The Blyth Standard, 1907-11-14, Page 2EASY MONEY FOR
Fake Securities $5,000,000—Opening of
FamousAffidavitLeta in Light on
Dealings of the Dead Adventuress.
Pittsburg, Nov. 1L—The Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania has allowed the
public a peep at the famous Chadwick
deposition introduced in litigation sur-
rounding the settlement of the estate
of the lite. W. C. Jutte.
The dooument showy that Mrs, 0bad-
widr got from Hoffetatt and Friend,
who awe respectively Pre ident and
Vice -President of the Praised Steel Car
Company, almost $800,000 in liana, for
whieh she pat up $6,000,000 is bogus
Among other things contained in
Mse. Chedw ek's deposition is a copy
of this mamorusdumt
To J. W. Friend—As a 000sideratisn
et the loan of 173,200 made by you to
me on Marsh 96, 1004, and the loan of
;37,000 tWa
nth day of Marin, 1904,
made by you to me, I hereby covenant,
!promise and agree Irrevocably to place
'in your possession no later than April
12, 1904, all of the seourltlee now in
��thKae poseoaeion of Ira Reynolds, agree-
eki in trust for me,
dated March 5, 0,000,000, 1908, end that you
shall have full power and authority tq
dispose of the said securities for the
?mime and in the manner following:
To pay off in full the - eaaburg
parties evidenced. by the foflraing
notes to your order:'
Note of $363,000, dated April 10, 1903,
Note of $900,000, dated February 8,
Note of $10,000, dated March 18, 1904.
Note of 323,000 dated March 18, 1904.
Note of $73,200, dated Maros 25, 1904.
Note of $37,000, dated March 29, 1904.
Total, 37982200.
10 hold the balance of said eeouri-
t31 until I shall create a trust under
er ioh I will 'tie :fp during fay life
,000 of told eeenrities, and on the
lcutfon of pbpere creating such a
,$fust, you, the said J. W. Friend, will
turn over to the trustee named in such
trust papers the amount of Iiecuritiea
provided, in such trust, and the hal-
' ' auoe of the securities you will cleaver
,kto me personalty,
As inducement to said loan 837,000
1 further covenant and agree that the
iMtid securitiee *hall remain aa they
Row are in the custody of the said Ira
and shall not be dieturbed
' Im April 12, 1904, ung sooner
turned over to J, W. Friend, and said
Mountie are in Cleveland in the active
poaseeion of said Reynolds, and are of
a par value of $6,000,000.
This paper "ball be considered the
exeeutioa of a power coupled with an
interest and irrevocable.
Witness my hand and seal, Meech 29,
Memo. From Victim,
Another paper was produced and
marked exhitidt B. It wee * follows:
Pittebtr'g, June 4, 1904;
Mss. Chadwick:
Herewith memo. of your entire in-
debtednaea to me, being promissory
notes, payable on demand with inter.
est from the date of paper:
April 10, 1903, 3353,000.
..February 20, .1904, $300,000.
March 18, 1904, 310,000.
March 18, 1904, 326,000.
March 26, 1904, 73,200.
Mems 29, 1904, 857,000.
Torah, 3798,200.
Very they yours,
M s Chadwick said she had been
caked several times to take the Jutta
bonds and dispose of them, Friend
telling her "the poor old man (Jutta)
was oraay and not able to take care
of his own affairs."
The remainder of Mrs. Chadwick'*
alfidt}vit re(ere to alleged efforts on
part of Friend and offetatt'a re•
eeentatives to induce her while in
e Oleo penitentiary to refuse toive
many in the Jutta ea. g
Cnflu�en,c,Je' !W Be reit fm,'Pour Score of
7"T Option Cathpaig . Preeldeat's
Reports Presented— Over-
Public Meeting,
apateh: Even ff the mem.
"Women's Christian Temper -
have no votes, it is quite ap•
m the tone of the Provincial
tion being held here that they in•
aking their influence felt in the
re campaigns now in progress in
rio. Today the great feature was
report of the Corresponding Secre-
tary, Mrs. Flora York either, of London,
who stated that legislation in reform
meaeure$ was claiming the attention of
the women. The W. 01,,T. U. had
taken quite a part in the elections of
fast January, but if the members could
not be the voting power they intended
being the praying power. hire, Miller
'further pointed out that thirteen new
and reorganized unions have been re-
ported, among these being St. David's,
Welland, Whitby, Burford, Ridgetowa,
Mar'kdale, Avonmore and the Beaches,
Toronto. The Toronto district work
Wag laid out in the erection of a 450;
m,C00 building, of which the lot and over
37,000 had already been procured, In
Ottawa the special work had been the
opening of the White Ribbon Mission
liome. The counties which had report-
ed financial and numerical increase
were Essex, Grenville, Ontario, Bruce,
Lincoln, Welland and Stormont. The
total number of unions throughout the
Province was 176, number of regular
members 5,003, honorary memhcre 717,
amount of money raised for general pur-
poses, $13,734,10, an increase of 8034.13
over Inst year.
After a consecration service by Mies
M. Jameson, of Rochester, N.Y., the con-
vention tete formally opened by Mrs. S.
G, E. McBee, of Barrie, the Provincial
The morning session was taken up
with the considering and adopting of
various reports. In the afternoon the
President's address was delivered by
Mrs. McKee,
The church was filled to overflowing
at the public meeting in the evening.
The feature of the evening was an elo-
quent address by Miss. Kearney, who
spoke at conk enable length, to the de.
light of the large audience.
r,5oo MILES.
Be Caught the Elopers in Michigan—
Romance Which Had Its Genesis in
Alberta Comes to an End in Ann
Aim Arbor, Mich„ Nov. 11.— After a
1,500 -mile chase, during which he
was at all times just a few hilos behind
bind his wife and the mem with whom
she has eloped, Charles Wixman hermit,
a justice of the ponce in Raymond, Al-
berta, Northwest Canada, had the flee-
ing pair 'rested here. The ma.n who le
held with the woman 1* John Cooper, a
land agent.
Although Hermit arrived here several
hours behind the couple, be was enabled
to make the capture because hie wife
tarried too long over a visit to relatives
In Ferriaburg,
Permit claims that while be was
in Oregon, on a bualnesa trip, Oooper
became infatuated with Mrs. Hermit,
and enticed her to elope with him. Her-
mit, notified by his friends of her deaer-
tfon, started out on the trail of the pair.
He followed them through a score of cit-
ies in the Middle West, but Cooper and
hie companion always managed to keep
a few miles ahead.
The couple were arraigned in police
court, and both gave bail for their ap-
pearance in court next week.
Three More Canadian Marriages Annulled
in Detroit.
Detroit, Nov, 11,—Three more Can.
adieu wives told their troubles be the
divoroe court to -day and all three sero
returned by Judge Mandell to the stage
of single blessedneee.
One day in December, 1904, George
C. Dew returned to his home in Forest,
Canada, and found thot his wife Minnie
had decamped, taking with her every-
thing but the household furniture,
George came to Detroit, and, as Minnie
evinced no desire to return to him,
etatted divorce proceedings. He told his
story to Judge Mandell and will get a
dearth in 30 days.
Pauline Wirth told Judge Brooke that
on March 21, 1007, when she was ' rt
17 yearn of age, Albert Reiger persued:i
her to go to Windsor with him' *ltd
be married. She insists that she didn't
know what it was all about until it was
all over.
Thejudge will annul the marriage, as
the girl's testimony was corroborated,
Non-support wee charged by Esther
Milnes, who said that John Mimes left
her four years ago and has contributed
nothing to her support since that time.
They were married in Leamington, Ont,,
In March, 1804
Residents of. Montclair Have Plan to
Solve Domestic Problem.
Montclabr, Nov. 11.—A co-operative kit-
chen to one of the possibilities in Mont•
whir during the coming winter. There
is a great scarcity of maid servants In
this town, and consequently cooking has
been done under difficulties. A young
woman from Boston, who managed a
somewhat similar institution in the Huh,
has been here endeavoring to interest
housekeepore In the plan.
Last season a number of local resi-
dents went ao far with the project that
meetings wore held, but at that time no
person wanted to shoulder the manage -
went of the kitchen, and it was dropped,
Serviette here are said to bo receiving
the highest wages ever paid for domestic
New Yorker 'Recovered Trunk Full of
Stage Jewels on Pier.
New York, Nov. 11. -=When the ouatomzs of-
ficer discovered an odd-looking trunk on the
p'renab line pier yesterday, feet after the
arrival of the Gaslogne, and began to tern
uo the contents ho thought for a moment
he had stumbled upon a treasure cheat.
Strings of pearls by the acorn, necklaces of
diamonds whose size would put to shame
the jewels displayed at a gala performance
of opera, brooches al every conceivable abape
end aetting, bracelete—the lnspeotor telt tent.
'Then be turned to the declaration In his
hands and found he had been losing his
breath over n lot of "stage jewellery."
What was contained In the trunk was
large oortlon of the paste decorations which
some stare bed others of gr. 'Oscar Bummer -
stetter, company bedeck themselves with
grand (mere performances, Mme. Cteofonte
esmennlnt, wife at the operative director of
the Manhattan, hoe been In the custodian
of the jewels, end somehow they were left
behind when she cane to America recently.
If real the loves would hove represented
mayoral minion dnlinr' A.- It wile the eon -
tents of the t.r,n P : - cxluel aC $2,080.
Small Army of Depositors From Across
Line Place Savings in Windsor
Branches—Impressed With Stability
of Canadian Institutions.
Windsor, Nov. 17.—A curious result of
the panicky conditions on the 1'fnaacial
markets of the United' States is seen
here. During the past week a small army
of depostione from Detroit have brought
their money over and placed it in the
Canadian banks. Many of them are Can-
adians, who have full knowledge 'of the
stability of Canadian monetary lnetitn-
dame, but many, too, are Americans, born
and bred, who have a faith that thinge
"Heroes the' line" are not lb be rocked
and tossed about by the machinations of
truete and unscrupulous financiers,
Most of the dopositore are working
p t , who bring in their hard-earned
sa that mean the accumulation of
mon s and years.
"I lost all my savings in a bank failure
five years ago," said one horny -fisted
workman in one of the Windsor hanks
to -day, "and trine then I have kept my
savings over here. And many of my
friends do the same."
The managers of the various baoke
state that they have never seen such a
rush of American depoeitore ea dieing
the Met two weeks. They say that they
have almoet as many Detroit deposit,rs
ea Windsor people on their savings 1108*,
and that the list is increasing largely
Returns for Nine Months Show a Splen-
did Increase in the Work of Settling
the Country—Arrivals From United
States Not So Numerous Now.
Ottawa, Nov, 11.—For the first time
months of the present year ending Sep-
tember 31st the total immigration to
Canada ha* been 230,008, an increase of
04,730 as compared with the correspond-
ing nine months of 1901. The lacrosse
above is nearly double the total inmri•
gradin for 1000, and for the nine
months the immigration is nearly nine
times the total immigration of that
For the Bret six months of the present
fiscal yesr, beginning with April, the
total immigration hna been 193,690, of
whlolr the number conning from the
United States was 35,092, and the num-
ber via ocean ports was 158,698. The
total increase se compared with the cor-
responding months of feat year is 46,9$0,
or 81 per cent. The peroentage of in.
crease via ocean ports is 44. Immi-
gration from the United States ehowa a
decrease of 2,801, or 8 per cent, For
September the immigration from the
United States was nearly 4,000. The
number of arrivals via ocean porta for
the month was 18,204.
Since the 1st of April last immigrants
have been arriving in Camels et a rate
averaging a little over a thousand per
Small Rope That Sustained Ifim Wae
Fouled, and Rushing Watera Threat-
ened- to Carry Him Down at Any
Minute --Rescued, But Badly Hurt.
A Niagara Falls despatch: For a long
half-hour today Godfrey Thibert hung
by a thin rope in the mouth of one of
the great penstocks of the Electrical De-
velopment Company's power house while
thousands of tons of water tore at his
swaying body to carry him to desiruc•
tionand despairing mates worked like
maniacs to save lone, The men soon
in the end, and Thibert is alive but .cry
01 to -night. Shortly after 10 o'cioek
this. morning Thibert donned a. diver's
outfit and went down into the forebay
to do some work. The current running
through the head gate of penstock No,
3 caught him and larked him into the
mouth of the pipe. The rope prevented
hies from going down, but when the mut
above tried to pull him out it was found
that the rope was fouled by an ao bar,
and the diver could not be raised.
It was impossible to shut down the
head gate and stop the rush of water,
for Thibert was hanging right under
the gate, and it would hart eat him in
two. The men on the line ecoid at
their posts, straining every nerve to lift
their imperilled mate, yet fearing each
minute that the life line would part from
the strain or be worn through where it
was foul of the ironwork, and Thibert be
snatched down one hundred and fifty
feet into the turbine wheel. The pump
tenders worked like machines, sending
an uninterrupted supply of life-sustain-
ing air down .through the hose to Thi•
Every possible scheme was brought
into play to release the fouled rope, but
it was half au hour before a prdetioable
way was found. When the rope was at
last free and the men pulled it in they
did not know whether it was a living
man or a corpse they were dragging from
the depths of the cold. rushing water,
Great wee Heir j. , nclr,•, the helmet
was removed end Thibert found to be
alive, RIO greater still when the doctors
pronounced 00 mines broken, and the in-
jured maws chances of recovery goad
ueleas the lungs or heart imve suffered
too great a strain.
Th,bert's body vette nearly cut in two
where the rope was round him,andC the
drag of rushing water on the helmet
squeezed and bruised Isis Beek, arms and
shoulders. He had given up nil hope of
reseuo, believing he would die from the
pressure upon him or the rope would
break and send him down to be torn
to shreds on the turbine wheel, He
was taken home to Chippewa ,and to.
night Is doing as well its can be expect-
Will Use the Temiskaming Railway to
Take Supplies Into the Country—
Progress in Quebec and Other Sec-
eations of the Line Satisfactory.
Ottawa, Nov, 11.—About fifty miles of
mile have now been laid on the Na.
tional Transcontinental on the Quebec
section, and grading is well advaneed
for ti long distance on the various divi-
sions now under contract, It is thought
that by next fall about four hundred
miles of road will be graded, and the
track will be laid on a large portion
of 10..
Tenders for the greater portion of the
remaining thousand miles between Win-
nipeg and Monoten will be called for
next spring. The contractors for the
sections now under construction are re-
pot ted
e•lotted to be making satisfactory pro-
gress, and Hon. Mr. Parent Is hopeful
of completing the whole line by the end
of 1011, as originally intended,
The portion of the lino in New On-
tario adjeeent to the route of the Tends-
kerning & Northern Ontario .hallway
will probably be the last to be construct-
ed, as tenders will not be called for un-
til the Provincial line ie extended to the
proposed junction point, thereby lessen.
Ing the cost of transporting supplies,
seta, , for the Tran . continental line.
Lackawanna Passenger Train Saved as
Erie Coal Care Pile Up.
Paterson, Nov, 1L—The presence of
mind of a trainman et the intersection of
the Lackawanna Railroad tracks with
those of the Greenwood Lake dlvlelon
of the Erie at Mountain View yesterday
averted the wreck of n passenger train.
To avoid such a disaster the towerntan
was compelled to ditch a coal train,
causing damage estimated at $18,000,
The Greenwood Lake train was behind
schedule. As the coal train of ten cars
approached the crossing on the Lacks.
wanna tracks the passenger train on the
Greenwood Lake road came in sight The
towerman caw that a collision was inev
liable, but he made up his mind quickly.
He closed the block signal against the
coal train, which was a fast one. The
locomotive driver, realizing that some•
thing was wrong, applied the emergency
brakes with such force that his train of
ooal caro buckled and toppled from the
tracks, while the engine held the rails
until it reached the derailing switch. The
engine then tore the ties toward the
The passenger train swept peat in the
nick of time, se the locomotive on the
coal train did not stop until the cow-
catcher extended a few feet over the
Greenwood Lake tracks, The Lacka-
wanna roadbed wan badly torn up ''and
traffic on both roads was delayed for
several hours.
Boat Found on Shore, With Body of One
of the Victims
Dalhousie, N. B, despatch: A gloom
was cast over the town this morn-
ing by the newe of a terrible drowning
accident last night, tour young men hoe-
ing their lives. Andrew Carr and Jack
Neilson, of Dalhousie, and Willie Wafer
and James Dickie, of Florence Point,
Que., started for Florence Point last
night in an eigh•foot boat- The wind
was blowing a gale from the northwest,
causing a heavy sea. The boat was found
on the Quebec shore, with Nelson's Ole -
less body in 1t, tide morning, being the
first intelligence of the tragedy.
Neilson was to have left for the Wet
An Idiot Sent From Worcester, Masa,,
to Montreal,
Montreal Nov. 11,—A curious case of
apparent deportation from the United
States attracted considerable attention
at the Windsor Station today. A young
woman of French-Canadian parentage,
apparently about seventeen years of age,
arrived by the Rutland train this morn-
ing from Worcester, Mase., bound for
Quebec. It became apparent after a time
that the young woman wale a kind of
harmless lunatic, who did not know her
way about and had the dimmest realiza-
tion of her surroundings,
The girl said she did not know her
open name or the name of her parents,
but she knew her father and mother
were dead, and that ehc had lived with
them for a long time in Worcester, Masa.
She had been sent by somebody she did
not know to Quebec, where, she said, her
attar lived,
She was told she would meet her aunt
at Quebec, but she did not know that
relative's name, nor lied she any letters
directing her to any person or place. She
was sent to Quebec ;his afternoon,
Then He Shoots Himself --Men and We -
men Panic -Stricken at the Spectacle,
But Bullet Fails, sad Man is a
New York, Nov. 11.—Before attempting
to end his life by shooting, Joseph Gau.
dette, 22 years old, a mectitude, threw
up the shade of awindow in his room in
a boarding houaa, at No. 131 Court
street, Brooklyn, Met night, and drew
the attention of hundreds of persona in
the street by firing e. shot.
Then with the bright light in the
room slowing his form in the window,
the young man placed the revolver to
his temple and fired, The spectator/ saw
the arm of the young man fall to ills
aide and the next moment he reeled, and,
falling over backward, disappearing from
Panic stricken, the women who had
witnessed the deed fled. The men in the
crowd ran toward the bowie and pushed
into the halL But before any one from
the street could reach the room occupied
by Gaudette, others in the house who
ht.d been startled by the shot rushed to
his apartment.
They found the young man lying on
hie back with the revolver still gripped
in hie band, When the ambuiande of the
Long Island College Hospital arrived,
Dr, Brennen found the bullet had glanc-
ed off Gaudette's skull and that the
wound was alight,
When the ambulance surgeon was ex.
*mining the wound Gaudette regained
hie senses and started to tear up two
letters which he pulled from a pocket.
Before Policeman Elwood, of the Adams
street station, oould stop him, the young
man had torn the lettere Into many
Inter the police patched the pieces of
rho letters together and were able to
read them. One, addressed "To Mar-
garet," informed the woman to whom it
was addressed that the writer did not
dare to face her again. He Bald he still
loved her and asked her to. forgive hem.
In the other letter, which was ad-
dreaeed "To Dan," the author again
spoke of hie love for Margaret. He silk -
ed Dan to notify Andrew Deuce, of West
street, Middletown, N. Yeeof what had
Dr. Brennen decided that the bnliet
wound was not serious enough to war
rant him in taking Gaudette to the hos-
pital, so the young man was taken to
Ole Adams attest station, where he was
locked up on a charge of attempting sill -
aide. Beyond .saying he had been in
Brooklyn only a few weeks, be refused
to make any statement.
Not by Grace of Powers Does Persia
New York, Nov. 11.—The Herald Sas
received the following cable de/pater
from Teheran: The Minister of t
Affairs lute informed the Russian Min
ter and the British Charge d'Affaires by
letter, dated November 2, that the con-
vention between Russia and England can
only concern the signatories. The Gov
eminent of the Shah of Parma We letter
declares, i* by the grace of God independ-
ent. The Sissdm, says the Mlplater, en
joys all the rights of sovereignty, and no
oonventlon between two or more Boldon
ran in any way interfere with Pereia's4
Persia, It le declared, endeavor* always•
to inereaae friendly relations with ell no•
tions, observing freedom of commerce.
In regard to the loan Persia' will adhere
to all olauaea contained in the agree.
The tension between the clericals and
the reformists le daily increasing.
Oananoque Drover Allowed to Go After
an Apology.
ABrockville, Ont., despatch: Thomas
Dempster, a wealthy Gananoque drover,
who forcibly took poseesalon of two
cows In a herd which Deputy Sheriff
Trail was seizing tinder a writ of excess•
tion in the Township of Lansdowne, ap-
peared today before P, M. Deacon,
pleaded guilty and apologised for his
act. He was let go on suspended sere
tense, after paying the costa incurred.
Dempster claimed that he owned the
cattle, having previously purchased
them from the man whose goods and
chattels were under seizure.
Brewers Try to Advance the Price of
Leaden, Nov, 11.-311 Munloh, the great beer.
drinking Bavarian capital, something like
a emotion has beeen caused by the recent
announcement that the Brewers' Association
had decided to raise the price of their world-
famous product by 10 cents per barrel of
twenty-two sallow,. The population epee-
taneouelyeorganised, 07 common accord, a
kind of passive resistance, by cutting down
their expenditure an beer, boycotting the
allied houses and patronizing conspicuously
the liotbrauhaus, the only establishment that
hod stood aloof from the Brewers' syn-
The trade unions of Munich, which corn -
Prise a membership of 47,000, have declared
open war on the brewers by binding them-
selves, to touch no beer tar a week at least
This will mate a difference for that period
et 1(6,000 gallons on the local consumption.
The general opinion is that the brewers win
be unable to enforce the higher price In
rho fan of thin dete^rnteed attitude et tbs
beer drinking camrnunity.
Fair-hairod pecplc are rapidly dim-
Inishfng In number in this country. Out
of 440 women polluted in n London street
there were 227 dark to 213,fair od red-.
Throat Cut in Brutal Manner in
Philadelphia, Nov. 11.--iVhilc attending
to her hnnmmhold work, yesterday 1110111 -
ill a
inn little lenirto shnnh•, int WV:it
Philadelphia's "Little Italy," an aged
amnion was murdered and robbed of
$700. tier throat was cut with a stil-
etto from the left ear to o point under -
the chin. The place where the body was
found was hardly one in which it would
be supposed murder would be done for
the purpose of robbery, but the itgvd
woman was the wife of Amatto Mongol•
luzzo, who is very much younger, than
his wife, bring only 48 years old, while
she is 70, Ile is a trackman on the Bal-
timore 31 Obio Railroad, and for eleven
years had been caving all of ]tis wages
except the unite he allowed himself and
his wife to lire on, planing in the near
future to return to itis native Avillon,
in Italy, to settle down as something
of a lord among his countrymen.
Ills wife, Martina Garmellst, had se-
creted about her person $700. Of this
4000 was in her bosom, pinned to •her
clothifound,ng, and $100 was in her. pocket,
All this wasmissing when the body was
No one saw the murder committed, no
suspicions person was seen about the
premises, the police suspect no particular
person and no one is under arrest. It is
believed, however, that the murderer
may be picked out 801110 day among the
steerage passengers sailing for Italy, as
men like that generally make an early
break for their native country.
The scene of"` the murder adjoins
8,023 Woodland avenue, The house fs
owned by Antonio M, ;Marthn, otherwise
known as "Alike" Martin, He keeps on
Italian hoarding house, and formerly
kept a grocery and provision store of the
first floor of the building, which is a
three-storey brick structure, flush with.
the street. Six families, beside Alar,
tin's, live in the house, and there are
several lodgers, while in it ,small
storey frame house adjoining, several
111o1.0 families lige,
The Terrible Act of Whaling Captain-.
Arrested at San Francisco and Tried
—No Question of Jurisdiction Will
An Ottawa despatch: The question of
Canadian or United States jurisdiction
in the Arctic seas will not arise in
connection with the arrest of Capt.
Klengeuberg, of the United States
steam whaler Olga, for murder. Two
winters ago the Olga was icebound
off Point Barrow in the Canadian
Arctic, Klelgeuberg, emu all ac-
counts, was a veritable msu'tinet,- nod
had his crew simply terrorized. IIe
had a falling-out with - his chief ' en-
gineer, J. D. Paul, and one day step-
ped to the engine room and shot Paul
dead. •+
As noon' as the, news reached Otta-
wa the `Canadian authorities issued
a warrant for the arrest of Klengen•
berg, but his vessel did not touch a1:'
any Canadian port, and when the
Olga reached; San Francisco the cap-
tain was .arrested there. The trial
lastcd''for, some time, and when the
ease WEI "omitted to the jury last
week they returned a ,verdict, after
six hours' deliberation, of not guilty.
Word to, this effect was received
by tic `Gos•ernnient to -cloy, It ap-
pears that the decleion of the joy
was influenced by the fact that sev-
eral of the witnesses" who testified
strongly against Klengenberg at the
San Francisco trial had previously
made affidavits exculpating the esp-
tain entirely, and declaring that he
slot Paul in self-defence.
They further said that the affidavits
were exbo'ted from them by threats of
personal violence from Klengenberg,
Ifowever, the jury' gave the prisoner the
benefit of the doubt, and he has been
Lloyd -George, President of Board of
Trade, the Conciliator—Further Mat-
tern in Dispute Will Be Settled by
Sectional Board of Conciliation,
Lmtdon,Nov, 11.—The anticipated rail-
road strike throughout Great Iritain
has been averted by an agreement
ni ited by David i.leyd•tloorg,, Presi-
dent of the Board of '!rade, surd signed
MIA! Cilia evening by the chairmen et the
principal railroad companies and reprc-
acatatives of the Auuslgaumted Society
of tiailway Servants. :
The agreement provides for the con-
sideration of further matters in dis-
pute primarily by'n sectional board of
conciliation representing the various
grades o1' employees and the individual
mum representing the full membership
of the society. if tlse board and these
representatives fail to reacts n derision
the "utter then mist be settled by
c •
Twenty-three Internationals in the
States paid out sick benefits anioainting
to $003,430.01 last year,