HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-03, Page 5Ocronrn 3RD, [907—THE ELYTH \STADARD_PAGE FIVE. THE RIGHT HOUSE kri A RELIABLE STORE WI'T'H WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE ?WOES FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE, Wanted Alive In Old Hens and Chicks. wKil Vi PAI ri � kyiFor a good dress buy P1 M Priestley's Dress Goods 1 MI Ial rii A complete range of Ladies' Mantles selling at the va P'i') lowest possible prices. VA r VI ►d Call and see our new range of it 41 FURS ,,l`lA VA EI Highest prioer paid for Farm Produce. - E. BENDER, BLYTH N.0 tt3C:C IN u r r Y.EMBEIN F5C:li.X369i3 iGlEMi7ct NEWS AROUND TOWN . toUNOIL stet last evening, QUITE a number from;,here at• terded the Wingham and .Goderich fairs last week. BRUSSELS Fair is today and Fri. day. A large number from here will attend the show, HALLo'EEN and 'Thanksgiving are on the sate date. We will have much to be thankful fur if they don't steal our gates. A ?arrow of the Liberals of South Huron will be held in lien salt on Oct. 10th to select a standard• bearer for the local house. • THE gold watch advertised in last week's STANDARD as lost Was returned to Its owner on Saturday. Advertising pays when placed in these columns, THE sad Hews reached here yes- terday of the death In Goderich hospital of Jos, Taman formerly of this town. Full report is not to hand, but on Tuesday he was un• fortunate enough to fall oft' a load of barrels, whichcitused his death. He was a brother t • Thus, Taman and Mrs. David Carter, of Blyttt THE following from the Dungan- non corre.poi.dence in Goderteh Star refers to the marriage of a Deice of Mrs, Joseph Stothers:—A pretty wedding took place at the Mallough House, the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Isobel Mallough, on Saturday, Sept. 21st, when her daughter Mae Itecouie the bride ut' J. II. Glover, of Kincardine, Rev. '1', Hicks, rector of Dungannon, being the officiating clergyman, The bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm (if tier brother, J. Everitt Mallough, Phut. B„ who gave her away, aid she wore a gown et white net elaborately trimmed with Iaee over white duchess satin, tulle yell prettily caught with fillies of the valley, -nod carried an ivory prayer book, the gift of Rev. and Mrs. Hicks. 'rhe bride's sister, .Eta, assisted and wore er+aun Coli• mune trimmed with Irish lace and touches of blue over cream moire so silk, d she c tried a bougnet of Oda resew. The groom was attend• and I y George Jae ton, tmunat;er of the Trader's Bank, Kincardine. The groom's gift, to the bridesmaid was a gold breast pin, and ti the erectus- MAD ti pant' of tuff links. The house was ofinely dee,oisoed, the parlor and dining nolo with pink and white asters, ferns and myrtle, and the hall with gulden rod and nits- turlutns. The bride received a num• her of lovely and costly presents, the grooal's being a Persian iamb coat with utiek tiimmutgs, a piano trent the bride's mother, and n 1-lavi- laud china set from her brother and t sisters. The guests urnhered about forty. ' The happy couple left on the five slab ek train from Goderich for Detroit, Cleveland and other points The bride's going away .c'r ' r o 'd'aa . t'ltlff,, , i' dolntlt, oltit 1001b0 WUelai:U ODD Blue, but to match anti mink scarf, it THE apple packers' are very husy in this section. The crop is above theiverage, TnE election in London for the Dominion IIou"se, ''made vacant by the resignation of Hon. Charle Hyman, "niche held on iii 2Jtl, JAS.. ENALAND, r0? „(6 Vet hum, brother' brother' of It ,;Enrlaad . and Mrs Coniter'of. town, passed aunt" at his home -OM sept2ig,thi; Ile held beets, Ip,=" falttliig : health ' for ie me month past �andzthe end was not anexpceied - Deeeeased had been res f ingl)ilnt town plot for about &art and was respected s a all honest"and jnuustrious'than. �leitves_• to thotirn' his death> an tdow„one son, Joseph of Rip- ley; » d:fout'daughters, M.O. Ander- son 01' Bay City, Mrs, A. Ard, Mrs. R, Saint and Mrs. R. Deyell tdf Winghain ; two other daughters are deceased. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED As we make a specialty of handling produce we are paying the highest cash prices for Butter and Eggs at our store. When you have any of these for sale get our prime before going elsewhere, Grain ekeoks pald after banking hour„ at our store, MoMILLpN & CO. °Insley Street • Blyth This is a Watch Ad. There aro many things in our stock that we feel we should talk about, but when we look at that great big stook of Watch• es we decide to give you a little Watch talk. Our Watch stock Is unusual because of its size—more than 200 Watches of all sizes and qualities are shown, and be• cause we naught so many the prices are unusual. Then the stook is unusual because of the mare with which it was xele,ted, Theo, i'ri r out naw ,rthy In the In), Th ,r•,n'' c4eks w soles of enures -- $125o —but tt„- .r, ..,,rib .• hat they POM and el. a tourhoy r'h.la down to the ground, For older people we have more expen- sive watches and every value it unusual, You are invited to our watch stock. IVIETCALE Jewelry and Stationery. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 21)0 days treatment $1, 30 days' treatment 23c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store \V' olessle from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Iancardice, Ont, WE will be able to announce the winners in 'THE STANDARD' contest next week. Ton residence and store of A. Taylor is being brightened up by the painter's brush. A sew roof is being placed on the Watson 13locit, occupied by the Bank of Hamilton and S. H. Gidley. PROF, W, GLENN CAMPBELL has resutned his music class in Blyth, making his first visit on Monday, A CAR broke loose from the L. H. & B. train Friday afternoon between herr, and Londesboro, tate engine go ing about a mile before it was not- iced. AT 1Vingham fair last Friday Jas. lleffron secured first prize it the road horse race and second m the driver Class. James Denhohtt also secured first with his heavy -draught team. THE anniversary services of Don- nybrook Methodist church will be held on Oct, 20th and 21st, Rev. A. C. Crews, B. A., of Toronto, will preach on Sunday and lecture on Monday night. Mrs. (Rev.) Find• lay, of Whitechurch ; Mr. Sather - tend, of Auburn, and others will take part in the program, LIMERICK COMPETITION,—The SRC - cess of the limerick competition which has been riming for the past few weeks in the Toronto Mail & Empire has been so phenomenal that they have decided to raise the amount of prize money in the con- test, which comtnonced Friday, Sept. 27th, to $100. The person who sends in the best suggestion for the last line of the incomplete limer- ick will receive $30. The other prizes are as follows : second, $20 ; third and fourth, 810 each ; fifth rind sixth, $10, and ten consolation prizes of $2. It is probable that these contests will be continued 'from week to week, and the condi tions governing them will be found in both the Daily and Weekly Mail and Empire. THa Clinton New -Era makes the following reference to a former resi• dent of Blyth :—Mr. Nediger, of the electric light works, had a narrow escape from death on 'Tuesday after. won. He MRs working about the machinery when his overalls caught on a rapidly revolving pulley, and Man instant he was wound around the shaft ; and at the sante moment he called for held, and Mr, Steven- sim who was nearby quickly threw the belt off and stopped the engine. All this happened in less than 20 Widnes, yet Mr. Nediger's clothes were torn to shreds and a few sea onds more would have killed him. As it was he escaped without any serious lejurie:, beyond bruises and hums, It was a very narrow es- cape. RnaSENTATION AND ADDRESS, -- Norman Murch, who left Blyth on Friday last for Stratford where he has secured the position as secretary of the Young Mon's Christian Asso• elation, was the recipient on Thurs- day evening of an Epworth League pin and an address by the metnbers of Blyth Epworth League, Follow- ing is a copy of the address 3—Dear Brother, -We, the members or'the Epworth League, desire upon dais occasion to express to you our sor , row at your departure from our midst, During our Intercourse as Leaguers we have ever found you a willing worker and your regular at- tendanee, cheerful helpfulness and noble, manly eheraeter have ever been an incentive to others and will continue to be when you are not with us. But better than that, :all your life has corresponded with your teachings, and so not only shall we miss you as a worker in our League but also as a friend, In going from us to what we believe will be a larger sphere of usefulness, though the loss is ours, we take comfort in the thought that others will gain by your going among then and wherever you may be that that part of the world will be better for it, As a slight recogni- tion of our appreciation of your worth we desire you to accept this Is ague pin. While we hope you will not soon forget Blyth Epworth League and its associations we trust you will find your new surround• ings helpful and encouraging, and rnsy the Spirit's presence be with you in your new field of labor and Ills love so fill and enrich your life that others may receive inspiration from you to lead a purer and nobler life. Signed on behalf of the Ep- worth League, Miss Addie Taman, Pres, ; Mise Lottie Bentley. The Cradle. McELnor—In Morris, Sept 20th, to Mr, and ,Mrs. John McElroy, a daughter, Oc Totnn, Emus --Tine people of Blyth got a startrtt 8 a, to. Wednesday morning when the lirebel1 woke thein out of their peaceful slumber, It war' found out that the lire was at Elam Livingston's power house and bbfore the fire was under control the engine room was burnt out. Owing to the walls being solid brisk the fire did not get into the dynamo room or break cut into the saw mill and handle works and saved Mr, Living- ston from a very heavy loss, as it is a new engine and boilers will have to he installed before the mill and electric lights will be in running or- der again, Being unable to get an ntervlew with Mr, Livingston we are unable to state what is the actual foss and what his intentions are, How the fire started is a Mystery, but it is thought it must have started n the roof. The the had Rade con- iderabie headway before the alarm was sounded. A new electrician had just commenced work that morning, PLEASANT EWENT,—A very pleas - nit gathering of one of the classes of Blyth Methodist Sabbath School nok place at the residence of E. (orris, Hallett, on Saturday last vhen theie, teacher, Mr. Murch, was presented with a travelling case ae- ompanied by the following address : Dear Sunday School. Teacher,—We have learned with very great and incere regret that you have re- igned your position as teacher in ur Sabbath School and purpose soon 'etm'ning to the city of Stratford. While we rejoice that you have been offered and have a position which will doubtless open up to you a lar- ger field of usefulness in connection with the Y. M, 1) A., in which re- ponsible trust we shall ever pray 'or your continued prosperity and guidance ; yet we cannot but feel hat their gain will be our loss and hat in your removal a want is being created that will be somewhat diffi- alt to supply. We feel deeply grateful to you for the painstaking are you have always manifested in he preparation of the lessons and he kindly interest displayed in the caching of the great and precious rails of God's word. Your desire, ve feel sure, and our purpose is to make these truths the great founda- ion of our life. Our prayer is that God's blessing may follow you. We vould ask you to accept this travel- ing case as a slight token of our es - emit and good -will. (Signed) Your unday School Class. Westfield, ,Corn cutting and packing apples s the order of the day. Mr, Harvey McDowell has rented tr. Hardisty's farm which adjoins ifs own, Robt. and Mrs. Tunny returned rom Ayr where they attended the unet•al of the latter's father. Findlay and Mrs. Walsh returned tome from Manitoba and are at present visiting Samuel and Mt'sj Walsh, W, Tabb, who went to the North• vest on the excursion, is home again, Mr, 1itbb is favorably im- pressed with the appearance of the western province, Anniversary services and lecture given here by John R. Clark was a snecess, The attendance was not quite so large as former years on aecount of so many going to Gode- rich to attend the funeral of Mr, and Mrs, Reid. Rev. and Mrs. 1. 11. Earle and Mrs, (Rev,) R. S. Longley, of Win- nipeg, visited friends here for a few lays. The twa ladies were former- ly plisses Edna and Mamie Auld who moved from here a few years ago. Alt expect to leave for China this month to reside for a length of tune. Chamberiain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy' Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy- sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for : or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for little? BUY IT N W. Ladies' naerwear Ladies' Autumn Vests for 20c. 5 dozen Ladies' Vests, made specially for fall weather, in flue medium weight, specially priced at each 200, Ladies' Heavy Vests at 25c. and Drawers 5 dozen Ladies' Underwear, In good heavy weights for winter wear, buttoned front, plain and Boston ribb, slightly fleeced and soft in finish, specially priced at each 25c, Stanfleld's Underwear for ladies' at last year's values and prices. s Stanfield's heaviest weights in Vests and Drawers, none better, none heavier at eaoh $1, $1.10 and $1,15, Stan)ieldts Needle Knit, medium weight, soft finish, at each $1, $1,10, $1,15 and $1,25, i Penman's Unshrinkable Underwear at eeech 50c, 95c and $1. POPLESTONE & GARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. 011161110/11/0111110 Stanfield's Underwear for men, at old prices. TIIE TUB TEST There le one—and only one—sure test of unshrinkable underwear. That fs the wash tub. Ir is the the test that "Stanfleld's Unshrink• able” stands—not of o , but all winter long, Stanfield's Shirts and Drawers in pure Nova Scotia wool, made only in heavy weight, sizes 34 to 44, at each $1, Stanfleld's Shirts and Drawers, in a finer quality, with softer fin- Ish, heavier weight than above, at each $1,25. Stanfield'.+ Shirts and Drawers, heaviest weight they make, best Nova Sotto wool, flue needle knit, at each $1.30. Big stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furs to select from, only guaranteed furs in Fur Coats sold, Furniture and Carpets Wo are ready for the fall business with a large stock of up-to-date goods. Our stock of Furniture covers a great range of goods. and for style, finish and general excellence will be found equal to any stock in the cities, Ott' stock of Carpets, Rugs and L noleums is larger and more varied than ever comprising the products of English, Scotch and American mills, Prices will be kept at the lowest possible point consistent with first•eless goads. J. H. CHELLEW CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINE OF ---- Fresh c-rooeries —ALWAYS ON HAND. Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags, Five Star Manitoba Flour and. Choice Family. A. TAYLOR - • • BLYTH People Read First Then Then Think And Afterwards.: Buy Give them somethingto read. Give them something think about. Give them something to buy. imignem Btu advancing in Tie Standard' Bou cover Doth Town and Countru Merchants Should Remember This When Making Their Contracts Get Our Rates — — — Telephone No. 4 THE STANDARD