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The Clinton New Era, 1897-07-23, Page 2
f . G I A( t y, 'u P � �/�jj, • 4 THE CL •lrF„�.7 1�{T�1R 4-,.-4._:I-_ .. ... y '�� .msp CoiInty ;lip )11x S .. r Dr P.A. Scott, nephew of De Scott, ( "� Q�QOMY p'ANC1r. " • I fit#.;aplted ipRgpueiustr,'rI bora X�� Y t Ifethe blot Come to Commit stllcido," ..' t . of Seafotth, ltas been appointed $011e nglltN f ��`Y� T� Prafess�on � 1 PP trreat wind "wept across the east]t ,, aX and0therCar A Surgeon at Toronto General Hospital And all the bailer, periahod, Then I saw What' You too?" , , , <• a d# � � � for one year . Pala terror bianoli the Tony face ct mirth "Xee, X wus ubaut to. IeaP when I dls• ,� ^ I ` ' And osreless eyes grow full of [err and awq. env®red yog," rr Mdrit tR]ka" tlaq �'� M.. 01 W. 11 JA1kI SCOTT This week it is our The son of pleasure ceased. The laughing He turAed and Oared at nqo: (; lntrinsio vgluo ox a heghiy esteemed and duty to p report the death of Miss Alice Hovey "Ali, this ie stramgo enoBh," +Talki Ou #olly's lip Changed to an an illi paid 13ood n4areaparlllr. t widely known g trey aurae. �lf'1•]SteY"r J4�iC �e . . . 'Y1+ lady of Lakelet. Mise Hovey became A nameless horror seized the idle throng, -'� as he gait astride the balustrade. Merit in medicine means the The�ans`��%,�j Business 11 , • r P And death etnd ruin billed the universe, We gazed wipk curiosity at each other, card, good's power t0 siness Colla a OONVPIYANO.n.d anoiherof the many victims of that i to roe haw nldn looked who are tO Sareapa;illapoasesseahatual dGO' i 'now thoroughly -Ii3fa Wheeler Wilcox in New York Buts, and aadqu411ed cnrativd owerand there- CHATHAM, Y y dreaded disease, con- kill thomaelvee, Se had a goad taq@ to p ON'C. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba, u + samptiga. Office immediately South of Gilroy,t Wisetna r. 0��• 4) The char a of fraud against Mrs Jes- OUR STJICID spite of his terrible black beard, ford it has true merit, When ou ba i Stili contiauee it$ sauceesfgl work of g EI , �� Lctve, sof course?" be'asked, •Baod'sBareaparilla, and take it a cording plin aotmg students in choice positions, sop, of Blyth, was called at that place , ��Love, I etghed, ire directions, to Writ B .Between Jan. let asci May �. " I x`,10 THE 5. GLAIR RIVE a by the P, M, last Friday, but two grin- "My case exactly-1pve.r' aura any of the many bio a diaebaeeea' or nit Gtr s, 40 Of oar pupils securedgtohoioe BARRISTER �Sp iID0111E �wj����77 ��TT i Cipal witnesses for the prosecution I first met Malvina under the chestnut, At our age one seldom commits suicide are morally Certain to :eoeive benefit. + SOLICIT c BY t 1Ji�a �17�'�� from Toronto b t�o resent the case for any other reason," Y ons as Book-keepers, Stenographers, • gg g 111 &race of the Luxembourg, near the stone „ and Teachers in other Business Colleges, PUBLIC, E was dismissed, Mr Sh� w for the proal wall where k !s said Lamartine wept over wall' monsieur," he resumed, after r The power to cure Is there. You are not Three others have scoured places, one to Office -$savor BI '.17 teflon, saying he could not ask for an i7rAzisiia, When I caw bar it i aborti gllence, , slate I have the Leasure of trying an experiment. It wilt make oomp�enoe neat w e 9ck11.1 was as !f a meeting a traveling companion, ehnl'1 we gone a k, another the follow- Up -stairs, O I� adjournment under the cir°umatances, thunddrbolt etruok tae. I laid my heart, it together? Onlq lot as measure our blood urs, of disease, thus gradaatdd of this ppositQF°Br.s pgoto GAllery, i p ,; ing week and the third about June 16th. s Mr and Mrs Samuel Landesborou h m 90 drive out the Here is is where s school CLINTON of Park River,. Dakota, and their feet. Myelvina meddle purse Y did not n's ' wiatar if sea . of t>rs ri� stem,hen have a decided advantage over those grade- ' kSummer grapplingbythe in the nerves and band up the wholes tem, +' J youngest son, are in this vicinityjust, . governed by the in• orad from the average business college. IVI; Q, CAMERON J tics it, because I loved her, She Donde- f timet of preservation, should have the 'S If interested write for catalogue and (Formerly of Oameroii HHoodolt dt now, visiting friends. It is about flue soended, however, to a000pt breakfasts un- i f,o his mind after the complete list of where these student have -° TMFPFIOW ", ears since Mr Landeaborou h left weakness to Chan Cameron)' �I;;_, Term yy dor the arbor at VlroflAy, Invitations to Plunge Is made You know how to gwimP" been planed, Address BARRISTER AND _ears for Dakota and this is the SOLICITOR. ,1_o, . ! `` first tune he has been back, the theater and tetany articles of her ward- ��Liko lead." D. MCLACIILAN a� CO C1ratLam O�OB`HamiltGoa tat„ o ostte Colborne tIc James Love, a highly respected rest• robe. She grave me to understand that I care Are we toady, bruithan?" be said, "Take Sarsaparilla ODERIo ONT L � ` dent of the 9th con„ Grey, pasaedaway would be the IAet of men to be laved if I against the pier. Stand betweeourself n the piers. + DIIrIIig Jlxly and Aglxst from time last Sabbath morning, aged did not presdnt her with a swarf, earrings1 A iittio farther off. There, thgE's right, Is the best, intact -t I'ROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET D• L. 1 M 72 years, Some fifty ----- - - _� heood& eBI- Aputlfien. - -� __ ER$ON. I y years a a PAMROI—•two, three y MA('ri�hj `I ,j g2Tr CO •age will be open 0 hove was severely injured by afallMr parasols. I caw m Coen one, two, tevoi. At three we jump. PreparedontgbyC,LHoodBtCo.,Lowell,Masa. treeg last son vanish. I sold my only armabalr, 1 u not say au rev ar to you, dear mon• FOR SALE, LTONVRYANCING, ' for rile aecollllTlodation p Dec from Whitby he neve20 years my Polls and Lwo volumes bound !n bol- eleur, but I am charmed to have madQ __ ARE LIF13 Deceased heated in Grey 13 or 20 years ]and, the latest goems of the bon Dieu- r Do not purge, Ain or AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE .11 i^% Y Your an unhappily h00(i 5 Pills gripe. AA dru of Teachers and others ago, quaint ace -too lata nHha it to g atet?bo. The undersigned will sell ata saariHoe, Lqt 451 It was thus we named Victor Hugo. I cultivate It.yell, I ant ready," or 12, ktailway Terrace Olh,ton. Particulars MONEY TO OAN, who cannot attend at any + The Voters' Liat for the township of was obliged to confide the caro of m ,MY cosufcide counted "one -two'-_ Itheunlatisnl !� Dyspepsiaaeon AppltoatiOn. JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister Ro t l3ay has be couspleted, It contains Y , Qoodby, Malvinal" T cried. '- OfRce, MaotiaY Block, Clinton, Other time. 969 mames, Only 88 lusts than the list of •watch to one of those hospital houses But Instead of counting three, "Whioll Cillrell HOUSES FUZZ SALH Ott RL+`NT r 1896• This reduction is accounted for which the English call "my uncle, " the Malvina P" demAadod my unknown friend. Save houses either for sale ox to rent, ry JOHN R '` ` ectal rates, rite i by the incorporation of Hensall, which I Frenah term "mgaunt,"the bourgeois the "She for whom I drown myself. What Full )ID(a�7 A 6?1 ST. PATRI( 1I SmREET, pariiaulare on application to JOHN M°C}ARVA _ formerly belonged to the townshi in- Mont de .plate" (although there is noth- to that to youP" OTTAWA, Jaly,3lgt, 1896, HO CONVEYANCER, tJOMMI$8 to a village. There are 511 aeons Ing pious about them and which we etu- "Malvina of rho Luxembourg? Malvina USE TO LET IoxER, ETC far Souvenir. g P 1' To the Phrenoline Medicine Co„ Ltd,j Fire Insurance, '� eligible to serve &s Tutors. dente baptised "the Wall," with graphic who has s little black mote wader her left �1,` " o Mr D. D. Wilson this week shi ed books. Simplicity. I earned money cn my law eyeP" ! Ottawa, Ont, To Rent, about August, a Brick Cottage on MOae to lead• Real estate Pp hooka. Malvina also appropriated my "Assuredly,"I replied. "Malvina whom J GxNTLs1I 14, _On the advice of a friend Townsend etreot, Apply to C, E, HOVEY, matters carePulivy attended to, r a car of fresh eggs to Trail, a mtnm __ v A. S. NIMMO Pro P � Y sleeve buttons, my new hat and the queen I love and for whom I perish.' I tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic Otl3oe-HURON STREET, CLINTON cam in British Columbia near Roas- ��,+ + !• ! p r land. There seems to be a market °f my pipes. She had away of saying, And I rushed forward but he stopped FOR SALE. • 6 opening up in that country now for "Dong my big dog wish to please his little me And grasped my Arm,' remedy, Phrenoline, and to my sarprise Nearly As o �„W4k,�,e,9,W,9,.W p Malvina? which wa6 irresistible. Wretch „ it cured me of rheumatism, from which i au god as new -a single covered 1�. AG N �fj�, r Ontario reduce, but thegreat obstacle When she found that I wag without "You love Malvioa,f myn MalvinaP oY o have suffered for man ggY• a mower and binder will be sold thea kF in the way is the terribly high freight momeq without credit and even !n debt have rho presumption to commit sulCldr art at NEW Eaa office or to O, H. CARTE.U1, DENTIST, CLINTON 11 I rates. The freight charges on the car y years. Nort fit. » +load amounted to about five hundred having vainly exhausted rho reeoureeg of to her honor when it la• I who have aamf It also oared me of dyspepsia, from AT ZURICH THE 2ND T ,,t :� The London Newe finds cause far dollars, or between four and five cents my the to extract from my par• here to drown myself for her. Xou have FOR SALE ON EAS TERMg 1IUR8DAY pp. ante an addition to my allowance, she left which T was suffering at the time, go that EACH MONT$ a dozen, taken 1\lelvina from mol Swords[ Knives! I feel now like a new man. ,Maitland Concession, >Ehankftilluess in the recent hot wea• Thq,death of Ascott Walters took me Calmly, without an excuse, without s I want your blood, sir, T moat have your Lot 88 Godertob Office " � 1. aher.. It pointe out that it presages a Place at Exeter, on Tuesday, in his 74th word °[ pity' without a shadow of gbame. blood!" I have tried several remedies for rhea- Township. For terms and partioalarg ap- Hours -9 to 5, p Year• Mr Walters had sustained leve- She was of that class of women called lion- Ile danced with rage. He shook his fist. matism, some of which did me a certain ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton Ibrious harvest and that we shall for- rel strokes of paralysis lately, to which asses, doubtless because they know bow to I observed cooly that as we were about Dom' T. C• 33t��i:.E' .; x$ . . e1 all about the exceptional heat in his demise is due. He was a native of consume men, And I loved herl What to die it would not be necessary to butcher amount of good, but nothing that 1 have SURGEON DENTIS I, ,�at;i4ri Winter, but the overflowing gran- L''ng[and and had beers a, resident of d°apatri She had moved away, they told each other. This seemed to him a reason taken has done so much for me sa our CHOICE LOTS Volt GALE I! Oraauate R C D $ of Ontario a ,: Tisa and the droves of plump hogs gO Exeter for some years. He was father me, to distant, almost unexplored parts, able argument. He Y 1 veraity Toronto and Trinity },+ing merrily to the slaughter will be of Alfred and James Watters, town, which vague and mysterious expression down. gradually calmed Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in Subscriber offers forsaleatwo-acre lot situate Sp°otu attention iv #h0urces of joy until the re -appearance and has several brothers in Tucker- dosaribed the Latin right recommending it to other staffers. lot is° fenced, anduhaayth °t4Tio street, The the natural teeth, gen to the Preservation bank. I we with 'rho ri Ma1vImA hndt abandoned hint a fort�nihhi Yours ver tr ,', tinf,'"seed time. It is good to be able to smith township, q grief !n the choice fruit trees. It is a most ricairublebelac© Nfh�e't Data !tock, over Taylor's shoe store " rack on the bright Fide of thin s and to shade of Lhe garden where I' had met her, shoe, at the very time I met her, Nntu• Y, uly, two a reiLg and will be sold either in one or Ba Fill visit Blyth eve �r tb'tryto bring cocn.fort to the Sts when $ave tried others, but like Ayer's best" How dismal it wea there now I There rally we continued t° talk about her. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, c lot .-THUS, HOLLOWAY, Clinton, sumer °°e1' every Monday and Pi is the statement made over and over a gin were -mate y Thursday afternoon daring the the body is anything but comfortable. g y promenaders,'vhildren, lovers, `'Ah, my dear predecessor, wha�apes she Foreman pi_yyorl kRisleAu canal. by those who testif t° the benefit derived Y but it seemed to me desertfd. had, and what a silvery laugh I How jolly For sale by Allen & Wilson. from the use of Ayer!e Sarsaparilla. Die- "My lite fe ended," I said, with the $ealxlii'ul Property for Sale. Mr John R. Cartwright, Deputy At- ease never had a greater enemy than this and saucy and fiery she wool" I babbled. 1) R. NM, GCNN, L, R. C, g + P Y P naivete of 20 years. "Everything is "What delightful times we had to• The undersigned offers for sale Dasnburgh• Office- I' and L. R. O, S powerful blood purifier. It mskes the ehan Night calla at front door f reside Steer, Clinton i,, Corney=General of Oanada, is spoken of weak strong. Bed, everything ie hollow. why -am Am gather, " he replied 'at Robinson at Viro I ear the financial g June and benut:fu ly situated r , le the eligible bury St., o u ace on Rat I here! I cam Hover again be interns ed in flay She sang like a bird, She had s year po rtn eiideaco occupied by PP site Presbyterian church, tea likely to be appointed to the Court Andrew Mttrraq, blacksmith, Win anything." I resolved to die, There was 30, the total value of imports at the himself oil Hui -oil St., Clinton. The hou.•e con. ham,met with a g rose colored OttawacnstOnasforthetwelvemonths tains curryinoLellbuil convenience PorRood sized of Appeal for Ontario,.and a Conseiva- painful accident on nothing left to do but choose a suitable louts, I thine urasol which coat me half a was $1;169,595, a� against i,� family, is well built, tt ith atonofoundtition,Pur R J. Thursday lase„ He was heating a piece way to dleappear, x.545 the nate, hard and soft water, stable and bearin IDClofversit TURNBULL' of D TOR •five correspondent refers to him as a of iron for welning, when, it getting Fumes of oharooall That was thosXes, I know," I interrupted, "what previous year, or a gain of close upon fruit trees, Particuiars upon appiicatian g M Y' M D• c.nf,, Vsot ONTO ,' ti too hot on one side, he put on sand to of guiotde for lets. The da the mode a parasols and many, other thine one million dollars, The duty collect- JOH�V CUNNINt;HAiYl, Clinton, Soo sty of EdsnburiO Fellow tori apbetetrity r ion of Sir Richard Cartwright. Mr B vel in .1896 was 1338,278, as against rgh,late orLonaoe0 b g„ and , ;a John R. Cartwright isa cousin of Sir cool it., Un Cakint; the iron out of the much used. The dramas ofg h0 day were cost.Weil, my friend, it is evident Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.-Dr,Dowael 's . Y :f': �,it klard and a very able man who fire the hot' Saud flew about in all dt- Pull of Penetian, Florentine, Arabian, those gifts have been our ruin,"��5'166 in the previous twelve months, otttce Rat as' y old x..', wou4d be a •credit , o the bench. It rections, two particles going into his " Castilian da that 1 PERItIIV I;�I�LI� a❑swered at the same Placeinton. Tright bel w , i' left a ggera, Spanish dirks and Da- As one to talkative at i30, and our hearts DOAN'S SIDNEY PILLS, ,;;may be of interest to stats that iVIr Ye, causing great pain and nearly maecus swords, with which the actors were overflowing, we began to dteeuga Dean's Kidney Pills not on _ _-_` _�'" John R. Cartwright has all his life blinding him, besides burning anum- malod s swords, very decently behind the women in the kidneys,WW 2 FOR SALE R' J, W SHAW, ,, Kbeetl a Liberal, even when Sir Richard bar Of small Boles d his shirt. kill scenes, and even on the stage, }ant I had and our Iovo in u '�"A ;coucbeur, etc„ P$YSIOIAN, 13uRaEOp general, apropos of expert- Cure backaches, and acinar 'back, b ane °nig. They $300 cash and 1S0 mouth) office ane was tz nominal supporter of the (Jon- p rticu3ar. Our ex Y g y Payments Of' 8131 each tario St., opposite En ltah eh arch, residence orm nce on_ m ll young son of Flush Bayes, of Ehm• no money to buy a dagger. There was the ' auto was brief; besides, we had perfect di be es,, congestion kn$amma benmatielH, D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton cuPied by Dr. Appleton, Orly cc ) i3ervative Government. villa, white vision at rope, That was vulgar. Then, too, the decided theories which we were espound• bei{ ht s disease and all other dtion, g aria- pP OIl❑fou Ont. 1 g Alex, Taylor's on, gravel, -___ _ ___ Exeter North, on Sunday, met with a hanged aro go ugly. There remained poi- ing both at the same time With lofty elo• ing from wrong action of the kidney and CHOICE F 0, P e, It is worth while to recall that just seuious accident, Other lads who were son, but what p0faonP Arsenio was hour- quence. As s, FREEBORN, Playing about put the Bayes boy onto B Y poison of the "How could it be otherwise?" 1 bladder, J & S, O., M.D., L•g•�Q•C.P,I., M, > eolg ver bad form, The ! FARM FOR SALE. College of Pb siciane, Dublin, 1 eland, re and after the general elections a horse's back and started it aft, The _ y Graduate Kin s and Queens Barging would have suited me. many eophically conuludod any rival. "She had 1 At Brantford Choice fa m, f,7 acres, lj miles from Clint Vle,nbe°neral Medical Cuuacil G, LiCen ',',%. June, 1888, the stump orators and lad fell from the animal's back and un_ n°vela spoke of it: But rho recipe seemed away of lookin out oP , Thursday evenin Mr 'tnd con i•Inllett, parts of lots 1: on r of rouxge Physicians eat Britain ;;, a`I,rty press predicted Colnmercialdisas- der its feet, sustaining severe injury, to be lost• should I jump out of the win- eyes w g the corners of het W. Buck and farnil went g frame house wit three story ' And t°' A ;ooa taryts. Formerly esI a°° S°rgeona, On y htoh turned me like a glove, ' Y t0 see Buff- stone cellar with modernyconveniencessll'lxtx' (LYing in s❑a Gyaacologioa] of Rotunda Hoepttal �r if the Liberals came. into ower. several ribs being broken and crushed dowP fie frighten women and soil rho when she said, 'What will m g °+ and (a,lo Bill's Wild West Sbow. NIr Buck feeding; tang uu for �iacteabar s e 1 ubtin. Residence ' P into one of the lungs. 13e is naw lying y big dog da •Lad Mayor Elliott wet, sitting togeth- clay loam; goon Uearin��or°hardtliFtisQ7y best parsonage. Y t. net. nest door to O❑toric fib sidowalkI No. Die of starvation? I had ' to please his Iittle Malvina?' I lost my er and chatting, at 8,15", shortly after s,,4'�ie jueta year ago the r th m this in a critical condition, too good an appetite, I finally decided on senses," For full particulars and terms a ptY�to �� ; silt ion since the Laurier Administ- the perfc,rmance commenced, when tonClinton, pamsville, Ont. or htrs A aslting. R STAN1sURY o a very simple and �coiSomicAl method one the did I. She called me her big dog, lvlr Buck fell over against Mr Elliott lr, was swot n in. The public re- IVATUKES MEDICINE. whtoh the mit weather, it was spring, too and it GRADUATE OF C+ Clue has increased by probably a nti- Nature s Medicine for constipation, lifer made seasonable. I would drown myself. me'" Produced the same effect on find expired in a few ,moments. He D Medical Lepart GR of VieE O p TZra ,The dollars over the proceeding year. lj'aunpdice01laint, eiok headache, bilioasness, I neftlaor breaktastod nor dined oa the He settled sardonic was removed to the open air and med- LHvIUli; HOUSE TO itENT OR sity, T°Tonto,formerly of the hospitals and The number of failures is smaller, for- and sallow complexion is Laxa dal' of nay saloide. I smoked m last ! ,+ ally cal std Summoned, but tea late, as he 1'}Or SaIP Coup tY uries,I u,�w York, CoLroner for he aigir larger, and the outlook brighter never Pills• They are a perfect laxative my stook of tobacco being Exhausted. p pA, pr"Myised lf ea su ees r, I s entla not besur• I had departed. Mr Buck was 68 That co `` i4n a,t any time since I893. In Ottawa gr►ping or caaaiag pain. One pill nightfall I Walked down toward the Seine. bleman wat ere MAlvina's b ,. tH age, Yearn mfortable and wail-a;tuated bouse on each night for 30 da p third gem ; , g-, one ofCanadas most efttPrpeis- Huron st„ occupied by Wr1)uftoa, is offered DR olid einity there is Wotan idle man days cures constipation The water was black, The full moon " ig dog. g manufacturers, and One of $rant far solo or to roar. Tue bouse couu'tiling accom- Longe AG1hE�/ e]Ct epG the usual loafer, who never PRF,BBYTERY OF threw on the river a silvery light. Walk- mist IAI�amI sure d, 3K u are an opt!• I ford's most respected and modatiou ►'or a la sboro, successor to Dr Young. Presb y HTJRON. — This P wealthy rge enmity, having air up -stair T, AGNEW, Dr, vPiyrka if he can avoid it All tine labor- gree met in Willis Church,Ulin_ ing at random I arrived at the Pant dee at least half a dozen do alv1HA citiz nS. bodrouma, with alIother conveutene.e. Hera gad T. GN B•, Toronto University M ang men have employment and every tan, on Tuesday, n th lust^ After roe- possessei soft water, ceitar, n sne stable, etc. A few bear- sicia T' ty university, Member of C ' M. D. O Arta and resolved to end there A life whish A b this hlLtor thought I stove int m 'hat I malleetproper way to build health i9 to 1°g fruit trees, Poaaeaeton and Surgeons, p❑tarso, gB 1'hY 1,rtisltn in tdat city is more than busy. tine business, Rev lYlr Stewart vans ap• 2 was ititolereble to, me without Malvina. with o blow of my fiat and m r y he blood riah And pure by Lakin Apr,ly to W. W. FARRAN, Clinton. at of May, nlothodiat church. Night calla answered oppeelto Pgv vooden windustries-lumber, pap- poigted Moderator. In his absence P oe seemed Propitious. The bridge his hair, a luxury which tine abundance o1 s co 9pYam • Ctlice hours a to to aniauweieto ypthme 11 ey;: g night ware and Sour -are run- Rev Mr Martin presided, Commission- Tho 1$ y ival tore '%,)"'s Sarsaparilla, the one true blood Wing night and day, The saw works ers to the General Assembly reported was deserted. go net the ot a tbalusL ado Land his'A loving inn mane allowed him, parlfier. ir,'eao busy that they have begun to 'their attendance at the same, Mr W. I leaned a The Westminster GazPttP E'AR11I FOR SALE lacked at the water Tanning 1!$e A Hood o! ity," Cried be, "thetltwo good fel owl like Pays this i E, BLACBALL VETEh1NgItY ncesses of Ufl all night to $11 orders. A large new G. Richardson for q The to Sir Wilfrid Laurier:-"lt is Lot 25, Con o, Township of Iiullett 100 a e1 • HonoraryGradua sUhGr uN 'atpl in Ottawa County, lege, was examined Greek,HFiebre y ink• It dashedagainstg �1ast ig tape, I ug wish to drink dirty watorP That would g 88 acres cleared and in a cods area pollege. Tro toot LheOntarioVoterfna really tefreahin to read an aration- rp Que., which Y ^ breathed rho night Is the last be too Idiotic," for that- is what it was --such as that t1on, excellent clay loam soil; 12eat`ep ofultiva_ ata all diseases Ofdornueticatedand iV , contracted t° be completed by Theology, Church History and Philos time," I gold to myself, "and it is such a While mate oa the mostmoaorn and soientie ewEr ft}tib 15, is not yet fluished owing to o hY• The examination was a which Sir Wilfrid Laurier delivered enaRboo 'auThere isa goon bearing oreba d ploy Office- immediately south oftheN ostein- lovely evening!" jabbering we walked up and tLt the Canadian banquet in celebra- g Pl' Y ofwater. The farm has never Office, Residence — Albert tit„ Clinton °w Ere V'l prob ty of tnen, The Jubilee year e , and a sermon read before the Pres- I thought quickly of all I was leavin down, Por the evening was cool, Just been rented. The buildings comprise a ni ht orda Cal tion Of Dominion Day, $rame house, barn and a[ablea. This good g Y atteudedie promptly gill probably mark the close of the byteiy, Mr Richardson was duly of my parents, my friends, Lhe poetry thoL then we found ourselves at Lhe and of the Y cocOm ori- properLy + licensed to preach the goo el. A tetter y youth and also of m bridge, directly in fr5at of the institute. bc° all our speakers in this country are. Peoniutha °u an excellent gravel mad, 2j rotiea ;I iriod Of depression and deficits, which p inspired me, of m dreadfully cold and ernottonless and further (8s lasted far four years, from Dr Ura was read, acknowledging p y Ispat, to show mp contempt for the tem. Town o[ C,inton. Terms easy, For JOHN b^, niiLNE, VETERINARY SURGEON the resolution of the Presbytery Te- side and soul. Malvina on Pito f ese on 0730classic it according to the ' Paniseslars aPPIY to the undersigned has returned tp c,li°toa and opened an o i it, is a great tiling to read, as it must O° the promises, aide and m the be to listen to a speaker who lets him- MRS THOS. HILL, Clinton P. p, d the the treatment oY alj desmaY be consuult- , `.intari0'S Premier Yarding hie lath bereavement. The the other, and the letter ware the more also,p making ga t defiant companion spat self go as Sir Wilfrid does. That it -- standing committees' conveners are as weighty. 'lthey Corned the scale. Tears Cupola, gesture at the owttlo, �c, all caita,'ni ht or da arcs or horeua, follows: -Home 'Mission, S. Acheson= cmc to my eyoe. "I meal die. (ioodb should be a maty of Gallic blood who tended to, g Y, Promptly at - he Montreal Witness, in an article Church Life, W. Muir; Finance J. A' arouses our enthusiasm for the British FOR °ALE. Y Aad these academicians, Empire only adds to theextroardinary A valuable fruit and rain f g Hamilton all! One name more o e,,, to be added will it not delight them to learn that twt character of the whole thing, Qttij<in with the Ontario Government, Christian Endeapar, � to the martyrology TOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON ' � Fletcher L• y BY o[ Iota," ri mentiolsts with len ing, And the road within six miles of Clinton n The�oa oar College, lis" the following: -Mr Hardy' has Fletcher; Missions, Dr 14IcDon- g hair have drowned matter is as good as the manner. The is No. 07, Maitland -C ,ilex ion, Goton. Town_ �• Honorery graduate of the Ontario veterl Level This is the holy nano that a themselves before their very door? Listen, (7anadtan Premier is v YToro❑to, Treats all diseases aid. Rev. Mr Anderson reported that y°nth was giving to his miserable passion, a ship and contains ,5 acres, IL yields annually b'ai nLii$c Yri' - on the meet mode, u and ,4-1'91Gtainly always been a sharp, econom- the General Assembly had substan- the more I reflect the more I believe we what he says -it is nO rn r featlty i - from r i00 barretae l winter Apples, And is ] austy A°'Pies' Day and ns htea 1.ball a q Lo rho absurd child's play which was lead- ou ere empty d n loam d grain farm, rho wi beings No. 1 c'ay Ulinton prompt Methodical administrator, and has Y greed to the request of the Ing him to death. It is only later that we ought to reflect boilers taking the fatal clamation in favor of a vague loyally 7 Y orad. 1{essde❑co�RsLLaobuiyl$t.r Wean biliaps done more than any other Presbytery regarding Dr McDonald's learn that love lives by saorlfiee; that It Is plunge. One can commit suicide but once, which stirs him, and he is Fran kn here isa No. 1 frame ld. a the loth rO osed retirement On the ground of Y Y a good barn with stone stables urdeIneat", and "xiaiattji to establish the almost mach- ill hesLlth. This closed the bueinesa the Bite given strengthto 2ha� far from It is Important anddeservea mare self in tellin us that he isa Canadian i !s well watered in etiory Hold, A largo Por- -` '�'�' killing, gconsideration. First, I should like Lc before everything else. tion of angeh© Pu G Ines°ay ma�OuM� `�ARIt1AOE I,II ENSE, tangs SCOTT, sR. giCally working system routine in and the Presbytery adjourned to meet I grasped the balustrade rade aced was m. dine, for !t is well known that wise deaf• mort etcpp ieaurar of Marriage Licenses, Library Room in Clinton on the second Tuesday Of Paring to leap, 'when, suddenly, I notteed sloes aro made oil Iesveng the table. DURNs, Carlow P, O„ or tc W. ik FA It $AN, and Residence, Mary streor, Clint,,,, iesiepart,m to which, glade it all .but. -- -- Clinton. September. 6 moa atandtm There !s ua admirable restaurant near the by , ntiossible for irregularities or crooked• B near mo oa Lhe bridge t}rand Cbaumiere, which Is open all night, FAME about 30 feet away. Could Dae not even , 8 CAIifPhl,,�ONDEgBOROr y]�Nbea to Occur without immediate de- ALONG LIST My nurses sister manages !t, Ihave credit .louse and Lot for dale 1881TER Ui AfARh1A(;ly LICENSES, te¢tiOl1• The province owes Mr Hardy ._ kHad be ill himself without being Interrupt there and can even faire a friend. W111 I This whole column would not contain the He did not even t°1 eeetrrA� ago yrs r '� „ NO wienuseas regasred Igreat deal in this connection. you accept? r The frame house on Rattenbary street, t'AVcftild hardly be possible Por a govern- Names of the Many PromineHt Ministers, looking down at the water. The nsooas "Monsieur, I rejatned, "yon are not a 411iTERS immediately 'east of Dr. Tomlinson's, is bt to make the machinAry run Members of Parliament and Profeseionai serious suicide. Go and dine. Let me offered for sale on very reasonable terms, �1.W FARNOOMB, MEMIIER OF tight was so bright that I could see the hungry." TTLE The house is centrally situated, be:>;g only Civil Eaglaeer, London Ont- ASSNOF I fCirdo t?dly without such jarring ruCl details o[ his drown iH ones, I urn not hun ' P, L• S., ProvinoialLand t3arveyor gad Mon all over this Continentwho hav y Parson and h!o ebthee die- I lied. Fwas hen y a minute's walk from the basiness centre oill at qeo, 1►{rdilChina as Would throw them out of a tinctl . Like me, he worve a lar a Rem- Bey as a wolf anti m \ Q� hoe atone cellar, large dining rCom, parlor;Stewart's orooaXy Store, Minton,.ro?Vdr. Both the revenue and the been Cured of Catarrh b Dr ,brands hat, a long balled coat and Lrouoers �tomaob wasbowling.ViapOlid I0 departments are models of Y Agnew a narrowing at the toot. Ho bed a ted Bili My nurse a sister," continued my pre• • bedroom and kitchen down stairs, with onet Catarrhal Powder -Ir, Gives Relief in IO handkerchief, long hair, full beard r deeotser, bee a more abundant eulainil largeand two smaller bedrooms npstaire, YOUR SPARE TIME. t >gement, and have' served as eg- jjr��wr ill I es to other provinces. ThR re ainutes. Yaubhfaltoren. Ho wee r student, art Tier- than can bo found anYwhare else in Paris. 1 L L Gooa-sized summer kitchen and garden. Men women to conduct busiaesa at ' bbttr•Ces of the crown lands department Volumes of testimon Thera aro miraculous roaster pates of gi• Very conveniently situated for boarding Where simple writing and co s home P y have been writ- tat, doubtless a navoiist, a brother, lilts gantid douse. Apply at N>rw EWA office. spy Beta of llirtve from the' be inoena been as ably . ten of its curative Powers, Catarrh is an 11u8O- What wee he doing there? $a proportvona, delicious blood pu@. be forward d to us from low I a ver icing, to Land ed in the interestH of the pro• sggravnting mAlady, Insignificant in its h'af gazink At the Seine, $a earned h dings, juicy hasxls, not to speak O.P. Lhe fried o canvassing- Previous exporieace regairtld, put lain w'ritr g g -a little cold in the head,ne- egos Lo heaven, passed itis baud seal P Choose a win era ideal; the Burgundy - era preferred. Permanent wank to those con. 1' 1XCd a8 f they had been managed b beginnin o Y��� . bttii%ness flan in its own interest,wit glect it and .soon You're in its thrall. y elieeoo gad wine that would male on for. HEADACHE ApPiyto torn 9$ °r nacre weekly in spar0 t 0aoroer hes t othe lrbb, t e ra Id too CEMENT FLOORS WALKS. " �tli0 r atilt that the province pays tt9 Eighty in every hundred have the taint, •few steps to the iriBlyt, then b rho lett get Til the Matrinre ifs the world, he in x 2, HEins Cure of EDMUND and stn sigted, rehrmed Of his disloyalty lolD&and not « EAGLESON, Box E, Bayfield, Ont. v as it gore, without borrowing av d Dr Agnew', Catarrhal Powder will cure geed In the meta etch, and oeemttd Positivel Cured b Subscriber is prepared to la VIA resorting to direct taxation. the slightest cold in the head end Cure to measure the dietenatt with his eye wlDurinB tote anmemrationahunger pressed Y t11CH0 Roars for cellars or other puiypo es nand also fStilstCio's great system of asylums. re- the most stubborn case of Catarrh. "Its WAS he -about to commit suicide too? Were Little Pills. granollthto walks. Matsriul and word also T i*tSrtlq'9Ibt3!'ies, prisons and other institu- action is instantsneoos," says one. "I feel all the Young mien killing themaglt+eaf me most cruelly, end I fdlt much rdmira• They alsb relieve Distress from D s Charges II aiAM s g��v uaranteod, ENmiTT�TT �j�j �jj(] tiolbs ire among the best of their kind it my duty to recommend it to trio public," The 'Latin quarter 4iould boon bo dol1op11- of n and tendernoee for madam; the ei ter y PCPs 'F Clinton. iJLil't� 11 UO j�j�jN , i Says another. Never got relief until'i A Indigestion and Too Re" crating. A er- ytb ' iti t iiia world and are managed with y •' lated. I was re:od, Ilyd I not eeleotad , y ridal'o nuroe. Aowover, I resist od, P - . ,,jN606$,' and econom . It may be ngdd lt," gays another and so on and on. this bridge for my personal uset Wil had Wo. monofe�uf jrmaq you enjoy your fact remedy fpr Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsl• NOTICE TO CREDITORS, atstheuhighest rube arA �CecpAricet toPurchase Wool Acts like magic Y dinner. Adieul tress, Bad Taste in the Mouth Coated Ton -- exchange form P Cash s cavil rSi1i#ityed whether the bookkeeping by Bio end always anrea, be not chases the Pent Aleuts Hotveoor + Bae y manuractured arttafeg, ;x y B , Without PAYingbaYattention tome, rpy Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Th In the matter tOf the estate of James Arnz- stook of y VIf11td the proceeds of sales of annually although Lire unknown disturbed me I cY afronp, deceased. StOCIiINq +� 60liti0b sutras of annuities are placed Mr, Samuel Afford, a brick mason telt A certain oYmpathy for talo brathet In companion oontrfaued; Regulate the Bowels. purely'Vegetablc. YARNS, •:til urd�aar� revenue is altogether a employed on the construction of the suicide. Ha appeared to t» rllortt m h e "After the ham, the padding, the 11pto Notice hereby iron $ORSTL R 1; 'Sitl, gut it reap does not hide new Town Ball in Dutton, step ed he and perhaps oppeare to b ea ou brought bi 'what do you art•te h punch', an interna Sinal -.Pilin y g pursuant to thoSta'ute LAN3KETS, q y pp ! Small Doses to that behalf, that al[ creditors and others FLANNELS, , lgittg, and parties have the means a block on the edge of the scaffold. The a punab end s fr r, . him there, The attrngorthrew dowAl his agrant pipe? small Pr1C13a having elatme against, the estate of the said10, 4fr0 at iiberty to Calculate by their brick turned under his foot throwing hat, looked st Lhe meoir, raisid his pe saw I wastweaketring hod took my James Armstron , Into of the Township of Stan- -. TRt EEbS and him backward to the round a dis- g right Substitution ley. f'ou°!y of IIurnn, yeoman, deceased, who i�f11'jnAtltods the exact state of the g le oter fire bslurLrada, Ir fluor boubda "Da you um bmcnf ' forked in afeoble ll e mid rabout itbeSrd day of May, 1807, at $ED BLANKETS #lf lEiC ' ' trinee of 26 feet, causing a double com• I !vas upon hem and pulling his coattails talcs, p of 8tanloy, to deliver araona .1 I- - pound fracture Of the ankle joint and Qlhat neo you doing, snatlsietttr! Wire the fraud Of the day. by mail,ppxepaid, eo either JAnotAliver orsendger is n°whom�RRlate aadguaranteodmanufaoturod i 1GIbE1�TCA3 TANKED. breaking a Small bon_ e_in the same leg, Sou mad?" "I.orilont punch would' not bit punch Andrew ll. Armstrong, BayBold P'O, Out,, the °t HOME Mate and tree frotri shoddy of wltbriyt IernOn, Much lemon m by + executors of the will tt, the slid deceased, on or auy description. At10,'*101' lr3aaart3 that T recommend $, Ito struggled. s Y 3, SCf: OLi tet C$rtCr S, before 31st nay of July, AD., 1897, their Chris. AV-Doh,t forgot I shall PAI( OAg$ for 11 BABY WAS CURED. "Lot me alone." quantities of lemon," Y tian names and surnames, addresses and do • at the hi o Wool . 3i i'6Y bheotire of Indigestion and impure DEAR Sens, -.I can highly recommend Dr 1< wilted it#nr arortud the burl and held With long btri4os' aIw in arrn+ we re, , Aarlptlona, rtnd full particulars of their Claims ghost Pxie° in the market, ,,: #ihd t ted natty modfoinea but Fowler a Extract of Wild Strawberry, It 1[1 y gained the LA'tta Quarter by the 1! ht ox Ask for Carter s, veridod by aflidavit,and Immediately after sala .Pump g i Slat day of Juls the said Exooutots will proceed DonmiIIer, May Ss, 1W. ��`P''DHI�+ ^ d arod my baby of diarrhoea iftor all other . "Let nae alone." Attend to your awn the "It is eLrna d " to digtribnto t to asaott{ anrona those orwhose figod do ' iS10St, until I thank provideuce a 04 aV ,. 1 lythe, ]3,13.$., att it resulted matins failed, so i gitia it great praise. It is trlpatrs, Tills lit itis*11ttisi�, What are art p¢laifna they than. then have ttitd notion, and ff1uN'6icliftlye to tt' B , I said to my rival, IISISt and C��I11R17C2 they unit not be )fable fox any other orates not . r3rtadlldnt for all bo""oval nam� plalntg, Moro for, jam_ da hwa ,�r y tireiral Is notittpg 1lkq drifaido, tc► �lve out �1A 1+ + �I Industrlotto 1peksOtio of rel• " y T > s 0t71 , C)alieiwa, ant. Cl. 00TT, Harlow, Oat; __' .w.-.�...L'It 14 . , - ,r,t:....,-.,,-,_.... g� o piifiis • , 'Pu.lplhnq ea wi , h fllod th them ; Itiilfl , . • r i , AAIivS 50 0T11, or, omthou sa thwww ,atil" ,Little Liver V'r1t�. h 466 of ai'u �tlw the EiredLibbro, e ' 1 fdt t,,' �,�a e h o 8tlt , �.1. . 3 .,,, r - I " ,_ r tw�,,�.•.....r,,. STt..�..tl�lt? ' . , irirh4eI11., ,i