The Clinton New Era, 1897-07-09, Page 71l BUTCHER SHOPS. 'CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY We are doing business on the cash prinoi• �le; and will supply our customers with }q best meats at the lowest paying prices FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to the out the people t utchering business lately acons bought oft ed by Reid Bros., and will continue the Came in is e old stand, Huron St„ Clinton, „ btriot attention to the wants of ;�L►tGra, he hopes to merit and receive et fair share of patronage. He will sell for mash only, and at the lowest prides. Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP 1 wish to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practioal butcher; and aanderstand all the branches of the business. 'We keep the very best meats, and a full retook always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your money, and get the meat at the cash price. We will give credit, but not at Dash prices. Please come and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIIIONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. ProduceExchang e Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD tit GARDEN SEEDS We have a choice stook of FEED CORN OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o ?1=lighest market price paid for coarse grain, r taken in exchange. (lash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON ST,, CLINTON. COOK'S Flour & Feed store BRAN t&, SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, LCLINTON. BANKS. The I1lolsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - 82,000,000 REST FUND - 81,400,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. WM. MOLSON MACPHERSON, President F. WOLFERSTON THOMAS, Gen. Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts •issued, Sterling and American exchange „bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. SAVINGS BANE—Interest allowed on -sums of 81 and up. Money advanced to farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREV ER, Manager, Clinton 6, D. IMT AGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST,, - CLINTON, A general Banking- Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. KIRWAN c% TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers 'on their own notes at low rates of interest. Al general Banking Business transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED „ Geo. Watt, President OFFERS. P. 0.; James Broadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, Secy.Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdie inspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIHECTGRS Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Murdie, Sea - forth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Geo. Watt, Harloek; T. E, Hays, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead - bury; Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. AGENTS. Thos Nei', ns, Hariock; Robt. McMillan, Sen - forth, ant Cumings. Egmondville. Parties to effect Insurances or tran- sact otbe s will bepromptly attended to 00 appli n . any oftheabove officers adressed to the respeotive offices. Clinton Planing Mill '--AND--. DRY KILN. 'The snbs, Tiber, having the every latest.,''m- proved machinery and employing the most skilled workmen is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- tice. A trial solicited. FACTORY NEAR G. T. R. STATION CLINTON, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of creed. Ie prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases—lo degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. z, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists'. For Twenty-seven Years DUNN' BAKIN POWDE THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. MCLEOD'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance. Female irregularities and General Debility. Laboratory, Goderiek, J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer in Clinton So J. H. COMBE land ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVESONI —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A:,FULL LIN'S OF GOODS KEPI ill STOCK Cae t 1ttE n'itlmia; Fluid tie d Splendid hearse Residence over store OPPOSITF TOWN HALL CLINTON MARBLE WORK COOPER'S OLD STAND Nor to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in eration and order filled int the most sat sfactoy way Come tery and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishn.ent SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton, re B��mill�r Nutimpios ' Trees, Plants, Shrubs. This old -established and reliable business is being continued as usual, and those who want anything in our line can rely on the very beat of service Choles Plants for Spring Balding. 1°l0r111 Designs for Weddings or Funerals Fruit and 011111 111011 Tree„ Spruce. SCOlr•h .t .1.81raeh:Ur Pine Pr cos of entire stock very low. All orders promptly filled. Jolty Stewart Estate, ,ret1,,ll,,,,, WOOD and COAL YARD WM. WHEATLEY is prepared to fill all or. Or Bir.' for at H her �I& Joor ynerr 8 Feed ood on shot torer will be promp„ly attono ed to. MAT STAMPING The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of stamping for Mats, Persian Rugs e promptly anyd arti- clesareasonabike le rates. M11S A. WORTHINGand TON Huron Street. Sciling Out FOR CASH. We are now offering our entire stook of Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare our prices with those you have been paving and see what you can save by ordering from us. reg. our price price peg, olc .ornStarob,10o.. 70 Coffee r1C0 price Laundry „ 10o.. 7o Lamp400, .. So o Pearline, 10o.. 8c Gingrsnaps10c.. 50 Soap, ...... 50.. .4o Tea50o..40o Pickles ....15o..100 B1ueRibbon35c..25o Extraots.,..100.,8o Tea 25o..20o Yeast Cakes,10o..8o Seeds per pkt 3o Canned Corn10o, .50 3i lb Currants..25o 3 lb Sodas.. 25o.. 20o JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton WANTED ton dollaas to a'Ilady of mature age, re• (tomcat and taut to spend her timo In a good Canso. T. 11, LI N SCOTT Toronto, but. CLOUDS DISPELLED. Nappy Influence of a G„ntie Protest and a Good, Square Meal. "If there test," ianything de Bald Mrs.Hillttops,' t1s meter). choly. " Mrs. Hilltops ie not often so vigorous in speech es this, and when she is Mr. Bill - tope knows that it is time to btaoe up. As a matter of fact, he takes usually a cheer- ful view. But when he is"depressed, as he is oo0asionally, be is glum and sileut and solemn enough and he makes everybody around him wretched. The children, sit- ting at the table, stop talking, the dinner gets cold, and everybody is chilly and Ila 1S• er able except perhaps at the last Mr. 13111 - tops himself, who finds finally a sort of melancholy pleasure in the general depres- sion that ho has caused. But Mrs, Billtops has no use for any- body that oasts a gloom. She has her own trials, but she never bothers anybody else about them. Outwardly at least she. is cheerful and spirited always, and she can't abide anybody that lets hie troubles so far overcome him that he inflicts them on oth- er people, too, and so she says: "If there is anything I despise, it's mel- ancholy. " At that Mr. Hilltops takes a brace. He looks up and smiles. It is wonderful with what alacrity the children respond, and Mr. Hilltops responds to that, and gloom is dispelled once more by the ever grateful light of cheerfulness. And when Mr. Bill - tops, as the phrase gds, gets something to eat, he feels himself bettor still. He re- members, what he has often said to him- self, that no feeling of depression should ever be accepted as genuine until it has been subjected to the test of a good square meal, and he finds that the present one will not stand that test. In fact, under the combined influences of Mrs. Hilltops' energetic protest and tho good dinner it is rapidly disappearing, and as the dinner progresses Mr. Hilltops takes a still broad- er and more cheerful view of, things, and by the time the proal is finished he is beaming with good nature, perfectly satis- fied with the present and absolutely confi- dent of the future.—New York Sun. WEAKNESS AND DYSPEPSIACURED DEAR SIRS,—I can heartily reoommen Burdock Blood Bitters. For a long time I was troubled with dyspepsia and weakness. The least exertion would tire me out. I am glad to say, however, that B. B. B. has greatly benefited me, curing dyspepsia and making me strong and well. JENNIE E veers, Hespeler, Ont A great banquet was tendered to Hon A. S. Hardy and the Government of Ontario in the Kirby "louse Brantford last Tuesday night. Between 300 and 400 of the leading citizens of Brant countysat down to, dinner, presided over by Dr McKee, president of the Young Liberal Olub. Che leading toast of thenecasion was•'Onr Guests.' The first response was made by [Son. A. S. Hardy. The attorney -general criticis- ed the tour of the opposition, led by Mr Whitney. Holl. G. W. Ross followed and dealt with the education of the province and the work that the admin- istration had done in that line. Ad- dresses werealso given by Hon, R. Har- court and lion, L'• J. Davis, Mr Gar row M.Y.Y. and Mr Middleton, M.P.Y. Rheumatism d'; ,Dyspepsia Cured 571 ST. PATRICK STREET. OTrtwA, July 31st, 189e, To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd, Ottawa, Ont. GENTLEMEN,—On the "advice of a friend 1 tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to myjfsurprise it cured me of rheumatism, from 'which 1 have suffered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheu- matism, some of which !did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that 1 have taken has done so;:much for me as your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending it to other suffers, Yours very:truly, (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau canal. For sale by Allen & Wilson, Mortgage Sale of 'Valuable Hotel Property iu the TGWU of Clinton. Uhdcr and by wirtne of I he, power of sale con- tainer) to a mortgage, which will •be produced at site, auction, tr by David be ekinrt n Ancl tonal r,attlhe I'orssnsere'ii1 hotel in Ilse TOW11 011- 1'1111011 011 Saturday Ilse 17th day of July 1897. at 3 o'clock ie theaft ancon,the following propert.y, anal the westtof t part ofslotenixteenti on land tt.he east part of lot seventeen, all in the town of Clinton. On this property there there le erected a three story bricpres- ent inthehotelknown of ThCommas J. Bell. The other buildings consist of a large barn and wood • shed, iee•houee &c. This hotel is one of the best known places of business in the county of Hur- on, has always done, and is now doing a good business. Possession will be given on the 1st day of . falgiell TEdtM0 and conditions of sale—Ten- per cent oaTsh. and the balance on the said lstday of Aug - net when possession will be given. Tho Vendor is prepared to leave a portion of the purchase money on mortgage. Further particulars may be obtained from L. Dancey, Barrister, Goderich, or the under- signed: D 3WPN O1rGARO & PROUD Vendor's Solici�s Dated at Goderioh this 196h day of June A.D. 1897 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of James Arm- strong, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Ste' ute in that behalf, that all creditors and others having olalrna against the estate of the said James Armstrong, late of the Township of Stan- ley, county of Huron, yeoman deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1897. at the acid Township of Stanley, to deliver or send by mall, prepaid, to either Janet Armstrong or Andrew D. Armstrong, Bayfield P 0, Ont., the before tiie 3 ets of hday will July, AD.,e 1897, their chile - Man names and surmt'os, addresses and de - verified by atlddavitand full pandiimmediately their said 31st day of July the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets among those of whose claims they shall thea have had notice, and they will not be liable for any other claims not then filed with them. `Solicitor fc rrt the Executors. Dated this 30th day of June, 181)7, i THE 0 'ANTON NEW ER A THE TURTLE EATERS. MOST OF THEM ARE DWELLERS NEW YORK AND LONDON. IN Mow the '» g Fish" Are Captured and Transported to Blarket—Turtles Live For a Month 1n Captivity Without F tasty In a Snapper's Bead. It takes about 6,000 turtles a keep New York in turtle soup. and London are the great turtle A11 the rest of the world together hot equal either one of these oiti amount of turtle meat consumed, a Yorke consumes 2,000 more 'of t fish" than London does. Nearly turtles received In this city come fro West. They are naught on the ooral ree founding the Florida keys, and, a log ;Akan into Key West, are bro this port by a Mallory line steame turtles are laid on their banks in pertinent below decks. The comps is kept warm, and that is all the creatures receive They are not fed Strange to say, in a large shipmen rare that more than one turtle dies four days' trip up the coast. A few turtles arrive here at odd in from Jarnaiexa, but they do not arriv good condition as the Key West turtl are not considered such good eating. Londoners, in spite of all that has said about aldermanic turtle soup, really know what good turtle so Their turtles come from Jamaica. The turtle trade, both in Londe New York, is in the hands of a few T. H. Dellis controls nine -tenths o London trade and Eugene Black least two-thirds of the New York tra Up above ton market ho r. hf has a room to whiord's place t turtles are hoisted and laid on their in a mild temperature as soon as th received from the steamer. In sum when the market is full of turtles, the placed in pens in the East river, ba the fish market, and fed on chopped bags. In winter, however, they get a warm roots. Turtles have been known to live month after their arrival without just by being kept•warrn: In wjnte dealers are careful, as a rule, not to 0 too many turtles. They order just -a the number forSwhich they have a mend. Sometimes, when there came a sud and unexpected demand, turtles have sent up from Florida by express, but makes a turtle cost so much that it is in emergencies that he travels that wa For the New York market the to regu}re+d are from 15 to 326 pounds Florida turtles. Jamaica turtles are good when they weigh more than pounds. Kingston is the place where m of the berths fishing for the London in ket is done. The great sea turtles, with their possibilities of steak and soup, swa over the coral reefs north of Jamaica, a over 100 men work on from 8 to 16 sinschooners catching them. Strong nets are stretched from rook rook of coral, and against these nets "fish," as the turtles aro called by th hunters, swim and cling with their fl pers. Then the fishermen gather there each schooner carrying back to Kdngst from the reef as its catch from 80 160 turtles. They are put into inclosur filled with sea water, fed on turtle gra and taken int as required, either for e port or home consumption.Nearly 3,000 turtles a year ate sent London, and, in spite of rumors to the o trary, they are not all consumed by t lord mayor and the aldermen. Turtl bound for England get a liberal supply sea water, aro fed on a diet of oatmeal an lettuce, and are oomforted with beds Warm straw. Nevertheless the death rate among the while on the voyage is large. Those will° survive the voyage sometimes die in. th train from Southampton to London. Ou of one lot of 120 shipped to the prinoipa London dealer some Mine ago, only 7 were also) when the steamer arrived a Southampton, and of those 30 died befo they reached London. A turtle will stand decapitation bette than cold. A turtle whose head had been cut off 24 hours previous}y knocked down a man cook in a Newcastle hotel, and it is not infrequently that these "big fish" are nailed to the decks of a ship to prevent their swarming all over it. They don't seem to mind it at all. Yet any temperature below 40 degrees kills a ttu•tle out of hand. A turtle's head will retain its vitality for a long time after being severed from the body. his a well attested fact that sometimes a turtle's head which has been off for hours will bite at a piece of wood. A turtle's heart curt out and laid on a mar- ble slab will sometimes go on beating for two hours after it has parted company with the body. The green turtle, which is the kind the New York market requires almost exclu- sively, is a patient and peaceful creature, and there is no danger in handling him. But his cousin,' the "snapping turtle," a creature which largely affects the land, is of a different, temper. Ie tho handling of snapping turtles considerable care has to bo exercised, for they cannot only bit stun- ning blows with their flippers, but their powerful beaks are capable of doing seri- ous injury. A man was once carrying a large turtle into a famous restaurant, when, as he went to place It on the floor, the creature snapped his nose clean off. When a snap- ping turtle is sold, a place of wood is placed in his beak and tied there with strong cords running around his head. Otherwise he could not be handled with any sort of safety. Only about 260 pounds a month of snapping turtle are sold in New York.—New ' - eek Press. cod—V1- year to This city eaters. would es in the nd New ho "big all the m Key hi sur- fter be- ught; to r. The 8 oom- rtment care the at all. t it is in the tervals e in as es and been do not up is. n and mon. f the ford at de. Ful - h the backs ey are' mer, y are ck of cab- only ab- only for a food, r the rder bout de - den been that only Y- rtles for not 180 est ar- all lenr nd all to the eir sp- in, on to es SS x - to he OS of d of m h e 1 t0 re r MURRAY LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANOKERdH1Er, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS AND GENERAL HEALERS. YOU. The wild rose In the morning air, All gemmed with dew, Is not more sweet 0101 fresh and fats, My love, than you. Tho bluebird, calling ell who hear To love and spring, Has neve:• note so soft and clear As when you sing. The star that throws athwart the night Its silver beam Shines not so bright as to my sight Your dear eyes sash, 11 voice and lips and eyes were urine And you my brio,•, Thold u ofall gthe world might shine As dross betide. —J. L. Heaton in "The Quilting Bee," The Engineering News of New York, in reviewing the report of Mr. A. W. Camp- bell, Provincial Instructor in roadinaking, Lately published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, makes the following favor- able comment. —"This excellent report up- on the onnstructinn and maintenance of c nintryroads and town streets should be in the henav el every man Ili terested in im- provement of this class. The road prob- lem is not only web discussed, but the de- tail of location, oonstructiotl, repairs, ad- ministration and provision of means for cad Improvement are all taken up after a very sensible fashion. VOA NS KIDNEY PILLS IF YOU HAVE WEAK BACK, LAME BACK, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO OR RHEUMATISM, DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU. DO YOUR HANDS OR FEET SWELL ? IF SO YOU HAVE WEAK KIDNEYS. DOAN'S PILLS WILL STRENGTHEN THEiti. HAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI- NARY TROUBLES OF ANY KIND? IF SO, DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURE YOU. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. HEADACHES, DIZZINESS. F'RIOHTFUL DREAI'IS, DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWSI- NESS, FORGETFULNESS, Ct'LO CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, ETC., ARE OFTEN CAUSED BY DISORDERED KICNEYS. EVEN iF YOUR rlErtoRY IS DEFECTIVE YOU SHOULD ALWAYS REr1E17BER THAT DOAN'S PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY TROU- BLES, AND EVERY DOSE HELPS THE CURE. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. THEY LEAD 1v 1 :3'. We get the boy to .tad \14i vur $lines and the effect is e city see The average boy knows a good thing when he sees it and a good:shoe when be wears it. They like our goods, We also show a tine line of Men's,Women' and Children's Sloes, Call and see our stock of Double and Single harness, Trunks, Valises, AT. Red and White Cedar Shingles on hand. JAS. MITCHELL, Victoria Block, Clinton. The Legislature of Prince Edward Island has been dissolved, and the general elections take place July 21. Edward Stacey, f Blancwas hard, on Thursday by being from his buggy, The horse was fright - rued by a dog, and became unrnanag- able, ran away with the above result. Mrs Stacey, who was in the rig at the t.me, escaped serious injury. , THE READ MASTER. GewrLE1EN,—I have found great satisfac- tion in the use of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and consider it invaluable in all oases of diarrhoea and summer com- plaint. It is a pleasure to me to recommend it to the public. R. 13. MAST ERTON,Principal High School, River Charlo, N. 13. July 9, L89 THE COMING OF BAl.',," Wh n a baby cornea to a house Mg liSro pineeseowes. The care and au4iol y oo OO for nothing•egainet the clinging the little hands and the sound ofhe �l I voice, the highest function give 11144 into the world. Over 30 yeare agotheppe beings is bringing healthy, happy ChUd of women appealed to Dr. Pierce, now 0104 consulting physician to the Invalfd'e $ and Burgles. Institute of Buffalo, N,�: The result of his study improved by '30 years of practice is embodied in.Dr,Pie flet# Favorite Prescription. It etrengthenel, ppfw, ifl ee and makes healtoy the organa dietlirttl#lyy,`` feminine. It gives weak women the etrengtbF and healthy health hildren andproduction t makes for the theat . of those children easy. It is sure to q, any derangement peculiar to women: stiape pain, soothes inflammation, strengtheno,' purifies invigorates. A IIUiIgIJ art's Deiig]hit Ie something good to eat. If you occasionally feel that you would like some to appease your appetite, try some of the following Heinz's Sweet Pickles 35e a quart, Heinz's Beans in Tomato Sauce' Potted Meats _Valu, Chicken, P Partrlue idge, , tipc.bel Catsup, � b L7 U+e. Every delicacy the market affords, at lotvest possible prices. The up-to-date Grocery is OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 FACTS se. It pays to advertise facts only. Anything that can be proven is a fact. We substantiate and prove all we adverti QUANTITY We have the largest stock or Furniture in this county to choose from, QUALITY Our goods cannot be surpassed for design, workmanship and , - ine other goods then see ou s and you will °r we do not convinced thatnwhatnwe tell you is right. y slop work. Exam-- PRICESOur prices are away down. We have the name of selling Furniture cheaper than any, other firm in this section, and we aro bound tore— tain our reputation. Don't buy furniture till you get our prices UNDERTAKING. In this department we carry a complete stock. We give a service that cannot be surpassed by any, and our charges are as low as the lowest. Our bearae and outfit is undoubtedly the finest in the county. BROADFOOT,BOX & CO. J. iv. Clddley P S—Night end Sunday calla attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral Director) residence,Manager CLINTON SEWING MACHINE Warero oms The subscriber desires to i is still Sewing Machine business, and has lmadeatearrange in the menNEM' HOME SEWING 1IA('IIINE COMP:t\Y,a with thee dnrabilTo handle their llhin\ s, and la y prepared redbe Lo placed on tripublic. an article al chin11 es no tltc ;,nue quality of ,,uk U,m•. will at aced )1 the, l free; and will compete ithallfor ma- chines not e i; u,• ir,vl Pu:et we procure any wdth all machine iT.tt;,Al!'eC 1,! ut.• .�co011u- , nn NIXES sui•pliedfor all makes of machines. any machine largest manuPycliu•ci ildNE,-1 tun ,,gent for the celebrated Authouy Wayne Washer, the till hand e thelu,pr,,\•ed 1(100, and Manitoba Wabhers. Also'Clothes Wringers, best iu market here ut t het odd. The machine cannot be beat in any respect. I ' MOORE, old stand, Huron St. Clinton • Summer _ '° oods We wish to draw special dttet}tion to the following. Men's Shirts, Draws Braces and Hose; largo range both in quality and price. Ladies' Dress Vesta, handsome Prints, for Waists. Handkerchiefs in great varietDrawers,' Parasols.Te. Stainless Black Hose, 1•'2o to -35c, both plain and ribbed.Gonda, dows. Now for Harvest Tools, cythes, Snaths, Forks,y' Pine Apples and other fruits. Bibles and Methodist Hymnbooks oon Dom and Win - received, Our Teas are specially Rakes, �o, Strawberries, re theirvemerit good (so we hear veroften) and ebsell dtjust hem onEverybody cordially invited We have a fine lot of Whips, Highest price for produce. give us a trial. Terms Cash or Produce. U)AMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO� ADAMS Bicycle foolishness is to purchase a cheap bicycle cheap, for you soon have to purchase another. Bicycle Wisdom is to purchase a Bicycle of reputation like CLEVELAND They last fol years and always run easy and are a continual source of pleasure and pride, at$75 &$1DA H. A. LONER. & CO., Toronto W. COOPER & CO., Agents, � , Clint oma. J. i/