HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-24, Page 1VoL. XXI. •10•1••••••••••••••••.0.11.1014.1.4.....••••••••.m.••••••••••• BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1907. No. 10. ENTER AMY TIME fora buatneee or Shorthand course. Poeittone assured to greduatee, Six Months will fit you, We provide 2l traders and hest faoilitiee, 'Write 09, Central Beninese College 1%895 Yonge St., Toronto. W. H. Shaw, Principal, If we could talk to everybody in town at once to- day do you know what we would say first of all ? We would say' Come here Jor Drugs Why come herb, you say, t Ear$Il the reams that enter the arguments of a good drug store = with un rpt stock. For the exactly right goods. For 'the precisely proper measure - melte. For the promptness that yon like, And for the quality of drugs that your doctor likes, Waiting to prove it. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE 663 PER CENT more pupils attending than one year ago. Tile speaks elequuentiy as to our pant Wo educnto to rne_et the living drutnnds cf a pro. greohlve age. Onr Stenographers and Bookkeepers delight the meet modern, exacting city offices. Dsy students attend night &sexes tree. Graduates Mooed in good sttuatio,s. L divt:'ual instruction. Now Is the best time t• en• tail* WINCRAM BpNESS Cal., EBF. George Spotton, Principal Telegraphy LA' ,ai.way slut cormsereiet eon t. well taught by no. OOP n w' tulok, "Gato.vt by the Key," expbtlLN. S nt with Hirt lesson to any &pelican, on receipt ,d four cents in ohamp.o. Ad - drew,. Calla) Si boo) of Tclepri {div, 1 Gerrard St. East, Tor on o. W. II. Shaw, Preefdent. To Bur Advertisers. All copy for new advertise- ments MUST be in this office by Monday noon to be chan- ged for current week. Kindly look after this. FaII Assizes for Huron. The fall term of the High Court of Justice for the County of Huron open- ed on Tuesday afternoon before Chan• `collor Sir John Boyd, oThere were no crAniunl cases, so there was no grand jury, and His Lordship was able to commence with' the civic docket, Bruce vs. the Dominion Fish Co., an action for damages of $1000, for Buffet- ing it is claimed caused by. being lod• god in a but crowded with vermin, was again postponed. Bisset vs, the Goelplt & Goderich Railway Co., an action for $1000 dam- ages, claimed for loss of use of lands for pasture, through Pigott & Co, removing toilette from lands owned and leased by the plaintiff, was•postponed. Collins vs, the Frost & Wood Co, et ,1, was settled out of court on private terms, This wee en action for $1000 for injuries caused by a heavy box falling on plaintiff in front of the de- fondants' warehouse in the city of Stretford, When the (,Dort opened on 1Vednes- day the nou•jur'y mise, Cardno vs, Cooper, which had been begun on Tuesday, was stopped, and the jury cases, ride vs, the Canada Foundry Cu. and Lynn vs, the Canada .:Foundry Co., We continence& the two cases being tried as the sane evidence was used in (both. These eases arose out of the accident which occurred a year ago this !nonth ie the building of the 0. & Advertisements in the STANDARD PAY BECAUSE 1`lils' PEOPLE PAD IT. CROWING IN POPULARITY EVERY WEEK. Our Job Work Excels Needful Specialties If there is anything special in 'tny line we have it, for we always buy the best that money can buy and the only way to see this is to take a look through our most complete stock of— Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers for Fall and Winter wear. Blue and Black Beaver and Nap Cloth Overcoats, special SO, Perfection Brautl Sults, single or double breasted, $5 to $12. Black Melton and Colored Overcoats, $7 to $15, Cravanette Overcoats, reduced from $12 to $9, Leather Coate and Frieze Pea Jackets, $2.75 to $0. Men's Odd Pants and Vests from $f up. Roseberry Special Winter Caps, 50c Ellie Spring Needle Underwear, $1 suit up. We have six different linea of Socks that can't be beat and we handle these lines exclusive, Heavy Top Shirts that will open your eyes for oaelity and low price. Ask to show you our line of Men's Only Fine Shoes and 10 different Myles of Maple Leaf Rubbers, Beet for wear to be had, Our Made -to -Order Department is busy snaking Overcoats and Suits, and our stock of Suitings and Overcoats is complete and up-to-date. 'Poke a look at our new Fall Fashion Plate and you will be tonptod to buy, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. S. H. GIDLEY 3:31+ X T II 0. bridge across the Maitland river here, It will be remembered that by the overturning of a car carrying the booms and gantry used in hoisting the huge stool girders, Emanuel Medaford one of the employees, was insisted killed and D. Lynn, another employee receiyed injuries. The suit in the for- mer case 008 brought by Mr. Ede, the foremen, in the name of the widow and children who reside in England, $10,000 being claimed for the death of t he lows hand ; end D. Lynn sued in his own behalf, in both casco uegligeue.n being charged against the Canada foundry Co„ w o were erecting the brid e. The case lasted all clay and near (1 p. m„ though all the evidence forthe defence was not in, the defence closed its ease, and Mr. Hellnlutll addressed the (,ours making a strong plea for the company. Win: Prondfoot followed with a strong plea for the plaintiff's, and 0110 judge made n rather brief anmtning up, his review of the evidence seeming to be favorable to the defence Before the jury retired Mr. Prondfoot drew fusee - tion t0 a fete points in the jn,lge's charge, and the court Medea mentioned the points to the jury, that body' re- tired to ) inside' the r verdict at 0,60 p, n After all 1111811000 of four hors they returned into court. with a vartlict for Ede of $'2700 with coats, and a ver- dict for Lynn of 5500 ami costs. Cnrdno Vs,Cooper'_ was on notion about a right of -sexy in the town of See{ 0'th• 1ut1ttneo0 011e 0tvon for plaintiff with cows. E I,. Dickiu0cu, for plaintiff ; Wm. Proud foot, 11 l„ fur defendant, Brussels. li iss13eiterice Galbraith, of 31c1Clllop, is visiting John Ii. and Al's. Galbraith, Mill street. The visitor is 0 sister of ' Mr, Ga.lbraith's, Y the Voters' List Court for Brnesols was held before Judge Doyle, There Were 85 appeals in all, the Court re- sulting in aslight gain for the Liberals, Dudley 13011000 of WMeluuu, and A. R, MacDonald constituted the legal ttslert in dealing with the ap)eahl, At the special meeting of the town Commit to deal with the re-orgeniratinn of file town Fire Brigade the following' list of ethanes way xt1bnlitted by Chief N.Y.Gerry and accepted by the $card T.'1'. Ross, let Lieutenant A, R Curtis, 2nd " S. Wilton, 3rel H, Mercer, Iirnncllmcn A. 'l', Curtis, ,Silos Jackson, Jno, Meadows, P, McQnarrie, S. T. Plum, Cart and Hose men D, (i. A. lionises „ Rohl, Oliver, Engineer 1Vatson Ainly, Anel, ` 11', Cordon, Any of the shove membore is required to handle coal cart except 11108e fa the nozzles or one engineer- and all members to help alt fire equipment book in its plate in the fire flail. A tole• phone has been place in the home of Engine,.r Oliver awl night eminection kept from the American Hotel end Ramsey's livery stable so that he may he rang up at ally hour in case of lire, Another of a series of terrifying rob- beries and holdups which have been t Por>e , (arca indifferent outset Western Coterie was committed here on Sat at - dee night or early Sunday moving, when the postolliee was brokee into, the safe drilled and blown and the contents amounting to several hunched dollars in slantps1.11)1 rogitttneed letters, 0110 stolen. 'floe work was that of no tttuoteur Crackemen beyond any doubt. A rear window 1)11(1 been removed be- fore the job was done to facilitate a hurried escape in 08.40 they were din• tnrbed in the conks of the operation The robbery was not discovered anal early Sunday morning. Citireus did not hear any report, although the latter and wreckage of the office would in• dicata that the explosion was one of great violence and tint nitro'glyce'ine wee used, '1'he safe door had been twisted off its 110)505 and its contents laid hare. The postmaster had a large number of registered letters ou hand on Saturday night Hud they wore deposit- ed in the safe, together with a quantity of stamps and small silver, The whole would probably amount to between $300 end $100 and e00110of theta(' hest hauls which has been made in the last few months by the crooks who have operated with success. '['here is no definite clue to to the 0bievee end the police have not picked up their trail as yet. Strangers have been seen in town lately, but as matters now 5t1ud sus- picion is not effectively attached to any- one, Parliament will open November 28th. At a ineeti00 of the Cabinet Seturday afternoon at Ottawa, the. date of the opening of Parlientent was sot for November 28, it had been hoped that the departmental reports and prepara- tion of the legislative program would have been soifieientEy tedvunced by t hie time to enable Parliament to open of November 14 or 21, but unavoidnhle delays and the absence of sweat of the Ministers in Europe on business of State during a large part of the sura• mer have resulted in holding back the opening h,y two weeps.' At Saturday's Council the principal gnestion discussed was the mission of Hot. Mr. Lemieux to Japan. It is confident, expected that when Canada s case is presented to the Japanese Gov anemia. by Mr. Lemieux Japan will consent to abide by the understanding a,, to a limitation of immigration to Canada in force when the treaty was oio, od, but it will be mode perfectly plain by Air, Lemieux at Tokio that if the 1)0)10 0)'l( 1111) is no limited as desir- ed by Canada, the Government at Ot- tawa will promptly give the six months' notice necessary to abrogate the treaty, Mr, Lemieux, in order to reach Tokio as quickly as possible, has again changed his plans, and instead of going via London 1108 cancelled his passage on the Virginian for Friday next, and will new go via Vencon'er, sailing from that port on the 29th inst., as originally intended Soaforth. Famularo Bros., who conducted n fruit business in one of M. William's stores for the past year. have left toren. 1''red Cel dao is here from Winnipeg on a visit with 1;18 father, A. Cardno. Sr, He is doing well in the Nest and has a good position with a hardware firm in Winnipeg. John Kale, who has been a resident of Seaforth for (niftily years, left for Detroit, where he has secured lucrative' employment, and where he purposes oaltieg his future horse. The street watering tax on Main street this year is just twice what, it. was in former yea's, This caused by the grocer expense of keeping, the down on the new pavement, as the water dries up much more rapidly than it did on the gravel street. The animal commencementday sports in connection with the Collegiate theta nte was hold on the,turf; club grounds last Friday arta hob's: In the evening an entertainme'ryj ne given ii thea.esemhly hall of th tfI) leglltte, at which a good musical .: d literary pro- gram was given an the prlzee, We1'e presented to the succeiSfui ones in the epnrta The azimut ,belting of the Seaford) Curling 1ub.,was held in the Commer- cial Itete'V The following officers were electe'd fo therl'ueuing year ;—Patron, Tames Orelfehitel ; president, James Dick,,.vio 1 hu Beattie ; secretary, Wm Am est; managing committee, R. 8.;Haye Pickard, W. D. Bright, Or' A. Sills, F, J. Burrows ; represents, tive members, T, 0, Robson, W. 0, Bright ; Ontario Tankard skips, Win. Ament, R. S. Hays ; skis, 0. F. Rogers, R, 8. Hays, Wm, Ament, W, D, Bright, U, A. Hutchison, J. Beattie, J. 0, Steele, W. Pickard. W. Mc- Dougall, J. ''Turner, T. Richardson, The name of W,''0. Reid was added to the list ofhenorary members, Exeter. Danny Hartleib attended the shoot- ing tournament at Zurich and was successful, winning second money, Harold Bissett, teller in the Maisons Bank bare, was transferred to Simeoe, Walton. Miss Lillian' Robinson, of Exeter, was 1 visitor at W. Neal's last week. Mr. Calvert, agent of the Sovereign !tank here, imide a business trip to To- ronto, The fiell,Liniitntion is again on of tlloee rewriting from the 1Veet. Most reports are tl1t crops are not up to the average, Alton Beker, junior clerk in the Sove'eign,Bank, left last Tuesday morning to take a position in the 'binder's Bank, Oshawa. Alton will be atueeed, 00 be Was a,genet'ol favorite, rho his successor will be we cauuot as yet say, , 'Mrs, Wm, Kolrles heel in her posses- sion ,.for some days a large tarantula whish sale captured on their garden fence, The mystery is how it got there, Mrs. Wm. Beirnes, of Marton, is et present visiting her sister, Mrs, Mc- Kinl, Mrs, Beirnes was a former resi- dent of this place, She will spend the winter with her 56x5 in .Fo t 10' Hina. Hensel,. John Buchanan, Demonstrator 0, A. C„ Guelph, visited his parents here. Mr. Dennis, of the Dennis Wire Co., London, visited Hensall Ioundry which has a contract for mal0n5 iron stairways for that firm. Joe. Pinkney disposed of his black- smlthin5 business to Nelson Sutherby, formerly an employee of J. Hobkirit, The tax notices are being distributed and people are figuring out their amounts and comparing then with last year, 11'. Moore was the first man to pay, followed closely by James Carlisle. At the Bible Society meting Bengali Branch, 3, C, Stoneman was elected Pies., Geo, rollick, Sec,, and W. Moir Treas.. A good address was delivered by Re. Ml'. Bowan the agent. The sum of $45 was sent to the head ofllne nt. Toronto during the yoar, '1'he Collectors were appointed, For quality and quantity asst your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Slog" and "Currency" chewing tobaccoes. R>;qn rho gds. in Tar STANDARD COLD, WET WEATHER and the change of season occasion a very considerable outlay for all of us. The scarcer money is or may be the more im- portant is it that you make your fall purchasing as advanta- geous as possible. Our bargain list shows the way. Women's $3 Boots at $190. 40 pairs of IVomerfs Boots, vie( and dongola kid leather, with patent toe caps, Blucher and laced styles, medium and hoevy, fall, extension edge eoies, good hoots to fit and wear, sizes 2j to 7 ; regu- lar $3, bargain $7,90. Misses' Boots. 100 paha of Misses' Dongola Kid Lamed Aunt, thick, soles, new comiolt shape; $2 value ; bargain $1,50. Men's Solid Goodyear Boots 200 nnh'e of Mien's Solid Loather Good- year Welt Boots, all new full styles, per - Met in eveiy respect, blucher and fated styles, medium and heavy soles, box calf, Oie) kid and dongola kid leathers, sizes 5 to 10 ; regular $4, bargain for $2.50. School Boots for Boys. 200 pairs Boys' Strong Solid School Boots, box calf, blucher, heavy sole, tits Is the proper kind for a robust boy ; regu• la' $2 and $2.50, bargain for $1,50, Women's Winter Underwear 400 only Women's Pine Ribbed Natural Wool and Cotton Mixed Combinet(o,p, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, buttcned sown front, neatly trimmed, splendid quality audeorreet weleht,sizes Men's Underwear. for 32 to 40 bust 11105911.1 o ; regular value :1len'e Scotch Wool Underwear, double et $1 a suit, bargain at 590 a suit, breost, heavy weight, men's eines only 47e. Women's Vests and Drawers extra '1Voleey" Natural Wool Underwear, 1 r w e air . g o,natural orwhite ribbed cotton. double breast, undrinkable, sizes 32 to Vests, high neck, long sleeves, buttoned 38 only, per moment $1,00. front ; drawers to match,. tinkle length, winter weight, sizes for 40, 42 and .14 bud measure. Regular price 50o each, bargain at 39e. Women's or Misses' Vests ane natural ribbed cotton, high neck, long sleeves, buttoned front, neatly trimmed, lace end ribbon, sizes for I5, 30, 82, 34 and 30 bust measure ; regular 25e to 35e ; bargain 15e. 171rl ' Union Suits, "Turnbull's," plain, natural wool and flue ribbed wool, high neok,long sleeves, buttoned front, ankle length, elzes 2 tole years, Colne early for these, regular prices $1.1.0 to $2 each ; bargain at 59c. Men's Fall Clothing, 5) Men's English and Canadian Tweed Suits, fall and winter weights, broken tots and odd sizes (tont our regular etnek. In the lot there are sizes 3d to 43, to clear at $4,95. so only Men's Winter Overcoate, heavy weight Waco English cheviot, eacque style, velvet collars, sizes 34 to 44, to clear at $5.91, 100 Boys' Navy Blue Serge Sailor Blouse Sults, heavy weight material, blouse cut loose with deep caller collar, neatly tr(rn• nle.d with (Ivo rows of gold braid, with lanyard and whletle, sizes 5 to 10 years, at $1,49, G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. An advertisement in Tutu S1'ANT/Alt!) pa`s 25 Cents For that Dandrziff ationaltoomoommootoom000mmorourtomolooMaio There is one thing that will cure it—Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp -medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthyscalp means a greatdeal to you—healthy hair, no dan- druff, no pimples, no eruptions. The bent kind of 0 testimonial— "Sold for over sixty years," Yak, by J, 0. Ayer 0.., Lowen, Moot. Also m.unra.tur.eo of SMcs.8PARaw. PILLS, CHERRY'PECTebt6 tiers FAILURE of eyesight can be retarded by properly made glasses, Our specialists have made the souse. tion of eye defects their study for the pant fifteen years. All lenses prescribed by us are ground in our own laboratory, thereby ensuring perfect results. Appointment made by mail, or phone 1877. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CC. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, 837 Dundas Street • Leaden, 0.1. Open dray 8.30 to 6.00. Evenings, 'Tuesday, 'Thurman, and Saturday. 7.00 to 10,00, GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. Attend the popular and progressive eZliottt Business Coilego Toronto, Ont. Corner Vonge and Alexander Streets, and be thoroughly educated for business life. All graduates of this school ate absolutely sure of getting positions.. The demand is considerably greatly than the supply. Now is an excellent time to enter, Write for eatalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal. gets The Standard balance of year CANADIAN PACIFIC ADDITIONAL HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG and all points In the NORTH = WEST Special Trains Leare Toronto TUESDAY, AUC, 27 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TUESDAY, SEP. 24 TUESDAY, OCT, 8 TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Return second•olase tickets from Blyth at very Inw rates, ranging from Win. nlpeg $32, to Edmonton $42.50, Good for sixty days. TODRtST SLEEPING CARS on each excursion. Comfortable bertha at email extra coat. Obtain tree pato. Wet, rates and full Information from J. McMurchle, Agent, Blyth, or from 0. B. Foster, D.P.A„ C.P,B„ Toronto. We have just received another Large consignment of elegant Dinner Sets We have 25 sets to choose front ranging in price from t' $6.50 Up. CASII FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT E a : TI"