HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-30, Page 5Quicki1"1141"1/ �'..."...... ... Stogy I 2 great Snap in And ,�,bo� � Hosiery! Oc B oase Sets We have just received another lot of them. Having sold over 100 pairs, whioh cleaned us out, bat managed to aware another lot which we will sell at 10 cts the set, and are doubtful if they oan be duplicated at this price. Come and get a set before they 1 gone. They won't last Our 25o line won't last long. ENGRAVING . We do Engraving in the very neatest and latest style, and do it while you wait. J. B. Jeweler, Ulf atom. twief4Mivirfri, Tire You Thinking of a Watch ? 1 r We have always a large assort- ment to choose from in Gold, Gold-filled, Silver and Silveroid Caees,also a large stock of Move- ments in Ladies' and Gents sizes Call and examine our goods. No trouble to show them. You will have a good variety to choose from, as we are constantly stock- ing up. Special attention is giv- en to watch repairing, either in English, American or Swiss. Our Watchmaker is thoroughly acquainted with all grades and makes of Watches. He has all latest improved tools to work with, and is bound to give satis- faction. A call solicited. Eslatsd.8iddlaoonhe: CLINTON Lad week we were offered a greatsnap in Hosiery by a wholesale house which was overloaded. We cleared out the whole line, oonsistrng of Ladies; Misses and Obildren's fast blank Hose and Men's Socks at d8 cents on the dollar. The goods are all in stook and ready for inspection. If you want first-class Hosiery at about half price you should move quick; although the stook is large they will not last long at prides like these:— Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Feet Blank Hose, all sizes, regular price 250 per pair, now 15o a pair or two pairs for 25o Ladies' Plain Hose, Bermedorf's fast blank, all sizes, spliced heels and toes, worth 20o, now 146 per pair or two pairs for 25o Boys' Heavy Ribbed Fast Black Hose, large,sizes, regular 25o per pair, now 150 or two pairs for 25o Boys' Heavy ribbed Hose, fast black, medium sizes, regular 15o, now 10o Misses' Fine Ribbed Fast Black Hose, regular sizes, worth 15o, nowl0o Children's plain and ribbed fast black Hose, fall range of sizes, worth Bo and 10o, now 50 Men's Cotton Socks, mixed colors, blue and white and brown and white, ribbed tops, regular price 10o per pair, now four pairs for 25o Men's Union Cotton and Wool Socks, the correct thing for sweaty feet, regular price 15o, now 10o We are clearing out Bummer goods at low prices. We are Belling remnants of Prints, Muelins, Challies, Tweeds, 1&0. at half prior. We have just re- ceived another lot of Pound Prints, six yards of wide Print in a pound at 20o. per pound. 0 CASH AND ONE PRICE ' 2McKinnon & Co., Blyth0114110111001100110e414114111109 040411 1 1 TEACHER WANTED. Male teacher we nted, holding 2nd or 8rd Class Certificate. To teach in Porters HilllScboo), Section No. 5, Goderich Township, for the com- ing term. Personal applications preferred, and 3 will bo received up to Aug. 7. JOHN TORRANCE, Secy., Porters Hill P 0 A MODERN SLAVE Who is more a clave than the woman who worries and perspires over a red- hot stove to do the family baking. Nineteenth century women deserve a better fate. Genuine old fashioned Family Bread at James McClacherty's, Pure, bright and flashy, cheap as bak- ing at home, too. We still lead in Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda. As we have now a new and up-to-date fountain with patent syrup jars. Call and dee our new first prize Chicago Lunch Cakes. Come early as they. sell quickly. Wedding Cakes a Specialty E glish Paris Green 25c a lb. When you can get the best Green for the same -price as inferior green, why not use it? One pound will go further and give better satisfaction than the same quantity of a cheaper grade. It will save time and expense. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. SELLING OIJT Do yon blip your goods from us, if not, why not 7 When you can buy from 20 to 25„per cent cheaper than anywhere else. • No one in the regular way can give you prices that we are offering. We could not do it only we are going out of business. Low prices and bargains will be given a5 long as the stock lasts. We are determined to clear ol:� ev erything, and those that ,come first -wilt -have -an advantage -- in the selection of goods, When we commenc- ed to sell out our stock was large and well se- lected. We have sold a large quantity of goods, still we have plenty left yet, and almost every- thing you want in the way of staples. We have not space to quote prices and you would not know muchout it without seeing the goods. Come and see us and vv will make The prices to suit. Don't delay as the stock is getting' smaller every day. , Plurnsteel & Gibbings, CLINTON CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, July, 29th 1897. Wheat, spring 0 67 a 0 68 a 0 68 a 0 23 a 0 25 Wheat, fall 0 67 Oats 0 22 Barley 0 24 Peas If 40 a 0 41 Flour per cwt 2 00 a 2 00 Butter in rolls 0 10 a 0 11 Butter tub 0 10 a 0 11 Eggs per doz 8 a 0 08 Hay new $4; old ' 6 00 a 7 00 Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 25 Wool 0 18 a 0 18 No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 Potatoes - 0 25 a 0 25 Uloyer Seed retail5 50 a 5 50 Timothy Seed 2 50 a 2 50 ,MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, July 26.—There were about 575 head of butchers' cattle, 150 calves and 500 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to day. The butchers were present in large numbers, but theburn- ing of the abattoir seemed to hinder bos- siness as there was some uncertainty about where the slaughtering would be done. There are several private abattoirs iri the north-eastern suburbs of the city,,and to these places most of the small stuff was be- ing taken and also a few of the cattle, but as there is no cold storage at those places it is probale that most of the cattle will be taken to the western abattoir, where there is•an abundance of cold storage room. Prices of choice stall fed fed steers and heifers continue firm, and at from 4ic to 4}c per lb; goud grass fed animals sold up to 4c per lb; common dry oowe and rough young stock Bold at from 2143 to Sic, and some of the lerner beasts at about 2c per lb and even less. Calves sold at from 31 to 37 each. Shippers are paying 3o per lb for good large sheep; lambs sold to day at from $2.25 to $3 each. Fat hogs are rather plentiful and sales to -day were at from 64.90 to $5.25 per 100 Ibe for fed hogs. BORN. PROCTOR—In Goderich Township, on July 27, the wife of Mr. Lu Proctor, of a daughter. COCKERLINE—In Morris, on July 23, the wife of Mr. Robert Coekerline, of a son. TOLL—In East Wawanosh, on July 22, the wife of Mr. Wm. Toll, of a daughter. TOMS—In Wingham, on July 18, the wife of Wm. Toms, of a son. CURRIE—In East Wawanosh, on July 18, the wife 'ofJohn Currie, of a daughter. MARRIED. nW13.LIAMSON—LAVAN -At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on July s8th by Rev. A. Stewart, E. Laird Williamson, of Tor- onto, to Mabel, second daughter of Mr, Thos. Lavan, GREEN -ALEXANDER -At Ontario Street Methodist Church Clinton, on July28, by Rev, B. Clement, John Green, formerly of Goderich, to Annie, only daughter of Wm. Alexander. RATES-POLLOCK-At Knox church Manse, Goderich, on ,July 211 by Rev, Jas. A. Ander- son, 13. A., Thomas N. !Sates to Isabella M. Pol- lock, both of Goderich. WILLJS-In Stephen, on July 27, Annie Lea- thorne, wife of Mr, John Willis and youngest daughter of Robt. Leathorne, Exeter, aged 31 years and (i months. WALLACE-SUTHERLAND-At the resi- dence of Mr. Burt, Durham on July 8, by the Rev. J. A. Jenson, W. H. Wallace, of Wing - ham, to Miss Elsie Sutherland„ of Durham, McLACHLAN—ELDER—In Chatham, on July 7, by the Rev. Dr. McColl, assisted by Rev. R. W. Dickie. Mr. I). McLachlan, of the Cana- da Business College, to Miss Jennie Elder, for. merly of Wingham • MCPHEItSON—RARR—At the First Prosby- terian church, Seaforth, on July 20, by Rev. Dr, McDonald, assisted by Rev Matthew Barr, father of the bride, Rev, Neil McPherson, M. A„ 11, 1)„ of St. Paul's Church, Hamilton, to Miss Isabel Barr, daughter of Rev. Matthew LOCI( RI iKIE—HERQOI I'—At the residence of Samuel Lockridge, Lower Wingham. on July 21. by Rev, Wm Lowe, John Lockridgez of Lower Wingham, to Mies Mary Hergott, nl Riversdale. LARK -1n Wingham, on July 18, Ann (lark, relict of the late Georgie Dark, aged 71 years and 3 months. ('3LQ1"71Qt —ln Hibbert, Perth County. ou July )7, lumen (:olguhoun, aged 63 years, 5 months ?Litt 3,1111134. hlrKEf.VJE--in 1'1'inghnm otl,July 12, Hurry James; infant sr,n of Mr. and Mrs, J7thies Mc Ki tvie, oiled 11 months and 28 days. MOFFAT-1n Winghnm, on ,July 9. George Moffat, Turn berry, aged en years and 1 mos, O'C(NNELi, in Sea forth, on July 1n, Peter O'Connell, aged !It year;. (TREWS, At her resilience, 117 l'inoadilly sI., London, on July F.li,aboth, helovoll wife or Itev, T),o,nas Crows, it her 71th yoar, former- ly ofllodorich. A society has been formed in Toronto whose chief aim is the reduction of the absurd and useless expenses which general- ly accompany burials. The association's purpose is an excellent one. It dosen't mnnh difference to the man that is dead whether hie obsequies cont $10, or $100 or 31000; but the fatherless and the widow left behind, the lighter the cost of intertnent the lees heaver the burden of fife after the chief bread -winner is gone.—London News, YmAA66664Y Our Regular Hall- Yearly BARCAIN DAY Will take place at our big store on '.41 �LdicconentIOM Al's N.. -yt. UatlatagtY, s'%A.CYfr'M1.3S%:MILVI 4+d'lnii Saturday, July 31st, When many Bargains wilt be offered in every article ticketed as Special. -774144 We purpose clearing out a lot of odd Pants worth originally $1.75 for 98c. Another lot of only seven pairs, regular good strong Tweed Pants, well made and assorted sizes, former price $2 and $2.50, for . $1 44 A pile of' 'Men's Suits, odd sizes, all prices from 5.75 per suit up to $11, your choice of sizes for half price. A first-class Suit, Tweed, all right in color, make and style, good wearable , cloth, for • .•$3 98 A siiiall lot of Men's Navy Serge Suits, only a few sizes, some large, others small, will go at .. $3 24 Our stool: of 'Boys' Suits is getting down small because we're selling them off cheap, and for one week this sale continues, beginiiinw on Saturday, July 31st. You will find cheap Clothes at this sale. Clothe your family at this sale. Iim & wr4E a �.AN, SEE OUR BARGAINS a_ Twee , }, `` eady Mades Gents Furnishings 74T[JRDAY,July 31 A. J. MORRISH, Clinton. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Cli nton NEWS NOTES. Thos. Smith, a Whitby farmer, died sud- denly from apoplexy. An oil well has been sunk in Gaspe which ham produced 5,760 barrels a day, Alfred Howes, a Pilkiugton farmer emp- tied the contents of his shotgun into a neighbor whom he caught stealing grain. What are supposed to be the remains of Minnie Williams, ono of Murderer Holmes' victims, have been found at Mornence, Kankakee County, I11, Alice McCallum, the daughter of a re- spected Harwich farmer, died from the effects of a gunshot wound in the breast, supposed to have been accidentally received The British Government has declined to interfere with the sentence of Mrs Florence Maybricli, the husband-Lioisonor, or to do anything to ameliorate the condi- tion of heroonfiaement, ,,.,_.. _ . . . 14[r Hamilton, the lay reader who was hold at Pembroke on enspicion of being the Salt Lake City murderer, has decided not to take any proceedings to recover com- pensation for bis arrest. The Ottawa Cabinet is said to ho consid- ering the imposition of a graduated royalty on the prohte of all mines and claims on Government land. Some way should be found to secure the interest of tie people in their own property. PA.4'I'UJt i+. TO LET Horsos and Cattle t.aken into past tire. (rood fences, p1011, y Of shade, ltarbed wire. Apidv to (; ton or to M. CLEW, of Or STRAY HEIFER. Came into subscribers premises, Huron road, Ocderich township,the latter part of June, a yearling roan heier. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and tale it away. W. ROBINSON. STOCK FOR SALE Cue half -bred Jersey cow 3 years old, a good milker. very rich cream; 1 cow, China boar, 8 months old, Reg.; I Poland China boar, yrs. old, Hog; 1 Duroc Jersey boar and cow, 6 mos. old, Rog; 3 P land China sows, in pig, Reg; 2 imported Tamworth sows. As I am overstock- ed I will sell the above stock at very reasonable prices. WESLEY W. FISHER, Lot 8, Con. 1, Colborne' Ip , Henmillcr P. O. THE GREAT EVENT of the JUBILEE YEAR CANADA'S VICTORIAN ERA EXPOSITION Industrial = Fair TORONTO AI GUST 30th to SEPT. 11th Grand Attractions, New Fea- tures. Special Jubilee • Novelties • The Latest Inventions in the Industri,a,l and Amusement leoior ansslt Ian m.ksoN, ar. Hta),lc• I' lel(1. I7Yl'>r(1Velllents and ai,ge Hwl. moi.,t. 1 Advancement lII all de - STRAY 1-1l':JF'l'.1{ partllleIlts Carne into sole.; riber's 1,reini,es, lot I.,. con. s, Ilullott,about two works. sown. n ,fork red I wo•year-old heifer. 04.•31, 1 iS horehVuutitied to prove property, pay charges and take it away J(IIIN HI'(}YIPS. Tlioro-bred Durham Buil for Sate. Subscriber offers for sale at reasonable price, three young thoro•bred ilurharn bulls, ranging from 6 months to 2 years old. Two are mane and ono dark red. They are all from the Big• gins stn clr and are superior animals. I1OBT. CRAIG, London Road, Clinton P, 0, Excelling all Previous Years ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 7TH. Cheap Excursions on all Lines of Travel. For prize lists, entry forme, programa and all partionlars, address— J..1 WITIIROW, 0..1 BILL, i'resldent. Manager, Toronto. PURE English PARIS GREEN 25o a lb. We will quote you close prides on quantity, We have just received a large stock of CORONA ATHLETIC CHEWING GUM Athletics, Cyclists and other hard workers will find this gum very invigor- ating, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful sustain. ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist. BROMO-SALINE BATHING SALT Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring a Sea Bath' J. H. Combe, Chemist and Druggist. Ft sound Business Principle Always give the pur. chaser the best value. This we do, and have done so for years. Compare our 18c. Cottonade with what you see e�ise$here at 25c. All our Wool Twes at 30c and Suitings at 39c a yard are worth more money. In justice to yourself you should see them. n Men's Suits We sell the kind that gives. satisfaction to the wearer. The material, the. style, the cut, that trimmings and the workmanship, have all had oarefnl at- tention --and they look neater and fit better than many snits that are made to order. Prices range from $4,65 to $10, and we think every suit is A 1 value at its price, but as the cost of making a 35 Suit is about the same as ono that sells at 310 the difference in price is owing to superior qnality of cloth and trimmings, consequently we respectfully suggest that customers try the bet- ter class of goods, which we can guarantee will please in every particular. This Bale of Summer Goode gree merrily along. Jpanese Crepe Cloths 5c, w orth 10c. American Prints 6c, worth 10c. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Many of our best customers were first induced to visit our store by having r heard of the excellency of our Teas. We claim to give value in Japans and Ceylone. Try our "Imperial Blend" at 35o. W. L. OUIMETTE,, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. fi.