HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-30, Page 11 1t D�-tINTy WOMAN'S Toilet I 114 May be beautiful in its simplicity, but it is really wonderful how it is brightened up by a piece of Jewelery-if it is in good taste. The sparkle of a precious atone, the Rhine of a bvsoelet, the rioh yellow of a gold chain against a creamy neck, all theee seem to bring the beauty of the wearer into strong relief. All of them are here in this store. Our Repairing Dep't Is under onr own personal supervision and all repairs .entrneted to .onr care, from the smallest to the largest job, will be returned with our guarantee. P. B. Crews Jeweler & Expert Watch Repairer C. E. and S. S. Convent These are the days of large ventions, and Huron County is t in line. On August 24th and 25th Sunday School and Christian End or Workers of the County will in a mCyster Convention at Clin These Conventions are purely inte nominational and include all Sun Schools of the County and all yo yeople's societies in connection any church. - The first day (Tuesday) is to be voted entirely to Sunday School w and the following is a partial list the subjects and speakers: - The Place of Lesson helps -Rev J Hamilton, Wingham. `• Proper use of the Black Board - Towler, Wingham. The Sunday School Teacher and Bible -Rev Muir, Brucetield. Home Department -Rev A. Day, importance of Reverence in the 5 day School -W. E. Kerr. --Associiation-Clajth :Rev A. Day. Character of the Teacher -Miss Bo Seafortb. Reap What you Sow -Alex. Sau dere, Goderich. Doors of Opportunity -Dr McDo aid, M. P. Masterlike Teachers -Rev A. Day. The second day (Wednesday) will devoted to young people's work an judging by the topics to be discuss and the prominent names of those w are to take part, the meeting is sure be one of unusual interest. Below we give a partial list of t subjects and speakers. Christian Endeavor and Proportio ate Giving -R. B. McGowan, Blytn. Christian Endeavor in Temperanc Reform -G. M. Kilty, Summerhill. The Power of Personality -E. Armstrong' Goderich. Soul Winning - Miss Robertso Wingham. World Winning- Miss J. Wilso Clinton. Nation Winning -Rev J. S. Hende son, Hensall. An Up-to-date-Endeavorer - C. W Andrews, Wroxeter. Essentials of C. E.- Mrs Pentland Dungannon. Line Up -Ed Wanless, Varna. The Progress of Young People' Work in Janada-Rev J. Edge, Gode rich. C. E. and proportionate Christianit -Dr Meldrum, of St. Paul, Minnesota Dr Meldrum is a host in himself; b was on the program for four addresse at the San Francisco C.E. Convention. The usual Railway rate has been granted by the C. P. R, and tbe G. T. R.; fare and one-third for the round trip. THE NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS ion Con - o be the eav- meet ton. rde- day ung with de- ork of as. Dr his un- nd n- n - be d, ed ho to he n - e. A. n, n, r- s y e B East Wawanosh• NOTES. -Chas. H. Coultes, of Chic- ago, is spending a month's holidays with relatives and friends here; he con- ducted a song service in Belgrave last Sabbath evening. The handsome new residence of Wrn. Nethery is now com- .pleted, except some inside painting, and has the finest interior of any house in the township. Miss Bella and Mas- ter D. C. Scott are bnme from a visit with friends in Haldimand. Walter Nicol is not improving, being now con- fined d to his room nearly the all ti me. The wet weather has damaged the crops here, which were later than us- iral; wheat and oats are also badly lodged with the continued wet weath- er, but roots are greatly benefitted. r an ,-Mrfs-Charles_-Taylor,• of ,St, e ens, visited at Jno. Coultes last Sunday. Geo. Ooultes raised a large barn -on Tuesday, the north side being victorious; Mat Mains was framer, Saturday, July31 • IS OUR • BRGmiN D1w Tho values we have to offer :are excep- tiopally good and the best means of knr ' • this is a visit to our store on the fila If you think the goods we :;V.f aro bargains and yon need do so. 'uy-if not we'll not ask you to Men's Suits, odd lines. half price Boys' Suits, odd lines, half price Men's Pants, $3 and $g, for $2 St> Hats, one eighth off Merl Knot Ties . • • . 15e WashabiePour•In.hanil'•ttifor25c Linen Collars 5c These are just a few of the many lines we'have. On the above dato you have an opportunity of buying bargains in every:department. The prices are for July Slst only.oiSbop early. T. Jackson, sr., Clinton Victoria Blhok, l+lstablished 1854. Agency Lottdon Laundry: Phone 70 LI1 ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. TON N F, AROUINT) THE 1-1113. CLINTON, ONT., JULY 30, 1897 What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication Goderich Township Constancy NOTES.—In the recent Entrance and Public School Leaving examinations there were eight candidates from our school, and were successful; this is a very creditable showing, and reflects credit on both teacher and pupils. The /ascent rains have been a serious hind- rance to haying operations. The ice cream social in connection with the E. L. was a decided success; a good literary program and a very sociable crowd made things hum. Mr Bert Stephenson left last week in charge of a shipment q_f cattle for Glasgow; he sailed from Montreal on Friday morn - in boar g on d the C Gon con ' dta. Mr Geo. has just returned • ' Muri;nsa to England; he looks well and enjoyed a very pleasant trip. Mr Wm. Hug hill attended the recent Epworth League convention in Toronto; he re- ports a splendid time. The garden party, under the auspices of the Pres- byterian church of this place, was doomed to be a disappointment in re- gard to weather, as both evenings ap- pointed being too wet for holding it. Miss Rogers, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs McGregor at present. Mr B. Snell recently purchased from Wm. Morrison the celebrated driving horse, Lord Rolleston, for a handsome figure; Mr Snell now owns one of the finest horses in the locality. Mrs Rogers, of Cleveland is visiting her brother, Mr G. McMichael, at present. Summerhill NOTES. -Mr L. Hardy, of Exeter, who is building the bridge at Tiplady's, has it about completed; it is a piece of -good work, and being a county bridge is somewhat longer than the old one. W. E. Miller will take the topic at the C. E. meeting on Friday night. Mr Kilty has been suffering for some time from nervous prostration; he has also had a little throat difficulty for which he has undergone an opera- tion; his many friends will be glad to _know that he is considerably better. Varna CHURCH. -Rev. Mr Millyard, Clin- ton, exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr Burton, of Varna, on Sunday last. GARDEN PARTY. -The annual garden party of St. John's church, Varna, will be held in Mr Campbell's orchard on Thursday evening, Aug. 12th; the Sea - forth Brass Band will be in attendance, also the Varna Picolo Band. Every- body come and have a good time. NOTES. -MISS Morrow, of Stratford; Miss Maggie Noble and Mr G. Boyd, of Seaforth, were visiting here last Sunday. We are pleased to say Mr J. Reid is improving; he and Mrs Reid are visiting their daughter, Mrs D. Campbell. Mrs J. E. Johnston and children, of Chatham, are visiting friends here. A load of Royal Temp- lars from Varna picnicked at the Bend last week; they report a big time. Mr and Mrs McDonald and children, of Toronto, are visiting at his father's, Rev. J. A. McDonald. Will and Bert Muir, of Exeter, are visiting Harry Armstrong this week.' Miss Mabel Reid, of Bay City, Mich., and Miss Ross, of Seaforth, were the guests of Miss Maggie Cambell last week. Mr Will Reid, Bay City, Mich., and Mr A. Reid, of Alpena, were here a few days seeing their father who has been ill; they returned home this week. Carlow. NOTES. -On account of the recent rains, a great number of the farmers here have began harvest with several tons of bay still out. The many friends of Mrs W. C. Tudor will be glad to hear that she issteadilyimproving. One of our prosperous farmers, who has built several rod of beautiful fence around the corner of his lot, has been given one month to move it to its prop- er place and not be taking road allow- ance. Miss Ida Riley is visiting friends here this week. Leeburn HAYrNG.-The favorable weather for procuring the hay crop, which isa very heavy one, was interrupted by rain on Monday. V18ITORs-1•Miss Minnie Harrison, of Groderich Township, nshi , retu rned hon e on after spending aweek holidays with her grandparents here. Mrs G. Clutton and Missal. Clutton with their two nieces Lizzie and Elsie Linklater, took in the cheap excursion' on Satur- day and spent a few days .wlith- friends - bels. s-Miss13anfing and Miss Scott, of Stratford are visiting their friend Mrs J. Chisholm, Miss S. Foley is home from the Forest City on a visit to her parents here. Rev. W. Muir, and wife, and family spent a day with Mr and Mrs Clutton last week. Mise Brenner of Goderich spent a day with Miss Edith Horton last week. Mrs SamNuckle of Goderich spent Sunday withiMiss M,Mc- Navin. Mr Archiea visit to Muskoka oorrthelast has oonf his health. Stanley NOTES, -Miss Rachel Taylor. of De- troit, is at I. resent visiting relatives in the vicinity. Mr and Mrs Macdonald and family, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Rev, J. Macdonald, of Varna. Miss E. Reid„ who has been visiting at her home, returned to Lon- don last Monday. Charles Reid, cattle buylaster, made a Thu Thursday. shipment hMrse Monteith:onto of Stratford, is at present visiting friends in the neighborhood. Miss M.A. Reid, who has been for the past few weeks visiting in Stratford, has returned home, Mrs Wm, Clarke, sr., is now visiting at; the home of her dao hter, Mrs McKinley, of Seaforth. We are flad to see the names of the pupils rom S.S. No. 3 among the successful candidates for the entrance. Miss J. Burdge entertained a number of her little friends on Friday last. Mr Wm. Hart is building a house on his farm; Mr A, Ross bas the contract. Miss E, Ross, of Clinton, is visiting at the home of Mrs Burdge. COIINOIL.---Oouncil met on Monday, ed,nutes f last The following crates were levied on all the real rateable property and taxable income in the townshi County 2 mills; Township, 2 4-10 Special School, 1 mill. By-law was passed. The road allowance tween lots 78 and 79 was closed an new road opened on lot 79 and clerk to put the necessary notices the intended by-law, The clerk ib employ and assist an engineer. to get description t' ion of P both roads. Adjourned to meet on fourth Monday in August. N. STURDY, Gjlerk, KGoderich S IPPING.-The schooner ara Yule arrived with lumber frorn Gorle Bay for Dyment Bros, The Oarmona arrived wad orth a s op here eight hourse list of ' swing rs o the heavy sea on. Londesboro RETIIIINed from her visit to Owen Soundie t last rned Saturday. sameaday; rthey were accompss M. Bell also anied by Mr R. J. Bell. beenLAID confined orthe rhouse for aover n as _ week with inflammation of the knee; mi I he is improving but very little. Mr W. No, 4 at hWois brotheman r's house, so pfor Mrs w while be- man has an hospital on a small scale. d a ACCIDENT. -One day last week Mr J. the Scott, while on the way to Clinton of with a load of lumber, got his arm se- verely hurt. He hada neat fixed on top of the be to ad madeby a piece placed undera spring board. This piecslip- e, allownthe oard to ll and tphrow h m►betty en the horses and the load, His arm is cut very much on the upper and lower side. It is a mys- tery how he got cut, or how there was no bones broken. NOTES. -One of our townsmen per- sists in burning rubbish on the side of the street. much to the annoyance of his neighbors; there surely ought to be some way of pu'-ting a stop to such a nuisance. Mr Fred Youngblut has purchased a new traction engine to run his threshing machine this season. Mr Alfred Lawrence, of Welland, is visiting here. The Barkwell farm ad- joining the village is to he offered by auction shortly. Miss Jennie McKen- zie is spending a few days in Goderich. Mr R. B. Jeffrey resumed his work at the station last Friday. next LEAVING. ek for Chicago, where she tits tends the Moody Training School, with a view of entering evangelistic work. She has had au offer to engade in this work in Indiana, but will not accept it for the present. It is an open secret that for some time she has had work of no do iht at all in to her prospects of view, and there is ic cess. Possessed of considerable ability she has for some time felt that there was work for her to do in the Master's vineyard. She will certainly be miss- ed in the locality where she is so well known, and while everyone may not have agreed with heron all points, t.here is not one but will join with us in wish- ing her abundant prosperityin the work that she expects to undertake. THE NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS EXCURSION. -The annual excursion of the Railroad Firemen, of Stratford, was held here Saturday. They were about 800 strong and were accompan- ied by the 28th Batt. band. In the af- ternoon a baseball game was played in the Agricultural Park between Strat- ford and Goderich, tbe former winning by a score of 13 to 5. HORS lint and Robert M. wereEtheO two successful Goderich horses that drew money at the Wing - ham er Thomsppsonlndlint bRobertt M.ownedbyy Rob- ert Smith. Mr, Jonathan Miller, one of our large livery owners, had the mis- fortune to have one of his valuable horses drop dead. He was one of a matched team and'valued highly. widow of e lateDISAPPEARED.-Thehris opher McKay, Richmond st left home last Tuesday afternoon about two o'clock and since then has not been seen. She has been brooding over fam- ily troubleslately; and -it- is thought that probably her mind has become unbalanced. The authorities here are doine• their best to locate her. She is about 65 years old, short and stout. Blyth NOTES. -Mr John Potter was in Goderich on Tuesday. Miss Mabel Jamieson is in London at present en- joying some holidays. Dr, and Mrs Tait were visiting t Stanley a few days this friends in week. Mr R. Wright, of London, was visiting his mother over Sunday. Miss Maggie Kelly for Dtroit to resumeeher duties. ft on Mr Johne Ross re- turned home from the eastern province on Friday. Mr Wm. Drummond left on to take chargeofthe for new Wing ha miml in that town; he will hold the position of manager. ' SHIPPING NOTES. -During the first six months of the year, there has been sipe713 tons o livepstoock, and 3632fom is6Gtonsnof miscellanf ous freight, an increase of 1004 tons over lastyear'; during the same period in the neighborhood of 3I5 cars. The following cars are being shipped from here this week: -Mr Young, Auburn, one car of staves to Guelph; Mr Living- ston. of town, two cars of lumber to St. Marys and London; Thos. Joynt, two cars of ashes to North Amherst, Mass.; Messrs Watson & Emigh, three cars of export cattle to Montreal, and Mr Dickson, two cars of cattle to the same market. Hullett PERSONAL. -Mrs Dr. R. J. Hamlen, of anied y her sister, MrDMcDonald, London, are itt present yisiting their father, Mr Herrington. thisList township, p, for 1897, contain a tot•il of 1033 names, of which 800 are entitled to vote at municipal and legislative elections, 153 at municipal elections only, and 80 at. legislative elections only. The qualified jurors on the list. are 611. On the list are 55 widows and I28 tenants. HIGHLY CREDITABLE. -S, S. NO. 2, Hullett, contributed seven pupils to the recent entrance examination, all of whom creditably passed. The names are as follows: -Helena' J. Pope 564, MdM. Porter564, Maud rown 539, J. W. $hobbrook 503, Jen nie East 157, Jennie Murphy 456, Jennie Church- ill 448. This result certainly reflects great credit on the part of Mr Murch, the teacker,a0 welLas.diligeneLeerrthe part of the pupils. A Public School Leaving class will now be formed in the school. , Brucefield NOTES. -Mrs Alex. Cameron, of Manitoba, is visiting at the home of Mrs Geo. Hart. Picking berries is now the order of the day; they are very plentiful in the surrounding neighbor- hood. Miss Jean Baird, of St. Paul, Minn., and Miss Ina Compbell, of Win- nipeg, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs Geo. Baird. Tuckersmith NOTES, -Mr Tebbutt, of Goderich township, accompanied by a friend, were the guests of Mr Carter. Mr D. Smith, of town, has hired with Mr W. Townsend for a while to help in the harvest. Mr and Mrs A. Turner visit- ed relatives in Colborne last week and returned on Townsend issitiinMonday night. g inthe neighbor. hood. The picnic that was mentioned Last week was held on Friday after- noon, and although the morning was wet there was a fair crowd, and all enjoyed themselbes; the afternoon was spent in swinging, playinggames, foot- ball, jumping and there was a short hrogram. Mrs Hartrey and little girl ave been rusticating a.t W. C. Landes- boro's. Miss MinnieFordon, who has been visiting at Mr Geo. Nott's fora to few weeks, has returned to her home o in Stapleton. The services on Sunday M were a great profit, The League meet,- v ing on Sunday night' was conducted M by Mise Bennett, of the London road. b Benmiller DISLOCATED, -The eldest son of Mr Ward Gledhill had the misfortune whileplaying to dislocate his shoulder. Noras.-•Measles are at present play- ing havoc among the younger portion of the population of the village. We are pleased to note the number of suc- cessful candidates at the recent exam- inations from our school here, six for Entrance and two for Public School Leaving; this speaks well for our teacher. BAD ACCIDENT. -One day last week Mr Samuel Hart met with a severe and painful accident. He was engaged in rakinghay, when he noticed that someting appeared to be wrong with the bridle. He removed it to repair the broken hart, but the horse jumped upon him, knocking him down. His foot got caught in the wheel and he was dragged some distance before re- leased. He was found almost imme- diately and removed o the house, where it was ascertained that his thigh was broken in two places, besides some internal injures. Owing to the severe shock, his nervous system is in a high. ly exciteed state, and he is at present in a very low condition. /Auburn J. NICHOLSON, Manufacturer of and dealer in Light and Heavy Harness, Whips, Valises, Combs, Brushes Robes. Coats, Horse Triin wings, Leather Braces, Eto, WEDDED -By Rev. G. F. Smith, at tbe home of the bride's parents, Whit- temore, Mich, on July 26, Henry Cullis, Auburn, Ont., to Misa Janet Ricking - bottom. After the ceremony was per• - for med, a sumptuous supper was par- taken of, and the happy couple left on the evening train for their future home in Canada, taking with them the best wishes of their many friends for their future happiness and prosperity. I.O.G,T.-The Good Templars held rheir regular meeting on Monday last, when the following officers were elect- ed for the coming quarter:-C.T., R. Robertson; n V.T., S. Ni ekl e Chap., al. Sturdy; P.C. Secy., C. Couzens; in. Secy.; L. Errat'[ral„ S. Nickle;'M., F. Mutch; G., C,Lawson; S., A. McDonald. The lodge purpose holding a picnic in the near future. GervaCH' Nb'cif6:=13ev: mr ender - son took for his text Jer. 50, 24 last Sunday; Rev. Mr Higley preached from I Cor. 0, 24-25, and Rev. C. C. Couzens from 1 Cor. 9, 16. The Quart- erly services of the Methodist chui cbes of this circuit will be held in Donny- brook next Sabbath, commencing at 10.30, and the Quarterly Board meet- ing will be held in the same Church on Monday evening. The C. E. meeting was led by Mrs Clark and Miss Maggie Wilson; the topic was "False and tr ue worship,." which was very ably dealt with by the speakers, and afterwards discussed by the members. PERSONALS, -Mr T. Bates and wife paid a flying visit to Mr Warren's, after having the knot tied in Goderich; Miss Maggie Pollock also visited the same place. Miss Carter and Cochran, -of Clinton, are the guests of Mr Cart- er. Miss B. Youngblut has returned sho meholiday orontong witherMr of A. TWilson. Miss A. Code, of Blyth, is the guest of Miss A. Sturdy, Mr Carter, of Clip - ton, is visiting his brother.- Mr W. Rodgers has gone to Mount Forest to look after a situation. Messrs Cum• ings and Howson took in the. races at Wingham one day last week, Mr E. Downs and wife, of Clinton, are visit- ing at I, Lawson's. Mr Cattel, of Goderich, Sundayed with a friend here. Miss R. Younghlnt made a short trip Goderich on Saturday, Miss Yates, f Goderich, is the guest of Miss Blair. isitingr lhis lsister, Mrsof dlWil Midland, Mich., rs caaenzie, of Blyth, is the guest of her ',other, Mr Young. rico S• ._:�'�.1i $1 a year in advance 01.50 when not so paid Balmy, Breezy, Beautiful Bayfield. FIE ENJOYS $IMSELF.-Of th visitors to this resort none s appreciate its beauties more th Dr. McDonald, of Seaforth, w present stopping at the Queen' He is an enthusiastic admirer o field. But Dr McDonald does pect the hotel manager to fur his entertainment, nor does he look to his fellow guests to make him enjoy himself. He leads in all the spot ts; he enters energetically into every form of amusement and recreation; when he loses at lawn bowls ' tt must' be attri- buted t- bute to wintver a lady orvhisnnot desire to etc courage some youth. The doctor's to ride latest b cy laccomplishment In a remarkably learning and di directly e had mastered stock ofe the el steed bicyc e livery went up 3%, e many, now, Capt, Chas. Dressler has been eems to taking out large parties of guests on an Rev. his sailing yacht lately. A large num- ho is at ber of wheelamen were in town on Queen's Hotel. Sunday; they all enjoy the fine roads f Bay -in this locality. Quite a number of not ex- I Clinton young folk spent Sunday on Wish all 1 the brPp� k A Goon SHOWING, -In the returns of the Entrance and Public School Leaving examinations the Bayfield school has made a splendid showing, and great credit is reflected on the pu- rze was offe eils nd for the' candidate whooshould obtain the highest percentage in either examination, and Miss Evelyn Smith, orof Trint ity church,hter won onpthelar honor. None of those who wrote for the En- trance failed, and only one of those who ta s unsu cessffuthe l blicThfollowing Schoole itai wa the successful candidates from Bayfield school: - Entrance - Misses Evelyn Smithand EdithtFalcone don, MPublic c School Leav;ng-Miss Maggie Galbraith and John Cameron, PERSONAL,-=The"Misses Dowzer Miss Clark, of Clinton, are rustic here, having taken rooms on Gregor Square, Mr Ernest Smith last week on a bicycle trip to Park to visit his gr�ndpparents. The M. Strang and Mf t G.Allen, of Gode wheeled to Ba field on Saturday ing. Miss J. Fair and Mies N. C of Clinton, spent Sunday with fri who are holidaying here. E. D Clinton; spent Monday in town. Charles Gairdner has returned 'home from Nebraska for a visit. Misses M. and H. Rumball, of Clinton, spent Sat- urday at their brother's cottage. Miss Mary McMurchie, of Clinton, has join- ed the party at Mrs McCorvie's cottage. Mr R. McLean and daughter, of Gode- rich, were in town last week attending the funeral of Mr Donald Cameron. Mrs Percy Moorehouse and family, of Pinconning, Mich., are the guests of her father, Mr John Morgan, J. P. Mrs Bouk, Iona, Mich., is the guest of Jas. Whitten, on Victoria St. Mr and Mrs French, of Napanee, are visiting at the summer cottageof JacobTaylor, of Clinton. Miss amilton and Miss Graham, of Atwood, wheeled to BRays field last week and are the guests of Mrs F. A. Edwards. BREEZY BRI EFLF.TS.-A picnic party from the London Road enjoyed a day at the lake on Wednesday, Lawn bowls and tennis are the favorite amusements at the Queen's Hotel just y bans of Huron's favorite watering place. Theto p Boys' Brigade of Clinton week under the do irection of Rey. J.F. here Par•kP they will occupy tire lawn at Dr. Met- calfe's (Detroit) property on the lake hank. k. f Hay township meeting Faerners' Mutu l Firectors re Insurance Co. will be held at the Qu een'ehotel on Aug. 7th at 10 a,m. Rev. S. L. Smith, of Trinity church, delivered an excellent sermon last Sab- bath evening from the text "Certainly I will be with you:" the evening ser- vice seems to attract quite a congrega- tion. Rev. Wm. Graham gave a stir- ring address last Sabbath morning to a large congregation at St. Andrew's church; his text was Ez, 2, 1, "Stand unto thee." n thy he friends offeet and I wTrinill ty cheak urch intend holding a garden party on the Rectory lawn on Aug, 5th; a good time is assured. urc h O e beenGUESTS. y disagree blast e fow r the pleasure -seekers, but indications point a change to warm. Numerous visitors have arrived during the last two weeks and a great many more are expected during August. The following is a list of the latest arr•ivals:- Zurich;Wm, Brund ey ' 'Williams, of son, Toronto; E. Hagey, Miss Ander- son and Miss Currie, Hamilton; A. H. and Ingram, R• W, Smiley, R. Willis and ating son, G.M. Baldwin and Miss Sperling, Clan Seaforth; H. Smith, Mr Trow, wife and left family, Stratford; Robt. Archibald, hill, Leadbury; Miss Steinbach, Zutich. issee QUEEN'S HOTEL. - Mrs and Miss rich, Lockie, Dunville; John McMillan, M.P., even- Seaforth; Major Gray, Ottawa; A. J. lark, Meek, wife and famil3 , S. B. Loughrey ends and wife, Master George Loughrey, avis, Jas. Moynahan, London; B. Parsons, Rev• j G. H. Horne, Stratford; W. Moffatt, Robt. Kerr, Miss McDonald. P. W. Brock, G. W. Haxby, Miss Haxby, Clinton; W. E. Steacy, Gananoque; H. P. Knight and E. W. Moles, Mitchell; Mrs Chesney and Mr George Chesney, Seaforth, Porter's Hill TEMPLARS.-The I.O.G,T, lodge elect- ed their officers on Tuesday evening for the ensuing term at follows:-P,C, T., A. Cox; C.T. P. McDougall; V,T., N. McDonald; R,S„ W. Lindsay; A.S., G. McPhail; M., 0F.S. Newton; D.M,, E Coxd; T., ; C., W. Lindsay; G., K. McDougall; S., A. Johnson. Installation of officers next Tuesday night, also a lemonade and rake social for members only. A full attendance is expected. NOTES. -Mrs McDougall, sr., is Tying very low, and as she is within three months of 90 years of age, she will not likely stand a very long sickness. Mrs C. Johnson and daughter, of Galt, are visiting with her father, John Pickard. The Misses McDougall, of Seaforth, are visiting at their grandmother's, Mrs McDougall's, Mr F. Murray, of Detroit, is visiting friends in the neigh- borhood. Miss H. Ivison left on Sat- urday for her home in Kippen. WIDE AWARE, -Our wide awak Hawker and Peddler, C. Newton, wh generally keeps his head above water but who always has an eye to busines whether under or above water, who crossinga bridge over one of the smal streams of our township as usual ha his eyes about him, and lying in th bottom of the stream he spied an ob staele,. wlrieh-hesfelt' et1f Hirano' see o dry ground, and after looking through his general stock, which he always carries with him in his peddling wag- gon, he found a fish hook and line; a bait was soon procured, and approach- ing carefully the place where the ob- ject had been seen, he dropped the aited hook into the water, when it was immediately seized; the water at once became very muddy, and the peddler nearly lost his good name by going under, but summoning all his strength he succeeded in landing high ^and dry on the middle of the road the flnest speckled trout the township's creeks have ever produced, measuring fourteen and a quarter inches in length and weighing nearly one and one half pounds. Clem says it pays to have your eyes open. [See lower right hand corner of page 8, last week, -Ed.] WHAT THE VISITORS SAY. - "Bayfield looks prettier than ever this year." "That Bicycle Livery and repair shop is just what was wanted, and the boys who manage it know their business too." "The Bayfield- boys know how to play baseball, and what is better, con- duct themselves in a gentlemanly and sportsmanlike manner towards the visitors." "The Electric Light system is the hest improvement yet, and it seems to he managed by an experienced hand. Mr Donaldson might is well generate a little more electricity and start the Electric cars. Then Bayfield would see something like a crowd." Holmesville POSTPONED. -The Bicycle meet to be held Friday evening on Elfordrs lawn has been postponed on account of weather and will be held at some fut- ure date. CHURCH. -Next Sunday will be quar- terly meeting. R. Holmes very accep- tably filled the pulpit here last Sunday morning. At the League Monday night Miss F. Pickard gave a very in- teresting bible study on the book of Acts, and Miss V. Andrews resorted the Convention at Toronto. SCHOOL NOTES. -School reopens two weeks from Monday. Mr Fisher was re-engaged on Wednesday night foj' 1898 ata salary of $400; this will give general satisfac'ion to the section, as Mr Fisher is well liked as a teacher. We understand that W. McRoberts has been engaged as principal of Bel- mont school, having two subordinates; we congratulate Mac on his appoint- ment and believe the trustees of Bel- mont school have secured one of the best teachers obtainable, a young man who prove 0 e his worth Pbef ofe the year i y s out. e 0 , s n 11 d e n� Belgrave METHODIST CHURCH• -It' was found Sundaeveninchat thee dist chs ch wast o smalll to ho detho- the gathered to attend the ecial song service conduoted by Evangelist l listOoul- tes, of Chicago. Many seated themeelve on the lawn by the side of the church to listen. The program cf solos, duets, quartettes and choruses was well ren- dered. Rev. Mr and Mrs Oaten and Miss Roland assisted Mr Ooultes with the singing, while Miss Coultes and Mrs Oaten presided at the organ. Mr Coultes in his solos fully sustained his ree duets rendered by MrsiOaten and tation. hMr Coultes were effec- tive and pleasing. The congregation are pleased to learn that the pastor, Rev Mr Oaten intends to conduct song services at regular intervals, Seaforth NOTES. -Mr. Samson, of the Alvins- ton band, Lindsay, isrhe - i g:.oh.Lac- na lrnces this week. D Gibb, V. S., and Dr. Rose, spent Sunday in Bay- field: M'r. C. Murphy is on the sick; we hope soon to see his smiling coun- tenance -once more. John Thompson is buying rip a nice car of horses to send to Mr. Cudmore, Liverpool, Eng- land. Mr. W. Pitikey leaves for Beech - wood, where he has secured a position as policeman. Mr. George Stewart in- tends starting a factory, with Wm. Cooper as foreman. We are pleased to see Mrs, James Dick around again after her recent illness. Mr. David Chesney and bride return ed home af- ter spending their honeymoon in Tot - onto and other eastern cities. Mr. J. Dick and family were visitors at Mr. Shaffer's, Kippen, on Sunday last. Mr. Gibb Dick, of Hensall, was visiting Mr. R. Winters last week. Our base- ball team defeated Mitchell by 2 runs, Saturday last. The lacrosse boys did I up Exeter in short order on 'Saturday, by 4 to 3. Mr. F. ''i,, ?teelin intends tak- ing a course in the Military school at London. Mr. Lid. Davis has purchased a fine parrot from Thomas Goveniock. The Boys' Brigade intend having a lawn social on the 4th of August on the lawn of D. D. Wilson. It is rumored that the 33rd Battalion will have to go camp again in September. Mr John Jackson leaves shortly for a course in Wolseley Barracks, London, Mr J. E. Edwards bas secured a good situation in /Bell's foundry, Hensall. Mr John Thompson,our noted horse buyer, is buying horses for the Manitoba mark- et. Mr A. E. Forbes lost a valuable Jersey heifer, dying with lock jaw. The Commercial hotel has been offered for rent. Mr Graves is erecting a large, new brick store on Main Street. Personal Magnetism In public life is worth considerable. In business, not so much. Yalu. able it certainly ie. but not so vain* able as a reputation for honesty, d treatment. Such ght prices a reputation and tgwe are endeavoring to build by selling pore drugs and good goods at right prices -by doing as we promise to do in our advertisements -by tieing you well in the store and in your dealings with us -by obliging you if necessary or wherever possible-. by refunding your money if goods do not tarn out as we represent - and in short by doing all in onr power to make oar relations mutu- ally profitable as well as agreeable, We appreciate your trade, we prize 1 your good opinion. - ALLEN ( WILSON Graduate Druggists & Opticians,; Clinton. - Atnor' risk whatever r to you and at a lower price than pedlars oan af- ford to charge, we will fit you with Spectacles that cannot be astray. Test free, Glasses' $1 upwards - nothing if not satisfied. Personal We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have. visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. P.B. Crews entSunday in Goderich. Miss Maud Dowzer is visiting friends near Bayfield, Mies May Bentley is visiting Tela tives in Paris. Miss Edna Copp is visiting friends near Brucefield. Misses Nellie Dowzer and Mart Clarke are rusticatingat Bayfield. Miss Rose Nimens, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks at home. Mrs Geo. Rogers leaves next week • on a visit to 'relatives at Harriston. Mrs Pugh, of Clinton, is spending a. few weeks among her sons at Bluevale. Geo. Farquhar, of Buffalo, is visiting his brothers, Messrs William (trier'Thomas. Master to Toronto,o,where he will Armstrongter maingaond attend school. - Miss Dolly Fair has returned after a- c.w pleasant visit with friends in Toronto and other places. Mrs Fred Bakes, of Stratford, wear visiting the home of ber father, W. McKown, last week. Miss M. O. Eastwood, B,A., of Whit- by, is the guest of her friend, Miss Nettie Combe, at present. Thos. Marshall, of London, and child ren, have been the guests of their bro- ther-in-law, W. C. Searle, this week. Miss Wiseman, of Clinton, who has been the guest of Miss Florence Heriot, St. Marys, returned home last week. M ss Anne Youndangher of Mr Jas. lYounglleaves to-morrowton a two months trip among relatives in Elgin county. We are pleased to note the names of Miss fo o ssuccessful candidates at Ottawa list in Mr Normal. Mr J. C. Miller and Mrs Riter have returned from the Soo; it is probable - that the latter will take up her resi- dence here. Mrs A. Sperling, of Goderich, who • .' has been visiting friends in Toronlei✓ r `` and town during the past three weeks, returned home on Monday. Mr Will Spence (Principal of the St. Marys' Public School) spent a few days in Clinton last week, being the guest of his cousins, the Misses Dowzer. ev. itinginAtown, pre. Grace,ached ntrefore who is two Sabbaths in Union church, Bruce- fleld, and was highly appreciated, Messrs Houston and McLean, of the Collegiateppstaff, go to Toronto next week iners. to oMr French their s exarn- will also go on the same business. Mr Alfred Lawrence, of Welland. has been calling upon. his old friends in Huron, the NEW ERA amongthe num- ber. Time weighs lightlon his shoulders. The Goderich Star says: -"Aubrey and Cecil Brewer, of the Molson s Barak, Clinton, ate visiting friends in th of fish on Tuesdawn. They last, capturingg caelven, the largest being over 2i} lbs. and the smallest over 1 Ib. Mr and Mrs W. S. Lawrence left on , Monday, 1 he 19th, of Or•illia to, visit a \ brother oft hefo• lin er driving n the ince ofahoat 160 miles. They arrived at their destination safely the follow- ing Wednesday morning, where Mrs Lawrence remained. On the followin Monday Mr Lawrence accnrnpanied-h• phews, started for Severn Bridge, from which place they started by canoe with camping outfit, eight miles down River Severn, thence across Sparrow Lake, where they are spending their time boating, fishing black bass, bathing, picking huckle- berries, etc. - ex- pect to r Iex.lea where aindadfew days for Toronto, where Mr Correll will make his home with his daughter, Mrs Bacon. Mr Gorrell is . one of the pio•. nests of this section, having settled on the base line when it was first opened idedfoinaCl niton, andyisaheldhcin high esteem by all wbo know him, and we vit sayingice the s that rtheirbest wishes of a wide t ac- company him and Miss Gorrell to the city. Mr David, Fell, of Auburn, who bas bought Mr Gorrell's house, will move into it at once, and we welcome him as a permanent resident of town. To Our Correspondents Thursday next, Aug, 5. will be Clin- ton Civic Holiday, and that will ne- cessitate issuing the NEW ERA on Wednesday, one day earlier than usu- al. Will our correspondents please hear this in mind, and send their copy by Tuesday evening if possible, or ea `, that it will reach us not later than Wednesday morning, These holidays slightly disarrange the work of a newspaper, but it cannot be helped. At the same time we want to thank our excellent staff of correspondent.', for the regularity and efficiency of their contributions Our readers appre- ciate them very highly and so do Wet.„ rr; %r.