HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-23, Page 1,
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''�' dLTINTON, 4NT., J[TLY, 23 1897 11$ $1 a year in advancse $1.50 when not so paid
RO$EILT $QLMES, Editor and Proprietor. r From 5 t� 15
�_ y isrs of age is the dongeropo perlR'
Goderich for Y ildren's a es, Durlo lhoae•
• P AR,UUND TT4E II;UB• Balmy, Breezy, Beautiful Bayfield ed with lumber that fheregisthardly rroogr yepre the coats it the eI'e i e'yo>h,
and ielding, whrleyat in this sista ,
VPhat wide awa$e and reliable aorreapondenta find worthy of rpoording for pubHoation to unload a vessel.' D erson'e I'v the tension on them caused by At[?4tix
� I . Brucefleld I CHuACH.-The ,mission band of the I score was 29 to 2 In favor of the home �`? cry Ing and great application to ,ol*
\.' �A (t (� nuliett NOTES. --Rev+ H. A. Grace, of Mon-. Presbyteriarichurch picnicked at khe team. • , wheels were all out of hfs sight on !Hugh work both ;nand out of sohoo) i4;tirq
ha ! ear endfn ties!, preached iu ;Inion church lae't park on Tuesda kievs, Graham and d+y night and on other 000aecentl itngh
STATISTICS. -For th> l g D>�ATH.— One of Bay'fleld's oldest Girvin, ex -reeve of Ashfield, recently sold a cease of near or abort seghtr, Theze«
�""' ( 30 theca ware recorded with Jas. Sabbath,. Mr Grace is a very earnest Bhaw exchange ulpits ;nit Sob us oh citizens paeaed quietly to the neat be- roan driving mare to Mr. Bacton, hote4 fore vetch out children, and" ed+ s ^
June p gg y
oft a townehi , 27 and efficient young epeakek and has �Secvice will be held in Tr y cls c ' and earl Wednesda mornib in the pecially if they are hard stadoilta
Campbell, registrar h P y y y g keeper, (ioderioh, for the handsome sum o!
t it bit the, el marriages and 14 deaths; of every pros eot.of a bright and udef 1 evening as well as morning, during the person of Donald Cameron. Deceased and great readers, ie the eho9v s•
111p be beantiiat in its• eimplioity; bq r� summer season, one handred and fifty dohacs. i y "'
Y the latter four oY the persons were over future. We fine :tains • have done ri was in his $7t year, some forty of Fuum,—Tuesday morning about three any symptoms whatever o! deledttlg.
as.really wonderful how it, is brightened up PERSONAL.•— Mr Graham Moore-
rest deal of good r,0 growing ckP s, which were spent rn Bayfleld, and was o'olonk, the store and dwelling belonging tq sight, have ns exeinine their coos. t;
by a piece of Jewelery—if it is in good taste. 80 years of age. g b yy- house and wife, Mr Wm Cale end, sofa y S y P J. I. Goldthorpe, Saltfotd, was totally de.
e oP a reoions atone, the shine gILIED.-During the storm on Tues- and althouggh conaidera le ha was wide! known and hi d res acted, Ii may prevent press a troable. an t
The spark!. p ing ip the fields, the damage done to it and family and Mre Jenni g He was a saddler by trade, au, active alto ed b fire also a blaokemith eho , oa• give thempanob present and iutute ,
•of s bracelet, the rich yellow of s gold chain day, Iightnin$ killed one Of the best will be more that. counteracted in the Roy, of Bay City Mich are rusticat- politician in 'his younger days and re+ oupied by Geo. Bradford. , Owing to the comfort.. Test free, physician , re
s aizlst s Dreamy nook, all these seem to horeee belonging to .Mr James Rey other crops. Plenice are now the order ing at the beautiful residence 4f Mr T. markably well informed on affairs of rapid spread of the flames, Mr. Goldthorpe aommentled if neaeeaarq, C+Ia4ses
__ ben the bee ty of the wearer into strong n olds; it was standing by a wire fence of the da ;there are two from here to J. Moorehou§e. Messrs. Snider and state. He was a Presbyterian of the fitted properly i! they will benQdt,
- — : gg Rose of Bgucefleld, Supdayed in town. ". ,. saved very little of his effects, Insured in
1PI! . All oil them are here in this store. wh'en.the lzQt.struck�it on the head, Bayfleld this week. Mica gampbell, or r d Old Kirk type,. refusing. to consent the Perth Mntnal for $1,200; 112c.Brad4ord a moderate price only charged for
and it dropped over without a struggle, Kincardine, and Miss McNaughton, o€ "Dr JY, Qgoods hoe returns after a trip to the onion. The funeral took place 2 them and money beak if not eptiefied w
~fur Repairing Dept to Bayfield cemetery on Thursday. $ 00'in the -same Company.
ILL.—The many frisuds of Mrs Hum« Teeswater, who have been viaitin$�aCforth seen Su dan� wlib4h hIs(famile� ALLEN & �PiLStD�N
, Is under our own personal supervision phre,y Snell, will hear with very dee, friends here returned home this week. •y McLean, M,P.P., was OUR GUESTS.—The cottages were all Seaforth
all re airs .entraeted to ,oar care, re ret that viae is conSned to her bed, ( Mr D, Fotberingham—with his sister? at camp. fills earl this ear and the White 4
and p visited Leeburn last week. calling on a few of his old friends here fl y y SEAFORTH WINS.—The Stratforda,of Graduate Druggists• c4c+Opticians, �
from the smallest :o the largeat job, and is daily growing weaker. For i — last week.• Mrs ?oh» Whiddon and city of camps was populated at the be- Stratford, and the Beavers crossed la- CIi•atlon.
will be returned with ourOguarantee. years she hasibeen a great sufferer from + Exeter• family and Mrs Struthers and family, ginning Of the season by a lively party crosae sticks here on Friday in a C.L.A.
face cancer, and it got much worse i LIG}HTNINCL—On Monde afternoon are campin at Bucke's farm, E. R, of pleasure and health seekers but the championship game. Although Strat- �,�,�,�, z
_ �. �. Crews lately, in fact so much so that there is y nests in the hotels seemed to be Blow ford had on several of their old stand -
ler &Ex err i no possible chance of her recovery. a very heavy rainstorm accompanied Swa ld�aci uaian ancesiayboutttowneon to coming. Now, however, they are bye, it was plainly evidont from the " '
Jews pe wirer The brightest feature of her illness is by lightning and thunder, visited this g ourin in from ever uarter as will
watch R p her entire readiness for the life that is villa a and did cofsiderable'damagA. Sunday; their popularity among their �e seen from the followgin list of the start they were nut in shape for a hard Fer9onal
beyond. The geek dwelling on William street,, former guests was shown by the hear ams, the Beavora winning by 8 to 0. Mies Gibson; of the Soo, ')s visitlI , , `
b ' latest arrivals:—River otel — Wm.
awned and occu red b Mr Wm. Spall, t�y reetings exchanged. John W. ugh Walker; of Poria, was referee. old friends here. ,
�� p,' y Johnston and wife, London; Mr Morse
WEDDINGi.-A very pleasin event was struck by the electric fluid, dam Whaddon and Jas. 'Donaldeon,jr,, have The race for first place in this district Miss Carrie Niebergal); witldeor� IGh,
8enmiller gg and wife and dau titer, Toronto.
took lace at the residence of Mr John a in a chimne and the west able of gone on a wheeling tour through to will almost certainly be between the the guest of Misa Akapp. .
NOTES.-Measra D. and E. Hargraves pp the house, doff ydamage to theamount lake Erie, returning via Detroit. J.P. Queen sHotel--Mise ajor, Mias BatA• Beavers an+i the Twrn Oity team. In Mrss Mamie Armour, Toronto, Ie t40 rr
Shobbrook, on Wednesday. Jue� 14, g Dohert Clinton, s eft Sunda in man+ Mre Boomer and eon, Mrs John case Stratford ie beaten b the Twin guest of Mre Jae. Jackson. r t -
deft on Tuesday Yor their home in Lon- when his eldest daughter, Mrss Lizzie, of $25. No insurance. A barn, the prop- Y+ P' Ka Mildred, Walter and Wilbur yy
don. The former has been here since town, and intends to return later ora Y+ City, which fa very probable, the Twin Mies Mclntosh, Of Goderich, is 411eH,,
' token le int was married to Charles (7rawfoRevt Je arty of Mr J. DenerinS the buildint' con more extended holiday at Ontario's Kay+ Miea H. Fentress app E, S. Beat d, City and Beavers will have to play off guest of the Misses Scanlin. "l
the last of May with a b g+ ceremon being erformed by alsostruck, shatt g g all of Detroit; J. R. Landesborou h,
in Eo a runaway, and his brother was Rt, An revs, ppoth are well known siderabl Mr F. J. Kni ht, grocer, famous watering place. Mrs Living- : their draw game, with the chances oY Miss Blanche$hepppard hoe gone on '',
bee nursin him; the, broken limb has B y' g stone, of Huliett, who has been visit• St. Paul; Mrs A. McPherson, Blanc e, winning very much in favor of the visit td relatives at Beechville. t
g among the young people and highly Main street, was stunned by the else- in �tthe-residence of her uncle, Dr Hugh and George McPherson, Mark- Beavers. Mies Jessie Stygall, Buffalo, is visit 'w' "
so far healed so as to enable him to esteemed, and they start into matri- tric current, whilst standing on th6 'dale; Rev J. F. Parke, wife and dau h- Narge'.— Broadfoot and Box, our en-
l!eave for hie home at the above date. monis! life with the best wishes of al] doorate of hie toter store about 6 R�tanbury, returned home this week. g ing her suet, Mrs A, O. Pattison -,
Mr R, Youn of Saltfotd, occu ted the P g y P• 'Mr H. F. Edwards left on a visit to' ter and J. P. Doherty, Olinton; J. Mc- terprising faanitnre �Iinnfaotarere, are Mis w. R, Lough and Mies Marg"' i
ul it at Beg, o on Sunda ,hep reach- their friends. m. The barn of Mr J. Hawkins, two frie.ids near London last week. Miss Kinnon, Blyth; A. G. Passmore, Lon- shipping a number of care of furniture to were visiting in'Seaforth this week i :.`. ?
y• P miles north of this place, was struck by D. Rutherford, Kansas Cit , and Miss gon; L. Hanna, St. Marys; H. B. Par- the old country this week. Coleman Miss Erma Kaiser and Master Berk • "
ed very forcible sermon from Matt. lightning hand consumed by fire and sons and H. G. Shaver, Stratford. Brothers machine eho ie ehottin down {"l
r,:•" 22, 42, What think ye of Christ? Mr G�olborne burned to the ground. The adjoining R, Duck, Morpeth, have en nests I p g Reid axe visitingg friends in Hensali
5'• !;, weals W. Fisher is all smelea, and re- CouxcrL.—Connell met in the township buildings were saved by the timely ae- at the Rectory. J.J. Jennings, A„ 1
BAYFIELD ATTRACTIONS.—The many on the 24th fust., having s .large stook o4 Mies Jenny'Westaway, of Exeter, i ",, +}
juices in the possession of a son and halt on the 14th. The following aoaonnte aistance of neighbors. Insurance in the L. L. B., of the law firm of McCarthy tourists in hotel, cottage and camp machinery on hand and not mach ded this week the guest of Mist r, were t: E; 4
Osler & Co., Toronto, was holida ing are eujoyin themselves immensely, roand for it at peasant. It is rumored Dan Rose, and wife, Exeter, were the i} ,
heir. were paid: Fletcher Gildera, gravelling, Hay Mutual. yy g here that Mr Geo. Niekle bee been ap- eats of Mre H.Andrews over,Sunda +
' "4, -Of Wednesda ,'the 14th $18.25; Rim. Aekwith, inepeoting, $1.25; NOTES. -Miss Olive Hoopper, Toronto, in the Breezy village and spent a ehnrt They have the freedom of the village, B t 'a
WEDDING. y • Wm. Askwith, baildin three onlverte, $5; W. G. Bissett. time with his friend, J. G. Stanbury. but while using the liberty from fash pointed Lieut. Col„ of the 33rd Battalion. Mrs Sbanbury and her daug�iters Mrss
t;a insC, another of our young men enter g is visiting her aunt, Mrs The ri ht man in the ri ht lace. Mr
unnubial bliss, m the ereon of Charles Treble, gravelling, $28,15; George Mr J. D. Houlton, of the Molson's Bank Mies Maggie Oeivant, of Benmiller, is ion and form of every kind, they g g P Robt. W. Coats, Detroit, ore visitmµT�E ,
$, •ed the c P unit- Bean, inspecting, $2.75; J. Barker, gravel- is holidaying at Toronto. Mias Susie the guest of the Misses, Whiddon. Miss maintain in other respects the quiet J. O. Roan and family are camping at here. ;', s} `i
Mr Henry Morrish, when hew J. E. Duncan, and Mrss A. Campbell, I of a peaceful summer home. Tbey are white City Bayfield for a month. Mr Mies Burgess and neice, of Toronto,;I "-,' 1.
ed in the holy bondsof matrimonyy to ling, $39.85; Albert iioldthorpe, inepeoting, Weekes, Waterloo, is holidaying here. Robert Winters the Huron cattle kin is
Mies Nettie McClinton of Westfield. $1; Wm. Potts, inspecting, $1.50; John The promanalde concert which was to of Toronto, are visiting the latter's here for rest, and no more suitable g• are the guests of Mrs T. Cooper,AlI... " I -I ,:;
: Barker; rnnnin oder., $5.75 Weals mother on Keith Crescent. Mrs Wm. I place could be found in Western On- oc a baeinesstriptoMontreal and Toronto. street. ,'
The knot was tied by Rev, Mr Couzens g y have taken place in the skating rink Mr James Dick has urchased from Mr
r , A. Tiffin of Fisher, gravelling, $73; Wm. Colineon, fn= on Monde evening, was postponed on Rumball, and Mr George Rumba 1 and ratio than this pretty village on the P Mrs John Crol1, of Pittsburg, Pa". ialI , lt,',
} ? of Auburn assisted by Rev. y bride of London, are viaitin at Mr shores of Lake Huron b the meander- Gavin -Jamieson, •.ten thorough bred Jer-
Walton. The bride was assisted by epeoting, $i; Thomaa Pennington, Inspect- account of wet weather. A lacrosse + gg y s endfn the sumrrierwith Yter h
' bile Mr McDowell ing, $1; Thomas Pennington, cutting hill, match will ba played here on Friday James Whitten s. J. G. Stanbury has I ing River Bayfield. Raised high above eey heifers, which he inten3s ,potting on band's scents. ;;n' k ;
n,; s +; Miss Mary Morrish w the malaria, which infects other less the Stewart, Winters sod Niokle ranch P i, •;
•<f ne hew Of the bride, performed the $5;. Joseph Neagle, inspecting, $1; Wm. between the Beavers, of Seaforth, and returned from Os�oode Hall, Toronto, Mr A. Davidson, the suis! and coli in
.,:+ ',' P Colineon, work with grader, $5; Wm. Fish- the Lornea of Exeter. The Maccabees for vacation. Mrss Rnby Fisher, of favored watering places, the visitors g a g Mies Proctor, o her silt r left on a t �� },
* n7 ^ same dutiesfor the' groom. A beautiful to this resort find health b a few Proprietor of the Commeroialliotel, leaves visit yesterday, to her sister atWalkeri-i .�
er work with radar, $3,75; Emanael P:'It- Kincardine, is the nest of her aunt,
.arch of ever reens had been erected on , g of this district intend having their ex- g y the 24 inat„ for the old eountr Mr S. W. ville, who is ill. A
y Mre, F. A, Edwards. Mr and Mrs weeks' sojourn herA, and return to y r''''`'
", ` , the lawn, and the ceremony was per• shell, work with grader, $3.75; Henry Fish- torsion to Sarnia, on Thursday next- Howell and family, of Hamilton, are their city homes feeling refreshed and Cady ie filling large old country orders for Mrs Ayers and family, who have;` . �"
-" -formed outside, beneath it. About 135 er, running grader, $2,25; Wesley Fisher, the 22nd inst. Roger Crocker, of Tor his celebrated Illow sbam holders. Air
cash aid the townshi for use of rsder,$1; visitiu at Dr She and e. Mrs Morse fnvi orated b the famous breezes off P been the gnests of Mrs Hale, returned;
• r guests then sat down to the table, P P g onto, is spending hfa summer vacation pp g y H. Colbert of Edmondville, lost a valuable Y 1-' 4
, , Hamilton McManus, building a culvert, under the arental roof; Dame rumor and Mies Morse, of Toronto, are among Laka Huron. Bayfleld has been grow to New ork, Monday. ,
., which groaned beneath the weight of 16.50 ditto ravellin , $ 5.25; Richard p the latest arrivals at the River Hotel. in in o ularit ear b ear. We cow, dying with milk fever, Mr R. Wint-
viands and delicacies. The bride was $ , + g g 2 says that he will not return alone. Mise g P P y y Y y ers, Sr, claims to be the champion biayole Jas• Dunford is visiting in Brussels:,;, ,
reef fent of man beautiful and Fal4ord, inspeotiag, $1.25; James Feagan, Netts Fulton ie conSned t.o his bed T• G, Davey, and Harold Southam, of are not blessed wrlh having many cite- rider of Seaforth. Mr Will Roberta, who Mrs Dunford and children are away't - t' y{',}•,
x ,. the p y P throu h illness. A baseball match was P y P Ohio on a holida
• cost! resents, showing the hi h es- gravelling, $18,:55; Samuel Allen, Inc cot- g London, s entSunda a4 the Queen's zens of wealth and enter rise combin has been viaitin here the ast week, left y P , ,�
+, . • 9, P as held. Theg a ing, $1; Fred Williams sr„ digging ditch, la ed at Crediton Thursda avenin Hotel with their friends. Rich. Irwin ed, nor with civic officials who endea- g P 11 r•
n•;.; teem in whichshew h ppy p y „ y g and wife holidayed here on Tuesday. vor to advance the place, but the vis;- for St. Loaie, 1VIo., where he has a good W, Smith, of Indianappolis, iavtaitinf tr»,
air took the morning train nn Thur e- $4; Wm. Walters, repairing road, $2; An- between the "Lazy Nine of this place oeition ass rpiotor man on the eleotrio his father, MrJas, Smith, accompanie �f .�
p as MoHinnon, outting grass in oemetry, and the Crediton Juniors wbich result- BREEZY BITS.—word was received for of a few years ago will see many P
day for their honeymoon to The Queen g road there. Messrs Donovan and Cudmore b his wife and dau hter. "
City of the westand elsewhere. $1. The Clerk was instructed to notify ed as usual in favor of the Crediton by friends here of the death Of Mr marked than ea now. Our streets y g
'" __ Chae. McPhee to move hie fence or fences team. Score 28 to 1#. Again the angel John Struthers in Michigan, cin Satur- have been beautified by pnany young shipped a fine oar of horses from Ghia stat- Drs. Shaw and Bruce are in attend-, ,`
' from off the folio hi hwa Adjourned da last: deceased was an old resident shade trees, and our hotels made more Lon for Liverpool. England. Jas. ]tyle in- once at the meeting of the Mason�cAfr r.;
• "Tu�keramith P g y' 1 of death has visited the home of Mr J. y tends going extensively into the egg burin- t
to meet again on Friday the 27th of ug- g, Searle and removed Mr Keatle, of thio village, having run a woollen coinmodioua and attractive; but per Grand Lodge in Brantford. , ;
COt7NCIL—A meeting of the council net at 2 o'clock m. F. W. MoDons b, mill for a number of years. During haps the one advantage which draws ear in Edmondville, if he can get suitable rt.�
p« P g which sad event occurred on Wednes baildin s lVe pre lad to see Mr John Judge Johnston, of Algoma, formeft;fry �,
w#is'held at Daey's hotel, July 21st; the Clerk. da last at the a e of 72 ears o f a e. the electric storm on Monday, the forth the admiration of vieitora is the g g
chief business was the letting of the y g y McDonald, the Hi hland i er around ly of Goderich, was shaking handsr; ., + ,
Mr Wro. Ta o, who hoe been con n- house of Mr D. McDonald was struck, effecient electric light system which g P P with friends in Clinton, on Wednesda .�
contract of work on the His drain. The Auburn PP the li htnin asssn down the chim- was introduced this s rip It gives again after hie recent illness. y- j
. s, . successful tenderer was Geo: Oliver, of ed to his bed through illness, is convae- g g P P g' Geo. Barr, brother of Sam Barr, of
.., J. NICuolLSON, Manufacturer of and dealer escin Mrs Arscott Walters, an old fey and through t e floor. Reeve the village an up•r.o-date appetvrauce• Stanley the 18th con., Goderich township, wh'o;` r+'
London, who received the contract for in Light and Heavq Harness, whi s, Valises, g' Btrrna called a meeting of the council The brass band, which Dives its i ncep
$985. The nest meeting will be held at Combs, Brushe Robes, Coats, Hporse Trim- esteemed resident, was buried in Union last Sitturda evenin but the villa a tion to the enter ise and coura a of a
+' • the call of the reeve. A. ' . Smillie, mings, Leather races, Etc.. cemetr on Thursda last. Mr and Mra y g+ g P" g VISITORS.—Iva Campbell baa re- has been daitfng here, returned to thg+a" ,,:.
y y fathers would not be called; they didn't few ours men, has done much to Soo, Monday. l ,
f W. Graham, London, buried their son y g turned from her visit to Grand Bend,
•• clerk, STILL ANOTHER.—Mr T. Bates, one seem to believe in being ordered around make Bavfleld a more pleasant spur, to and is viaitin friends on the 2nd and Miss Ida, Boles, who has been attend= ,'-
Walter, aged one year and four months
NoTna—Frank Crich delivered s bocce in of the Circular.Town's popular young on Thursday evening last. The fuller at the convenience of one man. Mr J. live in. Vire have made large advances 3rd. T. A. eLauchlin, who formerly Ing Toronto Conservatory of Music, has , �.
Seaforth on Tuesday, which he had Bold to roan, was married to Mias D. Pollock, al took place to the Union cemetry, af- Ferguson has been working on the of late,and we hope to continue advert- taught fn S.S. No. 10, is caAing on hie resumed her duties as organist of Rat- r
Mr Archibald. Albert Turner also deliver- eldest daughter of Mrs Warren of this ter the arrival of the train from London breech in the North pier, in order•, to ting. Nature has given us a healthful old friends this week. Jae. A. Baird, tenbury Street church.
: ed a horse to the same buyer. Mise Davie village. gee the sand out until the Govern- location and pictures ue ace cry, high cf Ann Arbor Medical College, was
Mr and Mra Graham have the gym P , q Mr and Mrs J. W. Emerton leave to- " '
,,.., and Mise Moffattare spending some of their CgvgcH.—The •Rev Mr Henderson pathy of Exeter friends in theiehour of ment operations begin. The friends banks that are fanned by cool breezes visiting on the 2nd this week, All day on a trip to Duluth, via Northwest s
1',` holidays at the home of �2r Frank Crich.— preached on obedience last Sunday, trial. Mr G. Eaeterbrook, mason, hoe of Ontario St. Methodist church, Ulin- In the moat sultry weather, and ver- COIINCIL.—Council melon July17 Transportation Co., being ticketed i 'r,..
h teat number hove finished nk C and ton, picknicked in lar a nnmbers at dant valleys that furnish shady walks
.` g g. and brought out several good points, received the contract of putting up a the members present. The necessary through by A. O. Pattison" +' ;,
�yy those who have not wish they had finished The Rev C. C. Couzens preached a very fine residence for Mr, W. Quinton, 5th the park on Tuesday. a are inform- and canopied retreats. Ourpavement- pappers were filled out for sending Mra .; r ,
before the heavy rains of this week. Mise l able sermon on"the subject, When the concession, Ueborne. ed that so large a number desired to like roads are the delight of the wheel- John Bannerman to the House df Re- Mrs J. Cnrwen, of Dungannon, wiigt « r'�;
Luo Ball Hallett, is vieitia friends at spend the day in Bayfleld that a suffi- men who pass through long avenues fuge. The followin accounts a ere hoe been visiting friends in to. rd� , ,r.
y ,
g hay appeareth. Mr D. Munroe gave tient number of conye antes could not of ever reens, down entie rades bor• d g turned home Monday, takin Mise AdSr rid
"# the West End. Mies Gertie Lloyd return- an address to the League on the •sub- Goderich Township Y g g g or ered paid: --Jones Bros., of Wiar•
ed home to Exeter, on Saturday. George act, Paul as a soldier of Christ. beaecured. The appefcationa for cot- dared by maples and elms, or through , Jones with her for two wee s. „ „
rowme t 04 Belleville College, . George .CHEESE SALES—The last half of June ton, for cedar $112.84; R. McKenzie,
$ make of both Summerhill and Holmes- tatges has again far• exceeded the sup- deAp-shadowed vistas where the sun for delivering same, $9,24; John Me- Josh Cole, of Flint, Mich., accompan' v
the Alma league, Tuesday evening. The CONVENTION.—Mr O. E. Erratt and villa cheese factariea was delivered ply; Bayyfield moat provide more ac- ,pierces through only in narrow beams Nevin, elm plank, $19.85. Council fed by John Cole, of Toronto, fire visit;- , ;
young people on the London road pionioed Mias E. A. Blair have returned from commodation. The Clinton visitors , of light. Bayfleld is an ideal location
here on Tuesday, Yor Mr Thomaa meets again on August 23rd at 1 p.m. Ingg friends around here; they both lodltr F L
at Bayfield, Wednesday. Lightning struck the International League Convention and the Bayfleld boys had a friendly for a summer resort, and those who J. T, CAIRNS, Clerk. splrndid, rind are on a wheeling tour•' ` �,;
Ballant ne, of Stratford. The Holmes• y, y year after year become ,,
one of H. Cudmore'e gate posts, shivering at Toronto last week and report hav- y game of base ball on Tueqda Onl come here NEARLY AN ACCIDENT. What
villa Cheese was sold at 8 3-18 c, R. J. Dunsmore, of the St. Thomas
the gate and post to pieoer. Both Ella ing had agood tirre. Over 2,000 dele and Summerhill at8 1 S a The„reason three innings were played, but the more and more attached to this char- might have been a serious accident Times, who has been visiting relatives` �;
` Johne and Mary O'Brien have paeaed the gates were present from all parts of for the difference in price is due solely game proved quite interesting. The ming little village, occurred to Geo. Baird, sr., as lie was
i, ”" Entrance; this is a good ppercentage for our the States and Canada. The delegates to the fact that the former is white, returnin from Brucefleld on Saturda in Tuekersmith, made a short visit t4i' , '
teacher, having paeaed all he sent np, from across the line were very favor- Aolmesville g . y his father-in-law, W. J. Paisley, ia. i
t, , abl im reseed with the kind hospital- and thelatter colored, both being prat- CaMo�rr. last. Having stopped his hoc sero ggive week.
THE NEW ERA alvEs THE •HOME NEws tical! the same quality, but there NOTES.—Mr William Glen, who re- LEAVINC3.—Mrs W. Cole, who has it a drink from the tank at H. McCFre- ;;
ity of the Canadian people, and also y been s endfn a coo le of months with Mrs Butt; accomppanied by her dauglit
with the climate, as some suppose it is happens to be a better demand for the turned from Sault Ste, Marie to attend P Sot's hill, he had just released the i er, Mrs Robt. 114cIlveen, of Stanley, ,,,•
Londesboro• white cheese at present. Mr Connolly his mother's funeral, has decided to re- her parents, W Mu holland and wife, erdraw when the animal made a sod , a
a cold, barren land. attended the London cheese market on main at home. Mrs (Rev J• Youn left with her infant son for her home den bound for the middle of the road; left nn TLiesday, on a visit to ManitOiiti;
NOTES. — Miss E. McLaughlin, oP y and faro;! are viaitin friends and in Mattawa on Thursda g p friends; the were ticketed by A. ,O
Glrey, a former teacher of S.S. No 8, is NOTES.—The village fs quiet at pre- Saturday and sold the first half of Jul y g ) g y Mr Baird tae ed the bridle and pluck- Pattison. y A.
viaitin in Londeaboro this week, sent. The farmers are making a make of both factories, to Mr Ballon- aequaintancea here, Miss Bella Scott EzAMs.—Of the six who wrote for fly held on until the horse freed rtaelf
g h h and Miasa Lou Ouimette, of Londe. Public School Leaving, the following Prom the vehicle, and then he let lose Mr B. A. S.nillie, principal of Vslddt• 3
i Miss Sutherland.of Heneah, ie visiting while the sun shines. The cora type; I3olmesville at 8 1-18 and Sum- p Normal School, Decorah, Iowa, aecon ,
at Mr R. Scott's. Mr Jeffrey and wife cleared over $60 from the dinner that merhill at 7 7-8, born, were the guests of Miss Clara speaks very highly for both teacher his hold. The horse was goon ca Lured,
r returned from Toronto on Monday they gave. Some one states in the QUESTIONABLE ROADWORK.—A gen Tewsley last week• Miss M. Stewart, and scholar:—Passed— Harry Evans, .and the only dariiage done was to the panied by his wife! is. visiting at thb r'
evenin ; they have since gone on a Signal that they could not get enough tleman who has driven over the roads who has been visiting at Mrs Alex. 811; Jerome Badour, 808; Francis Stur- harness which, was not very serious. home of the latter s parents, Mr a»d
tri north. to Wingham. Rev Mr to eat on the 12th; it must have been of Huron for 40 years, and other• per- Young's, jr, returned home with the dy, 709; Minnie Evans, 644. Entrance NOTES.—The young people of the Mrs A. Monteith.
P and famil returned Tues- because they wanted Por nothing, for sofa also, have called our attention to excursion to Goderich from Hensall I standing fn Public School Leaving— 2nd and 3rd of Stanley held a picfic in Misa Mae Bi4gart, accompanied ly4 H
' da eivenin from their holiday trip. there was enough and to s are for all, to the alleged repairing of the Bayfleld on Tuesday last. Miss Maud Sallows Will Tebbutt, 477; Fred Mulholland, Bayfleld on the 20th, and spent a very. her cousin, MMrss Mae Gallagher, q>
Mre Aahly returned from Toronto on Mr J. YoungbJut lost a valuable horse road, from Wise's corner westward. has returned from Hamilton acro m- 445. — ed�oyable day. Miss A. Chadley is via- Grand Rapids, leaves this week to vis j ° ! :.
' Duda evenin where she attended this week; itran against a rail, and They state that in all their experieanna allied by her sister, Mre Tuffer, who CHORAL SOCIETY. The members, of iting at Mrs D. McEwen'a, Miss Mag- it relatives in Port Elgif and thetiqu y,.:;
re �ipwOgth�Leagtie IIony t' died an hour after. Mr Helwig fs hav they never saw arced so repaired, gas been seriously ill, but has slightly this society held their regular meeting gfe McNau hton, of Teeswater, rs to Detroit by boat. a
s g eat harvest started this wee in ttYr atnted-;-M•e-�Bond IaAgr�? we are strongly of the opinion that improved since coming here. The at the home of the conductor, G: F, spending a few days among acquain- VTm Little, of Chicago, formetlq „a
;, Fall wla e p rn virtu uttw £o.
• rk. Messrs Howson and Collis t e own 19iJt"i g" a s Obi-istiall-Endeavor tap+r of last qn - akey,-on.-Tueaday�reuing....A, _,very AarWceailA Stt� le thea week, John _eontractoc,.in this town, is vi ittn o.d7 , '
ti f; Ham i9 not et flrnahed and it will the wo
1 y g y ath- intend to start their portable mill next, damages by the posaibtlrty of accident. day evening was taken by Mies Lillie pleasant time wase +ant, it being more Moffatt has pure all sed a ranifBFzl friends in th s vicinfl y, ands may-' `
be hard work to wind up if the we P Ferguson, t e subject bein , Belief in
;7 ?' endues not get somewhat dryer. The week; they have received a new en- The road has been graded u to al- h J of a social gathering thank usual; after windmill to erect on hie barn for cut- main here some time, as his health'I 0 r
last few days have been very wet, and gine. Mr Wettlauffer is shipping a most a sharp point, several feet above Christ; what it is, what it does. enjoying themselves to the full on the ting and grinding purposes; it was not good, and he wishes to,roeupatsi.
inconsequence wheat, oats and rye large number of cherries this week. the watercourse, and these persona de beautiful grounds they spent some bought from Jas. Swan. Miss Lillie word was received Mast week "oft ,e
are badly broken down. The ice cream clarethat it is absolutely impossible Blyth time singing and then lunch and ]em- McCowan entertained a number of her safe arrival of Mra Hunt and ]1�rs � t
'" ''•'> arlor oyer W. L. Ouimette's store PERSONALs.—Mise Hattie Irwin and For two conveyances to ass on this
p Mise Macon, . Clinton, are visitingg at articular part of the read. They claim NOTES.—Mr and Mre James Ii eland onade was served, when all returned friends to a party on Wednes ay even- Robertson, at their California destiri� ",
appears to do a rushing business ou Mre Fall's. M19 lint Liam, of l I odes• pkat there was .no neceesity for the visited Stratford and Guelph on Sun home thoroughly satisfied with the Ing; the evening was client in tripping anon, without any mishap. They-speYtb
Saturday evenings. born, Is the guest of gMr R. Aakwith.. road to be so graded, as it was not par- day and Monday. Mr Van Sickle and evenings enjoyment and the hoapitali• the light fantastic until the approach nine ni hts on the road.
Mr Tom Couzens has returned home ticnlarey lead atthatpoint. wife, of Lynllen, who were recently ty shown by Mr and Mre Oakes, of the wee oma ours warneda them of g
faom the Chatham has re; ur has been the ni ht bein far s ent. w. Taylor, who represents the (oda+ r
NoTEs. —Mre Tania and two ehiedten, married; were calling on their relatives Ci�vROH NoTEs.—Mt Forster preach• g g p federation Life at Walkerton, was •iii .
engaged to tech a school near Ohat of PeterbourfCh, are visitingg at Peter and friends, while on their. wedding ed here on Sunday, and though we al- YOVT)eo ANN the PICNIC. —The town last Friday. On Saturday Dior `
ham when the fall term commefces. Coco's, Mise Ida Elliott, of London, is trip; the bride was a Mies Hathaway ways hear something food from him, young people of the 2nd and 3rd cone. and Mre French, (the latter a sister -'ifs
aturda Jul 31 p g visitiug��h�er scents, and is well known to people here" W. his sermons botp morning and evening held their annuwl picnic at Bayfleld in Mr Ta Ior wheeled over to Walkertph.
y y Miss B. Youngblut is im rovin and' G. Elliott and
S pp Taman left on.Tuesday for the north• were exceptionaly good; tie took Ebe• Mr Jowett's grove on Tuesday !spit y 1
e ' expects to return !tome this week. Me' WIPe;- Rev. Mr 'Gft ami ' llay$eld; de•
o + D. Cantelon Clinton, was here last livered a very ecoquentsermon in Coles west fn the interest of the tailoring newt in rife afternoon. We omitted Most of rile farmers had finished hay- Root. watt, foreman of the Fire Lq«
, Wile be a sppecial day here. Well ookin, thea le oro s for thio church last Sabbath. Mrs Sperling business of S. Gidley; he- will be ab- last week to mention that at the clos• ing the previous week, and as harvest- gine Works, Brussels, was in Clintbij
close out the balance of our summer week 1 g P aeon was visItin ren tr+ho have been visiting sent about six weeks. Mrs Belfrey, of ing u of the year's accounts the board Ing had hardly commenced, most of last week on a business trip, he wait
ds. Thero is onl one way to do fall. Mees Ccra Ferg l3 and child Montreal is viaitin friends in"town at find that the are in excellent Aha e, the bo s made use of the opportunity ed to see the members of the Fire cdW-
b 'makin the prices low, and 'friends in Blyth last week. Miss Mag• relatives in this vicinity, have return- + y P y
sem- y g ie Lautensla er, of >Jondon, is visit- ed to their home in EI bel. F. Thomp- present, , Measra. Wilford ands Wett• having paid our minia't�r iri fah, paid of enjoying the balmy zephyrs of Lake mitres, but most er them were coir ;>, ;
,1!die we intend to do. (3 yy lautYer are leas buriXin a lar eikiln of off some back eeecounttl; all expenses Huron. A bea'vy shower of ra°ta gown. lde was here this week algor '
ing her grandfather, M A. Lauten- son, of Chatham, ie renewing old ac- y l� +.
ala er. 1►Zise Ycun , of ondesboro, is rlarbtances fn this enewahrp. Mise bricks this week. Edith Rigsby, of and owe no man a cent;'this, with such on Monday had laid the duet so Among the Clintonians who Aro
Mefi Sults, * y g q , London, is visitiu at the arsons e a hard ear behind, shdws well for that the roads were in excellent con- a endin a holiday at Ba field aro `'
Bova Siults, the guest of Miss Bertha Wilson. Mr McNau htop after a week a rustics- g p g ' y
, + ants. and Mrs Wagner, of Algoma, are via;• tion: at J. Mfc�dletoti's, has 's reed to Seaforth Junior Lacrosse team passed both our pastor, G, W. Andrews, and diction, making the journey a pleasant ,�aeOb Tay)oc and family; Dr. Bi II '
Men s F throu h here on Tuesda to plc a pec le. one. At noon a grand display of eat- and'family J. B. Rumball and family;
' 8n'at Furniahlnfi? �' ting at Mr J. Wagner's, Haf•ry Mas- heir !tome in Clinton. W. Blair, teach- g l?
" • , On of Clinton, Sundayed in the villa e, er in S.S. No, 10, is spending; hfa .boli- mate with Wingham on Wednesday. NbTEs,_--.Mie and Mrs Ed. Lavie have abler was arranged on a neatly -set D. McCory a and family; J. Mcmurii
n cr Mats and Gaps + Miss Lizzie Austin, Detroit is home table which was prepared in elegant and famil y,
" nd eats I�s Flicder is visiting at her stater a in days'at his home near Amberiy'. Mias beer; spendingg, a £ew days at her fath• + y; J. Harland anafatliil� •feud
Stir G'''oats a !C , oma si Bc th Lull b of Cleveland, i9 vis visiting her parents and is aecdmpan- er's'fn Brussela. Miss L. Stanley, of sr, le by the fair sex, which is only an- the family of A. O, Pattison.
;men's Fuil•nilshln , &c. Kincardine. Mfss T n, Grace Mc ag , , ied b her neice, Hazel Boice, of•.+ De- other strong proof of their supereority
E' hey was the #west o£ Misg R. Youngblut ;ting at Ed. Wide e. Miss Emrala y . ToledO 11Camie and Ernie Call, of Lon• Thos: Milrclt and wife, wets Called: to ,
ass Scott is viaitin Mrs un of Goderich, is spending a few troft. Mias Tayfor,-who died suddenly d8n; Miss Alexatioldt, Clinton, and Mr in the culinary department, During Hibbert, Monday, to attend the• fiLkhot;'•''
Will be; greatl7 reduced in, price on last week. M g Yo + on Vi�ednesday,af"lixst week,: was bur -
T 81'et: If on Want the best HOldsgver at present. Mies Ella Ross days at her uncles, D.A. 'CJooper % Green, bf Seaforth, babe been visiting otic afternoon, which was Ver warm, al of Mr Colquhoun, a brOther 4it=;,alit
Ja Y y + in ham. Mae- dd of Clinton, is visiting at ted in Maftlandbank cemetery, J. S. at Jas. G�sham's. Harvest has com- boating and bathing tivere freely in- of Mr Murch. Deceased Wad & Wd'il••
bargains Wine early. Well give you is visiting friends in VG g Lorne To + , Cole's Mckinnon is enjoying the breezds Oaf ;neared, Mr Jos; Colelou h, who is al- dulgb in. Towards evening the pe - known cattle dealer of that f . " lidla'i ,
goods at !;rices •that yon can readily ter McMullen, of Lucknow, is stayingg George Steep 4. The members of - Lake 1Jiiron at �aytield, The garden a s first finished u a gfield on Tues- Ple agaln assembled at the top of th
see are ahea , flea our prides in aE Mr A. RObfnson's:: Mr Nickel, Of church rave reatly improved the ap old on John $ale's lawn, under Y p cliff tO artake of the refreshments, and had been highly successful ll h e :. F
next'asne. p South Dakota, is visitiu hia brother pearance of their thatch by giving it a partq h day, and others are into the fall wheat. P business undertakin a; he vnaa tiff( t►tsf« ,
i the aura ices of the ladies of St. Asn• which were ea erl sou ht after b
• Mr S. Nickel. iVlr and Mrs '!twin, Olt coat of pain!. John T3eacom rs re- I p as ver 112ess Gireen is viaitinsr,at W, L�fekard's, ,hose who had exercisedgthemselves ive member• of the efortried x't')dtfrTsi
., $,,' .O Mfr ,S- is barns, Mrs Coate, Of raw e church, w y ,successful; The Y3icghto meet that was first adder n another boat -a branchtof the Quaker Church-hav-. ,
Walk in' rind look aronn Belmont, wets the guests f? rnadelling h After arti,.r atin'g� i
.. ick 1. MissJarve is the uest of Clinton, visited her daughter, Mrs C. the proceeds amounted to $50, tised for the 23od ti ill be held oil the � P. in erected a buildin uta boe
N, e y g ride, a de acted for their respective g g y filr
i ones of A] oma last week. 'Darin the e` 30t1i, .bri.�'ln B s'' 33 d, aia . tof vel• p d )th a leas' thoir use, and was vory h�gC�iy �stpd�d.
,•� MIs Genzwer, Miss r g Middleton g Exams. have the $Cdr this weep, dine ladies 1 mittec't fres eht amen homes well Ratisiie w P ed" He leaves a growl! tap f2ruil 0 1:
i r aCk Cil Sr.y ,GiOtOU .visitilig at her sister's,Mis R. J. , storm On konday, lightninq struck a the c ., .
O' t a few feet from A. tJauteldu' d they are of great intefrest td manq 1e;litttidtit $cess Blind aitd fte£rdsh» day spent on the lake abets, hild
li for el $!deft, '!}etablisliAd,1954 h+itll. std p d ,. fCsons, . Yrisifts.. • , T uA 8 T ME xn,%'s a con" n
#,A.t�%VgS!kXtt,�OUV*$fLW9 berm. ' •
y :1 culicide yratitiary.. lslid'iso , . I .
.. iticr>9 N�'tw � cavil; >�
y • t u
t 1. r.
+ ,, - j