HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-24, Page 81;LYT14. ;TANDARI')
Synopsisof Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
ANY even numbered section of Dead.
mien Lauds In Manitoba, Saeketche•
Wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not
reserved, may he homeeteatted by any per.
SOU who le the sole head of a lewdly, or
any wale over 18 yeare of age, to the ex.,
taut of one-quarter (motion of 160 acres
more or less,
Application for entry must he made in
person by the applicant at n Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub-ageney for the dlr.
triol in which the land le situate. Fatly
by proxy may, however, be made at
ire Agency on certain conditions by the
lather, mother, son, daughter, brother or
Meter of en Intending homesteader.
The homesteader le required to perform
the homestead eondlttonettnder one of the
following plane
(1) At least six mouth's residence upon
and eultivetlon of the lend In each year
for three yeare,
(2) A hmnesteeder may, if he so desires.
perform the required residence duties by
llviagon farming laud owned solely by
hint, not lees than eighty (00) aevee in ex-
tent, in the vicinity of hie homestead.
Joint ownerehlp In land wilt not meet
(3) It the tether (or mother it the father
is deeeasetl) of the homesteader has per-
menent residence ou farming land owned
moldy be hint, not less than eighty (10)
80109 in extent, In the vicinity of the
homestead, or upon it homestead entered
for by hint in the vicinity, such home-
oteader may perform his own residence
duties by living with the father (or
(4) The terns "vlcfnity" In the two pre•
ceding paragraphs Is defined as meaning
not more than nine miles In a direct line,
exclusive of the width of road allowances
eroaeed in the measurement.
(5) A hotneateader intending to perform
his residence duttee in aeoordanoe with
the above while living with paronte or on
tanning' land owned by himself must
notify the Agent for the distrlot of such
Stx months' notice in writing should bo
given to the Comtnieeioner of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply )1 for
Denuty of the Mlnieter of Interior.
N. Il,-d.'nnnthm'ieed publication of this
set rartt,, i lit will not be pall tor.
Ooderfoh Lv, 7.00 8011.
Auburn " 7.22 "
Blyth " 7.3:1 "
Walton „ 7,40
Milverton 8.21 "
'Madre , .... ` 8.50 "
Guelph " 0,20 "
Toronto Ar, 11,10 "
4.50 p. m,
5.22 "
5,10 "
tui) `
0.45 '
7.12 "
9,l.) "
Toronto Lv. 8.00 a.m. 5 f0 p. 1'n,
Guelph Ar. 10.00 ' 7.50 "
1'lholre ' 11125 , 8.14 "
31'Ilvertou ... ' 11.00 " 8,5)) "
Walton " 11.10 " 1).23 "
Blyth " 1152 " 0.36
Aubortl " 12.02 " 0,46 "
Goderich " 12.3)) p.m. 10.10 "
am ' UM
040: 1St)
0 43 3 33
6 52 3 Ohl
708 358
7 1.1 4 01 Londesbnro 11 20
7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 05
8 05 4 39 Brucefield 0 53
8 15 4 47 lappet 0 50
820 452 Henmall 044
0 35 5 05 Exeter 9 30
8 46 5 15 COutrelia 0 18
8 dal 5 20 Cleudeboye 0 00
9 03 5 311 Lucan Cramming 9 00
11 1'.1 5 37 Dentleld 8 55
9 21 5 46 Merton 8 45
0 29 5 01 Btttrtok 8 35
0 35 5 5s Hyde Park Creasing 8 26
9 37 0 00 Hyde Park Jet: 8 24
945 t) 10 London'. 8 15
oonuectione are made at Winghanl for
all stations ou the P0lruerston and Kin.
eardtne branch.
Connections are nettle '*E Clinton for all
stations on the Buti'alo and Goderlch
branch, and all stations from Stretford to
Conuectinne are trade et LucanCroaeleg
for all stations west to Sarnia:
Connections are made at London for all
0(9210us east and wort on the mein line,
nm nm
Wingham 1150 7:35
Wingbanl Jot, 11 48 7 25
13elgreve 11 40 713
Blyth 11 20 7 (0>
(1 52
0 351
0 11
5 51
5 43
5 32
5 30
5 15
5 07
5 02
5 00
4 50
1V. R, Counter has been appointed an
ieallel' of marriage licenses,
Will Kerr, late with Cluntel00 Bros.,
has taken a position with W. T. Rid-
dell. of Auburn,
The opponents of the waterworks
by-law have, through their solicitors,
made application to the courts to quash
the by-law,
A Bough Cop football match will be
played here on Saturday, October 2001,
with tlltit C. I. team.
Wnr, 0relum is looking After the
shipment of sugar beets for the 1Val-
hrceburg Sugar Factory, the first car
of which will be shipped tidy, week,
the product of the Henn of Refuge
Goan. Mr, Gvelum says the crop is a
good one,
Pte suit. for damages by Peter
Lewis, late proprietor of the Hotel
Normandie, against A. T. Cooper held
tire for many nrnnt hs but has now been
withdr'n11'11, All. Lewis is at present in
the sa10011 business 111 the City of lief -
George Hancock, the genial clerk of
the Hotel Normandie, was married on
Monday evening last, the lady of Ida
choice being 7199 Estella Forsyth,
daughter of Alex. Forsyth, formerly of
Brussels. The knot matrimonial was
truly tied by Rev, 0. R. Gonne, the
ceremony taking place itt the rectory,
The groom i/10 11111100 of Leicester,
England, but has resided in Clinton for
nearly a year. end is the world Eng..
N811.1)01'11 who has in Clinton within
the past few months joined, heart and
hand with n Canadian girl. The
young couple will for the present make
their home at the Normandie.
If, T. Ra110, of town, happened 111
OTO vel'satiOn t0 mention some unusual
000urren009 in his elu'oor that are
worthy of being planed on record, Ho
was born on the 111.h of Jane. The
only birthday he recollects ubs'rviug
510.0 1011011 he wile 1'l years cid, \Vhee
ho left school to enter the 'milking
bnshusa it was on the I lilt of March
Ho worked for the old Jinn of 1''arrau
& Tisdale for 11 years, He etit"rod
into pertnership with James ;MaAfur-
chis on the 11th of February. He left
B)yr5 on the 110 of Dee',mbet% He
was married on the 11th or November,
He tendered his resignation esmnneger
of the Sovereign Bank on the 1)111 of
MARKET REPORT.- Wheat ,St- I ;
Barley (11-1$ ; Oats 47-17 ; Yens
80-80 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 20-21.
-Subscribe (o1 TIM STANDARD,
County W. C. T. U. Convention.
The Huron Count' Convention of the
W. C. '1', U. was held fn Wesley
church, Clinton, with a good reeve-
seutation of delegates Irum the various
nnious of the County.
The reports of the year's work, ae
read by the superintendent's of the
Several departments, were very tumour•
aging end showed that a greet deal of
practical work had been accomplished.
The following resolutions were
passed :-
Resolved, that we would earnestly
request that all the unions tilronghout
the county would urge the importance
of.eonunencing local option cam ntigns
in all the municipalities in Duron,
where the law has not already been
paaaed, with view to having the elec-
dous tante place in January, 1009, and
would ask that the 1111!oh0 of Grey and
Bruce be communicated with in order
to secure concerted action throughout
this eortht:rn district,
Resolved, that the convention place
upon record its utter abhorrence of,
and unrelenting opposition to the
entire liquor traffic, Its it. exists in 0111'
presort license system ; that we w0111d
sincerely express our thanksgiving to
God for the marked 0(100000 in the
eerryiug of local option and for the en-
couraging reports which come from
the plecea where the law is in opera-
tion. That we rejoice in the fact that
iu over 80 municipalities thut Ore now
entetiug upon campaigns to be voted
on in .January next, and we would
most respectfully and enrnesely ask
our provincial government, to rake fm-
mediate steps to exp11ng0 from the
license law the three•ilithe clause,
which eo seriously interferes with the
progress of our work, and that a copy
of 18 is resolution be for (Nerd+d to the
gave. 1II1(0nt,
The following officers were e!eoted :-
PI'eeldetlt, Ml's. Paulin, Oudetfch ;
Vice President Mrs. Trooper, Exeter ;
Rec. 5te'v lits, J. C. Stoneman, Hen.
sa:l; Cor. Co,'.Vias Boehm nett,
Brussels ; Treas.. 71ra. holland, 0ode•
The Clinton Halon prepared dinner
and tea for the ()elven 108 8101 served it
m the ao11o0l 10011), the resident Innis
ter0 also bring present On hehelf of
the Meal anion Mrs. W. Barlow] gore
a splendid address of welcome, which
WAS Suitably replied to in en in tercet•
iug eddrese by Mrs, Hooper, of Exeter.
Aire. Slum'inan gave an a0c011122 of
local op 2100 in Renault , and replied to
at momenta in the press Which attempt-
ed to show that tvevellers could not
get any accontmodeti511 in the village,
Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remaly
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea atsome time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years pad know its value.
tt has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
ft has been prescribed by phy-
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
ora physician summoned.
It only costs a quarter. Can
you afford to risk 1'o much for so
little? BUY IT NOW.
Owing to
the blas con-
struction of
most ra0ges
it is 1t rather
did,;cub feat to
cook and hake
successhaly at
the sante time.
But the urrauge:uent f tl c Pandora flues diiers consider -
ti ly from others, They are .:o cuustructed that the draft f;r
baking is oleo the best For cooping, the heat circulating Imam]
the oven twice end wider 'every pot hole before passing up
that chimney.
1'110 Pandora bakes and cooks perfectly
at the Warne time.
1)o you tabu of another mart (het does?
11 your local dealer does not sell the 'undora write direct
to us for Free Booklet.
I r
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John
McPherson Bros. Local Agents,
OCT08F.R ?.11.11, 1 W.
She said that epleud!d meals were
being seared by a local restaurant and
that better and cleaner beds were
available for the public then formerly
under license,
'Phe President of the Bruce County
1v, C.'1'. IT., Mrs, Bryan, of Lueknow,
gave valuable counsel during the con-
vention nod a very practical and in-
structive address in the evening.
'l'he Ontario St. quartette and the
Wesley choir supplied music during
the convention.
The next convention will be held in
Brussels in October, 1908,
Savo This Anyway.
There is a alinpl0 home-made mix•
tore as given by an eminent authority
on Kidney diseases, who mattes the
statement in a New York daily news-
paper, that it will relieve almost any
case of Kidney trouble if taken be-
fore the stage of Bright's disease. He
states that such symptoms ea latae
back, pain in the side, frequent desire
to Urinate, especially at night ; pain-
ful mud discolored urination are read-
ily overcome. Aero is the recipe ;
try it.
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce ;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each
inool and At bedtime,
A well-known druggist here in town
is authority that these ingredients
are all harmless and easily mixed at
home by shaking well in a bottle. This
mixture Ilan a peculiar healing and
soothing effect upon the entire Kid-
ney and Urinary structure, and often
overcomes the worst forms of Rheu-
matfatn in just a little while, This
mixture is said to remove all blood
disorders and' 'cure the Rheumatism
by forcing the Kidneys to utter' and
strain from the blood and system all
uric acid and foul, decotnposed waste
matter, which cause these ufllicthnl9.
1(1' it if you aren't well. Save the
rose, i do t
p 1p r.
Within a window were displayed
Some waists meet wonderfully trade ;
But yet they seemed tai' out ()freed),
For they were marked six dollars each.
An l many it shopper 0nuntoring by
Looked on them with a longing eye,
And said, "Alas, my scanty hoard !
Six -dollar %Taista I can't afford" 1
But soon did favoring Fortune smile ;
'i'ha.4e 9811151 wai010 Its a tntnb1ed 1)110
Upon a bargain table toy,
Aad 011 ! rho crowd timtcame that day 1
They jostled, shoved, and e'en pulled
That each a trophy holnn might boar ;
The reason one eau plainly 0tete,-
Thoso t' aist.eweremntked'Five Ninety-
inetyeight" t
- - Tt-I E - - tl
Forenoon (at the door) -"Did yer
husband hot' a new suit av 11/10'e8 on
this mor -rain', Mre, O'llallery 7"
Mrs. O'Alallery--"He did.'
Fortune e-"Thoyh'o !Toned entirely,"
Mrs. O'Afalley-"How did ut hap-
pen ?"
Foreman -"Ile was blown up be a
charge av dinnymite."
Teacher-What does the word, trans-
parent mean ?
Johnuio -- So.nothin' you can see
Teacher -Give mean example,
Johnnie -A doughnut,
"Bills to the right of us,
Bills to the left of us,
Bills that are ruinous 1"
Papa dear thundered.
"Frightful the charge they made !
Seneeleos the price you paid 1"
' 'Then on the table laid
',Check for six hundred,
"I have three children who aro the
very image of myself," said Jones
"I pits the youngest;" returned
Brown ge'etly,
Why,"neked mhos.
"Beetttt.m he is I he cue who will have
to reaemb)e yott the longest," said
The New N1iniater :-You know Airs.
Sallarley pretty welt, don't you -does
she do much for the poor ?
Airs, Devoutly -Ott, my, yea ! why,
only last week she paid out more than
two hundred dollars for is dress to wear
at the charity ball !
Jonx-Saw a man today who
had trouble ahead of hits
Mrs, Jonx-How did you know ?
Mr, Joaxalit was pushing a baby
carriage containing twins,
"What aro you erring abort ?"
"I got licked twice to•dity,"
"How we that ?"
'Pearhor licked me nn' I told pa nn'
pe went up to liek the lonelier en' the
teacher !irked pa, au' then pa canto
home an' 11011011 me,"
Mrs, Naggte-Did you Miss me when
1 was away ?
Air. Nauge--No, dear, I went to
lectures every night!
•••• .•••••••••• ••• •••••••
Tell it to the •
i•••• •••••• ••••• ••••••••i
While the Pubilo Is Invited to make
use of this celunm for the axpreeatun of
personal vlewa on public matters and
public men, pereorlalltles are debarred and
In all 080 08 the suitability of the coin.
metrication for publication 1a a matter to
be decided by the Editor,
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
and fur the opinion of our co respundeet,
and their differences with our own Tim
STANDARD WOO, dlk0lalturesponsl511lty,
Our Big
To all new subscribers from
will be sent till
Jan. ist, 1908
for the small sum of'
Subscribe Now
This brand -on a bag or barrel -is the nark
of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall
Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled
by the best millers in Ontario.
Ask your grocer for a Blended Flour -and
look for the above brand wherever you buy,
"Made in Ontario'
Book Work
Price Lists
Producers of good work -a little better than most.
Business Cards
Office Stationery
Wedding invitations
Posters -all kinds
Horse Bills