HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-07, Page 5NOVEMBER 7TII, 1907 --THE BLYTH STANDARD --PAGE FIVE. ♦ V VAI hVA Tal THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY 0001)8 ON BALE AT MODERATE PRICES FOR CABII AND FAKM_ERODU01 , Wanted Alive Old Hens and Chicks. LADIES' COATS The smartest, most select models, a broad collection to Insure perfect ree gtartortaction of and seven eighth lengths, rielily trlrLula t oroplain,4o In sell. ing at the lowest possible prices, A full line of Underwear to choose from. For a good dress buy Priestley s Dress Goods, Highest prices paid for Farm Produco. 9 Y V, r.� ♦ VA'irL1, l E. BENDER, BLYTH Desks & Book Cases Every business nese or woman should have a desk to hold hooks, papers And valuable cnrres- pon lenca, \Ve.have.a.great'Variety of Desks at prices from 15 to Id) each. These desks are finished in hoar ter -cot oak and are div ,.led by drawers, shelves and letter boxes. Call and see thein, J. H. CHELLEW : nira t g : ;s 34: s.;f= sn=is"€, ?.?`. , ;s':?E NEWS, AROUND TOWN R MEINIf,>; `: " , t ',�,;a:iaxEE�� ���i��?aiI�.�;:.:r�r���;��_, u.bu , u e. n.itt.d SENATHE STANDARD to your dis- tant friends, Ten cents will pay for It till the end of the year. MARKET REPORT. -Wheat 95-95 ; Borley 70-70 ; Oats 50-50 ; Peas 80-82 ; Butter 23-24 ; Eggs 23-24 ; Flom' $3.00-$3.25, THE new .brick residence being erected by Wal, Stackhouse on Drummond street is being pushed Hiring as rapidly as possible, ,IVANTnq,-Ciioice tub butter, 27c ; fresh eggs;,25c ;Yids() large quanti- ties of dried apples and feathers. - 0, E. K14;•Wmgiiam, TRU Huron Old Boys of Toronto have organized again for the corning winter and the club kat 1131 Ping street west, Ed. Fleody, an ex - Blyth boy, is the President. Fon SALE. -Yr. J, N, Perdue, V, S., offers a few . seeond-hand cutters and a set of double work harness for shin cheap at his livery stable. Call and inspect, • HofisitwivEs have not infrequent- ly occasion to label bottles, jars or tins with the name of their contents, but the labels put on with the ordin- ary paste or gum soon full off. A capital adhesive paste for this pur- pose is made of starch, 2 dr, ; white sugar, 1 oz ; gum arabic, 2 dr. and enough water to bring to required thickness. Disolvo the guns in the water, add the sugar end then the starch, and boil until the starch is cooked. LETTER on' CONDOLENCE,—The fol- lowing letter of condolence was for- warded to Mrs, J, W, Bell by the C. 0. 1', of town 1 To Mrs, J. W. Bell, --We, the oftleeis and members of Court Morning Star; C. 0. F., desire to tender to you our sincere sym- pathy in your sad bereavement in the loss of your dear husband. We, as a court, fess the loss keenly of it brother beloved and an officer Mr upwards of 20 years, Almost the entire length of his membership in our court our brother held the office of Recording Secretary and dis- charged his duties faithfully and well. But while our loss is very great we cannot but acknowledge that yours is the chief loss and we would commend you and the family of our departed brother to our loving Heavenly Father who has promised to be a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless. Signed on behalf of the court, Richard Somers, A, McNally, 0, H, Beese, LEAVE your order now for your Fall printing. We will do our best to please you, ROBERT 11. OARNiSS BLIIE\'ALE - - ONTAIIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reamnablr, Sales arranged for nt'Pma STANDARD office, Blyth, • FOWL WANTED We are paying the highest prices for Turiceye, Geese, Ducks, Mile, Butter and Eggs. Grata cheeks paid atter bank lours. MoMILL?N & CO. °Insley Stroat • Blyth For Twenty=five Fall and Xmas Seasons Metcalf has supplied the needs of the up-to-date people 0f Blyth and vicinity, and now as we approach the twenty-sixth season, with twenty-six years experience in supplying your needs, we invite you to oar store, Ours is the modern store with modern stock and modern business ideas, If you appre- ciate modern methods deal with --- FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 2011 days treatment 91, :10 days' treatment 25c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL iHERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont, THE trains were late owing to lie holiday traffic, GUT Flowers cheep on Saturdays, Mrs, %Vin. Campbell. 'l'nr new home of J. G, Moser is fast nearing c0mpleticl and will add greatly to Dinsley street, THE School Board itllowed Il'ridtiy off thus giving the teaeliers the ballet, fit of the holiday. Now that the electric lights are i11 working order ogasal the town once more looks as 1f it were alive, AN exchange mikes the following very truthful assertion ; - The country, is hist now scoured by en- thusiastic hunters, with $10 dogs told 950 guns, who shoot away $1 worth of ttintnnnition, wear out 95 worth of clothes, and spend $2 worth of 111110 to get 30e worth of game," SOME of the newspapers through- out the country are raising their subscription and advertising rates to conform to Ole increased cost of materiel and wages. It costs money to ran 0 newspaper nowadays the expense liceouOt levying increased by leaps end bounds, No 111Aideo -A few weeks ago :0 item appeared lu THE S'ra:vt:Altt, under the Wawatnosh heading, ixhr- porting to be n reply to a note in oar issue of the week previous re- ferring to what we considered M. e011e11 joke played on 0 party, No names were mentioned and TitE STAN]) ito did not know to whom 111)0)1 u'TRRHSrein [Ted and tlin1lglit it merely 1 111 wapnper "jolly." We ted 110 thought or intention ul inter. tering with the happiness of any- Itedy in giving either items pine in our columns, and for fear of a eon. troversy (ted et the slime time de- siring to sow goodwill rather than discord) we stated that no more coin- mnnicntons on the subject would he given !lase in our paper, Since then, we understand, a person has taken umbrage 111 the publication of the second notice for which we are sorry, more particularly as the party we thought sent the communication denies writing it and we accept the denial and hope to locate the indi- vidual who sent it to our office, We ale here to promote the best inter- ests of the community and try to guard against the insertion of any- thing of a malicious or damaging character and we hope 1111 concerned will accept our exphtnation,-Editor STANDARD, SUnnen DEATH, --Tic people of Blyth were startled on Friday morn- ing when they heard that John W. Bell, harnesstnaker, had died its bed about seven o'clock. During the past few weeks he had been corn - phoning 0110181 a pail in his chest but did mot think it serious, though he went to the doctor and got some medicine, All 'Thanksgiving Day he did not feel well and during the night complained 01 the severe pain and did not sleep hardly at all. Mr. Bell was born in the town of Dover, County of Kent, South of England, in 1847, and learned the trade of Iltm'nessmuker in that country. He was married to his 111'st wife there and came to 1.1110 country about the year 1871 and first settled in Clinton where they lived for a couple of months, afterwards moving to Blyth where he has resided for the past 35 yeas. A family 111' three girls stn" vive (Mary, Mrs. W. J. Felker, of Goderleh ; Millie, airs, J. W. Bram- ley, of Detroit ; and Miss Selena, of 'Toronto), and one son, John, whose address is in the States ; two girls died when quiet young, Itis first wife flied some 14 years ago, For litany ,years he twa8 tax collector of the village and for upwards of 20 years was recording secretary of the C. 0. F., Blyth. He was a staunch Conservative old to devout member of the English church, for many years being warden in the church. He married his now bereft wife last January and: to her and the daughters the people of this com- munity extend their heartfelt sym- pathy at the sudden death of hus- band and father, The funeral took piece on Monday afternoon, the,ser- vice being held in Trinity church where the hector, Rev, W. II. Hart- ley, spoke words of comfort to the family. The members of the 0, 0. F. took charge of 1110 funeral and they were joined by the members of the Blyth Lodge of Odd Fellows, as Mr. Bell was It member of the Man- chester Unity and held his card in his old lodge in the 01d Country. The pallbearers were from the C. 0. h, and were A. McNally, Wm. Sims, D. Cowan, R. Sorners,13.'Slater and B. Morritt, The body was in- terred in Trinitychurch cemetery, Besides the daughters being present, Sir, Richard Walker, of Chicago, brother to the widow, was here to attend the funeral, Two months more and 1907 will be a thing of the past, Tiir, ilnited States 1'hanksgivih' Day, is Thursday, Nov, 28. 1i1NG Enwaltu's birthday 1 Saturday of this week, Nov. Tats Ontario Prov fine' Fair will bo held at ,December 9c11 to 13th, Denis° the holiday were sold at the C. P. 11. s J. nienittrchie at the up•t sold 58 a total of 107 tielm% WHEN travelling by the t.. purchase your ticket at town t1. office,•�Alt'intl,rmation ns to rates, tinge table, t1nd eomteetions cheer- fully furnished by J, nlc3lurhie, C. P. 11, RIti1 nod steamship agent, And now the honest shipper packs Ills apples up for town, This is the top row of the suck„ 00000000 And this is lower down, noo0onoonono IIAI,LOWE'EN w118 very quiet in town which was souhodliug 11 1111011,1 bei 011 Tuesday evening somebody got busy and carried away T. J. Huekstep's harbor pole, Evidently somebody believes in working in the tinrk. DoN''r forget the Editor has to live the same as anybody else and dune in 1111d 1-4 yotu' subscription, Nov is the thine to' club with other papers and 'Secure (110 premiums offered by them along with 'Ter; STANDARD. YESTERDAY Frank Memel(' ship- ped the fruit he had collected to (loderlcli and from there it will be taken to Toronto for the Intron Co. exhibit at the Pravinch.l Horticuh tnrlll Ex111111tion to be held from the t2th to 1Gth ol'November. THE attention of the Morris town- ship Council has been called to the dangerous railway crossing where the C. P. 13, line passes the 9th 1hlc, east of Blyth, Not only does the railway run diagonally over the road but a large bank of earth obscures the view so that a peson Iles to get almost on the crossing before a train could be seen. TILE c001 show in Indu51ry Hail on Monday night drew a gond house and the performance was above the average. The Boon with the roller skates and the finale quartette were the strong cards. The street parade accompanied, by their lady drum major, had a clean sweep of the side- walk and the small boys made them- selves scarce when she took after them, THE following letter was sent to the Odd Fellows of town by the court el the Canadian Order of For- esters, which speaks for itself To the Blyth Lodge, I. 0 0. F, --We, the officers and members of Court Morning Star, Canadian Order of Foresters of 131y th, desire to thank you for your courtesy to attending the funeral service of our late broth er, J. W. 13e11, and in uniting with us in the burial service on that uc- cnslon. Signed on behalf of the court, Richard Somers, A, McNally, C: H. Beese, Committee, AT HoMa,-A very enjoyable time was spent at the At Moine in nlilne's shall. given by the A. Y. P, A. of Trinity church, last Wednes• day evening, The first part of the evening Was spent in various g')111es after which the (lector look the chair and gave a Mee address, and the following program was given :- Anthem, the choir ; solo by Dorothy 'Tierney ; quartette, ',Starlight," Aliases Carder and Potter, Mrs, Fylc and Mr. Hartley ; solo, Jas, Barr ; dialogue, "Laughter," by Clara Copp, Annie Spafford, Lizzie Law• reice and Bella Potter; duets by Hattie and May Spafford ; recitation, "Biddle and Patrick," Stanley Ba. chance ; quartette, "Hoene Agan." Lunch was served and the very pleasant evening closed by the party singing "Auld Lang Syne," 01813 A REFINED PERFORMANCE. - The Acton Free Press has the fol. lowing to say about the concert company that appears in Industry 11111l on Monday, Nov, 25th, under' the auspices of the I. 0. 0. I'. The Francis Firtb Operetta Co, gave an entertainment in the 'Town Hall lire ender the auspices of the Fire Brigade, and it is a credit to the Brigade for engaging a company managed by a gentleman like air, Firth. The entertainment was, e1- joyed'•by everyone who ,was there and those W110 were not there missed the best entertainment';ever held in Acton. It is not the Voice of one or two but of all who were there. The company all through aro the most refined au(i artistic company that ever appeared before an .Acton tutdience and they deserve the most liberal patronage wherever they Ilppear, * MeiJ` $5,00 fit' $7.00 $5.00 $8,50 ww $8,50 Men's 1313-.. heavy weight, Dont style, well 1, Men's Black or Oxfot, , k,00d wool,' heavy cloth with plain .,ou surface, well lined, Chesterfield style, at nien'a Oxford Grey or Black Frieze tyvetcoets, with high collar, In avy cloth, wool lined, a good one for winner, at 15,00. Fine Bleck English Vienna Cloth Ove'ooats,a rici1 smooth-fiufshed material, with good weight velvet oollar, 110111in lined, Chesterfield end regular styles, at 99,50. Fine Oxford (Trey Cheviot Winter Overcoats, a soft cloth, good welc}it, that Will stand strong usage and retain a good appearance, at 98,50. Men's English Melton tVintor Overcoats, in black $10.00 and dark grey. This is a specially priced Overcoat, es it is well worth $12,50, hut we sell it to you its sizes 3t to 41 inches, for 510.00, Furs are at very close prices. t, tl 'a store, ro t gra in ossa of Man or V � 0 ;t a e, It t 1 s Women's P r Coats or Fur -lined Coats, we are prepared to give yon rood values. CASH ICOR BUTTER AND EGGS. POPLESTONE & CARDINER *--Successors to McKINNON & CO. Poultry, wanted, 111110) he Idry picked and in good condition, ****VI(********************* CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINI': OI--- P'"resh 0i-raoeries —ALWAYS ON HAND. Meats of different kinds. Salt In barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family, ' A. TAYLOR° :ft,' ?#,"'BLYTH People Read First Then Then Think And Afterwards Buy Give them something to read. Give th something think about. Give them something to buy. ,. BC advertising in 'The standard' ijou cover both Town and Countrn Merchants Should Remember This When Making Their Contracts Get Our Rates -- — -- Telephone No, 4