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The Blyth Standard, 1907-10-31, Page 8
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of DomL mfeu Lend& In Manitoba, Ssyhntcha• wan And Alberta, excepting 8 and 25, not ' reserved, may he homesteaded by guy per. eon Nrho to the sole head of u fetidly, or any plate over 18 plan of age, to the ex. Mit of unc•quarter minion of 100 ewes more or lees, 4.pplin:ltiou for entry must be made In portion iy the applieent at a Dontlnlnn Lends Ageuey or Snb•agency for the die. flet In which the land to Mutate. Rutty by proxy niay, however, he made at the Agency on carbon conditions by the tether, mother, nor, laugh tor, brother or efetor of an lntendlug ho,nosteeder. The homesteader le required to perform the homestead couditloneunder one of the followlug plane : Al) At hast six month's resldenee upon and cultivation of the laud in eauh year for three years, perform the requiredteader mre lldlf he e ee Mitten by nvinnen farming land owned eololy by him, not less than eighty (SO) Acres in ex- tent, in the vicinity of his hone'.tette. Joint ownership In land will not msec. tOlerequirement. (3) 1f the tether (or mother 14 the lather la deceased) of the homesteader has per. mutant residence 011 farming land owned moiety by him, not less than eighty (80) acres In extent, In the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him In the vicinity, emelt home• slender may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or pother), (i The term "vicinity" in the two pre. ceding paragraghs le detfued art meaning not more than nine miles In a direct line, exclusive of the width of rood allowances emend In the measurement, (5) A. homesteader intending to perform Ids residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or an farming land owned by himself meet notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Six months' notice In writing ahnuld he given to the Commisslonerof Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. SST, W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of Iltterior. N, B,—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. CANADIAN ADIAN 'PAr'FIr 0:111180 .Time 1 able TO TORONTO Goderioh Lv, 7,00 am. Auburn ' 7.22 " Blyth Walton Maarten Elmira .... , ' 8,50 " Guelph ...," 9,23 " Toronto Ar. 11,10 " II 23,9 " 7.40 ' " 2.21 ' PROM TORONTO. Toronto Lv, 8.00 a.m. 5 50p. rn. Guelph Ar, 10.00 " 7.50 " Elmira ' 10.25 " 8.14 'I Milverton ... " 11.03 " 8.50 " Walton " 11.314 " 9.25 " Blyth " 11.52 " 9,30 " Auburn " 12.02 " 9.40 " tlnderloh..,,," 12.3i)p.m. 10.10 " 4.50 p, m. 5,12 ' 0.02 ' 5,35 " 0.09 0.45 , 7.12 y 9.10 GR AND TRUNK SY EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WSNUHAM BRANCH. R"t pm Jan. Ism, 1908 WIngham 11 50 7 35 PL\'TH STANDARR-•' 0:rorni. I5'r, 4907, Carrrar. ?Am De: TOTAJ, AWES*: T$: sumaya smite: Weep? Thirty-two minket Dollars ts,acS,110e BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAYINQS DEPARTMENT Deposits at $1.00 and upwards received, sad highest current rate of laterest allowed. 96 Brandies througi est Could&, We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, Ont. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. •°•e •••••••••0e ee• moo** To Fruit Growers. • 0 ♦ -- — • Tell it to the • STANDARD soeeo *4144440.04•40****••e.• .o•••e,i While the Public is invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal rime ou public matters and public nice, personalities are debarred and in all colas the aoltabillty of the 0001. muniestton for publication Is a matter to bo decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correepondents and their differences with our own Tim STANDARD must d1alatm responetbility, Our Big 11 To all new subscribers from , now on . , THE STANDARD will be sent till (101100. 14011,r11. nut Inn 11 40 11 110 0 43 3 18 Whlgham Jut. 11 48 7 25 0 50 x 44 Rel9�rrave 11 40 7 13 7 01 '1 50 DI tit 11 28 7 00 7 14 4 04 Londesboro 11 20 0 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 (1 35 8 05 4 iq Rruooaold 9 51 0 19 8 15 4 41 Kippen. 050 0 11 8 28 4 51 Hensel,. 9 44 0 05 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 30 5 51 8 40 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43 8 89 5 20 Clendoboye 9 00 5 30 0 05 5 30 Lucien Crossing 9 05 5 30 9 12 5 37 Denleld 8 55 5 25 9 21 i'r 10 Ilderton 8 45 5 13 929 5511 Ettrick 835 507 9 35 ; 58 Hyde Park Crosaing 8 20 5 02 0 :Si 0 (s) Hyde Park Jet. 8 24 5 W 9 45 0 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Wiugham for all etetious on tho Palmerston and Kin- cardine braneh. Connections are made at Clinton for ail stations on 'he nufralo and Gn4erirt branch, and a l .1,r1loo, 11'.01 Si ld Toronto. Conneetel 10 ere envie et Liman Crosah,0 for 1111 stations west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all atatfons east and west on the main line. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This 'remedy is recommended by dulls who have sold it for many yeast and know its value. It hao received thousands of testimonials from g1iteful people. it hot 6010 prro0:ribcd by Phy- :idr15 villa the most satis)00101y. t:,'.It's. It has often saved life before ncdicine cottldyhave keen sent for r a p.)y:.ieian summoned. It nosy costo a quarter. Can .;m1 aff,y,t1. to rA an much for 1,I, for the small sum of 1 C Subscribe Now J. C. Rooklvell's The Government fishiug cruteer, Loraine, In r w:kitig shelter at (lode• rich 181 hor &Imlay night about seven o'clock ren hold and fast on the sub. merged creak water, which is 111 0011008 Of 001811101100 at 1110 Mouth of the IIRrhw'ho e, h.oca4 Inge triad to get I er, 11 bar wit In, et success, The Reid \',,'reeking Co'.s tugs were wired for, but were 11(10(118 to reach her in tiiu' to Sunny South Co. SVhen.4. 0. Rockwell's world famous `tunny South Co, conies to Industry Ball, Blyth, on Monday evening, Nov. 411, local theatre goers W111 have an opportunity to see What a really first. class colored show is, 'Phis is recog- nized se one of the biggest, brightest and best colored musical companies in America. There is a 0.nnplete elimina- tion of nil that is coarse and horse play is conspicuous by its absence. There any amount of legitimate fun, laugh - 1m, and twit in the naw A1811111 comedy ' Sunrise on the Old Plantation" which has 000(1 sel(on'd to exploit the rare talents of the company, whose fame AA o colored organization extends clean 801'0,10 the 00111i110110. The success of he pro netion is not at all surprising, for nothing bet success could have reasonably followed the liberality the management displayed in equipping the enmpnny, The high-class solo hand which neccmpnnicethe organize - 'ion will hood rite "Koos" town parade conn, Bents are now 00 ludo 0t 111 i(e1'Ant1'A store The mires of ed• mission have been placed et 25, 85 and 50 coma. To some this may seem an excessive price, but if they will take into eonsideratilnl the expense of mow. ing a company es large 59 this one is they will come to the n000loeinn that the admission is net uureneonaable, The Provincial Horticultural I`Xhlhi- tion will be held in Tormlto from the 1230 to 10tH of November, and arrange - meets are about completed for a Comity of Huron exhibit thereat, 'het every- one may slava a chance to compete for prizes, or to add epe0imens to the County exhibit which is intended to bo a big advertisement of Huron's fruit, the following information is given through the County prose : If you wish to exhibit for a (11180, you ere required t0 have five specimens ensh of any of the following varieties : Baldwin, Ben Mavis, Caiade Red, Snow fGoldenRuseet, Greening, Ring, Spy, Ontario, or any other desirable variety. These may bo sent to W. Lane, Gode• rich, NOT LATER THAN SI ONDAY NEXT. and properly labelled with 418m0, also name of producer, Apart from the above exhibit we are arranging for a County exhibit for ad- vertising purposes only, no prizes will be paid Send to W. Lone, Goderich, not Luer than November 531i, specimens of apples or pears of any winter variety Sof each, cost of sendirg will be paid here Put 00100 of producer of each p130irege of fruit, If you wish to compete in the Prov- incial prize list, you mast send your entries and fruit to P. W. Hndgetts, ,searCl(0(5 Fruit Growers' Association, Pediment Buildings,'Cot'onto. Make It Yourself. There 10 so much Rheumat sin hale In our neighborhood now that the fol• lowing advice by en eminent au- thority, who writes for readers of a !urge Eastern daily paper, will be highly appreciated by those who out fer :-- flet from arty good pherinae,y one- half entice Fluid Extract Unndtliml, one oil0(e Compound Karim, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rille, Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful dozes after each meal and ut bedtime ; also drink plenty of good miter, Itis claimed that 1 here 010 few vie. thus of this Broad aid 10111(10ne dis- mom who will Gail to fled ready relief 111 this pimple home-made nll.stlll'a, and in 1001300858(50 permanent cure is the reau11, 'Phis simple recipe is said to strengthen and cleanse the elimina- tive tissues of the kidneys so that they man filter and strain from the blood and system` the poisons, acids and 1111018 clatter, which cense Pot only Rheumatism, but numerous other diee1sea, Every Inas or 1OIna11 hero 0'110 feels that their kidneys are not healthy and activ0, m' 0(410 suf- fers from any urinary trouble what- ever, should not 11081103e to make ep this mixture, Its it 45 0060tain to do much good, gild nifty !MVO you from tench misery and suffering after while, Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask thein, ©one an. The Dety Engine Works shipped two large yarding engines to British Columbia, following two others ship- ped to the seine province a short time ago. They are glee shipping five ma- rine engines to 11(1041 Columbia and have two others under way. The new Grand Trunk fl'eight office and sited is prtlntieally completed, The interior of the office is finished in Gent, gift nine, A nletiorm 49 tieing erected nt the rear of the building, Aln'or Lamb; of London, engineer for Western Ontario of the Department of Public Works of Canada, wile in town' on a visit of inspection to the harhoe, ire (1480 inspected the grnnnde et Ridgewood Park Farm which have nrnpnsed et the Rite for the Western Ontario mil Mari, came for next. year. The roller sheltie rind Ilea rhan,ted hands flrnir'io Brno, hav'tte nttreh5004 the (10410 And goodwill from 1I r, Stein- hndh, The new owners will ,Ont isle mho roller rink in soman, And AR Anon AA the wen.'her Is stiff ennngh the plink will he 1nneked in ell directions, so thAt 1t winter's gnarl sport of hnekev may he expected. Curling is already on the maple. Amies Kathleen Kelly ham left for Detroit to rommenc0 training for the profession of nurse. be of any assistance. The furnishings wore taken off and the boat tthandon0d, 'l'he boat was recently purchased front Hiram Walker, of Walkerville, mad fitted up for u fishing cruiser, and wee on the way to Georgian Buy purls. Her captain did not know of the break. water, The Loraine WOII broke up dur- ing Monday night, nothing being left of her on the breakwater except some of the machinery, The Pandora oven is perfectly ventilntcd. The air in the oven is constantly being renewed with fresh air drawn through three vents between oven and fire -pot doors, and the cooking fumes car- ried out through another set of vents in back end of oven, as shown by illus- tration, Pandora oven never smells close and stuffy, as do the majority of range ovens. Food cooked in it is more healthful, as well as more appetizing .and satisfying, if your local dealer cannot goo you complete information about the Pandora, write direct for free booklet. y ��.✓4 1 1\ A, _;...........:.....n_ ... Win= a ,rnt), LONDON;TORONT"), MONTREAL, I01141405•EC, VANCOUVER, ST..101114, HAfd1L'r0N McPherson Bros. Local Agents. Catalogues Booklets Programs Periodicals Book Work Price Lists (. 0 r1!', fAl 1't 5 1•r) 'RID v( Producers of good work—a little better than most, Business Cards Office Stationery ts0 Wedding Invitations `rt Posters --all kinds Dodgers Horse Bills GREATE T OF TONT Those who use it get well. A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases. Highly recommended for Insomnia. THE PROOF. The following Is a asap. Of theititada K tasura ala 1e the wonderful merits K PSYCHINE la tits, mat umeult eases. pos- ters are primeribint PSYCHINS In their practice with the mat saUefsatory results. "Several years ago my wife was so seri- ously in of lung trou- ble as for months to be unable to walk, at which time a toted physician told me that the next dress Unit 1 would buy for bar would be a shroud She used PSYCHINE and Is new reasonably well. Ray. C. E. BURRELL, "Baptist Minister, Forest, Oat,' For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSYCHINE. ,. USED PSYCHINE 20 YEARS AGO. "Years ago 1 was almost a physical wreck, and was suiteringwith lung trouble. Friend's and neighbors thought 1 would never get better. I began to despair myself. Losing faith in my physician, I procuredanother one 1110 recommended the use of PSYCHINE. It was surprising beyond description the effect it had. I seemed - to gain with every dose. Inside of two wedks 1 was able to attend to my housework again. There are no symptoms oi' consumption about me now. "MRS. HENDERSON, St.john,N.B," For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE. An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet. For sato at all druggists, 50c. and 11.00, or Or. T. A. Slocum, Lir/Otod,179 King $t. W., Toronto