HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-07, Page 8Synopsis of Canadian Northwst Homestead Regutat f norni- sloucha ani 26, not y any net' A fondly, or , to the ax. t of 161) arms must he made in lit at a Dominion L. -agency for the die - situate. Entry r, . be made at nuditfona by the" ANY even numbered seal r vran and Alberta, exoeptict reserved, may be homes son who le the sole hs' any male over 18 yenr;, •tent of one•quarter more or leas, Application for e' :person by the a Lands Agency o Uhl in which hproxy a 11 y n Up the 1genc tend feather, w r, remit ghter, brother or meter o. ntenitag'homesteader, The dlesteader la )required to perform Shu eatued ronditloununder One of the fell nX plans 3. At least ex the rest en obp mon d c0 pp o cultivation of the laud le tub ytl r r three years, 12)'A homesteader may, if he'so desires, perform the required residence duties by living on farming land owned solely by hiii , not lege than eighty (81)) Woo In ex- tent, 10 the v(oinity of his homestead. Solna ownership in bind wilt not meet this r( quh'inuent, , (9) If the father (or mother it the father tib )tot the homesteader haxet. a ie dense oto farming land owned yiliei by him, not leas than eighty '(801 *Urea In extent,' In tho vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead' entered' for by him In the vicinity, such homy Meader may perform hie own residence duties by living with the father (or mother). (4) The term "vicinity" in the two pre ceding paragraghs ladetined as meaning not more than aloe miles lit a,dlrectalde, exclusive of the width.ot. road allowanpen crossed 10 the measurement, i5).A homesteader Intending tgpertorin hie residence duties in accordance with the above while 110101twith parents Or on turtling land owned by himself meet notify the Agent for, the dietrie1 of such intention. , SIx months' noose to writing should he plveri to 15.:( gintlssloner 01 Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply,for patent. W. 1V. CORY nenuty of the Minister cj interior. N. 11,=1,IuautborIzed publication 02 this envertisemelit will not be,p814 for. ti '•r f 1 rri e Table 5 TO TORONTO Cod/rich f v 7,00 a.nt. 4.54) p,. im •4uburn y�_, , ,2 " .12 n Blyth'»' < Walton ,.- n 7.46' " 3.31 " 2rlilverton6A08,21 ' C PaplrA ."' 800 " 0.43 "Guelph " 9'33 7,12 Torotto ...:Al 111),,.,41 9.13 P110151 TO1105 T0. Tor'on10 Lv. 400a 501)p.i», Elmira Guelph " 1U 2:Yee'', 8.14.„ Mlverton " 11.084".` 8.`58". '' 1Volton " Il " 9.3'3 • 13ly"')ib 1 Luburuth k `r • 44.1 " tiodetloh:...... 1.3(1` ,in.' 10.) GRANO T R ILWAY STEM TIME 'BLE. LQNDON ANA. GUAM BRANCH, U ' )401;Tit, c ` NORTH. 4 m pm ) 111n (7411 `580 1t gham 1150 735 d 41 ':3 di +,•r ' alp Jot. 11 4t; 7 23 6 43 :) 44 t i grove 11 4(1 7 13 7)08 ,091.310 f ytb 11 28 7 00 '744 ••4 00 deebore 11 20 6 52 7 '"'4 28 bRaton 10 1.3 11 03 6 405 8 , 4 110 ruoefleld 0 38 0 19 ff 13 r4 47 Ktppess 0 50 0 11 8$d" 50' Il'ertsall 1) 11 8 05 8 85 5 65 " 'Exeter 9 :tu .3 31 8.40 5 33 Centralia 0 18 6 43 8 80 .5 20 Olandeboye 9 09) 5 11 05 s 30 Lubar Croesina 9 0) 3 30 2 6 37 nenneld 8 53 5 23 %141 1:0 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 13 e ,0,0 b 54 Rttrlok 8 :3.3 5 07 s; 33 5 138 11,(16 Park Crossing 8 21 5 02 0 37 0 00 " iyde Park .lot, 8 21 5 00 0 43 0 10 London 8 15 4 150 Oonnectfona are made at Wingham for alt etetione,on the 1'almenston and Kin. cardiuo branch. Conneottone are made stein t =for ell gtatldtia 90 the liotrai ndtbderlob btanth, end alt stations tram Strratford to; Toronto. Oonneottons are made at !;norm eroseln All stations went to arms. hnoctlone are ma(l,gt London for +1 (lobs east and west oh the main line/ 1 3 harnfierlain's c, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need a rerlabte remedy for colic or :rhea at some time during the ar. This remedy is recommended 1y dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. It hes received : thousands of testimonials from grateful people, It has been prescribed by phy- sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have, been sent for or a pldisician stlmtnoned. It lonly •costs a quarter. Cal ou d1ford to tisk so' much for so olrg? .BUY IT NOW. Is'G c r-- r careers PAen Ur : TOTAL ASSETS r, Don): 4) 10.3,* Thirtylw* *(&IMS Douses "tkMON BANK OF HAMILTON A Cement Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of 31.00 mad upwards received, and highest current rote of Merest *Sewed. 96 Smashes thtlopg4 of t Coma, \Ve kindly solicit your account at our sgency, Blyth, Ont, T. W,' SCOTT, AGENT. • Open Season for Game. 0r, Nov. 1 to Nov, 15, bot.lr days a,+ Oally ova deer nutty hn4 n .ee0on by one person. , 1 to Dec, `11, bothdays Int (i1.1, pheasants, prairie 0)001(en, parted ge cr .00dchock from Sept, 111 to, Det;. 1., noth days iurlusive, ;ni r .")CallP love o1' any birds 1, N y known a o birds i"a0rders, Sept. 11 to net Jaya inciuefve, Ducks ut:ber y fjlrr fowl, Sept,1 to, hy,11003 • "iclu85'8 Any quail ,+wild rho, 1) .k and grey squirrels, ext p F 4 Mtn Dec. 1, both days i vF The purchase or sae of at ) 1 tvoodeoek end nnrtridgo ate pl(1:t3,' for it period of .one veal' ft oum Mash): •1, 1907. P 4 No person not ti resident and lot 11 dotal. tiled u) Ontario may hunt or kill any animal lir bird in Ontario without hav', ia,r moulted a non-resident Remote. I (i I ANT TRIPLETS "Currency," "Hobs' nn(I "Sone ehnwtng tobaccoes, in hi;; liners. (,luality always the,840)3. 1 Druggists in this town and vicinity, Shako in a Bottle. Now is t}, time whenon the (lector gets bur and the patent Pod'ins Ioanninis reap the lie voslsiln- less urn` care ds tatken to dress warmly:mm( keep the feet dry. This is the ,advice of an old °athleut qu; thee itj,, piho says that fthenrnatishr and Zidhey trouble weather is here, m(t4wlst . tolls , what to do in case of an r yadroit. (44)) from your prese.i'tptiou phar- emoy one half ounce Fluid illxt0act Dandelion, one ounce Compound „Kiu- gon,:'b1md ottnoea Componnd Syrup Snieerfeedie. 111 (x by shaking Itt a hbytie Gantt take'' s' teaspoon`. stealsandat 5)3.l'me,' - .ftl81 tt b ale, .• tore at:l, tun Or if Aloe 0 . les the kidneys Ric nut I1 ils3u }c This is Held and t< be a )l kidney er. d l uey regulator, and Ai 11131St mel • reme(dy, for all forms of Itheulnaffiahwhich i canned by uric, acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to titter out, Any one carea0ily prepare this at home and at Antall cost. when shown the prescription, stated ♦••• •4••• ••••• ••u • 7.4441• •Tell it to the •• STANDAR') •• • • ••••••••••••••••••4 •••••e While the Public is invited to make nee or this column for the expression of personal views on nubile matters and public men, personalities aro debarred and In all cases the suitability of the oou3- municatlon for publication Is a matter' to los dceide4i by the 514110r. % lKhoo, r l0'ereuces of opinion there mould, of course, bo no correspondence, and for the opinion of our oorrespoudonrs anti their differences with our owe 'Pati STANDAR)/ must disclaim roaponarhllity. • gist they can either supply these in- gredients, or, if our readers prefer, they will coinponud the mixture for Ghent, When You Telephone. Speak in n very low voice, There is no necessity for putting 0nn'0 mouth cl0,0 to the receiver, nor Shouting as it helloing out of a second -storey window. If you hallo at the tole of your voice, your vole, yon might 800111.0 the RR{ne results b3' putting your head 0140 of (1)e window and &peaking in your, telephone voice, )Vhy not try whist s'))' your 0ioSmigs 7 A wit lapel call FIR 5.1,13)(3' through n iel0phoun end ite 4 Realize that a telephone ';)) sti- tute for ahonting insitai1) Of 41.14 1)00e: - sort' and you will lento to speak as HOLDS FIRE ALL NIGHT The, vet' h^,u;,ew"San ah03y8 ferlo like bestowing upon the I'tlndora a eh1'erill1 "good morning." Wk.? 1380,)03) t11,1 Pandora 14100ve has a nice Led 1r) yt of hot coals as a rrlvtlyd for chac'iting oft the (lampml33 �W 41 ° ,w,; cl; tial) (,.:Moro rete•in2 t„ rash In five minutes oiler turning on the drafts site. will have a good, st on„ cr Slwuid she ulcer ti two or throe flours longer than usual there wilt: in {.! he a fire ready for her. The lire -hex, flues I!,, anal durn pern ere 1,) 1,Clelnilic0lly atrarl)Qd that the Pandora can j" 1ri5isesassasseoraiiiss s;I a r� 1 1� e 1) t' regulnied la hold u lire 144 from :?4 to 36 hours. 1)ttodor (t owner never have their sleep disturbed with dreams of r nadning n new fire in the morning. 1f your local dealer dots not handl( this most perfect of all ranges, write direct to us for Free Booklet. .4' c Iary's Leiden, Toronto, Idcatreal, Wiuniaod, Varmint., St. Jobe, He)ao)fo McPherson Bros. Local Agents, ;i• ;.--NL'11`r1117f3R 77'11, (907, tintl) 0131 a e0 li"p i"u) c, Noviese at a elep ono oitett intve hurti(31 feeling nil 018 ilii lined to omit, expressions of 10111 teat' 1118r 410 114111 11000 Ont all unne- cessary words 111.1 telegram II' is a serious mistake to feel the) the tele- phone is for business only and Morin to he brusque 31)'01 the wire, le speak - lee flier to face we have the advantage 0f facial nxl 4-03ii0* ; .'1 smile Inay Malin a cult reined: convict/Os or (1050n a re - (mini ; but in telephoning words sed' tones are our only means of expression, East Wawanosh. Hiss Sava Caldwell and 'Miss Nile Scott, of Loudesbolo, were vieitiug with the Misses Caldwell least week. The follow nth is n report of theatand- ing of the pulls of U. S. 9, No, 11, Hnl5'lt end Last h\ 3wtuiosh, for Sep- tember Heti October. Where the per ventage. is not given the Haines are ar- ranged in order 05 merit :-V, class - May Cowan, Sr. IV. -'1806,400 Tim'. nay 77, Pearl Taman 08, Edward Cow- an til, Jr.1V.-Arthur Tierney 7(1, lhlht 11Ionsher ISN, Earl Barr Nu, Jr. III,- D6115' Cowan 71, Delle P04181' 51, James Ruoho. 54, Willie 'Pitman 52; Albert Austin 48, Sr. IL -Nolen Com- ing, John Nelson, Gordon Uroos, Pt, II-l.irzia (4tonehol, Olive ('owlet, Verrt',Mimey, Sr Pt. 1.-}IdaLlroos, J I . Pt. 1. --Gladys Taman, ,Cohn Cow- en, henry 010usher -M. ' 5) . Hogg, Teaches Bonsai!. While working ,in 150 drug store tnkil g stork, ''Mrs Bein )hill had the misfortune 40 frettnr(1 his linger. The POetinnetel'•('rel(Nrllrs report, is to band for til)) nine months oudink March Nlst. The total1008nu0 for Ii.enaall post office during that period PAT I% .t�4ICC 'roe Hoped Physician n is Aweless Sire and Uses the Best suable • Remedies, Tl: A3posad• legislation throngh the ?"umiaion Parliament for the reg- elat')n of the manufsctur• and sale of patent or proprietary Medicines is of the utmost importance, and it' is receiving a great deal of attention, not only by eke proprietary medicine manufacturers, but also by the leading doctors end druggists. Every manu- facturer of reliable and high elute remedies welcome* the bill as a step in the right directiou. The discus:doe hos brought out the fact that the best physicians in Canade and on the con- tinent approve of and prescribe Pay chine in cases of the Most difficelt character. In a recent instance of very aeriou* throat end lung trouble the patient had been using Psyching. Two lending United States epecisliste were consulted, in sdditiou to two eminent Canadian physicians. Upon learning what the patient was using, a sample of Psyrhioe was taken and analyzed, with ties result that the physicians advised its continuance, They prescribed no other medicine but Peychine, with the result that the pa- tient 'her folly recovered and is a splendid walking and talking *dyer- tisement for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keeno*t 4lrefeasioual criticism and anal.yade. As.A builder up of the system and restorer of.'*1 wasted conditions, Psychine has no equal, and the hest sett moat earnest' physicians recognise We' feet. "At lbs sea of Mal )33000 lM to a terrible Mato. I ha4 l0rrtpp31aeyt! 1'beafr*; 1t settled on my lunge u)4 I kept steadily zrownit *0910 tut 1 sot down to low I was i* bed for air seek'. I hada ran1nl0don of doctor*, and theymal ta*y 001114 da 00)11100 sore for IDs, flea i alerted to nes 1'nyrhine. 1 1408 the rdedielb. for meN`tl*n 1 7001. It rert*luly did weesianr fol se,f k art twos as *bear Al 1 'WIN u; before i♦ nsekae k103. H, 11080, Morrell, Ont. Poychine, pronounced Si -keen, is the greatest of tonic*, building up the sys- tem, increasing the appetite, purify- ing tate blood, aids digeetioa, and bets .directly upon thy throat and fuses, giving tone *ad vigor to the entire system. At all druggiete, boo. end 31, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Litnited, 173 Hing Street Wart, Twat*. . Wen $146 While t ! t st hIa'- §pna�1\ta., lint banen ws4 �'iesd wfi l afroke'pf; b3008033/ 1{1 t1 la en eoolintld4h''hit id ever sik - 148 hada very severe attaet,with t0na) rlition 1v-eaus011•his (Wittily ant (Ilei u)itulf'nnxrrty, Ono ,J, )mlr' Irfdnl3: cit10.033 would 1 t o ,t meet log 0(''1144) )iiusiness men. and 0tnpayx'10 called: (m' the ani pn-H of tut lnu,91) ]oiler Stuck ('0011'1111,0 10 0)001 a h.,1al iu lbu v(1141p n.' Cer•teinl)' sumo, thing should be done to accommodate the farmers and )l'uvelling piddle who patronize our town. During the past twelve years the Counnereinl Hotel has taken tire 80110r - al times 5411 fortunately was nlwa,ve diacoveled iu time to envie the bedding, DAvtd Cu1111lon onw considerable smoke and detected an odor of burning wood. His 51(0pici01131 13810 *1Olisef) and he went. on a tour of invrs)(4)04icn, on entering the passage leading to the kitchen he found the hollies climbing up the partition iRjc 018000(15 14001(01', giving the alarm a number of )rarer were speedily applied and the Did build. 1413 saved once more, Belgriv . 11. Co/ley,etuck breeder, shipped 21 thormf hhred Lincoln sheep last Set. urday to L. H. Neil, of Luean. The ladies el the Belgrave 11015otliet circuit are sending a box of canned bruit to 0110 b00 onese Rome, Toronto, tli Q: week, s e -opening cervices in connection d ) Brick churc)), East Wawanook Will be held on Sunday and Monday, Nov. 171)1 and 10th. • *' t, 'lite Ladies' Ald of the Ildfg`"ra3'0' Methodist ehu4•ch met' and stuns sited new officers, which tire as follows Ploaideut,'/grs.Chas. Ormsby; Seers. tory, Miss Pearl ^•Proctor; Treasurer; 111'x. C, Wilkinsoll ; Auditors, Mrs. Phomas Proctor and Mie. WIlI, Clerk, They have about *178 on hand, Janes Nichol has sold his 100 -acre hum on the 7th con, of bleat Wawa• nosh to John ''eils for the neat 00(8 of 84900. '1'11e farm is a yery good one. Mr. Nichol has purchased the Wtn, farm Patton n I n to or h I theist con. Of illol'l'ia, neer Bluovale station, for a good round stun, ns it is well built onend a first-class farm. 31iss'1'essi0 Halliday le visiting her a10tor in Brussels, Charley Hell is having the interim' of 519 house remodelled. .--rr..... To all' new subs rs fro , now b: THE STAN will be sent til an. ist 19o8 for the small sum of iOc Subscribe Now,, A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the WHITEST iiREAD LIGHTEST I3ISCUITS TASTIEST, :PASTRY DAINTIEST CAKES" s - BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours m one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat --are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the• best for all home baking -they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other , Try it, and you will use no ,other. "Made in Ontario" (3 This is the Igo of a Blooded Fleur WICK LAW. LOUPR QCIA1 Look fa* k whenever 760 blur. Catalogues Booklets' Programs Periodicals Book Vi/tork ?rice, l.is, r* Producers of good work --a li tica.better than most. Business Cards' Office Stationery Wedding Invitations �)ff 04311,fs11 f, erdonseterteneMfeteeets Posters --ail kinds Dodgers Horse /ills