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The Clinton New Era, 1897-07-09, Page 2
� tQ - , J (9, 4 riiINNAc.,(014 TIic a•CLAIR RIVER) .11 1W ONTARIO. simmer 1.�, ,.,, Term �, luring July and Agust it college will be open r the accommodation Teachers and others 4o cannot attend at any other time. 1pEclal rates. Write for Souvenir. A. S. NIMMO, Prop i ! Preferred Trade. who has been orvanist for some time, Sunday School Convention. olisly curried oil? f' The first subject discussed, after the reports )nits wits, ” I buties tinct I rivileges of Sunday School Snpetintendents.” The Su )e ulteudent IIitR the res xpn- 6 " i sibility of seeing thin all the work of the school is carried out. Ills work has also iedigned and Miss lava Taylor r' I I Mr J. Lewis, who is in Britain repre- now presides at the organ. •TheeighteeuthannualUnionS.Schoo Convention of the Duugannou b I senting the Toronto Globe, referringto I Mr John McDer•rnitt of Wingham, an, Nile circuits of the Methodist I I the ref encs P eF given by the Laurier (had a line bull die oil the train while golr)g to Toronto last Thursday. The churel was held in the Dungannon 1Vlethodisl k, government in ,the new tariff to the I motherland, says: "One Ana- animal was valued at about 1x70. Rev R, S. (church on Wednesday, June 10th 1807. The weather was all that could of the G. Anderson, pastor of be desired but the attendance was not tralian prerhue.rs said at Liverpool l'hat this proceeding had " startled the civ- the Presbyterian church at bordwich, has been g: van a month's leave of ab- so large its usual. But though there were fewer people present the addrevset I ilized world." This phrase soundq a I little, exaggerated, ggerated, but there is not the Bence, and he will take a trip through Muskoka and Manitoulin, Island forhis were very 'god and the discussiont rinse profitable, if } possible, than tit least doubt, from the manner in which health. former conventions. The morning ,tilt, referet.ce b t0 the tat iii' is being received � 6 1 Aar a la accidently g p to glass was ac d y evening io Fecal( n, were presided eslded ova • h g p r y i in the British audiences, that is one of heoken in the store of Wn. Button, Rev. F. Swan of Dungannon. In the the most important advertisements I Wingham, One of the carpenters in afternoon Rev. J. W. Pring occupiec Canada has ever received it, these driving the fluor of the window to- the chair. In the morning stud after ithat islands. The average Englishmen does gether let the adze slip, striking the noon congregational singing efihvenec. b not cavil or sneer at the action of Can- window and breaking out a large piece. theprocediugs arid the Dungannot. b ada rordoes he inquire very closely in- the troublesome question of the Bel- A happy event transpired at the home of Mrs Sallie, Colborne township, choir su )plied choice music in the eve fling. Two of the speakers were ab lto gium and German treaties, nor the ex- on Wednesday of last week, being the sent when their•narnes were called bill act effect of the tariff on British busi_ marriage of Ger daughter to Mr Jas. their subjects were taken ti find dis P i UPSS. He Simply accepts it as a token Long, of Wingham. cussed. of good -will, aria if he once gets it into his head that he ought to reciprocate, St. John's church, Brussels, was the In the following report the addresser are condensed and cunnhined. one cannot help thinking that he will magnetic point on Wednesday fore- ;;.Q ..:the United States speak favorably a.pply himself to the work with that noon at 11 o'clock, the occasion being MORNING SESSION. dogged thoroughness with which he i the marriage of Rev. H. D. Steele, of The morning Session wits opened builds bridges and railways, and ships, fort Stanley, to Miss Minnie, the es- tunable daughter J. M. O'Vutmor, with a short prayer se[•vi(•e led by Rev. and scoops in new possessions," of F. Swan, who gave,all address of wel• tion to enjoy thein, but what comfort leasure Princess St., Brussels, coule to the S. S, workers and visitors, o On the evening of June 23rd, the eve Short and encouraging report, of The Question of Roads. of the departure of Rev, E. A. and Mrs the Nile, Sheppardton, Ebenezer, Dun- ( I Mr Campbell, Provincial Road Cont- Shaw for their new station at Bayfield, anumber of the friends of the Bel- gan non and Crewe schools were given and discussed. These reports show't]tilt ( mhas Said that grave circuit met at the parsonage and r C S,V to-seissioner, en teachers and officers are i •'nurl"U fll"'trust I'll years trli unflilo"s presented Mr and Mrs Shaw each with a handsome in these two circuits enga red in con- ducting and teaching in ordnys' thutyd nal- upholstered chair. P schrnp, which s I ,ve beelyd dollars tloa, m• donors hove Peso depended on the o I roads o. /llnldn t•lo. We regret to learn of the destruction over, four hundred and thirty scholars 'll•P. Wel']dl}' f.allght the ti'llthR of till, -Are flit, restrusconststent r, fill flint targe• espeu(uturc2 by fire, of the sawmill at Port Finlay, Algoma, belonging to the Messrs Mc- Bible. Li, 51)£3 verses have hPPll recited ( ' f1' ° H71N 9VIVIn that inhor 'out money I would nuu•irdiurnizeevery rod o1'road (aline Kay, of the 10th con. of Tuckersmith. during the year. For the instruction and entortainulent of these w„rk >rs I Province• This looks like an extravagant state- g Mr Peter McKay y received the intelli- Bence by a letter from his brother,, tltd their classes, 1'20 copies of Upward, g0 of Sunbeam it„d Several vopies of I went, but we do not think it is far Daniel, who has been in charge of the mill for some time. The mill was ]o- Pleasant Hours, happy Days and I from the truth. If Mr Cam bell were P cited at Port Finlay, and had only been Northern Messenger ave provided. For their'assiStance in the )re oration I to visit some sections of Huron to -day in operation for about a year, The fire occurred on June 17th, and of the lesson they use .i i l3,ulipns and e I Ile would find that the Statute labor was caused by the smoke stack taking 180 BereLeaves. purchase these supplies a sou) of over' $260 has been s system, with most of its abuses, is still fire. Pew medicines have held their ground so raised and ex pendP(1. �\'tri] but good situ be the result of it work t till,, vi ror- l''',„. * N ,. � t p11tt d& l ,; „ 1Y I�iA>.W `J/ t : ,, "`, FRIDAY JULY 9 1897 r' �,t ,, in vogue. ivere he to drive along some of the leading thoroughfares he would find aquahtity Ofso-called gravel s read on the roads all examination P would show the "gravel" is about throe parte dirt and one part gravel. When a rain storm comNs along the successfully as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During the past fifty yerrs, it has been the most popular of all cough cures and the de- mend for it today is greater than ever be- fore. Prompt to act and eine to cure, The very sad news reached her fermi- ly, ou Thursday, that Miss Lizzie Nin- olisly curried oil? f' The first subject discussed, after the reports )nits wits, ” I buties tinct I rivileges of Sunday School Snpetintendents.” The Su )e ulteudent IIitR the res xpn- 6 " i sibility of seeing thin all the work of the school is carried out. Ills work F µ 1,the many honors conferred upon dirt is washed awn y, and the road is in boll, of Bluevale, had died in the Lo extends he and the school scum. tine Y iA�oanadian Premier in Great Brit- very little, if any, better condition than don hospital. He fatal disease was should be very partielliar in regiu'd to WF�+, u11.1 he no doubt values most his ap- before the stuff was laced on it. Stat- ate labor has been done on the roads cancer, which, the doctor said, had been growing somL time withuut order' and punctuality in the openi:.g, closingand Otherexercises of the s( Pool. 0QQmtment to the Ini erial Priv Coun- '' P Y of this count for at least fifty years, Y -for her knowledge, until about two weeks He should he careful of his conduct at :}l'Sfor this carries with it a recognition Are the roads ill the condition they ago when she to:)k a chill and became g.' all times its hu only iuflucuce souse r<'tf the Dominiou as apart of the Brit- should be as the result? The work, as so ill she had to be removed to the whom the minister bas co opportunity �t 6empire. He is not, however, the done at present, is almost money hospital. Nord wits from her mother, Mrs Nicholl, Turnberry, of reac•hin��*, He i, the proper person ,8f (,aoadian made a Privy Council=. thrown away. if the gravel were of who e- to n)owe scl'olars frunn one. clitss to un - ,•10 Sir John. McDonald received that screened it would he infinitely better, manned with her diLvghter until tie nthav'. lie Pus the right to appoint onor, and it was aleo conferred on Sir but what the roads need is broken end, teachers for classes when v,tcancit's 4Fhn Thompson on the morning of stone. On the Huron road, through , Another of those interesting events occur between the regular quarterly 1i> death. Stapleton, is it lot of coarse gravel, took place Wednesday morning in the `1�OeLiugs of t.11e S. Schuul hoard. He G,x,S' with i little. dirt in it. When this gets Lutheran chnrch, Anbur n, it bring the ld b • d lc y,d to the institutions of ;+.1,;;,,; packed, it will make a much better marriage of Dliss Catherine Doer to Dir ('hllr•ch :coil its rogtilar'ly as possible; 111+;f ,aw1tis not often that the newspapers roadbed than guy.quantity of dirt. loungblut, of Tavistock. The bride attend Cht prayerand Cl rl:tsa IllePtlll 1 g''• ;;.Q ..:the United States speak favorably Another point whereon we think, a mistake us made is in r doing the road was attired in white Swiss muslin and was as supported by her cousin, bliss Me- :APTGRNOON SV,'S5u)N. The subject "How t:) Tent t 0anadian progress, and it is refresh- to note that the New York Even- work in ,lune or July. During the summer the roads are always good, and Bride. A brother of the groom acted as best man. After the ceremony was' promote - prrnnce in the S, Sc Pool "was intro- dnct,d by Dliss Al. Tiffin l;rlg. �gg,Post speaks of certain statistics those who di ive are usually in a poli- ably performed by Rev, Dir (Irenzlner of firs The ten)lx•rauc•P c:ulse demands �,&,p iblished by the' Canadian Magazine in trade tion to enjoy thein, but what comfort leasure the happy couple left for Goder'ich to our strongest eller• u's find s '' t l let ate the growth and o ulation ';,"Q., ��, P p „ or is there in c r rA to over a P i'' g s pend the da . The left for their F.' Y Y its t • • ,, ,r , hitt I, notliul hm(1ersthecmus',' tls(i of c t c<^( a Dominion as being flu ressive. ,.,iS til g P i"" - Yost out that the trad�of lot of loose stones the r t ought better be on in the fall, new home Friday. ane on I uday. i God to such rru extt>nt ins lilt tra(iic ir-p points S,ilhe Dominion has increased from $20, put wheel people would be compelled to drive on the On Tuesday of last week while Mr Thos. Sage wits building t g a stone wall rultuxicatin�r li(]unrs, In the borne )itr- ents shonld cultiv 1 ttP the ,rincipl�s of 1jbC101),000 sixty years ago to $22d,12U,1N)0, p:�tbt by very sudden advances, but by a centre and thus the Fides would not be cut. In Borne parts of Essex uo ravel for ,)Jr.D1r John Gibson at Maitland Brae, lie teal )('ritrlc'e during the Isirly lil'e of the d( -ren, 1.g i"�"radial, steady growth, that indicates a i. put on the roads until the winter met with an accident thin nli ht haveproved more serious. It sep is ch' (_)n uc•coftlt of their influence S. Schuul workers should be total ilh• ;;;;:tile existence of sound conditions, and Yt conclusion remarks: "Now that season, and then it gets thoroughly packed in. p` Ire wits tr in to )ift a leer v ) - Y B 'l y Stene up stainers frunl tilt use uY lie r 1 u I .rod to- -t„','- t� Ome of the hindrances to commerce �i^el in a way to be removed, we may We want good' roads, on the wall when the plank on which he was standing broke, find be fell to 1)acCu limn il'rnu rill other things thirst Will create an appetite for' intoxicants. "7oe pprepared to behold advances in Ca- the ground, hitting his side upon it atone, bruising his An hour in the S. School shonld be (1e- voted to the subject temperance 'y?l dfan prosperity that may cause our' ,,,,IvWn people to insist on similar reforms. ,• ``r ftI Cl 1S VO11 O• p my V11 111 S ribs ccausiderat)]e, and the stone he was lifting fell across o]' at least olic•e a quarter, and scholars ,, Ap � his les g legs', bruisiil them badly. He was shonld be asked to siM 1 g g l the fled e. f - We regret to learn of the serious illness confined to the house for,,) few days, but is now able to be abmrt'again• Mr.�Hetherington of Nile continued `'j')^ �Whenpost-office matters wet being MrJas. Clark, of 8eaforth, t,nP suh'ect. Fen, it an l y. subjects oc k'{a {tPnsidered in the House of Commons "1,, ' We ] glad to learn that Mrs Don- aid McDonald jr•y Hensadl got quite a Startle on Mot)- day forenoon, when an alar to of fire C(rPY fad agitate the ullud, Of the pub- 111(' to such all extent as thin 'pf tew- `''; jti the supplementary estimates a dis- PP Y + of the 10th con. of Tuckersmith, who was seriously ill, is was sounded. It, was quickly aseel'_ penance, and none seems so difficult of cussion arose on mail contracts, in recovering, . t.ained'that the scene of the alarm was solution. Conference recolinin >nds that .:%lie course of which Mr Mulock, Post- Mr Phili p Murray, of Tuckersplith, Mr Welsh's planing inill, which had caught fire on the second floor•, all S. School workers he total ahstain en's• The cause of temperance should '';,%toaster -General, made a statement of 'r;,s,', who is well and favorably known, has pre- sumably through fridtion or ti s ark b> ever kept before the n)inds of the by cancelling leased the Blake hotel for a ter ria Of from the engine. When discovered, schobirs its the hope of the temperance fhesavinghehadeffected !,�(,`.'.ontracts up to Apt I. The amount 'I:.. ,. years We are « pleased to nose that DIr R. great clouds of sinuke were bursting out through every o'�enin that.affurd_ g j)uir•ad'hes in the youth being trained oil temperance principles. hO? tatracted to be paid by the hate Gov- AleMordie, of Klppen, who has been ed an avenue of escape, but very for- D1 r. J. Echlin, anpPrinttndent of ,•,, efnment under thein was $`351,237 per ��•,.,>.�tlnum. They were all renewed by at London fora month undelgoung a crttal operation, is improving. tunately, through the prompt action of the employees, what, threatened to Sheppardtol S. School spoke un "Tilt, 1 ,,, ublic tender, the lowest sea onsit le , p sM, After Serious illness Hood's Sarsaparilla be a serious fire was quickly put out Duties of Teilctitrs and Officers to til, Sli peiintendeut and School,” To 1 t$,',I, . er being accepted in eachcase. The " newed contracts the rriy wonderful buildingu ower. It b anumber of ails of water. Y P pre- I set-\ order and to succeed in the work I,_ will cost coon- ±,t$ ..2( 302 er annum nnakin a elf $ P flea the blood and resores perfect health. Some time ago R. J. 13. Delong, the k•uown of the school there should he unity he - t" g Terence of $103,0:36. As the coutracLs Last week DIr F. S. Scnt,t sold south half of lot 21); well hotel man of Port Albert, g of the loarl of a horseand rigfrom tAveen the S. School workers, Lazy, slow and cureless teachers are 'e hin- '9vIll have four ears to run, the total Y • 'ngs will be over f-115,000. con. 7, Morris, for the count y of Herron, to Mr R. DICCUi- friend and chum, Harry OtwiLy, of tLance to success in S. Schuul work �'.;,; ; . Chroll, for $1, 700. Goderich inti started to Cl' lf.ou to 1� and shoild h( disrhar r d as soon as ge aa;,, ,I` x,,, The barber shop in the Bedford pay his license fee for l$S)7-A8, "Dick" didn't return, and failing to turn up prncticablP. Teachers should he active incl lulinueted '111(1 should present the ,i,.,,f The Jubilee proceedings ill Great 'ri.�:;. Block, Godeticb, which has been con• dncled by T+,lujah for a while it was thought he had gone lesson in o)1)dVisad form told Avit.h car- +;,} ;Britain have been of tmuaual iutere' " 'Io Curran, has been f)LlrchasP<1 b Chas, H Y H. (leworth, of f.O visit souse frTeuds. Iie was finally locateci` . at Cedarville, Mich., having nt'st miumer. Teachers should he faithful, pro}•inn; people turd heillg re- all parts of the Empire, Canada, to r, P' P 1' Ptr'olist• had the outfit shi pped to the Sault, sponsuble for the manner of teuehing, 'p,?: -:pro ortion to its population, has la ,v;,, P P 1 play.- y` The howling clubs of Clinton and and on Mondayappeared before P. Dl, should study the chalacter of till' class .x 'i',.: ed as important it in the Queen's (to l 'r' c t Ich will play their annual game on t lie skating rink latvre Ser) ser on a charge of h b g orae stealing, The crown not being ready to „ b • al present t d ,lt to prt,cnt the L'ulll in the most effectual )canner. Peach' i�.*.,- 7ubileeas Great Britain itself. Cana- West St, on norninion Day, c proceed all adjournment was granted till next, s should hestlhnlissiVeto thesuperinteod- , 4. ' i,:dp, in fact, hits supplied the motif fur t ? of the euLhuslasni and interest While handling bananas on Monday, Monday. The prisoner denies any in. tendon sf stealing, and says he will enl and shonld show their Confidence un )tiro 1)y their loyalty to hien. Teachers ,aduch �` tbat is being manifested in the pro- : g 1 Richard Farmer, of Exeter, came in fight the charge, and is confident that should set, an example of linctualit. 1 1 Y s,' :<ceedings. The Jubilee speeches and contact with a tarantula. It sprang when the facts are known he will be and regularly' of attendonce and of ;� � incidepts form as roach a part of Can onto his hand, but fortunately did not acquitted and "Richard will be nimsel'f thoroughness of preparation of the t+ 4,adian as of Imperial history. It is inn- "Ling him. He killed the poisonous again", lesson. ''':, portant, therefore, that the Jubilee V„j,,. i3peeches of the public men who have insect and has it on exhibition. The school difficulty, which has 1111- fortunately "Wil should Ave be int11 erested lterestPd in Sun- ';• , F.+,,',taken part in the celebration should be The other da Mrs y ]licha,rd Harvey, the Thames ex.sted for some time in Heneall school section, owing to the da' t.Sc•hool Work?” was the s )'t y c uul,1 ct lotted to \Vro. ' c •cglleeted and made accessible to the of (,anada. 1n addition to of road near Exeter' while carrying a ladder, slipped and pP desire of the rural part to separate from it i\Ir, Watsrnr of Nile. Because that is where Ave get a great } ,. Iieople I, i;,,., hese speeches the comments of the fell, fracturing one of the small bones of her left leg just this section and form a new one of their own, and which desire or ac- s iritn,tl benefit. Because it is the heat p place one can spend an hour Sun- ': $Cities press will l;e of unusual inter- 'est to the people of this country. The above the ankle. On Sunday last week Mr Ritchie, tion was opposed by the village part of the section on the ground that the pre- on it day afternoon. Because the S. School helps us financially. Because it ''%,';,: GFovef nment should undertake the ' egm�lilation of all this matter and is- near Belmore, loot a valuable brood mare, which was imported from Scot. sent. school house was built to ae.com• odate all, was ere --ted at the extreme gives us something good to think Of during the week. Because there Ave can study ," sue it in the form of a blue book for uopinisonr land, and for which a few years ago �� 50 was refused. end of the village across the railway was settled by arbitration the promises of God and get idents from in '' °.;mf publi onttthe new Imecord eri p ,'. , < ,,movement, nothing can be found sup- Mr Reuben Graham who has con- on Monde last, Y , w en the desire of the rural part to separate wasgranted," others reference to them. Because we are following the commands of the Bible to '; - `erier to the speeches, press comments Aand ducted the corner hotel to Brucefleld they being beldf for their share of the teach the world about .Jesus. Because hybeing interested ourselveawe f , incidents of the Jubilee. We 'lruat for the past two ye�rs, has sold out has school debentures, amounting to some may be able to interest others. Be - ,;a the Governrnent will be able to °,,•``'issue a volume as suggested, and if it and purchase the lease and fix- tures of Hodgin's hotel, Hensall. thing over $300, and receiving from this section $250 as their Share of cause we can rise to an exalted position in _.! ecided upon the sooner it is under- WP are sorry to learn that Mrs W. pre- perty. This settlement, we believe, is religion and assist others to rise. Because we are dealing chiefly with : '.titken and'co'mpleted the better. Hogan, Toronto, formerly Mies Mary Kyle, viewed by the villagers as even more isfactory those who are young . years and the ALL THE PEOPLE grand-daughtor of Mr ,lamAs Forsythe, Egmondvillw, has l�een,,*et-p ra than]the former award, which they were willing to youth of the land are the hope of the abide by. church, of society and of the whole "' ill for some time, and is still in a criti- As the leading desire of the rural part cominnnity. Youth is the time when rr;,°,Should keep tbdmselvea healthy and Specie i al state. was for separation, and to manage it is easiest to win for Christ. p 7cbe given .p a 1 arse n t• this matter t til' ore Sb u g Health depends upon pare, rich Death has enol medanot.hPrvictim, in their own future and rid de situ the destiny, will no de5�ubt be leased that they have P Y , , "How can the Ho me aid in S. School ' ,',time. ToTdad,for when the blood is impure and the person of Mrs Wm. Pelton, who been granted such separation, Work was the subject introduced by Mrs. Y. Dustow Nile. ' impoverished diseases of various kinds are died at the residence of l.er father near of , iatinost certain to result. The one true Glenfarrow, on June 20. She was a HERE IS THLt WAY. By parents sending their children re - Y"'! urifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. B ' p p Y Its. purify and vitalize the blood it daughter of Mr Jos. Kitchen, of Turn berry. y' To Dare all heart and nerve trouble and ularly to the S. School. As the soul re of more importance than the body power l ,,. ' 1Tbs proved.iteelf to be the safeguard of Miss Wheatley, of Hullett, who has that weary, weak, tired feeling, sleepless- nees, nervousness, &o, do as Mrs T. Glover, so it religious education is much more markab u ifiealth, and the record of re 19 o see e that it has wonderful r been in Toronto c onaltltin g Dr. Burns, the well known ocenliat, for Chatham, Ont,, did, Says 11frS Glover: impottant than a secular education. By insisting on the children ,•dffAotedproves power ",:;',? over disease. it actually and permanently an affec- tion of her eyes, has returned home. "One box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cured me. I was no bad that I feared preparing the lesson at borne. By giving of our '; .'41dret"wben all other preparations fail to do fitly good whatever. She has I.rocured suitable glasses and expects to be greatly benefitted by paralysis, but am now strong and well, thanks means to sustain the S. School. B the parents at home spending part of to these wonderful pills." the S. School hoar to prayer for the Mr John S, McKinnon who has been conversion of the children. By living G7.A 93rVOR7CA. moi a le on pprecentor un St. Andrew's church• Blyth, for several has The flo• �_4 i19Wtt03.X.AL. consistent christian lives at house and thea em )Itatiziug that which is taught " "tlbt�B °von Y `j:. SIPAt arllppoe, years, resi ned g and Mr Danis} McGowan has been se- °linins _ to on ins. ricnatnro ovary der r � 14C inn]. Tay helping to (deep or - in the school Ipy lI1RIStlllg on Perfect . Of ���. A lected for the position, Diilsa Curtis, K • �ADpor. obedience at hums. By speaking well `\ '. �,LM,66- 11 ,," I 1. I,- . . . , w, Now ki�dtW r . •h,{ .y I 1� I iv 11 I '.yy. � b �I, r .J 1 ",) I 1T_ PAPS TO 1� . C v IS eseeatiol to ' health. corner o til', B l ood and acinar of the _ system is 'reached by the blood, and on The Canada Business Colne�re Its quality the condition of every organ do• b pends. Good blood means strong nerves, CHATHAM, ONT. good digestion, robust health. Impure ,Still continues its successful work of blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheuma- placing students in choice positions. item, catarrh or other diseases, The Surest Between Jan. let and May let, four way to have gond blood is to take hood's months, 40 of our pupils secured eboief Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifiers, A. situations as Book-keepers, Stenographere, talizes, and enriches the blood, and Sends and Teachers in other Business Colleges. the elements of health and strength to Three others have secured places, one tc every nerve, organ and tissue. It areatea commence next week, another the follow. ing week and the third about June 15th a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep Here is is where graduated of tbie schoo. and aures that tired feeling. Remember, have a decided advantage over those gradu• ated from the average business college. If interested write for catalogue anc complete list of where these stadent hav( *od been placed, Address, D. McLACHLAN & Co 11 C atllaxn Sarsaparilla .Xr _ - -- Is the best - In fact the One True Blood Purifier. H, .are Liver Ills; easy to 1 ood� s P���9 rtke, easy to operate. 260. of the teachers and not holding their faults or failings tci ridicule before f the children. By visiting the school the pastor intyy assist by announcing the S. School i'vom the pulpit, and by Shortening the morning 1 r; service. Dlr. Won. Plunkett of Ebenezer spoke on "The Relationship of the S. School pupils to the public service and how to secure it." The Church stud S. School r r P a 1 1 are not rival institutions itnd should f not be regarded as such. One can not To the Madden Yeast Co., London, Ont. take the plave of the other, neither, Can Gentlemen, -we get quicker and better results from one accomplish the work of the Other. rising Biro. Madden's Yeast than any ether wr. )•«•. No person should regard the church used, and highly recommend it. DEAN BROS.,itakura and S. School Its substitutes t.11e one for THE MADDEN YEAST CO., London the Other. The S. School should not be regarded its separate from the PR.OPERITES FOR SALE OR To LEI church its it is it vital and important part of the church. To secure this rPla- ' — -- tioushi) Ave should teach the principles ' FOIt SALE., of loyalty to the church. We should -- Ces}tPCtl•hPinstitlttiutls of the Chtu-eIt Tb auadersignadwiIIset Iataeacriflee,Lot 451 1 or 12, Railwa • Terrace, Clinton. Particulars Ito( huilur the ministers. The scholars ) should realize that they have the right upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &. to share ill all the interests of the ROUSES church services. To sective the proper FOR SALE OR RENT relationship to the church the scholars Soveral houses either for sale or to rent. Full should be brought into it propel. relu- particulars on application to JOHN MCGARVA tuunship with Christ. If pin ants would bring their, children to tie lno'lling FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS service and the class meeting and come Lot 88 with thein to the S. School the ser•rpi* p t Maitland Concession, Godertch gulf between the S. S. and tilt chtu•cli Township. For terms and particulars ap• would he completely hln(lged oyer. ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister,Clinton Children shonld Iwconie 'church mem- bers at avery early age and thus he. CHOICE LOTS FOIL SALE kept in touch with both S. School 'ul,(l Subscriber offersfor.al church. To, p buggies r Its area hinch':iuce eatwo•a(relotsitunle f,g in the llawdon tiw•vcy, Ontivio Street.. The to the attend anee of the children and lot k forced, and ha; chercon a nutnbm• of morning service and the class meeting. choice fruit trees. it i.a inose dcsirublc place The attendance of children lits the 11101 _ for buildiug, and will be sold either ill one or t)t•o acre lot, .-T IUS. 110LL0`.1 Y, Clinton ,ing ing service "night be in(•roitsed by hold- ,_-_-____ ing the S. School, before the morning service., Beatrliful Property f'or Sale, The mass ineeting of the children — Wits w1dressed by Dlks F. Crozier of The undersigned oilers for sale the eligible Crewe. and 11rs. Swan of Dlutgaunnu. and bcauLdu ly siLtiated resitlena, occupied by' hiniself on 1111"011 t., (Tinton. The house coin Miss Crozierave it short and interest: g utins ev,•ry- 11100U111cunvw,ieucv for good sized ing talk oil tell) petanc:e, painting a fan)ilp,is well bcilt, w'iLhslonefouudation,filr- word picture of the downward course nate, hiu•dand soft )Vater, stabl0 tend bo'u•ing of those who indulge. ill t lie use ut ill• fruit trees. Particulars upon application to JOHN CL'. nUUAM, Clinton. toxieliting drinks. Airs. Swan's address was on Love. 1st it very interesting ,h ll mtvery taught . 1 PIiRIti\ Bl�ociI� I hitt. if children while very yrnj,7g lHitrn to love what is good mud true it.) will he a great safeguard to them FOR SALE throngh all their future lives. $300 cash and 120 inouthly payments OCS213eaeb EVENING HFSSION, D J CAMI'13ELL, Hamilton Alt,. Fairbairn, Prf-sbyterian Minister of Dungannon spnkeoil -How to Study _"-- tilt Bible." The Bible, the first, the CHOICE PAItIII FOR SALE. last and the hest l) G e .t )( ol. should be -_ studied diligently, prayerfully, habit- Ct,hoice fa m.:4 acre;, ll miles from Clinton dally al,d reverently. We' sb011ld 1'11, cull Mullett, part, 01' lots 111 and 21i. A goo.l fnwne house and three story Lank Lan) iiixdi3 . dy it as perishing sinners seek- stony cellar with oto -fern eonvenn iecea for ilig for salvation, as L•ondenlned 1•eediug;land all elearod, suil the very hest sinners seeking for Christ. Study the clay loam; good b(;•ar•iug orchard. Easy terms, For full purtiettlars and terms apply o ), r,, Bible to know the fall extent, of instills TRE,NIEER, Beamsville, Ont. or Airs Wushing- sin and tilt remedy therefor. Study ton clintou, (lilt, it to know its doctrines that Ave MiLy - shape our lives thereby. Study It as CHv10E t10USE TO ltENT OR I he chitr t of life that We may he able For Salt, to avoid those things op which out — souls might, he wrecked. Study it to That comfortable and well -situated boune on know the way to approach the holy Huron Ser, occupied by .vir Duftou, is offered (sod. Study it till the soul is satisfied, for salo or to, rout. Tile Douse contains accom- modation for a large raunly, having six tit)-stairtill we heCOtue Cnn,CIOLIS that Je'slls is 1Ied-1-19, with all other convenience. Hard and not unly`tbe Saviour of the world but. soft water, cellar, w•ich stable, etc, A few bear. It tl-e Saviour ofoto• own ing frui, trees. Possession '•iven 1st of May, he linty •Y1'I-ly to Av, w, I•':11tlt.kN , Cliatou. Bullis. Stu(ly ft t,h'at t lipirit Illily reveal to 1t- I lie -- — triltht contained therein. Study VAIti1, r, Ott SALT; the+ Bible when young Pectin,' very __ Young children may he converted. Lot 25, (Ion i, Town,hipof Hullctt, 11'11 acres After bring annvertP(1 st.ndy it to re- 'I` acre; clocred rtnd in i) gond ,tate of cultiva- ('Pive strength to sustain the ('tin i*tufo Iion, ex�'el,en, clay loam ,oil; 13 aures of hard- vood bush, There ie a good bearing orchard life,that, wv play grow and h- fit. for and ,tgood supplyofwater.'1'hefarnlhasuovcr the duties of life. Study it, h(ertttse )r ll reeled. The buildings conlpri,o it good we will be respollsihlo for it ill the (lily Tina' h )11-e, 1).11.11 i)ud-hthles. ']'Ills properly s-•i'ualc ()I' ill" excellent gravel road, zl minis of jtldgnl('rlt• f-oln the T(mll of Ciiuton, Ternl, ca,y, Pur The Relation of the Slilulav Spho(l f m•ther pitrriculsrs al -pi), to the undersigned UIIi. •,I tho prim t ,•. and Epworth League to :Missionary )IRS THOS. HILL, 01inton 1'. U. work, was tile. subject u.ssign(•(1 to \Ir. J. C. Reid but in his absence Rev. A. C. Tiffin wits asked to speak nn it. FOR SALE. ' rile l:pworth belongs to the Dlethodist churell and Inas corse fol,ward to ht'1 p A v(thlablo fruit anti grain fill-in Ott a good 1 road within six MHOS 0f Clinton. The lo: cvtrry the (.os x>1 to every nation. Theis No, 07, Mail lan(i Colxxssiou, Goderioh Towu S. School ane E. Leagues should he ,hip, and contains 7.1acres. It yields annually endowed with it double portion of till, from 80 to tilt) barrels of Whiter Apples, (ul(1 t, IniSHinnar spirit. a good Krain farm, the land ping A No, 1 clay' Y P 1011111. 7 here is a No. 1 frame houso on the lot, Those in training in the S. Schools a good barn with stone stable, iindorneatn, and and E. Leagues are more in number fr is well watered in every field. A large por- tion of the purchase money may remain on than those actually engaged in the mm tgags. Fur terms, etc., app ]y to THOMAS work of extending the Saviour king_ BU1tNs, Carlow P. O., or to W • W. FARRAN, dom on earth. Mr. Tiffin closed his Clinton, address by referring to the work carried on by the Student's Missionary Campaign. House and Lot for Safe i --- Rev. J. W. Pring replied to the The frame house on Rattenbury street, Erne in the question drawer, immediately east of Dr. Tomlinson's, ie Some of the answers are as follows :- offered for sale on ver reasonable terms. It is impossible for a person to be too The house is centrally situated, be:sg onl much interested in the salvation of the a minute's walk from the business centre, children. Christians are back'wald in has atone cellar, large dining room, parlor, speaking publicly on religious subjects bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one on account of natural nervousness and large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs. other causes. The noisy scholars in Qood•sized summer kitchen and garden. S. School should be won to quietness Very conveniently situated for boarding by the influence of love. Sri titend- house. Apply at Now EEA office. ents reviewing for half an hour after the teaching of the lesson can nOfi.• blame the children for being restless. It is advisable to review the lesson We Will Pay Straight Weekly every Sunday but the review should Salaries not last more than about five minutes. Of i'i'om $10 00 to S, a,cording to ability, for This ro ramme being ended the OEL"Vassers on "(ween victoria : nor Life and P g g Reign," after a trial month on our big contmts- meeting closed and those present die- Ston. The Diamond Jubilee is booming this c wonderful er,ed thinkin volume !r this has et, ,in all been a hands work P c)od 1 g in convention. g g oarlyandiate. The only Canadian work accept - A. P. SHEPPARD 1 ad by Her Majesty and endorsed by the Royal , Family. A beautiful big book at n small price; See. of Convention. hurry yourapplication. Tim BRAnI,EY•GAIt nETSON Co., L'td, Toronto, Ont. MANY A YOUNG MAN ' When from overwork, limaibly assiate3 CEMENT FLOORS .-C• WALKS. by an inherited weakness, the heart fails (,11bseriber is propare(i to lay don n Comonl: end rest or medical treatmentmuvt be re- floors for cellars, or other 11purposes, nod also sorted to, then no mEdi�ine can be employed Granolithic Wallis. Blnterial and workman• with the Same beneficial reaults as Scott's ship first-class and satisfaction rvarantoed, Emulsion, Charges moderato, JAMES HO Wit, Clinton. ', , , 4 - 4 ,t . l. I �It,'i. A, {, In L • L' I Professional andOtherCards ' 1 JAMES SCOTT. Bitrrister, Solicitor CONVEYANCER &o. Office Commissioner immediately South of (nil oyand M& M,sbns W'° BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. 111. Office -Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foeter's Photo. Gallery, CLINTON -.-___.___11140- M: G. CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)) BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. of loe-Hamilton St„ opposite Colborne Hct GODERICH, ONT D' L- MACPHERSON. 0 FIRE, LIpu AND AC IDCENTT 1NSU$ANCIt MONEY TU LOAN, Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COBIMISSIONER, ETC Fire Insurallce. Money to lend. Real estate matters carefully attended to. Ounce -HURON STREET, CLINTON R. AGNEW. DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH • Office Hours -0 to 5. DR- T. C. BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate It C D S of Ontario, and Trinity versity Toronto. Special attention given to the Preservation the natural teeth, Othee, Coate i lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. ltatoteBaYed every afternoon duringhesummer v DR, AVM, G UNN, L. R, C, P. and L. R. O.9 Edinburgh. Oliics-Ontario Sreet,Clinton Nigbt calls at front door of residence on Rattan bury St„ opposite Presbyterian church, DR J. L. TURNBULL, M, )D TORONTO University, Al D. C.M. Victoria University 1 BI, C. P & S„ Ontario. Fallow of the Obstetric Society of Edinburgh, late of London,En66-,, s and Edinburgh Hospitals. Otllce.-Dr. Dowse]y's old Otnco Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bel I answered at tho same place. DRR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SIIRGEON A St., op os. etc., offlee and residence On_ toric St., oppos,to En li cupfed by Dr. Appleton BClinton put formerly °° 'pp ,V J AS, S. FREEBORN, M.D., L.K,&Q,C,p,I. M. i C• Z & S. O„ Graduate Kings and ' College of Physiciaus, Dublin, Ireland. Queens, ci ns tate General BIedical Couucil, Great Britain I ti©to. rosCmol8,ly P,si(l ort of RotuSurgeons, da eHospital-s,on (Lying-in and Gyaacological)Dublin. Residence -Iiattenbury St. east, next door to Ontario St parsonage. DRS Y O Medical D RADUATF OP THA stty, Toronto, formerly oft erst 0-f n Hospitalctoria s grid Diapensarles, New York, Coroner Por he County of Huron, Bayfield, Out. 1 DR AGNEW, Londeeboro, successor to Dr Young, 7±, AG NE rA', B3. B., Toronto University, M. D. 0 M., Trinity University, Member of College Phy sieians and Sur•geuns; Ontario, Otiice opposite hietbodlst church. Nigbt calla answered at the same place. Ottlee hours 8 to 10 a,m., 1 to 3p,m to 9 p,m. E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON • Honorary(iraduateof theOntarioVewrinary College, Treats&ll diseases Of domesticated and maleon Lhe moat modern and scientific prine pies Oftte immediatelysouth o1'theNew Ere Office. Residence - Albert St„ Clinton, Car ' night orday attendedto promptiv JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON Las returned to (,liutou and upened an ounce � at the Queen's Hotol, whore he may be cousult. et,) ror toe treatweut ofall diseases of horses, cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, pru,nptly at. teudecl to. j I'0AIL1NSON VETERINAIe1' SURGFON `�. Huum•ary Graduato of tilt, Ontario y'sterl nary College, 'Toronto. Treats all diseases D..lI.Lio animals on the most uaode(n and 5eteutific 1'rinci 1,les, Day nod night calls prompt ly atlswered. lieaideucu-liattrubury ht., west Clinton, �- rte. ' . I jNTARsR)AGE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, SR. 1 1.L`'urer of Blarriage Licenses, Librnr•y Room and Reeidonco, Mary street, Clinton. 1 JAMES CAMPBLI•L, LONDESBORO, ' l ISSUER ON' MARiuAGE LICENSES, i No w'ltuesses required FW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF . 11• L. S„ Provincial Laud Surveyor and ' Civil Engineer, London, Ont,-Otheo at Geo, Stewart's Grocery Store, Clluton. YOUR SPARE TIME. Bfen, w•onlolt to "011014-t, business lit home Work is simple writing and copying lists of addresses received from local advertising, to he forwarded to us daily. No call vnsaing; no ers U pral eferred. Permanerience ent work o ed, but tlhosewrit. non- teut to earn ��tt1 or more weekly in spare time. Applyy to "FUTILIenE)ta" care of EDMUND EAU ESON, Box 2, Bayfield, Ont. OENMILLER WOOLLEN MILL As usual I shall be prepared to purchase Wool at the highest market price for cash or will exchange for my mamrfnetured ter*c1les,Pty stock of SfOCHrNG YARNS, HOUSE BLANKETS, h'LANNEL9, . TWEEDS and 1� BED BLANKETS 1 is nnw Compplete, and guaranteed manufaotur of HOME FLrl]TCES and fico front ehodd 3 andoept1 Y on. iraTDosn't forgot, I Sha PAY CASH for Wool At 010 highost price In the market. JESSE GILEDHILL. Benmlller, May E9, 1897• WANTEDlrll Industrious persons of ei• , • ther sex with good ehitract pr and common school education, can obtain I I';i' employment for tivo months in this coni 11 inunity, S, All FRY, Toronto, Out. - ,. r 1 t