The Blyth Standard, 1907-10-17, Page 815AGI3 Eicstr-'THE III. TH STANDARl--Ocroaz:x l7rI1, 1907, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY oven numbered section of Boml- ndou Lands in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any per - sou who is the sole head of a Mildly, or any male over 18 years of age, to the ex- tent of oumqualter section of 100 acres more or less. Application for entry must be trade In person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub•ageuey for the dis- trlct in which the land is situate. Rutty by proxy may, however, be made at the Agency on certain oonditlons by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or Aster of an intending nomeateader. The homesteader iv required to perform the homestead eoudltlonsuuder one of the hollowing plane r (1) .At least six montdi a residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year ter three years. (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires. perforin the required residenoe duties by flying on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres In ex. tent, in the vicinity of his homeetead. Joint ownership In land wilt not meet this requirement. (3) If the fattier (or mother if the father is deeeasod) of the homesteader has per- manent residence on farming land owned solely by hint, not less than eighty (80) acres In extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him In the vicinity, such home- steader may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or mother). (4) The term "vicinity" in the two pre• ceding poragraghs Is defined as meaning not more than nine miles In a direct line, exclusive of the width of road allowances crossed In the measurement. (5) A homnsleeder intending to perform his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or on fanning land owned by himself meet notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Six months' rotate In writing should be given to the Comtnlssiooe.r of Dominion Uncle at Ottawa of intention to apply for paten t. W. W. CORY Deouty of the Minister of Interior. N. B. ---Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Time Table TO TORONTO Oodcrioh Lr, 7.00 a.m, 4,50 p. m. Autlru •' 7 ,2 •••5.1,2 11 „ Walton " 7,45 " 5,35 ` Milverton 8,21 " 0,09 ' Ennaa..... , ` 8,5)) `• 01.45 " Cuelph " 9.'25 " 7.12 " Toronto Ar. 11.10 " 1,15 " FROM TORONTO. Toronto . , Ly. 8.00 MU, a 50 p. m, Guelph Ar. 10,0o ' 7.50 ' Elmira " '10,25 " 514 " Mlllvertou " 11.03 " 8,:0 " Walton "-^11.30 " 9,25 " ]Myth " 1152 " 9.30 " Auburn 12.02 040 " (loderloh 12,10 p.m. 10,10 " GR°ANO TRUNK SYS M TIME TABLE. LONDON ANI) Vii INOHAM BRANCH. 801rrf1. NORTH, BM pin 111111 pm (•mot room In the Manning Block, above 4 7 040 Y 3(1 V'Ptngham ] l 50 7 3:i ti 43 3 3:1 Winghatudet. 11 48 7 23 Fred Jackson's shoe store, end (e now tf 52 3 44 ileigrave 11 40 7 13 comfortably settled. The members 7 Ni a 59 Illyth 11 25 700 purpose keeping the room open each 7 14 4 04 Londeoboro It 20 0 52 evening Inc rending room and place to 7 47 4 28 Clinton 10 lo 11 05 fl its while aim/ the long whiter eveu)n s 8115 4 39 Rruppeld 0 5B H 10 The Poultry Association will 8180 e 8 13 4 47 Happen , i 010 0 11 8 2: 4 52 Hansell. I) 44 0 05 the room for holding its regular semi - 8 Xi 3 05 15x11015' • 9 :40 5 511 monthly meetings, 8 40 5 15 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 119 5 20 Claodeboye 9 09 5 24 e A convenience much appreciated by every owner of a Pandora is the towel rodltttached 00 the range. As one-third of the rod is made of eatery, it makes R splendid knife sharpener,too. It's always there handy for you. You need waste no tinge hunting around for the easily misplaced;"steep Bright idea, eh ? An accurate thermom- eter is a reliable guide to successful baking, while an inaccurate one is a"cheat" of the worst kind, 1181188181 G Every Pandora ther- mometer is carefully ad- justed and undergoes a practical test by heat-is proven correct before being sent out. The. figures,whic.h show the requited degree of heat necessary for the successful baking of bread, cakes, pies, etc., are plainly inscribed in black on a white enamel surface, so that they are easily readable, even when the day is dull, If your local dealer does not sell the Pandora, write direct for free booklet. McCIar S LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N. B., HAMILTON McPherson Bros. Local Agents. Clinton. The bench hands at the Organ Fact- ory are working overtime, four nights u week, to keep tip with orders, B. ring for tho new w'oll at Stapleton has reached a depth of 800 feet and the drill is now working in very hard rock, so much so that the drill hes frequently to be sharpened to do its work. The rock brought up by the drill le 61 1.01181y 1111181161.)0. W. Jaehson loft for Wunipeg, to attend the annual meeting of the 'Ticket Agent's Association, 5118, Jackson accompanied him, Harry Hunt, an old-time employee of the New Ern office, but for some years superintendent of one of the !area publishing houses of New York, is visiting his old friends end relatives here. He says the strenuous I i(e and conditions sur rounding one In the levee city, take off tbo monetary consider talons. He lives just 28 miles from his work, end says that many' live con- siderablyfurther, The town hated has leaped the large 0 03 5 30 Liman Crossing fl 05 5 30 Exeter. e 13 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25 "Doctor" Ed, hall, of British -Seven - 9 21 5 40 lid erton 8 45 5 15 5(1 attire fame, wnahere from the House 020 5 54 I$ttrlelc 8 a5 5 07 of Refuge for a few days' visit, 1t, Barnes, V. 8,, formerly cf Lon- don, who was appointed treat inspector with heads uarters, in Toronto, hes been transferred to Ottawa, Mrs. Ransom received a very severe scalp wound one dny lest week that cussed her considet'ahle pain. She was hanging a window' ctn•tnin told wee standing out at plink resting on two chairs. In some Ivey' she got ton fat' to one side and )nlprovisled 000fflold' ing upset, throwing 1lrs,'Leeson' with some force against a store, Her head struck k on the corner causinrt a wound, aat 1')1)s your has certainly leen an uu- fortunete 0110 for the employees of the Ross'lloylor Go. from time to time we have mentioned the accidents that hese, happened. Laat weeks Freud: Fargwhav was the unfortunate ane. (10'I'uosdny morning' while working at the boxing machine a board caught and threw his loft )teed on the tip BOW, making a deep and ugly Rash on the inside of the bund at the hese of the thumb. Some days off duty will be the result, 9 35 5 55 Hole Park Crossing 8 21 5 02 9 37 6 W Hyde Park Sea 8 24 5 00 0 45 0 10 London , 8 15 4 5(1 Connections are made tat Winghanl for alt stations on the Palmerston and Iiin- cardiae branch. Connections ora made at'Clluton for all stations on the Iiulralo. ttui Goderieh branch, and all 811800c frotn;Stratford to Toronto.,' Conuectfous are In tido nt Lnean Crossing for all 1881;1008 \I to Sarna, Conneotiocl, Tare made at 11` tlpdon for all stations east, and west ou th,t mos ti Ihle, Chdmberla Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea nes Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by de,ders (ho have sold it for many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy- sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. it only costs a quartet. Can you afford to risk so much for so hide? BUY IT NOW. Morris. Tie Council met lust Monday in the Towvlship Hall. Wo are sorry to hear that Robert Nichol, 0111 line, had the misfortune to Tose one of the blacks belonging to his matche(1 team from indigestion. He could hays taken a (+1003' price for the 'Span, Loot Saturday nfsernoon Mrs. W. Al, ,Thompson 1,11(1 her daughter, Miss Mabel Nichol, left on their journey to Cripple ()leek, Colorado, 'where the former resides. It is 17 years ai008 site left Morris. The minter is a daughter of 1001 -le Frank MCCUlcheon, nt11line. The ladies visited Mrs. W. E. Cloakey, a sister l0 Mrs, Thompson, at 'Toronto, while ell route. Last week James Anderson, \', S., left for Desboro, two Co., where he will practise his calling, The people of that locality will find him an agreeable person to do business with, competent in his profession and worthy of their best confidence. He purchased a horse slid rig before going north and we ea - pert to heat' of him doing welt. 'I'neoduy of hest week Joel Seller's, an old and well.known resident of the 3rd line, passed away, aged 711 y8808, 1 month and 5 days. The caue5 of death W115 dropsy with which he had be011 ill for the past siz months, Mr. Sellers wits a native of Yorkabile, Eng'lend, and had resided in 5100(1s for 48 years, In addition to 51rs. Sells's there are five children -Ili, in S(eshelowl ; Jos- eph 011 1ha homestead, told Misses;WeT;I• len, ,e and Minnie et home, De. ceased wee Liberal in polities. The funerel took pines Thtlisrley aftern00n to Brussels cemetery. The boreaved 11800 the sympathy of 60 Community', An Attractive Prize List, Over ten thousand dollars are offered in (fish prizes at the Ontario Ptovineie1 Winter fair to be held et Guelph, De- cember 9th to lath, 11107, The follow(mg are the different de put(5enta of 11161,111' Itlld the amount of prize 100110y allotted to each Beef cattle 8140) Dairy cauls 130b Sheep 1850 Swine 1150 Live poultry 23:10 Dressed poultry and specials, Ota Seeds 550 Judging competition 220 Total 810020 'There are classes and prizes for all the leading pfrre•breeds end also for 800d15, 01.086020 and dressed cercas005. In add)tion to the cash prizes there are special prizes consisting' of va)ueble silver cups, medals, trophies and goods for competition in the live stock, seed and poultry departments. 'These will hove a value of more than 8208'0, The specials for the poultry de(mr)- men) will be published iu a separole i)st MINA will he ready for distribution 1030110 November 10111. Poultry ex- I,ihlto,'s w1111 wish 10 have then' exllib• n8 in 1)0 111 5011 0 011 fol' these specials shoal(' send their onutlibni)or to A. P. Westervelt. Secretary, Toronto, be- fore October 15th. The Secretary will furnish prize lists and entry forms free of charge to any intending exhibitor', 0 Drize llst may. he seen et THE STANDARD office, GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency," 'Bobs' and "8105" clewing tubeccoes, 111 big plugs. Quality always the game, South Huron Liberals. At the South Huron convention, held in Hensel) last Thuredsy' llfteruuon, Jacob Kellerman, of Dashwood, was chosen se Liberal candidate for the Uotari0 Legislotnre. The meeting was well attended, end an enthusiastic audience greeted Hon. A. G. MacKay, 11. Y. McLean slid the other speakers who addressed the meeting, Iron, G, P. Graham wee to hove been present, but pressure of business at Ottawa pre - vented his coming, Hon. Mr, Sieciiey wive an eloquent and forceful address, dealing with the educational and liquor laws as enforced oy the Whitney Government. He de - unitized vigorously the spoils eyetetn, Mr. McLean dealt briefly with the Ontario gilestione, but more with the general policy of he•u e D01114008 Gov• meta The meeting was vert' 80100688,• 1111 and these who heard Mr, MacKay went away well satisfied. Tells How to Mix It. A well-known authority on Rheu- mat(h m gives the readers of a large New 1 ork daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless presoriptias, which any one can easily prepare at home : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half nonce ; 001111)01111d If argon, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three 0(1)108 , Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime, He states that the ingredients call be ohtained from any good prescrip- tion pharmacy at small cost, end be- ing of vegetable extraction, are harm- less to take, This plonant mixture, if taken regu- larly for a few days, is said to over- come almost any case of Rh0umatism. The pain and swelling, if any, dimin- iehes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without in- juring the stomach, While there are many so-called Rheumatids remedies, patent remedies, etc„ some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many suffer- ers here at this time, Inquiryatthe drug storm of this neighborhood elicits the information that these nye harmless and can be bought. eeparetely, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our renders if asked to, For quality and quantity oak your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing tobaccoes, A Former Blyth Boy. 'recently n photogravure of the new Physics Building of Toronto Univer- sity' was given in tlo Toronto World along with (lint of Prof, J. C. McLen• urn, n former Blyth boy, who is at its head. The building was opened at the fall terns and is said to be one of the world's greatest laboratories, being a long stride from the cramped and poorly -equipped quarters of the Main Building of the 'University, le which the Physics Department was accommo- dated for years, The capacious build- ing as it now stands complete is the 00118ummnthin of the` efforts of Dr, Loudon, Tete President of the Univer- sity and forme' head of the Department of Physics, end Prot;, J. C. McLennan, who fought for yours to obtaip better equipment for the' deperttnent. The building is fireproof, with the most modern system of heatlug 00(1 ventila- tion, and has movable walls lietw'oeu the rooms which can be arranged as de- sired, But the groat feature is the labor saving devices which will im- uleasllrably facilitate the work of the ea tcher as well as the carrying 0n of experiments, following is a sketch of Prof, Mc- Lenma :- Professor John Cunningham Mc- Lennan 18 a son of Mrs, David McLen- urn, William street, Stratford, and was born in Ingersoll in 1557. Ile at- tended the' public school in Exeter and in Blyth, to wlcioh places the family removed, and from Blyth he went to the Clinton high School, passing the entrance when 11 yearsof age, During Ills residence ill Blyth ho studied under the Ince Rev, Robert Hendersuu, 11r, McLennan attended the Cliutou High School for eighteen months, when the family removed to Stratford, fie re- turned to Clinton, maN•iculating when sixteen years of 11(10. For tyle follow- ing two yearn he was en05ged ill boob - n65:4 with his father in Stratford, the hue David 11oLonnau, He took a 000180 in the Stratford Yodel School. afterwards machine in Walt bum and et the Clachan school, North Easthope, After his rural teaching career he took up first peer university work at the Stratford Collegiate Institute, securing first-class honors in mathematics, To Mr: McDougall, now Principal of the 0ttaw., Collegiate Institute and the Mathematical Master here at that time, who gate him tuition privately, Mr. Mcl,e,)nnn owes a debt of grab- 11 ludo (no bia aid ill mathematical work and he 1 eh, n large neusnro of his euc� cm in t hie lino uv is due to the private lessons aI,fc,11 n'ere. 10(151(51) 1)841, Al'5rthe that ,leer's0011i I,outIend. r,l Toro1110 University for fotlg,*ears, iu'he third year heading the )yerror list and w'il,nirg a 81'10 scholara1fn. 110 graduated in 1502 and was immediately appointed to the position of assistant demonettator in the physics depart- ment, In 1858 he received leave of ab- sence from Toronto University, going to Catnbridge University, where he remained 18 months, Upon his return he was made deuconstratur and the de- gree of Ph. 0. conferred upon him by his alma mater. In 1001 SIr. McLen- nan was appointed to the position of asscciute professor and made director of the laboratory. In the sprint of this year when Dr. Falconer wan appointed Pree)deut of Toronto University, Mr, McLennan became full professor in physics. His career has been a hrilliunt one 51111 he is a recognized authority on physics am1 science. He ie particularly well known throughout the Dominion in connection with his lectures at various centres on the metric eyetenl of weights end teens. tree, having been sent out by the Do- minion Government for the purpose of giving information on this subject. Prof, McLennan conies from a liter• ary fancily, his uncle, the late Robert Cunningham, who wan the first mem- ber for Margestte, Man., being well known by hie writings of abort Scotch stories under the nom de plume of "Geordie Scott," 1Ir, Cuuuieghanc was' for a number of years a reporter on the 'Toronto Globe staff, and his ability in this lino was generally recognized. He published the Manitoba in W)oui• peg and W88 prominent in western poli- ties, Prof, McLennan's grandfather, John Cnnninghanl, 059 also a men of letters and wide education. MARKET REPORT,- Wheat $1-$1 ; Barley 5b-50 ; Oats 47-47 ; Peas 50-80 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 20-21, -Subscribe for TTums STANDARD, gig .. Offcr To all new subscribers from now on . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. 1st, 1908 for the small sum of 25c Subscribe Now This brand -on a bag or barrel -is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the brat millers in Ontario. Ask your grocer fur a Blended Flour -and look for the above brand wherever you buy. ,f afy,yr,v "Made in Ontario " Catalogues Booklets Programs Periodicals Book Work Price Lists BT Producers of good work -a little better than most. Business Cards Office Stationery tOm Wedding Invitations Posters --all kinds Dodgers Horse Bills