HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-07, Page 7Gone of)blessings for obedienceand pun- tone," that will stand the "fee' of - tess, wett for disobedience, "Their eon- the judgment? or is it "wood, lay, stub. -a`Ieheeek - :1(;!)- science will be their Witneee, judge and ble" that Shall be "burned?" (1 Cor, 3. . etee tee 12-15, Al.. God to show you, ViffpnRFIIL FLIGU'r 0, r RUBBER HALLOO ee..4'etle-f-V,V.Per• e3, Pat away, etc.—Prove your Men- A. C. 11. ' fzssaw iiiiii8 ill, Oili'0. ltegin tke work or Nia- against . your proetiss. 1 -et the heart. DARING CROOKS , Prof. Retch, of 13oston, Tells Aeronauts ON'VI.--N,Ot so, /goy. iaoliTo te„,rs.o.d; ..00, and th.., WAS' Of OW Wu Olill'illiilline With tin: iliVinC Wili. His Esperimentse--Has Succeeded —I, 24; (MI we serve—The thought. of ' in Registering Temperature of . Ire I, prouq action did not change them, Arrested in Philadelphia Last Friday Degrees Below Zero in Upper Air, Joshua Renewing the Covenant With , i; . The nt they understood the more Were Recently in Toronto. . — Israel...A:oh. ost r4-26*, but only settled their minds mere f ully. Commentary.—L Joshua's earnest eft NOW York, Nov. 4.—That a bal. Teal (vei, 14, 15). 14, Now therelor*-- dot:ermined were they tu obey. The ser- ...--- 1 loon has reached a height of 46,080 feet la vlafref the fact that Jehovah Jets -rice of ein is wrong, degrading, Painful, Toronto, Nov. 4 — The photographs of and there recorded a temperature of brought you forth with Such a mighty viestrtletive; the service of God is rioht '' ' two daring criminals ,Who attempted a 1 1 1 1 degrees below zero was one ot the startling statements madeln the etoirse bane: Fear the land—Reverence, the exulting, happy, saving. there stoviee is d I' 1 lb 10 1000 inn 0 I c mor lieerle harden • ay ig it ro ; ery on the United States , a an ittlikt.88 ill the 1.1&l, day's session Lord nod walk carefully before Pin. reasonable, worthy of our beet efforts, Think of 1118 :Majesty and respect His '25. Joshua made a covenant—A eor- sub -treasury in Philadelphia lest Fri- , of the Aeronaut Congretss here to -day authority, teed remember that Hie eye truant hae been concluded by tied on day and who were captured before they by Prof..1. Lawrence Rotelt, of the 13111e. hillsObservatory, Boston, is ever upon you, Always ni.alie Ilim the Sinai with Israel and solemnly ratified could get away with their booty `rue Prof. Retch i id f 1 1 • i t; bjeet of all your worship,Veeve Him— (bxod, 10, 20). Thisecovettatit Mows received. in Toronto yeeterday .0 0 • 1 8 expel men s ( ;••:, : Perform Iles will; obey HlMaktinnand. had renewed in the field of Sloth Went. °rid f"' , with miniature haVeetie for the purpose E, ments, In this teldreas josliiiit 'calls their 29, 1). i formation asked about them , of testing ale d4rents and obtaining attention to the ninny things God had 1V. A memorlays(one (es, 28=28). In The 41110tograO8 of the men were tat 1 temperatures at high altitudes, The ' done for them. An idol etiald do nothingoons inadeof rubber and carry these vereee„we are -told that Joshua, put once recognized in Toronto, for, strange- ball ere ly enough, both men Mid been arrested 1 special histrunients,-; for recording the for any one, why then diethey cling to their covenant in writing and erected a idols? In sincerity and in truth—With- memorial stone' under en esh. This on suspicion by members of the 'Foram , distance:- trnvelled, tlr to police force within the past ,two altitude and out .dierpocriey, 'Ile Latin Nvonl from , Monumental stone would remind them I temperature:These instremente are at - 0 110 `sinmes sity' co, denotes of thews vothey had made andweeks, one being discharged for lack of be a wit- 'tacked to a parachute.'„ When at a great 'honey. withbut .va,x,i' unmixed. puritY. 114060 to future generations. God under. evideuee.ageinst him and the other, who height the hydrogen.with which the bal. CX - Tito Greek Wor .ds considered by some took to i ; make it easy for them to rement. was being held on a charge of vagrancy, . forfeited $500 Audi and fled. loons are filled expandi to such an ex., T to be founded on the idea of eoleething her to do the right, and :He held then) tent that the balloon explodes, and , ... The mart Bates is .the man who was the. . i t ., . .; ' el ' s s helo.J.Min the rays of the sun, and pray- responsible for the fulfilment of the ,arrested on October 5 on Yonge street pante in e Lair) ng ir ins rumen s ed t9e withont speck or flaw."—Cam. vows (het they lied tense solemn) ma add the records made on the trip fi t, °a s Bib, aWsly the goda-4t would scent Y de. on suspicion of being qui accompliCe In " the recent ease of money.anatehing in down to the earth. Illte Toronto 'branch of the Bank of Hata- When tlie balloons are' rinensed they froMIthese,*nds that there were some PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. - 11.1nong,,thenflilio privately leept, -the im- 1. Reasonable service. ages or"gbds : hich had belonged to their fore, serve him" (v. 14). "Therefore—. ' "Now, th.ere- peetreientlievietdenBt,„ triiiiel,upwards with : great Velocity for clitinlaLdianStD1 ureWat'll,tsrlecognizod ' of i- abontiftvo hours, and then retrain nea '. forefathers.,,,T s gods which their fore. will we also serve the Lord" (v. 181.. ' lete "titlenovy Mr ;II -lettere Mier befoile; ,s -Ni ',hint as an :Arnerinan :crook, known as ..., ' • Tho' . . fathers witieth.ped were (II the ,god e of - Juelina's call and the people's chokes 0 y xplode, desceet of the payee the Chaldean, They worshiped -fire, light were based upon a review of what God IleillY Burk, ;aline ;Billy Ilia IV,d, ' " eltu'iteerequires'about an hour MOie The and sun and . made gods. to fitit). .,(2) tot.1 done for them. So we 'who are Ili Mg in. Toronto, an& he VIL& aceerdieg. 1 west flight of an One of the lidlooiti' The images worshiped by the Egyptian -a' leptifledeby faith," because "Chriet died y arrested and searched, He pre the m , ;„ ,, 3. ' s name of Ireland to the detectives but W"8 1" inn"' which ever° the ape, serpents, vegetablee, fu„ 110" (Rom. 5:1, 8), are free from sin, wee released for lack of evidence. e -- etc. The inhabitants of Canaan also wor- ilin delivered from this body of death The other man under arrest in Phila. ing the spread of :melt pests, hnally shiped idols, which would become it snnye (Boni. 7:24), are Janke "no Condemna. delphia is one of the trio whom Detee- ' WITHOUT \WARNING. kitten passed embodying penalties for the deputation desired some rigid legis. 'to Israel unless they put 1000Y all hew tion," Inc whom there is no separation 'tire Richard Tipton arrested et Bolton , hen: ivorship, Joshua saw that they , (Rom Si I, 35-301r ,m,,say that otirs i.5 Fah. on October 0, He had them placed ' — morning factory proprietors kneeing scaly fruit into the country. The delega- and nee idols, Beyend the Rive). (IL ''1II, Sincere service, "Serve him in silk iharge of vagrancy while the criminalTHUR WAREHOUSE ; J. W. Smith, Winona; W. E. Biggar, --That is, beyond the Euphrates, in Me,' cority" iv, 14),' Christ has "chosen us,. reeords w _ were being searched, but being ' . Winona, and E. J. Woolverton, Grioleby. . . released on *500 bell etteh they all fled.. , 51r. Pettit said that the import:Glen INFECTED PEARS. INStECTOR SENT; TO PREVEN. SPREADU.: OF' D15."..8E. Proposal to Boil the Pears—Deputation of Fruit -Growers Ask That,Diseased Fruit Be Not Allowed Into Canda— Penalties for Canning Factovies. Toronto, Ont., Nov, 4 — (Special).— An inspecter was selected by Hon. 11r, Monteith, the Minister of Agriculture, this afternoon to proceed to Grimsby and take charge of the five earn of pears infected with, the San Jose Seale, eeized On Saturday. Ile„had been instructed to treat the Riot in such it way as to ure. vent the scale spreading. As a result of the importation of the fruit into the Province, it has been suggested that the pears be placed in boiling water for five minutes. will deetrey the parasite and may not spoil the frait. The des- truction of crates which eontained the fruit and the fumigation of the ;tars is desired. -,The new inspector will also visit other points in the Province where. it is ported infected fruit has been taken. A deputation of fruit 1,nowers waited on the :Minister of Agrieulture this morning. They wish the 1)) 11114'! author- ities to take preliminary 10011001 cs to prevent tli(( entry of diseased fruit into Canada , The Oat aria Depart men t wa s asked. ter confiseate such fruit on its •entry into the Province, and to provide for the inspection of imported fruit, and canning factories with a view to events could hot be sinters in divine worsa inP "reassemble service." ' in Woodbridge jail on the nominal ' NINE MEN BURIED IN PORT All , tion included J. P. Pettit, of Griaaby; opotarma and in Ur, the, an : of r . tlirit. we should be holy and without ham's na,tivity. blame before him, in love" (Eple 1:4). 15, ILA seem evil—If it &nein unwise ' "Me want to help you," her baby girl OT inexpedient. Choose you, eta —Like said to Margaret pottome, as she was Elijah ea Carmel (1 Kings 10, 214), Jos- puffin,' dawn the carpet. So the neither hon calls upon the people to at once de. gave fier the saucer ,of tacks to hold. cide as to whom thtrwould serve, They But presently the tiny bands grew line had been harboring 'mole (v. 23) and steady, the saucer fell, and the tacks in worshiping them secret, while opensjat ly lay tered upon the carpet. 11 seem, professing to serve God, It Wail high time ed the mother was hindered instead of for this to cease. The whole hope of the litl ied SIR, looked at 'the grieved lips natiem depended opon ,a Whole-heitrted lieltd e 'All 'and kissed them into smiles eerviee of Jehovah, There was no good of .' r .' I . Quiekly into her heart came the thought reason for them to defer the anatter a, single moment". AS, for ine and my houne 1 of her imperfect service for God.and kis --Joshua is outspoken.'„Hie decision WW1 hiring acceptance of it, and afterward made many years before Allis. "He alrelating the incident she said, "Baby did so resolves for his family, ' his "bliildren , help mother better than she knew." God and servants, rind 91101 as were' under I tants sincere service es blameless, coy. his care and influence and protection,' 'Errig all its imperfections with the man - Though lie was a ruler; Joshua did not ,f';(12 ") mother leve' If we writ he blame. Oneglect family, 'religion. He $penks ' go3 '040 here (Phil. 2;15) lie will present us though there might be 00106 of his pth4:fit if I 1,1 ess there (Jude 24). ple who would:turn to idol worshiplifit ! 1(1 True service. "Serve him..., in in his household he would not perrniV tretli" (v. 14). A tiny boy Wiliii having idolatry. He gave them Ids decision and ; e11111 " good time with his blocks when i example before receiving their reply." ' ilk mother said, "Come, dear, it is time II. Israel's Solemn Promise ' (vs. to put the blocks away and get ready 15-1$). 16, People answered—Through for bed." "011, mamma," begged the I their leaders, and by hearty ,acelahn , child, "let me stay a little longer—just I on their part the people ieraedsed • tell the clock strikes again." It only fidelity to Jehovah. God forbitPeThe emitted fifteen minutes of seven, so the force of the original is that MO g mother said, "If you will stop cheerfully course would be a "nrpfane thing" to when the clock strikes I will let you them. Forsake the Lord—This shows that they IIVW consider themselveis ne belonging to God. What Over may 'have been their sins they wore not ready to forsake the service of Je- hovah. • They reply with firmness, leaving no room for doubt, "Joshua did everything possible to confirm their..decision and "to- render it .en- ' during: That brought us—Sonie rea- sons are now given 1010 1011 led them •te make this decision: 1. God had do- ta, 'vered them from Egyptian bondage. , The "great signs" wrought in the nd. 3, Their preservation for forty years in tho wilderness. 4: The ex- pulsion of the Amoritesk 18. Therefore -will we also—joshua would not be perniitted to stand alone in kis choice, for they were 01 the same mind, and would claim the same God with him. They would not break the vows which they had made. III. A Covenant Made (vs 19-25), ID Ye cannot serve the Lord—Yo can- not in your own strength,. while still clinging to your idolatry,' and with hearts unregenrated, Joshua did not intend to suggest an impossibility, and the people did not so understand it, for in the versos „following they commit themselves unreservedly to the service of Jehovah. An holy God —FIe is holy in his ell:erecter, and will not allow his people to be defiled ...,' by any impure worship. A jealous ., God—He 15 altogether unlike the gods of the nations around, and if they would serve him they must make him the highest obect of their love and devotion. Will not forgive.... your sins—Rather, will not pass by your sins as if taking na notice of them. —Gray. He will not tolerate sia. "The explanation is, that while God is forgiving to the truly penitent, he vigorously punishesall incorrigible sinners,'—Whedon,,) 20. Then he will God is unalter- „':.' ably fixed in 11J attitude teivard sia, toictrd the (''40)) (nt simar and toward the rightvoirs, Ile never cliatmes, but as we change He assumes differeht atf tudes toettnd us, 00,4000 10 ourselves bit different relations 10 Dim. See Jer. 18, 7-10, Do you hurt, etc.--Thgy could tot deny ttod',( roodients to Clem, bul. He had inade a few and if they trans- gressed the wrath of God would certain- ly fall mem them. They fixed their own punishment. Consume—Punish them se- verely. 21, We will serve the Lord— They understood ,Teshea's meaning, and declare they will not cause God to turn and do them hurt. Whatever lie re. quires, at their hand, they pledge them- selves, to be obedient. They protniso to put from among them anything; that hinders God from having their best af. I ! Collapse of Mayer Clavet's New Beild- the scaly pears into. the Pi -evince. ARE THEY PREFERREO? ing, With Disastrous Results—Ow ; Melt has been fighting the parasite for' had caused tt. etorn indig- Withdrawing Shareholders of the' York Foreigner Killed and 5010081 0010 o: "110111i1 1:101'lle district. Since On Crinetv Suffer Injuries ---,Tinsmith and +1•11111,011,111.9iTi. Loan Ma e Claim. keeper Have Narrow Escapes— pole, iersiiined the he, : qeSterday of - Teronao, DeezellefiKeolge ;,Ki..ip. Money Loss Heavy. — ttlic e e':;111(1,,ellatiloGf 0,111710'3';141r5°eIldlelt iielle . , , , A Port Arthur despatch: Without a of with'efrawal primOo the ale of the moment's warning Mayor Claret's new receiving orders, , floar and feed warehouse. collapsed 'about 5 30 tl is evcnin burying nine mil) men The contention of the claimants i8 ' ' 11, time having complied with the bylaws in the debris, one of whom, tut unknown which provides for the payment of with- foreigner, was leilled. Five others, in- drawals in the order they were 100015'. eluding Charles Waltz, a plumber, were ed, they are preferred creditors. This is seriollsie' injured, Waltz having a jeg opposed by the lirmidator, fuel the gen. broken. Prompt work of hundreds of . nal body of shareholders, who r0100 the citizens in the rescue no doubt prevented question of the solvency of the company other futalitieh, previous to the date of the winding up. 'I'. Daggett, a tinsmith, and his helper, , 18 they succeed in their contention there who were at work on the roof, escaped will be a great deal of subdividing in with slight injuriee, as did also James this class (No, 4), Langton, _Mr. Ciavet's bookkeeper, ;who During its lust year $250,000 was paid was in the office of the building. Mime. out in trithdrawals. , diately after the collapse hundreds rash- ': - e ed to the scene to assist in the work of LOST HIS SEAT, rescue, and all of the men were quickly - — 'removed. Although darkness interfered Narrow Escape of Steeplejack 125 Feet considerably with this work, lanterns , in Air. were hung and electric lights strung ' 1 melon Ona , Despatch—A steeple- around to enable the rescuers to make - play on." . He promised, It seemed only jack, named Reynolds, had a- IIIIICTOW Mil/lite to the busy block -builder when escape from death this morning while the clock on the mantel told the hour engageditt painting the steel Stack ae of seven, The dear child looked up in the London Rolling741111s. He Was up surprise, shut his lips tight, drew'a long is feet 111 the air waking with his breath, and then said as cheerfully as 110 brush when, as he leaned over the seat, could, "I didn't think -it would strike so the strong wind blew it from him, soon, but I roust keep my truth." Quick as a flash he grasped the rope IV, Voluntary service. "Choeee" (v. by' which his assistant sends up su(0- 15). God's claim to IsrEtel's service was plies and down this he slid with great linseit upon sonship, "Israel is'hny son, speed. The coat sleeve was tem off and even my first-born; and let my son bus arm badly burned by the friction gee that he miry serve me" (Exod. 4.. against the rope. Had he not been 22. 23). God. never oompels, lle cow able to grasp the rope Ile would have strains (Deut. 30. 15, 2 Cor, 5, 14), Is- fallen to the roof, 65 feet below. Mali would never have been the prophet _- of the Most High had lie not said, "Here ONTARIO'S HEALTH. an I, send me" (Ise. (1. 8), Paul would never have been shown his service of Reports From 68o Divisions for Month of suffering had he not said, "Lord, what September. wilt thou have me to do." V. Personal service. "Choose 3Ott" (v. Toronto, Nov, 4—The report of the 15). God's call is to individuals. David's Provincial Health Department for Sep. word to the "congregation" was, "Who tember shows that 080 divisions rept.- then offereth willingly to consecrate smiting a. population of 1,020,000 made himself this day unto the Lord?" (1. returns, They gave 1 total of 2,060 Chron, 25, 5, R. V.), The Spirit's call deaths from all causes for the month, to the "ehurebes" is, "He that hath so rt. rate 01 12.0 per 1,000 compared with 2, - ear to hear let him hear" (Rev. 2. 11). 3S1 (teethe in a reporting population of "He that overcome)]. . to him will 1 2.070,000 in September last year, The give power" (Rev. 2. 26), returns show slight increases in email. VI. Immediate service, "Now, there- pox, scarlet fever and diphtheria, and fore. ,choose you this day" (vs. 14, 15), a, marked deerease in typhoid fever. Con - "Remember now thy Creator" (11eel, sumption elaimed 129 victims warp:ire:1 1), "Now is the accepted time..., notv with 115 In SePtembev, 15011. is the day of salvation" (2 C,or. 0, 2). A r mother stood beside the open grave of NEW NORWEGIAN CABINET -i Iter only child. As the clods fell upon the coffin she threw herself upon her Premier Forced to Resign Owing to 111 knees and looking heavenward , cried, Health. "Lord Jeifie, I give myself to thee here and nowt "Wbatsoover thy hand find- Christiana, Nov. 4 -- M. Michelson eth to do, de it" (Ecel. 9..10). They the Premier, resigned to -day on ac - found on the fly leaf of a little boy's meant of ill -health, which led to the re - Bible after he went to heaven, "1 take signatioa of the Ministers of Pub - Clod this day to be my Gokand nu fool- lie Werra and Justice, King Haaken Mg about it." later made the following appointments Vii. Deliberate (service, "Choose._ G. Loveland. Premier and 111inis- whom ye will serve." There can be no ter of Foreign Affairs; 51. Bredal, compromise. If heathen gods are really 'Minister of Justice; Captain Dawes, better, serve them. Count'the cost (Luke Minister of Defence; Magnus It -Metre- tog, 01111 the inuglars after gaggin, and • d f ,1 . Ac7leint g "° issue' of life. 1,1. 2S). linow the worst. Face the cinss. sem Minister of 1' 011110101 Berge, Mounted Police Corporal Sent After binding a young clerk item NVe are, waitino here until that larger. a thorough search of the ruins for pos- sible victims. • The building WIIS a three-storey solid bekk, 120 by 33, end had only been completed at a cost of 518,0110. The stock of flour was being carried in when the necident occurred. An investigation will be held. • t COLOR LINE. COMMANDANT SYLVAIN NOT'AL- LOWED IN MONTREAL HOTELS. Strong Protest; From the Visitor, Who is a Doctor of Laws in Paris, and Aide -de -Camp to Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia, :Montreal, Nov. 4.—"Tt absolutely otliom and scandalous that in it country imbued with the generous traditions of Fealice, and which claims to he under tito Ellgl hill law, reputed to lin AO liberal, people can adopt principles so retro- grade, as those width are still prevalent 111011g the upholders of the slavery sys- tem in the southern States." 'Ills in- d,gitalit outburst ;was made in one of 'Montreal's hotels hy commandant Bot- h.) Sylvain, a doctor of law of the fac- ulty a Paris 1111(1 aide-de-eamp of his :Majesty the Emperor Meilen]; of Abys- sinia. on being informed that he could not be, admitted as a. guest of the hotel because he was a gentleman of rotor. Interviewed afterwards, Commandant Sylvain said he had come to Canada to hold a series of meetings regard to the social nplifting of.the colored TRW'S, a e ork in which lie had taken the ell thitive, and which he was pursuing with all his power. Ke feels very indignant at la tug barred from the local hotels. TO CAPTURE BILL MINER. tout had been announced reports 11111 b,.. received of the arrival of similar d feint nt Si. Catharines. OST RUDDER. Kaiser 'helm DM, ase Was With Pr ,allers. Plymoutit, ,,g., Nev. 1.:. --,The North German Lloe I, steamer Oar Wilbehn der Grosse, ft e New Yerl., Get. for 'Bremen, by wee of Plymouth and Cher- bourg, errived sere at 9.30 this mail- ing, tied- report,- ' that the Hos of her rudder occurred. hen she was two and a half days outeerom New York, while a fierce storm-. wee raging. She steam- ed the balance of tt; trip ,biiPlymouth, 1,750 iniles, steere, by her t propellc alone. Iter eonenaeder, Captain Polack, remained incessantly on the bridge and did not have any sleep until the, steam- er reached the English elm»el. Pe.yond a delay of thirty hours in reaching this port Ole passengers of the Kaiser Wil helm (ler Grosse were in no way discern, =tied and she left Ply: oath for Cher, bourg this morning, wi,,:ont any as. sistance, SAVE T4 GAME. Hamilton Deputation Protests e'A T-ei 6,aivl'a:,n:.FEAST . WOtwoareth'utul04011tl To.ttbet!,, Whe"eneewubu"°:twlitr' 11 aeeies:Inetetee:: 21tmyboya,dgir.ttar,4 eotheeasend:ese And one dearer than °vs the children Item passed througn ..ho; 88 einri I'm wonting my bairag for '1„k5gis,1,1 I thought last nighquala lay Awake ta my tied at4rigitelting For the breaking theedaY, Hew my heart would 144 In gleaner, If a letter should come this morn To lay that they could not leave us he. Zo:kbeR,r,citthe feast forlorn, Is men, so I hear, And i Sanalet eon, In Dakota, , '11 never let want approach us, gave the waMing of him near; Jaek In San Pronely°, And Edward over the sea, And only my little Jessie la biding at home With tne, Oh 1 the Ilahor Unto for a mother Is when her bairns are small, And Into the nursery beds at night 8he tucks her darlings all. . When the wee ones are about her, With gleeful noise and pry, And she hushes the tumult with a sinne, Iler brood beneath her eye. ntlt e mother must bear her burden When Iter babes are bearded men; On 'change, or in the army, ecratching with a pen In some banker's dusty ottlie.-4; As Martin. Is, no doubt— A mother mat bear' her berths And learn to do v.i.bout. I know the Scripture teaching, To halt and help the blind. And the homesick and the desolate At the festal hour 'In mind. Of the Mt and the sweet a portion I'll send to the poor man's door, Rut I'm sveeryine Inc my ohOaren 'Po aft at my board endo more. I toll you, Jessie, my darting,' This thins for moiler ancIpelf,; .It takes the heart front life, der, It robe a man of litrasett, This old bleak hillside: hamlet, That apnea its hoya away.. Ilarr a 11611( 00 claIM them back, dear, to thio Thardirgiving Day. Shame an my.'Prollahlrettings 1 - Mere ate letters, a perfect sheaf I Open them quickly, dearest ; ; Ah, me ; "ris boYend sty ship and by traln they're, hosting, Rushing along on the way, Tell the neighbors that all my ottldren wit: be here Thanksgiving Dag. —Margaret songster, In The Standard. REMEMBER ETERNITY. ! If eternity is simplY4mie ly prolonged into the future, how 08.0 any one remember it? We 'can't re- member the future. Memory has to de with the pa:et, with something that bits already touched our life: If we are to ' remember eternity accordingly, it meet "I! be Nat as uelb ars future add must al-. , ready be near our life, as indeed it For eternity no indefinite hue, .11t .' • • ,:. is above all time. It is thneleas life, the life that is above change, and de- oay, above all evil' and aia. "This is Amid life," said Jesus, "thitt they. might know The, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom thou haat sent," 08 course, we can only think in terms of times and space, because these ideas condition all our life, But. in God there is no space and there is no time, All is p always present to Him. Andre life that la in Him is, also above all the limi- tations of this earthly life, To be sure we must, while we are hers, live the life - of God and have the knowledge of God , in our bodies and under the conditions of space and time, And, accordingly; •e; we cannot talk,,of the eternal life and of . Against Foreign Invasion. eternity without using ideas and words'. .„ r' which -belong to time and space; But ' we need to remind ourselves that theee'''. are only figures of speech, and that the reality far and beyond them. Tho language of John in his .epistle, is very careful language. His distine,,;,:. Om is not primarily between whatla present and future, lint between the. world and God, That Is the choice be- ; tween the present and the future, but it • is that because it its much more. It is -•;- the choice between the unworthy arid the worthy, the low and the high, the transient and the enduring, between the fatal ehoiee of the world's fleeting joys, and that living connection with God in he doing of His which relates men the aydi*. We do;Witirelf/iglit, however, when, r gutiffilpg Selves in these ways hinot eds, we think of the To and ail* duty to prepare fur the e, Beyon'd Otto life here there ' , I . Toronto, Ont., Des. -:-. (Special.) —A-, deputation representing the milton bra neh of the Fish and Game Ass Mien waited. on lion, Dr. Reatnne, the A ister of Public Works, this snorntng. , was composed of President Thomas Upton, Vice -President D. Barnard and Secretary Ilendrie These gentlemen called the attention of the Minister to the feet that game was destroyed both in season and out of season foreigner* in the province who carried firearms mil Sundays as well as week days, and shot' at all kinds of birds. They also pro- tested against the shooting of game, par- ticularly doer, by unlicensed hunters, especinlly a long the line of the varieue 'a railway lines. Those men sell deer, it eg, is said, to unsuccessful license holders. .fut The delegation was t old that the At- fat torneyeeenernl's Department was eo- an e trance waitieg Jer us into the e operating with the game and fisheries eel 1 e, which weelyethere under ny authorities to etop emir breaches of the limita, ions, and shalOive there i ;Ter. law. fect ..I.reedotiv. And our loved one - t have gone before are waiting,fer us eie:" AFRAID TO BLOW SAFE. in what Jesus himself called His. the:. ' er's house t,f many Manger/18.1n tha ' and peace we shall work with God serve Him, That life there is the w le of which this life is a part and th, who reject what it offered them of hero linee rejected the passibility of 1 there so far as we may know 00 o Burglars Visit Hudson's Bay Store at Fort William. Fort William, Nov. 4 — The lludson's 13,1v stole Wil8 robbed yesterday :norm There ate trials and temptations hi sem, .tlini.iter of Public Worsliii. le nein , Noted Desperado. who sh;eia en premises. pre511-J. (sett begin, ion we aro not "only' blow. the SE re. '111,'Y &Lied- Li" waitine 1,-'," 1,t , tine sense we are ing God, but it pays. Then choose. lake ; been:lane was enlister o ltoretienr a blank sheet of paper. Rule it. Write Affairs in the last Cabinet. The cc God's name above one column and Sat- construction of the Ministry lute no an's name above the other. Weigh de- pelitical significance. liberately, impartially, each service. 1Vrite honestly It one column ,the reasons THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL FINE. why you should -serve God and in the other all the reasons why you should serve Satan. Then deliberately determine Company WM Poiy the 925,0211 'Assessed to serve God. Write your name to it by Judge Riddell. „. and stand by it. VIII. Holy service. "The Lord....is Detroit, Nov. 4—The Michigan Cem an holy God" (v, 19). If you choose to tral Railway has decided 10 pay the serve, it must be in His way. In the 125,000 fine imposed by Mr. Justice 111(1- 11015 of the priesthood we .,'v, dell for the carelessness that caused the hall be holyfor I 0,10 11 1 " (Le • 11 explosion of dynamite at Essex; Ont, 44). He must have n, hely service. "Be This statement was made by Mr. Hen. feeteone 22. Vntnesses against your. ye clean that hear the vessels of the ry 1tilas0, counsel for the road, selves—They had decided roi.d publiely Lord" (Lev. 10, 2, 10; Isa, 52. 11), Is "We pleaded. guilty and we will pay promised to obey, secepting!the eendi. your service "gold, silver, precious the fine," he declared, Winnipeg, Nov. Miner, the Amernian train • robber, who escaped from the penitentmry at New West - is b01140111 to a fugitive in the fastnesses to norrit'ast Prince Albert. Some time ago the news re,ched here that Miner had been seen ip the vicinity of the miss, and Wit& said to he making for the hills. He 'was armed henvily,,aad those who 'saw him are reasonably sure of his identity. The commandinre'officer at Prince Al- bert sent orders to Corporal Monday. who is on detachment at Cumberland Rouse, to proceed to the pass and cap- ture Alines. dead. or,alive. The corporal left for the scene of his investigations about a week ago. in the door, but for some unknown vett- for that is our reel life, and this is. only . , ts 01,11111, , perliodbail,),I,ei, ,fest-co. iohf, ii(txtil,;ia,c),tiiNn,g; I: tolu,:»- consists in present duty and work, and preparation for it. But the prepiration i1n:110y did not obtain the uomoy i'•1 faithful devotiOn to our tasks, within the the vault. Wrenn managed to net be ms limitations of'.I' 'this present life, The from his fastenings andcalled the poliee. best spirit in evhieli to fulfil those tasks is the spirit of Waiting for Christ and for So far no arrests have been matle. It , te the everlasting, life.-- TO those who wait for Ilim and it. Owe, will cortin ERUPPS TAKE ACTION. Will Sue United states for Violating PCIS0118 (('1,0' are rheumetio,:vd11 bd,h Patent Rights, efited by hot baths, to, whicholl Paris, Nev. 4 — According to the 1"11118140 "'bled. sk': er4.1 fat in's Berlin correspondent the all to tt hot bath: is.! Krupps are about to start an fiction f,' of ' ' o o�11 Against the United States for violation 500101111(4 of oil of tu of their patent rights, making General Mr -fields should beta Crozier, chief of ordnance, the defendant, shaker well.