HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-24, Page 4PGE FOUR -TIIE BLYTH- STANDARD-OcronEr, 24x11, i907, IAS.McMURCHIE GkJ' giuth ggimbtto. BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sate Notes a speciaity, Advanoes made to farmers ou their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every acoommodatlon eon, sl -teat with sato and oonservativo banking prmulples, UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest, SEAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property ou our list kr sale. Rents colleoted, CONVEYANCING Of ell kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance autupantes, and respect- fully eoliolt your 0000091, OFFICE HOURS; to A.M. to S P.M. Dulness (cards. A. B. MACDONALD). Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Nto, Guo• sewer to O. F. Blair. 0111oe over Stem lard Sauk, Brussels. Solloaor for Metra. pulltaa Bank. FNUCDFOOT, HAYS et, BLAIR, Banisters, Solloltore, Notaries Public, Rte. Oaioen—Those formerly occupied b�y Messrs. Cameron and Holt, (locket* W, Proudtoot, K.C, ; 11, C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0. E. LONG, L.D.8„ D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal Cullrgu of Ileutat Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University. Mae over dantos Cutin store, Pretoria block, Birth. At Auburn every Monday 9 A.M. to 5 p. III. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Pbyoicien and Surgeon. 11I.D.0.M., UnI. remit). ot Trinity College; 7H.D. Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. oiler for the County of Huron. Orrice, one door north of commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth, �. S. Sc QTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tek STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale 'tables O 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. Q 00 00 00 0 Firstwleos Horses and Rigs for Lire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery staple. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. LARGEST AND BEST ...natal - II� laky ��ee }}�'rrpp1 fila►OOidy\ `N, `+ ran By befog the best tide school bee bt• come the largest business training Nohow in Western 0starie. Our'enrol'utent again exceeds that of a year ego, - Why t t100&008 our eoureew era tnorough and emetic II with specialists to (Merge of out Commercial, Shnrtltcro and Telemaphy dedertmenta. All nor graduetee ottatr, good positions. - You may enter now. Write for our free catalotrue. ELLIOTT d McLACHLAN, Principals. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, ;TIHURSDAY, OCT. 24. 1907 14W -W:XP`'i W Walt 'i; ttPeople We Kiiow ,ta�r'l7i Mr. Lett, of the C. P. R. construct- ion staff, was in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, R. M. McKay return- ed yesterday from their huuoywoon trip. Ah', and Mrs, Dfchlurehie arrived home Saturday evening from their trip to Winnipeg. Miss Pearl Anstalt, of Auburn, was n visitor with her aunt, Mrs, I. Brown over Sunday. Mrs. Geo, MacKay, of Seldom)), spent a few days in town visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. Somers. Att'. W. 1, McCracken, of Brussels, was in town last Saturday collecting his prize money from Secretary Diet - calf. Bosses Laura Leatherdaie and Winnie A1eGuire, of Brussels, were calling on friends in town on Mon- day of this week. Mr. A. II, Wilford, who is now managing the Wingltutu Evaporator, wan a visitor under the parental roof over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Di. Chambers left Wednesday morning for Kincardine where Mr. Chambers will hiake ar- rangements for his brother's funeral. We are pleased to state that Mr, E. C. Wilford who has been danger. ously ill with typhoid fever at Tor. onto, 0 doing es well as could be expected, Ile is expected to be able to return home in a couple of weeks, Mrs. Johnstone, of Aielyiile, Michi- gan, was visiting with his sister, Mrs. Richard Somers, The two ladles have not seen each other for forty years. Mrs. Somers and Airs. John- stone are visiting their sister, Mrs. Grainger in BruceIield for a few days. Dr, J. M. Sloan and wife, on Nome, Alaska, are here visiting the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. W, Sloan. The Dr. and his wife came through the west, after landing at Seattle, and he was surprised at the growth of the country out there and the way Winnipeg had become finch a large city, They wilt visit with relatives and friends till spring as navigation is now elosed in the north country. It is 14 years since the Dr. has been home. ANOTHER BLYTH BOY AT THE HEAD. In Monday's dailies we Holten the name of 09 old Blyth boy, J. S. Mc- Kinnon, son of Postmaster AfeKhr non, as being chairman at the dinner given in honor of the visit of the Cotton Spinners from Great Britain dud Europe en Saturday. Follow. iug is a full aecount of the tourists' visit to'1'oroutc :-- One hundred and twenty cotton spiunere of Great13ritnin and Europe paid Toronto a visit on Saturday afternoon, They represented 76,• 000,000 spindles, practically alt the important cotton milts of Great Bri- tain and the continent. They were on their way back to the ofd world after having attended the second international convention of cotton planters and spinners, held in At- lanta, Georgia, early in October, to which they haft gone as delegates from tate International federation of Master Cotton Spinners and Manu- facturer's Associations. It was prob- ably the most cosmopolitan party tint ever visited a'oronto. It in- cluded 64 cotton men from England, 20 from Germany and delegates tram France, Austria, Ituly, Bel. ginm, Spain unci Portugal. The federation also comprises Switzer• land and Japan, hut these countries were not represented in the gather- ing in this eny. hi.lur ladles were in the party. ;fbe tourists were headed by C. W, 11ttesre, Munetlester, Engined, Chairman of tate International Fed• oration of Blaster Cotton S itillers and Alttaufacturers' Associations, and President of the English Master Cotton Spinners' Federation. llr. Alacarn is head of Henry Banner. mum t& Sone, a manulacttiring con- cern capitalized at. £6,000,000 ster• ling, and he is 11 cousin of the Prime Alinister of England, Sir Henry Campbell RInliernuaII. Ile organ- ized the, celebrated: "Lifeboat Satur• day" for the colleetinn. of .funds for the maintenance 01 the lifeboat ser- vice, Aruo Schmidt, Secretary of tae Federation, Has a member of, the party. The travellers we+ye met at the station by the Civic Re'eptton Committee, Greetings wern'extend- ed 01 them by the 11)130r to the council chamber at the City Hall, and by Premier Whitney in the legislative chamber, Parliament buildings, They were given a drive through the business and residential sections of the city, and entertained at dinner in tho evening by the To. route braueh of the Claeadian Mann. ftteturer's Association. They left at ten o'clock for Niagara Fails, and will sail from New York on Tuesday. The diener given by the local manufacturers was presided over by J, S. DicKinnon, Chairman of the Reception Comtnitteo of the 118011. lecturer's Association. Greetings were also given by E. Preying, President, Mayor Coatsworth and Hon. J. J. Foy, Cu behalf of the visitors a happy reply was made by J, It, Barlow, Manchester, one of the largest manufacturers of cotton goods in England, and brother of Sir Edward Barlow, the King's phy. sician. Dir, Barlow repeated an in. eltation previously extended to Canadian cotton mnntifacturers to Join the federation. Dr. Morley Wbekett spoke of the resources and economical conditions of Canada. He said there were 1,500,000 spindles in this country, but these could not supply the hone market. j, S. Willison spoke of the spirit of toleration in the Dominion. Hon. Thomas Crawford proposed the toast to the guests. The following spoke for the Euro• peons, the Frenchmen and Ihtlians conveying their compliments by mama of .their own hangnagee-- France, Davllle Motto ; Germany, Erich Fabariva, of Bremen ; Eng- land, J. 13. Tattersall, of Oldham ; Austria, J. G. Haeble ; Italy, Dr, Tullio Foam', of Milan ; Belgium, Ai. Buysse ; Portugal, IL P. Tavirs. For the United States G. 0. Draper spoke, OLD RENS WANTED We aril pay ti. Wiest p8.. sesta, the NESS, SPIN OINOUltslUOU, Ttlu[ri, ad 14411.4 p.oltry. llteedes Inert, The Canada Poultry & Produce Company tl.J.dt.tl) ITMATIIsi, On, Brussels Monument Works We hay by the carload direct from the quarks. Get our prices. We employ no agents. WILSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS — ONTARIO. CHEAP READiNx' The Standard 01 00` The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1.65, The Standard and Weekly \Vit- ne• l i 00 'the Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 'l'I,e Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 65 'she Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly 'limas 1 80 'Chs Standard and Weekly Free Prose 1 80 rheNtandurd nnd'Ibronto Week- ly Sun 1 SO The Stands' 'and Hamilton Twice-a•week Spectator,...,, 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily Nowa ........... .... 2 25 The Standard 8nd f'armer's Advo- carr......... ,.. 2 60 The Standard and Dally Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World .... .......... 25 . n , The Standard and Daily Fres Press 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 13 50 The Standard and Evening, Mail and Empire 9 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe.,4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, UIIUIiUII NOTES. Notwitlistanding the withdrawal of the evening service in St. Andrew's church Inst Sabbath, the Pastor had a busy dly of it. In ad- dition to his regular work in his own church in the forenoon, he took the Methodist servige at Jackson's in the afternoon and asaiated Rev. Dr. Me, Leta at Knox church, Auburn, in the evening, St. Andrew's Sabbath School will be held in the afternoon instead of the morning, beginning on Nov. ember third, * * 0 The Anniversary of St. Andrew's church will be held on November third this year, and the services will be conducted by Rev. D. Perris B, A,, of Whtgllatu, 1* * The Provincial Sabbath School Convention will be held in the town of Brampton Oct. 21.24, Progaln is Bret class and is a big inducement to cause Sabbath workers to attend and get the good of It. This is the 42nd year of the Provincial association, The 7th bl-ennial Epworth League Convention, London Conference, was held in the Central Methodist church, St. Thomas on Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week. A good program was presented. Several from Huron Co. taking part, among the number being Rev. J. C. Reid, B. D., of Nile ; Alias M. A. Bailie, of Nile, and A. T. Cooper, of Clinton. The Ladies Aid ^of the Blyth 'Methodist Church have engaged Rev. Egerton Ryerson "Young to deliver one of his popular lectures Thursday Dee, 12th, *** Rev. Wallace Johnston, late of Alberta, will occupy the pulpits nt Auburn and Smith's Hill for the next two Sundays, * Lust Sunday Rev. Hugh W. Locke, of Kincardine, preached anniversary sermons in the Methodist church here. In the evening the church was crowded, as the members of St. Andrew's church withdrew their service. The choir under the lender - ship of Miss Emma Moser gave several well•rendered anthems, The Cradle, HAOOITT,—In 1313111 0n Oct, 3rd, Fred, Haggitt, a daughter (Clemence Ellenor Evyon.) The Altar. GAI,8RAPrn--BOwlaAN,—ln Toronto, on Oct 9th, by Rev. Dr• Milligan Mr. J. H, Galbraith, of Brussels, to Miss Ida. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James. Bowman, of Morris township. RAPAPox'1'tl—DOU01.48.—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Oct, 14th, by Rev. A. C, Wishart, 13. A., Mr. Victor G. Rapaporth, ot Detroit, to Alias Sophia R., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Douglas, of Morris. The Tomb. CL0nn, — In Morris, on Saturday' Oct. 19th, Joseph Clegg, in his 69th year. Nullett. Roland Stewart and his sister Miss Gertrude, ot Kansas, and Miss Eliza McFarlane, of Clinton, were tenests at. ''the residence of John Brigham lust' week. r Council meets at Londesboto.on Monday,, the 28th Inst. IBUIt0lr OOUN7'Y NEWS. Jos. Clegg. -the well.known cattle man, of Moi ris,, passed away after a short iBness,-liedrt failure being the came. He had resided in this locality' tor 40 years, Mrs. Clegg, two sons and a' daughter survive him. The funeral took'place on Tuesday afternoon: Saturday afternoon the funeral of the late Thos. McLauchlan, of Brus. eels, took piece, Ile is tturVtved by in adult fawtily. Mr. McLauchlan was past 70 years of age. At a meeting held of the tem- perance worker's of Goderieh It was decided that the work of educating the public along the !Ines of local option should be continued but that the vote on the question should not ho "taken until a year from next January. Taking this in connection with a resolution passed At the recent comity convention of 1110 W. C. T. U., it looks as if there alight be a general clamratign at that time fat. )kcal option throughout the district, Color°e�. { osiotuttonaermeroacoont.0)co ew Furs We have a complete stock of Fur Coats, Caps, Ruffs, Etc. Call and see our stock before you buy. Our prices are the lowest. J. A. ANDERSON BLYTY 4 gem< ' ` t:moo 'e.: 'e eke, 0 THE BLYTH STANDARD JAB !PIJTME!tT Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of general Print- ing and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring 'something better than the ordinary" at simply a consistent price for the character of work we turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads Note Heads Statement Bill Heads Envelopes ---all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Tickets Shipping Tags Memorial Cards Programs Posters Pamphlets Sale Bills Circulars Catalogues, Etc. We carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list. W®xe1 . a Specialty'