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The Rightful lleir
"Edifies, there is; I need you; my
heart has never ceased to sty ort for
you; my life is miserable and aimless
without. wen. Come to me and comfort
me, and let roe try to win hack the light
toyopreyes,thrcolor to your cheeks and
lips, nnd. nurse you back to health. i
de net ask, I do not expect, that you t•nn
teem to`,;lot'e, ins of once no yon have
loved, abi1t"if you will only let 810 tike
care o , op„gave, me the right to- love
you altieh',' I. do believe_ there may
he sonic pencefor you
e Sit of et
F t Y
i1( this world, ButI oanno BOP, you',die
while you are so young and bright, Be,
my wile, Edithn, and let rite take 'yeti,
away from this noise and.tuunilt where
you can regain your health x114 the work\;
will not seem Bo dark to you then."",.
The young girl was seized with. a vio.
lent tremLling, while ho was speaking;'
she shook and shivered with nervousness
and cxeltrment, 1.e if 001/Ie icy blast from
n snow -clad mountain heti swept down
upnl1 Iter, chilling her through: '
right' 9tti
ams( t(
strangely' bee
100111ei1, 011th
that made$
''Olde fear,
a child, she dQd1(11,
to him as he.Co¢e tl ,,Peaking.
Bat Ire knetvlb4(11 1(801)' hat it was
thought he
gaily, and started,
gxeritib tory were.
'he: said, e\eiledly, 'I
mud I
eyeetr(te with 0 deep;
.flush tinged either
no longer listless,
inions} `that 8088 1(I•
ecey,•While In perfect
910011 her NO
;14 81(e „mos Ito this
v as with n Leahy
c Zrenhle with m ter -
n:1681 the impulse of
.011$ both her hatd8
not a gesture''"::
elaeped t'he'n jeep
to find Loo' lilt,
Air. 1'ressalln
knee bow 111(0 a
knew, teo that yen
pore, lu83. 1- iaeo'ti•`tli4t'.ou wouhl' be
very ltlritlee nnd indigent to me, 81111
nolo[ "lluw \1(c to I1(00' n eo'roy, that
you ' 4(1.89 ,11(10111 tea -from.• Bnt I
canunl;v}pon'ynui%wife-1 enhnot be nny-
hedll's'.Wifo tifel;I';'shaul1 only 1.1111 81(1
i'o. t yy'ou' request,' for I
neve0• twill' n 10080111'eenae to love
it way that,I should not. It
hitt that is eating my life. teeny -let
oufes8 it to you, and perhaps it will
me to beer it better, I know that
ought to trample nitro every tendril
of affection that is reaching out after
him, bot I cannot: my love d0 stronger
than 1, nnd this constant inward warfare
is fast \veering me out. Oh, if you w•0uld
simply 110 my friend, nnd let me talk
to nal freely like this, mel never speak
to lime of love again, it would bo (0011
:t N1111 101't 10 me,'
She paused n moment fo'rbreath, and
[hon continued:
"1 call trust your; 1 linoe`eonfidenee in
you as I have in 1(o other in this land,
Mr, Tressgyjla, will you be my friend,
strong andetlitle, and enly that, for the
tinge that I mak ,)feed you?"
There t.as ihtonaa' jearhing in her look
and tole. She did need just such a
friend, strong nnd protecting, es he
would be, if he could have the strength
to endure it.
She could not trust her father; her
heart had recoiled from him ever silica
that day`wlian tweinuelt of his evil nature
had 'been revealed to Iter, and she had
110 nue in whom to confide,
:D1iiv' and night Ler busy, excited bruin
went over all the horror of that last in-
tervlev" with Earle, nnd day and night
she constantly fought the obstinate live
in her heart.
It was, as 81(0 had said, wearing her life
away, and if she could but have some one
in whom she could confide, It would bo
n contort to her,
But could lie stay in het' presence, re-
ceiv., her colfhh'ncce, boa' her tinily
talk of Earle nnd her blighted hopes, and
1make no sign of his own sorrow and bit-
ter disappointment?
"]le 1181' friend, strong and true, and
only that?"
The Wads were like the knell of doom
to hint; but she needed him. If she could
whirr,' her heart of something of its
burden, 1100101 might return and her life
by saved. Wens not his duly clear?
"And never anything 810181" was his
last appeal, as he held 110' hot, trembling
11,111,1; and looked into her glittering
"And 'lever anything more," she re-
pealed, after him. "It cannot 1x --loth
you nut believe it?" and he knew that so
it must be.
Back, back, Int olds aching, almost
bursting heart he crushed his great love,
with every rebellious thought, and all
the lopes. that had begun n bud 111(010'.
lie would do anything 50 that she
need not [lie; he would 'trample upon
every- tendril of affection reached out
after her" as she had said regarding her
love for Earle, nnd become only the true
and faithful friend, if by s1( doing he
could comfort mid perchance save her,
Something of the !struggle that this
resolve cost Lin could he traced in the
pule 11nt resolute face, nnd in his quiver-
ing lips.
"Edithn," bo said, solemnly, 1.0 if re-
cording a von', and still clasping those
smell bands, "it shall be las you wish;
1 it ether utter another word of love
to 8011; I will be your steadfast friend
"01. tlanik you!" and, like a weary',
grieved child who has r1airnined Its sobs
until 11 euulcl reach the safe ;and tender
shelter of the 00(11er's arms, she dropped
her head, upon his shoulder and bunt
bite 11 weeping.
nervous ee I
He did not Ill 0rr, he did not _speak ore
worth to slay liar tears. for he knew ,bot
;they were like the refreshing ruin upon
'oho' parked and sunbaked earth, and
she w-unid he lighter of heart one freer
froni pail fur their flow.
But who shall descrihle the feelings
of his own tried heart ,ns he knelt there
, with that gulden head resting an neer it,
itnd from which, for her sake, he Irool' re.
001(111 to mush relli11esslw every hope
for the future.?
From that day Poul Tressnlia put ev-
ery thought of self aside, wad devoted
himself in delicate, tireless, efforts to
interest end amuse ldie frail girl who had
such entire confidence and faith 111 hint,
Iris own heart would (lave prompted
hint to (10 away from all eight nnd some]
of 1,m' but lie had promised that he
weeld be her '•stendlhrt friend:' There'
1•as no particular necehsIty of ,ifs re
turning to England at present 011(1 if
he could do this unhappy girl any gond,
11(' resolved to stay end comfort her until
she should nerd hint no longer.
Little by lilt le he drew her away front
her own sad thoughts -at (cast 411014
the day; be could' nit of course; know
hon' she spent the nights, whether in
refreshing sleep or in sad wml uiunbid
Ile 1nok'hcr on long, delightful drives
to plata; 'where, with n (lenity little
luloli and n tempting hoof:, they would
spend a fen, quiet hours, and then re•
tell], just weary enmlgh to snake n rest
in n comfortable corner of the broad
piazza the most enjoyable thing in thn
world, (Odle hp lolked of a hundred 00'
Leriniuing things in the twilight.
By mud by lie ventured to invite two
er throe ealeflnieing people to go,wlth
them, and s heli 'harming little picnics
and excursions no they mn1181 They were
quiet lint cultivated people, and deeply
inll000ted in oto tndiltg girl, and thal-
exerted htemeelv-es in an unohtrusl'e
exerted theeigelves in nn unobtrusi'',,
Alms t-npennsrlo+.lslr )5ditha 11'00 10'-
gniifd £coni her 010l0n6oly; little by
litl0 the leek of tense agony faded from
her fare; her eyes lost thein' henry, des-
pairing look 1 something of animation
and interest ropinced her listless, pr00c-
enpi0d ntnnner, ami en eecasional smile -
albeit it wee a tnou1nful one -parted
her sweet lips, which gradually' belan
to regale something,,•of their original
Sir. 1'ress111111 ons Very wise in all his
maneeee1100; everything he did was done
Withofit. any Apparent effort; everything
moved eking smoothly and naturally,
and, if nnyo(e ,jointed the party, it was
brought about so quietly as to seen al.
111051 n matter of 0ourse,
lie' filling appetite a lie lnnnnged 00
ndro1lly 08 he did her 'rounded hear}
every day comm tempting little 1,1? wield
find its way to her room -where, owing
to her health, she took her meals --bust
at dinner time. It was 80881' III mo11 at
time. just enough, and served so 1mt-
trnetively as to make her taste, and toot-
ing was followed by n desire to eat the
whole, and then site involuntarily found
herself, wishing he hal sent n little more,
Ii, this way she ens not surfeited with
nnylhieg, but a n1011181 craving for fond
W00 grudmtily crested, until she found
herself able to eat quite n respectable
(bat day they. wont, ns they often did,
to 'Truro Park, 111'. Tressnlia hnd found
n cosy, retired nook, where they could
sit, and toll, mud raid without fear of
bring disturbed, and see without beipg
The day tons deligbtfel, caul hell
tempted ninny people abroad, and the
park was filed with gay visitors.
1 lithe, reclining on it soft slaw( which
'l'ressalin bed emend over n moss-
euvered rock, wins the picture of ronufnet
an oho lieten'd to r henmenein} ns ,.-,
no she list80ed to her ronlpaiinl's richt
v0100 1(0 he rood from 0 110(1' tied interest -
while her fuer invulnntarily
lighted as she ennght the ommil nf -mer-
ry langlster 111111 children's happy voices
in 1116 distance,
She found herself wondering if she
(amid br the same miserable creature
that site lad heed three week: before,
A feeling of ponce wits stealing 0800
her, a sense of care and protection sur-
rounded her, and olio thew that health
and strength were grndnnlly returning
to her.
Iter heart on8 still woomied and sere
00000, r,OD90441"g"till940044
Rickets. •
Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones
0 are not forming g rapidly enough. 4"
411 Lack of nourishment is the cause.
0 ScoYl'.s Emu stop nourishes baby's
0 entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.
O.. 0000400600000000000
-11 could ant be otherwise; but there
n'aa nut drift the Intolerable Mullen
:•resting her ilea there had Leen before
1 h coming of her klid (nerd.
Sir. '1'ressalia elesed his bunk of last,
;nn it ]1( n1 satisfaction el '0y 1tnle into him
as 0,' marked her look n dnterrst
evs I f
and the faint tinge of color that for the
forst time he saw 111 her cheek,
Ile drew free' his pocket n silver fruit-
lnife, and, u'iri,img for a. tiny haekel
11m1 he had brought with 1101, but had
kept tantalizingly covered all the time,
1 he 0wpusrll to view 100 of the largest
ami moot. ciriieinas 40001110 imaginable.
"Sun' when you have eaten one of
these as all appetizer, we will return for
our dinner," be said, with it smile, its he
deftly extracted the stone front the erfn-
risurn and 1"
uroe fruit, and,l,placing
n halves on a large grope-Irnf, )rid it
i1( her lap,
"It Is too beautiful to eat," Edilha
said, viewing it with odnliring eyes; but
she disposed of it with evident relish,
The other was prepared in the same
way, old ready for her us the last
mouthful disappeared, but sbo demur•
"You have not ]tad your share." she
arid, smiling.
"You are my patient, remember, and
I shall prescribe for ,you as I judge best;
but if you feel very sensitive
about it, I will share with you this
time;" and, while be etc ono -half, ho
watched the other disappear with in.
tense sntisfnction.
EdltlIa could not fail to implore if
ber uppcllte could bo coaxed bock in
this ,way, '
They geese to return to their hotel,
• and, as they left their coil' retreat, they
saw approaching them a inrl,f' leaning
upon the ern] of a gentleman.
They were both distinguished honk•
ing, and instantly attended the ntton-
than of Edillio and tier attendant,
As they crew newer, Ur, '1'ressnlia
1 storied and uttered a ioa' exclamation;
the next instant he smiled, lifted this
hat with a low bow, mud, returning his
1 salutation, they passed.
Ile, '1'ressnlia 10001d hove stopped and
greeted them, but he know how sly Ed•
ilhn ons of strangers in her weak slate,
nnd he did not deem it best,
Fdillin, in her tine pusher glare^, had
instnntly beim 'n1intelyd 11y the tall, and
queenly woman, who might. perhaps here
been about for'ty'-two, or three years of
Her face was fair, nnd sweet, and beam•
liful as n pirtm'e, aid was annealed by
soft, waving chestnut ,hair,
Ilcr eyes were large and bIne, but ra-
ther mournful in expression, while there
nes a grieved droop about the full luuml-
some mouth.
ler companion was a middle-agedgeu-
theme,, though somewhat older than the
lady, and, from their reemobinhce to
each other, Edithn judged ?heal to be
bt'otber std sister.
'There goes a woman with a }history,
and a sad one, too," \1r .Treosalil re-
. marktd, when Choy were beyond hear-
Edithn sighed 0101 wondered how muun'
women there were in the wild who had
sod histories, bot she only said:
"!'lacy ore nequaintaneee of yours,
"Yes; lady is called -Madan f;ylvro-
ter, though 1 have been told that it is
het her real name, 'axing her maiden
name, resumed after some unpleasant-
ness r01(11081011 with an unfortunate mar -
Hoge. 1 met her in Paris two winters
ago, and I think 1 never saw a mote
charming woman of her age in my life."
"She is certainly very pleasant to look
at, tholgl) she shows that she Ins komvn
sorrow of 001011 kindfEdithn .sold,
"Would you like to know her history
-at least as ranch of it 0s I 0111 able
to tell yen? i1 is quite interesting."
"Yes, if you please„
'Report says thal whey quite young
the fell In lore with her own cousin and
became engaged to him, This was 0 sec-
ret between then, since the lover was
not in 0 position to marry. He 'vent to
nen to sec khls fortune, ns Abe liftcrY
goes, and not long lifter was reported
lost. 1hss Sylveste, to hide ho' grief,
immediately pluuf'rll into all sorts of
gayety and dissipation, and only n hew
months alter her love's depth met a
young Anhe•icae, who was dnatanlly nt-
trneted by he: great beauty. He seen
made her all offer of 818'ri(1ge, and, af-
ter a very ...short courtship. they were
mended. A year Inter the former lover
suddehnll• tamed up -he was not lost.
although had been nearly' drowned, and I
afterwllnl lay n 1011, tiro 111 11 fever.
1'be youth; wife, 111 her joy of :s0611g him
once mese, th0nnhtics.ly betrayed her
love' for him, which e'en the was not
deal. 'Fal) husband' grew furious'nnl 00'
ronsumhly5 jealous, charged licit with
willftu}:y deceiwinrg hint, anti an angry
scene followed, Next day the wife was
n1100i11;-`0130 had flet?' those who knew
fuQ'tlong of the eirennstulees said, 'with
he •0010 1,1101.' She retuned ahn,101 1
iianedintcly, however, intended and rc-
p'nlaut; but her husband denounced
her 0lthonp11 she B10111e thea she had
cur mitt ell 1(o wrong, lie rsterOOd'6ry
A11eriay she hid herself, broken, he11'ted,
f0 a while, but finally sought her Imo:
thar, whom she coll81110011 of her chastity,
some which time, having 110 other
Needs, they have seemed to live for
r.udh other; ;;ho would 1011'08 r,ns(y,l. to
be rolled by her hushnud's nano, atter
shut -though 1 never heard what Out
,'one --but took 11er maiden eamc. Sh0 d's
1 we:tiled:it woinnn, however; her life
has been eleveted to doing good; she is
chastity itself, and is beloved by e'cry-
body win knows her, while her symp,•
thy for inc erring, d8 boundlras. '!'hat is
1111 °atrial" efelter history, or has lutleh 00
L know of it;, lftit I believe there are
some self-righteous people who 011 1111 her
o:1 accuhjlit of \klm.t they term lher'early
sea,'bu� tllo;;}injo'ity revere her, while
1 must onfede to a feeling of great ad-
mirnliop for �Itor:" '
"Whit Imetune of the young lover with
whom tt was supposed she fled?" Edithn
asked,tleeply 111tc,csted in the sod tele.
"1 d not knob -I never heard. 11,1
dant nevi'' speaks of her past, and that is
ha mystpl y to thecprione,"
"1 41111Id tile' to know her;' 1?ditlul
said, feeli't101rnngely drawn town rd one
who, like 1:6rs011, had maimed so 1111(01.
"Would ,run'( 'I kill is easily moulded.
[ will "scertaiu W'he'n 1.i.; i+ sLoppl:lt;,
call 181101 her, and, no her 111.,1'1 111 0I -
11•n1 -.i lunched fur the sick, J 111,10' sl:e
will gladly come and nee you," 1.1 0. Tref•
sdlia Hudd, engcrly, excecdt:en. pleased
to have Edithe manifest so notch inter.
cal. 111 his friend.
"Thank you: 1 should like it if she
would; her history is very sad, and her
fare attracts me strangely'," she replied,
Three days afterward they Were 111 the
Redwood Library, examining some of the
valuable maneserips an exhibition there,
when !Madame Sylvester and her brother
M. 'Tresealla baud tried to nsce0iain
whe0e they were stopping, but, to his
!,lent disappointment, he had failed to
1.e so,
110 now went forward at once to greet
them, nnd they 00e1ed very much ideas.
ed to renew their acquaintance with Min.
After chatting a few moments, 110
baonght Edithn to madam and introdne.
ed her,
She studied the sweet face for a mo-
ment, then }ler faultlessly gloved hand
closed over .Editha'a fingers in a strung
yet tendo' olasp of sympathy and friend.
She had read in the pale, sorrow -lined
free a grief kindred to w'lett she, too,
had suffered in the past.
"Yon are not 1w011, my dear," site 011id,
with a wistful look into the 0011 blue
eyes, still keeping her hand closely clasp-
ed i1( hors.
"Mks Darton line not been well, hit
we hope she is on the grin n little now,
Rain you 3c81 the limy piece of atot ei y
that was brought in yestrrdily?"" 11r.
'Pi'ossafin asked, to draw her attention
from !';litho.
She wail quite sensitive about, having
her llluess remarked by 0tralge0s, std
the color W08 11010 creeping with pain101
11001 into her cheeks,
111031amm took the (tint at once, and
turned to bunk at the mew'atatne nnd for
to while kept up a spirited 0on=rrsalio0
with Sl'. Tressnlin obont the objects of
;;coral inlel•est in \1(840(1.
Pk e0er mid anon her elves sought the
fair face Lending with curious interest
over the uuioiior \pts with n look of pity
told tenderuoss that told she was deeply
interested in the Icoi1-lookingstraulger,
"11 -ho is sl,el Someone in whom you
etc paflitn100(8 into^ested4" 0118 ns set],
with the privilege of no old friend, as
glue drew vied still further nw8y, osteo.
:dirty to look at some pictures.
Ile started, nnd his nolle fano clou110d
with ;edit es he answered:,
"('es, 1 ons 1a•tieubn'ly interested i1(
her, but nut in the rvny you 111001, for
hef' heart holoags to another."
":11! 1 thought from appearances that
she belonged, or would some day belong
to Colt," returned 10011an, with a keel
look into lids handsome Ener,
'X,,' he said gravely; ^'1 am ,simply'
her friend, She has recently net with li
tt great sorrow,"
"1 knew it," molar replied, with a
soft glance at Editto, and n slight prem.
tiling of iter lips, "tins the dear child 0
"No; her mother dIoil some years ago.
She has no relatives living excepting her
father, 008 he is not in sympathy with
"Alt! (tow I would like to comfort iter,
Canoe and sec me this evening, and tell
1101 more about her. I an strangely at-
tracted toward he."
Yaul'1'ressolm promised, and then they
trent hack to Edithn, Madam monopol-
ized her, while he entertained her bro.
Hier, and d1 W110 not long (before the fair
¢Icl's heart was completely won by the
beautiful rad tender-hearted 8'01111111.
Madame Sylvester was remarkable for
her tact anti great versatility of tektite,
nut the horst of which wits her charming
manner in conversation.
1110 cold be grave or gay, witty or
learned, and fascinating in any role,
Paul 'I'resmilia regarded her in sur-
prise while she talked with Edithn,
drawing her from one subject to another,
01,01 she made her forget that there
was 0u01 a permute) the world as poor,
heart -broken Edith Dalton.
She wort the 8116183 back to ha' lips,
drove the lines of caro and trouble frau
het brew; and '0111T,110 she related 011110
11 1'01 incident that hnd oeverred on the
dearer in which she mime over, made
ter laugh aloud -the old -limed, clear,
sweet laugh, that made Pad's heart thrill
aitl1 delight,
elliss Outten, 1 nm conning to see you.
1 '0101 a dear lover of young people," she
stud, no they began to talk of going,
"Do; 1 shall be delighted,: Edithn said.
with a sodden lighting of her sad eyes.
"I amt 0 stranger here in ;tewport,
never having been in this country be•,
fore;" rodeo continued, "I wish }011
lad lir-'1'ressnlia wnnld take pity upon
rte, and give me the benefit of your
familiarity with the objects of interest
Itiditho unhesitatingly promised, not
0400 suopceliug that this request was
tandem o'0 for her awn salve than for
the beaulifnl sO o,ger'o1 and then they
all left the library together,
As they were :theta, entering their ear.
liege. Mr. Dalton drove by in his sport-
ing stelky.
•. (Ta ha continued.?
Penniless Clergy.
In England there were benefices
under £o n year nnd 1,129 under £100,
Bald the Bishop of Loudon, preaching to a
vrowded congregation at St. Peter's Church,
Paton -squats, on Sunday merning 0:1 bebolf
of the Queen Victoria Clergy Fund.
The `rbetilt, eras that three clergy
Weighted. with the problem how to make
ends meet, and were worn out and hurried
late their grnvea before their 111,0,
Only dile 000011 the wife of n bishop told
trim how ll cut her to the heart when, dor-
Inn a vle11 to one of the dlocesm, shit faund
that n clergyman's daughter had got up at
six In the mord08 In ostler to clown the boots
of the mate In the house.
Agelo, only the preylous ley 10 the country
n vicar's wife Bold to him m ronrilonee
"The truth of Ibo wear la, Ore have not are
arrow to the bou:e."
Weak, Worn and Almost in Despair
When Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Came
t His Rescue.
o e cue.
"Alt' strength n'na almost g0110, nq-
lue11t11 very short and I (ould hardly
all,. 1 used muut' remediesh, but thew
di 1 not help me. Finally a friend nd-
liued me to tekc Dr, ll'ilhiains' !'ink
(tills, l did so and to -city, lhlo1s to
the pills, I ata a perfectly well man,"
'.Phis very, emphatic Ban tennn1 is nude
by All. 11, L. l'ortor, of yla1lland, N. S.
11 r. ('la'te' is (1. In811ermu011, 00hiect 10
much exposure. He further -nys: "I
was in a state of debility and bloodless -
u054, Sometimes I could attend to 01)
wok but often 881(8 too weal: and ndser-
11blo to do so. I was wakeful and rest-
less at night, and could nut eat in tlto
mooting. .
,� 1 watt ns troubled with pains in
my Unci; •and shoulders, sometimes I
could hardly strugildot up, Then indi-
gestion clime to add to toy misery, and
my condition was one that made me al-
most hopeless, 1 tried Several'Siedi-
eines-hut in vain. Then one day, a
friend said why don't yen try 1)r, (11l-
hams- !'ink Pills? I tried then[ and I
sluill always bo grateful for 11,001. In
n spurt time I began to regain my
health. I could eat better, and could
eat any kind of food. 1fy strength re-
turned, 1 could attend to my work. I
1;1(0, in fact, perfectly well again, and
this is actually due t., Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills.
Dr, (('illinms' !'ink Pills build up the
strength and drive out disease in just
one, way -they actually nmke new red
blood. That is all they do, but they do
it well, They don't act on the bowels
-they don't purge and W00 kelt like, cum.
men pills. 'J'Iney don't bother with mere
symptoms; they go right to the root of
the trouble in the blood, That is why
they cure anaemia, with all its ltead-
10('108 and bnckncheo, and thizirles5 and
heart palpitation, ,That is why they
ca'., ineligestionl, rheumatism, neuralgia,
St, Vitus donee, general weakness and
the special ailments that growing girls
and women do not like to talk olmut
088:1 to their doctors. ]let you must in-
sist on getting the getedue pills with the
foil name "Dr. Williams' Pinl; Pills for
Pale People" oat the wrapper around each
hey Sold by all teedieine dealers or by
mall 1,1 500 a box or nix boxes for $2.50
from the Ur, 1\`illiunts' tlledicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Machine Calculates Wages.
A new wage calculating machine of Eng•
llati make hos recently been brought out, Tho
design Is frog from 14 1110 1 1 and lurlcato pieces
of mechanism, which are generally n prolific
source of trouble, This instrument le a
time Bud labor easing device employed In the
case of piece work•(or quickly (ludlog without
calculation the proportion of the total bol•
nice money that Is duo Individually to any '
number of men sharing profits on 1110 same
contract, the divisions beteg proportional to
each 81011'13 Med dally 0, weekly money rale,
when work is pail for on the premium sys-
tem the instrument eau also be used for
flailing the time ailment* that is to be added
to the admit tomo (mewed 011 the contract.
The instrument consists 1(r two large wheels,
with broad, flat faces, mounted on the same
satndlc. The eo1
In hearings fixed to the woodensupporting
eland. One of the two wheels le eecurely
keyed to the spindle, and the other le tree
to revolve, A Bering of eufficleut strength to
rouse the two wheels w revolve together
proses the loose wheel *pleat tbo other. -
Prom the Technical whrid Magazine.
7f your little one is restless and truss
if is more then likely the trouble is dam
to sonic derangement of the stomach or
bagels, mod if Baby's Own Tablets is
given the child will soon be bright and
cheerful, and when the mother gives ler
'1,11'1 this nn'dicdnr. she huts the gearna-
lce of the Government analyst that it
contains no opiate or poisonous drug,
11r•s,'4, F, Loney, Antidotal, 0nt,, says:
"I have need 'Baby's Owll 'l'nblets for
OOuslipetion and onto' ailments of ebil•
dne fold have food them more sel1s-
f,eh0ry than ;>0y outer form of meal.
site'," Sold by medicine deniers or by
mil at 25e n box from the Dr. 'Williams'
lledielne Co., Broetwille, Qnt,
Oil Well Pays Preacher's Salary.
A few years ago the Rev, George
Wood Andertsoo, organized oho Epworth
ltletaldist Epimopel Chitral, _rod later
000uced suit ficient funds to erect a mod-
ern stone etructurc, Knowing there wits
oil about ',bete he conceived the idea of
boring a well in the church's back lot.
A. subscription paper ono paused, $1;
200 was pledged to'(p(g.ke up losses if
they came, and Of Mr. '- Mr. Anderson
started his oil Well,!' ,' ,eed a small
tyle gusher, and e ; :11 ,,.Abe oil well.
operated daily' by a gds angios, which
also operates the church heating and
lighting plant, has been pouring out mtf-
fmtent crude oil to not only pay the
minister's salary and all other church ex-
penses but to make up a batik aaeon:it '
big enough to build tho church over again.
-Lima correspondence 0duumbus Des-
One Sexton -D1( you have matins at
your 'mord 1 The other -\o, we have
A Score of Women Now in Finland
House ,of Representatives,
llelsiugfo's,-Thu eyes of 00 world
been on this splendid d citY,1(1'
uu'upics u eunuu:uuliug position on its
rocky peninsula on Ole north of the Gulf
of kinlaud. Twenty of the members of
the new Diet of this country are women,
and ten of dont are actually working -
women. Naturally, the old oristocrasy
is repreeestetl also, 191e white coif of
the peasant women ranked :with the
Parisian hat of the/001/1811 of fashion.
None of theic women are office -seekers.
There is no elonuhn ganglion here. ,
All women may vote and all profe4. `,
sfols aro open to then[.
The intelligence of the people of this
splendidly laid out city is remarkable,
there being nearly 2,0(10 on the 'student
roll of the university,
1710 country at large knows poverty.
There is hardly a man worth to nillionl
Charitable schools are a necessity, tak-
ing the form of houses. In diene (tomes
foot] is earned by mewing, spinning, knit-
ting and wt'uving. All mumclh charity is
rather sharing than giving, Maintaining
thein is a great burden, since the ma-
jority of Who 2,155,000 population is
very, very poor.
In the extreme north there are about
three inhabitants to the square mile.
Up there some little, reindeer meat is
eaten, But Finland never rats lutes
melt. A little mere mutton is to be
had and 601n0 pork and game; but fish
ie"the " food, The fish is dried, salted
or pickled; sun-dried is the favorite
method, One summer the country was
flooded; the myriads of hikes, strobe!
by the ronstent rains, spread over the
meadows, making the nsen1 coach int.
possible-. The full floods completed the
1 bad work.
I Sones 001111011 is caught in Nnrfhern
!''inland; it is too valuable for hone con-
siimptinn, however, and is shiepel fresh
in We to Migh11ul, Russia, b'rum'e and
Germany, A stall fish the sire of a
sardine is usually n great article of diet.
The fresh water sort is yelled »dekko,
the salt water silakku, These 010 cook-
ed in every possible way and 0 even
eaten raw, At the best of times it's n
fight for life in Flnland,
'rile charitable schools mentioned aro
not a part of the admirable puttee
school system of the country. This eye•
tem wits Ib0rolgely isiorniorb in the six•
ties; since then tenrhers rise in their
0011 prams:dons rather than making it
a utero stepping stone to n clerical po-
sitinn. ('!'hey ore Luthe'nee ns to re-
ligion). The- printery teaching is the
seem, n-hiehcrer of the three sorts of
scbooling-clnesie, mercantile or manual
teaming - a pupil is to melte, i0 the
8(0rag1' Finnish hero, Finnish, Swed-
ish and German er Russian are .spoken,
and it 19 by 110 111011a9 uncommon to 0.180
hear Danish, Norwegian, French and
English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian
Were all employed in the deliberations
of the new Diet.
The fort that the inhabitants do not
leave did, forbidding (nnd of patience
and Industry for a more genial dime
speaks volumes for their love of home
t -r
The following is an extract from n
paper on the above subject, road by Rev,
1)r. Dickson at the last 080(111g of the
Galt Ministerial Association.
Let ate in closing append this notice
011 t8011ie small books which n•ern nose
very popular, and showiug by their pup.
uharitr and sentiment tint obtained
liming the people. They were ,widely
rand mud higify' peteed, and beea1110 re. -
Helens elo,siee 0moeg the godly, They
were thoroughly ovn,hguleaI, carrying a
nlaes180 tr00snre and scripture truth.
Their atmosphere 01(18 exhilarating, of
n tonic quality, like the sea breeze or
the Alpine air, When we reld thou
today (80 cannot help marking the
great, strong, searching elements that
have slipped out of our grip -"the
word*" that hclonge l to the language
of Cannon, that were 0urrent and co111-
rntn.)r1t u-hieh now are 000,1' raro-dis.
00100101(1 to us the dip of our defection
from a vigorous virile manner of speech
-n opceoh that tool: up 1(110 it more of
revealed truth than is spoken or n'rlt-
ten to -day, ;Thee' books show how far
01ny we hove drifted frau the sources
of our strength.
Let nun mention n fen- of their hon-
ored names: 'SSdbbes' Bruised Reid"
and "Soul's 0o11fhict," Goodwin's 'Re-
turn of Prnyero,' ]trunk's "Precious
Remedies fur Satan's Devices;' !loge's
"Blind ]1ar1bmu'10," Andrew ]knmr's
The Gospel Pointing tp the Pete,u
0f Hirist' Her:dies ]sonar's "(toil'.
Way of hence," and "God's (Cay of
holiness," hold's "Blood of ,lvsus."
Ruul'ah's "Jeruealetn Skitter Roved;'
Purvis' "N• Oondenmatiuu;' EOph-
s "Christ and the Serbpleres.'
'lilies° nil 011,0('1 1885 fnuld 11( the
homes of the People owe, (hey w,vr
rend and conned, and their ("orris
welt into the thoughts of mon acd nn -
men and young people --but n'bere are
they now?
111cy have disappeared, and we have
no hooks of a kindred uatw'a that
take their place- No bunko charged as
throe were with ot-aigidieol salt and
spiritual faro and converting power.
And we have ant dour, I fear, anything
to supply their plum,. Baxter advises.
the pastor to sou' hooks of tint kind
all over the parish. And it will pay
hien a li ndred-fold,to do it,
As it is* now their place is taken by
the novel of today, 0vltl, its faintly veil-
ed vice, its impure life, its low :huel-
al'11s of fiction, 113 evil surprises. its
intense reality, till these seeds grew nnd
produce a vile•e'op of their kind, And
withal we wonder that it is haul to
preach, hard to nr0use the conscience,
hand to 10ir11 time hocirt, !lord to save
the soul -and w(' have taken no prior
pains to break the s}fell of the wicked
enchantress liy- sowing the home: soil
with small books of 'another sett,