HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-10, Page 4JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BGYTII, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes aspecialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative banking prtnoples. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. _Business Cards. A. B. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, lite. Sue. oessar to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan Batik. EK(AIDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR. Bairleters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Rto, Ofnces—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt,Goderlcit. W. Proudfoot, K.C. ; R, 0, hays, G. F, Blair. 0. E. LONG, L.D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Oalce over James Cult's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 amt. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physiolan and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Vol' versity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cots over fur the County of Huron. came, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F. S. s5tC®TT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tita S'rANnAno, Blyth, Blyth Livery AND Sale Rabies O 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 Firet•oisos Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of a000mmodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. KiNG AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTN, WE 'TEACH 'TELEGRAPHY jai raitard, We have three department, 're:mm"r- elal, Shorthand and Telegraphy, We employ the best tea:hers that money cat hire. Oar courses are thoroughand pre(• Meal and we assist worthy et dente to positions. Those who wish get a money -making education shouldet the best. • Write for our, new Wale a and get particulars. This is the best tl the of year to enter our c1a9oeP.4k ELL/OTT d McLAQNLAN, Principalq, )4;7714.rcr,�N .errttJ PAcis FOUR STANDARDOcrOJEn Icrli, 1907, !1je gtatt arb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, ;'rHUItsDAY, OClP, 10, 1007 People We Know Aliss Johnson, of Buffalo, is the gneitt of Miss I'atlny Mason, Mrs ,las. llcMurchie woo ,e visitor in Toronto for a few days last week. Miss Bentley arrived home from a delightful visit out west last week. bir. and Mrs. C. A. Bowe were visitors with friends in Brussels Last week. • ' Miss Olive Mooney, milliner at Lotdesboro, was a visitor over Sun• day at the home of Mr. Jas. Gibson. Mr. W. 11. Kerr, and Mr. 13. Gerry, of Brussels,, were in Blyth Attending the S. S. convention, Mr. Kerr being the retiring president. \1'e are pleased to hear that Mr, Ed. Wilford is doing as well as could be expected in the hospital at To. fume, but it will be some time, be- fore he leaves it, Miss Pearl Chellew, of London, now occupies the position of steno. gt'apher with the firm of Beatty, Fusken ;& Chadwick, lawyers and solicitors, Toronto. Ou Tuesday of this week Mr. Jas. licMarciie, C. P. R. ticket agent, ticketed Air. Alex. McKellar, to liinscarth, Manitoba, and return and Mr. John Lown to Arcola, Sask., and return. This week Mt', James Leach is moving his household furniture to Goderich where he has been em- ployed for some bine. The many many friends of Mr. and Mrs, Leach will be sorry tu see then) leave town, but will all juin in wishing them ti any and happy prosperous years in the county town. Mr. and Mrs, Martin Richmond, of HItiniilton, were in town last week, and while here Mr, Richmond .received a telegram from the Saw- yer -Massey Co,, with whom ho is engaged, that one of their customers, Mr. Andrew Beattie, of Markdale, who has been running one of his Universal threshing machines, had it burned together with the barn while machine was at work, caused by spark from engine. Mr. Rich mond was very sorry to hear this news, but ori the evening of' the stone day he received a 'phone from the company saying that Mr. Beat. Lie had come down. and purchased another Universal, the last they had on hand ; he would have no other kind and said there would be no use taking anything- else into that section now. Mr. Richmond also visited Mr. Sltut'treed, of Walton, who is also using one of Itis Univer- sals. and was much pleased to find that they have been running steady for two months and have more than a month's: work spoken ahead, while ethelt machines are standing idle. The many friends of lir. Richmond will be pleased to hear of his sue - 9089. Huron County S. S. and C. E. Convention, The 35th Annual Convention of' the Iluron County Sabbath School Association was held in the Metho- dist church, Blyth, on Tuesday afternoon and evening of this week, IV. II. Kerr, of Brussels, President, in the chair. There was a good attendance and tui excellent pro- gram. Afternoon sesslott opened at 1.30, Rev. S. Anderson, Pastor, con. ducting devotional exercises. After it few words front the Presi- dent he called upon Rev. 11. W, Merrill, 13, A., of 7'or,•nto, to 0.'nduct a Conf'er'ence on Sabbath School Werk. The reverend gentlenuut, who is General Supertuteedent of the Sunday School Board of the Baptist Convention of Ontario, 1s specially qualified for this work end ;titer distributing a question leaflet containing 50 queries, occupied about an hour in solving the many knotty problems often present, d to the toiler in this hnportent dept:a't ment tit ebur^.h work. Rev. J. C. Reid, 13. A , 13. 0., of Nile, gave 1,11 interesting and in siructive and instructive it'.id,ess to the children on the "Spider," which he drew Hinny practical les - sone of value to both young ttnd old, The closing address was given by 11t:;Harmon, formerly Miss Irwin i Cliotoe, %'bo %kith her hntiltnni is 1,•t.geged in mission work in lin, island of Ceylon. Her topic was Ceylon—the .Island and Its People" I and abounded in infortuhtlon,r` The audience wits sorry when Mrs. Rut - nam resented her seat. A choir of girls gave a geed chores. After announcements by Rev, J. L. Small. 13. A., who acted as Secre- tary in the absence of James hilt• ellell, cf Goderich, this interesting session was concluded with the dox• oiogy and benediction. The church was neatly decorated with mottoes, flowers, etc. The evening session opened at 7.30 with a song service, IRev. J. L. Small taking charge of the dews tional exercises. A notice of motion was given to the effect that the S. S. and C. E. Associations of the Co, be amalga• mated under one set of officers, the matters to be discussed at IYednes- day's forenoon 90881011. 11Ite choir sang a very cheery number, Rev. Mr. Glassford, of Guelph, was the first "speaker ttnd gave a very suggestive and encouraging address, taking the Rod of Moses as his topic, It was listened to with profit. Rev. Mr, Merrill's topic was "The Sunday School, Teacher," He la thoroughly practical. and set out clearly the relationship of the teach. er to the school and the clefts, Rev, Mr. Merrill is well worth hearing, The meeting was concluded by the hymn, "I want to he a worker for the Lord,". Itev. AL'. Allan, of Wingham, pronouncing the beim- dietion. MUNI) DAY. The 14th session of the Christian Endeavor Convention opening on Wednesday morning was rich in good things, The devotional hour, led by ltey, H. E. Allen, of Wing - ham, was a season of refreshing, the addresses stimulating, and the whole spirit of the meeting was ex• ceedingly helpful and wholesotue. An admirable address was given by Mr. Merrill on "The Relation of our Young People's Societies to S. S. Wofit." 791is was followed by an equally inspiring address by Rey. G. N, Hazen, of Goderich, on "Chris. Han Citizenship." The last half hour of the session was devoted to business. A change in the constitution was unanimously adopted by the con• vention, namely :—Thot the two associations be amalgetttated to be known as the Huron County Sunday School and Young People's Aseoeia. ROBERT ti. OARNISs BLUEV.1Ll'v -- -- ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Tm'rns reasonable. Sales arranged for at Tae S'1'sNnAnn once, Biyth, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct front the queries. Get our prices. We employ no agents. WiLSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS — — ONTARIO. CHEAP READING The Standard al o0 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 65 '1'he Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 160 The Standard and We*kly Globe 1 35 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire ..,. 1 65 The Standard and fin mitten Semi - We 03.Tillie'. 1 Ell The Stwniard ,and Weekly Fr. -e• Press 1 80 The Standard and Toronto W.•ek• ly Sun. 180 The Standard and Hamilton Twit's -week S`tectator..., .... 1 80 Thu Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News . 2 25 The Standard aitd eartner'sAdvo- rata 2 &1 The S'atadartt slid Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 'rhes anda4 nrid It sijInc Free Piers 2 711 she Souldard nod Toro(1to Daily t'.nid 825 The 6tsndurd and Daily Fres Pre.o" 8 5: 'I'h. St.:chi, d..1)1 Eree c Giuta- 310 The Stands' d and 1''+'nlug .tlt,il 9(1(1 Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and 4.,mmre. 4 50 The Stands rd 'and Dealt' Glebe.. 4 80 h4l,0)0 m. do -e a. tilt, ")l t.AI1At(.D, BLYTH, ()NT, tion ; that there be the one set of officers consisting of a president, four vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer ; and that the 'ingrain be intermixed with subjects relating to Sabbath School and Youtig Peupie's work. The afternoon session opened with the devotional exercises led by bir. Destow, of Nile, after which A. Cul- lens, Y. Al. C. A. secretary of New Jersey, gave an hour's talk on Young Men's Work which was very interesting to the audience. The second address was on the Temper. twee Question given by A. T. Coop. er, of Clinton, who dealt with this great question with got ti arguments. The evening session commenced with a song service after which the devotional part was conducted by Rev, W. H, Hartley, of Blyth. The report of the Nominating Com mittee 1505 read and passed upon. It was 88 follows :—President, Rev. W. E. Herr, Clinton ; Vice Presi- dents, Rev. H. Edgar Allen, Wing. ham ; Rev, D. Urquhart, 13. A., Kip. pen ; Miss Alberta Carr, Blyth ; Charles Girvan, Nile ; Secretary, Miss Stevens, Clinton ; Treasure), Miss Murray, Hensel! Mrs, Rut - nam gave her second delightful ad• dress on "Various Phases of Chris= thin Work in Ceylon," and the Mos. Ing address was "The Church and Social Problems" by Rev. A, C. Wishart, 13. A,, of Brussels. 'rite choir of St. Andrew's church had charge of the musical part It was decided that the next annual con• veutlon be field i9 Hensel' Brussels Fall Fair A Success. The Brussels Fall Fair held last Thursday and Friday was a success notwithstanding the wet weather on Thursday afternoon and evening, The total receipts will amount to nearly 51000. The interior department was filled with a fine array of exhibits and the show of ltor8es, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry were excellent. The speeding events went as follows :— Green race -1, George E. Bender• - 8o11, Seaforth ; 2, A. 1t, Currie, Bruit. sels ; 3, P. Scott, Brussels, 2.50 event -1 Archibald & Cud - more, Seaforth ; 2, John Galbraith, Brussels ; d, Archibald & Cudmore, Seaferth. There was also a colt race takers by Ernest Ruzell, Miller Bros,, and P. Scott, There was some lively skirmish. ing in the foot races and the winners are as follows:—Half mile --Stanley Ford, Glen Armstrong, William Jaeklin, 100 yards --Jack Leckie, Russell Currie, Harry Mooney, Irvine Ferguson, 50 yards—Leslie Lowry, 'Wilfrid Lott, George Colvin. Willie Harris. Girls, 100 yds.—Florence Lowry, Ida Rands, Edith Toole. Gh'is, 50 yards --Stella Gerry, Katie Finn, Florence Lowry, Winnie Long, Obstacle race --Glen Armstrong, Stanley Ford, Theo. Scarlet, Russell Alderson. The Ninetyfirst Highland Regi- ment Band, of Hum Iton, discoursed music during the day, and Master Flett Duncan gave several Highland dances. Theday's proceedings wound up with a big concert in the town hall given by the Band assisted by Mester Duncan and Miss Stares, soprano. The attendance at the fair ran up into the thousands, and the directors are well pleased with the results. Londeebero. bliss Mooney spent Sunday with Blyth friends. Miss Rase Riley, tiff London, is home for her holidays. Mrs. John Lasham is visiting Lon• don friends this week, Several front here tisk In the Brussels fair ,n Prides I:,yt D •n't forget the fowl snppe.r to hs held itt the Methodist church un the evening of Thanksgtvi,g 'Day. A good program is also being prepared After a protracted illness Mrs, Frame's Brown passed sway or %Wednesday 111 rning in her 77,) year. The funeral wits held on Friday when the remains were le revved in the Lnndeshoro cemetery, She len res it httsl'a id and grown-ni. family to mourn her loss, Tun Toronto Star ssve ;--Th "0 tttrin Education Department has rte. sided to grant '530 to the teacher 1 1(115111'1)1 or village seam t qunlif, lug tit the Ontario Agricnitnrs1 Col lege as s tt'nclier in elementary air ribulture and horticulture, and tench ing' these. subjects ill hie ..t' iI,'• schnnl Thi' dr;pnrtntsrtt 091,5 tit.., tb r si'sdliegs and •.rh.'r f ry equipment Will he supplied such rural boards as desire them, aaai>/'ov4ftiae>iesa'itll;til'ati°r'+V•m7• i1r/A• ew Furs • • • `` Ol ••. 0 0} 101 � 01 01 We have a complete stock of Fur Coats, Caps, Ruffs, Etc. 0 0 0 0 0 Ogyeesormyeeoreemeococrems o TBLYT [ • 0 COr Call and see our stock before you . buy. Our prices are the lowest. J. A. ANDERSON 0 0 0 THE BLYTH STANDARD JOB DEPARTMENT Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of' general Print- ing rinting and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring 'something better than the ordinary" at simply a consistent pride for the character of work we turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads ,4 Siatemet Mote Ileads Bill Heads Envelopes --all sizes Wedding Invitations At Horne Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Shipping Tags Programs Posters Pamphlets Tickets Memorial Cards Sale Bills Circulars Catalogues, Etc. We carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list. Colored. Work a Specialty' The only way to start a Savings Account Is to start it. Good Inten- tlons do not bear Interest --neither doe& idle money. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest at high. est current rate, compounded quarterly. ti ).11,) 1, 0 4 11•