HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-31, Page 1EMT> R to Business' or Shdrthend. entree, 41Ions teetered to greduatew yogthawnl atyou, We provide 24 gar, rs and best taollltleei - Write lye! `1 ilr , eit,trat., fiuelneoo College 1395 donetele:mete. W. II; S0 1'glhetpt:, es of -'(children 1s,• s 3 het ` Yt0 0141 (Mende largely on the yes. It these are deft. the ohlot beefs of learn - Is hampered. ennotbe taken In lttg l lfl defotpr. lid onlyrF 1411411'1001:'. dkp Olt con-' i d ba n a •. itloin will j vide snit Hallett, Connell met in the township hull on Monday of this week ars edjonrned`to meet on Nov, lltli, A petition will, in all probability he preaentod to the Couuril of Hallett be- fore the end of this genptle ueklng,t at a vote be taken amnia repeal Mlle Local Option By-law, Edwin T. Adams, son of J. C. Adams. of llnllett, who haunt 'the trade of wetchmulei)lg with Mr. 1lolvtu; of Clinton,.hii.1late't' been filling a posit 1011 at Little «'nils, N, Y, He has recently given this up, Dud has g0n0'(0 an engraviq,gtkahool at Elmira, N. Y. where he fill taken three months 0o111'ae.< 4'he 1 nIterl, Miher farm on the hose' itrre'ferthe 1001 four years occupiers by Melina; 'has Iwo') sold to John ETgrtcy,'of this township for $a000 tvho sebeitte,possession nett spring, Mr. McBrien's dense dome not expire until' another year, but he relinquished his claim, and will go beck to his own farm on the 0th cnhc000inn, F. Kettle hes rented his farm on the 2nd concession lately ocenpied by J. Day tent opposite the one on which he resides, to Frank Flannery for a term. of five' years for about 18(1) a year, It is a (Irat•clees farm of 100 acres with good buildings and in gond shape. ter. Flannery has got a good farm and r. Jiettlo'(1 mostt excellent tenant, RLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1907. iter Any Time Commercial Correspondtlee among our students tit II/Ingham, Clinton, \ 'kertoe, O .ngevillo and Gode. li }•'. , . We tier uorporatod the coen- r.".40 of our twt broadly educated, widely experienced teacbare. Gregg Shorthand taught ba graduate of J the author, John 11. 'Gregg.ndivld ual instruction. \'e invite comped, non and elope invooltgatlon. Our Mall Courage teach you in your own home {"Wrte tr partleulete. ' WINGNANI BUSINESS COLLEGE George SPnttton, Principal 1 ' e legrapte.y for railway and commerelol work Is well taught by us. Our now book, "Guided by the Key," explalne. Sent with fleet loseon to guy applicant on receipt of four cents la stumps. Ad- dress Central School of Telegraphs, 8Gerrard St. Last, Toronto. (0.11. Shaw, President. ;sees sw. Uorrli Council The Council met according to ad- iieurltmQntiin the00uncll room on Oct. 14th, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of 14'1. 611041V road and confirmed, A Unleatlon. was received .from A. bllonald Solinitor for the Guelph 3t Goderioh sly. Co. .0181Ing that tido ltailwoy Wee nee, plated and ready for operation Dean shoe with suction ) No. , of , the t0W p, el Morris ' 13y. law which entitleih alp 10 Oleeteenytneet of the three thottantd nfid hllnndred' dotter .bonne gran t1 in aid of said. railway, 'A desntbs„ion of ,)`ytepayers from the Southern''lturtof+the town- nitilr intervievee1 the' Cmint'il com- plaining of .(1111 uneetilifectlry' aid dangerous 0(1(10.of 'he Railway moss - Mee East of tete' villaG 1-1of Blyth and urging that the Railway Gonlmiseion be h tight oh with '0 view to fleeing it '011i flevor adjustment of the minter, On motion of Messrs ,+holy and Taylor the Iteev0 and Clerk were tnetrueted to interview 011r salieitorin respect to ]laving aproper discharge in connection with the payors of the ltailwny'bonus also to attend to the matter coniplained of in connection with the 'railway crossing, On motion of MCCutaheon and Campbell the tient was inst('ucted to solicit tenders for the sale of the Cole drain debentures nreounting'to abort $1504, tenders to be opened at our next sleeting on Nov. 18tH A`ecoents . were 0(1101•.') to be paid ns,fgllowo:-:Iltitf & Stewart, work and `material on Forbes end Sunshine bridges 0193.71) J. Smith gravel '$141 ' J, Hopper, work on Si(e'oad $41,001 M, Mealy, et- tending to lights aid elettning thud) 91.50 ; It. Nesbit, drawing tile nod fill- ing at at erehee 2111.10;-W. Craig, d0viatlan road 90.70 ; 1t. Brown re,' p1fring Snell's bridge $1,10?; Mr, Hetherington putting in culvert 142,00 ; A. Camploll, gravelling $8,00; 11. How About Underwear to ' e ' V t B 1 lo the'0 a t'' the an Tbc.Un lot t ynr q r sl on biggest problem th0l OonG n ,. r e p pie; today, end we i'mve solved it in the ]S Your IS EIS SPRING NEEDLE UNDERWEAR Magttu'0, 1090)1iii culvert fi0r; A `loupg, cement $'1,10 Geo. .1ohner0?? titling w1100001 $10,'2,,; H, Beeman' gleaning ditlh 75c ; Geo, Alathere' cleaning ditch *1) (.0 ; (Vut. ,South' drawiug 'tile Cowl putting' in culvert $th20 ; R. Yoeill, dewing tile and putting in. culvert 97,,, \\'In, Riley, digging aevard dye in 021100; S. Ven - 11011111111, fn4peetin,r 011 west 0000dny $Ig.bO; Proctor & Jmelee repel riitg eel Vert $2.00; 'tV'+n. Armstrong, pen• Ing in culvert $2,,,11 ; Geo, Penner, oil and attending to lights 12,00 ; Wm, Riley, Alegi and uuderbrushing 15800'; A. Procter gravel Sl 110; A, Procter, gravel $1,30 ; A. A eEtvnit, gravel 85,1)2 ; (. Solnnrerville, gritted $1190 Joe, Gnllev, gravel 82.80 11. Duncan, gravel $582 las, Phyne, gruel 77cts , 3fcKinnon Pros, gravel- ling on west boundary $511,50 C. 10. 9'oylor, drawing tile and purring in nelve't $15,00 ; Thos, ('lath. work with grader $R 00 ; Chas. Penned, gravel• ling on Ensi, bounders. eel 1,2 ; Jas. Bolger, inspecting on Last Boundary Seen ; ; A. Taylor, drawing tile fuel utttfn1'in culvert $7.75 ; selent01:0 o1 ,Torero each $1.00 ; W. (`lark, f001 nod lmblesliflte Ewen,. drain bylaw $10.00; John J. A1)Congleev, repairing toerd 814,00 ; R. Yoniil, filling at mrh patting in culvert 0nd digging 111)011 831.45 ; R You'll:. part payment ,cu contra& 7tlrlino$2)1.00, Air, Prp_gtcn' presented Ids bond es collector 0C` roves and oil motion ot. Campbell and McCntchron the same eves accepted as 'ntisfttotory, Go mo(ion of :Shaw steel Taylor the ,00unnil was 1lteta adjourned to meet ngeilt on 011'151h of Nov:n,egt, W, Chu'k, Clerk. Por quality and quantity eel; Your (denier for the new big pines of "Bobs" "Stag" and 'Currency" chewing tobaccoes, East Wttwanosh. TO Our quyertisers. All copy for new advertise- ments MUST be in this office by Monday noon to be chan- gec for current' week. Kindly look, after this, Clinton. John Sinrhensou, while working in 108 p11111 1.1 fees ` ' •, had his hand 40 badly cot that ibis liable to lose parts of two lingers, The workmen who have hemi P111- 1110yeti ie boring 'a'new 01611 at Staph- ton streelt a bed of pure ruck salt at e1 depth of 1150 feet, Thos. MaKetzin is pushing forwerd Ih0 work oe the Reeteihnry '31otse and it is e (00(11 hewill he ready t the travellittg ptthlio before Chrism, Coder direction of Mr. Paisley', Thresher Co, bufldleg is beittg rat pushed forward ; the main buildi almost entirety roofed fn, aril the 80011 be In a position to inerea staff nuts rush next season's war Police Al01fst'at6 Andrews,<fnst charge laid.by the Inspector ;Ifler 10, Guth01(1, for selling It ace n hours ' it .h utg the second dosed tine of Shand costs wtu Crown Attorney Seeger w1 en t. W, Green, of the \V Leaf, entered upon his d lotion manager of the , mid has started to Be hit securers the s bell to tante the bus of the Maple Ieaf, old Oliltoninn his S, Scott is all smiles this week, It's ter of ,lohu C? ell. n famous 11ot qh a boy. The first game iutob Inst Sntta'- Gen, and Mrs; Irwin entertained a 0011 wits played representing the few of their young:friends best week, day between t llegiluo Ltsti nite6, The homes of T, Irwin and A. Lofeh• Galt and (.lint , by la score of 1)102. 101111) hove been ` Made happy by the the former eel 'rs followed tiro Galt arrival of baby girls, About 75 811)1 then on to victory, D. Cook bag p1rehns03 the 75-nore teem and el ery foot throughout, farm belonging 10 George, Taylor, situ' The game o indicates, the (came 10011 ont t the o, c I, mud ns tL t 1• rl r .n ma bed t A a M'attcM h l Mrs. Alchfu ns n ' n f P,rinlo11- were vey<, 0rns l all, but born rt ton,'Alttt. iwho have bete visiting time tile vele W011011 }iennitles. to friends in vita vioinity left for the Gait's g' elf (lett 11ie.'ee)1 with the West last week. the see d and shorty,) before titre ,lames Nicol has disposed of his 100- strong eic0onald, by a pretty rest, eer0 farm to John Fells for a handsome turn a field, seared the veibninit cunt, Mo, Nicol fa negotiating for n dew•1cto Galt boys were t%ry 11111).1 Gunn near 131nevnle, guns ted aG not being nllosvei1 to C. W. and Airs, W1lkinson and fain- disc (cu with thorn, 00 Clinton pra- idyleft on Monday for Lucite where nal thepgnuui, 'I'hcir ground for they bill meke their bomee `for' the te't. is based on the second goal for fatale, they will be mach missed fn t vvh34)1 54:101101 scored in accord. the ctmmuni ty. 00 pr00• y Maple AS circn- e d Herald collections, of A. 1'en- utasal lt)01it Green is an being t+, dau,;lt- :with the rubes governing. the cut; J. C. Rockwell's team' --.Bolt (mil, MkCulluut ; :hs Gnuriny, I Punh ; halt Leek', Sunny South Co.tndano, Ross, ;halt dein. Tilt, \lelooald,'I'odd, BiOO ti- the of 0111 citizens 00110 patent ,tr, l liuton- Goal, J. lir brume opera house and othe?s uvho n 1 tc1,4, ,1110110, Alcon nn ; (1)111 httt L , 11 to 800 (0 ri,ttlt 1' liver -class voluted til; A clieuia, Copp, L, l(nnnmg ; for willheghtd to beer tine J, 11, 10 1511?1))'), McPlttsun, II, A\ \lannfnp, Well% wet hi famous S.tpny Sunt,;,' Rmnbnll, Stewart, Johnston. Rnlfetee ,wi11 11(1)001 an 111110,11' )1)111, J' 1t, -Ward, of Stratford, ort A4ondayt`veuing, kov, deb, ; era 100') muchtovlty Reno, (1(0. a, an>' Morris. sate that it. is a string one ate oe0)1 of twouty-fisc col <e'd 116opl0 (1 1 )10 A termer Adorns lady will iievome 0vety'tlnn= fuunvvhnt 2101011 rte do the bride of a 5lenitohen 1111' 0104;. ,n well and keep nP mulletcea 001r• Further pine n ulnas later'. .iteleent A welcome visitor to A1orris was Polic0(111111 George Ca01101 1, of ('obalt, Ho mane oe to su)1ttnsed extended visi. with his (001ts told old friends here, but a telegrtnu enlled Iain bark to tate centre of the mineral kingdom where he tills 1 large place -bell? (115 310)1) anis officially, A Yount; lad named Bert Young, of Sunshineloc(tlity, fell from en apple tree slighting on, his mother's beck, 1f rs, Young was stooped over ;piokfu 4 up apples, "The youth hail a couple of ribs damaged end Airs. Young feltthe effects of the shook for some time. A cement floor has been put in the stablm1 of the hunt 001110 bt George Brown, of Brussels, on the 5th line,; New stalls will be built And the stables tinted nein good shale, '1'he Aoht.ou b(eacre luno, 71.11 line, w s sold by private sale to John Yount• of the same loettlity, Price, $700, A considerable portent of the ferns is still in the state of nittmre. A. B. ;Macdon- ald. of Brussels, made the sale. Tax 001)01tor Proctor will start tett on his rounds this week, Arrange- ments have been made with the Beek of Ram ilton at Wingltaln and 131ylh and with the Standard and Metropalt' tan Banks at Brussels to receive taxes 1)1618by affordiitg conveniences to, the ratepayers instead: of making drills to Hirst rho Co11ec1or, 'Title plan was f0l- lewed last'year and worked satisfac- torily,' 01(11(1 same of lo g)i (0! and 1 from start to linfsh, '1'I Chronicle et o,e,,,MI, slice' to rot mi me) ratite town lewuer 11'11+1' ''10' J 1 Rockt1e11 511nnY Srya,i Co,r 0111' ting of '2P colored pullet npp01(1. 1 the (Town 11ttll oyik'llOtty nigh hist They v !lave nvaneeatnuee 1especta011 itYr h` l t1p0t'e woe seal) e1181)10 1 )3 1' only, and nothing olid or done to (noot fostirlinous They had 01)1se of sppreciatiVe listeners, and ,ft tYler w as ,;004, POW w tr0de1- 111rg (3070ni80 conduct themselves as Well 'jT e ,111711 class solo concert band cm'- rio eby, the company will head the ieo town puede at tom), Prices ore 251 an;1 50 cents, sesta 111'0 now On Oat Anderson's stole, Londeshoro. the infant child of W, Lyon is ser- is1y ill at present, ;1 Miss and Mrs, Floody,of Blyth, vis• 'tet' friends bale on Saturday. 1e eTownship Council held a vorj• suecessfnl Meeting here oft, Mole -lay. J. 5)0lYIN has gone on dile usual trip to Muskoka. Thomas Roberton, who hos been in poor health foesome time, in not im- proving and is at present confined to his bpd. ' Miss Heston visited Aebnrn friends this week. Several (rpm here took in the concert at Auburn on Friday evening. Mr, Illsley, of GoderIcie township, spent Sunday wRh, his hrother-here, Remember the ,total 'supper on TllankegivMie night ' good tl10 10, tow; .e n, Ren- xnAttn. Durham g of their it I the fel- Donit let them sell you staff that when you wear it a week it gets twice your size; but 1)17 the Ellis goods the only sprint; needle goods made iu Canada, '1'1'y it suit and WC. 1100 satisfied that soft (('1il w01(1' 110 other. \Ve have all eras from 111 to 44, rued from $1.50 to $ti 00 a suit. Don't fail to get the genuine "Ellis" stamped:on every garment, We else, ha+tllll001l)oh of Odd Shirts and Drawers. \\'e are clearing these out at 11 pities thee,, Wi{I pay you to look them over and pick out what yon want„ We Neve about 100 Top Shirts which wo are cloarfiig out at 25 per cent below regular prices The snap of the year in the right titn<s Just titke a look over your underwear and see what you need, and we 0110. show you the host garment t1 tho market to -day, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. Off COLD, WET WEATUER_ and the chan for all of us, portant- is it gem 1R Women's of season occasion a very considerable outlay 'he scarcer money is or may be the more im, at you slake your fall purchasing as advanta- possilalt'.. Our bargain list shows the way. Boots at $1,90. front; drawers to match, ankle length, 10 pair 0 Ctutl'a Boots, 010) end winter weight, sizes for 40, 42 and 44 bust don Oda kit , tier, with patent toe caps menst'e. discolor price arts each; betgaln laced sG (1 at 300. Illus ter a yles, medium as Women's or Misses' \'este fine natural' heavy, , extension edlra eola9 }rood ribbed cotton, high nook, long sleeves boots to wear, sties _1 to 7 ; rrgu' buttoned front, neatly trimmed, lace eyed b Ohl $1.00. ribbon, elms for 28, 30, ;12, ;44 and 30 bust measure ; regular 25o to 35e ; barylain iso: a of tllases' 1)ongoln Kid Laced n art' Union Suite, "Turnbull'a,' pram, slick soloe, tow comfort shape ; neck lot, wool nd Elbe toned wool, high ankle ; bargain $1,50, length, eiges sleeves, to Iyears Oomeearly for 's Solid Goodyear Boots bagslna6Bg, prloos kl.C,f1 to $2 each; pars of Aden's Solid Leather Good. • Welt Boots, all now tall styles, Per- in every respect, blusher and laced les, ntedl001 tied beery soles, box Dalt, el kid and dongola kid leathers, eixea e o 10 ; regular $4, bargain for $2,70, nd we o Misses' Boots. School Boots for Boys. 2Sehool Bootts,ox pbscelt, blucher, hheavy bole, this is the proper kind ft' a robust boy ; regu- lar $e and $2.50, bargain for $1.50, Women's Winter Underwear 480 Wooluand\Cotton'aMixedttCom Combinations, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, buttoned down front, neatly trimmed splendid quality and correct weight, sizes for 32 to 411 bust meaMllre ; regular value at $1 a cult, bargain at 500 emelt. bext rae Sizes, natural or wbiteand ribbedwers'd ttun Vtoto, high nee, long sleeves, buttoned Men's Fall Clothing, Suitt, 1011 anlllw winter Canadiannd er eights broken lots and odd sizes from our regular stook. In the lot there are olzeo 30 to 42, to clear at 41.13, 50 weightlyh acyetea Engter G lish ebevlot, marque style, velvet collars, etzea 144 t0 41, to clear at $5,03. 1Suits, eavy\ weight me atetiall,atblousee0170 loose with deep Bailor collar, neatly trim- medran al'dtand will Elea s1000live rowof015d tonte aidle at 1.411, Men's Underwear. Alen's Scotch Wool tTnderwe oval!, breast, heavy weight, meu'easd" s 22 to "\Voisey" Natural Woo - double breast, unehrfr' ee only, per gar14101" Gr M, ERS & 00. An nrlver t iseem.' en Ttrr STANDARD 2heJarof Coughinq Noweauweeeetweetaweeeesesease Hammer blows, steadily ap- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. " 1 Nxaye 804/ ♦ysr'o (tarry 00.40001 m tae I,euw. 11 Area .40(401 r, et wtaee7.r anticipated and a, given by talent tl gal! and local. READ .the gi11.' soy sari have outsells er lute Mk, I bay. (4404 i1. (00 s I(Tnt nand yeah sal40 hater art 1Mut Jt"- ae. ]iJSY O)aerux, Ysrys- burx. N.T. il Uro leamS. A yers " '. tli;s YUlpli, Biliousness, constipation retard ra- oovery. Guns these with Ayer% NUL Gua' his priceless end should not be aegleeted. It your eyes trouble you, come to Losldoa and Oce what, Optical Science can'tlo towards correcting your defects. We have the most complete optical laboratory in Canada, and aur specialists are able to cope with the most complicated capes of Ilse errors of refraction, All glasses are made on the promises to suit each particular nese, THE TAIT•BRfiWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas St., Leaden, Out. 10 Cents gets The Standard balance of year '\\r. J, :Trethewey; of Sacu0 Ste, Ml rie'le *sailing at the huddle- resi- deeee, 1)0ftannia Road. MARKET REPORT,- Wheat 5141 ; Barley frit -5u ; 'Oats 47-17 ; Peas 80-80 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 20-21. OM- GIANTTntnr.STO "Currency;" "Boles' (1nd 'Stan"chewing tobaccoes,', in big Qoalit,y always the same. GET THE BEST. IT PAYS, Attend the popular and progressive Alliott rusizies voltage Toronto, Ont. Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. and be thoroughly educetet{ for business lett. All graduates of this school are absolutely sure of getting positfoes. The demand loconsiderably isd anblexcellent ttimetto supply. rp. enter. 'Write for catalogue. a l J. Elliott, Principal. Advertisements in the STANDARD PAY BEGONE T1)1; PEOPLE READ IT. GROWING IN POPULARITY EVERY WEEK. Our Job Work Excels \Ve have just received another large consignment of elegant Dinner is V We have 25 sets to choose from ranging in price from S6 5O Up. JAMES CUTT BL -se -"rix