HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-17, Page 1VOL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1907. N0. 9. ENTER ANY TIME for a business or Shorthand course, Positions /soured to graduates. Six months will fit you, We provtein 24 teachers and beet faellIties. Write es. Central Business College, 396 Yoage St., Toronto. W. H. Shaw, Principal. If we could talk to everybody hi town at Onto to- day de you know what we, would say first of all 1 We would say Come hero for Drugs Why e' roe here, yoti'`at6,y For all the reasons that enter into the arguments of a rood dreg store 'With Jti gtock. For the exactly right ecods;' For t1e'preeisely-. proper measure. menta, For the pldmpt'neas dna yon like. And rot the (wallty''of drugs that your doctor likes. Waiting' to prove if. WHiTE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J MILNE' 662 PER CENT more pupils attending than one year ago. This vpeake eloquently an to our past work. We educate to meet the living demands of a pro• greselve age. Our Stenographers and Bookkeepers delight the most modern, exacting pity etllcee. Day seudente;attend night 0f/88ee tree. Graduates placed In good situational. Individual tnstrootlon. Now le the beat thno to en- ter the WINCHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE George Spotton, Principal Telegraphy for railway and commercial work is well taught by us. Our new book, "Gelded by the Rey," explatne. Sent with (rat Masson to any applicant on receipt of four omits in litntups. Ad. dress Central Scboo) of Telegraphy, 2 Gerrard St. East, Toronto. W. II. Shaw, President. To Our A 1verttscrs. All copy for new advertise- ments MUST be in this office by Monday noon to be chan- ged for current week. Kindly look after this. Bolgrays. Last Sunday anniversary services were hold 10 the 111eihodlot0 mall cot. duoted by Rev. S. Anderst111! of Blyth, who preached et 10.30 It. m,'and 7 p, m, Specie,1 music weft rendered by the choir, On Monday) evening an old• fashioned tonureetiug was held slipper being served from (1108,after which a, splendid program was given consisting of addresses by Revs, Hartley and Anderson, of Blyth ; and Thistle, of tlelgrave; readings by "Mrs, .T. Patti- son, of the Brick church ; and rnnsio by the Westfield choir. The offerings went in aid of the Shed building fund, The following resnlutlon of comic - Immo has been sent til airs. R. Leisb- mon and fondly ;— Deer onily;— Deer Friends,—In accordance with rite r'ea01111i01) passed at the last teen!. ar meeting of Beharave Loyal Orange Lodge, we, the officers and monbeis, desire to convey to you and your fare fly in the sad loss you linen sear, n5d 1 y the death of your late beloved husband and father, Although, dem' modem, our loss is great, ,yon, yours is prancer, and we wmdd commend you to the Heavenly Father above, who says "I will be a comfort to all them that put tllel1' trust 111 Mo." Alain 11 0 0111 1 0 8 you of our sympathy, we remain, yours truly, Bert, Watson, .Bec,-Sec. John Watson, Robert McMurray. Advertisements in the STANDARD PAY BECAUSE THE PEOPLE OM IT. CROWING IN Our Job POPULARITY EVERY WEEK. Work Excels Needful Specialties If there is anything special in :any line we have it, for we always buy the best that money can buy and the only way to see this is to take a look through our most complete stock of -- Clothing; Gents' Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers for Fall and Winter wear. Blue and Bleck Beaver and Neu Cloth overcoats, special 80, Perfection Brand Suits, single or double breasted, 86 to $12. Black Melton and Colored Overcoats, $7 10845, Crayanet te Overcoats, reduced from $12 to $9, Loather Coats and Frieze Pea Jackote, $2.76 to $6, Men's Odd Pante and Vests from e1 up. Roseberry Special Winter Cape, 60c Ellie Spring Needle Underwear. $1 suit up. We have six different lines of Socks that can't be beat and we handle these linea exclusive, heavy Top Shirts that will open your oyes for Quality and low price. Ask to show you our line of Men's Only Fine Shoes and 10 different styles of Maple Loaf Rubbers, Best for wear to be had, Our Made-tn-Order Department is busy making Overcoats and Suits, and our stock of Seidl]ge and Overcoats 30 complete and un•tl-date. Take a look at our new Fall Fashion Plate and you will be tempted to buy, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. S. H. GIDLEY 13 2a Y T II AIR. GEORGE SPOTTON. TUE STANDARD takes muni! pleasure in presenting 30 its readers this excellent photogravure of Bir. Geo. Spotton, 1'rincipal of four wel1'kiiown Business Colleges situated at Winghnnl, Clinton, Walkerton and Orange- ville, and expects by Nov. 1st to open up his fifth institution at Guderich, and if the latter does as well its his other four lir. Spotton will have such a strong combination that it will be hard to equal in the Dominion, • Spotton has had fourteen yeti's experience as an educator. This, however, does not account altogether for his success, Ile has rho happy faculty et' selecting the best telrchere, and he attributes much oi' the success that has attended the work of the VO118us colleges 36 the fact that he has manned each institution with a, competent and experienced teaching stall. lair, Spotton hopes by spring to have 0 correspondence course in working order, thus putting his course within t'etlelt of those wile cannot attend in person. Outside e his professional sphere, 131r. Spotfon is prominent in secret so, ciety 011olcs, and has always taken an active port in the 11 chine of chnroh and state„ Any person desiring to attend any of these colleges can find out all particulars by uwiiiIg to Mr. Spotton at 11'inglianl. A student can enter at any Bute, as there are no vacations and each one will reeeiv0 individual instruction, Al r. Spotfon is bound to succeed with his colleges. Ills 0110131 of high grade colleges has as employment department, which places all students in positions immediately upon graduation, notwith- standing the fact that he trains more young people as stenographers, book- keepers and telegraphers than any other nuanngeincnt in Western On- tario, '7 he students o1' these colleges have a regular business correspond- ence 00100g each other. Wingtri inn. E. W. Brad win, of New Liskeard, spent pert of the week 'rut 1110 home 1101' 1, 'Photo is now free telephone eon. neeti0n 10 0ubsuitbei'1 at Win 3;llaul, Bluev0le, Belgrave. end Bellmore, in all ono hupdred end fifty (Moues. Burriile Griffin, who spent a neck at his home in town, loft for 'r'aft, Mont,. where be will ;pond several'' mouths with a railwirysurveyit)3, party. 'den have c0mmeliced to pull down tlle old • buildings on the site which the Canadian Bank of Conunore° p11reliased last year, opposite . the Macdonald block, preparatory to e,rectiu;, a (Very tine teal in for lmllkleg Iiu(p iaeS, Dr, A. I%. Gifford, formerly Of Wing ham, line been lippoitired-'resiled( sur - goon of the London Asvltnn for the in• 88)18 (11311 s00luneeoed his duties on October l(1 ' ;y 'Ph0 High S1hool Board has increased the salirriast of rhe teachers $100 each, The Boatel rplsed'the Principal's salary 850, and each assistant 825. Win elan nl tea3hers are 'doing good 3vorl: and the Prusteesgecogtilao t ,eft efficiency, it Henaati. T. Mttrrloci; is bricking up the entire frame of his livery barn which rives it a much finer appearance, The Council meeting was an occasion of more than unusual interest owing to the presentation to the Council of a petition signed by 1731 of the ratepayers asking that n0 88110n be taken to de - fond the appeal to the c0tn0s of dames Cosworth to quash the Local Option by-law. '1'he following eddaessed the Comncil 00 behalf of Om petitioners, (leo. McEwen, G, C. Petty, 0, Ale. Donell, 11, Brandt and others, They till stated that the law was not enforced that the lack of ,accomodation Wes driving business from 3110 town end that the working of the leu was having a demoralizing effect on the community, Those who spoke in opposition to thein and urged the 00118511 to delay action were Rev, S. Toll, W. Stoneman, Dr, P'ergnson and J. C. Stoneman, The first dealt) With the 0100111 and religious aspect. meting that the by-law had not as yet lied a fair show. '1'lie first (limit with the moral awl religiois aspera, 5tntiinerbat the by-law ball not as ye! 11111 in liiteshow. That circumstance,: were, against it bet that this was the case with all creat reforms, Dr, Fer- gnsou feared that Council wonl,i render t.hems0lees liable by tilting 001)011 and advi'ed then) to go slowly in the matter. J, C. 8101teman thought. the Council legally bound to defend its own by-law. '19iedlsenssnlu at ti awe waxed warm but those present apperu•ed to brook 110 delay and every point made by the sul3portor0 of rho pm -161m we) cheered to the echo, `Ph1 re was los ds of fun and tight all along the line. 'rho fighting however was done with the tongue, although at one time it nearly took a pn0iietie, form. Three of the Cnnncil voted in favor of the petition and two for delay fora time, COLD, ,WET WEATHER and the change of season occasion a very considerable outlay for all of us, "I"hrl scarcer money is or may be the more imr portant is it that you slake your fall purchasing as advanta- geous as possible. Our bargain list shows the way. Women's $3 Boots at $I.90. 40 ;pure of 1Vmnen's Boots, oleo and dnngola laid leather, with patent toe caps Mucha mid laced styles, medium and ne.tvy, fn11, extension edge board, g000 1 cots to tit. and ',ear, sizes 21 to 7 ; regi. ler $3, bargain $1,90, Misses' Boots. 1(10 pate, of Mia es Doogola 16ad Laced 13001', thick solea, new oomtelb shape ; 112 value ; bargain $1,50. Men's Solid Goodyear Boots 200 nnlrs of M'-n's Solid Leather Good- y. ar WOG 130010, till new full styles, pu- ha In every reaped, blucher and la, ed 5t.les, medium and heavy solea, box calf, 1,11 kid and (Regelakid imitates, sizes 10 1.0 ; regular $4, bargain for $2,50. School Boots for Boys. 2103 pairs Doya' Strong Solid Sohcol route, box calf, blucher, heavy tole, this i fl• proper kind for a rano=t hay ; rogu• Mr $2 end 72.50, bargain for $1,60. Women's Winter Underwear 4511 only W linen's Fine It bbed Natural woof and Cotton Mix,d Combinetlon•, high recti, long sleeves, ankle length, bu, ned not.n from, bealy3 trimmed, e 1' •dal quality and cerrl8' veight, sizes 1n 32 1 • 90 bust mea pre ; regular value at ,3+.'l a nit, bargain at 500 n eon, \Women, Ve'is curl Draeera, extra I rgc,,3zeu nuulralorwhite ribbed oottou. V. a v, high nook, long eleevea, buttoned Brussels, Brussels telt rate this year i0201ni118. The Town Hall looks very neat with 1110 interior dies.., electric light him &c. It was an improvement. badly needed, D. Sheeler, of Seattle, Washington, loft for his home. Ile met many old friend, fuel acquaintances while here, On'7881day )and Wednesday of this week' the annual - Wiu3ham District Epworth League Convention was Held in the Methodistahurch, Work has been eorlipleted ill repairing the damugo done to the Methodist church, shed, &c., by the recent fire and things set to rights f,t neral y. Twin lathy sons arrived on the night of the L'Air at Robert Holmes'. Ahe- arn -ler street. Mosher end sons aro doing; well we are pleased to hear. There rause clearly tieing a lire at Jas. Fox's drug store lest Friday-. A horn- ing match the was used to light the gasoline lam; fell into the certain in the rear of theOlow Whither and 00011 had things ablaze. Prompt ar:11011 re- 1110VOd 0,0 danger. REAP the ;ids, ail T1131 S'TANDAIin, front; drawers to motel), ankle length, winter welabt, etzos for 40, 42 and 44 bust measure. Regular price WWu each, bargain at fele. Womon's or Misses' Vests, tine natural ribbed cotton, high neck, long sleeves, buttoned front, neatly trimmed, loco and ribbon, sizes for 28, 20, 32,34 and 311 bust measure ; regular 25e to 35o ; bargain 11o. Girls' Union Sults, "Turnbull's," plain, natural wool and fine ribbed wool, high nook, long eieevee, buttoned front, ankle length, (tzes 2 to 12 years, Corse early for these, regular prices $150 to $2 each ; bargain at 55e. Men's Fall Clothing. 50 Mone English and Canadian 'tweed Suits, fall and winter weights, broken I0 s and odd sizes from our regular stock. In the lot there are sizes 30 to 42, to clear at $4,95. 330 onty Mena Winter Overcoats, heavy weight blacv English cheviot, 0segue style, velvet collars, sizes 34 to 44, to clear ar 100 Boys' Navy Blue Serge Sailor Blouse Sults, heavy weight material, blouse cut loose with deep sailor collar, neatly trim- med with five rows of gold braid, with lanyard and whistle, sizes 5 to 10 years, at $1.49. Men'ts Underwear. Mamie Seoteh Wool Underwear, double brew -t, heavy weight, rnen'eslzeaonly 47c. "Woleey" Natural Wool Underwear, double breast, unshrinkable, sizes 32 to 38 only, per garment $1.20. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. An advertisement in TUB STANDARD pays. Whyllefer to doctors Because we make medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe It for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. ' D7etre cherry P,Nefal U a ramedr 611.8 should be In area home. 15.51 u.ed'tin 11 dant of It for 11.5,1 dcongh.road. and cold,. and I notknowr what a eetoadto luedlely. a 1.. loan. not reeommelul it too !d(bly."—IlteRte S. 00x,10, Hyde )'ari4 MW, Maio •Luem tie tum iofH' 9 88RSAPAVIUA PILLS 5,0la yIOOL ers Ayer's PIU/ greatly ald the Cheri tveotoral In breaking up a cold. 25 Cents gets The Standard balance of year You Can See ? Yes, but can you see without effort, or are you dazzled by the sun? Do your eyes water? Do the lids become red and granulated? 1f you experience any irritation you should at once consult us and have a pair of glasses properly fitted to give you perfect eye ease. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas St., London, Out. GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. Attend the popular and progressive eiliottt; Lusinsss eoliege Toronto, Ont. Corner longe and Alexander Streets: and be thoroughly educated for Liminess life. All graduates of this sebool are absolutely sure of getting positions. The dement! Is considerably greatly than the supply, Now Is an excellent time to enter, Write for catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principe CANADIAN PACIFIC. ADDITIONAL HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To 'WINNIPEG and all volute In the NORTH = WEST 1peeu,l 'trains Leave 'Toronto TUESDAY, AUC. 27 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TUESDAY, SEP. 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Return scoond-olass tickets from Bluth at very low rates, ranging from Win. ntpeg $32, t0 Edmonton $12.50, Good for sixty days, '1'0)RISE SLEEPING CARS on each excursiou. Comfortable bertha at eluant extra cost. Obtain free palm phlet, rates and full information from J. McMurchie, Agent, Myth, or from 0. B. Foster, DJ'. A., 0,0,10., Toronto. We have just received another large consignment of elegant Dinner Sets We have 25 sets to choose 'from ranging it price from $6.50 Up. CASA FOR ALL KINDS 01' PRODUCE JAMES CUTT