HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-07, Page 4JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. utllT11, o T. NOS DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes %specialty. Ad MUMS made to farmers ou their own notes, No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates , We offer every aucommodatlon cone shunt, with safe and conservative banking prmclples. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected, CONVEYANCING Or all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire And Life Assurance companies, pnd respect• fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 3 P.a1. Business Bards. A. B, 1t[ACDONALD. Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Eto, Sue. Censor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan. darn Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. polttan Bank. FHUUDFODT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers!,: Solleltors, Notaries Pubiic, Eto. OtloesThose formerly occupied by Messrs, Cameron and Holt, Uoderioh.' W. Proudfoot, K.O.. B. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. `1 O E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Sareon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Termite University, Cnloe over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. W..1. MILNE, M,DC.M. Pbysiolan and Surgeon. M.D,C.M„ Gni. varsity ot Trinity College; M.D., queen's University;Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Outerlo. Cor. oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north ot Oomnterotal hotel, Queen street, Blyth, r S. BCC i T BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County 9lerms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the oitice of THE SrnxnAnn,131yth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables vGAP eeeae Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. o.'.�iS Mb fie D Plot -b555 Horses and Rige for hire at easenabte rates. Eestot aceommotlatloa to Commerotei pliers and others requiring rigs. eterinary office at livery stable. ZING AND QUEEN STREETS, DLYTY. ,)fl; l {f r ' 1��1 �'e DTbeing the beat this school has bre intr' helargestbusiness training sehoo extern Ontario. Our enrollment exceeds that of a y(arego. Wny? be our courses are ttorough and 0-51 with speoiallsts In charge of ow tarots', Shorthorn and Telegraph) tmm)ts. An nur graduates 01 WI' positions. You may enter naw, to for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. 0.0' 44,012414-4.0 �r $1 upward. PACE Fovn—THE BLYTH STANDARD–rN0VE InER 7m, 1907, at)r, glutlt grtanbarb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, NOV, 7. 1907 �>U People We Know Mks Porter spent Thanksgiving with friends in Berlin, Mr, And Mrs. D. D. Crittenden were in London last week. Mrs, Wm. Watson has returned to het' horne in Vancouver, B. C. Mr. and Alra, P,' Gardiner and son spent the holidays at Exeter, Miss Bessie Taylor, of Dungannon, spent Thanksgiving in town. Mr, Niles Morgan, of Brussels, spent Thenksg[ving in town. Air. W. J. Fyle left on Monday for a two weeks' trip in the Niagara peninsula. Mr. and Mrs, James Sims And children were visiting in Clinton for the holiday, Miss A. E. Cowan, ofOrand Bend, spent Thanksgiving et the home of her parents. Miss Rhea Brothers, of Newbridge, was the guest of her cousin, Master Alvin McNally. Mrs, T. W. Scott and Mies Doris spent Thanksgiving with friends in London and Blrr, Mr, Miller and the Misses Miller and Miss Yost, of Milverton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. IL Beese. Miss Lizzie Ardell and Airs. Fer- guson were in town on Monday waiting for train connections with Milverton, Mr. W. Ii. Kerr, Editor of the Post, Brussels, and father of the Editor of Tsui STANDARD, was here on Wednesday last, Mrs, C. J. McDonald And son, of Toronto, spent the holidays visiting with Mr, and Mrs, '1', J. Huckstep. The ladies are sisters Alr, Gilbert Canting, of White- wood, Sask., was here during the past week. Ile shipped two curs of apples both west from here. Warden Corrie, of Huron Co,, end also Reeve of Enet W)Iwnnosh, was calling on aid friends in town and paid Tnn STA !MAIM his usual visit, Airs, Robert Pane, of Corrie, spent the holidays visiting at the home of her cousin, Mr. C. 1J. Besse, and with Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr, • On Monday Mr, and Mrs, berry James rind Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Emigh, of Brussels, were in town at- tending the Dineen! of their old friend, the late J. W. Bell, Mr, Ernest Rozell, of Brussels, ac- companied h+,• his sister, Mrs. John Engler end daughter, Eve Vivian, of Paw Paw, Michigan, spent Tues. day. with Air. end Mrs. N. B. Gerry. Last week Mr. Ed, Iinggitt, jr., had the misfortune, to get his left hand caught In a separator and re- ceiveil many cuts. We .are pleased to state, however, that tie escaped serious accident and will he able to perform his usual work h1 a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McKinnon and baby spent the holiday visiting rela- tives end old friends in town, Mr. McKinnon left on Tuesday for the Ohl Country where he will buy for the McKinnon tf, Co. firm of Toronto. This is his first trip across the nem. The Seafortli Expositor refers to the visit of it former Blyth lady in that town :—Miss Druntntnnd, - 01 Toronto, who has been visiting Mrs. E. Ilhtehley and iter slater, Mrs. A. 0. VotiEgniond, of Egnlondvilie, and other friends, is a native of [Myth in this county. She is 'a skil- ful and accomplished artist anti specimens of her paintings, bout landscape and portrait, which she had with her, were very much ad- mired by many of' our citizens, who were delighted to see them, Sulgrave. J, and Al's. VVightnum, of Morris, spent Thanksgiving with W. and lits, Wightman. - Wm. Wiley is not recovering his health as rapidly es we would like to see. The L, 0. L. treated its; members to an ''At !Joints'' in, their hall an the evening of Nov: 5t», A lcoture tinder the auspices of the Bible Society will be given in the Foresters' HAN shortly. Mies Budge' is snaking her home with her neice, Mrs, J. Mason, at present, osfUIWIf 511'r'0a, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was dispensed with in the Methodist ehtu•eh hast Sabbath morn. lug. Miss AIIie Emigh presided at the organ in 'Trinity ehtuet), Blyth, on Sunday owing to the illness of Mrs, W. J. Pyle, Rev. 1''. 0. Nichol, of Cargill, will conduct services in Auburn and Smith's 11111 Presbyterian churches on the next two Sundays, Owing to the anniversary ser. vices being held it St. Andrew's church there was no sett/lee in the Alethudist church in the evening. Rey. T. Davidson,, Al, A„ of Ver- na, will conduct the services in St, Andrew's church an Sunday next. Mr. Small will be in Varna preach- ing anniversary sermons. The annual meeting of Buren Presbyterial W. F. M. S. will be held in Rippen on Tuesday next. Mesdames Curtis, Popfestane and Small are the delegates from Blyth. Last Sabbath Rev. D. Perrie, of Winghata, oecupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's chinch, as it was their An- niversary and preached two excel- lent sermons. The Board asked for a large collection to help pay for the' expenses tliat occurred, in tate way of repairs" to the,manse, etc., and ever $400 was'''plced on the plates at the' two services, The choir rendered anthems at the morning tied evening service in excellent manner, The pastor, Rev. 3. L. Small, B. A„ took Rev. Mr, Perrie'a work at W'ingham. East Wawanosh. On Friday night last the house of Miss Maggie Murray was attacked by some unknown parties end brok- en in several places, stones of cote S'rRAYPD.--F-ont the in's niers of M. If, (kills, Lon, 4, P: tot 1Vewannc,h, 00 or '.bunt 0'1, 11111, three ewes sod one Iamb. 1) wad for intornettion. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the (putties. Get our priers. lire employ no agents. WiLSON & HUNTER. BRUSSELS — — ONTARIO. CHEAP READING The Standard The Standard and Weakly Advet- 116e1' The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness The Standard and Weekly Glohc Phe Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star Tao Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times The Standard and Weekly Fred Press 'file Standard and Toronto Week. ly Sus The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Sp{ectator The Standard Antt'l'oronto Dully Star The Standard end Toronto Daily News. 'Che Standard and Fanner's Advo.. Cate The Standard and Daily Adver-- tisor The Standard and Evening Free Press The Standard and Toronto Daily World The Standard and Dally Free Press ..:r' The Standard and Evening Globe The Standard read Evening Mail and Empire 'Phe Standard and Daily Mail and Empire The Standard and Daily Globe.,, Scud all snbaeriptions direct to VIE STANDARD, $l 00 1 60 1 60 1 80 1 70 1 05 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 3 25 2 20 2 80 2 50 2 75 3 25 53 50 3 50 8 50 9. 50 4 50 BLYTii, ONT, shlerable size crashing through the whiduw and alighting near where the old lady was seated, and it was not the fault of the cowardly mar - natters that Miss Murray was notl struck by 5110 Ilyhtg missiles. As this is the fifth time during the past year that -tins has happened, we think it time the scatter was looked into. Lond sa bore. Miss Nellie Lyon is spending this week with her sister in London. Aliss McGuire, of Brussels, was the guest of Mrs, Adapts over Sunday. Mr. Morrell, of near Menford, is visiting hie brother hero at present. John and Mis. Garrett and family visited the latter's parents near Bay- field. ayfield, 3. C. and Mrs. Adams attended the l'unerai et' Mr. Bell at Blyth on Mon - Miss Agnew, of Wingham, spent this week as the guest of Miss L. Bt'lghnm, Dr. llnlmes, of London, is at pres- taking Dr, McCalhun's practice, who is visiting his mother in Kingston. Thomas and Mt's. Sherbrook are hone from the west After a two month's visit with their daughter, Bertha. Rev, Mr. Foote, who is supplying for Rev, Mr, Leckie, who is away on his holidays, preached a fine sermon in the Methodist Church Sunday evening,. The fowl enpper on Thursday evening wits a success in every way. Over G00 partook of thebountiful tea which was served i11 the Mise. meat after which a splendid program was given in the auditor. iron. Proceeds amounted to $213. MATH SCHOOL 1i1ii'OR3'. The following is the report of Blyth Public School for the month of Octo- ber :— on', No. 1. P,,rn) 8—E. Anderson, T, Edmeston, A. Coombs, D, Cowan, J. Morritt, L. Sco Lbrtt,ul 2—R. Donhohn, G. Stewart, C. Copp, W, Csntpbelf, Porto 1—:.1. Wells, B. Putter, M. Pfeffer, 33, Anderson, A. Spofford, L, Wanless, F. Aiken, C. 'Tierney, E. Bell, rev. Ne, 2. Sr, IV.— Willie Mains 831 1) reth,y'Tierney . 8411 John Begley..., , .,.4320 mom Cowan i.,,.. . 1319 Lizzie Lawreuce,...,810 Jr.11'la— (lu•nn Anderson..., ..,208 Elmer Nivins 2112 Laura Johns!. 0 138!1 Maggie Johnston,,,. ,.,,'1'111 Frank McCaughey 2033 Nifty Spofford 202 Willie Belling 106 Ilan le Spaffun1 187 Lilly Warden fee 128 Stanley Chellew 120 Venter Bell 110 Jimmie Mc, ommins 108 \Nellie Moon 48 Janes Illrosis.... .... ...... 111 Sr. 11I., Class A -- Lawn Wetthtiler n,,. ,.....246 7'eresse McLaughlin 224 George Sloan . . . 224 Croswell Anderson 220 Elva Fawcett,... ..... '. ,214 Annie M,11ea - 210 Fila Wettlanfer..,•,,.., 208 Russell Gidiey 14(1 John McCaughey 143 Doris Scott 167 \\'lilts Copp 69 Chins B— Mary Saline 142 Meryl Gerr. yy ...... 187 Itedella McKenzie....,91 Annie Robertson,... 04 Prod Bugg.' l0 ntv. 00. 8, III, (3100e-14hode Phillifty, Willie Whitt', Merle Penney, Henry John- ston, Rena Barr, Mary Puner, Elms Coal:, Eddie ,Mains, May Robertson, Willis Anderson, Luna Burling, Leslie ;McElroy, Joint Cowan, Norman Holtz - Miner, Gordon Iiolizhnner, Sr. IL, Part A—Curry Campbell, Berta Stotlrers, Ferri Johnston, \vii• hart Spafford, Katie Ilebkirk, Tom Murray, Edgar Cowan, Bartle iioE1- ruv, Elsie Fawcett, Entine 'l'arnan, Pert B --briars Habkirk, Effie Rath, Lorne liurliitg, Willie Cater, Earl Teylor. ntv, 1111. 4, ,Jr. 111—Patience Scott, Pearl Hamm, Nodes Anderson, Fred Mason, Mary McM.urahie, Amos. Andrew, Harold plena•, Mabel 11111, Carrie Sims, Harvey )loltzhaner, Daisy Mason, Charlie Pot- ter, Willie Hamm, Earl McElroy, Car- rie Dempsey, Agnes Creighton, Pt. 1L--dervev Mason, Luella Cook, Susie Fawcett, Wilson Rath, Stewart Cowan, Susie P)t1111ps, Sr. Pt. 1. ---Lelia (Jerry, Iona StotO- ars, Marie Annan, AiVin 'McNally, Sara Milne, Willie Kennedy', Gladys Pouney, Austin Spafford, .Archie Mc- Kenzie, Emily Rowed. Jr. Pt. L—jtoy Barr, Mabel Spaf- ford, Fred Fawcett, Jawos Taman, The Tomb. BL.ttle.-In Auburn, en Nov, 4th, Grace A. Blair, relict of the late John,Blair, aged 75 years and 11 months. Bt .t.—lit Blyth, on Nov, 1st, John W. Nell, aged GO years, (0, 0 (0 O 0) 0 (9, ro 0 0; 70 0 O O (o (0 O Ql ,e:A';• ;• m.k'I ° O il.'rk14' ccorf k • gFwcamil ew Furs We have a complete stock of Fur Coats, Caps, Ruffs, Etc. Call and see our stock before you buy. Our prices are the lowest. J. A. ANDERSON BLYTH leeneee '' :. :>1y,Iu�,',�' Q7�R'A ! !l't:/�17,IA:.4!!+Y o,, 0'0 0 THE BLYTH STANDARD JOB EPATMET Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of general Print- ing and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring 'something better than the ordinary" at simply a consistent price for the character of work we turn out. The following ise list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads Statement Note Healy: Bill 1-Ieads Envelopes --all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Tickets Shipping Tags Memorial Cards Sale Bills Circulars Catalogues, Etc. Programs Posters Pamphlets We carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list. !Colored Work a Specialty