heap of stones. which had befallen Mr Wurm by the ',!iii' In answering a correspondent that ' Alex. Lawrence has been a running away of his horses, but it was appointed - not thought then that be was serious- jfi4�; `the word "gentlemen" may correctly acub-Collector of customs by the Do - ,a; ., rtiiuiou Government at Cretna, Man. Iy injured, and it was hoped by all lbe used in speaking of a negro, Har- Mr Lawrence is an old Tuckersmith that be would soon be around again, ,,lr,, per's weeklysays: "There is nothing in man, but has been a resident of Mani- all right. However, it was not to be 1tl the color of a man's skin to hinder his toba for several years. so. He must have been internally in- jured in some way, as he never seemed "r ` Peter Hawthorne, of the town line Y being a gentleman, even from the to rally and gradually grew worse un- `_ Anglo-Saxon point of view. If he has Hullett, has an apple tree in his or- til he finally passed from this life.... ,, • self res act v chard which is loaded with fruit and' irk, p veracity and go man- Mrs Edward Denyer, 9th con., Grey, r ners, the most necessary ingredient of blossoms at the same time. On sever• died last Sabbath, a;'ed30 years. The ;_ a gentlemen would seem to be in him, al of the limbs there are both apples cause was quick consumption which +'' and the chances are that expert ob- and blossoms. This is a freak of na- she contracted some timet ago though ' servers will recognize their presence." ture which is very rare. deceased was only confined to her bed �} ; That is well said. The voters' Itst for Hay township for a few weeks .... Far ly on 'Chursday .>, has 838 who are entitled to vote at morning the spirit of Sarah Kernag• ' ;»', ,' both municipal elections and elections Lan, beloved wife of John Bowman, 4:. The New York Journal of Commerce to the Legislative Assembly; log who 3rd non.. Morris, took Its flight. De- are entitled to vole at municipal elec- ceased was a native of Armagh,Ireland, '`,, says: "An export representative of a tions only, and 2'� who and entitled to and carne to this country with her, � vote at Legislative Y brother James, who is a resident of ,,;.,I,,bicycle manufacturer was yesterday g'slative eleptiona only. Morris, over 40 years ago, residelocatiin v . anxious to close a lot of 1,000 high In order tC secure an idea of the Haldimand County, Shortl after i amount of business done at J. H. she was united in ularr a e to y grade wheels without tires at the net Broadfaot's planing mill, Seaforth, in bereft partner, to wham she phoer now ned a price of $17 each, The price, it was past years, this gentleman, paid the true yoke -fellow and in no small de- f A. is the lowest that has yet been late Joseph Williams, of Goderich, the gree added to the material advances offered in the ex ort market for a y- x, sum of ninet five thousand dol are of the family.Mr and Mrs Bowman ,, wheel claiming to be high grade." The for pine timber alone, moved intoMorristownshi ;thuut 39 s combine seems to 'be broken. When -years ago and took u P2 Mr W. Carruthers, who was injured p Ills 00 acre ,.� f;', prices came down to a reasonable com- J farm on which the have resided e 1;i« petit.ive figure more of us will have bi- at the barn raising of Mr Flaugh's, near 3 ver cycles. Wingham, a few days ago, was taken since, lot 28, con. 3, and which they,hy i