HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-09, Page 5Y�
Stop i
And look at our
XOe Blouse Sets
We have just received another
lot of them, Having Bold over
100 pairs, which cleaned us out,
but managed to secure another
lot which we will sell at 10 cts
the set, and are doubtful if they
can be duplicated at this .trice. -
flome and get a set before they"
re all gone. They won't last
ong. Our 25o line won't last
We do Engraving in the very
neatest and latest style, and do
it while you wait.
J. B.RumbaJI$
Jeweler, Oliaton.
22ire You
of a Watch ? .
We have always a large assort-
ment to choose from in Gold,
Gold-filled, Silver and Silveroid
Cases,also a large stook of Move-
ments in Ladies' and Gents sizes
Call and examine our goods. No
trouble to show them. You will
have a good variety to choose
from, as we are constantly stock-
ing up. Special attention is giv-
en to watch repairing, either in
English, American or Swiss.
Our Watchmaker is thoroughly
acquainted with all grades and
makes of Watches. He lfras all
latest improved tools to work
with, and is bound to give satis-
faction. A call solicited.
Of any undertaking is very important. We've been laying the foun-
dation of our Gigantic Sale during the past week. We told you what
we intend doing, and everything has been carried out to the letter.
Every department is moving forward at what the military people oall
"double quick" time. People will come where they find the best goods at
the lowest prioes, prompt, polite attention and an earnest desire to please.
Our Gigantic Summer Clearing Sale will continue during the whole of the
month. Snob retailing cannot be continued all the time. If you are not al-
ready a customer perhaps these sale prioes will induce you to beoome ao-
Men's Braces, regular price 20o, sale price 5o
Men's Braces, fanny silk finished, worth 30o, sale price 20o
Speoial line Ladies' Hose, fast black, regular pride 20o. sale pride 2 pairs25o
Special Ladies' Hose, four pairs for 25o
Ladies' Corsets, sizes 19 to 24, made to tit, worth 40c for 25o
The Corsets we are selling during this sale at 40o, 50o, 75o, are extra value.
Table Linen, 35c kind reduced to 25o, 45o kind reduced to 35o
special lines- 50o kind reduced to 40o.
Check Muslin, worth 8o, sale price
Men's Shirts worth 30o; sale prioe
Extra value in Parasols and Shirt waists,
The Flannelette we are now selling at 5o is worth
Special heavy make of Flannelette for shirts, dark colors, worth 1213 to 14o 8o
Factory Cotton 2 yard, one yard wide. for l00
It will pay y to read these "ale." and keep posted on what is
going at this store.
65o kind reduced to 500
:McKinnon &t Co 4 Myth
l th
ohAf Toronto, n Cooper, editor Canadian
anon of W. Cooper, Clinton), of a'daugh
KING -At Bayfield, on July 1, the wife of
Thomas King, of a daughter.
SHANNON -In Goderich, on Jnno 30,
One half -bred Jersey cow, 3 years old, a gcod
milker. very rich cream; 1 Poland China boar,
8 months old, Rog.; I Po'and China boar, 14 yrs.
old, r• eg; 1 Duroc Jersey boar and cow, 6 mos.
old, Reg; 3 P land China sows, in pig, Reg; 2
imported Tamworth sows. As I am overstock-
ed I will sell the above stock at very reasonab.e
prices. WESLEY W. FISHER, Lot 8, Con. 1,
Colborne Tp , Beumillor P. 0.
I31I3ry- auk - Rcstauraot
Is headquarters for ,
Ice Cream, Cool Drinks,
Tobaccos, Cigars,
Bananas, Pine Apples,
Strawberries, and all Fruits
and Confectionery.
Fine assortment of Fire Crackers.
Bread, Fancy Cakes and Pastry
Wedding eakes are still our leading
James McClacherty, Clinton
E gdish Paris
25c a ib. When you can get the best Green for the
same price as inferior green, why not use it? One
pound will go further and give better satisfaction than
the same quantity of a cheaper grade. It will save
time and expense.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
Do you buy your goods from us, if not, why not?
When you can buy from 20 to 25, per cent cheaper
titan anywhere else.
No one in the regular way can give you prices that we
are offering. We could not do it only we are going out
wife of Dr. J. R. Shannon, of a daughter.
DARWIN -1n Scaforth, on June 26, the wife
of Mr. John J. Darwin, of a son.
THOMPSON-In Scaforth, on June 28,
wife of Mr, W. W. Thompson, of a daugh(ethe
OCKRTDGE-In Morris, on June 2, the wife
of Mr. Rich. Ockridge, of a daughter.
SMthe wife of Mr. Mortimer Lower �Srmith,'of twion n )sons18,
FLOODY-In Exeter, on July 4, the wife of
Matthew Floody, of Blyth, of a daughtor.
by Rey. ohn-F. German, Mr oAlfrednTebbutt
to Miss ai, Jack, both of Goderich township.
TREMEER-YYBUS-At H nsall, on Juno
30, by Rev. W.J. Waddell, Mr John A. Tante, r
to Mise Mary E Pybus, both of Tuckers,aith.
PENNINGTON- CARDIFF -At the reside.,ee
of the bride's mother, on J une 23, by ltcv, Mr.
Aboy, Mr, Walter Pennington to Miss Maggie,
eldest daughter of Mrs, Thos. Cardiff, both of
bTEELE-O'OONNOR-At St. John's church
Brussels, on June 30, by Itov. Rural Dean Hod-
gins. of Seaforth, Rev. H, D dteele, of Port
Stanley, to Miss Minnie, daughtor of Mr. J. M.
O'Connor, of Brussels.
BALL -BEDFORD -At Mrs. Shannon's, Clin-
ton, on June 80, by Rev. W. Pocock }3. A., Mr,
GeorgekHenry Ball to MiSsAmdeBetllol((, both
of Hullett township.
TAYLOR -CLARK -At the r,,sidence of the
bride's parents, Honsall, on June 23, by Rev.
W. 11. Kerr, Mr. John Taylor, of Exeter to Miss
Melenda daughter of Mr. David Glark, ficusall.
McEVOY-WILSON-At St. Litke'e church,
AshbarithaHerbert Symonds M r M. on June Dermot MCN voyuto
Jennie, daughter of the late Wm. Wilson, of
bride's mt er,LAngleseatsc, on Jude 30. by hey
It. Henderson, of Auburn, John D. Long, of
Wingham, to Miss Ida gallows, c f Goderich,
Mofrhe blide's paterns, IChi elhu st, oonherJune 30
Tbhan a ford. to . Mr. Massepophrano,Mdaughter of
John Fitzgerald.
KOE UGH-CARLEY_In Exeter, on June 30,
at the residence of Thomas Clarke, by Rey. W.
11. Butt, William Koeugh, of London, to Miss
Elizaba, h Carley Exeter.
DOUGLAS -CARNI}: -At the residence of
the bride's father, on J one 16, by Itev. J. A. Mc.
Michigan, ot Joseph
el Carate, daughter of
Wm. (Jamie, of Stanley.
ELLIOTT-COLLINS-At the Methodistpar-
sonage, Fordwich, on Juno 23, by Rev, T. Wes-
ley Cosens Mr. Robert Elliot of Teeswater, to
Miss Lily Collins 01 Corrie.
McLEOD-In Swt,fortti on June 26, Christina
McLeod, wife of Murdock McLeod, aged 68
MCMILLAN-In Goderich on June 26, Mn'.
comm MeiVlillan aged 88 years.
Strachan. wifeofAleuxanderGl n,aged41 y 29, ears.
PUUtf-ltt Clinton, on July2, Henry 0, Pugh,
aged 89 years, 9 m..nths.
tor relit oft a late Wm. Kitty, aged Elizan July 3, 7years,
and mother of Mrs. J. Tedford, Clinton.
McGOWAN-in Errst Wawanosh, on Ju;y 1,
Gregor McGowan, aged 65 years.
WILSON -In Clinton, on July.3, El'en, wifo
of Saruer Wilson, aged 45 years.
APIER-In Hullett, on July,6, John Lapis r
d 80 years and 2 months.
RENCH-AtNapaneo, on July 5, Marian,
rghter of Mr, N'. W. French, arid graud-
tsur of Mr. W. Taylor, Clinton, aged 9
hams, g d lig years,rich1 morit.hsly ansi 6 days,
NEWELL-In Goderich, on July 11, John
Nowell, aged 68 years, 9 months and 27 days,
of business. Low prices and bargains will be given asu
long as the stock lasts, "'��
We are determined to clear oi,,✓ everything,
and those that come first will have an advantage
in the selection of goods. When we commenc-
ed to sell out our stock was large and well se-
lected. We have sold a large quantity of goods,
still we have plenty left yet, and almost every-
thing you wantin the way of staples.
We have not space to quote prices and you would not know
mullout it without seeing the goods. Come and see us
.,and we will make the prices to suit. Don't delay as the stock
is getting smaller every day.
Plumsteel & Gibbings,
Aewu A'cluerti ementgi.
To Rent, about August, a Brick Cottage on
Townsend Street, Apply to C. E. HOVEY.
Nearly as good as now -a single covered
buggy, a mower anti binder will be sold chr•a.T ,
Apply at. Nnw ERA office or to C. H. CARTE,,
North St.
Came mato subscribers premises, Huron road,
Goderich township, the latter part of Juno, a
yearlingroan heifer. The owner is hereby
notified to prove property, pay charges and
take, it away. W. ROBINSON,
LosClineinton, on
strap Black Col-
lie Dog withtailaoutt 9 eslong, ci
neck, with two rings on it. Anyone rotnrnieg•
the same to NEW ERA Office or M SCHWA NZ,
Benmiller, will be suitably rewarded,
Sealed Tenders will be received by the u -
dersIgned, up to 7 p m on MONDAY, Jtruv 19, for
the erl•ation of a brick water tank in the Town
of at the oflice of the unde undersigned, to
any tender
Fire and Water Om
-Tri Great 12th of July =
When crowds, drum beatings, enthusiasm and speeches are
the order of the day.
Some we believe are going to Manchester, some to Bayfield, some to
Lucan, some one place, some another, anywhere to spend the
day in the grand old 12th of July style.
Tlie weather'is going to be dreadfully oppressive and hot, dust and
perspiration will begrime every body and everything. Those who
wear heavy clothing will put in a dreadfully melting time of it.
Everything worn that day should be of the very coolest and
lightest texture and impervious to dust.
We have al)undant stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, all prices.
Light weight Coats and Vests, Cheap Suits from $5.50 up. Shirts
any make and style, Cuffs, Collars. Everything suitable for hot
times like these.
The Ni•;w ERA is not responsible in any way 1 corrected every'Chu'red.1y eftern,•on
fur opinions expressed under this bead.
Thursday, July 8th,;1.897.
To (h,,-,litor of tie New Era,
Wheat spring 0 65 a 0 6(1
Wheat,fall 0 65 a 0 (i6
Oats, 021a022
022 a 0 25
ly Pone 0 37 a 0 38
s- Flour per cwt 1 75 a 2 00
er Butter 0 9 a 0 10
ed Egg eper dos 0 7& a 0 8
g Flay new, $7; old 7 00 a 8 00
n Slieeepskins 0 25 a 0 25
es Wool 0 18 a 0 18
as No, 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
'- Potatoes 0 25 a 25
y- Clover Seed, retail 5 50i a. 5 50
he Timothy Seed 2 50 a 2 50
Silt,-IIow the miehty bave fallen! On
a few weeks ago the editor of the New
Record assailed you for publishing a lett
in defence of an article that had appear
in his paper re the "Banner Advertisin
Co." In his article he'posed as a guardia
over the innocent ones in regard to fait
and schemes. But lo, what a change h
come about!. lie actually assists a travel
ing agent to bleed bis advertisers into pa
ing for what, in my opinion, is one of t
worst advertising schemes that man coul
invent, one that is little short of a des
rake-off. The article in question oceupie
three and a half columns in this week's is
, on the most valuable page of his paper,
but the interests of hts readers are sacrificed
to assist this limber -tongued solicitor to
fool the people he pretends he has so long
guarded. I am a firm believer in good ad-
vertising, but this scheme certainly takes
the palm for rot, and waste of space and
money. ft is little better than,swindling,
pure and simple, for it is devoid of any ad-
vertising points, no matter how viewed; an
article that an ordinary schoolboy could
greatly improveuipon, and yet this grnardian
angel assists in taking money from his reg-
ular advertisersand giving it to a man who
does not care one iota after bis hands are
on 11. I shall be greatly pleased to know
the drawing power of this grand advertising
not cedAs yet aroundotherdoors of thoshe whoeso
judiciously (?) advertised. Yours,
[The NEW ERA was first aeked to take
hold and help the matter, but declined to
do so, and we are surprised that reputable
papers will lend themselves to it, if they
stop, to think -over it, more especially as
these same papers are continually warning
their readers against questionable schemes
of one kind and another, If a 'coal news-
paper wished to give advortisore a genuine
write-up, it oould be done without using a
stereotyped story, and the assistance of a
stranger whose only interest is whatever be
can make out of it.]
Maynard whilightning
working inhayfield, kill-
ing him instantly, also stunning his father
in such a way thatihe did not live moretban
a few hours, and instantly killing the team
of horses and elivering the waggon to
crossed over
toCthe allof Calais Maine, pand aided
their neighbora to oelebrate the 4th of July.
On Jubilee day, the Calais people celebrat-
ed at the Canadian town. Thus is the in-
ternational good fellowship promoted.
There should be more of it.
elU•AdvertimtelCt .
Two valuable farms, being lot 39, con. 10 and
also lot 42 con. 8, Godorich township. Thesefarms aro 12, con.
and in godstatoe
of cultivation, being mostly in grass. Tho soil I
is the best of clay, and Is suitable to either ' a
grain or pasture. Excellent, water, good build- I0
Ings and fine orchards on noth p aces, convent- 1
ent to church and School. Also part of lot 79,
Ba Hold Line, consisting of 8 aor es, bush. They
will be sold separately or together, to suit the
purchaser, Possession given immedlately, For
thether premises, ora Clinton fa ly 0. 13, SWITlE1?t' on
entreat, July 5.-A private cable from
London quotes Canadian steers at 5d to
51d. There were about 450 head of butch-
ers' cattle' 250 calves, 550 sheep and lambs
and 75 store hogs and small pigs offered
for sale at the Eaet End Abattoir to -day.
The butchers did not turn out in such large
numbers as usual, and trade was rather
dull, with the prices tending downward.
The great heat had a depressing effect.
Prime beeves sold at from 4hc to 4}c pet lb,
only a few bringing over 4}c per lb; pretty
good stock sold at from Sac to 4c and the
common and inferior beasts at from dao to
8c per lb. Calves less than five weeks old
sold at from $2 to $6 each; a few older
ones brought more. Sheep sold at from
30 to Sac per Ib; lambs sold at from $2.25
tol$3.50 each. Fathogs sold at from 5o to
5,c per lb.
Commercial Notes
The proposal to start a cheese fair in
Wingham has fallen through. The buyers
wouldmarkets. like to see fewer instead of more
J. B, Snider, of Waterloo, has made a
shipment of three carloads of church furni-
tare to South Africa. The goods were
purchased by the Dutch Reformed Church
at Woodstock, Cape Colony.
The earnings of the G. T. R. and C. P.R.
-Canada's two great railways -last week
showed the great united increase of over
$130,000, as compared with the same week
ass year, Buisness is certainly increasing
During the month of Jane, the Exeter
creamery manufactured apwrrds of 37,000
pounds of butter, or an average of nearly
1,500 pounds per day. The output of this
factory, which is daily increasing,
is one of the largest in the province.
A formal order in council bas been pass-
ed by the Dominion government admitting
New South Wales to the benefits of the re-
ciprocal tariff, the minister of customs
having reported that the tariff of the sister
colony is favorable to Canada.
The shipments of butter from -Montreal
np to date have nearly doubltd the quatity
sent out during the corresponding period
last year. But even cheese has now topped
over the quarter million mark, and is
something like 83,000 boxes greater than at
the corresponding period last year. Bnt
ven produce cannot claim increases alone
ora oatse exports
pease are gall greater whan
alt year.
A yonng woman named Maggie begroat,
20 years of age, attempted to commit sui-
cide in Victoria Park, Brantford, by swal-
lowingmorphine. She will probably reamer.
The Latest
JUBILEE VIOLET is a most exquisite perfume, sold by the`
ounce; manufactured by John Taylor & Co. Also a full;;:
line of Stern's Recksecker, Seely and French Perfumes-'
GOA/1E31-4:S DRUG Store.
Little Things
Count AW
You are all familiar with the saw "Little drops of water,.
little grains of sand." Every pi.rcllaser dearly loves a'
bargain; what think you of the following ?
1 --One small square Table, beautifully finished in
Cherry, Rosewood or Walnut.
2 -Ogle ('amp ('hair, strong and comfortable.
3 -One Set (buss, Bread and Cake Hnives and
Bread Board.
4 -One large single P►'eserv-ing granite Kettle.
Any of the4e articles are good value at .5Oc,lbut we
now offer your choice of them, together with ono pound'
Art Baking Powder, guaranteed first-class for only
half a dollar. The supply is limited and only one
will be„sold to each customer.
The Tea Sale goes merrily along, new customers who bought a pound just
to try it are now sending in second orders, and in all probability will con-
special .Tea
We think ourTeas a little better value in ithan can be p oon d
ed elsewhere, and we want every Tea drinker in the county to know it --bow
shall they know union they try it ?
During the next few months we will give to Tea bnyere 50 special prizes
and a valuable Gold Watch. Suppose you try a five pound lot. We
will cheerfully) refund the price if you are notjiatiefied with it.
W. L. Ouimette, Londesbor -