HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-02, Page 7BUTULLB R b1IOP/3. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY We are doing business on the Dash prinoi• pie, and will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest paying prates *FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Clinton that he has bought 'out the butchering business lately conduct- ed by Reid Bros., and will continue the .Bane in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, 'where by strict attention to the wants of hie us' re, he hopes to merit and receive of patronage. He will sell for .Dash y, and at the lowest prices. Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the ibnsiness. I am a practical butcher; and understand all the branches of the bueinese. We keep the very best meats, and a full *stook always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices, Bring along your woney, and get the meat at the oesh price. We will give credit, but not at Dash prices. Please Dome and see what you oan do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS We have a choice stook of FEED CCRN OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o Highest market price paid for coarse grain, r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour & Feed store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. Opounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Balk Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND - $1,400,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. WM. MOL°ON MACP HEReoN, President F. WoI.FERsTON THOMAS, Gen. Manager Notes discounted, Collections made. Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de. posits. Savnves BANE—Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BRE%ER, Manager, Clinton G. D. MCTA GGART. BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A� general Banking Bueiness transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. MeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. Goo. watt President, Oarlock P. 0 ; James Broadfoot, Vico-Pres., Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shan noi, Secy.Treas„ Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdio Inspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIRECTORS Jas. Broadfoot, Soaforth; M. Murdte, Sea - forth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Geo. Watt, Rarlock; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex. Gard:nor, Load - bury; .Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Rippon, AGENTS. Thos Neilans, Rarlock; Robt, McMillan, Sea - forth, and J. Comings, Egmondvillo. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application ,o any of the ahovo officers adressf respective otfiaes, per Clinton Planing —AND— DRY 'KILN. The sub oriber, having the ,very latest;;m• proved machinery and employing the most skilled workmen is able to do work in his line in the moot satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- tice. A trial solicited. FACTORY NEAR G. T. R. STATION CL IN TON, WOOZ)►f3 PEI0/43080DIND. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly. and permanently sure an ,corms of Nervosa Weaknesk,RmissionkRye, rr atorrhea, Impotency_ and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive tete Before anfLt81,ofTobacco•OpiumorStitau- lanta, whioh Boon kad to In. flrmay, Insanity. Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over ab years In thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask drugglstfor Wood's Pho.phodlne; tt he offers some worthless medicine In place of this. inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one paekago, Si; six, 45. Ona wig please, saw wig cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists. For Twenty-seven Years DUNN'S BAK1N.Q POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLEOD'S System R,EAOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Live: Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female irregularities and General Debility. Laboratory, Goderich, n>�& J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVENgON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A'FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT ill STOCK Che reatE nalKlmin; Fluid vee d Splendid Hearse Residence over store OPPOSITF TOWN HALL CLINTON MARBLE WORK COOPER'S OLD STAND, Nei to Commercial Hotel. This establishment 11 in full or eration and a order filled in the most satisfaoto, y way Oeme tery and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable aa thoae of any establishment SEALE d: HOOVER,Clinton, ye Beomiller �urs�ries Trees, Plants, Shrubs. binold-established g contd ausual, and those wble ho want anything In our line can rely onthevery bust of service Choice Plants for Spring Redding. Floral Designs for Weddings or Funerals Fruit and Ornamental Trees Spruce. Scotch .0 Astrachan Plne Pr ces of entire stock very low. All orders promptly filled. John Stewart Estate, ncnmiller WOOD and COAL YARD WM. WHIEATLEY is prepared to 1111 all or- 1^rs for either Coal or Wood on short notice,— loft at HI 'I & Joyner s Feed Store will be promp,,ly attono ed to. MAT STAMPING The undersigned 18 prepared to do all kinds of stamping for Mats, Persian Rugs and arti- traae4RHpyyaeeonblo rots., MRSA WOT1NGTUN Huron Street. SelIing FOR CASII. Wo are now offering our nal ire Mock of Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare ,lir prices with those you have been paying n.n1 see what you can cavo by ordering from us. reg. our reg. our price price 13, tee price ,Orn Starch, 10o.. 7o Coffee' ....40c..30e Laundry„ 10o.. 7o Lamp Glas ,80..ro Pearline, 10o., Ro GingerSnaps100..59 soap, 50.,..4o Tea 500..40e iickles....15o,.100 BIueRlbbon3rc..25o Extracts .... 10o. , 8c Tea 25c..2(lo Yeast Cakes 10o.. Pc Seeds per pkt 4o Sal mon .... 13c..10c 3/ IbRa;sine.,-,25>c Canned Corn 10o..5c 3/ lb Currants., 25c 3 lb Sodos..250..20c JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton T con 1 sty ten (Wines weekly WANTEDo finement.and tact to pend he a lady of in re fl o, Io canes. T. Ii, LINSCOTT, good Toronto, Ont. TBE CLL.NTQN NEW ERA Buffalo Hill Not a Myth. Buffalo Billie a living reality, and is not, as many email boys sometimes imagine, the extremely clever oreatiou of writers of yol- low-book novels. Although hie feats in the past on the western frontier havelurnished inspiration to writers of Indian stories, suoh as Capt. Charles King and others, tluffelo Bill has nevertheless taken part in more western dramas of real life than most people imagine. That he is a living reality, willbeattested at Stratford, Ont., on July 9, 1897, when he will appear in person with his Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World. Two performances will be given,afternoon and night, and Col. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) will appear at eaoh representation. No one should ne- glect this opportunity—an opportunity, which, by the way may never 000urr again— of enjoying an entertainment the like of which has not been known, and certainly Dan never be duplicated hereafter. This year, in addition to the Cossaoks, Cowboys, Indiana, Irish Lanoere, Gauchos, Vaqueros, and other rough riders who have been with the Wild West for several years, a battery of United States Light Artillery, and a troop of United StatestJavalry, haee been introduoed. The artillery -men will give an exhibition of their prowess on the field of battle, and the oavalry-men wiil perform daring feats of horsemanship which put even the barebaok rider in the country oirous to shame. In fact, the riding of all the horsemen is of a more dangerous kind then any ever Been in a circus. The gaily olad lady rider galloping around a sawdust ring at an easy canter, would not be injured in the least in case she should lose her foot- ing and fall from the horse's back. Yet if one of the riders of the Wild West, galloping like a whirlwind, should go down beneath that swirling maelstrom of hoofs, Buffalo Bill's congress would be one rider short. It is a wonder that accidents do not take plane ,eaon day, but with that luck which is com- monly supposed to follow reckless daring, these riders come forth unscathed. Once in a while, an accident does happen, but the riders are so skillful that no more ser- ious consequences than a few scratches or bruises ever ensue. On the whole, a more exciting exhibition oould hardly have been devised. How to Avoid Wasting Tune and Money. A word at this time to the ladies of Can- ada may be the means of potting them on their guard, so that time and money may not be wasted. There are certain dealers and storekeepers whose life-objeot is the making of large pro- fits onv y article oneer t cls they sell. These dealers are now endeavoring to sell adulterated and imitation package dyes for the same price as the honest dealer asks for the reliable and never -failing Diamond Dyes. Few ladies have the inclination to spend time or money to experiment with worth- less and poisonous ingredients put up to out- wardly imitate the marvellous Diamond Dyes. If you want good work you meet use the beat dyes. Years of thorough test- ing proclaim the fact that Diamond Dyes are the strongest, brightest and most eoon omioal; they are the only dyes in the world that are specially warranted. Each packet, when directions are followed, will give sat- isfactory and astonishing results. Mrs Peter Pardie, of Frankfort, Ky., met with a most peculiar and almost fatal accident recently. She arose be- fore daylight to get a drink of water. In drinking she swallowed a small black water spider that had dropped into the water during the night. She felt the insect going down her throat, but did not know what it was. In an hour she became nauseated and threw up the spider, but not until it bad bit- ten her repeatedly internally. The poison from the bites soon spread through her system and her condition became alarming. The flesh puffed up in rolls and ridges, her ears swelled so tightly that the blood oozed through the skin, while her tongue swelled till she almost sufficated. Physicians worked for several hours administer- ing all antidotes known, and finally pulled her through, and she is now convalescent. The little spider that hos such a venomous sting or bite is not larger than a pea and can roll it- self up into a compact ball, and float on the water like apiece of cork. Ten Years Since. History of a Long Malady Given In Lnoid Words by Mrs Albert Armstrong, Hawthorne Row. Don Mills Rd. Todmorden, Ont. Than Mr and Mrs A. Armstrong there are probably no better known or more gen- erally respected inhabitants of Todmorden. Mr Armstrong until lately was engaged in farming on the York town line between York and Scarboro, where he was born and brought up. Mrs Armstrong gives the following ac- ount of her heart and nerve troubles, heir origin and results. We give in her words the account as she gave it to our re- rasectative. Said Mrs Armstrong: "Ten ears ago I was taken seriously ill with measles complicated with inflammation of he lungs. Singe then my heart has been affected, and I have never felt strong. 1 was troubled with palpitatio,i so badly that I could hardly dr w a long breath. My heart fluttered very much, and I was often attacked with spells of weariness and diz- ziness, so that sometimes I was unable to walk. My eyes seemed to be covered as if with a mist, and I was subject to terrible pains in the back of my head and through my forehead. Cold perspiration would break out on my hands and feet, and I lust my appetite. Mentally I became despondent, having a constant dread unforeseen about to happen. y sleep was poor and disturbed by fright - I dreams, In fact my nerves were com- etely unstrung. I could not bear even the ghtost noise. It was while in this con - tion that I got a box of Milburn'° Heart d Nerve Pills through the kindness of rs Vanhorn of this place, at Mr H. W. vu's drug store, corner of Broadview and nforth avenues. Since taking them I ve steadily and rapidly improved. The provernent is marked, indeed, for I feel ly getting stronger and better. My ap- iteis becoming healthy, my nervesstrong- and steaclior, and the heart trouble gives scarcely any annoyance at present. More n that, I am thankful to feel cheerful in nd, and more confident in the future. In t I am stronger and better in every way, annot too highly express my happiness he marvelous change which Milburn's art and Neave Pills have effected in my o. They have truly helped me, and [ am eedingly thankful that I em able to e this testimony that others suffering ilarly may receive benefit. (Signed) Mrs Armstrong. Todmorden, Ont. m fl C))3St. A. c t p y fn pl sli di an 1'1 Lo Da ha im dai pet er me th a mi fan Ic in t He CRS OXO giv six A. 'She fan. a;m110 ofetatnre of is on ovary 4 Wrapper, The Best. There leo legend, says Justin McCarthy, to the effect that after Lord Stanley came into indlsoreehouse of etly asked peers,oBroughameat u dinner party who was the beet speaker In the house of lords, and that Lord Brough- am promptly and emphatically onswered, "Lord Stanley, madam, is the second best. " Under Control. "Your wife tells me, Grimly, that she has perfect control of her temper," "Yes, she can let It loose on a rampage for an hour at a time and then recover It." —Detroit Free Press. In the Irish oonstabnlnry there is a rule in force whioh forbids the wife of a con- stable to carry on business as a dressmak- er while her husband le in the fox,. Titian was the greatest Venetian paint- er. The chief of a long lino of imitators, art critics rank him, with Raphael and Corr'egglo, a prince of the art KIDNEY DECEIT. How Many are Unintentionally Deceived in Treating Kidney Disordere.—Can you Afford to Trifle with your own Existence —If you Suspoot there is any Kidney Trouble, Discard Pills, Powders and Cure-Alts—South American Kidney Cure is a Time -Tried and Testified Kidney Speoifio. A remedy which dissolves all obstruction whioh heals and strengthens the affected parts, and which from its very nature era- dicates all impurities from the system, ie the only safe and sure remedy in oases of kidney disorder. Such a remedy is South American Kidney Cure. This is not hear- s rev re thltest, andaithaseb eas ben nut proclaimed the by the greatest authorities injhe world of medical science that liquids—and liquids only, will obtain the results sobght for. A liquid remedy taken into the system goes directly into the ci.oulation and attacks immediately the affected parts, while solids such as pills or powders cannot possibly at- tain these results. Kidney disorders cannot afford to be trifled with.— The quickest way is the safest way to com- bat these .insidious ailments. This great remedy never fails. It's a liquid kidney specific. It's a solvent. Sold by Watts & Co NEWS NOTES. Some idea of the machinery and min- ing supplies going into the Cariboo country may be obtained from the fact that 530 horses and 100 men are this summer engaged in freighting on the Cariboo wagon road. This is only one section of the great mineral region of Canada. "One of my sick headaches," you will hear people frequently say, ae if the cox. plaint was hopelessly incurable. As a matterof fact, Ayer's Pills not only relieve sick headache, but effectually remove the caueeof thio distressing complaint, and so bring about a permanent cure. Charles Guy, a young man employed as conductor on the Hamilton Radial Railway, was fatally injured Tuesday. When the car was backing down the "Y" near the power house,at the beach be lost his footing and fell under the car. The two hind wheels passed over him, cutting off both his legs. He died shortly afterwards. The deceased was about 24 years of age. His parents live at Simcoe. "We cannot deny that the British have guilt up an empire surpassing in magnificence any domain of which history bears record, and that it is founded upon a loyalty to the central government that must redder it as im- pregnable to foreign foes as it ie safe from domestic revolt."—Chicago Time Herald. Cupid breaks his bow at the eight of a face full of pimples. Hollow cheeks, sunk- en eyes, and a °allow complexion will defy his beet intentions. Beauty ie more than skin deep The skin is merely the surface on which is written in plain characters the condition of the body. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is good for the complex- ion beoans° it makes the whole body healthy — because it clears and purifies the blood, makes the digestion strong and clears out impurities of all kinds. By Increasing the ability to assimilate nutritiousfood, and by the infusion of its own ingredients it enrichee the blood and so makes solid, healthy flesh. It cures diseases of the lungs, liver, stomach, bowels, skin and scalp, simply because all these diseases spring from the same cause— a disordered digest- ion and consequent impure blood. GOOD HINT.—Detective Rodgers, of Toronto, gives the following pointers to constables as how to handle tramps, which will prove of value to county constables. He says that all tramps who ask for a night's lodging by the municipality should be searched before being put atva;b for the night. If fire- arms are found on their persons, they should be deprivedof them and brought before the magistrate next morning and fined or imprisoned for having con- healed weapone. If money is on their persons they should he tined for vag- rancy. Rogers says that nearly every tramp possesses a revolver or some money, and if these rules are enforced each place would soon get tid of such gentry, as they keep each other `.hor- ou'ghly posted as to their treatment in each town. To Cure RIZEUIIRATISM '2'-AKE Bristol's SARSAPARILLA IT 18 PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WILL MAKE YOU WELL Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. CURES COLIC, CHOLERA, CHOLERA. IIIORBUS, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, And all SUMMER COMPLAINTS of Children or Adults. PRICE. 33c, beware of Imitations Dr Joyner, e, graduate of Queen's University, Kingston, was drowned at Clayton, N. Y. Wm. Bell, sr., the Guelph organ and piano manufacturer, 18 seriously ill with heart trouble. Gladys, the four-yyear-old daughter of Rev and Mrs E. W. Hunt, formerly of Exeter, narrowly escaped serious injury if not instant death, in a runaway ac- cident at O88OW0 recently. Blood -purifiers, though gradual, are ra-- ical in their effect. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is intended as a medicine only and not a stimulant, excitant, or beverage. Immed- iate results may not always follow its use; but after a reasonable time, permanent benefit is certain to be realized. At llombay a native shot Plague Com- missioner Rand and Lieut. Ayerst as they were leaving the Governor's jubilee recep- tion. The Lienteant was killed and Mr. Rand was very seriously wounded. Mr. Tarte announced his intention in the House of Commons to visit England, France and Belgium, with an engineer, to examine harbor improvements with a view to ex- tending the Montreal harbor. MANY A YOUNG MAN. isted bywan inheri ed weakness, the bheartsrffails and rest or medical treatment must be re- sorted to,•then no medicine oan be employed with the same beneficial reaults as Scott's Emulsion. Rossams, a r B esie Carrell, of Chicago, were married two days ago. Williams wrote a love message on an egg three months ago. The egg was shipped later to Chicago, and Miss Carroll in °oohing it read the message. She ans- wered it. and the correspondence resulted in marriage, HEAD -NERVES, Are Disturbed when the Stomach refuses to do its Work—Indigestion Upsets the Whole System, and makes Wrecks of more Hopeful Lives than any Other Complaint under the Sun. "For several years I have been a subject of severe nervous headaches, and last June I became absolutely prostrated from the trouble. I also became a martyr to indi- gestion. I was persuaded to try South Am- erican Nervine, and procured a bottle. My headaches were relieved almost instantly, and in a remarkably short time left me en- tirely. The remedy has toned up and built up my system wonderfully." Jas. A. Bell, Beaverton, Sold by Watts & Co. A Ruugi'y 1VI's Delight Is something good to eat. Ifou of would like some to appease you°applly feel that you try some of the following appetite, Heinz's Sweet Pickles, 35c a quart, Heinz's Beans in Tomato Sauce, Blue Label Catsup,, Potted Meats —Ilam, Chicken, Partridge, &c. • Every delicacy the market affnrals, at lowest possible prices. The up-to-date Grocery is OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 FACTSIt pays to advertise facts only. Anything that Dan be proven ie II fact. We substantiate and prove all we advertise. QUANTITY We have the largest stock or Furniture in this county to choose from. Our goods cannot be surpassed for des; finish. Remember we do not handle any sl p work. Exam ine other goods then see ours and you will be convinced that what we tell you is right. PRICESOur prices are away down. We have the name of selling Furniture oheaper than any other firm in this section, and we are bound tore»' IT Jainlour reputation. Don't buy furniture till you get oar prices. UNDERTAKING In this department we carry a complete stock. We give a-Oervice that cannot bo surpassed by any, and our charges are as low as the lowest. Our beanie • and outfit is undoubtedly the finest.in the county. BROADFOOT,BOX & CO. J. W. Chidley P S—Night end Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Ch:dley's, M(Funeral r Director) residence, QUALITY CLINTON SEWING MACITINE Warerooms: The subscriber desires to intimate that ho is still in the Sewing Machine business, and has made arranvements with the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsurpassed for durability ai,d the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we compete with all ma- chines on the marker. t. I also have other grades at less money, and es wth procure any machine IVAtlI11VC MACIUNES I amnagentasforitheecelebratefor all daAnthony of aWayne Washer, the largest manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot oe beat in any respect I still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wringers, best in market WM. MOORE, old stand, Huron St., Clinton "Flat=tread" Shape Best for feet which are long from ball to toe, and short from heel to ball. Ordinary Shoes curve upwards too sharply for such feet, f' bending them injuriously. Full ridged bo; (►,( toe, slightly curving sides, and stylish effect. Laced, Buttoned, Congress, or Oxford. 33lack—Tan—Seal Brown —Cumin—Wine, Sizes, 5 to I Widths, D. to Fel?- Goodyear �+ Vciterl. 83, $4, t5. Stamped on the sole "The Slater Shoe ee 6 ATA►ree■ fN li W. TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON Bad . Bicycies cost almost as much as Good B!CyCt.sN They really cost far more. Wise purchasers figure that way and invest $75 or $100 in a Wheel like THE CL VEL which, runs easy for years and then sells for a good price second-hand. ZIER�#assµ :14� , 9 Toronto W. COOPER & Mi., eats � gents, ClAntoYL E