HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-30, Page 7THE CLINTON NEW ERA BUTOHERSHOPS. CENTRAL BUTCHER SIIOP FORD MURPHY re doing business on the cash prinoi• ll d will supply our customers with 4h t meats at the lowest paying prloes FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to the pe o Clinton that he has bought out ering business lately conduct- ed y gyros., and will continue the same in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, where by strict attention to the wants of his customers, he hopes to i Brit and receive a fair share of patronage. He will sell for .mash only, and at the lowest prices. Chas. J, Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP I!wieh to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical botcher; and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very best meats, and a full stock always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Bring . along your money, and get the meat at the cash price. We will give credit, but not at cash prices. ',Please come and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD tt GARDEN SEEDS 1We have a choice stook of FEED CORN OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o ,toast market price paid for coarse grain, taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour & Feed store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND - $1,400,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Wm. MOLSON MACPDERBON, President F. WoLFEnSTON THomee, Gen. Manager Notes discounted, Collections made. Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. SAVINGS BANK—Interest allowed on same of $1 and up. Money advanced to .farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton G. D, MCTAGGA.RTa BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only eafe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of Strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases—to degrees stronger --sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, rive Dollars. No. I, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. Ttte Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A; general Banking Business transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought W J. P. TISDALL, Manager. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED For Twenty-seven Years DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGL5T SALE IN CANADA. MCLEOD'S System REAOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female irregularities and General Debility. Laboratory, Goderich, 4w J. M. McLeod, Prop. end Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON OFFICERS. Geo. Watt President, Harlock P. 0.; James Broadfoot, Vico-Pres., Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Bhannon,Secy.Treae., Soatorna P.0.151. Murdie 'Inspector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Murdie, Sea - forth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Geo. Watt, Harlook; T. E, Ha s, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead - bury; �Cjs. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kipp AGENTS. • forthh, and J. OuiHemlock. gmondvile McMillan, Sees Parties desirous to elIeot Insurances or tran- sact other business will bo promptly attended to aon dressedeto application respootitabove officers vo offices. J. C. -ST N. HE LEADING} -- UNDERTAKER -AND- I EMBALMER - A PIILL GINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK -'1e i itEn tlesias Flail tie d Splendid Hearse Residence over store OPPOSITF TOWN HALL CLINTON MARBLE WORK. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Nex to Commercial hotel. This establishment is in full or eration and a order filled in the most satiefacto, y way Oeme tery and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton. Bao* urserics Trees, Plants, Shrubs. This old -established and reliable business is being continued as usual, and those who want anything in our line can rely on tho very beat of service ..,.,_... Cholee Plants for Spring Bedding. Floral Designs foAr�Weddings or Funerals Fruit and Ornamental Trees Spruce. Scotch .0 Astrachan Pine Pr. cos of entire stock very low. All orders promptly filled. A Wreck In the Potato Field. An old salt, after sailing the sea for years, thought he would try a life ashore for awhile. He looked around for a job, and was engaged by a farmer, saying, as he had plowed the deep for years, he thought he could plow the land. He went home with the farmer, and after a good night's rest and breakfast etertod out to plow. The farmer hitched up a yoke of oxen, with a horse on to lead. Taking two turns around the field and then turning the team over to Jack, he said he would go to the house for family prayers. It was plain sailing for a short time, but the teals didn't like Jack's way of navigating. The oxen turned the yoke and things became suarlod up. Jack hove to and went to the house, asking for the deacon. He was told the family was at prayers, but pushed in and hailed the deacon: "Say, deacon, the starboard ox Is on the port side and the port ox is on the starboard side. The old mare is athwart the bows, and the whole thing Is drifting to hadee stern first. Belay your prayers and some down and clear away the wreokl"- 3oaton Herald. John Stewart Estate, Benmll,er Art. The whole story is not written here, but it le suggested, and the attribute of all true art, the highest and the lowest, is this: That it says more than it says and takes you away from itself. There is nothing so universally intelligible as truth. What your work wants is not truth, but beauty of external form, the other half of art. -Olive Schreiner. Impediment+) to Happiness. Fudd--There is no such thing as perfect happiness In this world. Dudd-For instance? Fudd-My Income increases so rapidly that it is almost impossible for me to find avenues for its Inveetment.-Boston Tran- script. The largest orchard in Great Britain Is at Tottington, In 'the county of Gloucester. It is 500 acres In extent, and in some sea- sons yields its owner, Lord Sudley, a profit of $50,000. The trees are chiefly apples and plums. Rheumatism tt Dyspepsia Cured 571ST. PATIRICK STREET, OTTAWA, July,3lst, 1896. To the" tPhrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd.[ Ottawa, Ont. GENTLESIEN,--On the advice of a friend I tried one bottle of your famdbs rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my surprise it oared me of rheumatism, from which 1 have Buffered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheu- matism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that 1 have taken has done so muoh for me as your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending it to other suffers. Yours very:truly, (Signed) JAMES CARROLL4, Foreman of Works, Rideau canal. For sale by Allen & Wilson. WOOD and COAL YARD WM. WHEATLEY is prepared to fill all or. --dere-for-either•Coal or -Wood -on -short -notice; --,- Omar. left at HI'l & Joyner s Feed Store will be promp.ly attended to.l a linton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN. The subscriber, having the 'very;lateet;;m- ,'proved machinery and employing then most ykilled workmen is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- tice. A trial solioited. FACTOR' NNAR G. T. R. STATION CLINTON, MAT STAMPING Tho undersigned Is prepared to do all kinds of stamping for Mate Persian hugs and arti- cles of like nature. Work done promptly and at reasonable rates. MRS A.WORTHINUTON Huron Street. Selling mut FOR CASH. We are now offering our entire stook of Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare our prices with those you have been paying and see what you;can save by ordering from us. reg. our reg. our price price price prise JornStarch,l0o.. 7o Coffee .400..800 Laundry „ 10o.. 7o Lamp Glass,80..5c Pearline, 10o.. 8o GingerSnapsloo..50 Soap, 5c....4o Tea}, 50o ..40o Pickles ....15o..100 B1neRibbon35o..250 Extraote....l0o..8o Tea 25o ..20o Yeast Cekee,10o..8c Seeds per llkt 8o Salmon ....180..100 8>} lb Raisins 25o Canned Cornl0o..5c 3i Ib Cnrrante..25o 31b Bodas..25o..20o JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton WANTED MINIIMOS I can pay ten dollaas weekly • to a lady of mature age, re- finement and tact to spend her time in a good. cause, T. H, LINSCOTT Toronto, bub. j An Advertisement This is an advertisement which tells the truth about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. PEOPLE WHO SUFFER from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness of breath, smothering feeling, palpita- tion of the heart, pains through the breast an d heart, anxious, morbidcon- dition of the mind, groundless fears of coming danger, anaemia or impoverished blood, after effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should TRY THESE PILLS as they cure these complaints. Every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased, and we authorize them to do so on the strength of the above statement. a'This offer is limited to the first box used by any one person. "T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto. THEY LEAD WAY i. \� O We get the boys"to lead with our Shoes and the effect ie easily seen. The average boy knows a)good thing when he aces it and a good shoe when he wears it, They like our geode. We also show a fine line of Men'e,Women' and Children's Shoes, &o. Call and see our stook of Double and SinIe Harness, Trunks, Valises, ttc. Red and White Cedar Shingles on band. JAS. TWITCHELL, Victoria Blook, Clinton. HAVE MEMORIES. THE CLAIM MADE FOR FISH, INSECTS AND OTHER CREATURES. • How a Young Lady Trained a Caterpillar. Educated Oysters In France -Evidence of Cerebral Action In Carp Which Ap- pears to Settle the Question. Henry de Parvule has written for a Frenob newspaper the following article on the memory of fish, insects and other Matures: "Herr Edinger, the German anatomist, recently discovered that fishes have mem- ories. Now it is believed that insects and mollusks aro equally gifted. One of my lady readers, a teacher of drawing in the aria schools, put the following question to me: 'How can any one imagine any animal to exietwithout amemory?' And, dwelling upon her query, she affirms that oaterptllare have memories. She ut one lime possessed a big brown caterpillar with magnificent fur. She kept him In a work- box, and carefully fed him with choice leaes. Now this caterpillar, following the fashion of bis kind, used to roll him- self up tato it ball whenever he was fright- ened. When the lady wanted to make bis bed and fix up bis apartments, she took bim delicately on a leaf and brought him out of the box. At first the creature would roll bbnself up, but in a short time he be- came tame and remained in an out- stretched condition, knowing well that no harm was intended. "'I was then a schoolgirl in the Sacre- Cceur of Beauvais,' said my correspondent, 'and with my oaterplllar 1 gave exhibi- tiona to the sisters and the girls.' When- ever she touched him, he remained per- fectly at ease and never coiled himself, but when any one of the other girls touched him he instantly rolled himself up. He knew his mistress well, Therefore the creature evidently possessed atnemory. "One morning the lady opened the box and to her astonishment the oaterpillar was gone. In his plaoe there was a little heap of agglutinated hairs. Her pet had become a chrysalis. The stators and pu- pils awaited the arrival of the butterfly with impatienoe. The question was, Would the butterfly have any recollections of its existence as a caterpillar, and would it remember its mistress The an- swer is easily guessed. Butterfly and cat- erpillar are two, and the butterfly had no recollection of its kind nurse and paid no attention to her whatever. When it rose 1n the world, it forgot its old friend '"The young lady afterward raised sev- eral caterpillars, but none of them evinced such intelligenee as the first. At all events, the statement proves that it is quite posst- bt oaterpillars have memories. "Here is another example relative to mollusks. A civil engineer wrote to me ae follows: 'While at Courseulles-sur-Mer I watched with curiosity the oyster floats. Noticing a workman at low,tlde shoveling out a great quantity of oysters upon a de- oltvity, so as to keep them completely dry, I asked him what was the utility of the operation. He replied that the oysters were to be vent to Paris, but that before sending there it was necessary to educate them and teach them to economize the water in their sbells. If you export oys- ter's that are aoouetomed to be always in the water, they open an the road and ar- rive at their destination dried out, dead and spoiled. If, on the contrary, they are planed upolo a declivity, so that they will be alternately under water and high and dry, they will learn in a few days that, it they open their shells wpait they at'9 Shay dry, ey will be left without water dbd doubt- less Soffer considerable inconvenience. Consequently they wisely retain the liquid, and when they learn that trick they are es moiontly advanced to pass their examinations to Paris. Therefore the oge- tef, though inferior in intelligence in a flail, is Mieoepiible of training. It mast be admitted that it bas a oertin, tnensory, &ince it reoo1100t6 its enfferinge from the iinprudent opening of its shell when it >p not in the water and knows enough to keep itself 'shut whoa in a basket.' "But here 1s another example in regard to fishes. It is given by M. Pierre Megntn of the Eleven'. 'It is not necessary to travel very lar,' be says, 'to get the ovi- deuoe o[ memory among fishes. One need only to go to Fontainebleau and look at the historic carp in the ponds of the oastle. I often went there some years ago when I was camped in the forest with my regi- ment during the firing exercises. There is one spot behind the castle where people amuse themselves by throwing bread and fruit to the carp. The little pieces of bread are eagerly devoured and fought for by the fish. But if an apple is thrown in, the fish, reoogniaing it, pass it by disdainfully. They know by experienoe that the thing ie beyond the power of their jaws. here is one trick which is often played upon them, and that is to throw to them an entire loaf and as hard a loaf as can bo procured. The carp poke their noses at it and retire, keeping it in view. They surround it, remail}ing et a little dietonoe from M. Ono big old fellow approaches it from time to time to ascertain the progress of the soaking and softening, and in about 20 minutes, when the explorer die- oovers that the required degree of softness has boon reaohed, ho notifies his compan- ions of 'the fact by a wag of his tail or by whatever means of oommunication the carp possese, and instantly they charge _ 13 -0611 -the lee leaf= It to pieces and help themselves. In a few seconds nothing le left of it. "'Now, this shows that experience has taught the oarp that the bread, no matter how bard it may be at first, is bound in time to beoome soft enough to eat, and they wait patiently for the expiration of the neoessary time. In this there Is not only evidenoe of memory, but alao the proof of a complex intellectual operation.' Pierre Magnin may be right, be- oaueo it is very dlAloult to explain in any other way than by cerebral action that aeries of facts, in some degree reasoned oat, exhibiting the carp waiting for the soften- ing of the hard bread every time 1t is thrown to then." Wo Will Pay Straight Weekly Salaries ' 01 from 010.00 to $30.00, according to ability, for canvassers on "Queen Victoria : nor Lite and Reign,' after a trial month en our big commis- sion. The Diamond Jubilee is booming this wonderful volume, keeping all hands working early and late. The only Canadian work accept- ed by Ilor Majesty and endorsed by the Royal Family. A beautiful big book at a small price; hurry your aVppl�lcatton. THE Bir nI,EY-G}AR- aETsoN Co., L td, Toronto. Ont. AAA ...,...cru....:. THIRTY YEARS OF GLOOM He had bunted the world for a ray 01 Hopeful, Healthful Sunshine, but in vain until Soutn American Nervine brought a Midday buret of healing Light to Him and made him strong again. Thomas Waterman, a papular and well- known resident of Bridgewater, N. S., had been suffering from indigestion and weak - nese of the nerves for nearly thirty years. He had tried every remedy and treated with best physicians, but all failed to give per- manent relief. He had almost given up hope of a cure and as a last resource pro- cured South Amerioan Nervine. One bottle greatly benefitted, and after taking three or four bottles be proclaimed him• self perfectly well. Sold by Watts & Co. toeless to Walt. Since the fact has been publiehed that bundles left in trains are often picked up by dishonest passengers who make a prac- tice of being among the last to leave the oar some disagreeable complications have arisen. Two passengers eat facing each other as the train rolled into the station. . The aisle was full of suburbanites orowd- ing toward the doors, but these two kept their seats. They were not in a hurry. Finally one of them spoke. "It won't do yon .any good to wait, mister," she said. "I'm not goin to furget this umbrell' and walk out and leave it. m a little lame. That's why I don't orowd out with the rest of 'em." With the look of an injured man the other pe senger got up and made his way au rapidly ae possible to the rear door. - Chicago Tribune, Cattle In Newfoundland. Tbo Portuguese attempted to establish herds of cattle in Newfoundland in 1553, but all traces of these animals have van. Med. . Pnbllo story tellers still earn a good live- lihood in Japan. In Tokyo alone 600 of them ply their trade, provided with a small table, a fan and a paper wrapper to illustrate and emphasize the pointe of their tales. July 30, 1 S11' A Huury Man's Delight SHORTNESS OF BREATH "Since last year I have had serious heart trouble caused by malaria, Shortness of breath, smothering spell on retiring,violent palpitation, eto., often made me gasp for breath. On procuring Milburn's Heart and -- Nerve Pills I found to my surprize and de- light that they gave almost instant relief. 1 got healthy, restful sleep, my heart troubl le disappeared, and I now feel very wel- and strong indeed." Mr Hugh Moore, In- gersoll, Ont., makes this statement for the public good. 4teatber Stone. A writer toile of a curious steno that is to be found in ITinland. I1 is a natntal barometer and aettially foretells probable changes In tbo weather. 1t is called a semaknir, and its peculiarity is that it turns black before approaching rain, while in fine weather it is mottled with spots of white. Investigation has shown the stone to be a sort of foesil, mixed with clay, rook salt and niter. When the air Is moist, the salt turne bleak; when the air is dry, the salt shows in white 'Tots on the sur- face of the stone. -Pittsburg Dispatch. no ha simile sigsatut s�-A.iBtTt�Z3.Z.a3. The Scott Act has been defeated in Charlottetown, P. E. I., by a majorit'y of 786 to 073. The Montreal Herald says that the con- sensus of opinion in Quebec Province fa- vors the putting of a minister of education at the head of the schools. Sets scary .4;44. vulva PROVIDENCE THANKED. It is with pleasure that I recommend B• B. B. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. I had tried many medicines but re- ceived no benefit until, I thank Providence, I was advieed to use B. B. B., and it re- sulted in a perfect cure. Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel that you would like some to appease your appetite, try some of the following Heinz's Sweet Pickles, Mc a quart, Heinz's Beans in Tomato Sauce, Blue Label Catsup* Potted Meats —Ham, Chicken, Partridge, tc. Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices. The up-to-date Grocery is OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 FACTS It pays to advertise facts only. Anything that ann be proven is it fact. We substantiate and prove all we advertise. QUANTITY We have the largest stook or Furniture II in this county to choose from. ry, Our goods cannot be surpassed for deeign, workmanship and finish. Remember we do not handle any elop work. Exam.' ins other goods then see ours and you will be convinced that what we tell you is right. , Our prices are away down. We have the name of selling Furniture cheaper than any other firm in this section, and we are bound tore- tain our reputation. Don't buy furniture till you get our prime UNDERTAKING. In this department we carry a complete stock. We give a service that cannot be surpassed by any, and our charges are as low as the lowest. Oar bearse and outfit is undoubtedly the finest in the county. QUALITY PRICES BROADFOOT,BOX & CO. J. W. Chidley Itiianat;er While the peach crop is likely to be short along Lake Erie this year, the yield in the Grimsby district is reported as veru lar se. In ,cmc orchards the luscious fruit i* so ple htiful that the trees are already being propped, Jerry Sam, of Vinita, I. T., is 86 years old and a remarkable character, Fifty years of his life he was a slave and lived in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Uncle Jerry has been .mar-. ried seven times and enjoys the dis- tinction of being the father of 57 child- ren. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tho tso- simile sIgnatere of 0. a%GCG � erery . wrapper. lOtol P S -Night end Sunday calla attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral Director) residence. CLINTON SEVaING MACHINE Warerooms The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINECOMPANY, To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsurpassed icor durability and the quality of"kork. They will be placed on trial free; we compete with ennui- chines llnha-chines on the market. I also have other grades at less money, and will procure any macbiao manufactured, if desired Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines. . WASHING MACHINE'S -1 am agent for the celebrated Anthony Wayne Washer, the largest manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot be beat in any respect. 1 still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, best in markett W M . MO Q RE, old stand, Huron St., Clinton Summer Goods We wish to draw special attention to the following. Men's Shirts, Drawers, Tiea Braces and Hose; large range both in quality and price. Ladies' • Dress Goods; Vesta, handsome Prints for Waists. Handkerchiefs in great variety. Parasols.. Stainless Black Hose, 12o to 35c, both plain and ribbed. Screen ;Doors and Win- dows. Now for Harvest Toole, Scythes, Snaths, Forks, Rakes, &o. Strawberries, Pine Apples and other fruits. Bibles and Methodist Hymnbooks combined, just received. Our Teas are specially good (so we hear very often) and we sell thele on their merit only. We have a fine lot of Whips. Highest price for produce - Everybody cordially invited to give ns a trial, Terms Cash or Produce. -LAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS CAR'r.IAGES AND WAGGONS, If the rider is satisfied his —.mount We Keep in Stock and make to order Carriages and Waggons of all kinds. F. RUMBALL. - - OLINTjl; THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BY HO RACE FOSTER eLEVELAND the easy running bicycle that can always be depended upon. , Prices are still $I00 and $75.; 11. A. Cozier & Co,, W. Cooper & Ca TORONTO. Y4