HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-10, Page 1VOL, XXI.
for a business or Shorthand oouree.
Positions &steered to lrrndnates. Six
months wIll fit you, We provide 24
tesohere and hest faollitles, Write
oe, Central Business College, $06
Yonge St., Toronto. W. 11, Shaw,
1f we
could talk
to everybody in town et :grace to-
day do you know what we ,'would
say first of all Y
We would any
Come here for Drugs
Why come here, you Bey.
For all the < reaeons jttst'lattter tnto
the arguments of a,�,',Ood, drug Store
with au Atstock.
For the exactly right goods.
For the precisely proper mature -
men tte.
For thepromptnees that you like.
And for the quality of drugs that
your doctor likes.
Waiting to prove it.
more pupli;tatteadtug than
one year ago. This epeake
eliquently as to our past
n ark.
We Murata to meet the
living demands of it pro
gree:ivo age,
Oar Stenographers and
Bookkeepers delight the
,mist modern, exacting city
D.ey eindnnts attend night
Masses free. Graduates.' '.
relented in gond situations.
I divtdn'tl biatrneHnn.
No.I,I'+ he time to e,.
cr lite ,
George Spotton, Principal
T. A. Mills and J. J, Cunningham
spent a few days in the mining country
at Cobalt,
Mrs, Edward Baer has returned from
Brown City, NI Ian., after a month's
visit with her sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Pack-
Bonilla Grime ie home on a visit to
his parents. Ile has been for some-
time on the G,'1'. Pacific survey, north
of Fort Wilhelm
The Ledies' Auxiliary for the Hospi-
tal purpose holding a bazaar in aid of
the hospital. The date will be an-
nomnced later,
One day recently Samuel Young of
town plucked a branch off one of his
"Bleck Cap" raspberry hushes on
which was several fully developed bey -
ries. It is not often we have raspber-
ries at this season,
Jesse liarriston,, of Gorrio, had Inc
loft aria badly crushed in ti,,threshint
machine a couple of weeks -ago. The
arm was so badly injured' that gan-
grene supervened and on Thursday
last be WAS removed to the Winghstn
HoslIiitxl, After consultation the doc-
tor found
octorfound it necessary to amputate the
armbelow the shoulder. Dr, Kennedy,,
assisted by Drs. Tamlyn and Redmond,
performed the operation. Although in
a very weak condition, 110)188 are now
entertained of Mr, Harriston's recovery.
An effort is beteg made to secure a
post office nt Walkerburi. It is not.
yet certain whether or not the Pastel
Oeparttnent will grant tlfe;re9uest, but
it would be a greet convenience,
Mint E, Keys, whose home is in
Logan, but who has been.ttiaciting in
Ottawa for the putt eightyears, was
married on Monday Mat to Joseph
Naegle, of Dublin Site Is a sister of
Mrs. John Oarbertof this township.
John Barr, of the boundary, does
not boast very flinch of his ability as n
breeder of thoro'bted stock but when
he goes into the Show ring he carries
off most of the prises. At Blyth lee
took the majority of them, and et
Goderich fair he wee • phenomenally
successful. He "made 17 eta, les and
won 17 prizes—I5 firsts, 1 second and
1 thirij ;,110 could not have improved
this reeord'very mach. At Dungannon
heir last week he wits also very success-
ful, gaiting 10 firsts and 8 seconde.
After a,protraoted illness James M
Tighe,tif'Hallett, passed away in his
6211d year, He had been a resident of
Hallett fora limiter of years and was
Iisf4,in very high esteem. :H8 wee un
n4rdiod and " leaves four brothers,
Thomas, .alas, in Hallett • William, in Gude
fith,.''harlas;.itt derri1, 11 Mit, and
hub, IV Chet bo •gas He also leaves
four ei teo, `'Ire, Tighe, of Owen
Hound; Iles, 1{eitting, of Buffalo,;,
Mrs. ,lobin, of 'Toronto, tied an un-
married sister at hone. Ho was a
charter mender of the C. Id. iL A. and
Carried an insurance of $2000 therein,
The funeral services were conducted by
liev. Father Hanlata, the pall bowers
eeie¢ 11 Brom], 0, Flynn, J. Shann-
letui, Joseph ReynoldsD. Reynolds
and 11'. tiorrlsou,
Last Thursday morning the spirit of
znboth Bowe, beloved wife of Solo -
111011 Rogerson, rook its 41 phi item this
wei Id at the .tee' 1 80 years acid 18
1.4 11, •dl r0 ., ere ,I r, r.
uei, u;; by ua, Car w
G nn K'3,'.tipl.1.- S
40, tires IA 0 ,n on
:to .f four P-snyr, Ai•
d' • C:. IM 8 i Tel.::.
3G, ,T . W.
Needful Specialties
11 there is anything special in my line we have it, for
we always buy the best that tnoney can buy and the only
way to see this is to take a look through our most complete
stock Of ---
Clothing, Gents' Furnishings
Shoes and Rubbers.
for Fall and Winter wear.
Blue sued Bleck Beaver and Nap Cloth Ovenware, special 50, ,
Perfection Brains Suite, single or double breasted, $6 to $12,
Black Melton and Colored Overcoats, $7 to 815.
Cravnnette Overcoats, reduced from 812 to $9,
Leather boats and Frieze Pea Jackets, $2 76 to $6.
Men's Odd Pants and Vests from 81 up.
ltosebmry Special Winter Caps, 50c
{;ilis Spring Needle Underwear, $1 suit. tip.
We have six different lines of, Socks that can't he heat and we
these lines exclusive.
Heavy Fop Shirts that will open your eyes for aanlity and`low price.
Ask to ehow you our line of Men's Only Fine Shoes and 10 different
stoles of Maple Leaf Rubbers, Best for wear to be had.
Our Made -to -Order Department is busy making Overcoats and Suits, end
our stock of :innings and Overcoats is complete and up-to-date, 'fake a look at
our new Fall Fashion Plate and you will be tempted to buy.
Advertisements in the
Our Job Work Excels
flays, Mrs, Rogerson was born in
Leeds, Yorkshire, and carne to this
country when quite young. She was
married to leer now tenet sold aged
partner in Ingersoll 50th years ago the
2501 of July. Mr, and Mrs. Rogerson
celebrated their golden antnivesaty last
July, though it was not a very happy
(latter her as she had been comlined to
leer bed tot - the past 10 months, she
being a sufferer from asthma. She
leaves to mourn the loss of a true wife
and loving touter, besides her hus-
band, six lona had one daughter, John,
Charles, Fred, "-Walter, Robert and
Mrs, Armstrong, all living in Hallett,
and henry near St. Marys, The fun-
eral took place on Saturday afternoon
from her hone, the service being con-
ducted by her pastor, Rev, Mr, Curry,
she being it lifelong Methodist. The
interment Was made at the Kinburn
cemetery, '10 her aged partner and
the family, the sympathy of the com-
munity is extended in this their hour of
Jno, 'ditties, of Chicago, is at
present visiting his aunt, Airs, James
Mrs. John Bennett and Master
Foster have returned home after au
extended visit fn the West,
Wednesday of last week Wm. Cud -
more, of Sea forth, shipped a car of hay
from this point. This is the first hay
shipped from hero.
The malty friends of Alex, Christo-
pher will be pleased to hear that he ie
malting favorable progress towards
recovery. 1i0 has been in lienor&
Hospital with fever we aro sorry to
Porter Bros., of Cranbrook, having
purchased the Sholdice livery, took
possession Pueeday last, Mr, Sholdice
has rented his farm to his brother
Adana and will have a sale in the near
future. He tante of removing to Lou-
'Sonne time ago Edward Lamb had the
misfortune of having a straw run into
his eye causing inflammation to set in.
Por a time it was feared that an opera-
tion would be necessary to remove the
eve but now ft Is thought to be past
danger, The might is injured perman-
ently we regret to hear,
for M est Huron is
D.Ttobb,P.S.I. o l
on'an Inspecting tour among the rural
schools in this vicinity,
"Little Harry,", ,owned by W. Cud -
more of„ town, won the free-for-all
spee'dlnir onte0t at St, Marys fait',
John Il dnhedy, of Kennedy Bros.,
butchers, had the misfortune to stumble
while coining downstairs, and in the
fall uefeItuuately broke his leg tit the
Harold Breadfoot, sot of Mrs, 1, 11.
Broadfoet, has been appointed map•
ager of the Canada Furniture Co's,
factories at WIngham, 00 mum sears to
'I'hotnas and Harry Bell, who 11000 re-
The J. G, Greig Clothing idenufuc-
tu•ipgCo, are opening out a neW in-
dustry in Sonforth, They have ac-
quired the building at the rear of the
W. IA Willis shoe factory end will
manufacture boys' clothing. The com-
pany expect to be in operation next
Mrs, Chas, 31eKiunon, who hate had
eherge0, the commercial department
at. the Seaton)] Collegiate Institute
Siem) the conmeecement of the fell
term, is leaving shortly for, Edmonton
to join her husband WA „understand
Mks Chitties., otClinton, will take her
place on the Collegiate staff.
'I'hecadet corps In connection with
the Seefoth Collegiate Institute has
been very highly complimented .by the
Adjutant Genet'al on its efficiency.
Colonel L 1', Lessard, Adjntllnt Gen-
et al,
len-cal, in his repoft to the 01ioetln com-
wapd for Western Ontario Says : "I
have the honer, to request that you will
be good enough to cense the Principal
of the Coll plate Institute at Seaforth,
to be informed that the, Minister i1,
1111 110 Ceni00il .has to ted with much
1 1018 bit very excellent mature of
the report rendered by the office' who
inspected the corps in Jane Inst, It is
hoped thnt`evory effort will be made in
future tomoptlt'ul this corps at its
present state of efficiency,"
Clothier and Gents' Furnisher.
33 I—• 'Y T II
Simon Campbell hits been awarded
the contract of carrying mail front
Exeter to Mitchell.
The Gibb Co, have completed their
now evaporator building on Station
Provincial Detective Raeburn, of
Toronto, was here attempting to find
out who set the evaporator at Exeter
North on fire, but no clue to the offend-
s' was fonnd,
Chas. T. Currelley, a former Exeter
toy, has just returned to Toronto lion
Egypt where he spent the past two
years hunting treasures for the museum
of Toronto University, He brought
with him 50 packing boxes full of cost-
ly articles,
David Gardiner, who recently re-
signed ns manager of the Exeter Can-
ningCo., is at present working on the
formation of a company, to operate et
St. Joseph, the embryo city on the
Mime of Lake Huron, The building
which was first used es a flour mill and
later as a wine factoy, also asaw mill,
will possibly be used as a factory. Mr.
Contin has petitions to present to the
government for the completion of the
look at Sr. Joseph, At present the
dock ends in water five feet in depth
and the petitions are for the govern-
ment to connect it with the land.
Morris Council will 000yell0 on Mon-
day, 14th inst.,
Airs; W, H. Maunders and two little
daughter, who were enjoying a visit
with relatives and friends for several
months have returned to their home in
Idaho where Mi'. Maunders is interest-
ed in sheep ranching. We hope to see
them back again before very long.
The Township Council did not let the
contract of digging Ole Cole drain.011
the date set for it owing to the fact
that the prices asked were higher 01511
they wanted to pay. Job is still open
but the work willordly he completed
this fall owing to the lateness 'of the
Wednesday afternoon of la•t week
Rev. Mr, Lang -Ford, of Brussels, tied
the matrimonial bow between Jim,
Case, of'1'horndale, and Miss Frank,
daughter of Frank and Mrs. McCracken
4th line, in the precenco of a goodly
number of guest&,
GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency," "Bobs'
and "Sieg" chewing tobaccoes, in big
plugs. Quality always the saute.
We Have ' Too
Many Fruit Jars
Owing to the scarcity of fruit, we find
ourselves overstocked with fruit jars, so to
thin them out we offer them at very low
prices this week.
Imperal Pints 70 cts.
Wine Quarts 75 "
Imperial Quarts 80
Wine, half gallons 90
It will pay you to buy them now in
anticipation of your wants later on.
An advertisement in TRH STANDARD
There is tails of the erection of a 40 -
bedroom hotel in town by it philan-
The new contract taken by the Hen-
sel( foundry cane for an output of two
tons per day,
As James Clark Was shoeing n horse
the animal struck out with his hind
foot knocking him senseless and in
eluting a scalp wound close to the
temple. His hand was also hurt
though not. seriously. He now wears
a plaster on his forehead,
Our evaporator is nowin full running
order mud 1hotigh fall apples are 5clu08
melte m nu niter have been bought in.
With his htbor saving devices ltd
very effective staff Mr. Joint turas out
a big quantity of fruit every day, His
pees rte average 75 bushels each, one of
then,'•Mise Jennie McQueen, peeling a
bushel in a faction over live minutes.
The citizens of Hensnll have again
settled down to Minitel conditions.
The' robberies and outrages said to
MIA been perpetrated at John Moore's
residence oneltichnloid street ho re
been trateed to the right source. On
Tnesdty:Provineial Detective Ithehurn
arrived here and took up the case.
Some hints thrown out by 3)'. Gonne,
who was called from Clinton, led the
detective to believe, that the Brown girl
herself was at the bottom of the whole
thing and he found on examination
thltt bis sari nines were correct, The
whole was a deep iaid scheme to luu'i.
Mr, Moore, who having every coeli-
dence in the girl, had not the slightest
suspicion of any evil design on her
part. Provisions and fait were first
taken and the theft attributed to tine
Indians, Next money 1058 taken and
she stated that 011 Indian had entered
the house at 10 o'clock in the morning
and taken it, Mr, Moore on arriving
front his work found her in bed moan-
ing in great pain which she stated Was
the result of 1111 attack by tin Indian,
She certainly played her game well es
the doctor was deceived 50 well as the
women who out of sympathy supplied
her with every delicacy. She was
apparently crazed with jealousy and
worked her scheme with the object of
injuring Mr. Moore. The marks found
oa her person were self inflicted.
When she fonnd that her game was
up she arose from bed and [vas driven
to Seaforth. The county has been put
to considerable expense in the matter
and Mr, Moore has lost considerable
time and money, The Indians residing
fu town were placed in a bed light but
are now honorably exnneeted es is
also the poor boy Burrows who on the
advice of morale foolish person was ar-
READ tile ads, in THE STANDARD.
—25 Cents
My Hair is
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
hair -food you can buy. For
60 years it has been doing
just what we claim it will do.
It will not disappoint you.
"lsrhair seed to be .err short But attar
being Ayer'. Ilea Bleara chart nee 1t began
to w, and caw It le
airm41ewmaaent hole.mYo,JsL.Ylnta,
Springs, Oslo,
MI" nt�erdotu»n vaU, YYe.
yers MOM
Comae to Loudon!
Why ?
To consult the specialists of the Tait.
Brown Optical Company and have your
eye troubles corrected by a pair of prop-
erly fitted glasses. We are the only eye-
sight experts in Canada who take all the
responsibility of your eyes from prescrib-
ing the correcting lenses to the making
of the glasses complete on the premises
237 Dundas St., • . London, Ont
I-Iundreds of Students of the
Popular and Successful
allrott (J,oZZogo
Toronto, Ont.
Corner Youge and Alexander Streets.
have (gcuier) positions this year. De-
mand is far greater than the supply.
ledneate for business positions and you
will get them, but the education must be
first -alas., Students admitted at any
time, Write for catalogue.
W. J. Elliott, Prinotpal.
gets The Standard
balance of year
To WINNIPEG and all point. In the
Speotat Tr,t,1e Lear,, Toronto
Return second-class tickets from Blyth
at very low rates, ranging from Win•
nipeg $32, to Edmonton 812.50. Good
for sixty days.
on each excursion. Comfortable berths
at small extra cost. Obtain tree pam-
phlet, rates and full information from
J, Mcltfurchie, Agent, Dlyth, or from
C. 13. Foster, D.P.A„ C.P.R., Toronto,
We have just received another
large consignment of
We have 25 sets to choose
from ranging. in price from
$6.50 Up.