The Blyth Standard, 1907-10-03, Page 8aimmoomoravosamlillowilhitlibletememoron PAGE EIOHr"e-THE PL f!TI-1 STANDARD-.-OCTOnxx 30, 1907. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered- section of Bowl - mien Lands in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by anY Per - an who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of nue, to the ex- tent of one-quarter section of 160 acnes more or less. Entry must be made personally at the local land ot$oe for the district In which the land is situated. Entry by proxy may, however, be made on oertaln oott. dltlons by the father, mother, son, daugh- ter, brother or sister of au intending homesteader. Tho homesteader Is required to perform the homestead conditloneunder nue of the following plans : (1) At least six month's residence upon inn cultivation of the land In each year for three years, (2) It the father (or mother if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm In the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to rest• dente may be satletled by such person re- siding with the father or mother, (3) It the settler has bis permanent resi- dence estdence upon farming land owned by him In the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements as to residence may be antis. fled by residence upon said land. Six months' notice In writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent, W, W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication ot this advertisement will not be paid for. ' Time Table TO TORONTO Coderiob 5 0, 7,00 a,rn, 5,00 p. m. Auburn " 7,25 „ 5.25 Walton " 7.30 5.30 Milverton " 8,24 " 8.20 1 Elmira...,.., " 857 " 0.57 ' Guelph " 9.22 " 7,33 " Toronto , Ar. 11,00 " 9.15 " FROM TORONTO. Toronto Lv. 8.00 a.m. 5 50 p. m. Guelph Ar, 10,00 " 7.41 " Elmira " 10,25 " 8.00 " Milverton 11,00 ' 8,30 " Walton " 11.37 ' 010 ' Blyth " 11.10 " 9,20 Auburn ' 12,00 " 8.40 Goderloh " 12.10 pm. 11.10 " GRAND TRUNK SYs EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAIIS BRANCH. 8031015, NORTn, 4ttl ill 40 320 6 43 3 33 852 344 700 3 513 714 401 747 431 8 05 4 39 8 15 4 47 8 22 4 52 835 503 8 46 5 15 859528 905530 9 12 537 9 21 5 46 Ilderton 8 45 929 554 Ettrlok 8 33 9 35 5 58 Hyde Park Croeeing 8 20 9 37 600 Clyde Park at. 8 24 9 45 6 10 London 8 15 SRI pm Winghem 1150 7115 Wingham.7ot, 11 48 7 25 Belgrave 1140 713 Blyth 11 28 7 00 Londeeboro 11 211 6 52 Clinton 10 15 11 05 6 35 Bruoeflold 9 33 6 19 Kippen 9 30 6 11 Homed 9 44 6 05 Exeter 9 30 5 54 Centralia 9 18 5 43 Olandoboye 9 09 5 34 Luoan Croeeing 0 05 5 00 Dentlold 8 53 6 25 5 15 507 5 02 500 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for all atatlana on the Palmerston and Kin. oardine branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and GodorIoh branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections aro made at Limon Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia. Connections are matte at London for all stations east and west on the main line. Our Big ..Offer To all new subscribers from now 011 , THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 1908 :for the small sum of 25c Subscribe Now The Pandora oven is perfectly ventilated. The air in the oven is constantly being renewed with fresh air drawn through three vents between overt and fire -pot doors, and the cooking fumes tar- ried out through another set of vents in back end of oven, as shown by illus- tration. Pandora oven never smells close and stuffy, as do the majority of range ovens. Food cooked in it is more healthful, as well as more appetizing and satisfying. IE your local dealer cannot Rive you complete information shout the Pandora, write direct for free booklet > a, 5100 1( 1arys LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST, JOHN, RAMIL'toN McPherson Bros. Local Agents. Rio OFFICIAL I LABEL rous ss©ciAll Just try a blended flour once and,see for yourself that it does make WI-IITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits --- LIGHTER Pastry— MORE DELICIOUS Cake, And there's good reason for it, too. Blended Flours combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat, For all home baking—no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR. ©i tAR,o Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. "Made in Ontario" ` OFFICIAL LABEL Auburn. We or pleased to know that Miss Dyer is improving, Rev. W. D. Magee preached his fare- well Hermon in the Baptist church ore the Bane Line last Sunday, W. T. and Mrs, Riddell hove return- ed home from their two months' trip to the west. They report an enjoyable trip and Drops not looking too bad, ,Jos. Raithby is staking preparationo for the erection of it new house at the east end of the village, Miss Knox has token a situation with F odgets' Bros„ Goderich. John Ladd is laid up with blood poisoning in his hand, Rev, M. .7. Wilson, of Teeswator will primes anniversary sermons in th Methodist church on Sunday. Th Westfield choir will furnish music, n 0 Henshall. A petition is being circulated in town in regard to the local option bylaw, A, Thompson received a telegram on Tuesday morning informing him of the death of hie brother John at Algona, The body was brought bore for inter- ment, The deceased sold his farm at Blake in the spring and boarded for a while at the Commercial, lie went to Algotna n few months ago, but we have tot heard the particulars of his death, For the third time en Indian has en- tered the residence of John Moore, f reman of the Iieusell foundry mould- ing shop, and this time so injured Miss Brown, one of the inmates, that her re. covery is doubtful, The occurrence took piece just before six o'clock on Friday evening, Miss Brown states that It was the same Indian who con]- mitted the robb'ery about a week ago when he entered the house in the day- time and conk about 827, This time he attacked Miss Brown end abused her most brutally, striking and kicking her, leaving lumps on her person the s;ze of an egg. Mr. Moore arrived home shortly alter an found her lying on the bed moaning and in great. pain. He at once raised the alarm calling in the neighbor's and secured medical at• tendenee, Dr, Ferguson on examine• tion pronounced the 0(180 a very seri. nus ono apd this coupled with the fright and shock sustained on the pre- vious occasion renders the care Ox- tretnely critical, Mist Brown states that the Indian told her that he was injuring her because be hod a spite at Jack Moore and us she was a friend was taking revenge. ti IOW TRIPLETS "Currency," "Bobs' and "Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in big plugs, Quality always thelsame, Easy to Mix This. What will appear very interesting to many poopis here is an article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription es formulated by a noted authority, who claims that he has found a positive remedy .to cure almost any case of 150100110 of kidney or bladder derangement, in the following .sitnplo prescription,' if taken before the stage of Bright's di - tease Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half Ounce ; Compound Kargott, one ounce; Cotupousd Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shelia well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal end ngeiu at bedtime, A well-known druggist here at iotas, when naked regarding this pre- soription, stated that the ingredients are 011 harmless sad can be obtained ata small cost from ny good preserip• tion pharmacy, or t he mixture would be put u[1 if asked to do so, ale 100310r stated that while this prescription is often prescribed in rhoutnatic attic. tions with epleedid results, he could see nn 0easoe why it would not be it splendid remedy for kidney and uri- nary troubles and backache, as it lots a peculiar notion upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most impor- tant organs and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul acids and 01530 matter which rouse sick• ness nod suffering. Those of our read- ers who stiffer can make no mistake in giving it a trial, ROBERT H. UARNiSS BLUI5VALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at Tis STANDARD 0l$0,1, Blyth, Catalogues Booklets Programs Periodicals Book Work Price Lists DA Producers of good work—a little better than most, Business Cards Office Stationery Wedding invitations 6, 4,1 Posters --all kinds Dodgers Horse Bilis Program of S. S. and C. E. Convention. METHODIST CHURCH - BLYTH SUNDAY SCHOOL DAY. Tuesday, Oct. 8th, 1907 THE THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE HURON COUNTY SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1.80 Povotlnnal Services, Rev, S. Anderson. 1.45 President's Address, Mr, W. H. Kerr. 2.00 Reports of Officers and Appointment of Committees, 2.15 Conference on 5, S, Work, Rev. B. W. Morrill, B. A., of Toronto, 9,10 Children's flour. Address by Rev, J. C. Reid, B, A,, B. D., of Nile, 11.50 Collection and Music, 4,00 Address on Missions, "Coulon—the Island and Its People," hy Mrs. Rutnam, of Guelph, ` 4.40 Closing. 7.80 Song Service, 7,45 Devotional Exercises, Rev. J. L. Small, B. A. 8.00 Report of Nominating Committee and Introduction ot New President 8.10 TUESDAY EVENINQ Music. 8.15 Address. Rev, R. J. 3I. Olassford, of Guelph, 8,50 Musts and Collection, 9,00 Address, "The Sunday School Teeoher,"by Rev, B. W. Merrill, B. A of 'Toronto, Closing Eaereison, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR DAY. Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 1907 THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE HURON COUNTY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. WEDNESDAY FORENOON 9,80 Devotional Exercises, Rev, A. E, Jones, of Auburn. 10,00 Yresident'eAddress, Rey, W. D. Magee, 10.15 Reports of Officers and Appointment of Committees. 10.80 Address. "The Relation of Our Young People's Societies to S, 8. Werk," Rev. B. W. Merrill, B. A„ of Tnrouto, 10,50 [Recession; 11.00 Temperance Address end Dieeussion, Mr, A, T. Cooper, of Clinton, 12.00 Offering and Adjournment WEbNESDAY AFTERNOON 1.80 Meeting of .Bxecntive"Committee. 2.00 Devotional Exorcises, %Mr, Du tow. of Nile, will lead, 2 15 Address, ' Rev. G. N. nano, of:(Jtidericit, 2.45 Confersnee on Young Poonle Ark, led by Mr. A Cu)Ie»o, 7, 11 0,.A ar, of Neiv Te 8.45 Music Secrerand Ca)leyrtlen, 400 Address, Rev R, J. M. Olassford, of Guelph, Closing. WEDNESDAY EVENING 7.00 Song Service, 7 45 Devotional, Rev, W. R. Hartley, of Blyth 8,00 Report of Nominstiug Commit toe and Ittroducti,1n of New PI (Adept 8.10 Music, 8,15 Address. "Various Phases of Christian Work in Ceylon." 11rs, Ruttuun, of Ceylon, 8 50 Music and Collection. 9,00 Report of Itesolnt.inn Committer, 9.10 Addreofss, Bru"'ThesselsChurc,h and Social Problems," Rev, A 0. Wishart, B. A.. Closing. CONVENTION COUNSEL 1. Bring this program with you. 2. Every School and Young People's Society in the County is urged to send Delegates. (One for every 50 members.) 3, Pastors, Superintendents end Presidents are urgently requested to give the Convention a thorough announcement, 4. All Delegates or others attending the Convention, coming hy train, Will purchase a one•woy, Gest: class ticket and Halt for a standard certificate. 5. Blyth's hospitality is extended and billets will be cheerfully provided for all 11010gatos w110 will send their names( 0 or before Oct, 781 to Miss Lilly Carr, Convenor of the Billeting Committee, Blyth. 6. On arrival, all Delegates will report and register at the Methodist Church, where they will be looked after by the Billetting and Reception Com- mittees, 7, In Convention "lift up your voice" when speaking, so that all may bear you, hoir will have Methods A Church Choir will lend Tu sdey evening, aof the nd tsiche Presbyterian Church Choir on Wednesday ovening, 9, Every Sunday School in the County is asked 3o.eend their contribution or special collection towards the work of the S. 8, Association direct to Miss Stevens, Treasurer, Clinton, and before the nouvention date if poseihle., Don't overlook this please, es money is badly needed. REV. .I. L, SMALL, MISS ADDIE TAMAN, Chairman Local Com. Secretary Local Com, Officers of Christian Endeavor Association President Rev. W. D. Magee, Clinton Vice -President Charles Girvin, Nilo 2nd Vice -President Miss Carr, Blyth Secretary ..................c. Whitmore, Brueefield 'Treasurer Miss C. Tyndall, Carlow Executive—Rev, Mr, Fitch, Wingham ; Rev, Win. Martin, Exeter ; A. '1'. Cooper, Clinton ; W. H. Kerr. Brussels, Officers of Sunday School Association President W. H, Kerr, Brussels Vice -President John Duetow. Nile Secretary James Mitchell, Godprich Treasurer Miss Stevens, Clinton Executive—Rev, J. L. Small, Blyth ; John Kerr, Winghem ; W. R. Willis, Seeforth.