HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-10, Page 8FIE Di.''Tll STANDARD-Oc•rotn loTlt, 107,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
ANY e'en numbered section of Dom!.
mien Lands is Manitoba, Seeketche.
wan and Alberta, excepting 8 aid 26, not
reserved, may be homesteaded by ear per•
eon who is the note head of a family, or
guy male over 18 years of age, to the ex.
tent of out quarter section of 100 acres
mare or less,
Entry roust be made personalty at the
local laud ullioe for the district In which
the land is situated. Fatty by proxy
may, however, be made on (terrain eon -
dittoes by the tether, mother, son, daugh-
ter, brother or outer of an Intandtug
The homesteader le required to perform
the homestead conditioneunder one of the
following plans :
(1) At leant six month's realdence upon
and cultivation of the land In each year
for three yeare.
32) If the tether (or mother if the father
le dummied) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm to the vicinity of the lend
entered for the requirements as to rest•
dance may be satisfied by such person re•
siding with the father or mother.
(3) It the settler has his permanent real•
denea upon farming laud owned by him
In the vicinity of his homestead, the re•
quirerneats as to reeMenco may be matte
ped by residence upon said land.
Six months notice In writing ehould be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for
patent. W. W. CORY
Deputy of the Minister oI Interior.
N. 13. --Unauthorized publication of this
advertisement will not bo paid tor.
The good housewife: always feel ltle bestowing upon the
Pandora a cheerful "good morning, a• "''
Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed
of hot coals us a reward for chocking off to dampers
closely before retiring to rest,
in five minutes after
turning on the drafts she will
have a good, strong fire.
Should she 01009
two or three hours longer
than usual there will still
be a fire ready for her.
The fire -box, flues
and dampers are so I
scientifically arranged
that the Pandora can be
regulated to hold a fire
from 24 to 36 hours,
Pandora owners
never have their nlecp
disturbed with dreams of
malting a new fire in the
If your local dealer
does not handle this most
perfect of all ranges, write
direct to us for Free Booklet.
Donovan Carries Brockville.
At the bye -election held in Brockville
on Monday for the Outnrio Legislature
A. L. Donovan, Conservative, was
elected over W. A, Lewis. Liberal, by
nbaut200Ins privy. The election was
tendered neetesary by the resignation
of Hou. G, P. Graham, when he was
called to the Dominion Cubinet, The
detailed returns follow :-
Brockville- Donovan Lewis
Con. Lib.
South Ward No, 1 72
South Word No. 2...,47
Inst Ward No.
East Ward No. 2 101
West Ward No, 1 83
\Vest Ward No, 2..,, ,,,. 80 57
West Ward No. 8........ 94 104
Centre Ward No. 1 109 58
Centro Ward No.2 8) 58
Centre Wert'No. II 58 50
North Ward No, 1 60 56
North Ward No, 2 57 50
North Word No, a 55 82
Athens No. 1 89 64
Athens No. 2 48 82
Elizabethtown No8.... 26 59
Elizabethtown No, 4..,. 81) 19
Elizabethtown No, 5..., 86 49
hear of Yongo and Es.
cott No. 1•.•••• 57
Rear of Yooge and Es-
cott No. 9 .......... .... 114 05
Majority for Donovan 181 with 14
polling sub-divisiona to (tear front.
At the last geuerel election oh Ja1111-
ary 2531, 1001, when the candidates
vote Bon, 0, P. Graham and Mr.
Donovan, rhe figures were :-
Graham 2201
Donovan ,2092
Majority for Graham 109
Mr. Graham held the seat. frorn 1898
until last month. It was long repre-
sented in the Legislature by 11111 Hon.
Ctu'ietopber F. Fraser, who That tar-
ried it at the general election of 1879.
and was re-elected in 1808, 1088 and
1890. His majority over David Mansell
in 1886 was 285, and over Kinney in
1890 101. In 1894 G. A. Dena (Liberal)
defeated R. J. Jelly (Conservative) by
Coderieh Lv, 7.008,m, 5,00 p. 1n.
Auburn " 7.25 " 5,211
Myth " 7,30 " 5.36 "
Walton " 7.41) " 5:49 "
Milverton " 8.24 " (111 `
Ehnira.,,.. , " 857 " 6.57
Guelph " 9.22 " 7,23 .
Toronto Ar, 11.00 " 1),10 "
Toronto , , .,Lr. 8.00 a.m. 5 30 p. m.
Guelph Ar. 10.00 " 7,43
Elmira " 10.25 " 8.09 "
Mllverton ,.. " 11.00 " 8.311 "
Walton " 11.37 " ons "
Myth " 11 49 " 9.2))
Auburn " 12.00 " 9.40 "
Godariob " 12.30 31,m. 11,10 "
will in future he tn'o cents per ounce or
fraction therm f.
As.1natralin and Rhodesia have not
yet et tided their adhesion to this
01101) 0 in the unit of weight, the rate
on hotels to 110110 colonies will be as
hith,•rt0, two 01115 per half 011000 01'
G'eetion , hereof,
Tim [ 01590 on letters to all pastel
n.hl 011 eon 1111 e.9, With the e[ePlrt ion of
Urent Britain and the Brit telt colotfrs
mon tinned in the foregoing paragraol,
and the United States, Mexico end
Egypt, will ho fire conic for each letter
weighing one ounce or leas On letters
weivhing more thee one ounce the
postage wi11 be five cents for the first
ounce. and three cents for each snbse-
gnent ounce or fr(ettol of an Donee,
This rate supersedes the former pos•
tel union rate of live cents half ounce.
About Men,
A man's life is full of c1'08853 01111
IIe comes into the world without his
consent, and goes out against his will
and the trip between the two et exceed.
311913' rocky. The rule of contraries is
one of the important features of the
When he is little the big girls kiss
hint, but when he is grown up the little
girls Hiss hint,
If he is poor he is a had manager, it
he is rich he is dishonest,
If he needs credit he can't get it ; if
ho is prosperous eyeryomo wants to do
him a favor.
If hate' in politics its for pie ; if he's
out ot-politiee, ycu can't place him and
he's no good for his country.
If he downer give t0 charity he's a
stingy cuss; if he does, its for show.
If he is actively religious he is a
hypocrite; if he takes no interest in
reingion'he'a a hardened sinner,
If he shows affection hr's a soft
specimen ; if he cares for no out he is
cold blooded.
If 1he dies young' there was a great
future ahead of him ; 3f be lives to an
old ago lie missed hie calling.
The road Is rocky but man loves to
travel it.
hoer appointed to conduct the crown
cases et the assizes which open here on
Dec. 16,
Miss Leckie, w110 hits been on the
staff of the Alexandra Hospital for
some months, left t is week to engage
in her professional duties in Franklin,
Hotel Goderich closed for the season
at the, oud of September so far as
receiving guests were concerned, but
tlhe proprietor remeined behind 111
settle 3111 affairs.
Wright Martin says that his flock of
about 200 Hens have laid during the
nine months 20,918 eggs, on which he
hos cleared about 0100 Lae promises
to beat this record next yehu'.
McLenn's open winter rink is assum-
ing business like proportions and will
soon be ready tar freezing thee. The
size will he 110 by 120 feet.
Thursday afternoon of Mst. week A.
McKay was tried before His Honor
Judge Doyle for assault, with attemp-
ted bodily harm. After a short trial
defendant was found guilty and sen-
tenced to 6 months imprisolnlent with
hard labor,
L. H. Dickson, K. C., of Exeter, has
Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value.
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
It has been prescribed by phy-
hysicians with the most satisfactory
It has often 'saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
OT a physician summoned.
It only costs a quarter, Can
you afford to risk so much for so
tittle? BUY IT NOW
London. Tomato, tde.tred, Wtaoivel, Vancouver, St. John, Boonton
McPherson Bros. Local Agents.
MOUTH. aon'r11.
am 6 4 3 3)) Wingham 11x50 7m35
0 43 :3 3:1 Wlrghant Jct, 11 48 7 25
6 52 3 14 Belgrave 11 40 7 13
7 (30 3 36 Blyth 11 28 7 00
7 14 4 (11 Londeebore 11 20 6 52
7 47 4 2:3. Clinton 10 15 11 05 6 85
8 03 4:39 Brueolleld 0 58 6 19
8 13 4 47 Kippen 0 so 6 11
8 22 4 52 Henoall 0 44 6 05
8 35 6 05 Exeter 9 3() 5 54
8 46 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43
8 50 6 28 Clandeboye 9 09 5 34
it 06 5 30 Luoaa Groeatag 0 05 5 90
9 12 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25
Il 21 5 46 Itderton 8 40 11 15
9 20 5 54 )Sttrlek 8 115 5 07
9 85 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 26 5 02
9 37 6 00 Hyde Park Jot. 8 24 5 W
9 45 6 10 London 8 15 4 60
Connections are made at Wtnghon for
all station° on the Palmerston and Kin-
cardine branch.
Commotions are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Doderlch
branch, and all stations from Stratford to
Connections are made at Luoan Croseing
fee all stations west to Sarnia.
Conoecttouc ere made at London for all
stations east and wast an the main line.
Our Big
. ffr
To all new subscribers from
. . 1100V On
George Rosa has gone to Toronto
where he will attend the dental college,
Roy, son of Wm. Ainlay, of Toronto,
is renewing old friendships in Brus-
sels and locality,
llessrs. Pryno have been busy coin•
Meting repairs end improvements to
the Mill dam and fltttne at their flour
mill. A new storage room toe octal hoe
also been put up,
Bert Lott has returned 10 t118 insti•
tuts for the blind it Brantford after en
enjoyable vacation at the home het*,
He is well pleased with the school and
is 'nicking good progress.
The partnership existing between
Phillips & Moore, as proprietors of
131 ussele electric light plant and chop•
ninb mill, hes beets dissolved and the
business 0111 be run by F. A. Airmen,
Stubbs & McArter, of Brussels, have
the contract of the carpenter work for
new two story brick Methodist parson-
age to he built this fall at Gorrie. ,P.
Anent supplies the wood work ma-
Melville church has given an order
for 400 individual communion cups,
treys, etc., which will be used at the
next communion aerviee on Sabbath,
18th inst. A 03)80 0) offering waif taken
a fete weeks ago to Defray the 003)0 1e
of the imps.
The Elmira Advertiser of Saturday
6th inst., announces a wedding at the
home of Henry Delion, a Former editor
of the Herald :-There was married on
Wednesday afternoon at the residence
of Henry Delion, Berlin, his sister-in-
law,. Miss Mary Ann Stumpf, daughter
of Henry Stumpf, Elmira, to John A.
Hilgartner, of Waterloo township.
The happy couple took a adding trip
to Wiarton,
will be sent till
Jan. 1st, 1908
;for the small suns of
Subscribe Now
Monday night soma night prowler
visited the Store of Alex, Strachan, oh-
ralniug ingress at the side'; door 3, the
hallway leading upstairs. A. wide and
It narrow coisel were found inthe hall
in the morning with which the More
door bad been pried open, Just what
tu118 taken may not he easily 'deter -
milted, but articles of wearing apparel
were 011101110 (3(0 itmhher. 'The cellar
was also visited. 'Phis ite the third
time that air. Strarhan'sstore has been
the scene cf similar thefts.
East Wawanosh.
Tile home of Wm. Walden, 5th line,
write mt:vlu glad by the arrival of
emu lie0little furl recently.
Armstrong Bros„ of Goderich, are
busy placing the of
ram in
Robt. Henry's spring.
At. the East Wawanosh Court of
Revision the Conservative added 14
1110 Liberals 8. Five names ever
struck off by the Conservative mid 8
by the Liberals.
Mrs. D. Ramsey, of Westfield, who
was removed to Guelph private asylum
seine time ago, is, we are glad to hear,
slightly better. Airs. Ramsey has
been a great sufferer from nervoue
trouble for the past boo years and of
late her mind became so deranged as to
neceesitete her relented to (411011)11.
'['here was quite a large turnout of
interested ratepayers at the meeting
that was called at school No. 7 to con-
firm or vote down the selection of it sits
made by the trustees. After a good
deal of heated discussion n standing
vote was tak¢u, which confirmed the
selection by e. tnsjority of two, But on
a poll being demanded the proposed
site, which is on the eouthweat corner
of Geo. B. Naylor's farm, was voted
down by e. majority of two. It will,
therefore, he settled by arbitration.
The arbitrators appointed are Mr,
Clark, of Belgrave, Inspector Tom, of
Goderich, and Wm. Clegg, of Wing'
For the second time in the course, of a
few weeks n theft has been committed
in our 111idst, P1115 time it was It set
of harness 91111011 was auken from the
arable of a ueigh(lorieg farmer, The
thief, wlto 600505 to be growing holder
deliberately entered the stable shout
half past nine in the evening and re-
moved the harness from a horao which
was standing tied. In the course of a
week however the owner of the missing
article tuns able to trace the deed to the
right party, who on being informed of
his intentions to pm the case 111 the
hands of the law, thought it wise to
return the harness one night to a field
adjoining the stable from which it was
taken, unhappily for him being wit•
nessed by the owner of th harness,
A8 it is not the first offence which has
been Deiced to the seine titan the affeir
might hate cost him door it the pros-
erution had been proceeded with.
Simple Rome Recipe.
Get from any prescription pharma-
cist the following :
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce ; Compound Kargon, 005 ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Shake well in a bottle and take a
teaspoonful dose after each meal and
at bedtime.
'rhe above is considered by an ern)
neat authority, who writes in a. Neat
York daily paper, as the fittest prescrip-
tion ever written to relieve Back-
ache, Kidney '!'rouble, Weak Bladder
and all (onus of Urinary difficulties.
This mixture acts promptly on the
eliminative tissues of the Kldneya, en•
abliug them to titter and strain the
uric acid and other waste (natter from
the bio 11 which causes Rheumatism,
Some persons who suffer with the.
effictious tnay not feel inclined to
phaco much confidence in this simple
mixture, yet those who have tried it
say the results are simply surprising,
the relief being effected without the
slightest injury to the etemucil or
other organs,
Mix some and give it a trial, It
eert(IOly comes highly recommended.
It is the prescription of an 0101/10111
authority, wlhoec entire reputation, it
is said, wile established by it.
A druggist here at home when
asked slated that he could either sup-
ply the ingredients or mix the pra-
acriptiom for our readers, also recom-
mends it as (harmless.
New Letter Rates.
,Tames Smith. of the Raytfeld road is
delivering for D. Cantelott, at different
points, some twenty-five thousand
'pile barrels.
.Toler Itans(ord wall at the annual
meeting of the Windier! Manufacturers'
Association, 11518118 elected a member
of th' executive committee.
The Customs Department has de-
cided that is officers should appear in
an off oiat uniform, and makes a 8119111
allowenee to exalt officer for that pet-
artiest., As 11001 05 certain trimmings
can be seenre11, Air. Wiseman, Collector
ode point, will dun his badge of
office, which will d stinguish him from
the ordinary citizen.
Fred. Chant visited his home here'
last week while on hie wad' from Strat-
ford to Midland where ho has accepted
' poeitio1 es physical director at the
Y. M. C. A. Prior to his departure
from Stratford the Association (fiends
presented 61111 with it neatly worded
address and a 901<l }Walled umbrella,
JameeSnell, of lfaveo-Beton Slack
term, lies lawn acting as n Detention
Government judge at fairs in the
province of Qneher, and loners for
Cho rlotdMown, P. 17. I., and other
nnints in the far eastern province.
The government scold not have chosen
a bettor man for tihis position, for he
has lied wide experience. We aught
remark that this enemy could eaeily
furu14111 expert judges fur nearly all the
fairs of the Dominion, as there ora
several Others the could name who have
•0) the qualifications for judging tiny
kind of stock,
MARKET Rcrottc. \Vbcat $1-01 ;
Barley 55=55 ; Oats 47-17 ; (lens
80-80 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 20-21,
A portion of the 'Pemiekanlia3 &
Northern Ontario Regrow' above NOV,'
Liskeard has sunk eft, en ft et,
For quality awl quantity ask vont.
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
''Stag''' and ' Currency" chewing
Beginning with Tuesday last the (01-
15001119 are the letter rates :
Canada, the United Slates, \Sexier,
Egypt, the United Kingdom and Brit•
1811 colonies, except 1011800(110. and Rho-
desia, two cents per mince ; other pos-
tal union countries, five cents for the
first ojuca and three cents fur each
additional ounce or frnctine thereof.
The postage on letters to Great Bri'-
(in, Egypt and all parts of the Britiolh
l n,n ra. 11(15 hitherto been two cents
per half ounce or fraction thereof. hitt
OFFICIAL x319581111111 LABEL
este ,.
This brand -on a bag or barrel -is the mark
of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall
Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled
by the best millers in Ontario.
Ask your grocer for a Blended Flour. --and
look for the above brand wherever you buy.
:> "Made in Ontario'
...140. .111•1111MIR
Book Work
Price Lists
Producers of good work -a little better than most.
Business Cards , . Posters --all kinds
Office Stationery Dodgers
Wedding invitations Horse Bills