HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-31, Page 6Al 11 e horse is a dead loss. It costs as much to 130898lame horse as it does a horse in harness — and the cripple brings nothing in. You can't afford to support idle steed, That's why you can't afford to be without 111 tf Kendall', Spavin Cure It takes away the pain and stiffness from Sprains and Braises—draws the soreness out of Strained Muscles and Tendons—CURES Spavins, Soft Bunches and Swellings. Used for two generations by two nations. Lumens STATION, Orer„ Dec. 16, 8. "I have use Bendall's Spayin Cure for a Bone Spavin of years standing, which has entirely cured the lameness and greatly reduced the swelling. Another .bottle of the Spavin Cor, I em sure, win complete the mote." B'OAfAAD BROC13. RAO a bottle or 01or 90. Sold by dealer, everywhere, Write for free copy dour famous book—" Treatise On The Horse." Yon will finds, need -for it every day; DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., [802001% FALLO, VERMONT, U.S.A. 99 cazw By 91 to 1) the Auglo--lnteriea0 scheme for obligatory international arbitration was ilpprove{i by The Magee Conference. It is not hero yet. but it ie coming sayer. o The townships 91 Tilbury and ltouutey Are great oil producers. In the October .statement, showing :what bounties were paid on oil in September, they are cred- ited with 32,093 barrels, e.• The United States consume nearly 600,000,000 bushels of wheat, The largest wheat crop ever raised in the United States was about 735,000,000, One of these days the UnitedStates will be a buoy of Canadian wheat. Lord Mount Stephen has given £:15, 000 to Abealour (Scotland) Orphanage, which will bring in a minimum of £1,000 per annual. This will support one he dred beds. Hie Lordship is a liberal subscriber to North of Scotland char- ities. 4'• If Marconi can give a trustworthy trans-Atlantic wireless service at 5d. a word instead of the Is. charge now levied, the fifteen cables now in operation may bo compelled to reduce rates. And that would not be a calamity to those who re- quire the service, ♦ • In April and May of thts year the In- land Revenue Department examined 244 samples of maple syrup offered for sale in stores throughout the country, Of these 187 were genuine; 2 doubtful; 10 "maple flavor"; 21 compound, and 20 adulterated. That is better than some consumers would have supposed the sup- ply to be, l New York paper says e canvas of six uptown flats in the fashionable part of that city revealed the fact of teen- paney*;,of 405 families and a total of 21 babies, In three east side tenements were found 104 fanliliee, with a total of 350 infant children. The average of ba- bies in apartments was one for every 22 mikes.. The average of babies in east side tenements was found to be three to each family. Of course, Ole landlords of the particular flats refuse to rent to ten - lints witis children, and that may in a degree account for the shoving. The Westminster Gazette says that Europe spent in round numbers X200,- 000,000 200,000,000 on its army and £80,000,000 on its navy in 1906, as against £140,000,- 000 and £00,000,000, respectively, in 1896. That is to say, Europe spends to. day £280,000,000 on its army and navy as against £206,000,000 in 1808, a total increase of £74,000,000, or, any, 20 per cent. Seventy-four millions a year is equivalent to 4 per cent. interest upon a capital suns of £1,850,000,000. That is a largo sum. It'represents. _what might have been saved, if Europe ind in 1809 taken hold of the czar's proposal to res; triet war expenditure. Some day this wasteful folly will awoken eistoltisl,- ment. It seems that in the light of actual ex- perience opponents of female suffrage will have to give up the contention that women should not be enfranchised be- cause they would not vote if they were qualified. In South Australia, at the last general eleet1n, 59 per cent, of the men on the rolls voted and 42 per cent. of the women; in Western Australia, 49 per cent, of the men and 47 per cent, of the women voted; at the last Federal elee• tion 56 per cet of the 111011 voted and 40per cent. of the women. None of the Australian States has yet reached the cXtraordinary record of New Zealand, where in 1002 nearly 7,5 per cent. of th ♦women electors recorded their votes, 05 against 76 per cent, of their brothers. The Australian and New. Zealand wo- ,eq must be active politicians. The Iron Age, an authority on all matters pertaining to the iron trade, says that the gravest evil front which 90 United States are 11 ow suffering' i; t'.;' al aellne.in the efficiency of labor. It flee, expression 111 01000h Work 00 part of these who knoll' how to do het. 100, and p0031 10011k 01) the part of those wino have never been taught or are 1(1 capable of learning. It allsessays that to the more seriou0 defect of lowered quality is added the troublesome feature of lessened quantity, I1 also earls the significant 01ltemeht that when the de - mend for labor declinesthe process .of. weeding out tlie lazy and the inefficient c d+ a promptly begins, and it may be n eepte , it says, as alt general fact that few- 1110110-'i eels have not thoroughly examined their ,I,rolls ltith a view tuwmd malting tri ei1 selections The 'efficient, steady, ho est workman is reasoclbly sure et I b. BEER* IS LAGER A FOOD b o mild appetising pro. duct of malt and hops, with less alcohol than sweet cider, wlrclr can- not ferment in the atom. itch, It is :pedally suited to women a* a dinner drink. ALES as brewed in Ontario are so rich in the food elm menta of malt that they rank above milk as an item of diet, and are far purer than most milk 1. whencity-dwellers get it PORTER differs from ale la that the malt is roasted (like coffee) in the brewing process. and this makes porter sonoulahiag that it is a real specific for aenemic and rundown people. STOUT Is the richest cad most strengthening of malt beers; it contains nearly as much nourishment as eggs, and digitate easier. pedple will find it Bindle healthy Beak. DEERS, used with meals and before bedtime, increases digestive power, gets you more good out of the food you eat—and is itself a food. M. Beer does not contain enough al- cohol to react upon the system— just enough to induce the stomach to do its work better. 0L Beer is not an intoxicant—it le a beverage with defi- nite valuef or aimoet every grown person. O Ask youe,own doctor whether it wouldn't be good for you and the adults of your household. soasaa la a term vhtoh eover.lager, eke, scaler, and akin and 1n the mo a.0 nr Ontario b,.wap 10pO8. twrammaa meds under moat 0 *1,,,L, condition* from Ontariobode bast 1n the weed) onl,, hnh., and purl irctor. 1 ,er•-r ocerwrenc-rein,se COST OF A 'POSSUM DINNIOR. A tourist in Georgia stopped overnight at the Palace Hotel, in a little village, and elk Premed a desire to taste Georgia 'possum, emending to the Atlanta Genetituuon. A whole 'poorum Cooked to genuine Geor- gie style, with 'titters on the Side, was plao- ed.before Otto "Two dollars extra for the 'possum," said the landlord, when the guest came to Bet- tie. "It's an outrage!" said the guest. "It's 'coelia' to the way you look at It, stranger," said the landlord, "but it took me six nights' swamp walla' to ketch that 'possum, an' when I kotcbed nom I kotohed the rheumatism with him." "IlibiRADA MARK RLateTLALD. Blood Tonle b a pure, safe. pleasant aro for 011304)5 exhaustion, palpitation of the hem, vseable appetite, soar stomach and othertiuortki eaused by bad blood or overwork. Don t peeled yourself. Clear the poison eta el your body—by using Fdira Blood Toldt. Every detail of its aasauhmne is sennay supervised by expe4mad chemiao. Mode from thn pnae* and bete i r51 croson the Most efectiva formula odtxed bygeodem science. $I a-bonle, At drltg-Aoree—of from The l uetids' Co, of Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. firth Miro rabkp sad Oiolmed—a lrroJo. Snit's. Fudge for Hallowe'en. Stir three cups of ugar and one cup of thin cream over the fire until the mug. ar is melted. Then boil without stirring to the soft ball stage. At the same time stir one cup of sugar over the fire until it becomes caramel. Pour the firet mix- ture into the caramel, and let boil up once. Take from the fire, and beat until thick, adding at the last half a cup of, citron, candied cherries, pineapple and plums cut line, and one cup of pecan -nut meats. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle, Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by drug- gists. •-• Had Heard the Sound Before. Mrs, snicker—Weren't you frightened when the bull bellowsd at you on ac- count of your new dress?" Ml's. Bockm—No; it watt exactly the way Henry bellowed when he got the bill. --Melbourne Times. 7-PIECE'WATER SEP, 810.00 THE above cut glass Water Set, composed of one jug and six tumblers, which sells at $10.00 is exceptional value, THE design is one of our latest, while the cutting and finish is unexcelled. EVERY piece bears the stamp " Ryrie," which is the best guarantee of both quality and workmanship. Bond for our Catatoguo. RYRIE BROS., Limited 134.138 Yon¢e St. TORONTO How to Clean Sewing Mac 'te.,-irv, is not half as hard1%a te some people find it if the sewing >y%whine is 111 goon running order, When the sewing machine ,corky hard nhd heavily take the needle and shuttle out and give every joint and bearing a generous bath of gasoline, 0f course, there should not be a lighted lamp or fire of any'eind in the rooms. Turn the wheels briskly for a fete moments, to enable the gasoline to penetrate every part and to loosen and wash au'ay.the old oil anal grime. Whenall the grime and oil has been removed oil with proper lubricating oil, running tLe machine for two or three minutes before inserting the needle. Now, with a piece of chamois skin, wipe away all superfluous oil. It is a pleasure to sew on a machine treated in this manner, es • LITTLE LAUGHS. (From the Smart Set.) "Man to see you." "What done he want?" "Want, you, to take back something\ which was printed in yesterday's paper." "'Tell hint it will not be neeeeenry for him to come in; we've already taken back everything we printed yesterday." Pendally—Now, candidly, what do you think of my book? Grimehaw—Wolf, I always did ad- mire the courage of a men who, with- out knowing how to write, writes 011 a subject of which he knows nothing. Some so-called friends are like burglar- alarms—they go off when there's trouble around, "Uncle Bill, what is an affinity?" "Oh, 'most anybody that you are not married to, Willie." Mniard's Liniment Cures Distemper, 4.• TROUSERS OF RECENT ORIGIN. A Hundred Years Ago . Methodists Thought Them Immoral, The modern cuetom of wearing Moto ears was taken from the military these Introduced into the army by the Duke of Wellington during the Peninsular u'ar, says the Tailor sad Cutter. Lu early days these were known as Wellington trousers, after the duke. When they were coming into general use at 'the commencement of the nine- teenth century, the religious world and the fashionable were most determined in their opposition. A clause in the original trust deed, dated 1820, of a Sheffield Nonconformist chapel provided that "under no circumstances whatever shall any preacher be allowed to occupy the pulpit who wears trousers," But this was not all. Some doubts were expressed in many quarters con- cerning the a testion a whether a man could bo religious and appear In trou- sers, One of the founders of the Primi- tive Methodist body remarked to a cal- hmgue in the ministry that "trousers wearing, beer drinking iso and so will never get to heaven." Father Recta, a fatuous Methodist min- ister, twice preeident of tine conference (born in 1705, died in 1850), could not be induced to adopt trousers, and among the Methodists was the last to follow popular 'Bohlen In this respect. •.♦ ITCH rente contagious Itch on s cratches and every o humanor animals cured In t0 minutes by Wolford', Sanitary Lotion. It nsveT ?alfa Sold by druggists. A Leeson of Lessons, (Philadelphia Record.) rtagland to collecting In her home waters the greatest fleet ever -assembled under tae commander, and le doing It without taking a 11h1p from her principal squadrons. Tha po- litical partnere of this display Istoqul01 public seutlment, which the opposition party has alarmed by representing that the Mints - try was sacrificing the naval power in as ef0M to reduce taxation. Its political effect in thus country will be to incite the President and the Jingoes generally to demand a vast Increase of our navy, 'so that we tan miss 110 war shins infront of Oyster Bay with., out depleting the regular" naval stations. Minard's'liniment Cures Colds, etc. M1-• Social Clubs in Cuba. There are social distinctions in Cubs based upon color; there are not one but emend .eotor lines, though these are not eternal, hard, fast and unchangeable, as in the United States. Iie Cuba social lite ie run largely by social clubs. There are in almost every town and village negro clubs, two or three grades of mulatto clubs and white clubs. In one and at its functions may appear the husband, excluded the wife; in another the wife but not the husband; in a third their children, but neither the father nor mother. To the world this will appeer incredible, almoet incomprehensible; here it is convention, fixed, settled, accepted and operative. These distinctions, how- ever, run but for a'lifetime, By crosses from generation to generation, 'though some deny it, men amend. A Iittle of the blood if it but be decreasing is not remembered against them forever:— Army and Navy Life. How the Rattles Are Worn. The rattles lie edgewise. It is evident that they must do so, inasmuch as they. are but continuations of the backbone, The snake carries the rattles on the ground except when he raises them to sound his warning. This will he evi- denced by the feet that In every snake of any size that is killed the rattles are worn through on the ander size. --From Forest and Stream, Mr. Samuel Vltientine, of Brixton, who died recently, left E3,000 to the Nation- al Lifeboat Institution, and about £20, 000 to London hospitals and various charities. He left specific directions for the payment of a medical man who should, after the testator's decease, sea- er an artery or puncture his heart, other. wise the funeral was to be delayed fit, teen days.; LEARN DRESS•MAKiNC BY MAIL In your spare time at home, or Take a Personal Course at SehooL To enable all to learn wo leach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each Month. These lessons teaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. 'I'he whole family can learn from one course. 1Ve have taught over seven thousand dress -malting, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40` You cannot learn dress -malting as thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once tor particulars, as we have cut our rate one - Wird for a short time, Address t— lANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, 01 Erie St., %?retired, Ont,, Canada. According to Scripture, "Young man," said the clerical -looking easterner to the clerk at the book coun- ter, "that purchase of mine amounted to one dollar and fifty cents, I believe." "Yes;' "Well, I gave you a two dollar bill at least twenty minutes ago, and I have- n't received my fifty cents back yet." "Very sorry, sir," replied the clerk, "but you know what the Good Book Hays on this point." And politely hand- ing the customer a Bible, he pointed to Job, fourteenth chapter, fourteenth verso: "All the days of my life will wait till my change come."—From the October Bohemian. When a Horse Gots Hurt IJ 8C Fellows' Leeming's Essence BM don't wait until an animal is Injured. GET IT NOW—and you have the remedy that CURES ai4 lameness in horses. If your dealer does not handle it, send 60c. to National Drug Ohemksl Co., Limpet MONTREAL- 13 Regulating Amount of Perfume. Scent manufacturers declare that ladies nowaditys demand very strong perfumes, which will retain their scent upon the handkerchief for several days at a time. It is to be hoped that they will take warning from the fate of a lady who re- cently entered a Berlin trans car after having freely perfumed hersetf with musk, a event which experts declare will cause polished steel to become fragrant if placed in the same box, contact not being necessary. On this occasion the passengers wore almost overpowered, and said do with no encertain voice, with the result that a free fight ensued between a gentleman who was accompanying the lady and the aggrieved ones. The police were called In, and now, it is said, a law may be passed by the mpnici- pality fixing the maximum extent to which a woman may perfume herself be- fore becoming a public nuisance. --prom the Pall Mall Gazette. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Fires )n Viehna. For a eity of more than two million inhabitants Vienna certainly enjoys an amazing immunity from fires. Tho re- port of the city fire department, just lamed, shows tbat the total losses from fire in 1008 were less than £26,000. 'The department coat the city about £60,000. In all there were 1,109 fires, an aver- age of"a little mom than three a day. 01 these thirty-seven were classified ea huge, a86 medium and 970 small fires. Thirty-four were in public buildings, 428 in private houses and 109 in the streets. The email total of the aggregate loss is due not only to the activity of the fire department, but also to 'the very solid construction of all buildings in the city public and private alike Valle practi- cally the whole populati:;tyon live in flata, it is °seldom that a fire 8ojll extend be- yondahe apartment in width it breaks out.—Vienna correspindenee, ''Pall Mall Gazette. ♦e♦ ONLY SAFE` PLAN. Daughter ;Father, I , want a hus- band who will not run about every night: - p Father---Thet;:you • hd better marry the legless wonder. 4.4, Vendor—But madame will find it eas- ier to find another husband than to get a monkey like that for three piastersl— Treuslated for Transatlantio Tales from lee Biro, On Seeing "The House of Julia" at Herculaneum Not great Vesuvius, in all hie ire, Nor all the centuries, could hide your shame; There ix the little window, where you came, With eves that woke the demon of de - 011e, And lips like rose leaves, fashioned mut of firo; And from the lava leaps the molten flame Of your old ei113. Tho walls cry out your name— Your face seems rising from the funeral pyre. There must have dwelt, within your fated town, Full many a virtuous dame and noble wife Before whose bloom yours was as star to sun; How strange the centuries have handed down Your naine, fair Julia, of immoral life, And left the others to oblivion. November Smart Set. ,jo ' Use Shiloli's Cure 1 s for the worst cold, Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY s a®alssa t the sharpest cough —try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,—nothing itt it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure - 26c., 50c., $1. 316 To Cure a Dog's Fear of a Gun, Any dog can be cured of 'gun -shyness if you take enough trouble and exorcise enough patience. The proem proceeds on the inference that, since he ie alarm- ed because of memory or fear of dis- agreeable circumstances, he must learn to associate the gun with the agree- able, It is best to apply the treatment when the dog ie on game, Int probably four cases out of five, he will quickly learn to disregard the gun, or like it, if you let hien hunt up the game and chase ti, shooting when hp to at a distance and in hot pursuit. Often gun -shyness dis- appears the very day he makes his first soli 1 point and becomes deeply interest- ed in the business. In the midst of this new delight, he disregards and forgets other matters. Sometimes the fear is too strong,. and a regular treatment must be under- taken. Oftener the owner will have a short shooting Beason and does not care to take chances on n quick cure. His dog must be ready for business when the season opens. So, it is necessary to know the systems which have been eue- cesoful in dealing with this trouble. Once before I told about the man who puthis bird dog to chasing cats. When the eat was treed, he would clap his hands and "sick" the dog fyrto excited attack. At this psychblogical moment he would fire blanks from a small pistol. Two or three treatments usually Duffle ed.—From "Gun -Shy and Blinking Doge,' by Joseph A. Graham, in the Outing Magazine for October.+ Minardfs Liniment Co., Limited, Gentlemen,—I have used MINARL S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my fam- ily for yearn, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage without it if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DFSJARDIN, Schr. "Stroker," St. Andre, 'Lamour- mike. Afraid of :hem. (Oakville Record.) This week Iva had returned to en .-bundle of last week's issue from Omagh, accompan- ied by a notice from Postmaster Wilson, whltdn reads as follows : "Please don't send ea more Pape. for a while. The people refuse to take thew from odflce. Afraidof small -Dox." we wish to gravure the postmasters In the country, who aro always courteous andobllg- ing to notepapere, that ea' far as the papers of Oakville are concerned, and Tbo Record In particular, that thereIt no reason In the world for any person being afraid of taking e paper out of the post office. Idinard's Liniment Cures Garotte Cows. •- • NO, INDEED. Patient—Doctor, do you think that people are occooionatly buried alive? Doctor (reassuringly.' --It never hap- pens to my petionts. ISSUE NO. 44, 1907, \'1111 '111111111 11 /a/° -6 -""1111111R(le)i?",%iairJJr7 vosVonsal nilima'a%am/ For Business Buildints The only leanly, the only fire.ptool calins, thetvlline due says, the Ian word in decorative heau tP,—the ceding that shower to w.aw—that wa1 outlart the Is ad;aa Ireo PEDLAR ART STEEL CEILINGS Cod no more than 1ha commnneon, butiool,hrire ., fine. Om 2,000doje,u,to mit anyatore of ,lincture. Side -want to match our newest dmiQns—oothiae like Caned., either in beauty or variety. Reeved the tee hook that clow. &whet. dory. Seed for ;no -ray. 210 The PEDLAR People j u" o>lmwe Stemma Ottawa Toronto Landon Winonpn Carnegie's Test of Respectability. (New York Sun.) The Hon. Andrew Carnegie, the professor, we had almost said the president and lao- SIty, of humanity, has just given the world an Infallible tou0hato0e of "respoctabtllty": "Tbero is no better test of a respectable member of 'society than a bank book showing it good balance or title deeds to a house or farm unencumbered DY debt.". A mortgage: is a Otto deed, of dtsrepptabil- 213. Seisthe want of a bank book or the want of a good balsam In one's bank book. Tho test le simple.• The twokve apostles had 120 money at all, and were utterly disreputable'- Mr. Carnegie has all lbs money that his too genefpte heart bas not Plunged him Into glvl0g &wee out of his income; and be must be one: of the most respectable permne in the world, not exoepting the head porter of the Grand Hotel, Venice. Olt 0 11)1 lip II I%II lo- "I can take you to a hundred homes, right around my store, in which St. George's is used." "You can ask those, who do the baking, what they think of St. George's Baking Powder "And every oneaf thehnndred will tell you the same—that St. George's stands every test and never loses its strength," rRlaealttiesfew rear et ~Case Book +++d►esset 3,1 4 sult0,fc MoattrL t Oa of se SELFISH SALVATION -SEEKING. To be saved means, not to get some- thing, but to give something. When wo have given ourselves and all that we have to Christ and bis service, we re- ceive,it is true, more than we can ever give;. but if that is our chief puri(ose in se doing wo have not eataght the spirit of Christ's message. "Individuals who: seek religion for heaven alone are merely b in -hunters," is the Boareh- iog way n Chautauqua speaker is report- ed tu have put the truth. Getting saved merely for what he can get out of it for ourselves is a selfish and unworthy way to seek salvation. But to come to Christ is joyous aceptanee of His aelva- tionbecause only In Hint can we live a life that counts, is to seek salvation for what it will make us worth to oth- ers—and that is what Christ wants us to think most about BETTER TBAN SPANKIN6. Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M, Summers, Sox W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her euccesefnl home treatment, with tun instruetleos. Send no money but write Iter to -day if your children trouble you 1n Ole way. Don't blame the child, the chances era n can't bels It. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with. urine difficulties by day or night. e'♦ Don't Worry, There to only Qd,00e,005,000,000 worth 0f gait left in the Witwater's Rand In South Africa, and at the present rateof exploitation it will all have been mined and smelted by the yea` 01,901. &peculators 1n futures had better cover their "short" sales of the yellow metal before the inevitable calamity shall coma be pass.