HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-17, Page 5OCTOBER 17TH, 1907 ---THE I3LYTI'
imaisaisomm:a, a _. Is e► yam
Wanted Alive :
Old Hens and Chicks.
New Overcoats
Wo hayo a complete range of Men's and Boys' Overcoats for
Fail and Winter wear. They are splendid values, The tit is all
that the exacting , t•esser could demand, end as to materials that
is where these Mats are particularly, strong,
i1,en's'Pm and Pur -lined Overcoats, In this line we carry
a larger assortment than ever. It will he to your advantage to
see our new lines,
See us for prices on Dressed Poul-
try for Thanksgiving.
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.
TIIANxsGIVING Day will be the
rIetttn' hoiidav, it comes on Thurs-
eleyeS)et. elate,
Ttf hunting season opened yes-
terdsy, A fewt'•from around here
are taking of' taking in the sport.
Tux', news is always welcome to
'l'HE,.STANDARD.Hand us in the
names ofyour visitors or tell us of
you trips away.
THE well known monthly lierse
Fairs will be resumed in Blyth and
held during the Fall and Winter.
Dates will be announced shortly,
IN publishing the list of prize
winners of Blyth Fair, Jno. Scott, of
Morrie, should have been credited
with the sweepstakes for best colt on
the grounds.
WE have made arrangements with
the Toronto Daily World and we
club the two papers for $2,75, If
you are not a subscriber now, this
means tl at you will receive thea
Toronto World for 1b months for
$1,75, while the dollar pays for THE
STANDARD for a year, Subscribe
had it that the Fair was a money
loser but at a meeting of the Direct-
ors a few evening ago Secretary.
Treasurer Metcalf presented a report
of the receipts and expenditures
when It found that, though tt rained
both days and as a consequence
the gate receipts were not as good as
other years, yet they are able to
pay the prizes in full and all other
currant expenses and still have a
small balance to the gond,
WEDDING BELL9.—Tile mar'r'iage
of Miss Etelka Hamilton, only
daughter of Mr, James Hatnilton,
druggist, to lir. R, M. McKay, ,iew-
eller, was solemnized at the home of
the bride tit one o'clock Wednesday
afternoon, the ceremony being per•
form' d by Rev J. L, Small, B. A,
Only the immediate relatives were
present. Owing to the recent be-
reavement in the bride's family the
wedding was very quiet, nutwith•
standing this the bride's many
friends availed themselves of the
opportunity of rentetnbering her
wedding day in a tangible manner,
and a forge array of handsome prey
cuts testified t” their warts regard.
The bride, who was given away by
her tether, wore a handsome cream
silk costune and entered the parlor
as the Wedding March was being
played by Mies Eva Grncey, of
Wintritin. After eongratulations
were liver the company retired to
the dining•ronin where t, dainty
lunch was served. The br'ide's going
away costume was a black broad•
cloth with black hat to match. Mr,
and Mrs. McKay tort on the 5.22 C.
P. R. train for Toronto on It short
tour when they will return and
commence married life under most
favorable circumstances. Tim
ST,,NDAnn thruwa an editorial slipper
after 'them.
THE turkey buyers are getting
busy around the country.
True new walk to be laid on
Westmoreland street is being pushed
along as fast as possible.
FOR, SALE. --Dr. J, N. Perdue, V.
8„ offers a few second-hand cutters
and it set of double work harness four
sale cheap at his livery stable. Call
and inspect,
Trim Wingham Advanee nays :—
The Wingham Evaporator IS busy,
Msir, Brown and Wilford are
turning out between seven and
eight hundred pounds of dried fruit
'Base BALL MEETING.— A base ball
meeting is called for on Friday eves•
ing, Oct. 25th, when a full attend-
aneo'bf the members and players
are requested to attend, Meeting
to be hold at the Queen's hotel at 8
As we make a specialty of handling
produce we are paying the highest cash
prices for Butter and Eggs at our store.
When you have any of these for sale get
our prices before going elsewhere.
Grain okeoke paid after banking hours
at our store.
Dinsloy Street • Blyth
This is a
Watch Ad.
There are many things in our stook that
we feel we should tante about, but when
we look at that great big stook of Watch.
es we decide to give you a little Watch
Our Watch stock is unusual because of
Its size—mire than 200 Watohee of all
sizes and qualities are shown, .and be-
cause we bought so ntahythe prions are
Then the stock is unusual because of
the pare with which it WAS seloited.
There isn't an unworthy titne-piece in the
lot. Th+te are cheap watches of course --
3120 oee,—hut they are worth what they
Fosand please your boy right down to
the grouud.
For older people we have more expen.
sive watches and every valuo is unusual,
You aro invited to our watch stook,
Jewelry and Stationery.
Take Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for
cleaning the Mood. 200 days treatment
31, 30 days' treatment 2,ic, For sale at
Dr. Milne's Drug Store,
Wholesale from the
Kincardine, Ont.
Lntva your order now for ,your
Fall printing, We will do our best
to please you.
WeerED.—Choice tub Butter 24e.
Fresh eggs 22e. Also large quanti-
ties Butter and Eggs. Geo, E. King,
Ir is expected that the electric
lights will he in running order by
Saturday evening and we all pray
that it will be right
TEE C. P. R. timetable has been
changed and tiny traveller had
better took tip the time table on page
8 and net accordingly, 'l'he tittle
bible went into effect on Oct. 13th,
IIrrN'raRs I xeutatoNs.---G'or free
copies of 'fishing and Shooting,"
"Sportsman's Map" etc„ and for rates
and tickets caul at 0, P. IL, town
ticket office, ,J, McMurebie, Agent,
Blyth. Last Homeseekers' excursion
to the West, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd.
A'r the fairs held in Blyth, \Viug.
hatn and 13russels, E, Htaggitt was
very successful with his poultry,
In Blyth he made 16 entries and
won 15 prizes ; in Winghtun 16 and
won 12 ; in Brussels' 16 and won 1.1.
Making a total of 48 and winning
;H prizes,
LA9'r Tiltrsday morning Division
Court wast 111 tJwn, The court was
changed from 11 a. In, to 9 a. tit to
allow ,Judge Holt to return to Gude.
tech nn the noon train. Thu docket
was light, Barristers Blair, of Gode-
rich ; 6ttcDonalcl, Brussels ; and
Va nstcne, Winghetn, were present,
Din you ever reflect that the mail
order horse is, front the very nature
of its business, unaele to "carry" you
when times are bad, that it takes no
credit risks, and never does a thing
for yometicept on a cash basis ? Is
there not sense return due the mer-
chant who 'bas favored you when
you needed a favor,
DARD bas specie' facilities for turn-
ing out auction sale bills. Let no
print your bilis and advertise your
sale In the paper. Our paper is read
by the prosperous farmers , f this
district. That is the class of people
you wish to reach to make your sale
n sale a success. Order your auction
sale bills ,at THE STANDtTD Oflice.
IF nes, person orders his paper
discontinued he must pay all ar
rearages, or the publisher may con-
tinue to send ituntil payment is
made, and collect GIIe whole tunoum,
whether the paper` Is taken from the
office or not, There can be no legal
diseootinuanee' until the payment
is made. Any person who takes a
paper from the postoffice, whether
directed to his name or another, or
Whether he has subscribed or not, is
responsible for the pay, This pro-
ceeds upon the ground that a titan
must pay for what he uses, The
courts have decided' that refusing to
take newspaper's and periodicals from
the postoffiee, removing and leaving
them uncalled for, is prima facia
evidence of intentional fraud.
Tug Brussels Post of last week in
refering to the Convention which
was held in Blyth last week says :—
It is only fair to state that mach of
the success of the Convention, from
the date of the Executive meeting
arranging the program to the close
of the Convention, Was due .tn Bev,
J, L. Smell, B, A., Presbyterial)
mielster, of Blytlt, who took a most
active and invaluable part in the,
business management. 'Alies Lily
Carr, as Convenor of the Billetting
cammlttee with her able assistants
performed `their part admirably
The Methe4ist church is a cosy, tidy
well arranged edifice and its pastor
its big soiled as he is large bodied.
A big year's work should ,be planned
and with the united_ forces should
ttln,victnries all along the dine in
this gi4ttul old County of Huron.
Dien, i -On Monday afternoon the
home of Alex. M14cCreight was
tbroWp into mourning when his be-
loved wife, Ann Nesbit, was caked
to her home on high anent short
Illness of a week, Deceased was
bora in Monaghan County, in the
North of Ireland, and came to this
country about fifty years ago, sett.
Ping in the village of Clark, near
Port Hope, afterwards moving to
Morris township, She was married
in Blyth to her now bereft husband.
A family of 5 boys and 2 girls was
born, but only Mrs. Gibson, of Evans.
ville, indianna ; James and Thomas
at home, and Alex,, of Dresden, now
survive. Deceased was a member
of the Presbyterian church. Two
brothers are also left to mourn the
loss of a sister, James Nesbit of
town, and John Nesbit, of near Port
Hope, The funeral took place yes-
terday afternoon, the services at the
house and grave being conducted by
Rev, J. L. Small, 13. A., pastor of
St. Andrew's church, Interment
was made at the Union cemetery.
F there is anything that tortures
an' N.ditor mote then anything else it
is td puhlisit a $15 or h20 obituary
notice about some old, prominent
citizen, who never had the manhood
to take his own town paper. Edi-
tors frequently put in such notices at
the request of relatives or friends,
but it grinds them to eulogize a than
to the skies, who was too stingy to,
support his home paper, A three
line notice is all such fellows de-
'fila people of this vicinity should
not, miss the opportunity of hearing
Rev, A. C. Crews, 13 A., of Toronto,
general Set:rotary of Sabbath Schools
stint Epworth Leagues, lIe will
preach in the Donnybrook Metho-
dist church at 2 p, 10, and 7. tit.,
Sunday, Oct. 20th, On Monday
wvning being tat 8 o'clock Mr.
Crews will deliver hie great lecture
entitled "'rhe Sunup side of Lire,"
Mrs. (Rov,) Findlay. of \Vhitr chnreh,
Air, J. A. Sutherland, of Auburn, :and
the church choir will sing, Do not
fall to heat Mr. Crews as he is o;w of
Cituadn's greatest preachers and
Tar: Clinton New Et't reports a
case at the Division Court in which
t local resident was interested :—
Istme, Jones, (rodel'ich township, sold
t horse tie Mr..eArehlhal4, Seafotth,
who relsfftd if to Wm, Johnston,
Blyth ;'When the latter get the
terse 11 deyetoped kicking pro-
pensities, and he returned it to
Archibald, who nfto'wards sold it
for less than it cost him, and he
sued Jones for the difference in price.
claiming it had been sold to him
under misrepresentation. There was
to evidence to show that ibis had
been tine ease ; in ftiet evidence to
the contrary was given, and al-
though the Judge did not give his
decision, he stated that It would be
for defendant.
No one should fail to attend Me
concert on the 95th inst, to be given
in the Temperance hall under the
auspices of S. S. No, 3, Colborne,
School entertainments are must in-
teresting and a large attendance is
expected, Among others Miss John.
stop, of Carlow ; Miss Young, of
Loynt, and J. A, Sutherland, of the
Sterling Bank, will assist by vocal
and instrumental solos, Recitations,
choruses, drills, etc,, will, also be
::duet), and in addition to this is "Dr.
Sloe's Night Academy," This alone
will provide over an hour's laugh.
ter. This is the bast announcement
so remember the date and don't frill
to etiteed,
East Wawanosh.
We learn by last week's issue that
the worthy gentlemen who lost a
'set" of harness from a horse that
was tied in some stable witnessed
someone returning it. The corres-
pondent omitted to tell us whether
the horse was eating or not at the
time it,was molested. It is best in
to serious affair like this to go into
all the detains. Now we do not
think any man, even the greatest of
cowards, would stay tip a tree or
behind a stump end witness anyone
eat'ryiug his property around with•
cut itterforing, especially as he and
his gentle assistant had hunted in
vain for it for two weeks. if he
did, he was certainly living up to
the character he bears. If anyone
really took this set (not set) of hiu'-
tress he simply did it as at joke and
tie doubt thought when the unfur-
tttuate owner had conte to the vergo
of tears aver it, that it was time to
return tt, if it semi returned at all
which we very much doubt. Ile
also makes the assertion that it was
a thief who took it. Now, we think
this than is rather hasty in calling
people thieves, as the offender did
not sell it and afterwards buy It
back again and return it to tine own -
or, its we heard of a man doing with
a hound not long ago. If this very
much interested person that has
taken it on themselves to defend this
reprobate character Intends to defend
him in all his dirty little affairs they
will have a job for a life time, and
it certainly won't add to their popu-
larity. We are given to believe by
the paper that he used threats to
induce the offenders to return the
missing property. Wo have heard
that he is a dangerous man brit not
in this. line, But it he intends to
come to the front as as a pugitdat he
will' certainly treed to start soon ;
we must add, however, that when
he was hiding up tt tree or behind a
stump he didn't look very pugilistic,
NOTE.—Knowing the writers, but
not the parties interested, we must
close these articles off and no more
will be published in this piper.
Extra Special
• 15c Men's Grey Sox for 10c.
• to dozen Men's Grey Sox, sizes to r-2 and
* 1 r, the best socio we have seen for some time, well
.?,!E. worth 15c, at per pair only Ioc,
25c Men's Heavy Cashmere Sox
for 20c.
dozen en Men's Heavy Black Cashmere Sox,
sizes to 1-2 and 11, very special value at 25c, but
we bought them cheap and will sell them at per
pair 20c,
Ladies' New Black Jackets
This week we put into stock another purchase
of Ladies' Coats in black kersey cloth. These
goods are the best values we have seen at the
money. The prices are $110.00, 12.5o and 14.0o.
Children's White Lamb Boas at 25c, 35c, 50c.
Ladies' and Children's Knit Gloves and Mitts
at IOC, 12 1-2c, 15c, 18c, 2oc and 25c.
121/2c Wrapperettes at 10e.
We bought heavily in Wrapperettes at the
old prices, and can sell you excellent values in
Leazle Cloths, Wrapperettes and Empire Twills at
8c, loc and 12 1-2C,
Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, in Astrachan,
Balkaran, Coon, Siberian Dog, Galloway and
Fur -lined.
Small Furs in Throws, Collarettes, Stoles,
Muffs, Caperines, Boas, etc.
Successors to McKINNON & CO. *
Desks & Book Cases
Every business man or woman should have a
desk to hold books, papers and valuable corres-
pondence, We have a great variety of Desks et
priers front 115 to 825 each, These desks are
finished in quarter -cut oak aril are divided by
drawers, shelves and letter boxes. Call and
see thein,
Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags.
Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family.
People Read First
Then Then Think
And Afterwards Buy
Give them something to read. Give them
something think about. Give them
something to buy.
Bfl aayer isifq in `Tae Stanaara' uou cover fin
Tow and Cauntru
Merchants Should Remember This When
Making Their Contracts
Get Our Rates - — — Telephone No.4