HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-23, Page 5Quickr"r
Stop i
And look at our
'4r10c Blouse Sets
We leave jnet reoeived another
lot of them. Having sold over
100 pairs, whioh oleaned ns out,
but ma a ed to eeoure another
e will sell10 cts
are doubtful
l if they
oan be duplicated at this prioe.
Come and get a set before they
are all gone. They won't last
long. Our .26o line won't last
We do Engraving in the very
neatest and latest style, and do
it while yon wait.
J. B.Rumball$
Jeweler, Gli Ston.
1111 •11111,
Tire You
of a Watch
We have always a large assort-
ment to choose from in Gold,
Gold-filled, Silver and Silveroid
Caees,also a large stock of Move-
ments in Ladies' and Gents sizes
Call and examine our goods. No
trouble to show them. You will
have a good variety to choose
from, as we are constantly stock-
ing up, --Special attention -is giv-
en to watch repairing, either in
English, American or Swiss.
Our Watchmaker is thoroughly
acquainted 'with all grades and
makes of Watches. He has all
'latest improved tools to work
with, and is bound to give satis-
faction. A call solicited.
104,41101104101110110 s.•40•••041110
l'And we will reach the end of July; a wonderful month it's beep too,
this buei-
nese. Moat stores settle themselves down for a quiet time at this
more goods sold than any previous July in the history of
season, but we don't. It isn't necessary to tell you who does the
business. People don't dome here day after day merely for the fun
of coming. The closing week of our great Hale will be stimulated
by prioee like these:-
Corsets. sizes 19 to 23, for 25o
Summer Corsets that a short time ago would cost yon 75o, now 50o
"MoKinnon's Special" is the name of a Corset on which we will pin our
reputation. It's worth $1, now sold for 85o
Ladies' Blaok Hose, color will not come out. Special, four pairs 25o
Ladies' Blaok Cotton Hose, two pairs for 25o
Men's Socks, very special line, 2 pairs for 25o
Bleached Cotton, 37 inches wide, fine make, as good as usually sold for 8o
sale price per yard Oe
Toweling, fanny "Huok" weave, worth 7o for 5o
Special Line Flannelette, eoft and heavy at 50
Prints, light colors, regular 12}o reduced to 100
Prints, Shirting patters,„white ground with black, red and pink figures,
good washing goods,/wortb 12io, now you may have them for loo
Could you do with a Cape for the cool summer evenings? Let ns
show you what we have. When you visit this store, 'do not be
afraid to ask for anything you would like to see. We won't insist
upon you buying, but we will be pleased to show you the goode.
We are after new customers every minute, and if you don't live
more than 20 miles from Blyth, you ought to visit this store -even
if you have to walk- for we save you dollars, and there are lots of
people who would walk all day for dollars. Ride if you can, but if
yon oan't, then walk. We will do the rest. •
!McKinnon & Co., Blyth
ife••••••••0•••••••• ••• goose
Male teacher wanted, ho;ding 2nd or 3rd Class
Certificate. To teach in Porters Hill iSchool,
Section No. 5, Godorich Township, for the com-
ing term. Personal applications preferred, and
will be received up to Aug. 7.
JOHN TOI11tANCE, Secy., Porters Hill P 0
Who is more a slave than th woman
who worries and perspires ove a red.
hot stove to do the family aking.
Nineteenth century women de ve a
better fate. Genuine old fashion
.Fancily -Bread- at
James McClacherty's,
Pure, bright and flashy, cheap as bak-
ing at home, too. We still lead in
Ice Cream and
Ice Cream Soda.
As we have now a new and up-to-date
fountain with patent syrup jars. Call
and see our new first prize
Chicago Lunch Cakes.
Come early as they sell quickly.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty
E ° dish Paris Green
25c a lb. When you can get the best Green for the
same price as 'inferior green, why not use it? One
pound will go further and give better satisfaction than
the same quantity of a cheaper grade. It will save
time and expense.
Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton.
Do you buy your goods from ne, if not, why not ?
When you can buy from 20 to 25_,per cent cheaper
than anywhere else.
TP No one in the regular way can give you prices that we
are offering. We could not do it only we are going out
of business. Low prices and bargains will be given as
long as the stock lasts.
We are determined to clear ol.;; everything,
and those that come first will have an advantage
in the selection of goods. When we commenc-
ed to sell out our stock was large and well se-
lected. We have sold a large quantity of goods,
still we have plenty left yet, and almost every-
thing you want in the •way of staples.
ilke not space toquote prices and you would not know
much about it without seeing the goods. Come and see us
a, d we will make the prices to suit. Don't delay as the stock
is getting smaller every day. -
Plumsteel & Gibbings,
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, July, 22nd 1897.
Wheat, spring 0 07 a 0 69
Wheat, fall 0 67 'a 0 69
Oats 0 21 a 0 22
Bailey 0 24 a 0 25
Peas . 0 42 a 0 42
Flour per cwt 2 00 a 2 00
Butter in rolls 0 09 a 0 10
Butter tub 0 10 a 0 11
Eggs per dor 8 a 0 08
Hay new $4; old 0 00 a 7 00
Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 25
Wool 0 18 a 0 18
No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes 0 25 a 0 25
Glover Seed retail5 50 a 5 Ko
Timothy Seed 2 50 a 2 50
Montreal, July 19. -There were about
600 bead of butchers' cattle, 150 calves and
800 sheep and lambs offered for sale
at the East End Abattoir today. The
butchers were present in large numbers and
trade was brisk, but the prices of cattle
and lambs'`were lower than on Thursday.
The best butchers' cattle sold at about 4j -c
per Ib; good grass fed beasts sold at about
3/c to 4c per Ib; common dry cows and
rough fatted steers sold at from 21c to 40
and the leaner beasts at from 2c to 2j -c pe:
lb. Common calves sold at from $1.50 to
$5 each and superior veals at from: $o to
$10 each. Sheep sell at from 3c to 3•c
per lb and the lambs at from $2 to $3.4
each. One lot of 22 choice lambs were
bought at $3 25 each. Fat hogs sold to -day
at from 5c 51c per lb.
Mr Henry Lyman. the head of the well-
known Orug firm, died in Montreal.
The little son of Mr Tony Weist of Guelph
was found drowned.in a fcot of water.
The Lieutenant -Governor is doing very
nicely. His Honor was out for a long drive
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier attended
a banquet given by the British Chamber of
Commerce in Paris.
Rev Dr Chiniquy, who is now 88
years of age, has just returned to Mon-
treal from a trip through Europe. He
is in good health.
Acw gkarextiocntento.
Organ & SewingMachine for Sale
A first-class Doherty Organ andSinger Sew-
ing Machine for sale at a bargain. Apply at
Horses and Cattle taken i acture. Good
fences, plen:,y of shade, water salt. No
Barbed wire. Apply to C. MASON, Staple-
ton or to M. GLEW, of Orange Hall, Hullett.
Came into subscriber's premises, lot 15 con.
8, Hullett, about two weeks' since, a dark red
two-year-old Heifer. Owner is hereby notified
to prove property, pay charges and take it
Thoro-bred Durham Bull for
Subscriber offers for sale at reasonable price,
CqFee young thoro-bred Durham bulls, ranging
frbni 6 months to 2 years oid. Two arc roans
and one dark red. They aro all from the Jlig•
gins stock and are superior animals.
., ._.;I OBT...tll hlarL•ondon-Read;-O irttott
Night Watchman Wanted.
Wanted, a Night Watchman for the Town
of Clinton. Duties to commence 1st of Aug.
Hours from 11 p. m. to s a. m. Other particu-
lars may ho obtained from the Clerk. Sealed
applications will be received up to 4 o'clock
00 WEDNESDAY, July 18111, addressed to
W. COATS, Town Clerk,
Subscriber offers for sato tho farm of 149 acres,
situated on the Maitland con. of Godorich
Township. All cleared_ but about 10 acres of
good hardwoou bush; good clay soil, four acres
bearing orchard, good 2 -story brick bouso with
slate roof, bank barn and good outbuildings;
Within 6 miles of Clinton anti 4 from Holme,
vine. A very choice and desirable farm. For
particulars apply on the premise's to MRS W.
TEBBUTT, or at Hohno',villo P. O.
Came into subscribers promises, Huron road,
Gcderioh township,the latter partof Juno, a
yearling roan heier. The owner is hereby
notified to prove property, pay a arges and
take it away. W. ROBINSON.
One half -bred Jersey cow 3 years old, a good
milker. very rich cream; 1 Poland China boar,
8 months old, Reg.; I Poland China boar, 11 yrs.
Old, Heg; 1 Duron Jersey boar and cow, 6 mos.
old, Reg; 3 P.land China sows, in pig, ling; 2
imported Tamworth sows. As I am overstock-
ed I pricoos. WESLEY W. sell the aboveFIdHBR, Lot8, Con. ],
Colborne Tp , Benmiller P. O.
, `Icor
Starting Saturday, July 24,
Every article of Wash Goods in the house will
be offered at half price. Now is your chance.
2 pieces prettiest and best washing Organdies, regular price 25c, for
2 ends best and most stylish Grass Linens, regular 25e for
2 pieces washing Linen Lawn, with colored stripes, regular 15c. for
1 end Grass Linen, selling at 12e. for
4 ends best French Sateen, lovely pattern, regular 15e, for
1 end best washing Crepe, regular 18e, for
4 enols choicest Percales, regular 15c, for
3 ends best fancy Organdy, regular 30c, for
2 pieces choicest Scotch wash Zephyrs, regular 15c, for
2 ends dashing Crepons, lovely stuff,
4 ends choice Moive Print, regular 15c, for
1 piece best black and white Stripe Lawn , -
2 pieces Satin Print, lovely stuff, regular 15c, for
2 pieces choicest washing Crepon, regular 12c, for
4 pieces stub' Fancy Dress Goods, regular 20c, for
2 ends 1viir4Ii l)elaiiis, regular 20c, for
5 Fancy Waist Blouses, regular 75c, for
25 best goods Shirt Waists, regular $1 . and $1.25, for
123 e
Now is the time of your life to buy Summer Wash Goods as everything
-is new and. seasonable and this season's baying, and the price
cut exactly 111 too.
'I'E- l r117770 A._
Low Priced Shirts The Top
Economy is in the air. Every
body is anxious to save all the
money they can this year. So
much the better for our Shirts.
Tliey mean most to people who
has,o the least money to spend.
In spite of their superior quality
and fit, they are cheap. j
There'smoney°for you in
Neckwear, there's good
Neckwear if you
know where.
A. J... Md)RRiSH, Clinton.
dill of. $jjIe
Isn't always the most tasty after
all. A man's build and shape must
be considered. A tailor isn't a good
tailor unless he knows what sort of
cut will look the more stylish on the
tall man and the short man, the fat
and the lean. And the pattern of the
goods themselves is another import-
ant thing to decide.
We are perfectly familiar with all
the technical pointe in tailoring. Our
experience and knowledge of clothes
is at the public's service. Our gar-
ments are made and sold on honor.
A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton
HARL AND BROS Stoves, Hardware, &e
al, -.114116
25o a Ib. We will quote you close prices on quantity.
We have just received a large stock of
a .
Athletics, Cyclists and other hard workers will find this gum very invigor-
ating, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful sustain-
ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist.
Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring a Sea Bath
J. I. Combe,Chemist and Druggist.
No Summer
Du//Hess Here
Complete stocks and cut prices keep salesmen busy -
Though we may expect six or eight weeks of hot;
weather yet; we have put such low prices on all sum-
mer fabrics that shrewd buyers appreciate the oppor-
tunity and are making their dollars do double Iduty..
Japanese Crepe Cloth, last Colors, elegant patterns;
were good value at 10c a yard, clearing at.5c.
English Prints worth 10c to 12c, now 7c.
A i1C ilri ii Prim wor h 10c, now
Art Muslin, nice goods, worth 15c, now Tic
Special 'line of all wool Tweeds, new goods, worth 60c,
for 39c.
Men's Straw Hats, were 35c, 50c, 60c, now 25c.
Pure Paris Green, Bug Finish, Harvest Tools,,
Glass Preserving Jars, l and gallons,
Granite Preserving Kettles, large size 65c
Close Prices on Redpath's Granulated Sugar.
We claim to give best value in Huron on Teas..
The Cash Dealer, Londes'boro.