HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-03, Page 4PACE FOUR --THE PL T1,I ST'AN17A D---OCToxrr, pp, 1907, JAS.McMURCH1E 'Oath gtlattbaxb. BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BGYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con. Blatant with safe and conservative banking principles, UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS Te loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to salt will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and rasped - fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A,At. to It P.M, Zasinsss cards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Sollattor, Notary, Etc. Sue - masa to 0. F. Blair, O1110e over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro• politau Dank. I,BOUDFOOP, HAYS & BLAIR. r Bauhaus, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. 0floes—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Ooderloli. W. Proudtoot, E.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental. Surgeon. Graduate ot the Royal College ot Dented Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 am, to 5 p.rn. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M,D.C.M., UM. varsity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Phyaiolaus and Surgeons ot Ontario. Cor oiler for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. Fa !S. ISCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tux STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale ntables O OW 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best ot accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable. • BiRG AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, WE TEACIH TI;LEGI3AP11Y Ce aI /(/ . We have three departments, Commer• o al, Shorthand and Telegraphy. >;We employ the hest tea:hers that money eau hire. Oar courses are thorough and prac- tical and we assist worthy etuttente to poaitione. Those who wish to ger a money -making education should get the boat. Write for our new cetelogue and get particulars. This is the best time of year to enter our classes. ELLIOTT 6 M*LACHLAN, Principals, _fec< 7,rat.,� $I upwards J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, OCT. S. 1907 rf People We Know Dr. Sloan is on a business trip to Ottawa this week. Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Listowel, visited their soh here for a few days, Mr. W. I, McLean, M. A., of Gode- rich, in renewing old friendships in town. We are pleased to see Mr, R. AI. McKay out after a few days) serious illness. Mr. Seymour, representing the Toronto Globe, was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr were in Toronto for a few days combining business with pleasure. Dr. and Mrs. Long attended the wedding of Dit Field to Miss Bry- ane at Brussels last Wednesday, Miss Caroline McKenzie, of Kip. pen, spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Rose Brown. Last week Mr. 1d. R. Sloan was at Goderich acting as judge of fruit at the fair, and this week he goes to Brussels a judge of roots and vegetables. During the past week Mr, T. 0' Connor and Mr. J. throne, who flava been running a steam shovel on the C. P. R. at Durham, returned home leaving finished their job. W. MESA inet with a bad accident recently while down near Londesboro, driving some sheep. He stepped on a nail which ran through his shoe into his foot, but is about all right again. Mr. Wm, Scott, a formerlprinoipal of our school but who is now located at Rocanville, Sask,, was in town for a few days. He is now in part- nership with Mr. John Barrett, also a former resident of town. Mr. N. L. Murch left last Friday for Stratford to assume his new dut- ies as secretary of the Y. M, C. A. He has lived here for the past three years and leaves many Mends, hav- ing been for some time leader of the Methodist choir, and he is a soloist of recognized ability, enonert Ntwrlas. Anniversary services will be held in the Auburn Methodist church on Sunday, October Pith, Rev. M. J. Wilson, 13. A., of Tecswater will preach at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and at 7 in the evening. Music for these services will be furnished by by the Westfield choir, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup. per will be dispensed in St, Andrew's church nett Sunday morning, In the evening the Pastor will preach the first of two sermons on the "Second coming of Christ," k* N: The congregations of Auburn and Smith's 11111 met on Monday and called Mr. James Foote, a graduate of Montreal College res successor to Mr. Srnall. Mr, Foote's parental home is near Brucefield, The "Children's Day" services at Blyth, Auburn and Smith's 11111 ndd- ed to the "Children's Day" fund the sum of $34. This money goes to help support Sabbath Scheele in needy districts of the Dominion. Hats the Women Wear. 0, the hats, and the mad, mad hats, The toques, the turbans, the pokes, the flats ! Hats tipped back from the brow, and those Tilted forward to hid the nose,— Hats that look like the hat of a clown Hata that are noshing at all hut. crown Hats that present us a dish of grapes, 0, the hats of the different shapes ! The baby hat—the hat of the pope, The banged in hat, with artlatic slope. The hat with the drooping yeti—the square Napoleon hat, with its martial air. 'Hie'flower-bed hat, the hat with a quill Yea—hats that would cause a saint to swear, These ole the hats that women wear. 0, the hots that they Clare to wear ! 1 gaze, as I past/ aid grin Itud stare Aud mutter and mumble, and grind my teeth— And, wondering, ask. if the brains be- neath Are each as different as the Inas ? My thoughts go whirling like dizzy late, And the only answer I find—well— tha:'s Boone with 1lraiu8 ,r„uhl Vit, sue hats ! —M. B, in Brooklyn Eagle, o••. •.••..•••••••. ••j►•••• • : • Tell it to the • • • STANDARI • •..•• ••••••...•e •••...•.• While the Public in Invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views on nubile matters and public mea, pereonallttesire debarred and in all rases the suitability 0f the oom• munleation for publloation Is a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own TAR STANDARD must disclaim responsibility. Subscribe for TILE STANDARD. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries. Get um prices. We employ no agents. WiLSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS - ONTARIO. CHEAP READING The Standard The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser.., .........1... The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness The Standard and Weekly Globe The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times The Standard and Weekly Free Press The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun The Standard and Hamilton Twice•a-week Spectator The Standard and Toronto Daily Star The Standard and Toronto Daily News. The Standard and Farmer's Advo- eate........ The Standard en'd DailyAdver- tiser The Standard and Evening Free Press The Standard and Toronto Daily World ..,. The Standard and Daily Free Press 'Che Standard and Evening Globe The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire The Standard and Daily Globe... 81 00 1 05 1 CO 1 85 1 70 1 GO 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 25 2 25 2 80 2 50 2 75 8 25 8 50 8 50 8 50 4 50 4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. WILL KISSING BE PROHIBITED The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientists es Extremely Dangerous—How the Dan- ger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on by some of the best scientists u to the danger and "crime” of kissing, led by Dr. Somers, Health Officer of At- lantic City, and Dr. Nalpasse, of the Medica! Faculty of Paris. They charge the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, ery- sipelas,meningitis, tuberculosis, and many infectious skin diseases. They suggest legislation on the subject, and the posting of notices in railway sta- tions, street oars and other public places, but they say it would be rise - less to post them on verandahs, in nosy corners, porches, shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. They also propose compulsory legislation for methods of disinfection of the mouth and purify- ing the breath, especially with a view to the proteotlon of the innocent babies who are partioularly subject to infec- tion, The greatest and moat effective purifier and germ destroyer known to medical science for the mouth, throat and breath, as well as for the blood, stomach and lungs, is Peychine that triumph of the medical world that is attracting almost universal attention because of the wonderful results at- tending its use. One of its recent tri- umphs is told as a matter of experi- ence in the following brief statement: Pr. Slocum 0o, I am sending you photo and testimonial Ugh with for your great remedy PSYCHINE. Your remedies did wonders for me, I wu about Odor Is ran of age when I took Malin Tim gators had given me up u an Incurable consume. tire. My lane and every organo,' the body were terribly Mussed and wasted. Friends and neegh- borsthougbt2'dnever gotbetter. ButPSYCHiNB mug mi My tuns have never bothered me dace, Ked Payohtue Lea permanent cure. MRS. LIZZIE 9ARSIDIt, 019 Bathurst at., London, Out Peychine, pronounced Si -keen is ad. witted to be the most wonderful of all disease and germ -destroying agencies. For building up the run-down ayetem and curing all forms of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest, throat and lungs or head, it is simply unapproachable. It is a reliable home treatment. For sale at all druggists, 60o and $1.00 or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 170 'Ring Street West, Te• mute, B0,Y'I'II SCHOOL HEIOn1 Report of the standing of the pupils of Btyth Public School for September, in order of merit :— DIV. N0. 1. Form III— '1', Edmeston E. Anderson L. Scott 1'ortn II— Ic, Denholm G. Stewart 1V. Campbell Emma !— Bell Potter B. Anderson A. Wells M. Pfeffer E. Leith A. Spofford A. Coombs D. C0wRI1 J. Morritt A. Tamblyn E. Bradke 0, Copp. L. Wanless C. Tierney F. Aiken E. Bell H. Bennett nlv. No, 2. Sr. IV— Willie Mains 208 Dorothy 'Tierney ,...288 Walter Cowan 215 Leila Begley 214 Lizzie Lawrence 175 Jr. IV— Willie Burling 202 Ebner Nlvins 166 Maggie Jolinstou 102 Laura Johnatolt........ 18(3 'Carman Anderson 129 Vester Bell ....119 Noy Spofford 98 Jnunie Kennedy 88 James Hirmts 87 Lilly Wettlaufer 72 Frank McCaughey .... ,.,71 Stanley Chollety . 67 Hattie Spafford 62 Jimmie McComntius '4 Florence Taman 48 Sr. III Class A-' Russell Gidleg 218 Annie Moine 180 Ella Wettlaufer 1713 Laura Wettlaufer 174 Creswell Anderson ,,,174 John McCaughey.... 170 Elva Fawcett 159. Doric Scott,,,, 157 George Sloan 152 Willie Copp ,.112 'l'eressa McLaughlin 108 Class B— Meryl Gerry ........ 150 Many Atilne 181 Redella McKenzie... 95 Annie Robertson 91 Fred Hagg itt 71 Eva Hendereon 69 Div. N0. 8, Jr, III— Willie White Rena Barr Pearl Pouney Henry Johnston Rhoda Phillips N Holtzhnuer May Robertson Mary Porter Elora Cook Sr. II Pt, A— Emma Taman Berta Stothers Fern Johnston Katie Hebkirk Within Spafford Curry Campbell Elsie Fawcett Lena Burling John Cowan Willie Anderson Alex. Butler Eddie Mains Minnie Fawcett Leslie McElroy G. Holt zhnuer Edgar Cowan Bertie McElroy Wilford Nivins Tom Murray Redgie Carter Annie Butler Claes 13— Grace Ralik irk Earl Taylor Effie Rath Willie Carter Lorne Burling DIV, N0, 2. Jr. II— Pearl Hamm Daisy Mason Patience Scott Harold Bloor Mary 111011urchie Mabel Hill Carrie Sims Amos Andrew Nelles Anderson Pt. II— Stewart Cowan Susie Fawcett Harvey Mason Susie Phillips Luella Cook Wilson Rath Pt. I A- 8!arie Mason Iona St others Willie Kennedy Pt. I 13— Gladys Poudey Austin Spafford Sara Milne Pt. I 0— R,ry Barr Fred Fawcett !label Spofford Jatnes Tainan Elsie Holtzhnuer Harvey Nivins John Butler Fred Mneon Willie Hamm Earl McElroy Charlie Potter A nes Creighton Carrie Dempsey Z-Ima Gerry Alvin McNally Archie dfcKenzic rhrt Altar. BAR MIFF —CA RDIFF.--In St. John's church, Brussels, on Sept. 24th, by Rev, I1. M. Lang•Fnrd, Mr. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, to Miss Vinic, daughter of Mf. John Cardiff, of Brussels. CRERAR nrER,– At the I'eai- dence of the bride's parents, in Brutsele, on Sept. 25th, by Rev. A C. Wishart, B. A , Mr. S. R. Ore,Tt', 13. S. C., 0, L. S., 'Toronto, to Miss Jennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McArter. IfUILD—i3RYANS. —At the home of the bride, Grey township, ort Sept. 25th, by Rev, 13. M. Lang. Ford, Dr. B. Percy Feild, of Bruhsels, to Miss Clara E., dna- ghter of Mr. and Airs. Edward Beeline. 11 •in--FnLTDN. — In Walton, ill Sept. 21st, Iry Ren A. M eNal, AI. A., Ah', Percy ,Noir t" Miss Mary Fulton, both of Brussels, i'.tyn ,n --Ruts On Sept. 2511, by Rev. G. Baker, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Roe, Morris, Miss Isabel C. Roe to Mr. 1P. C. Tivl'r, of Hnn'it'k. Renew for T.u: ovaanAitn. is Y,O QInC• wo `O oC?I>C oarmo aoomes of • ew Furs al We have a complete stock of Fur Coats, Caps, Ruffs, Etc. Call and see our stock before you buy. Our prices are the lowest. J. A. ANDERSON emensecossesseeressmos BLYTH THE BLYTH STANDARD JOB !PARTMET Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of general Print- ing and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring 'something better than the ordinary" at simply a consistent price for the character of work we turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print Letter Heads Note l leads Statement Bill Heads Envelopes --all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Shipping Tags Programs . Posters Pamphlets Tickets Memorial Cards Sale Bills Circulars Catalogues, Etc. We carry a full line of papers,.enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list, Colored Work a E5pecialty SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY E'T'Vi-.1 13.c��aidCH T. W, - AGENT