HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-03, Page 6CURRENT COMMENT 14 'Steel -Coll Company suit is said e oust 01,(0)0 all bons. lolly is 0 TH. it ttLi Le fully to accept as Cos- psi i 1 eiikee vellus" press' state. nuut !hat Japan trill refuse to limit the .a,:o11 of her people to 0,11011 :.� n.ir, r -i' of fact, she Las already done i. Lia3 Hague Peace Conference has agreed on ;t number of rules which will d to the safety and inviolability of tilt crr'itory and property of neutral atotes. And that hi some gain, Australia is one of the most highly taxed countries in the world. The per capita rate, commonwealth and state, is 113 bs Zd. The worst of it is that, the rate is steadily rising, and large addi-, tions in the taxes levied by the common w.alth Government aro'already iu view: "1110i0 10 nothing to drive, the VAno lislf--peaking fanner out of this Province if lm will adopt the same industrioo, methods which made the position of his lot;l01 so secure and ao prosperous. 511000 are n0 conditions, social Or other- wise, that should militate against the 50)l0,nent stay of the English-speaking farmer in this Province. 1f they are obliged to give way to others it is be- aus.; heir methods have changed." lhii 18 ami opinion expressed by Sir. Rubin t Ness 1110 well -knows agrlcnitu)i'1 and steel.510edur, of Bowies, Que., 011 i;;.; rkta'rn (tom the Tor0atu and bluiri00, .0 exhibitions, and is in striking ;;ont1'as) to the OL 1'0)01104 ci ._r. it.,be) t 0e1'3,r 111 11ic b ul, T1s 'Tragedy of („uci.,c.' Coal prices are staring, and the win- ter of 1007.0 is likely to be a costly one for fuel, 'Thepl,a of the dealers is that coal is a shorter crop this year; that ears' for its transportation are not to be had, and That increase or cost of handling and teaming 0O)llpeli additions to the price. At any rate, however the rise p110e is excused it does not make it any easier for the mall Whose pay ler; not been increased in proportion to the general increase ill the cost of living. Not only has there been leas coal eluted this year than usual, but the .ear 1ObU tqus also a light one. Chief 1Loekey, of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Statistics says that, compared with the year 1001, there (0108 a heavy falling off in the nlmu1g of anthracite coal in 1000, or in figures 10,907,144 tans, equivalent to 10 p01' cent. There were 2,305 fewer' wage earners employed in 1000 than in 1903, and, comparing 1900 with 1005, there were 11,000 fewer employees. Of Ilitum- 111011H coal the tonnage output in 100u was 12,403,023 net tons; and in 1000 there were alined 101,113,200 net tans, showing an increase of 21,300,033 1101 tons, or 21.1 per ce0, But after 1iakid ,dike allows:10e for the l:auction in 1pj$rocite output the fact 1011101>13 that s" round of supply available there slim; t 1)0 no reason for increase of prict 0.11t)1'0000k004 is the handling of the coal levo" had no such i1)0 0asea of pay as should warrant tile. vast additional tax placed nit the tou- eume8. Somebody is putting. the screws on the man who buys coal. AVhc l8 10 And is it dole legitimately 9` - Under the British Inebriates' Acta, 1854-11300, any habitual drunkard, who is convicted on indictment of tan offe;co punishabie by inlprisonulent el01 penal servitude, may be c0mudtted to a state or certified inelnint0 refornlaftiry, ifthe court is satisfied from tlit evidence that the offence was counnl$tiad cinder the influence of drink, or thst'drunken MSS 10118 It contributing. cause, ,of .the alienee." By far the greater number of persons committed under' this A4 were ci:ornd with neglect of childreij„'`„ the mother for last year being 291; atti3Cupt- od suicide, 28, 'l'ho National Soci aty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 010 advantage of this Act whendealing with drunken parents who neglect their children, and it is said that the reglilts are more satisfactory than are mere' commitments to prison. Tho reforms tory terms are longer and the women have a better chance to reform, whim, bC rlildren are better louk11 after. 'The tteps.Ctor says, "Sone of tsar, r; fel ober, has exhibited the leash tend) net to cruelty, or desire to neglect r Jldi 11; on the contrary, regret for tile i;llu'y they have 111110ed, and anaiaty for thr. Welfare of their offspring arc eir01 4(1 ugly evident:'Nono of these women would L - cruel were they not drunken; theo.foec the substitution of curative reettueis, directed against drunkenness as the,eu010 in 'place of mere punishment 'for Clio effort of 'the 'drunk nnes:, is lotimwl, humane.,and • .the course; i) ost silos(, to benefit oth Mother and cltildrgn-'' DON'T NEGLECT YOUR SKIN. A healthy akin fe absolutely essential to HEALTH, HAPPINESS and BEAU- TY, and the natural and nervous -failing way, to keep a healthy akin 1e to treat all injuries and oruptlone promptly with Zaa3- uk. Zam-Buk contains only the Huh saps and juices of healing, health - giving herbs, and le therefore Nature's Own Skin Remedy, ZA.Tf•13I7L CUR.F.D Aire. A, E. Gardiner, Catalina, of Piles. Miss IC. M. Bartlett, Montrenl, of Ec- zema. Mro. A. Harrison, Kingston, of Blond Poison, Mrs, Alfred Brown, Toronto, of Thea• matism. Mrs: Ooggill, Wapella (Seek.), of Ab - scenes. Obtaftable from all druggists and stores at 800. a box. Send to Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for free sample box. Jhst nut out this offer, write name of paper across it, and mail, with le. stamp to pay footage Japanese Forestry. The first Japanese school of forestry WW1 started twent years ago; now Japan has an orii nlatttton embracing sixty-two seito9je or tie training of students and the direot ng of pofulif attention'te the solonce and yraotice of fore@try. The; foveate proper appertain to the imperial domain and are admire istered by the Department of Agrlcul turn The forest area of Japan, about 60,000,000 acres is nearly equally divid- ed ivicl.- ed,betweepp the acres, erial Government and tho miscellaneous holdings, In tbo ten years ended 1901 (latest available fig. ores) , apan'e lumbar exports were of the value of r;' 5 000,009. The climate of the Hokkaido country, the preseat principal forest area, like that of California and British Columbia, is favorable to forest growth. In older Japan reforestation finds scope mainly on the rugged slopes' of the mountain ranges. Japan has been using timber since a time long antedating the cedars of Lebanon. Many grand old monarchs of the forest are maintained with caro in public parks and line great avenues, Unfortunately, the Japanese are wasteful of young forest growth. The framework of buildings is largely of rough hewn polos, and far too much young timber goes for charcoal, which !s so generally used in Japan. Canadian Hair Restorer. Will restore gray hair to Ito natural color, Stops fall ng pair, causes to ggreqww 011 bald heat0, cures dandruff, no ollg and all scalp dtyeases. Contains no o(1y or groaay tngredtonto, Nota dye. Mesta rents—To introduce will mall first order fbr 80 tents, 00tH or postal nota Address TRH MIRpnN CO., Windsor, Ont. National Airs The national airs of great countries aro short, while those of emalier ones are long, "God Save the King," Ls four- teen bars, the Russian national hymn' is alxteen bars, "Hail Columbia(" has twenty-eight bare. Siam's national hymn bee seventy-eight bare, that of Uruguay aewenty and °hill's national hymn has forty-six. San Marino has the longest national hymn except China's, which. la eo long that people take half a day off to listen to it. ITOM Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form et contagious ltoh ma suntan or anlmele cured In 90 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary. Lotion. It never falls. Sold by druggists. Women a Lighthouse I{eeper, Most people, says London Woman, aro unaware that there is a woman Ip charge of the Leasotve Lighthouse, which stands on the Cheshire side of the entrance, to the Mersey --a most important light- house, commanding as it does tho: en t.ranoa to the port of Liverpool, Mro. Williams, who Is the lighthouse keeper, M assisted in her duties by her daughter, Minaed's Liniment Cures Dandruff, e.d They Are Still Searching, The Touring Ciub of Francetts search. Ing for the most affable, expert and suitable" hotelkeeper in Francs: When they find him he is to have a geld modal and 1100. ' •0 The mole is perhaps the gt'aedieet of all animals, If deprived of food for a single day it dies, For Strains -of Back -of Shoulder --of Stifle —of Hough —of \Vhirlebone —of Knee —of Fetlock —of Coffin Joint —of Pastern %id ing and all Larne - nom In Horses use Fellows' Leelsfl2g's Esse= Two or three teaspoon- fuls in a little Rum or Brandy, cures Sprains, Bruises and Lameness in 24 hours—takes out alt the soren8s—and puts horses "on their feet again." sec, a bottle. If your drug- gist does not have it, send to Hallen! Drag A Chemical Ce. Lbeited,Pdon'reeL ry BIOW TO BRUSH THE TEit'TN, There's a, Right Way to Do; It, and Here It Ia, In the flral piece, says Youth's Compan- ion, the brush should not he tea bard and the briatles should not bo too aloes to- gether, The eurfaoe of the trues gbould be oerratod er uneven, with longer and shorter briatiw, so that the Pro/wawa ridges 0)43 penetrate between the teeth, It 10 hotter to have the brush alightly oonmre, to fit the atoll of the tooth. out in ulat ossa -sae mutt have n emend one for brushing the books od the teeth. Tba teeth should 115500 bo &webbed by moving the mama from side to side across (hem, ad most persons do, for 1l Is that that pushes the gurus beck and tears them. Thla 1001101,espoelally when the brush 18 a stiff one and a gritty powder is fused, may also Ware the enamel of the teeth. The teeth should be cleaned by rolling the brush in a diroolioa from the gums 10w004 tie cutting edge, so that the bristles will trot mar mime the &enlaoa but sweep be- tween than, This moron will aloe coax tA, edge 01 the gum darer the neck of the tootDet 11100104 of farthing it away, and as move)neate in this dlreetlon can ho neither eo rapid nor eo forcible as when they are from aide t0 side, the gums are Cara noble to be lacerated by the bristles. Tike basks of the toet1r aro to bo brushed LSWIM, way, while tho grinding aur- es mist be °loaned by a to -and -aro as well an a lateral rubbing, ketyon w )) is beet for the teeth, softie good dentifrice should be used oboe a 487. p T Steel ,�rfde Walls for Modern Holmes For opuses wood, p!a.terar paper inbeadty-- matcl e,periead •oar ert,:home—ary 00loraeheae— malw 410 room, REALLY moiety—givesweigetiyo norm re --item ateccxpe of the wawa why YOUrt tetra—why 24,raawb—.trhyanymmpodgeee,il�bu novaerooho0dhave IPIEZ. OIIDT$ l9AiL3 Coq gals -Int indoGnhaly. Let os sand you rho whole tale le print and Odom. 11w boob is 40. 203 asZaG 'waraeerMMzcMele rma-e.voo Tho PEDLAR People= Orhmra intone) Ottawa %route Landon wlnuip,1 1> Presence of Mind, Mee. Smithson and a terrible temper, and her husband was much In awe of her. One day, in his own den, he was dis- coursing to a dew friends concerning soma of her peculiarities. "I have thought for some time," he said, "that my wife lyes utterly devoid of taste, but the other day she put on a new dress in which els out•Heroded Her. od it was Ise awful, and as ale went out, I leant out of the window to have anoth• er look at her and-- l" At this moment,his wife entered sud- denly. --And the funniest part of the whole thing," went on Smithson, with- out turning a hair, "was that they found the cow eleven days after on the third platform of the Eiffel tower'," Mrs. Slmtheon never understood what there was in this silly statement to make them all laugh so much. Where Newspaper Men Are Scarce. A newspaper has lately suspended publication because it could not secure a supply of minters. Thorn was no question of wages or of unionism. The difficulty was that there was not a sin- gle man in the community capable of handling type, and none could bo induced to go there. Tho community In ques- tion is the penitentiary of Columbus, Ohio. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Sunday Labor. (Acton Fres Prose) The movement r ba rest In popular suppor'tno t all a00 in it; there are ao denominational or see- The.sa�lleelalathere made to all employeboundaries. s of labor to sive their men We day of rest whloh be- longs to there 1n this the highest interests of both parties aro Involved. The man who rests on the Sabbath la a bettor man for the remainder of the week. Workingmen aro better 1n every way for a day at home and In the church, A machine requires rest; much more does a man. Ever bending to toil, tate man in the mill, the woman In the 8110p, 1e wasting vital strength. The Sabbath la nee emery for man's higher nature, and without 1t there 1e a steady and um:easing lowering of the moral standard. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. e- Easily Turned. A small boy was aeked to take dinner at the home of a distinguished profeeeor in Princeton. The lad's mother, in fear lest be ''should commit some breach of etiquette, gave him repeated directions as to what he should and should not do. Upon his return from the great occa- sion, says the Youth's Companion, the mother's first question was, Harolds did you get along at the table all right?" •., yes, mamma, woll'enough," "You are sure you didn't do anything that was not perfectly polite and gentle- manly-!" "Why, no—nothing to speak of." "Then something did happen. What was it?" "But I fixed it all right, mamma." "Tell me at once." "Why, I got along pretty well until the meat came, but while I. was trying to cut mine it slipped off onto the floor. But I made it all right." "What did you do?" "Olt, I just said, Hort of carelessly, 'That's always the way with tough meat.' " On a Linet, (Translated for T1'aneatlsotk Tales from "8lmpltcisstmue.") foto—Dose not the motion of the ship make you Melt, Miss Dondei "No, but the cenva-oat:on I hear on board does." LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL In your spare time at home, or Take a Pergonal Course at SohooL To enable ell to leant we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also leach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month., These lessons tenches how to cut, lit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. Tho whole family can learn from one course, We have taught over seven thousand dress -arming, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and so. You cannot learn dress -making as thorough as this course teaches if you work in 8(101)8 for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, ns we have cut our rate one. third for a short time. Address t- SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, 1511trie 8t„ Stratford, Ont, Canada. How Charles Son Got His Name, Chadco Eon, proprietor of the Lyceum Theatre Cafe, was Charles de Capua when he landed in this country from Italy several years ago. When he dnlrl0 to New York to make his home in Am- erica he went to work at his trade as stonecutter, Employed with 111m1 were many other Italians, many of thorn with names difficult to pronounce and even more difficult to remember. For that reason the employers matlo a practice of having the Italians all numbered, and they were paid off each week by num- ber instead of by name. After that Son, or De Capita, worked at other places and he wag again merely a number, It was grilling to him to be shorn of all individuality and go by a number the same as a convict. Ile decided that ho would change his name, Ono day he was walking along Broad- way, and noticed a great number of firms (laving such names ea .Taylor,$ See, Gray d Son and others in which Sou figured. He decided that Son unlet be one of the prominent families in New York, and as tho name was simple and easy to remember ho decided to adopt it. From that day he has been known as Charles Son.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. GOOD BECAUSE IT DOES GOOD. The common ailments, while few, are liable to arise at any time. The best. kept 1101050, and those receiving the leant care, are alike liable to the ordin- ary troubles as spavins, ringbone, splint, curb, lameness, edits and bruises. It is well for horse owners that these diseases all yield to the same treatment, and can all be cured completely with the edam renvedy. This dependable remedy' —whloh 1s very inexpensive—is Kendall's Spavin Cure. Ever the moa: otabberte eases, which vetcrinnries hare failed to relieve, yield to Kendall's Spavin Cure. In the thirty years h1 which this 'ro- liable remedy hes boon used by farmers, etockmen, liv'l:ymen and to prlv'tte and racing stables, it las given complete sat - ideation. Certainly, those, who Own horses aro not consulting their own best interests if they do not keep a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the barn. Dr. B. J. Kendall CO., makers of this famous preparation, publish a hook en- titled "A Treatise on the IJorso and His Diseases," which ie invaluable to those who want to keep their horses well and save veterinaries' bills, A copy may be obtained at most dealers or will be sent free by addressing the mhovo company at Enosburg Salle, Vermont, U. 8 .A. d -a CONUNDRUMS, What should a clergyman preach about? About a quarter of an hour. How do you define a ring? As a hole with a rim around it. Wry is the letter D like a hoop of go d.1 Because we can's be wed without Why is the root of the tongue like a dejected man? Because it's down in the mouth. (Why is the wick of a candle like the city of Athena? tlfeca.uoe it is in the mid. die of Greeoe. Why aro thorn three objectione to tak- ing a glass of brandy? Because there ore three scruples to a dram. Which has the hardest life of it, cof- fee or tea? Tea, undoubtedly; for while eoffeecan settle down tea is compelled to draw,,, Why is a dog biting his own tail like a good manager? Because he makes both ends meet. Wimp are bald-headed men in danger of dyng? Bemuse death loves a shining mark. -e Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. *-0- A Prayer for Every Man. Give mo the patience that it needful lo; Give mo contenunent that from patience liven; Five men the victory that Thy power hath won; Give me the rest that is for work well done, Giro Inc the trust that hover armlet can Ifo the 0,0,050)00 of a sinful man; Give me the wisdom til) Thy power creates; Give me the riches that Thy Wisdom makes, Give me the . love that is each man's be- ginning; Give me the help that overcomes all sinning; IIITO me the death that Is the one that can Make mo like Thea, who art both God and mal. Knowing that when I We, I needs -must win; Gly, men rcpentaneo for each separate sin, Give me the manhood that at lomat will be Llhenae end image of the God In Thee. Give me the the fill to rise as 'Thou has dons( Give to _me eonra6"e all the race to run• Give me the light that malleo Thy glorious crown Greatest of symbols, of Thy great renown. Give me the hope that. Is my gulding 8021; Give me the Delon that hatred cannot star; Oleo men the faith that lets me look to Thee; Give me the Ilfe on earth that la tuba —i;ilaaboth Fithian. CHOCOLATE I8 DEAR. People Will Find This Out When Buying Candy at Christmas. Cocoa, which has been advancing in price sine April, nye the New York World, was marked up two to three cents a pound in the last week by 000' (0131 manufacturers, and Is to be further advanced, it is predicted. Prices of cocoa, chocolate, and chocolate confections aro now said to bo higher them for 2d years, Tho reason given by the nlanufa.cturelw is that the boar costs them more than ever before and double what it did a year ago. Thus far the retail prices have not been general( put up, but dealers say that users of cocoa and chocolate will soots have to pay considerably more. It is estimated about $0,000,000 more than last year. The public will feel this, it is said, In the coming holiday season, when the demand for bon bons is great- est. Some authorltlee say that the dear cocoa has been brought about by e. com- bination of New York and European dealers cornering the market. A largo importer said it is duo chiefly to the increase in constunptlou, amounting to one hundred per cent. in five years, St. Isidore, P.Q„ Aug. 18, 1904. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Cuntlemen,—I have frequently used MINARD'S LINIMENT and also pro. scribe it for my patients always with tho most gralifyl49 reeult0, and I consider it the best ail -around Liniment extant. `Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUG. 81R0IS. .,SOME RECENT INVENTIONS. A, p)nlees clothes line le oomposel of a number of long wire Linke deslgnedyo stretch from post to past; the ond3 of eceh- link being interlocked in such e Meaner a8 to field the male of fabric which may be thrust Into them. A total flagpole, ooaouthig, o4 a mina her of tapered tubular Beene:tea ono fit- ting into the other, with means' for se. curing the ends. A now flue stopper has a central raper- tura aperturn with moveable oresceutahaPdd;Mein. beta .on either,5id0 of the said apertura. As these seetors ate drawn ,together the amountof air peeing -through the flue', 1* fegulated at any deaired point, TIMeOl105 towel in the ofHee or work- eleop 8114(0 becomes ver7a much soiled, tend is `e pla4e':where there is any 4.1100116n given toltho prpprieties the towel must be changed several times a (Joy:, This Caro is ('artily" riwon to the matter, and the resulticthet a dirty towel ieleatpos- 'ed most of the time: , An 1n001131gn'km been reeently,brotight out on which a clean eurfone is preggoe>ited`teasach oemer. It ,is an autonoatln roliet °,00ntaining many yards of towelling; 0lil oh lion in. much rho same,p3au.rot ae the towe on the ey`'dina.ry 'railer, but ire Omni can Porde* is drawn down withlu the reach of the titer a similar portion bf the'ao1l- ed part is drawn upon the second roller. The office telephone dirootory is con- stantly becoming lost or mislaid, and must be hunted up just at the inomiaet when one to in a hurry. A now inven- tion provides for a clip which holds the book at some paint near, the telephone whore it can bo readily consulted and always be found: It' is also supplied with a device for holding the book open at any desired point. A new last for the shoemaker's use has a metal heel for the purpose of clinching the nails driven into the heels of shoes For the cure of baldness a large hood of metal has been devised to fit over the head and a pump exhausts the air and subjects the scalp to an action similar to cupping. .Means are also provided to treat the scalp to tho electrlo current at the same time. e_. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes 0.11 lard, aoft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Savo $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by drug- gists. , Compulsory Arbitration. (1100arare ) Cempttle0r7 ac'blttmtton to New Sealawl li und,angatng a uovore tmtal It worked, well white it helped to rodeo wages, Now, how- eter, it is resulting to come reductions, The workmen whose pay to out rotuso to work. The law, therefore, prescribes a fine, failing the payment of Which imprisonment 1s called for. A mem being imprisoned because he refuses to work at a lower figure than be thinks fair fs practaldy a 0l4v4 ISSUE NO, ; 40, 1907. HELP WANTED—FEMALE, ><JLi ANTED—LADIES T0. DO PLAIN AND �1 light sowing at home, whole or spars time; good pay; work sant any Miasma; charges paid; send stoma tor full pardon. tars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal, Quebec, WANTED A good Cook for family of two. Highest wages paid. References required, Write MRS, JOHN M. EASTW00D, `u P. 0, Dox 97, Hamilton, Out. tier wa4saa 4easeaseae erseaseers HOW TO LIVE LONG. Rules for attaining an active old ago by adopting a rational echem0 of liv- ing are given by General Booth, Tho possibility of prolonging one's life by living rationally is far ginger than most people suppose," ho said. "Anyone with normal health b making an effort can live if not full century at least much longer than they other- Witte therwise would, I agree with the Harley street phyaleiau who said that e. man teas as old as his organs, I totally dis- agree with another correspondent in the 'Daily Mall' float life beyond fifty is not worth while. "Take myself. Had I died at fifty half my life's work would have been loft un- done. People Ball me old, but I deny !t. I sometimes say I am seventy-nine years young,' At any rata, 1 don't feel old, and I expect to live a great many years yet, "After any motor tour I om going to tour Canada and the United States, and then I; am going to but beak to attend a convention in Berlin, What le the see• rat of my vitality, I will tell' you later on. First, let me say I dislike the con- ventional uotiolt of associating old asgs with helplessness. When a num gets to be sixty or .seventy ho thinks he must quit work said sit in a ohimnoy-corner or go out in tie, garden to play with the children. He thiuko he is old just because his family regard bit as such. 'tI deplore this idea. I believe every old person who is not pbyaically dis- abled should be profitably employed. For my part, 11 I live to be 150 I shall keep on, working to my dying day. enealabWaranleatellananaintilleDMOMINNIN "THIS IS IT— St, George's Baking Powder —the baking powder that snakes We best Bread -tithe whitest Biscuits —the lightest Cake and Pastry— you ever sow." "Osler a can NOW—so you will be sure to have ST. GEORGE'S for your next baking." Write for,/Yee copy of war new Cook -Book. National Drug & Chemical Co, of i Canada Limited, Montreal. ae A Medical Test of Sobriety, Accused of being drunk on his own premises, a 11'igtol licensed victualler celed Dr, Blacklock to give evidence be. fore the Cumberland Justices in his de- fence. The doctor said that immediately after the pollen visited the house defend- ant called at hos surgery and asked to bo tested for sobriety. In his presencethe man walked perfectly along a straight line, stood upon one leg for three-quar- ters of a minute, repeated the word "hippopotamus" quickly and distinctly, and told the time by a watch to a quare ter of a minute. 17)e magistrate dismise- ed the case.—London. Globe. o..- A Damaged Lock, The look on the door of e. Methodist obspel in a Surrey, Eng., village had ye- oently to bo removed, as it was choked up with wine, dropped in by some one who mistook it for a cellection box, s+0 A "ten penny nail" means that one thousand nails weigh ten pounds, The word "penny" in this sena is a corrup- tion of pound. 11 you have a lame horse, get Kendall's Spavin Cute. If you "> bare a horse the) you can't work on account of a Sprain,. Strain or Make, get I enda0'0 spavin Cure. If you have a horse, runt even the veterinary can't cure of Opa01n—or any Boit no1ehes or Swellings—get 0eudall's Spavin Cure, , Do owe you get KENDAU,'S. Two geaeretions—throughout Canedaana the finned Stake—hove used it and proved it, 11 1P.A0 ELMO' PROT, P.»^.I. Drc.11) '05. "I have hese veins Kendall's Spavin Cure for the last 00 years, and always find It Palo and sure," 10(101100 P, McIVE/LL. + 1' 61. a bottle --5 for eta Write for a copy of our great book "Treatise Oa The Itorse " Its a urine of iaformotiou for farmers and horsemen, who want to keep their stock in prime condition. F If tiled free, 25 DS, D. J. KENDALL CO., 4, (.Sevens° Fetus, • Vxa®08T, U.S.A. �tl yr,�^yJllj��a�,'f1