HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-10, Page 5OCTOBER IOT14, 1go7--TI-IE BLYTH
Wanted Alive :
Old Hens and Chicks.
For a good dress buy
Priestley's Dress Goods
in A complete range of Ladies' Mantles selling at the
FA1 . lowest possible prices.
•r F U R S
Call and see our new range of
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.
p, �1 pmt �� :��1,1•�J_-�
lam.► le!.► a!► trial om :Ari 2�!iAs.imazl►4
Tub, new home of Jas. Moody is
nearly ready to be occupied.
'Pum coal question along with the
price asked for butter and eggs
makes one wish for the gond old
summer time.
THERE were many people from
town attended the Brussels Fah' hast
Friday. '1'heillet Band from Hamil-
ton was the attraction.
LAST Wednesday afternoon the
Winghant Bowlers came to town and
succeeded in defeating the home
club, The snore cards were lost so
we cannot give the results or the
names of the players,
THE I. 0. 0, F. degree team has
been invited to put on a degree
sometime near Christmas at Wing.
ham when the Odd fellows of that
town open up their new hall, The
lodge here will likely send up u
LAST week the following C. P. R,
officials were in town on their way
to Goderici in their private cin' :---
M. Ih Brown, Superintendent of
Freight, Toronto ; M. Bulling, Supt.
of Freight, London ; '1'. T. Savage,
Freight Travelling agent, Toronto ;
and C. Murphy, Supt. Western
Division, Loudon,
ON Monday morning of this week
Wm. Cunningham, a well known
farmer on the 7th line of Morris, was
in a bad accident which Wright have
ended his life, Mr. Cunningham
was over at Mr. Patrick Kelly's,
helping the latter with a load of hay
and was holding the team while Mr,
Kelly was climbing up on top of the
load to drive to town, iwhen the
horsed became frightened and stated
to run. The horses pulled Mr.
Cunningltato fur slue distnnet when
they ran, into 0 wire fence and ho
received''a bad shaking up besides
having his forehead cut and the
ii(t is ,�,1 id araga ming` rdimtrAg;I wAgAgA flesh under his right eye torn away
FARMERS are at present taking up
their potatoes, which are a'pretty
good' crop to this neighborhood, '
THERE are over 1200 elevators
I" o s s for relating are scarce in
MANY peopio are bothered with
had colds owing to the changeable
warehouses in the Northwest capable THERE dark evenings makes one
of storing 55 Million bushels of think`' about the days of long ago
grain. When the electric lights were not
TRE 'bus team team ran away known.`
Wednesday morning at the G, 'i; Titn division court clerks of Ont -
it. station and upset the 'bus, No Arlo are asking the government to
serious damage was done however, relieve them of the necessity of pay-
ay'Ono new home that J. G. Moser is ing,rent for their offices.
erecting is being rushed along as. 'THE'giris of Meth have cause for
fast as possible, The cellar is Huish- rejoicing, for a $65,000 factory for
ed and now ready for the brick- the, manUhtoture of ehearing gum is
work. to he erected in Toronto.
'fins week Ed, Johnston, the well ',TIT.' 'Y' which the 0. P. It, erected
known harness maker in town, put iter in the summer for turning their
in a machine with which he will be engt ..$5 when Blyth was toe termiu
able to turn out work while his us othe G. & G. has been removed
his customers wait Mr. Johnston as the turn -table at Goderich is now
believes in being up-to-date, in working order;'
THE University of Toronto will
this year have the itn'gest attendance
of any university in the Brinell Em-
pire, with the one exception of Ed-
inburgh. Tite total attendance
promises to be considerably over
KIND WORDS. --The Zurich Herald
of last week remarks :--The Blyth
Fair had bad weather the second
day and its a result the receipts fell
off considerably, I31yth usually has
one of the best shows in the pro.
CAnn os' THANKS.—The under-
signed wishes to thank the firemen
andcitizens who so willingly helped
in saving his saw mill and other
buildings at the recent fire in his
power house. The work was ap-
preciated and has my hearty
thanks. E. Livingston, Blyth,
Las, Wednesday evening Rev.
F'r,•tttMenamitt, of Lucan, •formerly
of this parish gave a most interesting
lecture in St. Michael's church, his
subject being "Five years on the
sea Shore," He described the west
shore of Nova Scotia where the in-
habitants find their means of sup
port in the fish industry, Ile des-
cribed the custom that prevailed
among the women of all classes.
After mentioning other facie he tools
his audience •.to the east shore of
Neva Scotia—the home of the blue
nose. He spoke of Ins experiences
in visiting his people and the
dangers he passed through while
going through the woods at night
where wild animals abounded, and
while the life was a strenuous and
trying one, he would go hack to it it
ordered by his Bishop. The lecture
was an instructive narration of
personal experience, with no parti-
culareffiv't at oratorical effect, and
that it was appreciated by his hear-
ers was evidenced by the close
attention given 'hint. At the close
Rev. Fr. Hanlon cordially thanked
hlm 011 behalf of the congregation,
expressing the pleasure the lecture
had afforded.
As we make a specialty of handling
produce we are paying the highest cash
prices for Butter and Eggs at our store.
When you have any of these for sale get
our prices before going elsewhere.
Grain Monks paid after banking hours
at our store,
Dineley Street Blyth
This is a
Watch Ad.
There are many things in our stock that
we feel we should talk about, but when
we look at that great big stork of Watch-
es we decide to give you a little Watch
Our Watch stook Ia unusual because Of
its size—more than 200 Watches of all
sizes and qualities are shown, and be-
came we beught so many the prices are
Then the stock is unusual because of
the care with which it was .eeletted.
There Isn't an unworthy time-pleee to the
lot. There are cheap watches of course—
$1 25 ones—but they are worth what they
dos: and please your boy right down to
the ground.
For older people we have more expen-
sive watches and every value is nnusnat.
You are Invited to our watch stook.
Jewelry and Stationery.
Take Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for
cleardpg the Stomach,
200 days treatment
$1, 50 days' treatment 25e. For sale at
Dr, Milhe's Drug Store
Wholesale from the
1{incardine, Ont,
and the cheek bone broken. It is a
wonder that his eye was not knocked
out, Medical aid was at once sum-
moned and the patient is doing as
well as can be expected.
The Presbytery of Huron is to
meet in Goderlch on Friday of this
week to deal with tate call from
Auburn to Rev. 311, Foote.
The anniversary sermons will be
preached in the Methodist church,
Blyth, on Sunday;'` Sept, 20th, by
Rev. IL Locke, of Kincardine,
Next Sunday Rev, Mr. Rivers, of
Belgrave, will occupy the pulpit of
the Methodist church and IRev, Nt'.
Anderson will preach on the Bel -
grave circuit.
The anniversary services of Jack-
son's appointment will be held next
Sunday afternoon and evening when
Rev, Mr, Buggi^ will preach the
sertnon. Special collections will be
* • *
Services in St. Andrew's church'
last Sunday were very large. The
sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
dispensed at the morning service to
a very large gathering of members
and visitors,
* * *
On Sunday afternoon at 3.30 the
members of Blyth Court, C.0.lg.
will march to St. Andrew's church
when the pastor, Rev, J: L,Small,
13. A., will preach the annual sermon
to the brethren' -
The pastor of St. Andrew's church
expects to be in his pulpit three
times on .Sunday,- via:: 11 a. m,,
3.80 and 7 p, n%. In the evening at
7 the second sermon on the "Second
Coming,of Christ."
•••• ••••••••••• ••• •••••••
Tell it to the
• •
While I he Public is invited to make
use of this column for the expression of
personal views on public matters and
nubile men, personalities are debarred and
in all eases the suitability of the com-
munication for publication Is a matter to
be decided by the Lditor.
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
and for the opinion of our correspondents
and •heir difference., with our own THE
STANDARD must disclaim responsibility.
We will pay the highest cash prices for
live old hens, also spring thickens, dunks
and all kinds of poultry, Mention this
The Canada Poultry & Produce
Co. Ltd., Stratfckrd.
Blyth Council.
The regular meeting of Biyth
Council wits held in Industry Ball
on October 2nd,
The Reeve was it, the chair and
Councillors Chellew, Gerry and 11111
were present,
Minutes of last regular meeting
1111(1 special meetings of Sept. 9th,
16th and 17th were road, and on
motion of L. 11111, seconded by J. H.
�heliew, were confirmed,
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by J.
II. Chellew, that the following ac-
counts be paid :— Carried.
N. B. Gerry, coal for fire hall,,,,810 54
Win. Johnston, drawing engine
and work on settles50
Isaac Brown, tile account for
streets 51 25
C. H. Besse, water for 4 00001;.,,. 1017 67 00
A. Eidister, services revising voters'
Robert Slater, staking derrick
for till..,,.,..,. 1 00
8, Westlake, salary Sopteniber, 40 50
'Inc STANDARD, printing acct.,0 28
P, Livingston, electric light 40 e0
Wm. Sims, repairs, 0 20
J. E.'1'amnn, work Drumm, n 1St, 4 80
J. Cunning„ " 4 80
W. Johnston,2 Bit
Jns, Barr " 40
John hoes " " 2 00
Wtn, 14obertson" " 2 40
D. Carter !' " 1 40
Jos, Cartery' " " ti 00
1f, A. Pigott& Co„ rent 2 scrap-
ers 2 CO
8204 14
It was moved by L. Hili, seconded
by N. 13. Gerry, that Samuel West-
lake bo appointed collector of taxes
for the present year upon furnishing
two bondsmen along with himself
satisfactory to this Council. For
such services the terms of resolution
passed the 1st May, 1907, be valid
and binding and that a by-law be
prepared confirming the same.—
Moved by J. II, Chellew, seconded
by N. 13. Gerry, that an additional
tax of 5 per cont on the dollar be
imposed upon all taxes remaining
unpaid after the 14th day of De-
cember, 1907, and that a by-law be
prepared confirming the same.—
Moved by L Hill, seconded by J.
H. Chellew, that By-laws Nos, 9 and
11 of 1907, as now read three times,
be passed,—Carried.
Moved by J. H. Chellew, seconded
by N. 13. Gerry, that the engineer
and inspector measure walks and
crossings built by Joseph Carter and
report to the treasurer the measure-
ment, and thtit the treasurer pity
1G'. Carter the amount due him as
per contract,—Carried,
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by N.
B. Gerry, that the clerk get 25 not-
ices printed calling for tenders for
cement walks on Westmoreland St,
tenders to close Oct. 4th at eight
p. m.—Carried.
Moved by L. Hill, seconded by N.
13. Gerry, that the treasurer pay the
Blyth Agricultural Society tt grant
of $10.—Cnrrled.
Moved by N. B. Gerry, seconded
by L Hill, that we do now adjourn.
A special meeting was held in In-
dustry Hall on Oct. 4th for court of
revision on sidewalk petition No.
Bombers present, the Reeve in
the chair and Coons, Hill, Chellew
and Gerry.
No objections were raised nor ap-
peals presorted as to laying of ce-
ment walks and crossings on south
side of Westmoreland street and oast
side of Mill street.
It was moved by L. Hill, seconded
by J. II. Chellew, that this court of
revision be now closed,—Cat'ried.
A special meeting of the council
was held the saute evening with the
same members present.
One tender was received for ce-
ment walk on south side of West-
moreland street and east side of Mi11
street at 131 cents per square foot
from Joseph Carter.
It was moved by L. Hill, seconded
by J. H. Chellew, that the tender of
Joseph Carter at 131 cents per
square foot be accepted.—Carried,
It was moved by L. Hill, seconded
by N. 13. Gerry, that the following
accounts be paid :—A. McNally, 3
days inspection of walks, $6 ; Jos,
E. Tainan, 25 yards gravel, $15.50,
It was moved by I,, Hill, seconded
by J. H. Chellew, that Joseph Car-
ter he paid 522.89, balance due on
sidewalks end crossing Drummond
and Victoria streets contract.—Car.
The council then adjourned.
The Toni!).
RocgtisoN,—In Hallett, on October
2nd, Mrs. Solomon Rogerson in
her 81st year.
r s Go
English Plaids, in fancy and tartans, at 25c.
Shadow Tweeds, in brown, green, blue onlbre
checks, very special at 35c
Shantung Tweeds, in large and small shadow
checks, beautiful combination of colorings, at
5oc. 75c, 9oc, $f and $1.25.
French Venetians, in black, navy in all shades,
brown in all shades, green in all shades, wine
and garrett, in fine soft chiffon finish, at 5oc,
750, $i and $1.25.
Chiffon Broadcloths, in all the popular colorings,
including Cobalt brown, french blues and
greens, Burgundy brown, wine and garret, at
75c, $1 and $1.25.
Satin Cloths, this cloth is still popular and with its
lustrous finish is a good seller at 50c.
Ladies' Fur
Lined Jackets
Ladies' Fur Lined Jacket, with very fine dyed coon collar, lined
in sleeves and body with Getman muskrat, outside veru
heavy kersey cloth, at 855.
Ladies' Fur Lined Jacket, with American sable collar, lined
throughout with German muskrat, outside eloth of very
fine quality of I;ersey cloth, at 875,
Ladies' Fur Lined Jacket, same as above only finer furs and bet-
ter 010111, slightly' diffeteat in make up of coat, at 080.
Ladies' fur Jackets
Ladies' Fur Jackets, made by Marshall & Co. and
Brerton & Manning, at $25, $28. $3o, $33,
$35, $40, $45.
* Successors to McKINNON & CO.
*****7****i:**5 *y1*
ii jii+
Desks & Book Cases
Evrry businesS man 01' woman should have a
desk to hold hooks, papers and valuable corres-
pondence, We have a great variety- of Desks at
prices from 55 to $25 each, These desks are
finished in quarter -eat oak end are divided by.
drawers, shelves and letter boxes. Coll and
Seo them.
Fresh Groceries
Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags.
Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family.
People Read First
Then Then Think
And Afterwards Buy
Give them something to read. Give them
something think about. Give them
something to buy.
BD adver;isiBg in 'TileBlaming(' you cover 13Ot11
Town art Countrla
Merchants Should Remember This When
Making Their Contracts
Get Our Rates — - - Telephone No. 4