HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-16, Page 2•4"6444w" d • ���a� M • THS U . j . 1. N y. 11 i �'T IR RIVER + (,, THE, S. CLA ) ��► ®I�3TAR10.. , r Summert' 1 " � r ., Y + Term _1 -1 1. I . ,.111rina Jul and Agust b Y �4p colle;'e will be open "'�� :. the accolnmo(latlon o eaeliers and others 11 vVho cannot attend at any Other 'little. y ,1 t � tiVl to rates. ll yape ic y .. r t a llll' for t�0111 e O ;. kk' r >. ,r` A• S. X111310, Prop r,;` ��;°. da's Senate is irresponsible its feted inmate of an Asylum for sane, and just about as sensible. hto Telegram, Conservative, - Vilfrid wants it substitute for rel -colonist," . Why should we call ourselves. "Britons," Then old be Canadians, Englishmen, en, Scotchmen and Australians; itons all. tsi4e of the possible contingency r Oliver Mowat going to Govern - f House at Toronto, when the terin e present incumbent expires, there t likely to be the slightest word of 1 in the changes alluded to by o£ the Conservative papers. , 'o very pertinent and appropriate tU1•ons are addressed to those who hick and thin supporters of the ,te and the Senators by the King - .Whig. They are: -"How many e senators would be in the upper lber if they had to "be elected? ' many of them would undertake )fy public opinion if their political :elite depended on i1?" ithoritative denial is given to the )r that Sir Richard Cartwright Succeed Sir Donald Smith as High thissioner. Sir Richard will not go agland. Atone time. perhaps,the osition might have received con- ation at his hands, but now no - will tempt him, Hie determin- t to remain in the political arena in A'a'isren g fly strengthened by the ly Tetters of warm appreciation h have been flowing in tohim from bers of both political parties and the pressure of political friends im to retain his position in the than House of Commons. •, — ;; !1?he Tilsonburg Liberal tells the �erSy of how Mise Jessie Carruthers, ' ,t North Walsingham, rejected herbe- ,I, " tbed at the steps of the altar. She - ,received a promise from the young I..,.... that he would never touch liquor, on the morning of the wedding he pax3pe 'red on the scene the worse of ',�irink. She promptly ordered him to ajblar . the license, which done, the �x �ergymen and guests sat down to. +:;; That was intended for the wedding ° 4iRst with the heroic youn lady, and P•; , r��!'*mended her action. A I honor to ,',',c sisie Carruthersl A thousand times "!biter for her to refuse him at the altar �11111,n be tied for life to a drunkard. If �13tlxer young women would follow her V, let here would be fewer hearts rhtle sore` by drtinken husbands and oW(Ar cases of hereditary inebriety. h,. � •. r, `" , 'he London Times, in its editorial to If1s" jubilee parade, has this to say:— 'k`.'tThd Canadian and the Australian ,'''', 'At+obpersare physically superb soldiers, � �i0oll disciplined and well mounted, and r; > .Js interesting to consider .what a `.,14hd of strength the empire will be inns . V , le to draw upon in the next century ` h, these,vigarous off -shoots of the old `stotfk. It may be added that the ;bhoers giventor the Canadian premier, alt[ow the Right Honorable Sir Wilfrid Iitturier, G. O. M. G., were especially f %ea;ri;y, for the masses in this country, ,;-Af,they know little 'of the details of A, ' �onial polI cot have appreciated the .l�et that the Dominion, under its pres- :-101t overnment, has taken a decided "I'',Otep towards drawing the bonds of i, eippire closer." . . ii:1011100 , •;+: '1�• CAN WORK ALL THE TIME s :.,. ,i•;; i1my daughter was suffering with catarrh ,'ol the stomach, and tried many different xeadriptions without benefit. Finally she 'egan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it '; �i'elped her at once. She has taken fifteen ljottlee and is now able to work all the ;: 1me. We prize Hood's asraaparilla very ', i'lghly." ANNA MIRYILL, Eaton, (slue. 11 `",`JtOODT PILLS act harmoniously with Eood'a Sarsaparilla. Cute all liver ills. tion of which came near landing his Additional Looal News. M Et, C1 r 4 o trrer, risp �ol�uty (,lippings I)rJ.Aikenbead,V.S.,who five y(Gare PnaT1sTHIH UP. -The publishers of The McBride house, Seafurlh, wasaKr) removed from Goderich to Easton the Avoca Retard recently, says the en i burned last week. Maryland, is at Goderich ori a two PaLpler,ton R iporter, sued a delingtlent weeks'visit to his old friends, lie 100kS subierib'r and recover e I judgment fo^ Made and MerA.Maintains theeonfidenos M s Johnston, a McI{illot pioneer, l p g 7 yeal''s subscl•iption with coats+ Lu $hi. people in Hoods Sarsaparilia. ifs died last week, aged 61 years, well and re or to himself ae dein well I of the , in his American home. He notices The paper had been ordered stopped medicine cures you when sink) if it makes My John Allibon, Thames road, near many irnprovements in Goderich. and ret tit tied ft um the post office as re- wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond Exeter, had a U ib broken •b I in a football , I fus:d and the subscriber 1 ) n bar ha<i not k e son f std all question th medicine Monday of last wee George, t n t ossessee marl V , p q a t. tuatch. 8 P Samuel C%aldbick, 2nd week, Morris, left up arrear•4gE'F, and his nrtute was con. Miss Wilson, who has been teaching for Toronto, where he takes It position tinned on and the paper mailed to his 'M 14111M d 0 In S. S. No. 7, Zetland, for some time, on the police force of that city, He is address, The decision of the court wags flab Iebiguedhem position. an athletic young man who will give that a subscriber remained a sobscribApft - Mr S. Malcomson, Master in Chan- art unruly prisoner a live hustle if ne- er until all arrearages were paid. Zvol cery, at Goderich, died at, GULL 01lch on eessarv, A LEOAL POINT.— Corning horne the Thursday morning.That is just the truth about Hood's Bar - Mr Cleo. Hanna, cubo has been lying other night, nue of our young oleo ran Mr •Jhristopher Dale, of the Huron dangerously ill for months at the resi- into a t,heep on the road and took it saparills. We know it possesses merit road, Hullett, sold nearly five thous- dence of a relative nearSilvet Curners, I header, It, is it great wonder that because it eures,'not once or twice or a and dollars worth of fat cattle to Air has been moved to her home on the borne bones were nut broken. The c nes- hundred times, but in thousands and Case last week. 6th line of Morri . There is very little tion that is bothering the boys iti. ho thousands of oases. We know ft cures, hope entertained of life continuingin will ha the damages? es The owner of asset telY� P ermanent when a llof others The Seafur th Horticultoral Society Och longer as the old lady is about the sep or the township? No donbt fail to'do tory good v9hMver. We repeat has decided to hold it flower show on W years of age and has been a great a suit will be entered soule of these ■ Labor Day, the first Monday in Sep- sufferer for the past six months, days on account of anituals running at tember.large. If the township is responsible AML Anat. ,111111211111� While working d, jack underneath 1 for accidents on the highway re baryes AV Wo ,� Miss Slnith, of Exeter north, left his barn on Monday lust, Win Ardell, last week fur Philadelphia, where she of the 7th concession, I•Iuwick nleL and bnKhies, why not re bicycles and HIlaw" d will goiuw at hospital and take a course with rather it serious accident. The shee)�? fitting bee fur it nurse. rod with which he was turning the Srriuot. Ex: rAl1NA'rioNa.-6'or some Sarsaparilla The littie boy Hooper, of Exeter, laic:k slfppi-d out and he fell very heav- days past school examinations have whose leg w!ts hcoken last week by a fly on his back Ott some stoup stupes, het'll fn pI•oeress all over Catincla, It Isthobest-InfatittheOne True Blood Purlfler, cow, died a., tilt! result, luck -jaw bel,- where Ile lay iniable t'ospe ttk ormove for Iv a point well rvut'th the cousideral ion cure nausea, Indl9estion, tint; ill. Some time until he wits found by one of the educa.tiobal ttnthoritit•.; rr•hetht'i' Hood's Pips i,wousuess. 2;ieaat,% I ('f the children. It was found that it, would not, he better to change the A. G. ]{amp, still of Capt.. Georgeseveral of his ribs were bruken besides period for holding the exanihiaUuns to ------ Kern).), ExeLer, has I,'en .tpputnted as- other injuries which will lay him up seals' loss trying sen4ot), With the More Repudiation. sistant clerk fn the ltiulsuns baulk I fur conside:'able tune. tl)orritoult'ter d'tl)rilll; in the eighties - ,,here. •cul nlnetiv-, it is aLluwst inn los.;ihle E. Kin Dodds, L life -los, ('unser .r, g K e charge, horse ' 1 Utt Aluudrt last th c h Y 6 'u va l• + ) t r IL , tr den '. ,. itt e and cru of t o • t rn'b r f i Eddy, son of Mrs •1,Llnes Gardiner, � stealing preferred against R. J. llelung, r Ito rlu his ur h,•r hr . t tit an , IL he tat tha • r r ('xallllllla111 1, O 1 ) partyin kt 1 campaigns, lib rr'I'.1e�1(. aid hard it leg i an • tr ).r Lae ter,� lnde0d Thaures toad neat� ) 1 4 €, t, top ie. 1 • � i •oto Of 10 b• t rrtt, wvtbt ti aC It 2\1 tl f >o.ittw•1• , i Ih leaders u' t t � . harill I t +) I „' -' I 1 dE 1 1 hi+i tart • in the r with. L4 cl he It I4 t it t ole broken k a wagon loaded w P. t tit. >, ) w 1 party pap 4, Y b r le (au(letich. 1. !i )ll, tlppetu'ed tut t 1 pa,bbing over it. defence, which was that D -long had incident I0 tltmv (oln exciting. h 11'1 t\' n•k ee„ 1Cu �Lrio plhlishethese sauna met U t. li exlui,)t , I o 'r ! g 1 n ate reeve t n 1 , 1 u1 �' b rrov,lthehorsta di tt1( T. 111. 1{a ut Farquhar, , uu 1 o r p t , I Y,p Y 6 Usburue lowusht ), will sono be it real- would have I el urned Uteul to tha urvn• ciaflicu,t sultjorls. The 0xil'uintil ions ore to take hold sort lend the (.•onse'r f ought to hike 11 l(T in ulodavate tent- vatives Of Ontario Ill the cooling filth dent of Exeter, iltt-•fng purchased A. ! er when he got tllrougl) bis Yieit Lo 1 •;f fur cmltlol of the Local Legislature Allan's property uu the boundary of eoiue friend,, 11, U, Juhu�tou appeal- pattire o 1 u" r sit.ol bty's,uN\,I (•r g Ste thea and Exeter. ed for the soul tla ttiau( HenryOtrvity ohj(filling Ihr ]'(aster holito'IIl ]\'hast I shins a in ppo ;tion that the (Inas I I d , ) oh,j"etioncuuld ]herr be to thochitngc'?,shoals be in opposition aulot:hor char ,As Mr Alex, 5tilherlatld, SeaforLb, itilyd E, N. Lewis for the Crown. DeloI1K lgwre are many positive a ilvantago,4I I ter of it vell(tlt'y U.;Il 4V I)e �a ddle( wits cutting wood the other' day, the (vats cotnunttect for triad, haul ul the 1 tt ith such a discredited tut' its the ►df•t nae ca.ight in the clothes line above I L1a111I1tIL1 81111) af$3Q hl llrg falu>n ioT' his 131ttv.tnh Tirt: P;r;I)T.alt,-fide lvoulrl I tt•ho at the present time assun,e. to bt Iris hcau.t, and in the rebound il)flicted . appearance fn the next court of euro tb!nlc in t cis enlit;htonrtd ('ars rr ith : n i th0 leaders :•f the (I'nservative pltrty it severe wound over the right eye. I)etent. jurisdiction. 11111101 "aid in the publi • pe•s abont I The ('ubs('rvittit'e Oppositioll, the Lor( Colborne council ntet in Township blowillont. the rt, A Conservative convention will be 1.Ia11, June'26, The f )llorvilig act•ounts I.L•volvc rs awl lilt In +stns tooling with I knows, is already weak enungh with tleld at Brussels on July 20th, to noir- st er e ordered to be' ;Lid, viz, ; rV. Ai '_ y. g hoods frau] it in. on beim; wei (+,lied clown wit ll these mate a candidate to represent the cost % r , , , p ., , ,, 4 eliml peddlers, than Itie public tit large Ottawa barnacles, and the eery fac I hee,repair(ul,uosswtty~, $2; 1.A1cGtnn ,v,,all(] scall oto so I c u d full • on these ridingof Huron in the UuLario 1 atlia- i ,; , r . that , tic h at combinlLtiou hats been an gravelling, ,$ ).50; W. Bugle, :$2), S. toatlters that Ihv v rvuOld'ile nu fur- nrtuu'ecj by many, Conservatives is, it went. Morris, inspecting, $2; S, Lusher, grav- Ihr+ victims. Bid the l;reatt prlhlac re- out judgment, largely responsible fol An attempt was made the, other ellili , $10 80; r:. Stranghau). inspectir g tuaius confessedly and d(,gge(lly stupid the lack e)f enthusiasut displayed a night to burn down Beattie's livery $1.Y5; W. Bogie, repairing roatd. $1 73; nevrrtheh•ss, Again and til silt fauru- tunny of the political meetings late]} stable, \VinghaLoi. Fu's was.placed 1.. /llillian, cutting hill, W; J. b,eagan, ers eom))litin thin they lire taken in tiv held by the opposition leader." r between the ticks of a bed iu Cho of- bIG. I(1; 5. Allen, ins t('rtutr„ $2 <,has• some unknnrvn vendor told they alit ers ,�s I his Opinion is shared by the salol five, but it was discovered and extin- Treble, gta.velliug, $�(1. 0; A. Mugfiwd, rvnr(Is d's • , ' ) s' I • 1 r covet th, t .nnilitr articles Iand file, the report is probably +vel guished before doing much daLlria.ge. inspecting, $4; A, Gvigg, gravel, $10; c( [if have been pnr0hased froro )oral founded that a votivention may soot g Will. Allen, culvert, x;1.20,- W. Fowler•, Mrs John Gould, NxuLHrnoelonging to g a 1 , �1.�1.Juhn'l'rchle, tanto u❑ dealers at. less In)ney. (:onituon sense he field to formally repudiate the. alli r tvcllin r > > would show people Lhatt, the inan who I auu•e beta eeu r Whitney and the Ot day, Jas. Gould went tl.rough the roof ' Ki'a(ler, $2.30 R. McMillan, team oil !tats it shop in their midst, is :L ciri- tatwtt aggregation auutounced ,tftei' tht by means of it gluing way, and sus viader, i2_i0; .F, McIntire, teatnt on zc it, help, to pay the taxes of tit(. I last vtslt. of the Ontario Oppositiot raining injury to the extent of three grader, $2.50, )J. Allen, gru(iutg ttnil c•onntry owd �uppori, the churches and I leader to the Dominion capital. broken ribs, cutting hill, $_1.73: J. Stevuls, cuLtlna; rho schools, and hits a reputation at, I aitch, $3,'20; J. k'h ker, gravelling«'2(1.'21; stake is the man who, caul and InnsI Pare, rich blood feeds the nerves: That \V Syutiogtou, inspectu,g,$l.50."1. Alit- rive the best b,tr+stns iu �llerr, SEIOIt'i'N1)S5 OF Blli ATFI. is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great chap, cutting hill, $335Z J Mitchell, clothiil and every other line of ( ousts, "Since last year I�havehad aerious heart blood purifier, cures nervousness. „, - , g K road work, s-.,)0, J. (.hlshuhn, mad ){ntv long will the people remain with trouble caused by malaria. 'Shortness o Out of over 80 applicants for the work, $5.50; J.11orton, gravelling, `$11.50 their inontha open and iheir eyes shut, breath, smothering spellson retiring, vi position of Principal of Wroxeter pub- H, Chisholm, inspecting,$7.73; J, illi(.- waiting to be gulled? lent palpitation, &r„ often made me grasl lie school, our friend, Air Geo. Spotton. ellell, two sheep killed by clogs, $4: S. for breath. On procuring Milburn's Hear of Cake Hill, who has for the past Fooley, burying dog, 2311.; J. Chisholm A CLAi,11 —Some one alt. Clinton asks and Nerve Pills I found to my surprise the three years successfully presided at burying sheep,50c.; J,Barker, culvert the Lond ,n Free [Tess for information they gave almost instant relief. I gat healthy No. 8, wits the one to receive the ap- on boundary, i$5; J. Clark. repairing amt is answered as follows:— restful sleep, my heart troubles disappeared pointment. _ culvert,$l; H. Tewsley, team on gr•aner Question.—Please answer' the follow- and now feel well and strong." hlr H. Aloon Last Thursday night burglar's forced $a; J. Barker, team on grader, $1750; ing, and oblige IL bubscriber:—A owes Ingersoll, Ont, makes this statement for an entrance into T. A. ]\tills' store, J. Barker, runninggrader 10 days, $13: 13, B hats jodgrnent fur the ainotint• A public good, Winghatn, by boring holes through J, Barker, roadwork, $3; W. Stratighan has money lent. out on it note, and also the cellar door and then raisin abutment for Bentniller bridge, $'_25; money fn bank, Can Be ollecL or get g the H. Fisher, running rraLbef Canada s Hog. Industry. bar. A number of sinal! articles were ' , K 6 g7.o0; T. ft In either case? A starts tip in busi- stolen and drawers were rifled, but no (3rlgdhill,nails for bridge, $1.33; J. Mus;- ness after six years and still owes B. We have always held that it wouk fo6,j, inspecting $:3: Si nal, advertising 6 thete any way of B collecting the be a great mistake for Canadian ho money except Bevan cents was towns, � , , K !? Court of Revision, $1. 5: U.Calles, for debt after that period of years: What I raisers to refuse to co-operate with Mrs Wm. Pelton, daughter of Me I gravel, $3.44•. The Jouncil then ad- portion of wages can be collected from I pork packers in the preparation of th( and Mrs Jos, Kitchen, of Glen Farrow, Joured t4 meet again on July 14, at 6 a single man I hest possible article for the markets died on Tuesday evening, of consurnp- o'clock p,nl• F. W. MCDanagh. Cfet•k. Answer. -B's clMm against A, being Plenty of warnings have been given to: tion, Mrs Pelton was highly esteem- — in the nal ure of A judgment, does not them Silica the disvussl4q of Clteatl, ed by all whu knew her•, and much KEEP CLOSE WATCH! expire. A is not outlawed in six yAlil'g ,3;11.11 AS. a food for anitt) ils hpgan, all: sympathy is felt for the bereaved as in the case of an ordinary, debt. B we do not anticipate that our hog rais family. --- can, theieforgetan order to recoverthe ers will change their methods, and de. Three of the oldest settlers of Turn- Lock to it that You are well Guarded judgments, and as A appeals to be prive then,selvps of a very handsorm berry passed away on Friday night, in Against that Stealthy Enemy, Kid) ey .good for it, he would succeed in collect- advantage, merely becauseopportunity the persons of Mrs John Watcher, Disease -South American Kidney Cure ing the amount. There is no exeti)p- has been presented to Canadian owner: lblrs Stacey and Henry Pugh. These Y tion lot' wages in the case of a single of lean cattle to buy United State( three old pioneers had been near neigh is the Only Remedy W (rich will Relio,ve man, and all wages due could be gar. corn her a and feed their animals at bors for over twenty years, and it is at once and Cure. nisheed.-Free Press, I home, rather than send them, by th( remarkable that all three died in the NEw.w.\PFR CHANGr,-The Wing- thousands, to the corn regions of th( same night. Michael McMullin, of Chesley, write$:- the United States to be fed. I have been troubled with 0 harn Times has been sold to H.B. Elliott w ravel and kid- A great eats cal n of nonsense bt oIngersoll,n rse has beer K ee of 4;on of a former proprietor. A good joke is told on Mr Henry ueydiaeafle for 8 years, At times the painclrralated by the oppositi,)u presswitl Armstrong, of Newbridge. A few was so severe Icould not lie in one position Allu ing to the change the Winghatn I regard to hugs and their feed. It hau days since he took a trip along the for any length:of time. I took South Am~ Advance has some kind words to sAy, I been reiterated that the present high second line for the purpose of buying erican Kidney Oure according todirections. acrid the only pity is there is not more quality of olio pig products is due to,ill( sheep,and Pvhen he arrived at Mr• I generally in the country a similar- frat- got immediate relief. The sorel,ese and fact that the hugs are fed peas insteaul t public con The e puc are no Botham's he got out of his t•iK and Lied weaknessall~left. I can testify to the r me- or nal feeof corn. But the Canadian Farmer's Op his horse, went into the field and dybeing a wonderful cure." This stealthy cerned with disputes between editors, Advocate, whose editor, is a PraCLiCA1 pa walked ueand p to a scarecrow and tried Co enemy will not quit you by taking pill This would he better without fainter, informs its ].hat Ur4nadian shake bands with it, not noticing that doses. It must be a remedy specific -a, lig- them. his is what. the Advance says: bacon owes its prestige to a variety o1 —"This week S. G. Brown vacates t he it was not Mr Botham. uid that will dissolve all the hard substances causes. To -day, indeed, peas are les. editorial and bitsiness management of and carr them elf through nature's than- the diet of Canadian hogs than they Itis ou.r• sad duty this week to chron- Y the Winghatn Times, and purposes gO- icle the death of M, is H. E. Snell, of nal, South American does this. It Is a ing west. During his re�ulpnce of a were twenty years ago. when thectan Toronto Junction, who died at her liquid and never fails to cure. Sold by cling of Canadian bacon wits )tot nearly year and it half in Winghatn Mr Brown home on Sunday last. The remari Watts tRt Co. has made fnany friends; cheerful, af• so high as ft is now. and cot hog rats• were brought hurne on Monday . t fable and courteous, he is one who be- ers enjoyed no snch advant.l,ge in point and interred in the Presbyteria came oherty Organ Factory Notes. comes popular with all with whore. he of pi ice as they at present erintoand tery on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased cornea n pontact. While we could not. lit the interval. the Ontario Govern, was a daughter of Postmaster Sander- A handsome new Catalogue has just been always agree with hire politically coup or 1 trient, with the approval of an intellt• SOD, of Wroxetet, and had on been issued, and the following particulars are p Y gent legislature and of the people gen. Y given in the first page:— • editorially, wec•ould admire his genial et,tlly, has encouragedrid of the cheese mak• married about two years. sunny oat Ore, and it is with regret. that Twenty-five years ago we commenced tie itg indubtry, which has proved the A few days ago as Mr Andrew Reid, manufacture of organa, and it ie with par• we learn of his leaving toren. Both he best pitying of all branches of the far- Stanley, was mowing bay, his little donable pride and pleasure we review the and his charming wife will be missed nter'b business, and on whey, a by -pro• girl, five or six years old, fell asleepin in social circles and their places will duct of the bubiness, with various • growth, development and present magni- be hard to rill." the hay, directly in front of the mow- tude of our business. Our organs, have won coarse grains, the bog raiser has depen. er. Mr Reid managed to stop the their great popularity on their intrinsic' .-- ded for fond for his animals. Then it horses just in timp, as another revolu. merits. We haveput into tM same not DR, AGNEW'S OINTMENT CURES must not be forgotten that great im- tion of the knife and nothing could only head -work and brains, but also con- provements have taken place in the have saved her from being cut to science and integrity, and the result is an Salt Rbenm, Eczema, tter, Barber's Itch breeding of pigs, and these have also pefces, As it was, one of her fingers organ embodying the highest excellence at- and all like skin dies ee and eruptions. It contributed to the elevation of the was cut, but a kind Providence saved tainable. They are prn-eminently the best gives relief in s day, to cures are legion; standard attained. The intelligent the little girl. instrument at present made, and are ex- its failures are few. Years of testing, and farmer knows all this, but the ama. ported to and sold in near] grows daily in favor of stiff ering humanity teur agriculturist, who writes for po. We m, Brn a field, week that Mr R. P y all the art ren-' Good for Baby's Skin, good for young, litical effect Graham, Brricetield, had disposed of tree of the globe. '.lhey';bave been ender - , is more interested in ,try - the and referred for rt middle-aged or old folks. 36 cents. Sold by the lease and equipments of his hotel P p 'vete and public• a ing to make his farmer readers diasatis- and intended removing to Hensall• Mr ty the great artists. Our factories have Watts & Co. fled with the new and better condition Graham now writes us as follows:- recently been enlarged, and labor-saving in which he is now placed than in tell - "The gentleman from Listowel who msrlhinery of the finest and most accurate One kind of fruit, it seems, the Man- ing the truth about Canada's great purchased my business here, has back. description and labor-saving devices have itobans will be able to grow without• a bog industry, ed out, so you can tell the people and been added, until to -day we have the beat doubt. A Kildonan -man this year has the travelling public, that they will equipped and largest organ factory in Can- two acres of the finest strawberries. find me in the future as in the past, at the same old stand, catering to their wants." On Wednesday, at noon, Marsden Smith, of Grey, passed to the great beyond, death being caused by peri- tonitis. He had been sick for a couple of weeks, and was in his 57thyear. Mr Smith was born at Weston, Ont., came here in the early days and settled in Morris, on the river Maitland, with his mother, brother • and two sisters. Shorty afterwards he went into the saw -mill business in Brussels, when he accumulated considerable wealth ship- ping ash and cherry lumber to the United States, He sold out the mill and bought the John Sinclwiu farm, in Grey, where he resided•ever'slnce. Mr Smith was ad, consistent Metho- dist, a good Liberal, a kind neighbor and an indulgent husband and father. On Tuesday morning it son of James H retie, of the 8th con„ Howick, came near ending his earthly career. The little fellow, who is about a year and a half old, strayed into the woodshed ads, having a capacity of making 600 or- gans per month. Added years of experi- ence and knowledge, gained not only by study but also practice, enables us to invest our instrument with a value and character which are strangers to a large part of the instruments in the market to -day. Our constant aim has been.to make the excel- lence of our organs the inducement to the purchaser rather than to impress him with the magnitude of our faotor►ea or the vast- ness of our product, believing that quIlity is of more consequence to the purchaser than quantity. Thus by strict application to our ;business -Organs and their acces- sories only -and knowing the requirements of the business and profession, we will in the future,',as in the past, furnish the trade with organa of the highest grade of excel- lence, and by so doing know that we will, even in a greater degree, merit the confi. dence of the trade and our patrons the world over. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kidneyp, bladder and urinary organs only. They Dun & Co., the commercial agents, report that the outlook for business in Canada is considered most satisfactory. The tide is most certainly turned. Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Premier of Canada goes to Faris on July 17, and laterlhe will visit, Switzerland. Then he will return to England, spend a few days in Loudon, and sail Aug. 10, on the Labrador. For the past fortnight thunder stot ms have been raging in the Lake St. John, Que., region. At Jonquier- es, near Chicoutimi, the church was struck during in ass. A had named Cote was struck dead, and the priest engag- ed at the time in chanting the credo, struck down. Twenty other persons were injured and the church damaged to the extent of $600. A farmer writes in exchange: -"Every year I bear of caterpillars destroying whole orchards, and there is nothing to dispose of more easily. I bore a hole in the tree deep enough to reach the sap, fill it up with sulphur and then plug it up, i r•;: cure backaches, wesk book, rheumatism The result is magical. '.Che cap takes up l « "" , �■G v�tw au vta.Gra cry rV 1.C7 -•---,r!)•y.•ur..t,�.t. ---%.• atnd like most children began to inves- diabetes, congestion, inflammation, gravel, the sulphur to every branch ane &wig, and range up to, the kind for you to buy? :: '!1'1, fan- tigate everything within reach, and bri the cater ills+ st"once diel(. I have never , !; on bright's disease and all other diseases oris- P Two sizes, 50 cls. and $1.1J0. �N"ir" ivory among other things he came across a ing from wrong motion of the kidneyand I g I Y , and I ' known of a tree bean injured b it prapper. package of Paris seen, the investiga- I bladder._ . _ have y ► i(44 , e, - pnreued this course for care. , . - - ~~ -"''tit. r ... . . .- —0, T, 1r,_!..,'.' ;it ,-4 r . �� IT PANS TO 0 -A0 I � The Canada Business College CIIATIIAM, ONT. Still continues its successful work of placing students in choice positions. Between Jan. let and May let, four li months, 40 of our pupils secured choice situations as Book-keepers, Stenographers, and Teachers in other Business Colleges. Three others have secured placee; one to commence next week, another the follow- ing week and the third about June 16th. Here is is where graduated of this sohool have a decided advantage over those gradu- ated from the average business college. If interested write fir catalogue and complete list of where these student have been placed, Address, D. McLACHLAN & Co Chatham PROPERITES FOR 'SALE OR To LET - -- FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 461 or i2, kailway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars upon i appliv5do , JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u IIOUSES FOIL SALH Olt RENT Several houses either for Salo or to rent. Full utticulars m application , ([i ' 1 o J) � AICGARt•'A t k HOUSE, TO LET. Ro b 'I') tit a u Au •' I. ,, c i gmt a 11, is (.oltaii,.e oil Towu,eutl street. Aunly to C. F, IIOVE. . FOR SALE. Nearly as gond nit new—a single c•.ovored buggy, it mower turd I'livier will be ,old chro p. J)1)11' q' Nl,*W Nita u111ceor to C'. II. CARTEit, S-rth "t. FOR SALE ON i;AS TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township. For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES -SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton CHOICE Lo,rs ]+'Olt SALT: SubReribvi, offers for,allc a t wo-a:cro lot situittu Ill tiro, Bawden survey-, Ontivio Street. The lot i, fenced, and has thereon it nuutbur of bice fruit h•cc,. It i, $I +Dost desiratble place fon' buildit g, uud wit bo sold cit het' in otic or two acre lol.,,—TllU.,A. 1101,LoNV,\y, C,i;;;uu. Beall Iful Property for Sale. The undersigned otters for sale the eligible and boaul.011 ly shouted rc,idencu oecupted by himself on 11111.011 St., Clinton. 11.10 hell,e con- tains every nlo0c1,11 eOnVetlielleo for good sired family, is well built, ttith stonefoundattion, fur- nace, hardand soft water, stable and bearing fruit trees. Particuiat:, upon a 4)p kation to JUHN CUNNI'.u13A1M, Clinton. 1 PERRIN I;LOCI{ N FOR SALE $300 caeb and 120 mouthly payments of a?13 oacb D J CAM,PIMLL, Hamilton CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. Choine fa m, 117 acres, 11 miles from Clinton 2nd con Hullett, part, of lots 11) and 211. A guod fra,ne house and three story hank barn at48, stone cellar with modern conveniences for feeiting; land 'all c•leured, soil the very hest clay lultm; goons bearing orchard, hasy terms. For full particulars and terms app]3• to iAS, TREIVI"R, Beamsville, Ont. or Mrs �r'ashing- ton Clinton, Ont, CHvI(:E ROUSE TO RENT OR For Sale That comfortable al.d well -situated house on Huron St„ occupied by Mr Dufton, is offered for sale or to rent. Toe house contains accom- modation for a large family, having six up•Stair U n edr OlIle with r souve n w all other t uarece, H dan d soft water, cellar, with stable, etc. A few bear. Ing fruittre6a. Possessiongiven let of Atay. Apr:ly to W W. F ARRAN, Clinton. FAR11I FOR SALE Lot 26, b'on 6, Township of Hallett, 100 acres SS acres cleared and in a good state of ci,ltiva- tion, excel,cut clay loam soil; 12 acres of hard- wood bush. There is a good bearing orchard toad a 9110(1 supply ofwater. The farni has never been renled The buildings comprise a good trame house, barn and stab] . This properly is situate ou an excellent graeI road, '21 miles f om the Town of C iii '1Frms cas •. For further particulars apply to the undersigned oil the pron,i,cs. MRS THOS, HILL, Clinton P. O. FOli, `4ALIF. • A valllablu fruit and grain farm on a good •ond within six miles of Clinton. The lot s No. 67. Maitland Concession Goderich Town. thip atld co,ltaLinsi 73acrrs. It )-folds annually 'rom 80 to llIn harrels of rVfntcr Apples, and is t good grain farm, the ,and being s No, I clay clam. There is a No. 1 frame house on the lot. L good barn with stone stables underltrattl, and t is weal watered in every flcld. A large por- ion of the purchase money may remain oil nortgage. For terms, etc., apppply to THOMAS i(JItNS, Carlow 11, O., or to W. W. FARRAN, llh,ton. House and Lot for Sale The frame house on Rattenbury street, mmediately east of Dr. Tomlinson's, is iffered for sale on very reasonable terms. Cbe house is centrally situated, be:Lg only , minute's walk from the business centre, las stone cellar, large dining room, parlor, led room and kitchen down stairs, with one arge and two smaller bedrooms upstairs. lood•sized summer kitchen and garden• rery conveniently situated for boarding ouse. Apply at NEw ERA office. :Ylortgage Sale of Valuable Hotel Property in the Town of Clinton. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- ained in arilort ate,which will be produced rt sale, there will bo offered for sale by public ruction, by David Dlckinscri Auctioneer, at the Coutmereial Hotel In time Town of Clinton III Saturday Ate 17th day of -11111Y 1897, at 3 )'clock in the afternoon tftefollowing property, lamely:—Part of lot s xteen on Huron street, Ind the west part of lot sixteen and the east )artof lot seventeen, all in tireown of Ulintou, )n thisproperty there is erected n three story (rick hotel known na the onmmercial at pros - int In the oce.upation of Thomas J. )jell. The ltlierbuildingscousi'tt of a large barn and wood hed, tool -hoose &c. Thi•+ hotel Is one of the bolt mown places of bnsinoss In the county of Hur- Ili, has always done, arid III now doing a good mitiness. Possession wi11 be viven on the est I of Aust gu, 1897. m(]'FRMS and conditions clt sate—Ton per vent .ash, and the balance on the said lstday of Ang- tRt when possession will he given. The Vendor a prepared to leave a portion of the purchase noney on mortgagge• Furthorpart.icalafrsmayboobtained from L, '. i)sne,ey, Ilarrister, Godorich, or trite tn)der- igned: ), DTVXtNgOv A1101e1leeT iARROW&,l'RORf)FOOTS-ender Rollcitors Jateda'Godoriol td®t9tbdayofJuneA.D•1,.Ur I Professional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, Solicitor 00XVEYANCER &o. Commissioner eel nor t or Ontario ar o an d Manitoba. omee immediately South of Galr.7y & wt,na W.BRYDOINE, i , ])BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY bf� �` PUBLIC, ETC. �>r• , O11Hce—Beaver Block. Upstairs, Oppoelte Foster's Photo GaLery,' CLINTON ft Go CAMERON (Formerly of Camerou, Holt & Cameron), BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Oliloe—Hilmiltou St., opposite Colborne Hct GODERICH, ONT D• L• MACPHERSON. C.ONVEYAN('IN(1, FIR F„ IJIb•E AND A(t('II)P:NT 1NtiCRANCE MONEY_ +tN TO Lu.. 011100, AIRCKay- Illock, Clinton. JOHN RI D our. (CONVEYANCER, COlililsylONX' It ETC Fire Ia,urance, liont;v to loud. teal estatewattSts cat f,tlI atet cd (1u. Unice—.HURON SrItEFT, CLINTON R. AGNEW, DR' TIST, C.I,1N1'ON —• AT ZURICH Tiiic 2NO TI'fURSD.IY OF EACH 11ONT11 Ofl[ce Ifours-J to 5. DR- T. C. )BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trfuity versity. Torciu Lu, Specialattentiou given to the Preservation the natural tooth. Olhce, t;oate I lock, over Taylor's slice store N. B.—Willvisit Blyth every blouday and llaytield every Thursday afternoon during the suulmer R, WAL G UNN, L, IL O. P. aridd L. R, O, S � Edinburgh, Olfice—Ontario Sreet, Clinton Night calla at front door oa residence on Ratten bury St., oppceite Presbyterian. church. DR J. L. TURNBULL, Ill, D.t TORONTO University, At D. C,AI. VletOrla Unlversity M, C, P & S., Ontario• bellow of the ObstetriraSOcietur'late of ggaEdinbrRbHoeOf ptae.Ofce.LD.Dowselyeoldorice attenbury St. Clinton. Night bol answered at the same place. �R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON A)coucheur, etc„ office and residence On- tario St., opposite English church, formerly oupied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. o0 J AS. S. FREEBORN, M.D., L,H.&Q,O.p,I., M. College o Pbrle i ns0. a,dDublin,ilreland -Linen Hate General Medical Council, Great Britain Alomber of Collage Pliyeicians and Surgeons, On tarto, Formerly esident of Rotunda Hospital (L ing-in and Gyaecological)Dublin. Residence —Rattenbury St, east, next door to Ontario St parsonage, DR STANbURY, GRADUATE OF THLB SAY, Torontdizalo formerly of C6111, ofho Hospitals and Diepenartes, New York, Coroner for he County of Elurou, Bayfield, out. DR AGI�EIM, y.. Loudesboro, ducceSear to Dr Young, T. AGNS W, Ai,v salt 13„ Toronto University, M. D. C u . Trluit Uni e Y y, Alemberot College Pby siulans and burgeons, Ontario. Office opposite Methodist church, Night calls answered at the saute place. Unice hours S to 10 a,u)„ 1 to 3p,m to 9 P.M. E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON • HonoraryGraduateol 1,116UntarfoVeterinar Oollege. Treats alldisesses of domesticated and male oO the most modern and selontifie price pies Of&ee— immediately soutb of the NewEre Office. kesideu .. — Albert ht„ Clinton, Car aight orday attended to promptly JOHN* F. MILNE, VFTERINARY SURGEON has retarned i3O Liwton and opened an ofHoe at the Queen's Hotel, whore he may be consult. ad for the treatment of all diseases of horses, cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, promptly at- teudau to. B. TOtMLINSON, VETERINA1,Y SURGEON Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterl Cary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domeetfo Animals on the most modean and 3c[entlfic,,rinofples. Day and uightcalls prompt Aanewerod. Residenoo4lta0Lou bury lit., west imon• NARRIAGE LICEN6E, JAMES SCOTT, SR, issurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room tnd Residence, Mary sheet, Clinton. TAME✓; IWR OF hIARMPBELLIt AGFBOLRlOhNSES, No witnesses required W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN of H, • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and ivtl En9lnoer, London, Ont.—Otnce at (iso, ltewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. YOUR SPARE TIME. Men, women to conduct business at home Work is simple writing and colying lists of addresses received from local advertising, to be forwarded to us daily. No canvassing; no previous ers prefereexperience eanent worired k o those con- tent to earn 90 or more weekly in spare time. Applyy to ' I URL181MRa" care of EDMUND EAGLESON, Box 2, Bayfield, Ont, BENMILJun WOOIILLN MILL' As usual I shall be prepared to purchase Wool at the highest market prico for cash or will - exchange for my manufactured articles. M stook of B I'OCKINQ- YARNS, ' HORSE BLANK; TS, . FLANN1+JLt3, TWEEDS and BED BLANRETS is now compplets, and guaranteed manufactureydy Df HOME FLEECES and free from shoddy�'f , any description. b ,WDon't for got,1 shall PAY CASH for Wool at the hrghest price In the market. J i+)SSE G}LEDHILL. Bonmillor, May 29, 189'7. ---.---ri Industrious persons of ei- WANTrn4 ther sex with good charaet- in Imployragnt nd forvtwo months inan thiscom- nanity, S, M. FRY, Toronto, Ont, , . ( 1 I I . � . I , . �, I I I .. . . . ".,L�� I � i , I 11 L . , . . � , I . '', "''_ , - - - .. .. . . . . . ,� I : , ; . I I �­ I . "� , � I I.t". . � , L.., ...ilr_ ,..li .r.... , .._..l ...... ...•n - . ,. / �����!`