HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-17, Page 4JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACrtD. 1E.YTli, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to tanners ou their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We otter every accommodation con. eistent with sate and oonservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on !teal Estate at lowest rate of Interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property un our list for bele. Rents oolleated. 'CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Aeallrenca eunlpenfee, and rasped. fully eolloit your account. OFFICE HOTJ.RS: 10 A.M. to a P.M, Business Cards. A. B. ,MACDONALD. Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suo. Oossor to d F. Blair. Oiiloe over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. polltau !look, 11IUUDFOOT, HAYS BLAIR. Barristers, Sulioltors, Notaries Public, Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs, Cameron and Rolt, Godetich. W. Pruudtoot, K.C. ; R. C. Rays, G. F. Bialr, G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of I)entat Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. OtHce over James Outt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, W. J. MILNE, M,D.C,M. Pbyelolan and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., unity of Trinity College; M.D„ Queen's Unherelty; Fellow ot Trinity Medical College and member of the College of Pbyeiolane and Surgeons of Ontario. Car• over for the Comity of Huron. Olilee, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. 3F'. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of TUE STANDARD, Iilytb. Blyth Livery AND Sale stables Q QQ QQ SDP Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. • QQ QQ QQ Q Feat oloss Rome and Rigs for lire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KiNG AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, LARGEST ANO BEST re lea! By being the best this •sohoot has br- eome the largest business training schom in Western Ontario. our enrollment again exceeds that of a y, aaego. Why t Because our course. are Oibronah and practical with specialists in charge of our Commercial, Sherthurn and :Telegraphy dedartmeuts. All our graduates of talo good positions. You may enter now. Write Inc our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACNLAN, Principals. PAGg FOUR —TILE BLYTH STANDARD—OCTOBER the gixjtlt gianbarif J L. KERR, PUBLISHER THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1007 • CHURCH NOTEL,' Sunday, Oet, '20th, aha annlver• nary sermons will be 'reached In the Methodist church byillev, 11. W. Loehr), ot Kinem•4lne. A special collection is naked for, (r Mr. Foote has declined the call to " the Presbyterian charge of Auburn and Smith's VIII. 4%-z) People We Know Mr, and Mrs, C. H. Beese were visitors at Cloderich on Monday. Miss Nora Mohnen, o1' Brussels, was a caller in town Inst Thursday. Airs, W. U. Herr, of Brussels, was a. visitor at the lditor's 1lullie over Sunday. Mrs. Wrn, Pennate, of bunion, is tate guest of her (laugher, Mrs. D. 1). Crittenden. Miss Eva Gracey, of Winghem, was in town attending the McKay. Hamilton wedding, Mr. Lewis Pfeffer, of Milverton, was a visitor at the home of Mr, C. Ii, Beese on 'Tuesday. Misses Eva and Lizzie Carter were vtaitors with their brother, Mr. Itobt, Carter, over Sunday at Gerrie. Dir. Frank Metcalf is a prisoner in L110 house with two of "Job's coin. fosters." Ilia many friends will wish him speedy relief: • • Mr, Ilamilton, of Stara, father of Mr. J. M. Hamilton, was here at. tending the wedding of his grand- daughter to Mr. R. M. McKay, Mr. Harvey Gidley and Dr. Wm, Sloan were In Detroit a few days hast week to witness the world's championship baseball matches, Mr. James McMurchie Is away on a trip to Winnipeg to attend the ticket agents' excursion to Winni- peg, the annual outing of that fra• ternity, Mrs. McMurahie aecom• panted her husband on the trip. Misses Anderson, Polley, McLean, Morris and Murray and Mrs. Duff composed the delegation from Knox church, Goderich, attending the S. S. and C. E. Convention at Blyth last week. Messrs. James Burgess, George Thompson, Samuel Plum and N. F. Gerry, members of Brussels court, C. 0. F., attended the annual march and service in St. Andrew's church with the local lodge last Sunday, Last Friday afternoon Mrs, W. H. Herr, of Brussels, held a tea at her home in honor of' her daughter-in- law, Mrs. J. Leslie Herr, and her sister, Miss Kay, of Winnipeg. The guests invited numbered 115 and an enjoyable hour was spent by all. AG'. A. ii. Frances, advance ;gent for the Francis firth Concert Co„ was in town last Thursday trying to arrange a date with the I. 0. 0. F. lodge to being the troupe here again. The lodge was unable to take them on the dates open, The troupe is much stronger and 11 new operetta is on the program. Brussels, Misses Nettie Brown and Margaret Brown are visitors at Sealbrth this week. St mebody has been trying to dam- age the tire engine. If the offender is caught he will likely remember the trial for sometime. Hon, A. G. McKay and other prominent Reformer's will address a public meeting here in the near future on the questions of the day, On Wednesday morning of this week A. McDonald, of Grey town- ship, aged 87 years, passed away. Ile is father•in•law of Thos. Me- Lanchlin of town. Airs, Thomas Farrow, wife of Postmaster Farrow, died on Sunday after a long illness, Thu body was token to London for burial. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Purdy 111,11 she was 63 years old. A coritsaet has been let to a Lon. loner 10 decorate the interior of St, John's church here, and the work will proceed next week. The eon• toregatie» is full of vim and can hen t the most of them hiking money, John Gtdllraith, the well know» horse dealer, was tuarried to Miss (da, daughter of James Bowman, n, ut Morrie, in 'Toronto the other day. They have taken up residence in Dr. McNaughton's home, Mill St, The local fire brigade has been organ ized, and none taw 800n, Noble Gerry was re -appointed chief, and he selects 0 new staff of officers who are to be paid fur fire duty, and also for regular practices, More people should know . how to handle the engine, hose and hydraints tltatn the dozen forming the company. The Cradlo,; HOLM as—In Brussels;on Friday, Oct. 4111, to Mr. and Mrs, Roht. Holmes, twin salla' # p: On account of the Methodist anni• versary on this coming Sunday, there will be no servlee In St, An• drew's church in the evening. ne This everting (Thursday) Mrs, Gould, of Formosa, is to address the W.1'', M. 8; of St, Andrew's church. It is the annual thank -offering of the society, On Sunday afternoon the members of Blyth Court of C, 0, F., accom- panied by brethren from Londes- boro, Brussels and Auburn, to the number of 72, marched to St, An. drew's church where Rev, J. L. Small, B, A,, pastor, preached a very practical sermon to them, Ile took a double text, "Where art thou" and "Where is thy brother." Ile gave good advice to the members, which could also be taken' by the people present. The choir gave u good anthem. •••o ••••••••••• ••• •o••••• • t • • • ••••• •••••• ••••• ••••••••• While the Public Is invited to make use of this column for the expression et personal views ou peblio matters and public men, personalities ars debarred and In all rases the suttabtnty of the Dom• tannic/Won for publication is a matter to be decided by the Editor, Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and tor the opinion of our oorreepondents and their differences with our own Tug STANDARD must disclaim responsibility. Tell it to the STANDARD • • • • • • • • OLD HENS WANTED We will pay the highest Dash prloes for live std hens, also spring chickens, ducks and all kinds of poultry. Mention this paper. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co. Ltd., Stratford. ROBERT M. UARNISS RLUEVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terme reasattable, Soles arranged for et Tee STANDARD office, Blyth, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload dtrec: from the queries. Get our prices. We employ no agents. WILSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS — -- ONTARIO. CHEAP READING The Standard SI On The Standard and Weekly Adver• tiser 1 tis The Standard and Weekly Wtt- 11ePY 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 33 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 65 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly gun ... 1 80 The Standard and Hanletuu • '1'wica-a-week S(pectator......,, 1 80 '1'he Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News ,.. 2 25 The Standard and Fur.mer'a Advo- cate 2 30 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The S andard and Evening Free Press 2 Y5 The World Standard stud Toronto Dally r , 325 The Standard and Daily Free Press 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 3 50 The Standard and Evening ,Mail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Etnpire 4 50 The Standard µad Daily Globe,,, 4 50 Sand all eubacriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, I7T11, I9O7. The Rev. Dr. Potts Dead. Rev. John Potts, D. D., Secretary of Education for the Methodist church in Canada, and a tighter for fifty years in the battles of the Church, slept quietly trivet, at his home in Toronto, at 6.oO o'clock Wednesday morning. Ile 18115 in his seventieth year. Only two of his sons and two daughters were present when the end came, For nine months the distinguished clergyman had been more or less disabled from Bright's disease ; for several weeks he has been confined to his room and during the last eight days of his life he was unconscious, On Friday the doctors prononneed his case hopeless, and 51000 then the members of the family had scarcely lett the bedside. There was no outward change when death came shortly alter day- break. The stalwart frame was simply exhausted in the tight against disease and advancing age. It has been decided that the funeral will be conducted by the Methodist Church Connexion, At one o'clock on Friday, there will be a short private service at the late horse of the deceased, Then the re- niains will be taken to the Metropo• limn church for the public service. Rey, Dr. Carman, General Super. inrendent of the Methodist church, will be in charge of the public set. - vices. 'Three speeches of eulogy will be given by Rev. Drs, Bt i'wash, Satliet'land, and Briggs, who were members with Dr, Potts of the "Obi Guard" of Canadian Methodism. The pallbearers will be chosen from the lending members, lay and tninis- terial, of the Methodist church, Interment will probably be made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, The students of Victoria College will turn out in a body, Tine Board of Control decided that the City Council should attend the funeral. The metnbers of the Board paid earnest tribute to the deceased. Few ministers of the Methodist Church had such eminently success. iii lives, in their younger ministry as Dr. Potts. Five years after his ordination he was chosen to be the new church minister in Hamilton, built to commemorate the centenary of America) Methodism, He thus became, within the short space of ten years, pastor of a congregation were he had Leen a member and Sunday School teacher. Rev, Dr, Potts was a strong tem- perance man, and in connection with his educational sermons, he frequently threw in a spire of tem- perance admonition, M/NISTRe O1' ne, POTTS, 1857—Markham, 1858—Newmarket and Aurora, 1859.01—Thorold (ordained in 1801), 1802.64—London (assistant pastor), 1865.66—Yorkville, 1807.09—Hamilton. 1881.84—Montreal (`§t, James). 1870 75—Metropolitan, 1870-78—Elm Street, 1879 81—Aletropolitan. 188t -Bo' --Montreal (Se. James). 1885-ea—Elm Street. 1886 87 --Chairman Toronto District. 1887—President, Conference, Other pates in Dr, Potts' church con - owlet's are :-1890, fraternal delegate to the conferences of Great Rritnin and Ireland ; 1882.83.86 9096.98 and 1902, delehate to General Conference. The Altar. CANE —AfCCRAcite:N,—In Morris, en October 211d, by Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, Air: John Case, of Nissouri, to Miss Frank Edna[ 13, P., youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Trani[ McCracken, of Morris. AICIKAs— HAMILTON. —In Blyth, on October 1 Gth, by Ileo, J. L. Smallii'13,'A., Aft'. R. M. McKay to MISS Etelka, only daughter of Mr. James Ilamilton, ell of Blyth, t The Tomb. McCamorrr.—In Myth, on Monday, October 14th, Ari:! Nesbit, be- loved wife of Alex. Mcorelght, aged 71 years, 2 months rind 14 days, Sat.tlr,ns.—In Morris, on Oelobcr 8th, Joel Sellars, nged 73 years, 1 month and 5 days. Ile t� xe=SS."w'i�i 1,1/2212.0) ]orna pas,,,, !LLCMJ.' !NO PENCE MST 1, Vauery are 1hyeer T Pusan al 'Walt IIf .. eyustew. Y.a1 a.'au 1,, t Pty uer b.,a vs., wire, 1r. Mui. dews.til.,k.kd n W I,,. — LLn ..u4 r.ped. til Ile p►I IY_A■ T rivat c s s '1 V',i7R.1 a °'e"t 111✓t,4"d,':4'1, v ' (=see 0 Q Furs We have a complete stock of Fur Coats, Caps, Ruffs, Etc. Call and see our stock before you buy. Our prices are the lowest. A. ANDERSON BLYTI I 00)009e0g0WW40400100� THE BLYTH STANDARD J00 I)EPARTMENT Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of general Print. ing and Binding. , We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring 'something better than the ordinary" at simply a '41 consistent price for the character of work we turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads Statement Note Heads Bill I-Ieads Envelopes --all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Tickets Shipping Tags Programs Posters Pamphlets Memorial Cards Sale Bills Circulars Catalogues, Etc. We carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list. Colored 'Work. tat Specialty e CAPITAL PAD). Ur: TOTAL ASSXTs: ltassavl Doan; $2,500,000 Thrtytwo Million Dollars 81,500,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINDS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, end highest current rate of Interest allowed. 96 BraarJres throughout Canada. We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, Ont. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT.