HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-07, Page 1VOL. XXI. ENTER ANY TIME for a business or Shorthand course. Positions tutored to graduates. Six I months will fit you, We provide 24 teachers and beet taollitiee, Write UM, Central Melees,' College, 795 'longe St„ Toronto, W. H, Shaw, Principal. School Children's . . Eyes A very large nanaher of children attending the eohoole are In Im- mediate need of glaests, and yet are uuawal'e of iL Education depends largely on the nes of the epee. It these ere dell °lent then the chief baste of learn. Ing is hampered. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1907. Brussels. Mrs. W. 11. Kerr, spent Thanks - tieing with relatives in Stratford. Angus Kerr is home from the west, atter a sojourn of several months. A load of young people went. to 8""' forth to hear the Guy's on Thanks- giving night, Miss Psmyle t McQuarrle, who has recently returned front 0 trip to Beg. land, was the guest of her ahste•, Mrs. W. 1`, Strettou, Brussels, during the pant week. The upper fine of the Graham block, formerly occupied by the Odd Fellows, has !teen leased by it company of young people to he utilized for• assembly purposes. Brussels Football Club have made au engagelment to have "Uolyn, the' Pen girl," a new musical operetta, presented in the town hall, on NOV, 21st. The boys shmdd have a inlrnpe' house on that 000001011. Ton great care oannotbe token In remedying these detente, end only eu opttotan in whom expllolt eon. Mame can be placed should be consulted. Our optician will give conselen• Mitts advice and recommend the use of glasses only where It will considerably benefit the child's el - sloe. WHITE ^ CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Enter Any Time Continental Correepondenoe among our students at' Wtnghero, Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville end Code - tide. We hefeegenrporeted the coon• Bele of our twelve broadly edueated, widely experienced teachers, Gregg Shorthand taught by a graduate of the author, John 11. Gregg. 'edited. nal inatruutiou, We !Write compari- son and close inveetigetlun. Our Mall Courses teaoh you in your own home. Write for partloulers. WINGHANI BUSINESS COLLEGE George Spotton, Principal TQf var.•tiSBrs. lF ltpled tui e or AO'1"00 Hell •11' Our nu f l,l occupiediay tint editorial chair of the Niguel, Int he found a good many --. ---- things stili Ithout the town to interest 11101, All copy for new advertise merits MUST be in this office, Walton. On 'Thanksgiving Day afternoon a byMonday, to be Chale shooting match for ducks, geese 11011 Y turkeys was held hero. (red for current week. Kindly 11011 iTbss wsotill (rt: of filling 1un11 01 d0(1011 rho stn• n 0i l on er thr, Is, et or Contractor Thomson, look after this, Porter Tiros„ liverymen, are pushing ... . ----w---• the work in connection with t11,4 now livery barn. They are 1o0lthl0 talent• Wfi►gliatn. ively after business' The enrolled attendance at the high ; Lonis Mc1)ouahe who was home on School is tat, I a visit, has gone to nelson, British A. 1:, Bradwiu, editor of the Gait ; Columbia, where he expe(10 to a0vuue Ttetorulee was visiting with his parents a position, 1\'e wish him well, in town ,John McGavin, of IV1oniieg, paid a Rea T. S and 1trs. Boyle rolnru01 : living visit to the parental nnnlo. \Ir, from, their three weol<s' vacation to MeDevitr le one of Winnipeg's leading — Montreal and other points. real, estate dealers, Be 16 ;t shrewd Seafort46The Wiliebantrumoring cifthe Canada ,beeineesman and possessing the fell The Guy's were in torso on Thanks - Furniture Manu(ltctarers ere now • e.onfelouce of hie ummer0ux c•.lients has relining but. eight hours a day, f'01)1 i 1101111 twill 111 1110 \Vestorn metropolis, giving night and put on their show, 01g111 till sive, Apples anti baled hay are beginning' Maier Anderson end G, E. Render- Fri0nd0 of mus. Rosa, of'I'eoRWater ` to move more rapidly, (Iardieer t e or the wilds of northern 1 is (.ill • lain; f i) / act • load of ha' m 011101'10 on a deer gunning expedition, 1n1111 0 0 111 0. 1t Will yet. bo e1101111.tle The employees of the one ere flee- before she is able to leave the hoopitu I. tory are just now working only eight Dr, 11`,00, Chisllaltn, 1!, P„ hats to. twerp a day, commencing at K and 10rn0d 11011111 (tom the west, whets 110 rinsingst5o'c{ock, spell several weeks visiting with his Mrs, 101111. A. Wilson had the mis- yon, or, J. N. Chisholm at Prince, lortnne to fall off a step ladder. She Albert. et1u1110 against n• sowing rnuattflle Guy Bros, htiustrels eppenre+l in sustaining painful injuries to her arid, \I/Ingham opera house nn Monday I tts h had the misfortune to fall and t»'oko nA hu•"e as n0n'll nor rho show lip to '11th line, hauled 111 barrels of apples at Pon ft t will be pleas+ d to learn that she a 4ovel, 11 1 fled 1 1 a y 1 Mandel. of last week, end Mr. C1dnto1e two (etre. John Donhol11111100 shipped 11(1'ee ears of apples on the same day, The apple crop in nppnrentl,y better in 11114 ('0111lnllnitJ' than wits et one time ant icipet ed. Wm Me )ongaii sr, of Egmoudville evening last. The from tette° was not, 6'Inndny of last work Dan, Den mall, his thigh, He was at Mr. MrIvor's 11 that or former years, one load to li1us0010ld, 1, Jt, It wits a Ribbert, when the arrldeut occurtwd, 1Ve understand that L. Harold, who big load that wilt not often bo beaten, It will be some time beforeehs fn11v has been for some time the local agent We aro 00ery 10 bear tint Hiss recovers from the effects of 4fi1'acoldent, of the Cl, T. H., is to be transferred to McCall hes Leen seriously ill with peri - George McIntosh, of Mcitillop, rode Brentford. PIr, Haroll hap, nude a omits in the 11001)11x1 tit Toronto. Iter to Galt. thnother day with 11144011, Rugb large number of frra.uds heir, who will mother Iaft.for the Queen 0)ty 011 8a1- McIntosh, 01 London, to enentomobile, lrellr with regret of hie Poing trans. urdlly.: )hiss McCall's 1)1111(3' friends They lied a ape,edy and pleasant trip, ferrerl, bur will congratulate 11111 on his hoix she will snot be Oa1ra1NA0ent. promotion, The trustees of S. 8, No. to have re. Sixty years ago Mr. McIntooll rode (1061' the Sallie route in n 01tuq' inl 'W Ingham will remember A. engaged Mise Halle Hendors0u, 0( lumber wagon "rid rho iournep 1ha1. p• 0,xl ortuk who many years ago wass Hru00019, 110 reacher for 11108 at a sultry l of 8425. 'l'Itis e e11D1 well for the satis- ocrnpied soma days then was matte m editor of the \CinFF>hnm Times. Ms1) almost as many hours on this 000a0101(, ,on George It (),Lome, has put in a faction Miss llenderson is giving in the The Toronto News intend giving it newseeper ami joh plant in Pmletang- 1600011, Soverld impr0vruumtw will he trip "Around the World in Ninety -live llishe110, and the Arlt issue has been mule at the school such es a well, etc, days" to two of the most popuiar tont Tho paper is called the hiss Peale \VMott, of Brnsaels, 1100 travellers in the Dominion, In the list "Pic tynna " and Mr 04„ne is to been secured as teacher in S, S, No. 11 of n•avellers nominated which appeared be the editor. (Miller School) fey the next year as in the News was the nam0 of Thomas successor t0 1\1101 Kele, The salary will G. Soole, an old Seaforth goy, now he $1373, Miss Wilton is teaching at residing in 'Toronto, present at Coldwater, Simco° Co, She Rev, Matthew Barr, ' one of the is a daughter of Samuel \V1ltoe, of the pf0neer clergymen of the Presbyterian ° 'lh 11 apples t 1 carpet town, and atteuled the Normal Chnruh in Canada, died at his residence School at London last year, Miss \\'il- 11rrc should k A l I, Clinton. It is said that one American 'l1! 1103. 10,000 barrels of a )les here Trot n tux 00ae•tot' is again on his rounds, The into is 21 mills on tate dollar derrick at Stapleton has leen coyer the new well, end it is expected that pumping operations 11'1 nn, Rev, Father 1 c: enem(n, the popular 7.1 of Lucite, Was 1n toWll last Puesday, The reverend gentleman hes Heeds 111Clinton and vicinity who hold hitt In affectionate remen• e l a g" r' LrL p y'' Walkerton on the north to the molmtj ititn of London on the south, He retired pbeee Was f0ond, near De11ya's farrnilnay and commercial work is many yeas ago, 9Ir, Barr is Rnrv'rved swamp, one day reeently apaivof large well taught by us. Our now book, t) 11 widow land three daughters, Mrs. "Gelded byy the Key," explains. Sent y > horns, supposed to ie ntk, Ed, Cante- wu,h first lessen to any applleant on (11evJ B1cI Kelson, lately of Hurnilon, lour, Bert Hovey, Barry Bolden and reeelpt ot tour cents in stamps, Ad- being itis eldest child. erns. Colyer were shooting in and dress Central School of'Velegvs hv, around the swamp, when one of the 8 Gerrarrt,Bt. hast,, Toronto, W. 11' READ the oris. In THE STANDARD potty sxty a horn protruding from the ground and pulled it np, The other horn Was 101111(1 With 1t but was broken in two, The spread of tiro horns from till to tip is nearly fire feet, Il, Palmer, of Hamilton, MIS a1)• ' Tho 011 ton 'Thresher Co, aro rushing h pointed 10 the position of teller at the to completion the nen' building and the hrallah ot the Molsou's 13111111 here. ' machinery Will soar be in plane, 'Pio John Salter enfor•tuletely meet with iron Working department is Main ; the near Seaforth on Sunday, hay' ton 4 tort make an teacher, reached the goo! old age of 911 years. A e auple of doe have been feeding to lir, Barr had been in failing health for The 1 t 1)l , 1 the harm of A. T. Cole, title line, during moved o v the past few weeks, having been seen over a year, and for some months had 11 with Sir, Cola's nettle on 600011(1 ocra- boen confined to his 006111oaeo' He shortly 106 410110., 'P110y evilleltlylnlety the close wtasa native of Kibsrchan, Renfrew, I ev 1f 1i season was on. They hod letter lot Scotland, and atter having graduated 1 est careful between Nov, 1st end 151h and ill the ministry, mune to Canada, and sleep With 01)0 Nye, Open. in 185.1 was inducted as pastor of the many CI' 1 1`116 Grand Trunk gravel trains and lilu•purhey (then Seaforth,) Presbyter - 0106)0 shovel, which have been at W01'11 ---."--------- "- IAD Church, bis flold extending from P01111ce mud aro always ploused to mret in the ])nncnn.jiart gravel pit for the past 2.'i months, have tensed their Inb• ors until next spring, ')'hey moved It pile et'gravel while they were at it - 110 ears it day—and yet it would herd. ly e»d- ly be missed front the pit to a casual 0ttlooker so extensive is the property. HOW About Your Underwear ? The Underwear question is tin biggest problem that confronts the people today, and we have solved it in the No. 12. Dry Goods - Clothing Boots and Shoes We find that keeping in stock nothing but goods of superior quality and our low prices, has given us the name by which we are known, V A. La 1 3 IPR.QDTJC] 3 If you buy an article from us and you find it is not as represented, bring it back and we will gladly replace it for you. Wt) have just opened up a few lines of guaran- teed Fine Furs, to be sold at less than whole- sale prices, also many specials iu Ladies' Fall Coats, Men's Suits and Overcoats, Fur Coats, Underwear, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, etc, Prop in and see our values, you will then see wh,y we. have been named the value producers, . Rubbers - Underwear G. M. CHAMBERS & CO_.? 0 a An advertisement in Tun STANDAR") pays. pehasgeseleseatessiregdeattlieitlialifilltigellellts Is It Your 'own Hair ? 10 Cents gets The Standard balance of year Do you pin your hat to your - own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? 1t must . be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor 1 Here's an intro- 1111 h ra"1.l u ductionl May the acquaint- _ ante result in a heavy growth of rich,thick,glossyhairl And we know you'll never be gray. ----••+•`•'-"----' '011,150 test icer. Bele Ylcor 4 the mod wonderful landrewer feet wee ever mate. t Exeter. - hare used It for .nee Ohne oilcan tae truth. 1 dwhh lR I dol9variug tux notices for 1907. - settee"—then Y. anoca, wsrtend, AILT. ALA* t7 0, O. true Qe., Lewett. Yeee• 11.1 nanureetanee of tiny a Wt i .re 1ROe7 e w Tax Collector Wes, J. Bisset is out • sae.rncn" y+sesnmeneae.e.psntte r•s.• ELLIS SPRING NEEDLE UNDERWEAR Don't let theta Rell yon stuff that when you near it n week it gets tw leo your size, bot buy the Ellis goods the 01111' 5(40(110 needle goods made in Canada. Try s cult end we are satisfied that yon will weal' 110 other. lire lln00 all sizes from 84 0041, and from $1.50 to $11.00 a snit, Don't fail to get the genuine "Ellis" stomped on every garment. Ire also haven bunch of Odd Shirts and Drawers. \\'o are clearing those out lit a price that it will pay you to bolt then( over and pick out what, you (want. We have slang 100 'Pop Shirts which we aro clearing out at 25 per cent below regular prices The snap of the year to the right limo, Just tette a look 11110)' ynnr underwear and sen what you nerd, nplj we will eho,w you the best varmint 011 the +uarhet to -day, 110 ne001e1t I)y Mad' If Statlin1,1 ,1 woodworkers 7+3x7R ; the holler roost broken cellist bone. He wits standing 4'11(121 ; the moulding room 40x131, on a ladder picking apples at the home Thee are also 0001119 aur pointing and of his you Morin when the high sta•iug in 11ddition 10 000001 . 1111(40 wind onused hen to lose his balance 01(611s, The company leave a1ery vol• and fall to the gy,round, with the result uahle asset in then' Lender engine, 140„hove 0tn1011. while the separator lute a provincial On Friday evening last the needle reputation. Thee aro Moo mntking im- was sneee5.efl)lly taken from the hand portant attachments for the separatorof C,iflotd Mellott. le was Coned that such 115 feeders and blowers anti are the needle lied entered the bond eyig looking forward to a busy season, first end had Imakon lulu halves, the, ••'4'"' awe pert remaining deeply imbedded in 004004h' Ole flesh, R. 11to(404u has leased the opera house While lhantly Itartleib was elgngea to 1st', Mohnen, who 0ogl0s from New in tearing some shelving out or 8. M:1•. firnnani,,,10. till's store, ha accidentlyrt'pl+ed on 501110 (4. 'P, R. surveyors have boort 111e sharp point of a pope' filo lying on at work le town presumably with a t e fluor. The point of the instrument view to an eaniel' grade to the dock, penetrated the side of his shoe, went The remaining ceders and brush on through considerable flesh of his foot the 0. P, It, right of way along the and out through the shoe again, bank this sista of tho rive' are being Danny pulled', out tho piece of steel, burned, The rip,Itt of way has been (vent to a doctor and had Go wound Cowed, attended to, and wen back to work A meeting of the Executive of the again. The shelving (was taken to WVesr. Hnlou Lihotstl A9000i01011 wnu Dashwood and will tee placed in 11 new held in Godel'ich Inst Friday to consider store being; 011tapel by Jonas 310111leile the advisability of calling ri convention Geo. brooks, ott6 of Exeter oldosl to select It candidate 101' rho 1.0cal resi(lents, niter a week's suffering from Iions°. ' enetunbnin, sutlouu1hed to the dread 'Phe Monesotung Canoe pleb Lias disease on \Cede esday, Oct. ,21l'd, at again opened its rooms pt1 \\ pot street, the age 0,f 05 years, 9 months iabd ib (or tdto winter. S4nrp improvemett,ls rlrtyo, Mo. k,t'nals was; born i1) Great have been ;eerie in the rooms end the - learwood, 1.lueltiugholnshrre, 51)11 came metghees of the club are InOklrlg for- 10 Cnneda and settled im E)1010r in Ward to ft,p1elisxn1 winter season in 1411. Per war 20yeltr5lie \\'ollout for 111ohr ont1S[ortahle quarters. Ile 11, 1'. 11. ns section mall, and when J. J. Bell, a former proprietor of the he found Ilia strength lwas net equal to Signal, was in town for two or three thr heavy e 1gg W0l'11 11L•ed ueilrailroad, 1 lucrative Clothier and Gentfl] Furnisher. days dttt'ing the week, He is vi, (ting 11 I the clay industries of the Provine0,in business, first''startiug out with (t H. GIDLE Y the interests of the D1ninion .Depart basket. • meat of Mines, collecting information ,,=-1----,t,=',1,•• regarding the manufacture of Meg and ' 1:'or (polity turd '°quantity ask your • tile, pottery goods, etc, The BenmiIler dealer for the newdoi(4 1r1' fg's of "Mohs" brick yards was about the only industry "Stag" and o''C'trretart'!i' chewing to claire his 0111e1al attention here, (1 .10111ccees, , '',..,'' i SARAATmaur. hers citY PELf,aAL, Advertisements in the STANDARD PAY BECAUSE 'P1110PE0PLE READ IT. GROWING IN POPULARITY;•,` EVERY. Our'l Our Lens Factory we have jus ...f, l?1:innther large consighmei7t of is complete with the finest made machin- elenant ery for the manufacture of perfect lenses, and is in charge of expert workmen. it We invite you to call at any time and Dinner i n n e r see a lens ground from the rough. Our methods combine those of oculist and optician. THE TAIT.BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 1137 Dundee Street, Loedee, oat. We have 25 seta to choosefrom ranging in price from GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. Attend the popular and progressive J9lliott Moines: (,'allege Toronto, Ont, Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets, and he thoroughly educated for busineee Ilse. All graduates of this soboal are absolutely sure of getting poettfon', The. demand is oonslderebly greatly then the supply, Now Is an excellent time to enter, Write for catalogue, W. J. Elliott, Prinetpah $16.50 Up. OASII F011 AId. KINDS 1117 PRODUCE JAMES CUTT