The Blyth Standard, 1907-10-24, Page 5OCTOBER 24TH, 1907—THE BLYTH i.1 rA Iia I.1 New Overcoats We have a complete range of Men's and Boys' Overcoats for Full and Winter wear. They are splendid values. 'rhe fit is all that the exacting dresser could demand, and as to tnaterials that is where there coats are particularly strong. Menest Fur and Fur -lined Overcoats, In this line we carry a larger assortment than ever. l t will be to your advantage to 800 our new lines. THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRICES 1'0R OASII AND PARS[ PRODUCE, Wanted Alive: Old Hens and Chicks. kr /v! ►1d kin See us for prices on Dressed Poul- try for Thanksgiving. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. Pt E. BENDER, BLYTH 1,4 e r r r a v. �r v i� ,env lr,r� r rosi mems basila : 's€:a,i ii '> ; .{sista :.l>fla:t3�s:::etp NEWS AROUND TOWN agot yfiaa . n :... , 1.'4,,,ktttuulii leaves are falling LEAVE your order now for your fist:; Fall printing, We will do our best KEEP Monday, November 25th, to please yon. clear. LAST Wednesday E Bender ship. LoCAI. option campaigns are now ped over 500 old hens to the Canada being waged In eightyseven muni- Poultry it Produce Co., Stratford, cipallties in Ontario, THE railway Thanksgiving boli. QUITE a hutnber from this locality day rates will be : single fare, good attended the funeral of the late Joseph Clegg, of Morris Townehip, on Tuesday afternoon, DUetNe the past week Bnutte n going Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 30th and 31st, and returning not later than November 4th, A s'ECIAL meeting of the memBt s have been raving a cellar dug bars of the members of L, 0, L, No. next to the home of P. Gardiner, 963 is calico, eoi' Monday evening It Is their Intention to erect a double next in the Orange Hall. A full at - next spring. The Inose, tfitne'lf tendahue is `requested. owned by Chas, Hamilton, will he torn down and the lumber that, in go,d used in the erection of the hew; ROBERT H. GARNISS houses. BLUEVALF — — ONTARIO Two bads of vnong people from the C E seeiety of t,t A dri've's Auctioneer for Huron Co, Chin b 10 t%'HP, t, 'rn,:.,lay ,1 14c , Tjet.I 0 khat village A pleasai.t date WAS spent 14141 all iuterestln;t proem ant was given, to which Misses K;,te Canting end Jessie R, mors sane a duet. At the. elem. ,t tasty lu eh was served, The Blvblt people arrived limine about uddeight well pleased with their visit, MONDAY metering of this week G. M Chantl'ere received the sod.ttews that his mole Mother had passed away in Winnipeg havittg only been 111 two weeks with typhoid fever, Mr. Chambers had .been receiving word all week about his condition and. Saturday word was received Oinsley Street Blyth that be was sinking. Deceased was cnr letterer for the C, P R. at their works in that dity. He visited his This s 1ia brother here in the summer for .7 few days after Attending the old 'W bKatch Ada boys' re -union at Kincardine. The r r funeral is expected to mite place at Tbncrtrdine on Friday. A more ex- tended report will he given next week, BowL!N0 —one 't the final howl- ing games was played mu the bowl i.ig green an Tuesday afte'n.on be- tween the howlers on the north and south sides of Diusiey street, the eouth winning by 22 shots. Follow. Ing are the names and scores of tate ployers :— South— North—. Golden Sims stinkers Sloan Hamilton Gldley McTaggart Milne skip 11 skip 14 Moore Stewart Craig Sinkers Anderson McWurchie McKinnon Carter skip 14 skip 10 Gerry Emigh Stott Beese skip 26 skip 5 51 29 Wholesale from the A ehallemge i., tit for another game RIVAL HERB AGENCY to be played un Thanksgiving Day. Hinatrdlne, Ont. II01) 111C 111) h. FOWL WANTED We are paying the highest prices for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicks, Butter and Edits. C,on cheek,- paid nit, r bank hours. MCMiLLAN & CO. Chellew Everett ' Long Stalker There are many things In our stock that we feel we should talk about, but when o look at thet'great big stuck of Watah- ev we decide ID give you a little .Watch t,lk, • Our Watch stook Is unusual bemuse of 11, ,1ze—more than 200 Watches of all sizes and qualities are shown, and be- cause we bought so many the prises are unusual. Then the stook is unusual because of the eare with which it was selected, There isn't an un worthy time -piece in the lot. There are cheap watches of course - 41 25 ones—but they are worth what they cost and please your boy right down to tate ground. For elder people we have more expen- sive ',voiles and every value is unusual, You are Invited to our watch stook. MTCAU Jewelry and Stationery. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stumnob Liver Kidneys and for Mem big the Illood. t00 dors' trearanont $1,110 days' treatment 25e. For solo at Dr, Alitne's Drug Store GoAvcr, is being spread on Dins - ley street, WAN'rrn,—Cholce tub butter, 27c ; fresh eggs, 25e ; also large quanti- ties of dried apples and feathers.— O. A;, King, 1Viegh,un, SPECIAL G. T. R. trains leave Callender for Toronto on November 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 161.11, for the accomtnudai ion of hunters, Fon SALE.—Dr, J, N, Perdue, V, S., offers a few second-hand cutters and a set of double wort: harness for sale cheap at his livery stable. Call and inspect. Hineraus' ExemistONS,—For free copies of "Fishing and Shooting," "Sportsman's Map" ate„ and for rates and tickets cell nt C. P. R„ town ticket office, J. McMorehic, Agent, Blyth. Last lioineseekers'excursion to the West, 'Tuesday, Oct. 22nd. BASE HALL hlawrtso, —A base ball meeting is called for on Friday even• ing, Oct 25th, when a full attend- ance of the members and players are requested to attend. Meetteg to be held at the ftitteert's Hotel at 8 o'clock. W.F. have mune arrangements with the Toronto Daily World and we club the two papers for 52.75. It you are not a subscriber now, this means that you will receive thea Toronto World for 1b tironthe for $1.75, while the dollar pays fur Tine STANDARD for a year. Subscribe DOW, DURING the past week George Barkley, td 131'usscls, has beet] here with his gasoline eegiuo and cement mixer, mixing the cement fur the newside t ' 'w all. erectedon Westmore. hand street, as ',Mr. Carter, who has the contract, found,it difficult to get men to do the wit*. A good job was done. IN the Sunday World of the 20t11 Mal, a picture of the employees of Gordon, MaclCay Co, appeared, and in the group the faces of Mr. Wild tong, traveller, and well known here, and Jantes Dodds, an old Blyth boy, appear. Botts can bo easily picked out from among the many faces. Tine report of the Postmaster - General suggests that people writ- ing letters should sign their full name and address to their letters and thorn never would be a letter but wlutt could be returned if it bailed to reach the person for whom It was intended. A better way still would be for eaeh family to have envelopes with the mune of the fam- ily printed on the corner. To CORl1F,SPoNDI,1NTa,—Wo would ask our correspondents to send in their budgets each week whether they are little or big. We are look. log to the interests of our subscribers in their particular locality and want the mews whether it is little or Mush, Sometimes you may not have much news to send but don't keep that little until you have more When vows is scarce that is the time your two or three little items, or even one, is specially ap- preciated by the reader in your see. tion, Send us a big budget every weolt if you can, if not the small one will he welcomed. Any of our cot• respondents who are in 110011 of the required stationery kindly let us know, BRAND NEW MUSICAL OPERRIrA. —"Dolya the `Pert Girl," is a brand new musical production which some of the leading critics have passed on as being the cleverest operetta pro. duced in years, They speak of it as follows :—The latest Japanese oper- etta; "Dolga the Tea Girl" is the cleverest musical production of any operetta written in years. The story is cleverly arranged and [all of situations that glee greav000110 for acting both dr:mettl and 008110, while the music is decdedly'°eateliy, tuneful and full of daolli l,Tho piot is easy to follow tdItthottgll tmany- complications arise trtijph. 11re de- cidedly[ funny and .08itse;.tun ny a laugh, The operetta Will be given under the auspices of the 3, 0. 0, I+'. on Mouldy. . erenfhg, Nov, 25th, Keep tide date in view. DIhD,-Word was received by George Powell on. Tuesday that his sister, Mrs. Wm, Jackman, of Nile, lead, passed away alter a short ill. Hess, Airs, Jackman %vas married to 1[et' now bereft husband 14 years ago. She was well hewn to u great 111011y in town, having. kept house for Mr. Powell for nearly four y'e,l'8, Deceased" was born at Varna tool leaves ,three sisters and lour brothers to mourn the loss of a kind and loving 'sister. They are Mrs, Menzies, IVawanosh ; Aim. Cosh vane, Wingharn ; Mrs. Switzer, Baytieid ; Wm., Seattle Thomas, New Ontario ; John, Clinton, and George, Blyth. Mrs, Jackman was TAN DARD--PAGE FIVE, rt melhber of tho Methodist church and the pastor, Rev, Mr, Reid, will conducti the servlee at the house at 2 p, in, after which the body will be interred in the Dun, annoe ceme- tery. The last tinledeceased visited Blyth was on August 9th, but she was not feeling well at the time but was not considered seri0as, GIANT'l'RIPLETa "Currency," "Bobs' aurl''Stng"chewing tobaccoes, in big plans. Quality always the same, Canadian Nows, A report upon a trunk sewer for Toronto, to cost 33,400,000, hoe been made by the City Engineer. Property rixemptions in Montreal amount to $54,000,000. The fiftieth anniversary if Wood- stock College was celebrated last b'riday, H. S. Stratbv, General Atanairer of the Traders Bank, hos resigned, and is succeeded by his son, Stuart Stl'athy, The total population of Toronto is 272,600 and the assessment 3207,- 317,267, neeording to the figures of' the Assessment Commissions', The Knickerbocker Trust Co., New York's send largest financial institution, wits compelled to Suspend payment Tuesday, John Bell, need 13 veers, was' killed at North Bay by falling off a', moving freight car, AT,'l'rndenn swallowed it piece of wire while doing some tricks and tiled in the Hotel Dieu at Montreal. 'Phoning A. 1tieharrlson. Owen Sound's alleged bigamist, was cnp- tured at London, The ,Jnpanese hill of elnints aris- ing out of tine Vancouver riot is n enmplote doenment, Photographs of the damaged buildings are attached. A lar;,re quantity of nitro-glycerine exploded in the magazine of the Petrolea 'Torpedo Co„ shliking the town severely and ceasing some damage to property, There is a story that brewers are raising a fund to deleat local option in York Township, R. Devlin, 1 C. tM. P. and L. A. Tasche'eau, 31. P, P„ have been ap- pointed to the Quebec Cabinet. W-ANPED.—01101Cetub Batter 24e. hreslt eggs 22c. Also large quanti- ties Butter and Eggs. Geo, E. King, Wingham. WILL KISSING. BE PROHIBITED TheOsculatory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extreinely Dangerous—How the Dan- ger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on by some of the best scientists as to the danger and "crime" of kissing, led by Dr. Somers, Health Officer of At- lantic City, an Dr, Nalpaaso, of tho Medical Faculty of Paris. They charge the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet fever, measles, "mumps, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, cry sipelas, meningitis, tuberculosis, and many infectious skin diseases. They suggest legislation on the subject, and the posting of notices in railway eta - tions, street oars and other publio pplaoea, but they gay it would be use- less to post them on verandahs, in cosy corners, porches, shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. They also propose compulsory legislation for methods of disinfection of the mouth and purify- ing the breath, especially with a view to the protection of the innocent babies who are particularly subject to infer• tion. The greatest and moat effective purifier and germ destroyer known to medical science for the mouth, throat and breath, as well as for the blood, stomach and lungs, is Psychine, that triumph of the nteslical world that is attracting almost universal attention because, of the wonderful results at- tending its use. One of its recent tri - molts is told as a matter of experi- ence in the following brief statement: Dr, Slocum Co. 1 am sending you photo and testimonial hare - with for your grant remedy PBYCIIINR. Your remedies did wonders for me. 1 was about 28 or mo years et ago when I took PSYCBINE, The doctors bad given ma up man lneurableeon,pmp• tive. My lunge and every organ of the body were terribly diseased and wasted Friends and neigh- bors thought I'd noverget better, But PSYCIIINE eased me,' My lungs have never bothered ma alnue, and Psychlno iaa permanent cure. MRS. LIZZIE GARSIDE, 518 Bathurst Bt., London, Out, Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is ad - raided to be the most wonderful of all disease and germ -destroying agencies. For buildiug up the run-down system and curing all forms of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest, throat and lungs or head, it is simply unapproachable. It is a reliable home treatment. For sale at all druggists, No and 31,00 or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 Kinn Street Not, To- ronto *************************: $1.75 Black Lustre Waists for 95e. '3; * We have a lot of odd sizes In Ladies' Black and Brown Luetre Blouses which are placed to sell at each 05e. $2 Black Sateen Waists tor 95e. A big quantity of Ladles' Black Sateen Waists, sizes 32 to 42, In qualities varying from $1.25 to $2, to clear at each 05c, 50c Men's Winter Caps for 25c. A job lot of Sample Cape In various steles and makes, medium and Leavy weighs, ranging In prices from 3Se to 75e, to clear at eaeh Heavy Shanting Tweed Dress Goods at 35c. These goode are bargains to anyone wishing a specialty heavy dross to shadow pattern and as good as many ask per yard 50c, our prloe 35c, Special values in Ladies' and Men's !urLina ats L1d[aa' Far -lined Coats at $50, $55, 375, K. Diens' Fur -lined Coats at $35, $50, $55, $75. Alen's Coon Coats at $50, $65 570, 576, Men's Nur Coats at 320, $22.50, $25, $30, $35. A big selection and collection of Small Furs rang- ing from 5oc to $15. Inspect all our Furs for close prices, None better value to be purchased. POPIESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. C 3 3r; Desks & Book Cases Every business man or woman should have a desk to hold hooks, papers and valuable corres- pondence, We have a groat variety of Denko at prices from $5 to 525 each. Thew desks aro finished in quarter -cut oak and are divided by drawers, shelves and letter boxes. Call and see then. J. H. CHELLEW ;✓ASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINE OF---- &''resh Grraoerles —ALWAYS ON HAND, Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. A. TAYLOR - BLYTH People Read First Then Then Think And Afterwards Buy Give them something to read. Give them something think about. Give them something to buy. Bil advcr;istng In la Standard' ijou cover both Town and"Conntrp Merchants Should Reinember This When Making Their Contracts Get Our Rates — — --- Telephone No. 4 THE STANDARD